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Update 0.5.3 patch notes

Discussion in 'World of Warplanes' started by FoxWMB, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. FoxWMB

    FoxWMB Clubbed The Pit

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    - 4,114.74
    Short Overview of the Patch
    New features of the 0.5.3 Update:
    • Tech trees were finalized and brought to their final release state
    • Introduced new British tech tree
    • Set of 10 new planes was granted to each player for testing purposes
    • Another special Premium plane is available for purchase (for tokens), which will remain in the hangar after the release wipe
    • Introduced a third advanced mouse control option
    • Considerable work has been done on game client optimisation
    Player Property Settings
    • Owners of the planes F5U, Bf. 109TL, LBSh, J4M1, Me 609 will get the compensation in the amount of the purchase price of these aircraft. These planes will be still in players’ hangars, but will no longer appear in the tech trees.
    • All equipment and consumables, mounted on planes and stocked in the depot will be sold at the purchase price.
    • All types of ammunition belts will be deleted from planes and from the depot; all planes in the hangar will get 10 ammunition belts of each available type for the armament this plane has mounted (standard ammo belts will be supplied by default).
    Module availability and characteristics were changed for some planes (listed below).
    • If you have such plane in your hangar (see the previous point), all modules will be researched for it.
    • If you have such plane in your hangar, it will get the top configuration (and get 10 ammunition belts of each available type for the top weapon).
    • All remaining items will be removed from the depot.
    • 10 planes will be granted to all players for testing purposes (8 "gift" planes and 2 new premiums) with additional slot in hangar for each plane + 10 additional free slots. ATTENTION: If you sell any of these planes, you won’t be able to get them back. (Only two of them will be re-purchasable, but you will have to spend your own tokens).
    • All planes that have been unlocked in previous versions of the game (old premium planes and any plane from the regular tech trees) will remain in the hangar until the release of the game. Should you decide to sell any of them, it will be impossible to purchase it back.
    • More detailed information with a list of planes can be found below.
    Special Premium Plane of the Beta Test
    • Tier III plane - Brewster F2A-1 available for purchase in the Store (in the game client).
    • Price of this plane in tokens is on the level of post-release prices in gold for other planes of this tier.
    • If the plane is purchased during the remainder of the Beta (meaning that it’s in a player’s hangar at the moment of the Beta test end), then it gets saved and is not wiped on release day.
    • It will be impossible to buy this plane after release.
    • From now on, you can choose between different “Profiles†in the mouse control option
    • These profiles allow you to switch the between "Standard" variant, "Vector" mode (which is analogue to "0.4.1") and the new "hybrid" version (based on the "0.3.5" mouse controls)
    • An advanced settings window allows you to configure your mouse control further to make it more flexible.
    • Control profile "Mouse 0.4.1" was removed as it now is included as a profile in the general mouse controls option.
    General Gameplay
    • Tech trees were changed – they are now as they will be for release of the game.
    • Chances of having your pilot get wounded when taking damage have been increased for all airplanes.
    • Dispersion reduced for shooting in turns and while tilting upwards. Reduced dispersion for machine guns of low tier planes. Dispersion slightly increased for top-down shooting.
    • Weapons and planes durability rebalanced to reduce the gap between tiers.
    • Minimum damage that is dealt when hitting some parts of a plane was increased (e.g. on full penetration of wing or tail).
    Battle Balancer
    • Instead of having battles for planes of tiers II-IV, battles now happen between planes of tiers II-III and III-IV (This means that planes of tier II, that are not in a flight, will no longer land in battles with tier IV planes).
    • Planes of tier III will still be getting into battles of tiers III-V
    Rebalanced available map pool based on tier of used plane
    • "Pacific Ocean" is now available for planes of tier III-VII
    • "National Park" is now available for planes of tier III-VI
    • "Lighthouse" is now available for planes of tier V-X
    • "Arctic Region" is now available for planes of tier IV-IX
    • "Plateau" is now available for planes of tier V-X
    • "Bay" is now available for planes of tier V-X planes
    • The behaviour of the Autopilot in charge of getting the plane back from the map boarder (“red lineâ€) has been adapted. The Autopilot is now more aware of the topographic features of the surrounding terrain. The camera now looks in the direction of the flight during the autopilot.
