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New Hero Grimstroke Gets 1st big Nerf!

Discussion in 'DotA' started by JamesWN1, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. JamesWN1

    JamesWN1 Brute New Ogre

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    "According to update, it seems Valve realized that Grimstroke was quite overpowered in the game which led the community to exploit his abilities in almost every game. As a result, the developers are here with a new update for the game which adds in some major changes to Grimstroke abilities including Stroke of Fate, Phantom’s Embrace, and Ink Swell."


    Ability Changes

    Stroke of Fate: reduced movement slow duration 2->1.5
    Stroke of Fate: movement slow can now be dispelled
    Stroke of Fate: reduced projectile vision radius (240->160)
    Stroke of Fate: reduced projectile’s endpoint vision radius (300->160) and duration (3.34->2)
    Stroke of Fate: fixed +600 range talent incorrectly updating the range preview
    Phantom’s Embrace: reduced phantom unit’s vision range 400->200
    Phantom’s Embrace: changed latch duration 4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5 -> 4.0/4.0/5.0/5.0
    Phantom’s Embrace: if the target dies, the Phantom now flies back to caster to refresh the cooldown
    Phantom’s Embrace: fixed a bug with +2 hits required talent only giving +1.3 hits (4 non-hero hits instead of 6)
    Ink Swell: reduced bonus move speed 28/32/36/40->18/22/26/30
    Ink Swell: damage and stun amounts now range from 0 to max, instead of from a base value to max
    Ink Swell: ink tendril particle doesn’t display if the affected enemy unit is invisible
    Soulbind: no longer sees through invisibility on leashed targets

    Overall Changes

    Reduced model scale 0.81->0.76
    Fixed some tooltip values that didn’t updated with talent values
    Added some tooltip notes
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