Hi there,I'm Omnix (Ognjen IRL) from Serbia.. TheGamerVex told me about this site and this seems quite intersting.. I love playing League of...
brankomiljus20.. I don't think so..Thresh is still powerfull.. I go with him vs enemy jungler and I killed him like man killing pig :D
Ok, but how to feed him ? :D Left-click or what ?
Oh, thanks.. Cya :D
Screenshot by Lightshot Hey guys, which forest is this forest ?? :D
Screenshot by Lightshot Look at this beauty of Alliance's Main Town- Stormwind !!
Mine acc :D
TheGamerVex is my bro :D It is my acc and my Turtle XD
I heard the rumors of free playing Warlords of Draenor.. If you know something about this theme tell me..
Hey.. I heard you can turn Zombie Villager in normal Big Nose Villager :D.. Can you tell me how to do that? O_o
Really bad English, mate !! :D
1st browser game in my life was Ikariam.. Then Travian and Gladiatus.. Try Gladiatus.. It's cool game where you are Gladiator... You need to...
Ok, he is better for early game but I think Thresh is better for late game 'cause of his Q and W ..
I have these 3 champs in LoL so I don't know what champ to practice and play in Ranked ?? I think Thresh is the best but I'm asking you !! What...
Ohh yes ! :D
Thank,thanks..I hope I will find some Serbians.. Like Spark :D
Hi guys..I am new on this cool forum and website !! :D I hope we will have fun together :D I am from Serbia so I don't know English very good...