active 2 hours, 48 minutes ago-
Snowy commented on the post, Battlefield Vietnam Review 3 years, 7 months ago
It’s an alright FPS, a bit old now since this game did release in 2004, and there are other FPS that have vastly improved over the years. Game has old-looking graphics and not the most refined gameplay. But if you compare this game with other games of the FPS genre around the same time period, it would definitely be above average. Theme seems to…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, GoPets Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Not bad, but game is pretty old dating all the way back to 2005. It’s a virtual pet site with mini games like Diner Dash 2, Sudoku, etc. and various pets and micropets, where micropets are pets for your pets. The game was moderately successful though, even spawning its own license with Konami to release the Nintendo DS game, GoPets: Vacation…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Best Gaming PCs 3 years, 7 months ago
Seems like a reasonable gaming PC, though gaming PCs will vary from people to people. For instance, you can always get the best overall performance, but the best-performing PCs can cost thousands of dollars and is often more than anyone needs. It’s always important to consider things like, how much storage do you need (I personally think 2…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, While PC Sales Decline, PC Gaming Hardware Gains Popularity 3 years, 7 months ago
I wonder how PC gaming hardware will trend in these upcoming years. Right now, there’s a global shortage of semiconductors, but there’s also PC technology to be excited for like the upcoming operating system Windows 11 and the Steam Deck handheld PC. I feel like there’s going to be high demand and low supply.
Snowy commented on the post, Mobile Phone and Social Game Trends 3 years, 7 months ago
Simplification seems to be the biggest trend all over mobile. You see it from logos and icons (e.g. the transition from skeumorphic design to a more flatter design), to web interface (e.g. card layouts, bigger buttons, flatter colors, etc.), and in mobile games (e.g. simpler UI and controls). It makes a lot of sense for many things to be…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Online Games Versus Offline Games 3 years, 7 months ago
Online games are great, but I don’t think there’s really a big advantage of online games over offline games. You can still have the best of both worlds. I like jumping onto online games, especially if I can hang out with communities and play with/against other people, but I like offline games, when there’s a power outage (or when Wi-Fi to the…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, GoSupermodel Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Would say it’s an alright game, but demographic of this game is more for females. Game has dress up similar to IMVU and other similar games, plus some social aspects. Also has its own mini games like Backstage Fever and Sketzmo, but I probably like Sketzmo the most since it’s all about drawing. Overall, I’d rate this game a 2.85/5; game simply…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Battlefield Bad Company 2 Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is anything but bad. Might be over a decade old, but the game looks nice even today with huge maps and great environments. Campaign mode might not be as amazing as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s campaign mode, but the multiplayer mode is really the star of the game. I think the onslaught mode was pretty cool since it…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Habbo Hotel Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Not sure if Habbo Hotel is the same as just Habbo, but seeing videos of this game, it’s much like the isometric pixelated games of the 2000s. Looking at some 2020 gameplay footage of the game, it certainly hasn’t aged well. Doesn’t really feel like the game’s added much new in 20 years, so visiting this game would mostly be for nostalgia. Overall,…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Kuso Party Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Pretty cool Japanese social game, a really great way to interact with and meet new friends. Even has mini games which seem pretty fun. The Kuso Lover system is kind of a weird feature for a game though. The virtual room feature is kind of neat though; kind of like a house system that you would expect in any other virtual world. Overall, I’d rate…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Little Space Heroes Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Definitely a “clone game” or a “knockoff” in so many ways. Not the most creative game since it heavily mimics Club Penguin. The chat bar looks much like Club Penguin’s chat bar, but with a curve. And the game even has the moderator badge button on the top right of the screen, just like Club Penguin. It’s not the most original game, but it does…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Most Influential Video Game Creators 3 years, 7 months ago
Those are definitely some influential video game creators. I think another creator to consider is Shigeru Miyamoto, who is responsible for Mario, Zelda, Starfox, and more, and also defining Nintendo as a video game company, possibly even reviving video games after the 1983 video game crash. But for contemporary game creators, I think one that…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Raspberry Pi: Setting up the DIY Computer 3 years, 7 months ago
Raspberry Pi is a neat piece of technology. Personally, I don’t think it can replace a gaming PC, but it’s a fun do-it-yourself project and I’ve seen some interesting things like portable handhelds using a Raspberry Pi. It can be quite versatile, because it pretty much is a computer.
Snowy commented on the post, The Best Video Games Based On Marvel Heroes 3 years, 7 months ago
Seems kind of cool. Not surprising that there are a bunch of Marvel video games since the comics are quite popular. Same goes with DC Comics having a bunch of video games, but I think there are just more games for Marvel because that franchise just seems bigger.
Snowy commented on the post, Five Most Popular Online Game Genres 3 years, 7 months ago
Personally I wouldn’t consider eSports or Steam games to be genres. Esports are a form of competition, and Steam games are just games that are available on a specific platform. It’s like saying that speedrunning is a genre despite being its own form of competition and like saying Android/iOS games are their own genre despite being games available…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Heroes of Newerth Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Kind of cool, but the gameplay doesn’t seem all that interesting in my opinion since it does feel a lot like DOTA. In other words, gameplay doesn’t feel like an improvement, but I think if you enjoy DOTA and want a similar experience, then this game should be pretty easy to adapt to. Artwork is average; it’s not the worst thing I’ve seen, but some…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, MoiPal Review 3 years, 7 months ago
This game is very old, and I think the game shut down some time in 2012. I’m guessing the game is a mix between a virtual world and a simulation, but it doesn’t really stand out that much in my opinion. Has very basic gameplay with things activities like jumprope and decorating your apartment. Seems more like an early social game to be honest.…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Moon base Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Full name of the game is “Moonbase Alpha” and this game’s from 2010. Game isn’t so bad, but I think it can get boring, especially if you’re not into space-themed simulation games and the concept of building and piloting robots under time constraints. But it is a multiplayer game where you can communicate and team up with up to 6 players, so the…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Infinite Crisis Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Pretty cool game, but I think the game’s title could have had a more fitting name to better indicate that it’s set in the DC Comics multiverse, like how DC Universe Online made it clear that that game was a DC game. But anyway, I do like how this game incorporates DC characters into a MOBA experience; makes it seem a bit more interesting. I kind…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Nicktropolis Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Kind of a neat game for its time, especially a great way to hang out with friends, chat, and dress up your character. Not a huge fan of the isometric virtual world, but that’s just my preference. Game probably would have been a lot cooler, if the characters resembled Nickelodeon characters rather than normal-looking human characters. Also the Nick…[Read more]
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