Ghost Recon Online is a new multi-player, third-person, cover-based tactical shooter that will be offering free-to-play online. Ghost Recon Online is developed by Ubisoft Singapore, and offers all the best qualities of the Ghost Recon franchise in a downloadable, dynamic, PC-based online game.

Post Date: 12:58 03-02-2015
Rating: 8
Author: axwellshm
Comment: For me almost every damn shooter game is kinda the same.. From this picture this crouching fella is reminding me on CoD Modern Warfare 3 character Truck. Since it is different than the Battlefield and Call of Duty series, I can say that this game is really good. Rating 8/10..
Post Date: 22:32 11-08-2014
Rating: 10
Author: andrej213
Comment: Nice classes , graphic ,for this game u need skills and that is what make it good game soo i think this will someday be more poplar then cs go soo good work ubisoft just keep going u did great job 😀 9/10 gl
Post Date: 20:08 16-06-2014
Rating: 5
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: Interesting gamre 🙂
Teamwork is most important in this game 🙂
Graphic, gameplay, sounds, fun are good 🙂
9/10 because litlle boring on start for me 🙂
Post Date: 15:12 16-06-2014
Rating: 9
Author: Weljash
Comment: The game was pretty good.The classes are as usual,you can pick from assault,recon,specialist.All 3 are pretty good.The new addition to this type of games are the devices and team support.Each class has a different device like blitz,heat…Squad support also has different types like vector detector and gunshot detector.

And now for the gameplay.The game ran very smooth no errors,no laggs,but the one thing that annoyed me was the pay2win system.Other than that the game was great,i won a couple of times.The maps are totally unique and that is pretty much it.

This is my review of the game Ghost Recon Online.

Post Date: 15:14 24-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: bloga99
Comment: Very good game,with nice graphic 🙂
Post Date: 14:07 24-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: ivekvv256
Comment: Really good game which is also hard game to play. If you don’t play as a team you will probably loose in this game and you probably won’t try to play it again. That’s why you need to be a patient person to play it. Graphics, animation and sound are really good. I enjoyed it so I rate it 10/10
Post Date: 17:49 24-04-2014
Rating: 7
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Pretty fun game with a ton of tactics next gen graphics with fun scopes 7/10
Post Date: 09:38 17-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Aki013
Comment: nice game
Post Date: 09:06 06-04-2014
Rating: 7
Author: savicaa
Comment: I just tried this game , i was not playing this game a lot but i can say some thing that i saw.. This game remeber me on Counter Strike 1.6 and more on Counter Strike 1.8 🙂
Graphic is little bit better and some animations are better , but first rule is that u need to be really fast on trigger to kill someone , its harder game then Counter Strike but there are some good and some bad things 🙂
Bad : I don’t like it cause all is same for me , in my eyes i don’t see any differnce in some pieces of map and i don’t like that games ..
Good : I like this game cause u need to be teamplayer , cause u need to have sense of shooting , how u can get behind the wall , when u need to rush some way wity your team and not get killed .. Also i like cause u need to take care of ur teammates when they are going , to look all over side and care that someone will kill them , if they kill him u will be in minus and that’s not good at all 🙂
General feeling : It’s good game , for players who likes wepons and tactics.. This game reminds me on CoD , Battlefield 4 , Counter Strike 1.6 ,1.8 and some other ..
Someone who is playing those game should definetely try this game 🙂
Post Date: 10:17 14-09-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: If you know anything at all about the Ghost Recon series, you should know that you will not get very far by storming forward with your finger tightly wound on the trigger. Not many games puts a big weight on making haste slowly as the Ghost Recon games. You are forced to take it easy or you will be quickly shot down by some guy that you’ve never even had time to see.

It’s also like that in Ghost Recon Online, the game serie’s first real step into the free to play market. But don’t get fooled by it’s free to play. It’s just as good as the ones you need to buy.

Before you start your first game, you get a guide about how to buy outfits for your character. You get to choose between three differenct classes. Assault, Specialist and Recon. The difference between them is reflected in the range of weapons and items. In the Assault class you mainly use rifles, while the Specialist and Recon are mainly using machine guns and snipers.

As mentioned, you have to hurry slowly in Ghost Recon Online. Instead it’s more about positioning and flanking, and basically it’s a requirement to take cover behind corners, low walls, building materials and so on. If you stand freely you will be penalized with extra recoil and other disorders, and after a fast spurt, you will be unable to do anything for a second or two.

Normally, only a few shots are required to get killed, something that makes you have to have a more methodical approach, think of where the enemy is hiding and using the information you get from your teammates to have a chance to survive.

The graphics are nice and detailed and the controls are doing its job. The space bar is used among other things to take shelter along the walls, and from there to steer and shoot around is very easy. Only once, the controls have been a bit crazy, and then it ended up with my character’s butt sticking out from behind a bus shelter, so that’s what my opponents saw instead of my weapon. Not flawless, but a lot better than many other games can brag about.

The game features four measly maps which in my opinion is far too little, especially since I have not yet managed to get a good game on one of them because of the sniper hysteria. Otherwise, the maps are actually quite well designed where alternate routes are available, that opens up the possibility to flank your opponent and action from both the front and from the sides.

In particular, the maps in the game mode Onslaught works well when the two teams must take turns to attack and defend a number of control points. The second game mode is called Conquest, where both teams have to start in the middle of the map and then try to push and squeeze out the other team while taking over a number of control points.

Just like in most (or maybe all?) free to play games, there’s a shop where you can spend your money. When you rise in lvl, you get access to new weapons, grenades, tools, clothing and many other things. Buying this can ba made in two ways, either with gold that you buy with your own money or with Requisition Points you earn by playing Ghost Recon Online. So far I have not found a single item in the shop that you can’t purchase with both types of payments.

Ghost Recon Online is definitely not a game for everyone. It requires a certain amount of patience and planning to succeed. If your style is more inspired to run and gun like in games like Call of Duty, there is some risk that you will not like this game. If you do not mind sitting hidden and cunningly wait out the opponents and then attack them from the side, this is clearly a game that’s worth a try. Ghost Recon Online works in many ways and can be really entertaining for many. If this is a foretaste of the future quality of all Ubisoft free to play games, the future looks bright.

Ghost Recon Online
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  1. Ghost recon is free to play multiplayer shooter video game,it has very enjoyable gameplay with much action,I suggest this game everybody

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  2. It’s a fun, free-to-play third-person shooter; definitely a game that you can enjoy playing over and over again, especially with friends. Game did feel far more limited when it first came out since it didn’t have as many game modes, maps, and classes, but it has certainly improved a bit by rolling out some updates like the Holdout game mode and the Balaklava Sub-Pen map. And the game’s graphics is pretty good; really nice use of lighting. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.25/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4

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