    • Stall increased. Stalling is more intensive now.
    • Increased climbing abilities of all aircraft.
    • Manoeuvrability and high altitude-performance of light fighters were adjusted, according to the chosen tech branch. Light fighters of Japan and USSR have max characteristics of manoeuvrability and have better characteristics for low altitude turning engagements. Light fighters of USA and Germany are better suited for vertical battles and have better characteristics for combat at high altitude. British light fighters are better for dogfighting battles at medium altitude.
    • Slightly improved manoeuvrability for USSR ground attack planes at low altitude.
    • Speed characteristics when not using engine boost were slightly reduced for all planes. The performance difference of this stat on stock or top configuration has been reduced.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused other planes to “twitch†randomly in the sky.
    • All engine sounds have been replaced by new ones
    • Fixed weapons sounds
    • Overall adjustment of all sound levels
    • Added new music tracks for the "Eastern Front" and "Fjords" maps
    • Pauses have been added to the key tips of all tutorial lessons
    • Second stage of the second tutorial lesson was simplified
    • Third stage of the second tutorial lesson was simplified
    • Battle messages were added to the third lesson
    • Single battle mode was removed
    • Two new maps introduced
      • Fjords – mountain map. Available for aircraft of tiers V - X.
      • Eastern Front – battle over a fictitious city in World War II. Available for aircraft of tiers IV – VIII.
    • Changed the position of anti-aircraft guns on the maps Harbour, Lighthouse and Arctic Region
    • Optimisation of rendering algorithms for far away game- and static objects.
    • Re-worked and optimized water display for maps - Harbour, Pacific Ocean, Lighthouse, Arctic Region, Bay.
    • Clouds arrangement was changed for Harbour.
    • Changed lighting and post-processes for Lighthouse map.
    • Implemented large-scaled optimisation for CPU processing to ensure significant growth in FPS on Medium settings and lower settings for most configurations.
    • Optimised rendering of planes and dynamic objects, hence significantly reducing FPS drop in battle.
    • A number of post-processes were optimised allowing a small increase in FPS for High and Very High graphics settings.
    Planes Rendering
    • Improved "materials" for some planes, in particular for Yak-3, Yak-7, Yak-1, Yak-9, Il-2-2, I-16(l), La-5, La-7, P-40, F4U, F4F, Ar.65, Type-91N
    • Optimised LOD parameters of planes for different distances
    Choosing the Target
    • Now you can immediately lock on the target currently in the centre of your screen by pressing a button (default – medium mouse button)
    • Target in the centre of the screen can be locked at a distance of up to 3 km.
    • When one follows an unlocked target in the target window, the same target will get locked upon first pressing of the "next target" button instead of jumping directly to the next target. However, if the target you were following in your target window was a locked one – pressing “next target†will switch to the next one.
    • All previous camouflage sets will be removed for all planes.
    • From now on, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of dynamically changing camouflages, based on which map you play on and which one of them you’ve unlocked/selected. Your camouflage will now also come with a bonus, slightly reducing your visibility. The amount of this bonus will be adjusted upon reviewing future game statistics.
    • New camouflage can be purchased temporarily for credits, or till the end of open beta testing period for tokens.
    • Reworked the in-air explosion effects for high-altitude anti-aircraft guns.
    • Added background effects outside of the battle area for some maps.
    • Modified tracer display parameters.
    • The list of available cannons and machine guns was expanded (a number of American and Japanese cannons of various types was added)
    • Changed tiers for some cannons and machine guns
    • Rebalanced prices for ammo belts of some cannons and machine guns
    • Corrected the calculation of the firepower stat shown in the hangar
    • Reduced damage radius for powerful bombs
    Battle Interface
    • Increased radar range and removed ground targets from showing up on it.
    • Lead compensation indicator now shows properly even on the largest calibres.
