
  • Guild Wars 2’s first expansion is here! Heart of Thorns introduces one new class, 7 new Elite Specs, tons of new progression and a crazy new map design that’s almost built 3D… O and Gliding! The base game also […]

    • I played this game for while and its one of rare game where i didnt found Salty players or any kind negativity, but thats all tnx to game design, there is no need to fight with some1 for killing some mobs while doing quests, making everything shareable, from loot to xp, even events, is one of the best move, even today when i have free time i play game, but am only on beginning and still need to explore game.
      From what i saw, it can get only better

    • Very good game, good graphic, gameplay also, everything about this game is good, and that’s rare nowadays.
      I recommend it to everyone.

    • The game is primarily PvP based. Monetized tournaments and PvP based guilds are abundant and ArenaNet, in my opinion, really understood what players were looking for in PvP, and even more so in Guild Wars 2. No longer is gear a factor in PvP .Even the storyline was rather fun to play and follow. If you enjoy game lore then you will sure get a lot of lore out of Guild Wars. Small in-game content and books cover most of the lore of the Guild Wars universe.

    • A complete MMORPG game with so much content and in-game stuff. The adventure here is insane, the community is active and so the players, Recommended!

    • I have heard a lot about this game from my friends who used to play it but sadly not anymore

    • That sounds really good and covers what you’d usually look for

    • Not bad for being the first expansion pack for Guild Wars 2. Setting of this expansion is pretty cool, since the player explores a lush jungle called the Heart of Maguuma. Storyline itself is pretty good, with some pretty great voice acting, and this expansion introduces new races like the Exalted, Nuhoch, Itzel, Saurians, and Chak. My favorite are the Nuhoch since they’re essentially frog creatures. And there’s far more stuff in this expansion, a chock-full of content that’ll definitely be worth the $50 price tag. Overall, I’d rate this expansion a 4.85/5.

  • ArcheAge is an upcoming MMORPG in development by Korean company XLGames. Players enter a fantasy world and start play on one of two continents: Nuia (Elves), and Harihara (Ferres). From there, everything else is […]

    • Game has very awesome graphics and gameplay is amazing….There are alot good items and community is good for the most part which makes this game pretty cool to play if you are mmo fan…Recommend it like always 😀

    • Decent game with good graphic but bad gameplay for my taste. You can try it,maybe you will like it

    • Pok replied 9 years ago

      Great Free to play video game with solid graphic,I recommend it everybody

    • I though it will be awesome game but after watching the trailer and gameplay i don’t like it.

    • A really great game… playing on what you want… I really want to play it…

    • Graphics and animations are amazing. The community is fond with helping each other. The attacking with groups to the mounts you can ride on show’s the variety of this game. I highly suggest it to any mmos players .

    • I must say, i’m amazed. This MMO is pretty neat and awesome. The graphics, hhm… Well done! Gonna give 8.5/10 for that.

      The community isnt crappy like any other MMOs where community is toxic.

      The gameplay is great too. But yup. Simetimes there are flaws but hey, all MMOs do have flaws.

      So all in all… Thumbs uppy~

    • At first glance, ArcheAge is a nice MMORPG with outstanding, colorful graphics, an amazingly huge class system, and a lot of freedom as it’s also a sandbox. While it is fun to play at first, it isn’t the most ideal game as it feels somewhat pay2win, as patrons have a lot of benefits, and ArcheAge did previously have a lot of issues with its community exploiting the game. It isn’t the worst MMORPG to play, but it doesn’t meet my expectation of an outstanding MMORPG. Hopefully ArcheAge will improve, but so far, I would give this game a 3.4/5.

    • The game is great and has it’s own pros and cons.
      Firstly i would like to say that the game is not only about leveling there is tons of content awaiting for you also the quests aren’t lame and boring and you level up fast. It’s awesome sandbox MMORPG but the only con is that if you don’t pay you have a couple disadvantages and restrictions.

  • Elder Scrolls Online will have everything from solo questing to public dungeons awaits in our enormous July cover story – as well as a peek at the player-driven PvP conflict that pits the three player factions a […]

    • I like this kind of game, the first time I tried it I liked it, try it.

