Magerealm has offered a nice gift pack giveaway to visitors. All you have to do is comment in the box below requesting the code. It will then be sent to your email address. Also please like the post if you are a fan of the game.

magerealmPlay MageRealm Now

Code Redemption:
Step 1: Click on the Hot Event on the top right corner.
Step 2: Click on “Gift Code” and go to the gift code page
Step 3: Please input the gift code you received into the blank
Step 4: Click on “Collect Rewards” to get the gift!

Gift Pack Contents:
Realmgem x200
lvl.1 Gem Chest x3
Gold x199999
Amethyst x99999


Please be aware that the gift codes will expire on 9/30/2015 HKT. That is over three months from now.

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Editor and admin of for over 10 years. Always willing to improve and its game community. If you have any questions or business offers, please feel free to contact me.


  1. If there are any codes or new promotions for codes available please send it my way,
    thank you

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