    • Bombing aim indicator is now visible through the plane.
    • Option for purchasing and selling ammunition belts has been added to the Store
    • Added a window for advanced Mouse settings
    • Added the ability to expand barracks
    • Updated the display of crew penalties when transferring crew from one plane to another
    • Carrier-based fighters renamed to Fighters
    • Rear gun characteristics are now also being displayed in the hangar.
    • Introduced timestamps for chat messages.
    • Added the ability to check achievements of other players through a context menu
    • Contact filter added to the list of channel participants (now you can search a player by his nickname)
    • General re-skinning applied for all chat UI elements
    • Equipment "Aircraft Polishing" divided into:
      • IV-V Tier - " Aircraft Polishing I" - 150.000
      • VI-VIII Tier - " Aircraft Polishing II" - 250.000
    • Instead of "Reinforced Fabric Covering", "Reinforced Wooden Covering" and "Reinforced Sheet Metal" introduced the following types of reinforced covering:
      • I-III Tier - "Reinforced Covering I" - 25.000
      • IV-VI Tier - "Reinforced Covering II" - 125.000
      • VII-VIII Tier - "Reinforced Covering III" - 350.000
      • IX-X Tier - "Reinforced Covering IV" - 500.000
    • Equipment "Armored Plexiglass" divided into:
      • IV-V Tier - "Armored Plexiglass I" - 75.000
      • VI-VIII Tier - "Armored Plexiglass II" - 250.000
      • IX-X Tier "Armored Cockpit" - 400.000
    • Equipment "Additional Armor Plates" divided into:
      • II-IV Tier - "Additional Armor Plates I" - 50.000
      • V-VII Tier - "Additional Armor Plates II" - 200.000
      • VIII-X Tier - "Additional Armor Plates III" - 500.000
    • Equipment "Fuel Tank Inerting System" (VI-VII Tier, 250.000) is now demountable
    • Equipment "Fire Extinguishing System" (VIII-X Tier, 300.000) is now demountable
    New Equipment:
    • "Improved Reflector Sight II" (VII-VIII Tier, USSR, Japan, 450.000)
    • "Gyroscope Sight II" (IX-X Tier, USSR, Japan, Germany, 550.000)
    • "Fuel Tank Protection" (IV-V Tier, 150.000), demountable
    The crew member type “Navigator†has been removed. If you had a navigator from your Fw-57 in a plane or in the barracks, he will be dismissed without compensation.
    Available crew skill sets are now as follows:
    • Pilot skills:
      • Stamina, Increased View Range, Fire Fighting – requires crew qualification trained to 100% to unlock skill training
      • Crack Shot, Engine Guru, Veteran, Bomber – available after mastering at least one other skill
    • Gunner skills:
      • Stamina, Increased View Range, Firefighting - requires crew qualification trained to 100% to unlock skill training
      • Mentor, Long Reach, Sharpshooter - available after mastering at least one other skill
    Achievements, medals and ribbons
    Ribbons are now awarded for achieving long streaks of certain accomplishments in the game. Ribbons show your record for the longest streak in the Achievements window.
    Certain achievements that required the destruction of a set number of ground targets now require the player to amass a certain number of ground attack points instead. This amplifies the importance of HQ destruction, which grants 3 of such points at a time.
    • Changed requirements for "Destroyer", "Wrecking Crew" and "Ground Pounder" medals:
    • "Destroyer" is now awarded to players who managed to bring down 4 and more enemy planes and earned no less than 3 points for ground object destruction.
    • "Wrecking Crew" now requires a squad to bring down at least 5 planes, earn a minimum of combined 15 points for ground object destruction, and have the entire squad survive. All squad members are awarded the achievement.
    • "Ground Pounder" now requires at least 30 points earned for destroying ground objects during 1 or multiple battles. The sequence is broken if the player gets shot down.
    • Added new medals:
    • "Thunder" - Requires no less than 15 ground attack destruction points earned in a single battle.
    • "Rechkalov medal" - Awarded to a player, who managed to bring down 5 or more enemy planes on his own without teammates’ assistance.