    • Great game, I like it! Recommend to try it out 🙂

    • This game is very funny to play you can do alot surts of stuffs…Its open world and have many posibilities…..Prefer it to anyone who likes open worlds

    • I love every elder scrolls Skyrim,Oblivion,Morrowind and DaggerFall which I played 10 years ago.This game got great history but i never knew It can be played online?that must be awesome.I play elder scrolls V currently and I got Nord warrior level 41

    • Rex replied 7 years ago

      4/5 – The Elder Scrolls Online is a solid MMORPG that is worth the purchase. PvE is really fun, lots to do and PvP is quite difficult.

    • Elder Scroll is a great RPG game with a great storyline and gameplay, still one of the best and frequently played RPGs of 2018!

    • The Elder Scrolls Online is a pretty fun MMORPG, a game with an immersive open world and fun quests that aren’t as monotonous as other MMORPGs. Pretty cool that this game is set 1,000 years before Skyrim, and the artwork feels true to other series in the Elder Scrolls series. Character creation offers amazing selection, allowing you to choose gender (no gender-lock), alliance, and race (ten available races), a handful of classes, and a lot of options to customize your face and body, so there’s a lot more to this game than your average MMORPG. And unlike a lot of MMORPGs which feature a basic tab-targetting combat, this game has more of an action combat which fits nicely. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.8/5; definitely a game worth playing.

  • Morrowind is the the game that really kicked off the TES series. Technology finally caught up to the vision and they merged into one of the best open world RPGs to date. It’s been the foundation ever since.

    • I do not know, maybe I’m wrong, but I agree Septera, Super game now.

    • As they said, game is really great… It is worth to try it out 🙂

    • Great game but very very old,I pref Oblivion,and elder scrolls 5 more the this but game is not bad for that time 😛

    • Great game at it’s time, I have to say I prefer this over Oblivion, oblivion is better game overall, but this was better at its respective time … 3/5 from me

    • If you enjoy open world quest based games you’ll enjoy the Elder Scrolls series. This game is a bit old but you can use mods to modernize the game to your liking

    • Morrowind, the game of my childhood, the starter of my love for The Elder Scrolls series. Mechanics are so outdated, but the story, soundtrack and lore still tops most things I’ve played since. Mod this to hell to make it look better, crash it a few times and embrace its bugginess and love every second of this. <3

    • Pretty cool game in the Elder Scrolls series, but a bit old. This game did come out in 2002, so I don’t expect a lot for graphics, but Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is quite remarkable for an RPG, even for its time. Game has great combat and an amazing open-world, but I think what keeps this game alive is the fact that the game’s moddable. Personally, I would recommend Skyrim over Morrowind, just because Skyrim’s more modern to the series. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.4/5.

  • Torchlight 2 is a action RPG from Runic Games. Torchlight 2 takes a lot of ideas from Diablo 2 and for good reason, Runic Games was founded by a few of the original creators of Diablo. Torchlight 2 can be played […]

    • When I first watched gameplaj, did not like it because it’s like Diablo and LoL (Aram), I do not like most, I do not like games that replicate the other.

    • When I first watched gameplay, did not like it because it’s like Diablo and LoL (Aram), I do not like most, I do not like games that replicate the other.

    • Hmm, for ma game is solid… Something like Diablo, i recommend to try but it is not that great 🙂

    • Game is like Diablo,Titan quest or Path of the exile type….Pros are that you have alot mobs to kill , you have alot builds and items to check and different types of gameplay….Game is really cool to me cuz i like this types of games and recommend it to other fans

    • An action RPG video game gameplay is interesting,and graphic is great I suggest this game everybody

    • Another game that looks like Diablo.
      It’s good, but only bad thing is graphic, i don’t find it ‘awesome’ , but gameplay is good tho

    • Great gameplay,but cartoonish graphic,anyway,still good game

    • Great combat and gameplay, the graphics are a bit cartoonish though so if you’re not into that sort of thing then maybe look at the trailer or some gameplay before buying. The story doesn’t go into very deep detail it’s mostly just side missions throughout the game.

    • Takes me back to my Diablo days, but with so much more to love. Beautiful artwork and design.

    • TL 2 is a great game with lots of mods and single /party adventures. The game needs improvements because of the limitation of quests but the mods are so nice!

