Players battle it out against favorite heroes from across space and various times. Players fight in floating castles, ancient ruins etc.

Play Lost Saga Now

Post Date: 11:43 27-01-2015
Rating: 7
Author: thundemp2007
Comment: Lost Saga is a free to play game with great graphics developed by I.O entertainment. There are different characters to choose from which special in melee, magic, ranged, special and premium.This game to make you advantage is of course you need to have an effort to buy real money. As this you will have several advantages like you can hire many mercenaries. This game is very interesting that should be try.

Post Date: 19:51 31-07-2014
Rating: 8
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: Veryy funny and god game… Graph is solid and gameplay too 🙂 8
Post Date: 14:16 31-07-2014
Rating: 5
Author: Marks
Comment: Very funny game.Graphics is good.
Post Date: 02:37 29-12-2013
Rating: 10
Author: keller07
Comment: it is a great fighting game. I like the graphics and i love the game so much. This game made you entertain and you cannot leave your computer once you started playing this.
Post Date: 02:07 13-02-2013
Rating: 9
Author: SwRRt
Comment: [Review]

I have to say that after spending a good 2-3 years of my life mingling in this community, this game really isn’t that bad. Lost Saga is a pretty unique game, with lots of options to make your fighting fresh. With the massive choice in characters that increase as you level up (which gives you good incentives) your gaming really doesn’t get boring all too fast. Stack that up with faction war battles done between guilds on two different teams and just normal battles with friends and you’ll end up pretty hooked.

The game already features more maps than a lot of other fighting games, and the unique battle style of the most common mode is a nice refresher too. In prisoner mode, instead of dying and re-spawning, you’re tied up after you’ve been stripped of your 4 main gears (and sources of skills.)

I love the controls for this game, a simple ‘A’ for jump, ‘S’ for guard, and ‘D’ for attack. The skills are based off of ‘AS’ ‘AD’ ‘ASD’ and ‘SD’. Arrow keys are the default movement controls for the game. Several players have been known to hook up controllers to play as well which can be seen as beneficial in combos and directional inputs.

Not only does Lost Saga feature characters like Robin Hood and Captain Hook from folk lore, but it’s also home to broader ideas like ‘mafia’ and ‘treasure hunter’, as well as premium characters (which are cash) like Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear, or Jin Kisaragi and Hazama from BlazBlue.

The only complaint I could possibly make about this game is its strange community; at least to me. It has its moments of immaturity and ridiculousness. But all in all if you just ignore it and move on (or if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em), then there’s really nothing left there to be said.

I hope you give Lost Saga a try and maybe you’ll like it too.

[General Game Info]

Publisher: WeMadeEntertainment USA (Starting the 25th of February, 2013)

Playerbase: Moderate Size. Definitely a community that has shallow players. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t decent people around however, and it isn’t uncommon to find someone willing to help you out just for the love of gaming.

Graphics: Medium Quality

Type of Game: MMO Fighter; multiple character choice while in battle. (Over 100 planned characters to be released.)

Grinder?: Not really, free exp items seem to be given out on frequent occasions, on top of extra exp days and quests.

PvP: Yes, though singe-player is available in 3 known modes.

Filesize: 370MB+

Pros: Several characters to choose from, with more releasing as time goes on, Good animations for skills, original game idea, fast-paced gaming without too much of a slowdown in your flow, Several game modes, a large choice of avatar variation and styles, custom skinning is an option for your gears (Helmet, trinket, armor, and weapon).

Cons: Somewhat similar to other fighting games, can get repetitive.


Post Date: 07:27 21-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Corollarium
Comment: great, fun game 😀
Lost Saga is a fantastic action/brawler/fighter game – I am loving the pvp.

graphics: nice, bright cute.
It’s anime style, and the animation is really well done and amusing, especially with the expressions of the characters

customisation: You don’t customise an individual hero, but the huuuuuge array of heros that you can pick from more than makes up for this. You can purchase eyes and hair and gear later, but the really good ones can only be bought with real money D: it’s called astro and ingame mullah is called peso.
also, all heros, unless you use real money, are not permanent. You have a time limit, which I admit is a little irritating, so I advise that when you get free hero gift scrolls, use them to decide if the hero is decent. If they are, then use real money to permanently buy them (if you want) or use ingame money to buy more hours. Otherwise, scrap them XD that way you can spend more of the precious time on the heros you actually like.

setting and gameplay:
ok, so there is basically no storyline, just that, as usual, you awake in a foreign place. But hey, it’s a fighter game so no matter. There are many different arenas available to play in, and different settings, be it crusade, boss raid, team match or prisoner, and all are fun 🙂 I especially love team matches – they turn epic when you sometimes have 8 people on each team.
otherwise, just kick back your heels and be a spectator instead. You can watch in movie mode too, which is fun.

battle system:
funfunfun 😀
being a fighter game, you are required to have some skills with the keyboard, but it doesn’t take long to sort of get the hang of it. A for jump, S for defence, D for attack and arrows for movement. Then according to the hero, combos can result in different attacks etc. The diverse attacks amongst players makes combos very fun and furthermore you can swap between heros DURING the game, which I think is a unique feature and makes it much more interesting. That means you can mix combos yay lol.