    • "Sakai medal" - Awarded to a player, who managed to bring down 8 or more enemy planes on his own without teammates’ assistance.
    • "Kozhedub medal" - Awarded to a player, who managed to bring down 10 or more enemy planes on his own without teammates’ assistance.
    • "Marseille medal" - Awarded to a player, who managed to bring down 8 or more enemy planes in a single battle.
    • "McCampbell medal" - Awarded to a player, who managed to bring down 10 or more enemy planes in single battle.
    • "Closterman medal" is now awarded to players who managed to bring down 7 and more enemy planes and earned no less than 3 points for ground object destruction.
    • "Gabreski medal" is now awarded to players who managed to bring down 9 and more enemy planes and earned no less than 3 points for ground object destruction.
    • Achievements "Sky Knight", "Ground Pounder" and "Golubev medal" are now moved to medals. This essentially means that you may earn them once per battle, not just once overall.
    • Added new achievements:
    • Pilot 2nd Class - Awarded to players, who won in standard battle.
    • Pilot 1st Class - Awarded to players, who won in standard battle, and ranked in the Top 5 of their team in terms earned XP.
    • Rocketeer - Awarded to a player, who destroyed an enemy plane with a rocket.
    • Sniper - Rocketeer - Awarded to a player who destroyed 2 enemy planes with rockets in one single battle.
    • Ace - Rocketeer - Awarded to a player who destroyed 3 enemy planes with rockets in one single battle.
    • Expert (Attack Aircraft) - Awarded to players who got 10 "Thunder" medals flying Attack Aircraft.
    • Virtuoso (Attack Aircraft) - Awarded to players who got 100 "Thunder" medals flying Attack Aircraft.
    • Legendary (Attack Aircraft) - Awarded to players who got 1000 "Thunder" medals flying Attack Aircraft.
    • Virtuoso (Fighter) - Awarded to players who got 100 "Ace" medals flying Fighter planes.
    • Legendary (Fighter) - Awarded to players who got 1000 "Ace" medals flying Fighter planes.
    • Achievement of 10 "Ace" medals now is called "Expert".
    • Due to the fact that Carrier-based aircraft are now considered Fighters, they will lose certain achievements that were present before.
    • Virtuoso (Heavy Fighter) - Awarded to players who got 100 "Destroyer" medals flying Heavy Fighters.
    • Legendary (Heavy Fighter) - awarded to players who got 1000 "Destroyer" medals flying Heavy Fighters.
    • Achievement of 10 "Destroyer" medals now is called "Expert" (for Heavy Fighters).
    • Legendary (Carrier Fighter) – will not be compensated (i.e. they won’t be moved to the Legendary (Fighter) counter)
    Added new Ribbons:
    • "Irrepressible" - For winning 10 battles in a row.
    • "Die Hard" - For winning 5 battles in a row. The sequence is broken if the player gets shot down.
    New planes
    Added new British planes:
    • (Tier I) Gloster Goldfinch
    • (Tier II) Bristol Bulldog, (Tier II) Hawker Demon
    • (Tier III) Bristol Type 133, (Tier III) Blackburn Skua
    • (Tier IV) Bristol Type 146, (Tier IV) Bristol Blenheim F
    • (Tier V) Supermarine Spitfire I, (Tier V) Bristol Beaufighter
    • (Tier VI) Supermarine Spitfire V, (Tier VI) De Havilland Mosquito
    • (Tier VII) Supermarine Spitfire IX, (Tier VII) De Havilland Hornet
    • (Tier VIII) Supermarine Spitfire XIV, (Tier VIII) Westland P. 1056.
    • (Tier IX) Supermarine Attacker, (Tier IX) Gloster P. 228.