    • Torchlight 2 is a great ARPG; really like the crisp artwork of this game, especially with the toonish theme for the art. Gameplay’s quite nice as well, and I think if you like the Diablo series (especially Diablo 2), you’ll probably enjoy Torchlight 2 as well. You have four classes to choose from (Engineer, Outlander, Berserker, and Embermage) and each class has their own skill trees, so there’s quite a lot of depth in these classes. The plot kind of builds on top of the original Torchlight, but I feel like the plot in the original is kind of forgettable since it’s more of a dungeon crawling experience, so if you haven’t played the original game, I think jumping into Torchlight 2 is fine. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.5/5.

  • Oblivion, the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls series, is set within the province of Cyrodiil, the heartland and Imperial capital of Tamriel. Emperor Uriel Septim VII is assassinated in flight from his own palace, […]

    • Oblivion is the type of game where you can customize your character…You can make him look how you want, there are alot races so there is alot posibilies…Graphics are especially good and gameplay is very funny…You can do pretty much everything.Game has open world and there are alot tasks and missions to do that also makes it funny….Sure i recommend everyone this game

    • Pok replied 9 years ago

      Oblivion is one of older rgps,it is like skyrim but a bit older,type of game is same as in skryim,but online different thing is lower graphic .

    • Old but golden rpg game, i like it, it’s fun to play, i recommend it.

    • This game is a gem well gold like whitepaper said the gameplay is Legendary lol the graphics is good the artwork is fine though I like skyrim better 🙂

    • Skyrim was my favorite game of all time so I decided to try this out and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Please don’t get turned off by the poor graphics because the game otherwise is imply amazing.

    • Skyrim is one of the most famous rpg games with a crazy adventure and a great medieval scenery with a great amount os bosses and mobs.

    • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has old graphics, but it’s definitely more of an improvement over its predecessary The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for its graphics. And the setting is pretty nice as well, a bit more like your traditional fantasy with emphasis on castles. But I feel like Oblivion tends to be somewhat more forgettable in the Elder Scrolls series, and I think the reasons why is that questing is not as fun compared to Morrowind and Skyrim, plus modding for this game tends to get overshadowed by modding for other TES games like Morrowind and especially Skyrim. But overall, I’d rate this game a 4.39/5; still a pretty great game, but I’d probably rank the game just below Morrowind.

  • The Elder Scrolls V. Choose from hundreds of weapons, spells, and abilities. The new character system allows you to play any way you want and define yourself through your actions.

    Post Date: 08:00 […]

    • This game is awesome because you can do alot of stuffs….Pretty much love this type of games….Graphics and gameplay is awesome overall i recommend this game it is very funny and interesting…Plus story is amazing

    • This gane is awesome but old i play mage on my computer i currently downloaded

    • I like this game so much.
      King of Skyrim has been killed.And the country of Skyrim is stucked in war between Imperial and Nordic army.The eldest dragon Alduin has been awaken,who has ability to deveour dead souls.But there is someone who can absorb souls of a dead dragon,and he can learn their tounge.His name is Dragonborn.
      One of last dragonborn has to get strength,power to defeat other evil dragons.
      Graphic good,gameplay fantastic.
      Giving 5 stars for this.

    • The Game LOOKS SO COOL!!! It has a nice graphics!!! RIP MY PC!!! 🙁 Hope i can play this too…

    • Hmm. Okay by far. This is one of the best games i really liked. The story, the side quests, the open world setting is what makes it so fun. The graphics is like Dragon’s Dogma – ish and i really liked it.

      Im gonna give 10/10 aaaand
      A Thumbs Uppy~

    • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an amazing single player open world role-playing game, especially as the player can explore around, play this game modded, enjoy the story, and have a fun time with the combat. The graphics in this game are very detailed and the gameplay by far is one of the best gameplays that I have played for a role-playing game. Perhaps my favorite thing about this game is that it can be played with modifications which greatly enhance the game. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.5/5.

    • I would recommend this game to all of my friends, and I implore anyone who kin of wants to get it to get this game. This game gives people a very nice experience, with how open it is. There are so many side quests, mods, DLCs etc. that this game will keep you hooked for many hours.

    • ESV is a complete game with great improvements from it latest release of the series. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay too.

  • Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) is the sequel to the award-winning Left 4 Dead, the #1 co-op game of 2008. This co-operative action horror FPS features an all new multiplayer mode, over 20 new weapons and items, and 5 new […]

    • G

    • game looks good you kill zombies, good coop with your friends, graphics are awesome so you should play this game if you like survival games like me

    • Pok replied 9 years ago

      Old shooter video game which I played hundred times with friends.Gameplay is good and graphic is solid you can play single-player or multi-player for me multi-player is better for me because you can killing zombies with your friends,but both are interesting and bit scary 🙂

    • The good thing about this game is that you can play it LAN with friends which is really fun.
      Graphic is good and gameplay is good as well, i recommend it.

