It seems like game developers push the technology to its limits with all the new game designs and they are constantly looking for upgrading the whole gaming experience. The gaming industry has been rising in recent years in every category, from gaming hardware to games sold worldwide.

The video game market is expected to be worth over 90 billion dollars by 2020 indicating raise by almost 15% in two years. That is why game developers always look for a new innovative way to make the game more realistic for users.

In this article, we will go through some of the future trends for game development and find out what can we expect in the future.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Even though this technology is available right now, it seems like game developers only scratched the surface of this technology. VR technology lets users experience the game on another level. For example, just last year, MLB launched a VR game that allows you to be on the field and feel like a pitcher, fighting for making your team getting high in the odds to win the World Series. However, even though the experience enticed sports fans, it ultimately seemed too expernsive for a game that only had 3 stadiums and one mode.

The problem is that the game developers know that making fully VR game is such a risk as the technology is not available to everyone just because it is still expensive. Big game companies that designed games such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and Madden NFL, have bearly dipped a toe into the VR waters.

On the other hand, AR games seem to be doing great. Since PokemonGo was released we all got caught up in the idea of seeing a blend of graphically designed elements in the real world. This technology has huge potential and more future games will be equipped with it.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

These two words describe the future of the world as many giant companies started investing in this technology. Even Facebook is coming up with its new cryptocurrency. Using cryptocurrency for buying games as well as game items is the future of gaming. Many game developers saw the opportunity which is basically a win-win scenario.

The user avoids risky security clearances and bypasses unnecessary barriers, and the gaming industry bypasses potential issues with currency exchanges which can cost them a lot.

Battle Royale

Gaming really changed after Fortnite was introduced to the players. Gaining huge popularity in just a short period of time and still being one of the top games in the world explains the fact that battle royale games are the thing for the future.

Now, almost every new blockbuster game comes with battle royale mode, letting a large number of players in one match with a mission to remain the last one standing. We might see some changes in the battle royale mode, and some new options but this gaming style will be popular for quite a while.

Remastering the Classics

The word “Nostalgia” for most of us means sentimentality for the past, but for game developers mean money. Re-making classic games from the past proved to be a successful business and it offers players classic games that are brought up to date.

We have seen that with Crash Team Racing, Spyro, Resident Evil, and much more. This is not necessarily a bad thing, and players can enjoy games that they used to play in the past.

Mobile Gaming

With the use of new technology, mobile gaming is rising in recent years. Many major companies started developing more complexed mobile games as mobile phones now have the hardware to keep up with high-end designs. Gaming Phones are also available for purchasing, which proves the fact that mobile gaming is the new trend for the future.

The truly amazing fact is that the mobile gaming industry is almost 50% of the Global Games Market with $63.2 billion, and it is expected to reach more than $174 billion by 2021. That is why big game developers started to focus on mobile games design.

Game Streaming

This whole new idea that Google brought up with its new gaming streaming service Stadia. This is a very innovative solution that would make gamers very happy. Stadia is a gaming streaming service that you can use on any device from PC to TV, purchase games which would be installed in powerful hardware in America, and then stream the picture to your device.

This means that you can play high-end games even on much older devices without spending a fortune on expensive gaming hardware. All you will need is a stable internet connection to run the games in 4K without any delay. This truly revolutionizes gaming and it definitely is part of the future.

These are some of the biggest gaming trends that we can expect in the near future. In conclusion, all of the innovations and technology improvements mentioned above will make users experience games like never before and we all look forward to it.


  1. I am very excited to see the world of gaming with cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency backing up items in the gaming world is a very big deal to me as I am someone who always buys in-game items the ability to get some value out of my items is very important to me.

    William Ericksen did not rate this post.
  2. I enjoyed reading the section comparing AR and VR and how the big game companies have barely even dipped their toes in the waters of AR/VR tech.

    Thanks for sharing such an insightful peice.