    • (Tier X) Supermarine Swift, (Tier X) Gloster Javelin
    Added new gift and Premium planes:
    • (Tier II) Polikarpov I-5 SHKAS
    • (Tier III) Brewster F2A-1
    • (Tier III) Mitsubishi Ki-33
    • (Tier III) Supermarine Type 224
    • (Tier IV) Messerschmitt Bf. 110C-6
    • (Tier IV) Grumman XF4F-3
    • (Tier IV) Curtiss Р-40А
    • (Tier IV) Curtiss Р-36С
    • (Tier V) Miles M.20
    • (Tier V) Chance-Vought XF4U-1
    • (Tier V) Iliyushin IL - 2 (field modification with rear gunner)
    Changes in airplane trees and upgrades
    • TSh-1 – Renamed to TSh-2 with a change to the name of the airframes.
    • Pegasus – Moved to Tier II. 12.7-mm BS on-board synchronized machine gun was replaced with 12.7-mm UB machine gun (Tier IV).
    • I-17 – No longer leads to Yak-7 in the tech tree.
    • Yak-1 – Now leads to Yak-7 in the tech tree.
    • LaGG-3 – Removed the upgrade “37-mm NS-37 hub-mounted canonâ€. Added upgrade “37-mm ShVAK hub-mounted canonâ€. Now leads to Yak-7 in the tech tree.
    • La-5 – Removed the upgrade “8 х RS-82 rocketsâ€
    • Yak-9U – Added the upgrade “Hub-mounted canon 45-mm NS-45Mâ€
    • LBSh – Replaced in the Soviet attack aircraft research tree with BSh-2 and transferred to Premium aircraft.
    • Il-2 (single-seat) – On stock configuration, one pair of wing-mounted machine guns 7.6-mm ShKAS was replaced with 20-mmShVAK.
    • Il-10 – Removed the upgrade “23-mm NR-23â€
    • Il-20 – Removed the upgrade “8x RS-132 rocketsâ€. Added the upgrade “TRS-82 rocketsâ€. 23-mm NR-23 was replaced with 23-mm NR-23K.
    • I-5 SHhKAS, I-15 bis DM-2, I-16 (early mod.), TSh-3, I-17, I-16 (late mod.), BSh-2, LBSh, BSh-1, Sh-Tandem – 7.62-mm ShKAS machine guns were replaced with 7.62-mm ShKAS (1933).
    • LaGG-3, Il-2-1, Il-2 (mod.), Yak-1, Yak-7, Il-2-2, Yak-1M, Il-8, Il-10 – 7.62-mm ShKAS machine guns were replaced with 7.62-mm ShKAS (1941).
    • I-17, I-16 (late mod.), BSh-2, LBSh – 20-mm ShVAK was replaced with 20-mm ShVAK (1936).
    • LaGG-3, Il-2 (single-seat), Yak-1, Yak-7, Il-2 (two-seat), La-5, Yak-9, Yak-1M, La-7, Yak-9U, Yak-3 – 20-mm ShVAK was replaced with 20-mm ShVAK (1941).
    • Yak-1M, Yak-9, Yak-3, Yak-9U – 12.7-mm BS machine guns were replaced with 12.7-mm UBS machine guns.
    • Il-2 (single-seat), Il-2 (two-seat) – RS-82 rockets were replaced with ROFS-82 rockets.
    • Il-8, Il-10 – RS-132 rockets were replaced with ROFS-132 rockets.
    • Ao. 192 – Added two machine guns to the slot with cowling-mounted guns. On stock configuration, 7.92-mm MG-30 rear gun was replaced with 7.92-mm MG-29 rear gun. Removed the upgrade 7.92-mm MG-15 rear gun.
    • Fw.57 – On stock configuration, 2 х 7.92-mm MG-17 outboard machine guns were replaced with 2 х 20-mm MG-FF. Added the upgrade “2 х 20-mm MG C/30L outboard cannonsâ€. Crew member Navigator removed.
    • Bf. 110E – Removed the upgrade “2 х 500-SC bombsâ€.
    • Bf. 109G – Added the upgrade “Bf. 109K airframeâ€.
    • Me. 410 – Upgrade “2 х 500-SC bombs†replaced with “2 х 250-SC bombsâ€.