    • Left 4 Dead 2, I got to play it twice with my friends has a lot of improvements from Left 4 Dead, but for me it’s the same as the L4D just that different maps, guns.. etc,.

    • An improved version of Left 4 dead of course. A Lan game that can be played with your friends to team up killing zombies. 🙂

    • An improved version Of Left 4 dead ofcourse that can be played on LAN with your friends to team up on killing zombies. 🙂

    • Great Game.. Cool Graphics.. KILL ZOMBIES!!!! Thats what makes this game AWESOME!!! Really like this… 😛

    • Cool game ! I really like zombies lmao 🙂 Nice , really great

    • A sequel to the award winning game Left 4 Dead. This game will sure get into your nightmares. A game similar to Left 4 Dead but with more weapons, game modes but still a co-op friendly game for all those people that want to spend their time with their friends in a thriller game that is. This game is a must try indeed.

    • 3/5 – Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first player shooter game this game is a beautiful demonstration of how games have changed in only 10 years. It used to be free but now it costs money I’m not sure why they would do that it doesn’t seem like a good business move. It’s still a fun game to play with friends or a lot of people online.

    • Left 4 Dead 2 is one of the best horror FPS games out there to play, and even though it’s been more than a decade, the game still holds up well. Playing co-op is probably the most fun you’ll get out of the game. The zombies in the game aren’t as scary as zombies in some other horror games, but it’s good enough to give you some shivers. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.35/5.

  • From Valve (the creators of Counter-Strike, Half-Life and more) comes Left 4 Dead, a new kind of action game for the PC and Xbox 360, that features single player, co-op and multiplayer game modes. Set in the […]

    • Game is awesome u got your team and kill zombies but I think it is better to play multyplayer

    • An action-packed zombie filled game that will surely leave you with nightmares. This game deserves a lot of credit for its graphics and intense game play. The ending was I like the most of course where piles of endless zombies and a few “special” ones try to stop you get to safety. A must- try for sure.

    • Left 4 Dead is an amazingly fun survival horror first-person shooter game. A lot of horror games that I come across usually lack the shooting aspect that Left 4 Dead incorporates. For the most part, I just love the co-op shooting aspect of Left 4 Dead and think that it enhances the game tremendously. I also enjoy the four different game modes that the game offers. As for graphics, the environment in the game is eerie and foggy, the characters are very detailed, especially the gore-like zombies, and the overall graphics appear smooth and detailed. The game’s plot is interesting and pretty much describes what a zombie apocalypse is all about. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.8/5.

  • KumaWar, the first Kuma Reality Game, is a first and third-person tactical squad-based game that provides multiple updates monthly to the consumer’s computer to reflect unfolding events in the real world. Each […]

    • Great concept. an interactive way to experience the war. I learned more via the intel and game play than watching the news. game play was fun and fast. I liked it more than Ghost Recon for fast play and teams.

    • I like this game, not the best but gr8 war game, ist older and that is best seen on graph. Gameplay it self is a bit faster that i expected, but its not bad for fun with friends

    • Interesting online game,but I expected more from gameplay,a lot more,so I would give 2 stars,dont recommend it unless you are really bored

    • Shooter online video game.Gameplay is good but graphic is bad for me,I expected more from graphic,but try it anyway.

    • It’s a decent game. Some of the environments can be a bit bland though. What’s good is that this game has both campaign and multiplayer.

    • KumaWar is an interesting online tactical shooter game. I really do not expect much from the graphics considering that this game came out in 2004, so I respect the game’s graphics for what it is and would even say that this game looks a lot better than a lot of 3D games from 2004. The gameplay, even the various missions, looks fun and interesting like most shooter games are, but I do think KumaWar could have benefited more from various game modes and gimmicks, so that the game feels more unique compared to many other online shooter games available. Overall, I would rate this game a 3.2/5.

  • It’s a co-op survival horror game. Up to 6 players in online co-op mode, or just you, on your own, playing the Solo mode. The aim – cleanse each area of zombies, in waves, until you get to the last one. The Big […]

    • If you’ve enjoyed zombie games of the past and want to see a different take on what cooperative zombie horror games should be like, then I think you will enjoy Killing Floor too.

