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League of Legends item / items discussion

Discussion in 'MOBA' started by hack10, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    I didnt saw it at all in last 6-7 months, and ive played over 300-400 games, so i thought dat a was only 1 who us it :)
  2. Mr Dexilio

    Mr Dexilio BamBam

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    Youmuu's vs Phantom Dancer on ADC's

    Which one is better in ur opinion, why ,and on which ADC's
  3. shaki997

    shaki997 MMORPG Addict Ogre Warrior

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    Youmuu's i think :) it has a movement buff that gives mobility and overall its stats are more useful than phantom dancer (my opinion ofc.)
  4. Peyp

    Peyp The Noblesse The Pit

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    Personally I'd go for Phantom dances. I find having 5% moving speed and moving through minions much more useful to have whole time then having extra 20% for 6 seconds for both escaping and catching up.
    Unless Youmuu's your first item, which I doubt, you'd have enough dmg to make 30% crit much more useful then 30 att dmg and 15% crit. Obviously Phantom gives better AA speed to, and for whole time, not just 6 seconds.
    I'd get Youmuu's with ADCs that buy BOTRK since I think they have decent synergy (IMO not on Vayne, but it could work I guess) and if I don't plan to pick early LW. After getting LW I'd switch Youmuu's for PD again.
  5. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    Youmuu's only on vayne, twitch and mby Luc, PD on rest ADC-s
  6. DarkCandy1

    DarkCandy1 Little Spike New Ogre

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    Phatom dancer is better
  7. FrendlyLeBlanc

    FrendlyLeBlanc King of Shadows and Rockets The Pit

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    I love phantom on all while Ghostblade on Zed master Vayne... :D
  8. Draganox98

    Draganox98 MMORPGer New Ogre

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    New items lol !!!

    All Armor and Magic Resistance items can now be built out of a cloth armor / null magic mantle.
    Recipes, gold costs, stats and build paths have been adjusted to compensate for the above change.
    In effect, there is now no meaningful difference between 'Chain Vest/Negatron Cloak' items vs. 'Cloth Armor/Null Magic Mantle' items as they will all build from the same root.
    Health and Mana Regeneration
    We're swapping from items granting flat HP/5 and MP/5 to increasing a % of your base regeneration + % level regeneration. This allows different characters to benefit from regeneration items differently - as well as allowing these items to more naturally scale as the game goes on.

    Items that grant Health and Mana regeneration now grant either % Base Health Regeneration or % Base Mana Regeneration
    % Base Health / Mana Regeneration take into account your champion's Health and Mana regeneration and any Health and Mana regeneration they gain per level.
    This does not take into account: skills, masteries, runes and other sources other than your champion statistic.
    Example: Your champion has 7 mp/5 at level 1 and 18 mp/5 at level 18. You buy an item that grants +50% Base Mana Regeneration. At level 1, this item will provide an additional +3.5 mp/5 at level 1 and 9 mp/5 at level 18.

    New Items

    Crystalline Bracer
    Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Ruby Crystal

    Grants Health and Regeneration.
    Righteous Glory
    Recipe: Catalyst + Crystalline Bracer

    Grants Health, Mana and Regeneration
    Active: Grants +60% MS to you and nearby allies when moving towards enemies for 2 seconds. When this speed boost ends, it emits a shockwave, slowing nearby enemy champions by 80% for one second.
    Warmog's Armor

    Health reduced to 800 from 1000.
    Regeneration triples when out of combat.
    Cost slightly reduced.
    Raptor's Cloak
    Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + Rejuvenation Bead

    Recipe: Raptor Cloak + Kindlegem

    Active now boosts the damage of nearby towers by 100% or prevents nearby enemy towers from attacking.
    Stats adjusted to fit the recipe items (Health/Armor/Regen/CDR)

  9. Fendorian

    Fendorian Big Bad Ogre Ogre Warrior

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    I think that they just testing those things, so some items will show up as new and some will just disapear :D
  10. Draganox98

    Draganox98 MMORPGer New Ogre

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    95% things they are testing now will probably disapear , but i would love for some of them to stay . We will see what will happend :D
  11. Strajo123

    Strajo123 Big Brute New Ogre

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    I think these change will be good and bad for jungle
  12. M4rKo9

    M4rKo9 Club Swinger New Ogre

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    These changes wow,this won't be same game
  13. Croco12

