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Marvel Heroes Random Hero Box Key Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. declarius

    declarius Ogre Newling

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    A mechanically competent ARPG using the massive backstory and lore of the Marvel Universe, Marvel Heroes goes well with a subscription to Marvel Unlimited where you learn everything you want to about the character you are playing as, which for me personally makes me enjoy the game even more.

    There are many systems that add depth to the game at all levels, meaning no matter what character you play, or what level they are, you are always progressing your account in rewarding ways that transfer over to all other characters in your roster. This makes the replay value extremely high.

    The downside is that the game has some serious downfalls with the engine it uses. Only software cursor is supported, meaning if your fps drops so does your ability to move your mouse. The performance is also inconsistent on even the highest end PCs.

    Fortunately the game itself is fantastic, and worth ignoring these flaws if you can.

    My favorite hero is Wolverine at the moment because of his speed, which keeps the game action packed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  2. Phol

    Phol Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing since beta and the amount of content and fixes that has been released so far is just astounding. If you're a Marvel fan there's no reason not to check it out and if you are just into ARPGs I'd say give it a try there's a big chance you'll enjoy it. With great developer feedback and a helpful community it's hard not to get hooked. There's also different events every now and then to keep things fresh and help newcomers level up and get into the game. Another great feature of this game is the tie-ins with the movies. Expect to see lots of cosmic related things like new playable heroes, team-ups and more with the upcoming release of Guardians of The Galaxy.


    - Great selection of characters.
    - Very true to the comics.
    - Constant big updates and new loot/game modes.
    - Good F2P model, nothing is pay to win.


    - Engine is kind of badly optimized unless you have a high end PC.
    - Most patches tend to be a bit buggy at launch.
    - PvP is quite boring atm, needs better map variety.

    That being said I'd score it a 8/10 - Great game that keeps on getting better each patch. With lots of content and more incoming it's hard not to find something in the game to enjoy. Even if you didn't like it at first keep an eye on it as it's bound to become big. If your favorite hero is Nova like mine, you are in for a great suprise coming this July/August.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  3. Phol

    Phol Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing since beta and the amount of content and fixes that has been released so far is just astounding. If you're a Marvel fan there's no reason not to check it out and if you are just into ARPGs I'd say give it a try there's a big chance you'll enjoy it. With great developer feedback and a helpful community it's hard not to get hooked. There's also different events every now and then to keep things fresh and help newcomers level up and get into the game. Another great feature of this game is the tie-ins with the movies. Expect to see lots of cosmic related things like new playable heroes, team-ups and more with the upcoming release of Guardians of The Galaxy.


    - Great selection of characters.
    - Very true to the comics.
    - Constant big updates and new loot/game modes.
    - Good F2P model, nothing is pay to win.


    - Engine is kind of badly optimized unless you have a high end PC.
    - Most patches tend to be a bit buggy at launch.
    - PvP is quite boring atm, needs better map variety.

    That being said I'd score it a 8/10 - Great game that keeps on getting better each patch. With lots of content and more incoming it's hard not to find something in the game to enjoy. Even if you didn't like it at first keep an eye on it as it's bound to become big. If your favorite hero is Nova like mine, you are in for a great suprise coming this July/August.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  4. Spoit

    Spoit Ogre Newling

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    Marvel heroes is a great action RPG, even without the licensed aspect (though ignoring it would be a disservice). The fact they were able to create so many mechanically diverse characters is by itself astonishing, but the fact that they're constantly tweaking them to make sure they're all relatively balanced? Simply Amazing!

    The thing that really sets it apart is that has one of the fairest F2P systems that I've seen. Whereas other games might charge $10 just for a small boost, that buys a whole character here, with hours and hours of play time. And with that much time invested, you'll probably be able to buy a free one as well.

    EDIT: I think maybe I misread the instructions, to be safe:

    My favorite hero is Taskmaster. Not only does he have the coolest lore: he's like deadpool, except more competent, mechanically he's a ton of fun to play. You get to chose from a veritable smorgasbord of powers from other characters, with the unique stances systems that not only let you chose from some of the most powerful passives in the game ,but let you mix and match them. Because of that, he has an incredible selection of viable builds, rather than the 2-3 most other characters have
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  5. Spoit

    Spoit Ogre Newling

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    Marvel heroes is a great action RPG, even without the licensed aspect (though ignoring it would be a disservice). The fact they were able to create so many mechanically diverse characters is by itself astonishing, but the fact that they're constantly tweaking them to make sure they're all relatively balanced? Simply Amazing!

    The thing that really sets it apart is that has one of the fairest F2P systems that I've seen. Whereas other games might charge $10 just for a small boost, that buys a whole character here, with hours and hours of play time. And with that much time invested, you'll probably be able to buy a free one as well.

