Nautilus Passive Timer Nautilus now has an indicator for his passive! Just like Udyr's E, Nautilus' passive will trigger a circle indicator that count down until he can root that target again.
best passive of chapions in lol Whoo have bets pasiv in game? I thins best pasiv have Cho, u can stay for long time on line because of his pasiv u regener mana and hp, and u can cast spels and take farms
Passive from Eve is one of the best, to bad she is nerfed a lot Karthus has the best passive, u can kill all team while ur dead
Evelynn-Inv. Cho-great sustain Kalista-perfect for kiting Caitlyn-In bushes you get your passive so fast Darius-Huge dmg
Passive from Eve is one of the best, to bad she is nerfed a lot Karthus has the best passive, u can kill all team while ur dead.