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What other trade skills would you like to see in AQ3D?

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest 3D' started by Metaqrion, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Metaqrion

    Metaqrion Elite Ogre The Pit

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    Fishing is released and now mining is next. What other skills would you like to see? I would like to see lumberjacking.
  2. I'd rather see improvements to any current ones before they move on to new ones, because it doesn't seem like fishing has unlocked any potential yet. But maybe one trade skill they could do in some distant future is Alchemy, and finally make it possible to increase potency of consumable items like health potions, the ability to create new potions with different attributes (faster speed, longer jump, strength, etc.), and maybe even make it possible to increase boosts (e.g. make XP Boosts reward quadruple the experience instead of double, maybe by combining 3 regular XP Boosts and some ingredient).

    I think every trade skill needs some major usefulness to the actual gameplay, not just some connection to crafting materials which is currently the main problem with fishing. With mining, I want to see the potential to upgrade stats of armors/weapons by combining ores with the item or something. There's so much that could be with trade skills that isn't being utilized.
  3. Nihilist

    Nihilist Elite Ogre Royal Ogre

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    We need alchemy, herbalism , enchanting and more .!! Hope to see some of em later on down the road !
  4. If they're given sufficient purpose, then I suppose. I could see herbalism as an alternative to creating new consumables aside from alchemy, and there's definitely a need for more consumables. I'd like to see the current-existing mana potions repurposed (some classes don't even need it like Warrior), and maybe herbs that could cater to new buffs.

    But I feel like alchemy and herbalism would have the same role in that scenario. Maybe herbalism could be tied with alchemy, so that herbalism provides some of the ingredients for alchemy. Enchanting, I'm not even sure how that would play out; maybe it could be a trade skill at Arcangrove and the benefit would be to upgrade stat attributes. Personally, I want to see every possible trade skill have an actual purpose in the game.
    Ophidius and Nihilist like this.
  5. Ophidius

    Ophidius Spiked Club Ogre Regular

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    The more the better in my opinion. I would like to see them tie in together. Add animal skinning and herbalism or some sort of plant gathering, then with mining, use the items gathered for sewing and blacksmithing. That way we can make our non gear. Lumberjacking could be added as well and used in alchemy along with herbalism.
  6. Corom

    Corom Spiked Club New Ogre

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    How about blacksmithing? You could lvl up your skills in that area and other players could come to you for your blacksmithing services. You could earn gold that way. You could lvl up the stats on weapons. I know they would probably just use an NPC for this job instead of another person but it would be a neat thing to incorporate into the game.

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