    EDIT: I think maybe I misread the instructions, to be safe:

    My favorite hero is Taskmaster. Not only does he have the coolest lore: he's like deadpool, except more competent, mechanically he's a ton of fun to play. You get to chose from a veritable smorgasbord of powers from other characters, with the unique stances systems that not only let you chose from some of the most powerful passives in the game ,but let you mix and match them. Because of that, he has an incredible selection of viable builds, rather than the 2-3 most other characters have
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  6. MistaTwo

    MistaTwo Ogre Newling

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    I hope this is still going! Missed out on the last one!

    I originally played this game during E3. I went in hoping it would be amazing because they were selling Hero packs for a discounted price. Unfortunately I spent like 30 minutes with the game and couldn't stand it. It just felt so rushed and incomplete.

    That said I still played it when it hit Open Beta. And I even bought a few characters when it officially released. However, I was still completely underwhelmed and never really got a character very high.

    However, with all of the changes recently and new content I have been seriously addicted. It is my #2 favorite F2P game after Phantasy Star Online 2 now.

    I recommend it to all ARPG fans and of course Marvel fans!
  7. MistaTwo

    MistaTwo Ogre Newling

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    I hope this is still going! Missed out on the last one!

    I originally played this game during E3. I went in hoping it would be amazing because they were selling Hero packs for a discounted price. Unfortunately I spent like 30 minutes with the game and couldn't stand it. It just felt so rushed and incomplete.

    That said I still played it when it hit Open Beta. And I even bought a few characters when it officially released. However, I was still completely underwhelmed and never really got a character very high.

    However, with all of the changes recently and new content I have been seriously addicted. It is my #2 favorite F2P game after Phantasy Star Online 2 now.

    I recommend it to all ARPG fans and of course Marvel fans!
  8. somebodyelse

    somebodyelse Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing the game a while, and yet I still find myself coming back to it. Different characters offer very different play-styles, as do different choices in powers. Some characters that I didn't think about much also ended up being really fun to play (hello Nightcrawler), and I was very pleasantly surprised.

    I've gotten 120 hours of gameplay logged since March, 4 heroes taken to level 60 (in the grand scheme of things it isn't much, but I ended up investing a lot more time here than I did on big budget, triple-A games), and I'm still looking forward to trying new characters and getting better loot.

    Nightcrawler is fun, Taskmaster is versatile and chatty, but Iron Man is still my favorite, though.
  9. somebodyelse

    somebodyelse Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing the game a while, and yet I still find myself coming back to it. Different characters offer very different play-styles, as do different choices in powers. Some characters that I didn't think about much also ended up being really fun to play (hello Nightcrawler), and I was very pleasantly surprised.

    I've gotten 120 hours of gameplay logged since March, 4 heroes taken to level 60 (in the grand scheme of things it isn't much, but I ended up investing a lot more time here than I did on big budget, triple-A games), and I'm still looking forward to trying new characters and getting better loot.

    Nightcrawler is fun, Taskmaster is versatile and chatty, but Iron Man is still my favorite, though.
  10. marvelfan

    marvelfan Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero

    My favorite marvel character of all times is without any doubt Magneto.
    Magneto has not currently been added to the game as a playable character but he has been confirmed as one later on which is just amazing.
    The reason why he is my number one choice is both because of his amazing story and his really cool powers.
    Who wouldn't want to be the master of magnetizm? :)
  11. marvelfan

    marvelfan Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero

    My favorite marvel character of all times is without any doubt Magneto.
    Magneto has not currently been added to the game as a playable character but he has been confirmed as one later on which is just amazing.
    The reason why he is my number one choice is both because of his amazing story and his really cool powers.
    Who wouldn't want to be the master of magnetizm? :)
  12. mavalbaby

    mavalbaby Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero is absolutely Cable, he was as well in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.

    He is a time traveling superhero fighting bad guys with a host of hyper-advanced future weapons and psi powers to kick ass and take names.

    What I like most about Marvel 2015 is the ease of play, I have not been playing very long but the combination of a Diablo style game and Marvel Heroes made it an instant favorite. It's great to have such hero diversity with more on the way, you never really see the same hero over and over; everyone has their own favorite picks and its nice to see when your all smashing bad guys and saving the world. It is a fantastic ARPG that any Marval fan shouldn't miss.

    It's fun, fast paced, enjoyable and absolutely truly Free to play; not many games can boast that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  13. mavalbaby

    mavalbaby Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero is absolutely Cable, he was as well in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.

    He is a time traveling superhero fighting bad guys with a host of hyper-advanced future weapons and psi powers to kick ass and take names.

