xOwl commented on the post, Why are Esports so Popular in 2021? 3 years, 10 months ago
As a person who grew up technically along side technology, I can really agree to the fact that E-sport is one of the most popular way to become more than in gaming than just playing. Couldn’t agree more that E-sport even became more popular during this whole Lockdown since a lot of people are forced not to go out and do almost everything online,…[Read more]
xOwl commented on the post, The “Diets” of Heavy Gamers? 4 years, 7 months ago
It’s so nice to see article regarding this topic for I personally think this is very relevant nowadays. I am not a Streamer or somewhat a heavy gamer myself, but I do experience not having a decent meal just to play a computer game for so many hours. I didn’t really get to the point of having some problems in my health or mind during those times,…[Read more]
xOwl changed their profile picture 5 years, 1 month ago
xOwl commented on the post, The Most Popular Online Multiplayer Games of the 90s 5 years, 1 month ago
It’s cool to know that some of the games I’ve played during the early days of my gaming life is part of this list which took part in making popular games nowadays. I personally played Command and Conquer, Diablo and Half Life. I’m no expert thus making me enjoy the game more as I learn how the game works, plus playing it in multiplayer makes those…[Read more]
xOwl commented on the post, Awesome Simulation Games to Check Out on PlayStation 5 years, 4 months ago
Simulator games is indeed one of the best game genre that will manifest the player’s real attitude/skills (somehow). Having the feeling that you are really the one doing all the stuff ingame is a plus point in spending a large amount of time gaming. I personally would love to try the Farming Simulator!
xOwl commented on the post, Benefits of Playing Online Games 5 years, 4 months ago
Games isn’t just only for entertainment or a way to spend time and money (just like some of our parents always say xD). It’s really just a matter of right discipline to be a real Gamer. Converting our acquired skills ingame and putting it to use irl for me is the best way to really use online games. I personally Developed my whole knowledge in…[Read more]
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