    Croco12 The Crocodile The Pit
    1. TSM

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    They are just destroying the game...
    As well as i didnt understood anything, i would be playing about first 30 games in season 5 versus bots :)
  14. brankomiljus20

    brankomiljus20 Ogre Warlord Ogre Veteran

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    I like warmorg change, all idea is mby not bad
  15. arZ

    arZ Banned The Pit

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    some really nice changes ....
    nice riot ... :)
  16. Mihajlo

    Mihajlo Clubbed for Trying to Cash Out

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    Finnaly new items, i hope this will stay.
  17. Draganox98

    Draganox98 MMORPGer New Ogre

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    New items for Junglers AP and AD !
    But sadly most of things they do won't be released .
  18. paksupro4

    paksupro4 Ogre Prince Ogre Veteran

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    nice chages and i think now will be so easy to go jungler :D
  19. Cvele

    Cvele The Bane of League Ogre Regular

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    Ok guys here is something new :)

    The Brutalizer + Stinger = The Painkiller
    (1337 + 1250 + 613 = 3200g)

    +40 Attack damage +40% Attack speed +20% cooldown reduction.
    UNIQUE passive: +10 armor penetration.
    UNIQUE Active: Restores 12% maximum health and mana over 8 seconds. Over the duration, your champion gains 12% lifesteal and spellvamp. (90 seconds cooldown)

    Note: This is an AD caster/bruiser item, based on massive cooldown reduction and with a pseudo-defensive passive.
    Some kind of replacement to Zephyr, if you dont need tenacity. I just wanted to add more alternatives to build in The Brutalizer and Stinger.
    Who should buy, when and why: Mainly AD casters mid/lategame. For example you bought a black cleaver early game, but your lane opponent is very tanky. You may want another brutalizer which can be a Painkiller later, instead of the Youmuu's ghostblade. Youmuu is more of a melee-carry item because of the crit chance and it's active. I know the attack speed is not the best stat for AD casters but it can become very handy, when you have more than 2-300 AD with lifesteal. Painkiller synergizes well with Irelia, Jax, Warwick, Nocturne, Pantheon, Renekton, Nasus, Olaf. Also can be good for Riven because of the cooldown reduction.
    Who should not buy: AD carries (Except maybe Graves, Ezreal, Sivir and Varus). Cooldown reduction is generally not an effective stat on AD carries, but this depends very much on playstyle.

    Executioner’s calling + pickaxe = Executioner’s Axe
    (1900 + 875 + 425 = 3200g)

    +55 Attack damage +20% Critical strike chance.
    UNIQUE passive: Your basic attacks Inflict grievous wounds on enemy champions, causing 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 2 seconds.
    UNIQUE passive: Your basic attacks deal 30% of your total attack damage as physical damage over 2 seconds.

    Note: Just an upgraded version of Executioner's calling. Great situational item to build Executioner's calling into something better later. I still don't understand why we still don't have any upgrade possibility since it is one of the least popular items in the game.
    Who should buy, when and why: Every champion who scales AD, especially AD carries because of the crit chance. Good counter against Mundo, Volibear, Ww, Vlad, heals. Counters lifesteal/spellvamp items, Spirit visage, Warmog's armor.
    Who should not buy: If the enemy team don't have too much healing/lifesteal, skip this item. This is a pretty situational pick. Game needs it, or something similar.

    Chalice of harmony + The brutalizer = Flask of Freljord
    (880 + 1337 + 383 = 2600g)

    +35 Attack damage +30 magic resist +10 Mana regeneration.
    UNIQUE passive: +20% cooldown reduction.
    UNIQUE passive: +10 Armor penetration.
    UNIQUE passive: Increases your mana regen by 1% per 1% mana you are missing.

    Note: Freljord is a cold place, if you need something alcoholic to warm you up, pick this... btw... This is an AD version of Athene's unholy Grail.
    Who should buy, when and why: Mana dependant AD casters who need constant harass and cooldown reduction. Especially good for beginner players who don't have any runes and masteries to solve their mana problems. Can be good for mana hungry junglers if you want to give your blue buff to the AP carry. An alternative to Muramana. Good for Pantheon, Urgot, Nasus, Gangplank, Yorick, mainly Hecarim and so on...
    Who should not buy: AD carries.

    Cloth armor + Long sword = Spike shield
    (300 + 360 + 490 = 1150g)

    +25 armor +10 attack damage
    UNIQUE passive: grants 0,5 armor and attack damage upon killing a unit. Stacks up to 30 times.