    • Very good survival game…Game is very funny to play with your friend…You need teamwork to defeat all these zombies which is very interesting i alot prefer this type of games ….Graphics are awesome as well….Recommend this game if you play with friends

    • Game is not bad, join with your friends and your job is to survive zombies, they are coming in waves, u can kill or block their way in depend of your strategy. I do like graph in game, but i dont like looks of zombies.

    • I have never liked zombie games,but I liked survival (irony is that most of survival games are zombie games). I have been playing a lot of survival games,and I haven’t found yourself in this,simply,i need something,gameplay is decent,graphic is bad for my taste,i don’t know,it could be interesting by playing with friends,try it

    • Pok replied 9 years ago

      Scary survival fps video game.Very similar game as Left 4 dead 2 but with better graphic.I played this times many times,because I love scary games if you love them too I recommend this game you.

    • This game is decent, if you like survival zombie games then try it. It can be repetitive though at times since you gotta play through the same challenges over and over again and the campaign isn’t as good as Left 4 dead 2 imo.

    • Killing Floor 2 is definitely a fun co-op survival shooter game with zombie enemies called Zeds. I like the environment of the game, especially the detailed graphics along with the dim lighting, and the gameplay is interesting to play with other players as the players shoot down Zeds. This game is quite an expensive game though, especially compared with other survival games like Left 4 Dead 2, but this game is still interesting. Overall, I would rate this game a 4.25/5.

  • How to Survive is a third-person action adventure game that equips players to stay alive in a world where the outbreak of an unknown virus has turned most of the population into zombies.

    Post Date: 11:25 […]

    • Game looks realistic, movement is rly good, action also, when u chop a tree it looks so good. I like all good rewards that u can get when u explore things. What i dont like is lots of dialog, because it is poorly done.
      If u have time to read and listen to all conversation u can play it, for me its way to much

    • The game is really realistic,gameplay is awesome,you have so many things to do,graphic cool too
      My suggestions

    • The game is awesome and it has very great graphic,it reminds me on Diablo a bit I recommend this game for all of you

    • the Game looks cool… Wanna try it soon… 😛

    • How to Survive is a pretty good game. I’m not exactly a fan of the top-down isometric design, but that’s just preference; kind of wish it was more like your typical third-person game. Graphics is pretty good, but the animation isn’t the best since the character moves around and attacks enemies a bit oddly. And this game kind feels a bit more RPG-like despite having “survive” in the game name since there are missions and objectives, skills, and an inventory system; it is partly an action RPG after all, so don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s just a survival game. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4/5.

  • After the UFE Starship Hammerhead failed to report on its mission, you were sent in to investigate. As you searched the now abandoned ship you discovered the festering presence of an alien spawn…and they’re […]

    • 2/5 – Decent 2D side scrolling game but outdated, there’s a lot of games like this but more modern

    • Hostile Spawn is a pretty cool game. It’s considered a shooter game, but it kind of looks like a dungeon crawler at first glance, and that could just be the top-down map design with boxed in areas. Graphics is alright; definitely not the best, but this game did come out in 2008, so I probably shouldn’t expect too much out of the graphics. The gameplay looks pretty fun though; I feel like the dim-litted view distance makes the game fun, because enemies can sneak right in front of you from the dark, but at the same time, I feel like that limited view distance is there to create “artificial difficulty”. Overall, I’d rate this game a 3.75/5.

  • Heroes & Generals is a free-to-play massive online FPS from Reto-Moto with a strategic multiplayer campaign component. Set during WWII, the game offers several different game modes with a persistent game world and […]

    • For every WW2 fans, this game is perfect. Awesome graphic and sounds, rly cool vehicles that u can use, bike tanks, motorcycle and many more. Game is smooth and full of action, 5 stars from me

    • game looks good i haven’t played it yet but i am thinking to start to play it cuz i like fps games especially ww2

    • Good game,battles are interesting,graphic looks good. FPS game based on ww2. If you like Call of duty 1/2 ,try this game too

    • 3/5 – Heroes & Generals is a free MMOFPS where you can play as a infantry, tank, fighter pilot and you fight with other people in a war. The historical facts of this game is something to be applauded for especially how accurate it is

    • Pretty cool multiplayer FPS with a World War II setting. One thing that really elevates the gameplay, and makes it more than just a shooting game is the inclusion of vehicles, whether that’s terrain vehicles, motorcycles, tanks, planes, or other vehicles. And the overworld maps in this game are well-designed (with strategic areas to hide for cover or snipe enemies), making the experience quite enjoyable. Unfortunately there’s no campaign mode or single player mode, but that’s perfectly fine since this game is free to play anyway, so you don’t have to worry about spending money on a multiplayer experience (which is typically worse on pay-to-play games). Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.25/5.

