
  • (Good) VR is quite expensive, even today. But you can find some “used” or “pre-owned” VR headsets for a pretty reasonable price, although they’re still expensive. I don’t expect VRs to be cheap anytime soon, especially since they are still emerging technologies.

  • Kind of makes sense for game companies to track IPs and multiple accounts, especially as ways to moderate the game (if we’re talking about online multiplayer games), but I think some of it also has to do with tracking billing information, feedback ranking, time zones, and other things. Not really something to worry much about though, especially…[Read more]

  • I think it’s difficult to determine what the first online game was, because we use “online” to mean something different today than what it may have originally meant, particularly to mean “connected to the Internet” in our modern sense rather than the general meaning which is “connected to a network or to another computer”.

    If using the latter…[Read more]

  • Seems kind of cool. It’s a MOBA game with a turn-based mechanic rather than real-time. Kind of makes the game feel more like a strategy game than a traditional MOBA, so gameplay is a bit different, which is nice since traditional MOBAs are everywhere. You do get to choose four heroes and go up against an opponent. Theme feels kind of sci-fi like,…[Read more]

  • Pretty neat free-to-play top-down sci-fi game from 2010. And this game is one of those games that spawn out from a modding community, so that’s kind of cool. Game is co-op, so you will have to team up with friends in this game. You have 4 classes and 8 characters, which is sufficient for this 4 player co-op game. Gameplay looks fun, and the…[Read more]

  • Interesting game; feels like a MOBA for a younger audience judging by the more toonish artwork. Theme of this game is very different from the theme you’ll find in traditional MOBAs. Rather than taking elements and archetypes of MMORPGs like mages, assassins, and healers, this MOBA features heroes that are more like regular townsfolks, which is…[Read more]

  • Probably the best take on the MOBA genre, combining elements of action and platformer, making it very unique. So many other MOBAs try to copy successful MOBAs such as League of Legends and DOTA, but this game takes a whole different approach. Personally, I think the 3-on-3 action platformer is pretty fun; it’s easy to get tired of playing top-down…[Read more]

  • Pretty cool PvP arena game. It’s essentially a fast-paced MOBA with a bit of top-down shooter and RPG elements. Game itself looks stunning, especially the overworld and characters. Gameplay seems pretty fun, even competitive, plus the game’s free-to-play, so no need to worry about buying a game where you don’t know how long the game will last. But…[Read more]

  • Broadband’s pretty useful these days. Kind of important to have reliable high-speed Internet access, whether you’re playing games or surfing the web, and I just can’t imagine anyone still using dial-up.

  • Never thought smartwatches would have games of their own, though I probably wouldn’t play games on smartwatches personally, because they’re just too small. I think the real gimmick of smartwatches is having your own personal virtual assistant (to play music, track health, or help with certain tasks).

  • Multiplatform compatibility is quite important these days for games, especially for amassing a wider audience. And a feature like cross-platform play used to be a controversial topic, especially for the console gaming industry, but games like Rocket League and Fortnite seem to have broken that barrier. More power to the players, I guess.

  • Not exactly a dress up game for girls, but it’s more for that demographic. You can dress up male characters as well. I will say, the game does give you a variety of characters (called Stardolls) to choose from. And this game isn’t all about dressing up your Stardoll; you can customize your own room as well. Game does feature mini games, but…[Read more]

  • Game feels clunky in my opinion. The game doesn’t have a proper user interface, and it seems like all of the interface are just separate windows which is kind of irritating. And I think version 1 of this game came out in May 31, 2011, but this game looks way older than that. Despite being released in 2011, the game kind of feels more like an early…[Read more]

  • Snowy commented on the post, Vizwoz Review 3 years, 8 months ago

    Game’s pretty much a social game. You mostly dress up your characters/avatars, chat, visit your home, etc. Not a whole lot to this game in my opinion, and animations look kind of clunky. Only good reason to play this game is if you just want to congregate around with other players and hang out with those players. Not sure if this game is even…[Read more]

  • Feels more like a social virtual world mixed with elements of an MMO. Characters in this game more closely represent how modern humans dress up and look, so you can customize characters to look more like yourself. Gameplay isn’t like an MMO where you fight enemies, but this game does have MMO elements like doing missions (similar to quests),…[Read more]

  • Kind of a weird Flash game. Not even sure which genre this game even falls in, maybe simulation, but it definitely feels like a game for kids. Game has some character customization, but the realistic-looking human face isn’t appealing in my opinion, especially for a kids game. And you can use emotes like burp, robot dance, etc. Game has a kitchen,…[Read more]

  • I think another good point to raise is, how often do you play a game?

    If you play 1-2 hours per day, you probably won’t need a gaming chair. Also another thing to consider is, if you’re a mobile gamer (rather than PC or console), you’re probably not going to sit down a lot anyway.

  • Pretty good diversity of games. It’s pretty common to see games with superb graphics all using a common engine such as Unreal Engine 4 since that one’s the most popular, but most of these games just use different engines. For instance, Battlefield 1 uses Frostbite 3 as its engine, Destiny uses its own engine, and Crysis 3 uses CryEngine 3.

  • I’ve never had a reason to get an Xbox. I’ve always thought of it as being an “inferior gaming device”, because it’s just a Microsoft-branded video game console that’s less powerful than most gaming PCs running Windows 10 despite marketing itself as a powerful console, and you can’t really customize the specs. Most people I know just play on…[Read more]

  • Of course it’s possible, but might not be the most realistic option for most people. With eSports or competitive gaming, you need the right skills. With video game streaming or even commentary, you need the right personality. Every business, even gaming, requires some commitment, and I think it’s something most people, especially kids that…[Read more]

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