    Note: It's hard to make Armor + AD items because of teh AD carries. Spike shield is good for them, but the upgrades (Chieftain's whip and my reworked Atma's Impaler) don't fit them that well. The problems may come with the ranged AD casters, like Varus and Sivir. This needs some testings. If it's strong, there is the possibility to give penalties to ranged champions (like the phage passive for example). If this is not the solution, the item can just be "melee only".

    Spike shield + pickaxe = Chieftain's whip
    (1150 + 875 + 875 = 2900g)

    +60 attack damage +40 Armor
    UNIQUE passive: +10% spell vamp
    UNIQUE passive: Pain collector: stores 20% of total damage dealt to your champion by enemy champions. Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion consumes maximum 40 charges, area of effect non-periodic abilities consumes maximum 20 charges/enemy champion. Each charge consumed deals 1 bonus magic damage and heals you by half of that amount. Stacks persist through death. Maximum charges are 100 (+50 per level). 1000 at level 18.

    Note: A true bruiser/Ad caster/Ad offtank item against Ad. This is a rework of Lord Van Damm's Pillager. The game lacks of armor+Ad items. Wriggle's lantern is better in the jungle, and Atma's impaler is made for offtanks. Chieftain's whip grants nice sustain for ad casters from the spell vamp (but not too high) and adds decent defense and damage. The passive effect is completely useless in the jungle or for farming, but shines in teamfights. This item is not as cost efficient as a bloodthirster for example but the great mix of stats (Offense, defense and utility too) compensate that.
    Who should buy, when and why: This item is made for solotop. Good against strong AD lane opponents, like Riven, Renekton, Pantheon. Very good against constant harass.
    Who should not buy: Junglers, AD carries. However, a Spike shield could be good for junglers.

    Bilgewater cutlass + Zeal = Bilgewater hand cannon
    (1400 + 1175 + 625 = 3200g)

    +30 Attack damage +12% lifesteal +20% attack speed +10% critical strike chance +5% movement speed.
    UNIQUE passive: Increases basic attack range by 25.
    UNIQUE active: Shoots a cannonball at a target champion or building, dealing 150 (+0,5 per attack damage) physical damage in a small area, and slows the affected champions' movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. This attack deals true damage to buildings. 60 second cooldown, 1000 range.

    A new item option for AD carries with range-modifier. Anti carry - AD carry item. Some kind of option instead of The blade of the ruined king for ranged carries. It fits very well in this push-based meta. A turret has 2550 Hp. With 200AD, the active deals 250 damage to turrets. It's about 1/10th hit points. A Lich bane or Triforce is a lot stronger pusher item, but this can outrange towers. A siege item.

    Phage + Stinger = Noxian plaguespike
    1325 + 1250 + 625 = 3200g

    +25 attack damage +250 health +40% attack speed +10% cooldown reduction
    UNIQUE passive: Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. The movement speed bonus is halved to ranged champions.
    UNIQUE passive: Epidemic: Basic attacks deal 10% bonus magic damage on hit. Additionally, infects the target with plague, dealing 20% of your total attack damage as magic damage over 4 seconds. Plague can spread between nearby enemy units each second, deal double damage to units below 50% of their maximum health, and deal quadruple damage below 20% of their maximum health. Plague cannot be refreshed by infection, but can be refreshed by basic attacks.

    Note: An alternative for Trinity force, strong pusher item, especially paired with Statikk shiv. Good for Attack speed based offtanks, bruisers and AD carries: Nearly for all AD champions. Very strong with heavy on-hit abilities (Fiora ult for example.), also sinergizes well with Runaan's hurricane or Wit's end. The passive's infection spread range is not too big, approximately 100 range.

    B.F. sword + Pickaxe + long sword = Trident of the Netherworld
    (1550 + 875 + 360 + 1015 = 3800g)

    +80 Attack Damage.
    UNIQUE passive: Increases bonus attack damage by 15%.

    Note: An item which makes AD casters happy lategame. Pantheon, Renekton, Riven ETC. Strong item, but I made it not very cost efficient for first or second item, but strong at lategame. Maybe this item can be "melee only", to avoid facerolling hypercarries lategame. Or just "does not stack with Infinity edge passive", this means carries would choose between this two very strong items. There are many bruisers who have great early/mid game, but fall off lategame. This item could solve the problem. This is just a secondary item idea.

