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Avalon Heroes: Countdown for Cup Series qualifications

Discussion in 'MMORTS and Strategy Games' started by GameOgreVideos, Nov 12, 2010.

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  1. GameOgreVideos

    GameOgreVideos Game Ogre YouTube Channel GameOgre Developer

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    We are looking forward to a weekend full of tactical finesse and exciting matches! The Electronic Sports League (ESL) is about to host the next "3on3 Cup Series" qualification tournament in the free-to-play online RTS RPG Avalon Heroes on Sunday, November 14, 2010. An irresistible challenge for ambitious players who join their forces in small teams. For, as compared to the ESL Major Series, the "3on3 Cup Series" presents itself with less restricting rules and more flexible tournament dates. Participation is certainly worth it, because the best players will be given ESL premium accounts, and even cash prizes.

    The Avalon Heroes Cup Series consists of several individual tournaments and takes place once every quarter. Teams will be awarded points depending on their successful participation in the qualification tournaments. The player teams who rack up the highest scores will then take part in the finals for the quarter on December 19, 2010.

    At this point, the following qualification rounds are still open before the final round:

    • Qualification Cup #3: November 14, 2010
    • Qualification Cup #4: November 28, 2010
    • Qualification Cup #5: December 05, 2010
    • Qualification Cup #6: December 12, 2010
    • Finals for the quarter: December 19, 2010

    At the official ESL website (ESL: All dates for the upcoming cups and events - News - Avalon Heroes - Europe - ESL - The eSports League), interested players get to sign up for this, or another, qualification round.

    Avalon Heroes is free to play! For more information, please visit the official website, games everything - Avalon Heroes - alaplaya.net. The games client is available for free download at games everything - Avalon Heroes - alaplaya.net.
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