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Are class ranks worth grinding to 100?

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by Xctroy, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Xctroy

    Xctroy Ogre Legend Ogre Veteran
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    This week AE added ranks upto 100 for each class but the rewards are only cosmetic. Do you think it's worth a grind from 50 to 100 just for a title. Yes I know they aren't meant to be grinded but that won't stop some people.

    I do not see a point in grinding any rank beyond 50 yet.
  2. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    I know that i wont grind till 100, on 50 we get full set and that is fine by me.
    100 is only for ppl who want to have all titles
  3. You'd be better off gaining class experience while doing daily quests or other in-game tasks. No point in wasting time doing only one task (in this case, farming for class experience) unless you can find simultaneous tasks where you can focus on more than one thing at a time.

    In other words, I try to maximize every opportunity I possibly can rather than focus on one particular objective, so I don't have to waste more time on a game that's really just built upon grindy timewasters. For instance, when I do my Pet Shop daily quest, I also accept the Greenguard daily quest since both quests require killing the Mother Hen, and it's more convenient to "kill two birds with one stone".

    So what I would suggest for ranking classes is to log on, turn on your class XP boost, do daily quests while gaining class XP from killing monsters, log out, and repeat those steps each day. Usually takes about 20 minutes each day, which is how long a class XP boost lasts, so it's an effective way of managing multiple things at once (you gain class XP and also earn tokens/pet feeds/daily boss trophies/other daily items). Another thing I would suggest is whenever AE increases the level cap (from level 30 to whatever they plan next), you could apply this same technique, so then when you're farming level XP, you're dividing a full day's worth of grinding into just a couple or so minutes each day; it ends up being less fatiguing as a result.
  4. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Most per shop quests arent lvl scaled, for example, lets say that for killing mother hen you at least 5 min, and if ur farming mobs for dungeon quests, it takes 5 more. So for 10 min that u spent in dung u get mby 500-1000xp, that is what, less then 5% ?
    And while grinding class XP in dung u can get average 15-20% (depend of your luck) per 5 min.
    So in time that u need to kill Mother Hen and get less then 5%xp, in dung u get 30-40% . Sure, it can be exhausting, but if done smart with breaks and doing daily things between runs, u can get so much XP without any problems.
    Personally, i do grind dungeons to get Bersk armor set, because i think that they will nerf XP gain rly soon.
    After that i will go rly slow, and doing things normally.
  5. It all accumulates after some time. Took about two days to get from rank 10 to rank 11 just from focusing on daily quests, so I'd imagine in one year of just doing daily quests, you'd get a lot of progress done. I don't really know how much experience you'll need for each rank past 10, but things add up fast over a vast period of time.
  6. Archdragon

    Archdragon DA BIG CLUB Ogre Regular

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    Why should you grind it if it will increase by itself when you do the adventure?
  7. That is true. People who end up ranking all of their classes usually start complaining that there's nothing to do, and sometimes complain about how much of a waste of time an adventure can be when they don't really gain anything out of it. Always better to leave a bit of room of things to do, like not ranking every class all at once.
  8. Sepherus96

    Sepherus96 Big Brute New Ogre

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    Only for hardcore gamers who want to work on something while they come out with more releases
  9. Metaqrion

    Metaqrion Elite Ogre The Pit

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    I only find logic that ranking them to 50. Also, not all of them; just your loved ones.
  10. Corom

    Corom Spiked Club New Ogre

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    I only plan on lvling to lvl 50 and getting the whole set. I can't imagine going another 50 just for a title. I feel like the player's time would be better spent lvling another class and getting set items for it. Pirate is my main class. I was a little disappointed with the look of the legendary pirate guns. They look like a gold reskin of the basic gun.
  11. choppagames

    choppagames Guest

    That question is really up for you to decide, currently past level 50 the only bonus you get to continue leveling is at 100 when you get the title WHICH is a pretty nice flex! Capstones will be coming soon and it should deff make grinding exp past level cap more worth it and I imagine you will see more and more people going for class rank 100 on their favorite classes! :elf: I enjoy grinding class levels and have gotten to a semi-high level of overall class rank, but if you don't enjoy it then just get the classes who's Legendary Armor Sets you think look the best to 50 and ignore the others!:devilish:
  12. Rizlaftw

    Rizlaftw Ogre Extraordinaire Ogre Veteran

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    They needed to add maybe chests for every five levels like they have done with the normal ranks might of made people grind it more an maybe a emp chest for class rank 100 as well as a title.
  13. Nihilist

    Nihilist Elite Ogre Royal Ogre

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    I remember it like it was only yesterday :/
  14. There's no point to creating incentives that push players to farm classes well over what's required. If people grind every class within 3 months to rank 100, then that really ends up being a huge waste of time, especially when they farm for other things afterwards, because they aren't going to be gaining anymore class experience. It's a lot better when you don't have ridiculous long-term objectives in the first place; and I think it's purposeless when players try to cram too much effort in a small amount of time.

    And the real problem is pacing. I wouldn't mind rank 100 classes, if there were months worth of gameplay so that ranking up actually felt reasonable. But the stories and gameplay are short, and you end up having to do repetitive tasks for miscellaneous things. I get that AE is inspired by big MMOs like World of Warcraft, but they should scale things back or hire more people to put out longer and effective content to make pacing reasonable.
    Rizlaftw likes this.
  15. OrangeAQ3D

    OrangeAQ3D BamBam

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    For me its not really worth it, as it gives no stat boosts. Its really just for more of a "flex" to show how high ranked you are lol
  16. KingMyth

    KingMyth Big Brute New Ogre

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    in my opinion it's worth it after completing the story mode and already having a strong set, mainly because I think it's cool to have enough stars in the name and still win a title!

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