    Haunting guise + The brutalizer = Shade of destiny
    (1485 + 1337 +678 = 3500g)

    +35 ability power +25 Attack damage +200 health. +10% cooldown reduction.
    UNIQUE passive: +15 Armor and magic penetration.
    UNIQUE passive: Your basic attacks or spellcasts increases your armor and magic penetration by 2,5% for 6 seconds. This bonus stacks up to 6 times.

    Note: Just a hybrid item like Hextech Gunblade and Guinsoo's Rageblade, but a hybrid penetration based one. There are hybrid penetration runes, so why not an item?
    Who should buy, when and why: Champions who are based on hybrid damage, like Teemo, Kayle, Akali, Jax, maybe hybrid Kog'maw, Elise, Tristana, Hecarim,... and any other AD champions with a lot of magic damage: Shyvana, Hecarim, Nasus... there are surprisingly many options.

    Quicksilver sash + Needlessly large rod = The Battlemage’s Legacy
    (1550 + 1600 + 250 = 3400g)

    +100 Ability power, +45 Magic resistance
    UNIQUE Active: Removes all debuffs from your champion and grants 50% movement speed for 1 second. (90 seconds cooldown)

    Note: just an Ap Mercurial Scimitar.
    Who should buy, when and why: Good for all Ap champions if the enemy has strong disables. Good for mages who lacks of survivability. Game needs it.

    Amplifying tome + Hextech revolver + Amplifying tome = The Soul Harvester
    (435 + 1200 + 435 + 1130 = 3200g)

    +100 Ability power +14% spell vamp
    UNIQUE passive: Soul Harvest: You gain all enemy unit's soul you killed. Each soul grants 1 additional ability power and 0,2% spell vamp. Maximum of +30 ability power and +6% spell vamp. Harvested souls are halved upon death (Maximum 30 soul)
    UNIQUE active: Deals 150 (+20% ability power) magic damage to target enemy champion over 4 seconds. Additionally consumes all Soul Harvest stacks to deal 15 (+2% ability power) bonus magic damage per stack. (maximum damage: 600 +80% ability power). This damage is double-affeced by spell vamp. 60 second cooldown. (700 range)

    Note: This is the Ap Bloodthirster.
    The active is interesting because it has a trade. You may not want to use it because you lose your stacks, but it can turn the fight. Your decision.
    Who should buy, when and why: Good for all mages... but Brand, Mordekaiser, Cassiopeia, Ahri, Swain and Vladimir are especially happy with it.

    Blasting wand + Kindlegem + Amplifying tome = Phoenix staff
    860 + 850 + 435 + 855 = 3000g

    +80 Ability power +250 health +10% cooldown reduction
    Unique passive: Your single target non-periodic spells deal up to 60% magic damage to units around your target, decaying down to 20% near the edge. Single target non-periodic damaging skillshots that do not hit any target, explodes at the end of the line. (Splash range is like Ravenous hydra's, with a fiery effect.)

    Note: The splash is only pure damage. For example, Ahri's charm will not charm the whole enemy team, but as it deals area magic damage, it applies Rylai's and Liandry's.
    Who should buy, when and why: Mages, with any single target, non-periodic spell: Ryze, Akali luxury item, good for Leblanc, Nidalee (oh that would hit hard), Veigar, Viktor for heavy shields, and a few more champions.

    Null magic mantle + Seeker's armguard + Amplifying tome = Seeker's Robe (Enchanted Robe)
    400 + 1160 +435 + 705 = 2700g

    +70 Ability power +40 armor + 40 magic resist.
    UNIQUE passive: lifeline: If you would take damage that would leave you at less than 30% of your maximum health You first gain a shield which absorbs 400 damage for 5 seconds. (90 seconds cooldown)

    Note: Defense-based Ap-tank item. The game lacks of hybrid defense items. If you need armor and magic resistance as a tanky mage, you need to buy minimum 2 items (Zhonya, Abyssal/Athene) without harming your damage output. Seeker's armguard is pretty nice for AP junglers, this can be a tankier upgrade than Zhonya's.
    Who should buy, when and why: Mainly for tanky mages but also can be good for ability tanks like Amumu, Malphite, Sejuani, Nautilus etc...

    Giant’s belt + Cloth armor + Null magic mantle = Titanium legplates
    (1000 + 300 + 400 + 1300 = 3000g)

    +30 Armor +30 Magic resist +400 health.
    UNIQUE passive: Increases your bonus health, armor and magic resist by 15%.
    Your champion gains +1% movement speed for every 10% maximum health currently you have.