    • Bf. 109Z – Moved to Tier VII with research possible from Me. 410 and Bf. 109F. Removed the upgrade “250-SC bombsâ€. 2 х 20-mm MG-151/20 outboard cannons added to the stock configuration with optional mounting.
    • Me. 609 – Removed from the tech tree.
    • Me. 109 TL – Replaced in the branch of German heavy fighters with Me. 262 HG II.
    • Ar. 65, Fw. 56, Ar. 68, Ao 192, Ar. 80 – 7.92-mm MG-17 machine guns were replaced with 7.92-mm MG-17 (1934) machine guns.
    • Bf.109B, Bf. 110B – 7.92-mm MG-17 machine guns were replaced with 7.92-mm MG-17 (1936) machine guns.
    • Bf. 109E, Bf. 110E, Bf. 109F, Me. 410, Bf. 109G - 7.92-mm MG-17 machine guns were replaced with 7.92-mm MG-17 (1940) machine guns.
    • Bf. 110E, Bf. 109F, Me. 410, Bf. 109G – 20-mm MG-151/20 cannons were replaced with 20-mm MG-151/20 (1941) cannons.
    • Bf. 109Z, Me.P. 1092 – 20-mm MG-151/20 cannons were replaced with 20-mm MG-151/20 (1944) cannons.
    • Me. 410, Bf. 109G, Bf. 109Z - 30-mm MK-108 cannons were replaced with 30-mm MK-108 (1942).
    • Me. 209, Me. 262A, Me. 262 HG II – 30-mm MK-108 cannons were replaced with 30-mm MK-108 (1944).
    • P-51A, F4U-1, P-51D – 12.7-mm M2 machine guns were replaced with 12.7-mm AN/M2 machine guns.
    • P-51D, P-51H – Removed a weapons configuration consisting of 4-x top 12,7-mm machine guns.
    • F4U-1 – Added the upgrade “R-2800-5, 1850 h.p. engineâ€. Removed the upgrade “R-2800-8W, 2250 h.p. engineâ€
    • F4U-4 – Moved to Tier VII in place of F2G.
    • F2G – Moved to Tier VIII to replace F5U. 12.7-mm MG-53-2 machine guns in stock configuration were replaced with 20-mm М2 cannons.
    • F5U – Removed from the research tree.
    • FJ-1 – 12.7-mm MG-53-2 machineguns were replaced with 12.7-mm MG-53HB machine guns.
    • F4F, F4U-1, F4U-4, P-51D – HVAR rockets were replaced with HVAR Mk. 4 rockets.
    • F2G, P-51H - HVAR rockets were replaced with HVAR Mk. 25 rockets.
    • A6M1 – Upgrade “Type 99-1 wing-mounted cannons†were replaced with “20-мм Type 99-1 model 1 wing-mounted cannonsâ€.
    • A6M2 – Added to Tier V instead of A6M5.
    • A6M5 – Moved to Tier VI instead of A7M. Changed the order for modules research. Removed the upgrade “Sakae 21, 1130 h.p. engineâ€. Added the upgrade “Kinsei 62, 1560 h.p. engineâ€. Removed the upgrade “20-mm Type E wing-mounted cannonsâ€. The upgrade “20-mm Type 99-1 wing-mounted cannons†was replaced with “20-mm Type 99-1 model 1 wing-mounted cannonsâ€. The upgrade “20-mm Type 99-2 cannons†was replaced with “20-mm Type 99-2 model 1 wing-mounted cannonsâ€. The upgrade “А6М3 airframe†was replaced with “А6М5 model 52 airframeâ€. The upgrade “А6М5 airframe†was replaced with “А6М5 model 52 Hei airframeâ€.
    • A7M – Moved to Tier VII instead of J4M1. Removed the upgrade “MK9C, 2250 h.p. engineâ€. Added the upgrade “MK9E, 2550 h.p. engineâ€. On stock configuration, 13.2-mm Type 2 wing-mounted machine guns were replaced with 13.2-mm Type 3 wing-mounted machine guns. The upgrade “20-mm Type 99-1 wing-mounted cannons†was replaced “20-mm Type 99-2 model 4 wing-mounted cannonsâ€. The upgrade “20-mm Type 99-2 wing-mounted machine guns†was replaced with “20-mm Type 99-2 model 5 wing-mounted cannonsâ€
    • J4M1 – Removed from the tech tree.
