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Unpleasant Issue To Start the Season

Discussion in 'Ogre Wars' started by ogreman, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. Admin Post

    ogreman Ogre In Charge Staff Member GameOgre Admin

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    Well, we have an issue that was not talked about, but it looks like it needs to be touched on because it is unfortunately affecting the game. The bottom line is that the Stompers will likely not repeat (least in my opinion) again unless this changes.

    Basically, I was told to ban somebody because there was suspicion of multiple accounts. Since I could not find proof of that, I refused. As a result of the refusal to ban the one suspected of the multiple accounts, they have stopped playing as far as I know of. Was hoping they would still play after being told no, but apparently that is not the case. It put me in a very tough spot, that I do not want to be repeated by anybody. In fact, this may be the first time anybody has done it like that in five years of running this forum. I try to treat all members as good as possible so thankfully it has not happened before. My best advice on this matter is to just enjoy the game and leave the Sherlock Holmes duty to me:).

    I think this will hurt the Stompers and it is pretty bad when losing one player at the start can hurt a nation so bad. That is why I wanted to try two nations because losing one player would not hurt as much. Instead, the two-time champs are seemingly gimped before the season starts.

    I have not punished the Stomper or anything like that, so it is solely up to him whether he plays again or not. Ok, that is all I am saying on this. Just thought I would let everybody know because it does affect the game, unfortunately.

    Going to close this thread because do not want any replies. Basically, this is something I hope to never encounter again. Member are innocent until proving guilty to me. Just because you suspect somebody of having a multiple account, does not mean you are right:). Do not normally keep threads like this, but hopefully it can be used to avoid a repeat.
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