New meta on mid destroyed him ppl ale playeing tanky mid champ and no one play him now. soraka lulu....
there was no 'anti-assassin' meta. game just shifted a bit and people started playing a few other champions mid (ziggs, lulu, leblanc, kayle) i guess casual zed players either joined the others playing these champions or werent comfortable playing against them as zed. i played against several very good zed players and i still see him from time to time. oh yea, and he got that change to his ult, maybe that's what made some people stop playing him. just like when ahri got nerfed last season i thought i was the only one who was still playing her.
start, control panel, add remove programs, find league of legends and uninstal xD Nah it was a joke ... it can happens. You can learn from your fails ...