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Trapped Dead, game now available for pre-order!

Discussion in 'MMORTS and Strategy Games' started by GameOgreVideos, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. GameOgreVideos

    GameOgreVideos Game Ogre YouTube Channel GameOgre Developer

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    Today premier PC videogame publisher Iceberg Interactive reveals the packshot of zombie survival RTS game Trapped Dead. The pack shot is exclusively for the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Benelux and Australia/NZ.

    Download the official packshot here.

    The game is now available for pre-order in the Iceberg Webshop. Pre-orders will be delivered on the day of release with free shipping.

    Trapped Dead will be released in retail exclusively for PC by Iceberg Interactive on 25 February 2011 in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Benelux and Australia/NZ.

    About Trapped Dead

    Trapped Dead is an award-winning zombie survival RTS in the tradition of classical evergreens such as "Commandos" and "Desperados". Players control their characters in a 3rd person isometric view through a mature Zombie survival scenario inspired by the successful horror movies of the early 80s.


    * Terrifying, cinematic game atmosphere
    * Thrilling on- and offline multiplayer co-op mode
    * Appealing tactical gameplay with numerous shock- and surprise elements
    * Highly detailed locations such as a mall, jail, scrap yard & many more
    * 7 different playable characters
    * Interactive and dynamic game environment including various traps
    * Manifold weapons, gadgets and other items

    Game Info

    Title: Trapped Dead
    Platform: PC CD ROM
    Genre: Zombie RTS
    Publisher: Iceberg Interactive
    Developer: Crenetic Studios / Headup Games
    Release Date: 25 February 2011
    PEGI/BBFC: 18+ (tbc)
  2. GlanzenWolf

    GlanzenWolf Little Spike

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    Sounds so amazing. May have to get it :p RTS games are always fun to play.
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