Finding a good free game today in 2016 is much easier than it was years ago. In the past there were freeware games on download sites and the occasional free game by a publisher looking to market a sequel or a newer version. Betrayal at Krondor is just one example of this over the years. Of course, there are also countless free flash games on countless arcade sites, but those are a dime a dozen.

The real quality free games can be found mostly on Steam these days. The platform is safe with no viruses, obviously reaches a great deal of players, and the game can be located in your Steam library instead of hidden on your hard drive or forgotten on a USB. The lucky free games even develop a sizable community. You will find the best of these games listed below.

Free Steam Games:

One Troll Army  – Great game that was made free when players beat the developers over Twitch.

Brawlhalla – Actually bought a founder’s pack for the game before it was open to all players. Still, Brawlhalla has been one of the most fun and enduring games during our Ogre Game Times.

AdventureQuest 3D – This one free MMORPG that GameOgre knows well. We not only have a couple of giveaways for the game, but we also have a GameOgre cape and have taken a tour of the game. If you see Ogreman with a blue name in the game that is me. The name color likely came from the tour as well as most of my gear like the unicorn head helmet.

Heroes & Generals – One of the more popular MMO games on Steam despite lackluster reviews. GameOgre has had successful giveaways and a review contest for this game.

World of Tanks Blitz – Free to play MMO that is currently the only way to experience this gigantic game franchise from Wargaming on Steam.

There you have the first five free Steam games that will be listed in this series. Look for more of these on a regular basis.


  1. The list is nice I’ve played AdventureQuest 3D and World Tank Blitz they really are good games and free 🙂 I’ve seen a gameplay of Brawlhalla, in my opinion the best game out of this list is AdventureQuest 3D if you play the game you won’t see much content yet like other games since it’s still in Beta.

    Masako did not rate this post.
  2. I would also suggest AQ3D if you need a game to play on the side when your brain is fried or if you need a game to take your mind off more challenging games.

    Rex did not rate this post.
  3. It’s pretty easy to search for free games on Steam. Right now, the ones that I see recommended from Steam’s most popular are CS:GO, Dota 2, Apex Legends, Splitgate (Beta), Destiny 2, Warframe, Team Fortress 2, and Brawlhalla. A lot of them are PvP games though.

    Snowy did not rate this post.

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