    Rob T did not rate this post.
  3. Amazing article! You managed to describe all main trends in gaming industry. A bright future awaits us 🙂

    hit0ri did not rate this post.
  4. Nicely spotted that MLB was good but too expensive. As a gamer I am waiting for a game that can do transactions off chain.
    Fingers crossed enjin efinity can pull it off.

    Nick did not rate this post.
  5. Blockchain and gaming will be the future! The ability to buy in game items and store/keep in your own wallet will be epic!

    Zad did not rate this post.
  6. I feel that cryptocurrency and mobile gaming already go hand in hand. You already use a non traditional digital currency in these games with coins or whatever they label them as. Check it out!

    CitationNumber did not rate this post.
  7. The fact that the video game industry is going to be over 90 billion in 2020. Also just the future of gaming in general and all the great talent involved

    ezra levinger did not rate this post.
  8. This is a good idea of gaming.
    I like multiple options of playing and especially the nostalgia part, since I’m a fan of original Unreal tournament.
    With that, the idea of “Ready, player one” concept of earning Cryptocurrency i game is especially tempting.
    Regarding the VR part, I haven’t gotten that far, but I believe it would be awesome.

    Abiskan did not rate this post.
  9. I was impressed with the article as it explores all possible future avenues and the Problem with VR is so spot on!

    Lucky Coin did not rate this post.
  10. Classics combined with mobile games will rock the world, just have to love the classics

    Andre Claasen did not rate this post.
  11. with cryptocurrency backed on game, we have full ownership our item, combining by high tech technology and role that have much demand will bring succes to developer…

    Silvertis did not rate this post.
  12. game items is the future of gaming, that is correct, the future will be awesome 😎

    Otto Prussia did not rate this post.
  13. I have my VR headset ready for the new games that are almost here to play with, if you mix VR and Blockchain like The Alterverse game for example it will be a game changer in all aspects, since you can have your own world and also your own items that you can use to trade, share or use outside of the game too, it doesn’t stop when you turn the VR off, blockchain vr games is a must try and I invite you all readers to take a ride.

    Zow did not rate this post.
  14. I appreciate the use of crypto currency being adopted for use as both buying games and a way to buy crypto assets. Players are given the chance to invest in games they believe in.

    Nhinestreams did not rate this post.
  15. I dont know abou what I am more excited. VR/AR, Stadia or Crypto+blockchain. If I had to choose, definitely crypto+blockchian. This will change the gaming on a fundamental level.
    Enjin is of course the leading project in this area.

    VukTheWolfy did not rate this post.
  16. Great Overview and The Final Point is a clincher! Game Streaming! I can play the more top shelf technology games with out new expensive gear!!! Great for phone and tablets too! Alterverse and Enjin will be doing this tech soon!

    thebeatminer did not rate this post.
  17. As a realtively noob to the AR and VR gaming world this article is insightful to the future that holds.. I mainly gamed in the nes and snes days so bring back some nostalgia too is very welcomed to me. Thanks again for the nice article.. good read.


    Steve Porter did not rate this post.
  18. I think VR will will be the next big thing and with Blockchain integration it’ll be even bigger and better, I’m looking forward to alterverse’s implementation of their VR game

    Viltus did not rate this post.
  19. Blockchain and mobile gaming are just made for each other. We already use digital currencies in game owned by the developer.

    CitationNumber did not rate this post.
  20. Gaming+Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are something thats future needs.
    I think developers and gamers should know about this , both will benefit from the blockchain.
    Gamers can buy without fear of losing when the game closes and much more.
    Developers benefit from the blockchain ecosystem, communities and much more.

    Enjineer Capt did not rate this post.
  21. Battle Royale, not so much it feels like; that was more like a 2017 trend that continued strong for a couple of years. Reflecting on these last couple of years, it feels more like various genres in general are emphasized rather than one specific genre, and 2020/2021 seemed to have a larger “social” genre dominance due to people simply being locked down with games like Animal Crossing and Among Us.

    Snowy did not rate this post.

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