  • Interesting if not a little rough at the moment but it’s a new release so that’s too be expected these days. The game seems to have a lot of potential and I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve put in so far. Looking forward to playing some more and seeing what else is in store.

  • By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life 2 opens the door to a world where the player’s presence affects everything […]

    • Fantastic game, very good graphics, I like it, I played it.

    • One of most legend game ever 🙂 Big recommend,you will enjoy ,i am sure

    • Very good 1st person shooter video game,developed by Valve Corporation.It has decent graphic and interesting gameplay with much action,I played this game as a kid and I recommend it everybody

    • Good 1st person shooter game, you will enjoy if you play it.. i recommend it

    • The gameplay is good graphics not so much the artwork sucks 😀 anyway trying it won’t be a waste of time you might oike the game. 🙂

    • One of my favorite games, like HL 1 it was ahead of its time and it completed reinvented 1st shooter games. Not a fan of the story in this game tho, i felt like it was a bit lacking in the first part but the gameplay and the designs of each level is amazing.

    • This is one of those games that is a must play in anybodies gaming queue. Truly an impactful classic every one should try at least once.

  • Guns of Icarus takes place in a dystopian future where the only way to transport anything is by airship. These mighty creations, amply equipped with six gun stations, must battle inclement weather and the vicious […]

    • A solid game, I played it, I like it.

    • Kinda good game, you are on airship and u need to conquer sky. You need to find and join crew, wit them u go and destroy other airships, what i like the most is that u need to go from 1 canon on airship to another, u cant kill all enemies with only 1 canon. There are many different canons ammo, their usage depend of situation that you are in. Like idea of game, so far i didnt saw anything like this

    • Nice online video game,I enjoyed playing it has interesting gameplay and good graphic,I recommend it everybody

    • This game kinda reminds me of the first mission in Medal of Honor Rising sun except in this game this the only mission and you have to take out incoming air crafts on a airship.

  • Gotham City Impostors is a first-person shooter multiplayer-only video game set in the universe of DC Comics’ Batman. Developed by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, the […]

    • Crazy and wild, Gotham City Impostors is a great multiplayer action game with great personality, a very good sense of humor, endless customization options and a very direct and intense gameplay that has enchanted us.

    • Great FPS game with good action scenes,i really like gameplay,and graphic is quite good too 🙂
      I recommend it

    • Great fps game with good humor surrounding the story and characters. Throughout the game you earn costume coins and you can use them to unlock gloves, embles for your character.

  • Gimbal is the multiplayer shooter with buildable vehicles. Craft the perfect ship, and then take to the skies with other pilots in real time combat. Cap flags, race ships, and blow each other up in a social […]

    • I did not like, bad is determined.

    • I dont like this game, camera is weird, gameplay confusing for me. You are in some kind of space and shooting things around you. I saw so many better arcade games. Needs to be smoother for me to enjoy in it

    • Excellent aircraft game,as brano said,camera is a bit weird,but I like gameplay.It reminds me on chicken invaders,like new gen chicken invaders,i like it,try it out.

    • It’s an ok game but not for me, the gameplay looks very complicated from the gist of it but the UI looks clean and smooth and the sound is smooth.

  • Ghost Recon Phantoms is free-to-play third-person multiplayer shooter game.There are three classes: Assault, Recon, and Support.There are three modes:Conquest,Onslaught and Holdout.

    Post Date: 22:56 […]

    • Pok replied 9 years ago

      this is free to play multiplayer 3rd person shooter video game.this game reminds me on star wars but with a little bit better story

    • Solid shooter game where you compete with others,I recommend it

    • Ghost Recon Phantoms is a 3D mmo shooter where you become an elite ghost. What I like bout this game it that it combines both modern and futuristic weps and gear. The game modes are fun and theres a lot of maps to play in.

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