active 8 hours, 12 minutes ago-
Snowy commented on the post, Beginners Guide to Online Games 3 years, 7 months ago
Well for a game like Minecraft, the way I would begin playing that game is by using the Minecraft Gamepedia to understand mobs, crafting, etc. Beginner’s guides will vary from game to game, but finding a resource like a Wiki tends to be helpful, at least for me.
Snowy commented on the post, Best Gaming and Movie Crossovers 3 years, 7 months ago
Most successful crossover I’ve seen is Detective Pikachu. There was also a Sonic gaming and movie crossover, but I don’t think that one was successful.
Snowy commented on the post, Noteworthy Trends in Gaming 3 years, 7 months ago
VR gets too much hype in my opinion. I think motion control has been the biggest trend in gaming in recent history, yet quite underrated, because it’s changed how people play games (by making games less sedentary), and it’s even made VR more enjoyable. By motion control, I mean like the Wii remote, the Switch Joy-cons, certain VR controllers, and…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Why Guilds & Clans Will Never Die 3 years, 7 months ago
I’ve always seen guilds as being an important aspect of MMORPGs, especially for raids and boss fights. And it’s especially nice to have a clan or a guild, when you’re playing a game that isn’t so popular, because you could just invite guild members to play with you.
Snowy commented on the post, Proun Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Fun game, feels kind of like other obstacle games like Temple Run and Thumper where you have to react to obstacles around you. Game is kind of basic, but I like how it uses simple geometry like spheres and triangles, and minimal colors. Gameplay doesn’t really offer much gimmick though, other than sometimes showing hypnotic-looking background and…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Project Entropia Review 3 years, 7 months ago
I think the game rebranded itself as Entropia Universe. Definitely an old sci-fi MMO, dating back to 2003, but it has had quite a significant improvement over the years. I think the game uses either CryEngine 2 (as mentioned on the game’s Wikipedia page ) or Unreal Engine (as mentioned on the game’s site), though not exactly sure, but either…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Call of Duty 2 Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Game feels kind of ancient, but it is from 2005. Plot is essentially World War II themed and the campaign seems sufficient. It’s easy to overlook this game today, but this game did receive much praise for its regenerating health system. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend this game for newcomers, because there are much better games in the series like…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, COD4: MW is a great game, though a bit of an older game. Game’s plot is also enjoyable with a fun campaign mode, and the multiplayer mode was spectacular for its time with a pretty neat leveling system, plus the mode featured killstreaks for the first time. Personally, I think the game’s sequel was the icing on…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Really great game, perhaps the defining moment in the Call of Duty series. Game’s plot is pretty nice, and the campaign is fun, especially since it features five different characters with the main character being Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson. And for 2009, the enemies in the game actually had pretty good AI, especially since the game used the…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Online Gaming Technology 3 years, 7 months ago
HTML5 is still an early piece of technology, especially for games. Even though Flash Player is now gone, there aren’t really that many browser games emerging. I think for a lot of new game developers, there’s a bit of a learning curve to HTML5, because most things have to be built from scratch, and it’s just easier to have a game engine that can…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Most Popular Mobile Game Categories 3 years, 7 months ago
Arcade games are quite popular on iPhone; in fact, they’re popular enough that Apple has its own “Apple Arcade”. Personally, I prefer mobile games that require just one hand to play the game (e.g. Temple Run, Flappy Bird, etc.), but that’s becoming a bit difficult since phones are getting bigger.
Snowy commented on the post, Card Games Online and Strategies 3 years, 7 months ago
Card games are pretty much like strategy games when you really think about it. You have to make a choice and also figure out what the best play is, sometimes even doing mental calculations (probability and statistics) or guessing an opponent’s move. It’s true for classic card games, TCGs/CCGs, roguelike deckbuilders, etc.
Snowy commented on the post, How To Select The Best Mobile Apps 3 years, 7 months ago
“Best” is subjective, and it’ll vary from people to people what app is considered the “best”. Only way to know what the best mobile app is is to try the app for yourself, and I usually start looking for apps by popularity, because that’s usually an indication that it’s a good app. It can be a bit harder to search for games on the app store, so I…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Some Games Are Still Fun to Play from the Old Days 3 years, 7 months ago
I think especially if the games are for more modern devices or if they’re remastered, they’re fun to replay, because it’s kind of a different experience. For instance, someone might have grown up playing console games on a CRT television, but maybe that game is remade on a newer console, then it’s like a new experience when you play it on an HD…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Land of Chaos Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Land of Chaos Online is a pretty good game, especially for 2010. Really like the heroes this game has, especially with the trailer showcasing a bunch of them. Graphics is also pretty good for its time, and the fast-pace combat is excellent. I think this game is technically an action RPG though, but it can feel somewhat like a MOBA when it comes to…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Call of Duty: Black Ops Review 3 years, 7 months ago
A decade-old game that debuted in 2010, but was quite remarkable for its time and spawned sequels like Black Ops II and Black Ops: Cold War. And just like its sequel hints, the game is set during the Cold War with the main protagonist being a CIA operative Alex Mason. I think the game’s story is definitely worth checking out, plus I’d probably…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Adventure Time Battle Party Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Neat MOBA, playable on a browser as well though I’m not sure where it stands today. But this game’s a great way to cater to a younger audience since it’s based on the popular Cartoon Network cartoon “Adventure Time”. Game has a lot of memorable characters from that series featured in this game, so that’s cool. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.5/5;…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, AirMech Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Kind of a cool game. I really like how you have mechs that can transform into planes; kind of feels like Transformers in that sense. Theme of the game is also pretty nice; the theme is very distinct, having a more “war” theme to it than a fantasy battle theme, and that really separates it from other MOBAs, though I think technically this game is…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, Avalon Heroes Review 3 years, 7 months ago
Pretty cool MOBA which takes a lot of inspiration from DOTA. Probably not the most unique though, since it is inspired by DOTA, but the game looks pretty neat and gameplay seems fun. It’s just that nothing really stands out, when comparing to other MOBA games. And unfortunately, this game closed some time in 2013, and that’s just the one of the…[Read more]
Snowy commented on the post, The Worst Video Games Spawned from Movies Ever 3 years, 7 months ago
Main reason why these games even exist is mainly for promotional reasons. If people buy the games, then they’ll probably also watch the movie, and the same vice-versa.
I think the reasons why there are terrible video games based on movies is because of (1) promoting products require timing, because you probably would want a game and a movie to…[Read more]
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