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Avalon Heroes: Hot eSports and new contents

Discussion in 'MMORTS and Strategy Games' started by GameOgreVideos, Jan 28, 2011.

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  1. GameOgreVideos

    GameOgreVideos Game Ogre YouTube Channel GameOgre Developer

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    Avalon Heroes brings them all together! Joe Average Player or gamer elite, the free-to-play online RTS RPG guarantees all players another year of thrilling matches, brand-new contents and plenty of eSports.

    WeMade FOX are talking shop
    254,251,200 – what could this impressive figure signify? Pretty incredible, but true: this is the number of possible combinations for 5vs5 matches in Avalon Heroes' battle mode when players compile a team from the heroes that are available so far. Per faction, that is! The world-famous eSports aces from the WeMade FOX Clan are now sharing this and other insights at the official website of the Electronic Sports League. The first three installments of this sensational series of articles are now available at ESL: Main - Avalon Heroes - Europe - ESL - The eSports League, with more to follow soon…

    Patch features heroes and trade system
    Today's update also provides Avalon Heroes fans with several new features. For one thing, two new heroes are making their debut: "Jack Sheppard", a sneaky assassin who likes to attack from a great distance on one side, and melee fighter "Kurotsuki", who is strong as an ox, on the other. In addition, new costumes are now available for "Subaekrim" and "Baratsh". The greatest innovation, however, is represented by the trade system which is based on recommendations from the community, and has now made its way into the game. This means that, for the first time, Avalon Heroes players are given the opportunity to trade directly among each other.

    Video episodes, prize draw, and more
    Besides the series of articles from the eSports champions, a number of fascinating new video episodes also await all fans of the game. No less than six contributions that explain Avalon Heroes in great detail will be uploaded to alaplaya's youtube channel in the next couple of days. The first two episodes are already online and can be viewed at YouTube - alaplayaMovies's Channel. With a little luck, fans can even get their hands on some awesome prizes: Besides a bunch of great in-game stuff, we are giving away a keyboard or mouse signed by "Moon", and an Avalon Heroes poster signed by "Grubby". So, exploring the site is definitely worth it!

    But wait, there is more: The great Avalon Heroes EMS finale is now also available as a video on the official ESL website. To view or download the gripping matches between true eSports champions, you should definitely check out ESL: Das Avalon Heroes EMS Finale als Videos und Replays - News - Avalon Heroes - Europe - ESL - The eSports League.

    Avalon Heroes is free to play! For more information, please visit the official website, tactical game battle game. The games client is available for free download at tactical game battle game.
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