    Note: I don't want all AD carries to pick this as their last item, that's why I chose this solution: 15% BONUS defense is a small boost on AD carries, bruisers, but big boost on tanks, yes, Titanium legplates is a very strong lategame tank item. Early game not cost efficient, only cost efficient if you already have some bonus armor, magic resistance and health. After the removal of Force of nature there isn't any tank items with bonus movement speed. The movement speed is essential to initiate lategame teamfights (Titanium is a much lighter metal than steel). The 10% movement speed bonus at full health helps you to initiate a teamfight as a tank, but if you are wounded, you get less bonus. I don't want to make the escaping low health tanks uncatchable. Now supports of junglers get Locket of the Iron Solari, AD carries can get Guardian angel and tanks can get Titan's legplates. This item would need testings, maybe a bit OP and would be too much gamechanging. Currently penetration rules, so I think this is not would be that OP.

    Tear of the goddess + Rejuvenation bead + Ruby crystal = Wishmaker
    (700 + 180 + 475 + 845 = 2200g)

    +250 mana +250 health +5 health regeneration +5 Mana regeneration
    UNIQUE Passive: Mana Charge: Each time you cast a spell or spend mana, your maximum mana increases by 8 (4 second cooldown). Bonus caps at +750 bonus mana.
    UNIQUE Passive: Wish: Gain mana and health regeneration equal to 0,5% of your Maximum Mana to you and nearby allied champions. 1000 range.
    Transforms into The Gift of Gaia at 750 bonus mana.

    The Gift of Gaia:
    +1000 mana +250 health +5 health regeneration +5 Mana regeneration
    UNIQUE Passive: Wish: Gain mana and health regeneration equal to 0,5% of your Maximum Mana to you and nearby allied champions. 1000 range.
    UNIQUE Active: Nature's gift: Drains 20% of your current Mana to heal yourself and nearby allied champions by half of the amount + 100 over 5 seconds. Also restores the same amount of mana to allies. 600 range, 180 second cooldown.

    Note: A Tear item for supports/junglers. Possible S4 item.

    The Emerald set: My goal is to make rejuvenation bead a better starting item for manaless champions. I saw many forum posts that manaless champions now have a hard time to decide which item(s) to get at the start. Max number of potions limited to 5. I like this change very much, but I want more diversity and viability to their starting items. With my items, 1 or 2 Rejuvenation bead start would be very vialbe on all Energy/health/free-casters.

    Rejuvenation bead + Rejuvenation bead = Emerald necklace
    180 + 180 + 240 = 600g

    +15 Health regeneration
    UNIQUE passive: Increases energy regeneration by 10%. If the champion is not energy based, or at full energy, increases your health regeneration by 15% instead.

    Emerald necklace + Ruby crystal + Pickaxe = Emerald blade
    600 + 475 + 875 + 950 = 2900g

    +20 Health regeneration +300 health +40 attack damage
    UNIQUE passive: Increases energy regeneration by 15%. If the champion is not energy based, or at full energy, increases your health regeneration by 25% instead.
    UNIQUE active: Energize: Restores 10% of your missing health and 25 energy over 5 seconds. (90 seconds cooldown)

    Emerald necklace + Ruby crystal + Blasting wand = Emerald wand
    600 + 475 + 860 + 965 = 2900g

    +20 Health regeneration +300 health +70 ability power
    UNIQUE passive: Increases energy regeneration by 15%. If the champion is not energy based, or at full energy, increases your health regeneration by 25% instead.
    UNIQUE active: Energize: Restores 10% of your missing health and 25 energy over 5 seconds. (90 seconds cooldown)

    Kindlegem + Emerald necklace + Giant's belt = Emerald curiass
    850 + 600 + 1000 + 450 = 2900g

    +20 health regeneration +700 health +10% cooldown reduction
    UNIQUE passive: Increases energy regeneration by 15%. If the champion is not energy based, or at full energy, increases your health regeneration by 25% instead.
    UNIQUE active: Energize: Restores 10% of your missing health and 25 energy over 5 seconds. (90 seconds cooldown)

    These items are not increase Mundo or Garen's passive, only increases your flat health regen.
    If there are runes to increase energy regen, why not any items?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2014
  20. Aki013

    Aki013 League of Legends Player Ogre Veteran

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    I want all of them Xd...
    But i like The Pain killer the most :3

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