It’s pretty user friendly, they teach you pretty thoroughly what to do. The people are reasonably friendly, but don’t be surprised to come across swearing from some randoms or people calling you lagger and noob. Just ignore it and comfort yourself by thinking that they’re just some sad people with self-esteem issues who need to constantly assert their superiority LOL. And if they get too mean, it’s possible to kick them out, so that’s good haha >:D

anyways, overall, a game well worth looking into!
download doesn’t take that long and the game’s worth the wait!

Post Date: 22:51 23-10-2011
Rating: 6
Author: lumlehsumleh
Comment: Love the skills you can use in this game. i like how you fight other people. The graphics are decent…
Post Date: 08:21 09-05-2011
Rating: 8
Author: mmowiz
Comment: the download for lost saga is more than i expected. i thought it was a browser game at first. i have to admit that i liked the game once i started playing. lost saga is better than lt looks at first.
Post Date: 17:30 07-05-2011
Rating: 9
Author: Webber
Comment: The action is awesome! You battle a weird cast of characters in a crazy battle royale. It reminds me of a console game I used to play.
Post Date: 02:42 04-05-2011
Rating: 8
Author: Joker
Comment: Lost Saga is fun if you like Cartoon cutesy graphics. I like the selection of heroes you can play. I would rather play Lost saga than AQ World:D.
Post Date: 23:02 03-05-2011
Rating: 5
Author: seifsalah
Comment: it is nice game really nice i like it it is kinda not very good quality i kinda think it is good for kids
Post Date: 19:44 03-05-2011
Rating: 10
Author: quinn
Comment: Lost Saga is an awesome MMO. Basically, players fight it out on the battlefield…but with a twist. Once your HP hits zero, every time you are hit a piece of clothing falls off. Anyone can pick up this clothing (including yourself) and get the skills from it.

It’s very exciting, fast, action-filled gameplay, with a mix in of strategy and reflexes. I would strongly recommend it to any avid MMO player.

Post Date: 06:10 18-04-2011
Rating: 4
Author: sasuke24
Comment: One of the best fighting MMO. I like the gameplay and the graphics.
Post Date: 16:25 09-04-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Adrian
Comment: The classes are neat, gamemodes are fun. Graphics are okay, overall its a great game.
Post Date: 07:09 09-04-2011
Rating: 9
Author: EcLuD
Comment: good game! I liked several powers and graphics, the style I like! I recommend it, 9 / 10
Post Date: 01:18 24-09-2010
Rating: 8
Author: RandomZ
Comment: This game is fun mainly cause they offer many unique classes to keep the game fresh. The skill animations are also very good. Fast-paced and fluid gameplay never gives a dull moment. There are also numerous game modes to try out. Nice MMOFG overall
Post Date: 01:27 29-08-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Traar
Comment: One of my favorite games with Dungeon Fighter Online. The graphics are sharp for a fighting game.
Post Date: 08:40 03-06-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Knight-Akira
Comment: Its a great MMOFG you have great fun using the different heros and skills they have.
i give it a 10/10
Post Date: 07:50 27-02-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Batal
Comment: Lost Saga looks awesome. I will try to play until Get Amped 2 comes back.
Lost Saga
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  1. Lost saga is an online casual MMO featuring many different characters. The game not only boasts smooth game-play but also emphasizes individual creativity. There are endless ways to win matches and knock your opponents’ pants off, literally.

    LosmiK did not rate this post.
  2. Lost Saga is arcade fighting MMORPG game in 3rd world.You have a few lobbies to join and fight other players.Buying gear from cashshop is a big downside.

    Septera did not rate this post.
  3. Very cool combat 2d video game,it has much action and it is interesting,I suggest it everybody

    TheRedLight did not rate this post.
  4. Looks cool not much but shooting and stuff but enough to keep me playing for a few hours, and I like how you can use different characters from different time and space. 😀

    Masako did not rate this post.
  5. Very poor player count and huge lag Issues recently made the game pretty empty in the North America server; not to mention Nexon actually closed servers permanently because of extreme lack of players

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  6. It’s obviously dying.
    I liked the chibiness of the game. 🙁

    It wouldve been a great game. Sigh. I think it had lack of advertisment so it didnt progress well. Anyways. Its definitely a thumbs uppy~ for me~

    Mayonnaise did not rate this post.
  7. Lost Saga is a really great fighting MMO with some interesting heroes, fun classes, and enjoyable battles. I really enjoyed playing through the team death match in this game. The variety that this game offers, both for gameplay and characters, is exceptional. The graphics in this game is very smooth and pleasing to the eyes. Overall, I would rate this game a 4/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4
  8. Cute as well. the game is pretty and it gots the same feel as GetAmped games. i really liked the get amped games. chibi heroes cool skills and classes and it gots a great fighting gameplay. thumbs uppy~~

    Mayonnaise ratings for this post: Mayonnaise gives a rating of 3Mayonnaise gives a rating of 3Mayonnaise gives a rating of 3Mayonnaise gives a rating of 3Mayonnaise gives a rating of 3
  9. Lost Saga is an action game with 60 characters and a lot of combo moves. Not really a fan of how the combat is delayed and the combat just doesn’t flow smoothly. Also pvp is unbalanced

    Rex did not rate this post.

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