    • J7W1, J7W2 – 20-mm Type 99-2 cowling-mounted cannons were replaced with 20-mm Type 99-2 model 5 cowling-mounted cannons
    • A4N, A5M - 7.7-mm Type 97 machine guns were replaced with 7.7-mm Type 97 model 1 machine guns.
    • A6M1, A6M2, A6M5 – 7.7-mm Type 97 machine guns were replaced with 7.7-mm Type 97 model 2 machine guns.
    Premium aircraft:
    • All old Premium aircraft are now unavailable for purchase in the Store.
    • However, all Premium aircraft purchased before this patch, remain in players’ hangars until the end of Open Beta.
    Changes to the research succession
    In the list below, if a player has the first aircraft researched (left), he’ll also get the second aircraft (right) with all its upgrades:
    • LBSh - BSh-2
    • Yak-7 - Yak-1
    • Bf. 109Z - Me. 410
    • Me. 109TL - Me. 262 HG II
    • F2G - F4U-4
    • F5U - F2G
    • A6M5 - A6M2
    • A7M - A6M5
    • J4M1 - A7M
    Changes in players’ hangars
    All players were granted the following free Premium planes + necessary slots in hangar:
    • (Tier II) Polikarpov I-5 SHKAS
    • (Tier III) Mitsubishi Ki-33
    • (Tier III) Supermarine Type 224
    • (Tier IV) Messerschmitt Bf. 110C-6
    • (Tier IV) Grumman XF4F-3
    • (Tier IV) Curtiss P-40A
    • (Tier IV) Curtiss P-36C
    • (Tier V) Miles M. 20
    • (Tier V) Chance-Vought XF4U-1
    • (Tier V) Ilyushin IL-2 (field modification with gunner)
    Players who have researched the following planes will get them with all modules researched.
    Players who have the following planes in the hangar will get them in top configuration:
    • LaGG-3
    • La-5
    • Yak-9U
    • Il-20
    • I-16 early
    • TSH-3
    • I-17
    • I-16 late
    • Il-2-1
    • Yak-1
    • Yak7
    • Il-2-2
    • Yak-1M
    • Il-8
    • Il-10
    • Il-2 (two-seat)
    • Yak-9
    • La-7
    • Yak-3
    Players who have researched the following planes will get them with all modules researched.
    Players who have the following planes in the hangar will get them in top configuration:
    • Ao. 192
    • Fw. 57
    • Bf. 109Z
    • Ar. 65
    • Ar. 68
    • Ao 192
    • Ar. 80
    • Bf. 109B
    • Bf. 110B
    • Bf. 109E
    • Bf. 110E
    • Bf. 109F
    • Me. 410
    • Bf. 109G
    • Me.P. 1092
    • Me. 209
    • Me. 262A
    • Me. 262 HG II
    • Me. 609
    • Me. 109TL
    Players who have researched the following planes will get them with all modules researched.
    Players who have the following planes in the hangar will get them in top configuration:
    • P-51A
    • F4U-1
    • P-51D
    • P-51H
    • F4U-1
    • FJ-1
    • F4F
    • F2G
    • F5U
    Players who have researched the following planes will get them with all modules researched.
    Players who have the following planes in the hangar will get them in top configuration:
    • A6M1
    • J7W1
    • J7W2
    • A4N
    • A5M
    • A6M5
    • A7M
    • J4M1
  2. Hawx1990SRBIJA

    Hawx1990SRBIJA Iron Ogre Ogre Veteran

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    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....! They will remove ours paint. X(
    All in this patch is crap, except British airplanes.
  3. FoxWMB

    FoxWMB Clubbed The Pit

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    Trophy Points:
    - 4,114.74
    Actually, only the removing of the paint is crap, the rest is quite good news and very welcome

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