CoD 4, CoD 2, CS 1.6 and GO, Sniper Elite V2. If you play any of these add me on steam: jovapeba
Yea i do that to allmost all games i play
Its cool. Simple yet good
It looks quite promising
I ate pizza and some candies
I never found it xD But its useless
Is really a good game. Mission are way better than those in GTA
Left 4 Dead 2 It really fun
Very interesting game :D Played it long time ago. Good old times
Shen better on top but Xin is better in jungle
For me Darius. What server you play and elo? Maybe we can play together
The Crew, NFS Most wanted( Not the new one, the older one), GRID, Dirt...
Can you write a review or something like that? I will definently try :D
I played Ninja Saga but i got hacked and someone deleted my main acc :(( Shame i was waiting for clanwar rewards
Well u can use 000webhost and some free CMS like wordpress. If u need help pm me for more details :D
I would choose ps3. But at the end choose what fits in your budget
I have played: League of Legend Counter Strike Counter Strike GO Assasins Creed Minecraft
Hello Ogres. Im new here. I heard about this community from SuperNatural :D He said its good so i registred. Im 19 years old and i play LoL most...