Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1 co-op game of 2008. This co-operative action horror FPS features an all new multiplayer mode, over 20 new weapons and items, and 5 new campaigns for co-operative, Versus and Survival game modes.

Post Date: 19:01 05-06-2015
Rating: 10
Author: LosmiK
Comment: Left 4 Dead 2 is better and bigger than Left 4 Dead. It’s a sequel that builds on its incredibly stern and ludicrously fun foundations, expanding in all the right places and scrubbing out all the little problems that existed in the original.
Post Date: 14:26 06-03-2015
Rating: 10
Author: axwellshm
Comment: Alright i am going to say something about the best zombie game i have played.
Well i am going to say something about the characters. There are four of them: Rochelle, Coach, Ellis, Nick, and also there are Zoey, Louis, Bill, Francis ( i think they are left for dead 1 characters) . They are really good looking when talking about their design.Okay so lets get on the zombies that are crawling in your nearby position, that have only one task – to eventually kill you. Alright so there are : Hunter, Smoker, Boomer, Jockey, Charger, Witch (which is not choosable class) and a special – Tank.
Hunter – a zombie that crawls until it gets you in his vision range, than he leaps to you and pounce you, continuing to shredd you with his claws.
Smoker – a zombie which only waits for you to get in his tongue range. Then he starts pulling you in to the zombie horde, while you are hanging on his tongue.
Boomer – a zombie that only has two options to lure a whole horde on you – Vomiting on you, or dying in your nearby position.
Jockey – a zombie which jumps on you and lead you to the thirsty horde of zombies. One of my favorites.
Charger – he only has one task – to catch you and to crash together with you in the wall where he continue to smack you to the ground.
Which – attracted by your passing near her, or while having your flashling on when near her. He is running to her prey until it touch him.
And for the end Tank – a special zombie which has only one task – kill everyone on his way (by throwing rocks or hitting you with his strong arm).

Also there are things with which you can heal your wounds. Those are First Aid Kit, Adrenalin Shot, and Pills.
First Aid Kit – Healing you with huge amount of hp which not decays over some time.
Adrenalin shot – Which gives you temporary speed boost and a 30% hp that decays over the time.
Pills – Gives same amount as First Aid Kit, and the hp boost it gives decays as same as for the adrenalin shot.

Also there are other items for getting rid of the zombie horde such as: Boomer Bile, Pipe Bomb, Molotov and also reviving your teammates – Defibrilator. Also they can wait some time and get rescued by his teammates.

I am going to explain something about the modes available to play. So there are Campaign, Versus, Survival. Campaign is same as always just the difficulties getting changed. And when they are changing the amount of hp you lose when zombie hurts you increases.
Versus – One round you are Zombie preventing survivors to get to their safe zones, and being survivor to escape the horde, and eventually clear the city from the plague. Winner is the one who gets further as a survivor.
Survival – Survival mode gameplay in Left 4 Dead 2 is very much the same related to Left 4 Dead’s survival mode. Differences include being given adrenaline, bile jar, new weapons, and having to deal with a wider variety of different special infected. On Dark Carnival’s Stadium Entrance, you can also have another way to summon the Horde. Also in Left 4 Dead 2, there is a new mutation mode called “Versus Survival” which is a mix of both Survival, and Versus mode. In Versus, the Survivors’ objective is the same as the normal Left 4 Dead 2 Survival Mode, with the added difficulty of player-controlled Special Infected. The teams take turns playing as the Survivors, and the goal is to beat the other team’s survival time.