    What I like most about Marvel 2015 is the ease of play, I have not been playing very long but the combination of a Diablo style game and Marvel Heroes made it an instant favorite. It's great to have such hero diversity with more on the way, you never really see the same hero over and over; everyone has their own favorite picks and its nice to see when your all smashing bad guys and saving the world. It is a fantastic ARPG that any Marval fan shouldn't miss.

    It's fun, fast paced, enjoyable and absolutely truly Free to play; not many games can boast that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
  14. baram

    baram Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero so far is Taskmaster.

    He's a very active character between dashing around and laying down damage fields. I play a hybrid build and with Cap Stance he's got good survivability and stacked with Hawkeye to boost his damage he's one of the better off characters. It also helps that he's a bottom tier cost wise and I recommend everyone to get him. A mashup of the best parts of multiple characters. Shield toss is very satisfying.
  15. baram

    baram Ogre Newling

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    My favorite hero so far is Taskmaster.

    He's a very active character between dashing around and laying down damage fields. I play a hybrid build and with Cap Stance he's got good survivability and stacked with Hawkeye to boost his damage he's one of the better off characters. It also helps that he's a bottom tier cost wise and I recommend everyone to get him. A mashup of the best parts of multiple characters. Shield toss is very satisfying.
  16. sansyo

    sansyo Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing it for around 50 hours now and it's definitely got me hooked in a way most other ARPGs haven't since Diablo II. Granted, a big part of that is due to the Marvel licensing, if you replaced most of it with something else I probably wouldn't be as interested. Still, looting it up with your favourite superheroes and trying to inch your way towards getting another is good fun. It's pretty casual too, so nothing intense about it, just get in, choose a hero, and start beating up the Marvel bad guys you love to hate.

    Though it's not all roses, the game could definitely stand for better optimization. It's managed to falter and hitch in ways games that are far more visually intensive haven't.

    That said, I'm having a blast with Storm. You definitely feel her power with her constant AOE attacks laying waste to anything that dares go near her.
  17. sansyo

    sansyo Ogre Newling

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    I've been playing it for around 50 hours now and it's definitely got me hooked in a way most other ARPGs haven't since Diablo II. Granted, a big part of that is due to the Marvel licensing, if you replaced most of it with something else I probably wouldn't be as interested. Still, looting it up with your favourite superheroes and trying to inch your way towards getting another is good fun. It's pretty casual too, so nothing intense about it, just get in, choose a hero, and start beating up the Marvel bad guys you love to hate.

    Though it's not all roses, the game could definitely stand for better optimization. It's managed to falter and hitch in ways games that are far more visually intensive haven't.

    That said, I'm having a blast with Storm. You definitely feel her power with her constant AOE attacks laying waste to anything that dares go near her.
  18. fabbyboy

    fabbyboy Ogre Newling

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    I tried this game at his beginning but quickly abandon it due to a lack of optimisation and maybe time.
    With the arrival of the 2015 features I give the game another chance and it is a success, I play it almost everyday now.
    There is a lot of playable character, each one with his own combat style.
    The game have an large content that can satisfy caual or hardcore player. You can level you character in many differents way.
    Gazillion seems to be listening to the community.
    My favourite character is spiderman.
    I love the comic relief that he makes, the guy can't stop joking even when he is in trouble. Plus he is kind of a loser.
  19. fabbyboy

    fabbyboy Ogre Newling

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    I tried this game at his beginning but quickly abandon it due to a lack of optimisation and maybe time.
    With the arrival of the 2015 features I give the game another chance and it is a success, I play it almost everyday now.
    There is a lot of playable character, each one with his own combat style.
    The game have an large content that can satisfy caual or hardcore player. You can level you character in many differents way.
    Gazillion seems to be listening to the community.
    My favourite character is spiderman.
    I love the comic relief that he makes, the guy can't stop joking even when he is in trouble. Plus he is kind of a loser.
  20. MikeCrotch

    MikeCrotch Ogre Newling

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    Hi, i'm MikeCrotch and i'm here to tell you why you should be playing as Captain America.

    First off if you don't play Cap then you're clearly a communist nazi sympathiser who hates America, I mean that's just obvious. Second, Cap is a great hero for people starting out because he's a great all rounder. He's tough, he beats people up with his bare fists he takes out clouds of mooks with his shield and buffs his friends. Thirdly and most importantly, Cap defeats enemies in the manliest and most satisfying way possible. He doesn't need to light things on fire or turn into a ten foot tall monster or use cosmic power - he just hits people with his shield, over and over, until they are dead. Seriously, you will never get bored of the sweet, sweet sound of vibranium bouncing off a gangster thug's skull.

    So for your next Marvel Heroes character, choose Captain America, choose freedom, and choose beating hordes of hapless foes to death with your bare firsts in a gaudy primary coloured costume. You won't regret it.
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