Don’t let the long winded title and the confusing preceding trilogy fool you, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Final Cut is quite possibly the best action RPG since Diablo 3. However, it could take a few pointers from Diablo in terms of simplicity and the simple fact that sometimes less is more. For starters, the game should be called Van Helsing or even Helsing. Anything above that just takes away from the franchise. Don’t believe me? Take a look at Doom, Quake, Halo, and, yes, even Diablo itself. Next order of business would be to remove the previous three titles and make this the first installment of a very good franchise. Instead, this game is free if the own the inferior trilogy. Free games are always nice, but this is undoubtedly the best game of the series and one of the best action RPGs in years.

You will need to log in multiplayer where you experience PvP or co-op, but you can play the story solo offline. After that, this mode is hit or miss. Multiplay is a hit while it actually works and does not crash. The stability or lack there of has been the miss. The other obvious downside is load times. In fact, I would go so far to say that it is has the longest load times I have experienced in a game….ever. It is not only when the game is first installed either. Furthermore, moving along on the map from one to another is also long and tedious.

When the game does finally load, especially in single player, you start to appreciate it much more. Gamers who are not patient may not make it that far though. Those that are patient will be treated to a borderline great action RPG with a rich atmosphere. After you choose one of 6 playable classes, you will get started with a ghost who is your companion and fighting ally. I chose a melee class, of course, and my official name in the game is Ogre Van Helsing. You can see some of my game play in the video below. You can also see some of the eye candy that the environments project. There is quite a bit of detail and some of the outside areas are quite impressive.

Long times aside, I would likely choose this game over every other Action RPG including the two Torchlight games besides the Diablos. The companion, the story, the environments, the game world, deep skill system, special perks, and the heaping amount of game play truly make Van Helsing Final Cut a special ARPG.

Key Features:

  • The final installment.
  • Action RPG.
  • Retails at $44.99 on Steam.
  • Free if you own the trilogy.
  • Has multiplayer modes (PvP and Co-op).
  • Has single player offline mode.
  • Can choose difficulties.
  • Six different playable classes to choose from.
  • Gothic-noir environments.
  • Level cap is 100.
  • Can gear up and get quests in towns.
  • Daily quests and regular events.


  1. The best ARPG since Diablo 3.
  2. Ghost companion.
  3. Graphics are very nice.
  4. Environments are not stuck in a dark dungeon.
  5. Voice acting is well done.
  6. Deep game play.
  7. Plethora of skills to choose from.
  8. Plenty of variety.
  9. Massive amounts of loot.
  10. Can teleport between areas instead of just walking.


  1. Loads incredibly slow when starting.
  2. You need to login to multiplayer.
  3. Multiplayer has been problematic.
  4. Loads slow between areas.
  5. Should have been one epic game instead of the previous 3.
  6. Name is long enough to confuse potential players.
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  1. Something like diablo 3 offers a story mode you can play offline, also you can play multiplayer in coop.

    Septera did not rate this post.
  2. Very cool game based like Diablo and Titan quest where you can play coop which i like so much in this type of games….Recomend this game its really good especially i like gameplay

    xicor97 did not rate this post.
  3. I remember first time I watched van helsing movie ,impression I had…… the game is even better. You have a lot possibilities in this game,lot different ways to play it,graphic is good,gameplay is awesome ,try it out!

    Djolebelevode did not rate this post.
  4. I don’t have any word for this game expect,WOW ! One of the most interesting and best games I’ve played,I like this kind of games so much ! Really good gameplay and solid graphic.I’m definetly going to recommend this to everyone.I’ll give 5/5 to this game ! Awesome game !

    ElZarid123 did not rate this post.
  5. Pretty fun game mainly for it’s single players and multi-player add on. I do like the variety of customization in the game and as well as my ghost partner helping out. Furthermore, the graphics and soundtrack are just beautiful.

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  6. It’s graphics are amazing!
    Well considering that it’s one of those van helsing games. I expected it to be good. It’s highly a fun and epic game.

    Ill give it a thumbs uppy~

    Mayonnaise did not rate this post.
  7. Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut is an amazing action role-playing game. This game really does have a nice gothic theme, but also some interesting gameplay with fun lengthy chapters and quests, crafting, and excellent combat. Multiplayer is not too interesting as single-player is, but it is still pretty interesting. The price of this game for about $45 is a bit too steep though, especially when there are other great games to play that cost a lot less. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.5/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5
  8. Wow the game looks amazing. It is always nice to be able to teleport to places and not waste time. I really think this game should do more if they can resolve the multiplayer problems and the lag time. No one would play a lag game even how good it looks.

    subeJ ratings for this post: subeJ gives a rating of 3subeJ gives a rating of 3subeJ gives a rating of 3subeJ gives a rating of 3subeJ gives a rating of 3
  9. Only the hardest difficulty+hardcore seems to have any real risk , otherwise you can just keep respawning for almost free right where you died, the price of the game is too big.

    Qsljic ratings for this post: Qsljic gives a rating of 3Qsljic gives a rating of 3Qsljic gives a rating of 3Qsljic gives a rating of 3Qsljic gives a rating of 3
  10. Another okay game but it’s too similar to other popular games so this just doesn’t seem worth it. The graphics are alright and the game play is also solid. It’s not too hard to play which is nice for those who prefer easier games. I’m going to have to rate this game 3/5.

    Stroik ratings for this post: Stroik gives a rating of 3Stroik gives a rating of 3Stroik gives a rating of 3Stroik gives a rating of 3Stroik gives a rating of 3

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