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League of legends 4/4 PBE Update: Twitch VU and SKT T1 Zed!

Discussion in 'MOBA' started by Mordekaiser, Apr 5, 2014.

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  1. Mordekaiser

    Mordekaiser Dealer of Death Ogre Veteran

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    The PBE has been updated and boy does it STINK! Twitch's visual update and all of his updated skins are now available for testing! Not only does he have a new look but he's also packing new VFX, a new voice over, and a sick chunk of cheese. Today's update also features a new SKT T1 Zed skin, updates to the SKT T1 Jax and Zyra skins, and several tentative balance changes.

    Continue reading to check out the latest PBE content!

    (Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )​
    Twitch Visual Update

    Twitch's VU has sneaky sneaky-ied into the PBE and is now ready for testing!

    Before we get to far, here's the feedback thread Ququroon has set up on the PBE community:
    "Hey Summoners! Twitch, the Plague Rat, is now ready for PBE testing!
    In this VU, you can expect to see new models, new textures, new animations, new visual effects, new sounds, new voice over, and more! This, as always, is for all of his skins as well! One of the cooler changes that we attempted on Twitch was to make all of his effects read better, and feel more satisfying from an audio/visual standpoint. ​
    We've made changes to two of Twitch's abilities names, to have them make a little more sense to what the gameplay actually is. Expunge has been changed to Contaminate. The previous name indicated that the poison was removed, but this hasn't been true since the gameplay update that came out a while ago. Spray and Pray, an iconic name, has been changed to Rat-ta-tat-tat. We felt that for Twitch's R, he maintains more of an "Aim and Shoot" gameplay, rather than a really frantic ability that can miss, ala Spray and Pray.

    • How do you guys like the new VO? Do you feel that this properly captures his character?
    • Do the gameplay QoLs aid your experience playing as Twitch? (e.g., the new range indicator on his E)
    • How do you feel about the skins? Do they properly capture the fantasy that you already know it for?
    • Do you like the new ability names? Do you feel that they better indicate functionality or add to Twitch's character?
    Please feel free to leave your feedback in this thread regarding Twitch or any related bugs you encounter. Your feedback here will influence the changes we make, as well as aiding us in our future champion Visual Updates! ​
    See this thread if you would like more insight into our goals with Twitch, or just to familiarize yourself with him!Champion update: A New Breed of Plague Rat | League of Legends"​
    Now on to the big cheese!

    3150 IP or 790 RP​
    [​IMG] Before and After [​IMG] For his /taunt, Twitch plays his weapon like a violin. [​IMG] For his /joke, Twitch eats old cheese.
    [​IMG] For his homeguard animation, Twitch runs on all fours. [​IMG] Auto attack [​IMG] Each stack of his passive adds a rat head. [​IMG] Six passive stacks = big rat head [​IMG] Big swirl then invisible with smoke for Q [​IMG] Initial swirl VFX from enemies view [​IMG] Q attack speed buff

    [​IMG] E now shoots a line to enemies that it triggers on [​IMG] E on multiple targets [​IMG] For his R, Twitch rears back, and starts firing giant bolts as he & his weapon are surrounded by stink [​IMG] Ult buff on. To bring the smells together, here's an in-game preview video:

    Voice over & Special Interactions
  2. Specijalac

    Specijalac Elite Ogre Ogre Warrior

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    i like this Twitch VU
  3. SKT T1 Piglet

    SKT T1 Piglet Clubbed for Multiple Accounts

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