Post Date: 15:38 28-06-2014
Rating: 9
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: I played earlier this game then was god… Then the game come free on steam and i no downloaded her…. πŸ™ Very god zombie game πŸ™‚
9 πŸ™‚
Post Date: 13:10 30-05-2014
Rating: 9
Author: NeSsQQuiCk
Comment: One of the best zombie games ever I like L4d2 DayZ and Dead Island: Riptide. That are only 3 games that I liked and that involved zombies πŸ˜€ This one iss great and it has great graphics and great story
Post Date: 09:20 18-04-2014
Rating: 9
Author: nikiwild
Comment: First, my rating: 9
Multiplaer 9 / 10
Gameplay 9 / 10
Graphics 9 / 10
Sound 9 / 10It is a continue game of left 4 dead, all the sam but new characters and maps, nothing changer at all i think. The game is made by valve and it rocks. Its about 4 people killing zombies, its a little bit disgusting, because the blood and the zobies are terrifying. The game is made really good, the graphics, the sound, gameplay ane many more. You can play the game online or lan. Gather up 4 people and start killing the zombies, you can do campain with 4 people. Left 4 Dead contains four game modes: campaign, versus, survival, and single-player. The cooperative campaign consists of up to four human controlled survivors who attempt to make their way between safe rooms and eventually to rescue. In this mode, the special infected are controlled. In a versus campaign each team of one to four players plays each chapter of the campaign as both survivor and infected swapping sides once per chapter. There are new weapons, 5 more campains and several things more.
Feel free to try it its cool, as i said if u dont like zombies or blood dont play it.
Post Date: 05:57 03-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Better then number one it has better graphics more weapons such as the chainsaw guitar baseball bat combat shotgun double pistol and much more which i cannot remember there is also alot more gore the missions get harder and more interactive like lighting fire to a stage chasing zombies to a nest to kill them all so the other survivors will let you cross the bridge fill up a car with gas get out of the area and alot of other things oh and its multiplayer with alot of modes which i dont even have the time to go into right now lol
Post Date: 16:00 09-11-2011
Rating: 9
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: This game is very funny. Left 4 dead 2 is better than the first one if you ask me. But the first one was also good.. Nice graphics too.
Post Date: 00:50 04-11-2011
Rating: 10
Author: champking5
Comment: This game is beast! Survive the game by killling off zombies that try to kill you. The people in the game have very distinct ways that you would want to use all of them. Online gameplay is wonderful!
Post Date: 19:40 03-11-2011
Rating: 5
Author: lumlehsumleh
Comment: left 4 dead2 is very fun. my favourite guy us tank. he has i think the most hp.
Post Date: 20:04 22-01-2011
Rating: 9
Author: Adrian
Comment: Mush better then number 1, better combat and more interesting campaigns…I mean who doesn’t like cracking zombies with a guitar?
Post Date: 20:16 14-09-2010
Rating: 10
Author: falcon_punch12
Comment: I love Left4Dead 2. Is there a way to download it? Plz some body tell me.
Post Date: 07:32 10-05-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Tusker
Comment: I just love it.
Post Date: 07:06 18-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: jared
Comment: awesomely fun when you playing lan with 4 friends gets pretty difficult graphics are good and also the weapons are good they couldve made the way you move the people better though i love taking the chainsaw x] ive nver played it online so idk about that 8/10
Post Date: 08:56 13-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Hurley
Comment: Better graphics, better weapons and better gameplay than the the original L4D. How in the the hell can it be better for third is a big question mark.
Left 4 Dead 2
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  1. Great FPS game with zombie thematic.I enjoyed playing this game in COOP with my friends.
    There are a lot of different types of zombies and creatures and some of them have interesting way of killing them.Try this game out and if you have friends to play coop will make this game even more interesting!

    Septera did not rate this post.
  2. Old shooter video game which I played hundred times with friends.Gameplay is good and graphic is solid you can play single-player or multi-player for me multi-player is better for me because you can killing zombies with your friends,but both are interesting and bit scary πŸ™‚

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  3. Left 4 Dead 2, I got to play it twice with my friends has a lot of improvements from Left 4 Dead, but for me it’s the same as the L4D just that different maps, guns.. etc,.

    Masako ratings for this post: Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4
  4. An improved version Of Left 4 dead ofcourse that can be played on LAN with your friends to team up on killing zombies. πŸ™‚

    Za Ka Ri did not rate this post.
  5. A sequel to the award winning game Left 4 Dead. This game will sure get into your nightmares. A game similar to Left 4 Dead but with more weapons, game modes but still a co-op friendly game for all those people that want to spend their time with their friends in a thriller game that is. This game is a must try indeed.

    Kapen did not rate this post.
  6. 3/5 – Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first player shooter game this game is a beautiful demonstration of how games have changed in only 10 years. It used to be free but now it costs money I’m not sure why they would do that it doesn’t seem like a good business move. It’s still a fun game to play with friends or a lot of people online.

    Rex did not rate this post.
  7. Left 4 Dead 2 is one of the best horror FPS games out there to play, and even though it’s been more than a decade, the game still holds up well. Playing co-op is probably the most fun you’ll get out of the game. The zombies in the game aren’t as scary as zombies in some other horror games, but it’s good enough to give you some shivers. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.35/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4

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