Thedarkboy wrote a new post, Watch Dogs Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Set in Chicago, where a central network of computers connects everyone and everything, Watch_Dogs explores the impact of technology within our society. Using the city as your weapon, you will embark on a personal […]
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, Rakion Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Once upon a time, there was a time when monsters ruled over the world and human beings were merely a small community. White Dragons, the king of the monsters, worried about the world becoming deserted and […]
Honestly I expected to be a good game, but when I tasted it I did not like.
The game really depends on PVP,and you have to be good in those PVP if you want to play game without agony.
Graphic is pretty cool.I was enjoying by playing it.
My suggestions -
Rakion Chaos Force is a pretty good ARPG. Not a huge fan of the old graphics, but this game did come out in 2005. Would’ve been better if they revamped the graphics for the 2020 Steam release of this game, but it’s not a big deal since the game is free to play anyway. Gameplay is nice though; you have various game modes like Stage Mode, Battle Mode, Clan War, and Ladder with various maps. PvP in this game can definitely be fun, especially with the action combat, but I feel like Neosonyx’s “pay2win” model for this game has certainly diluted most of the fun gameplay. Overall, I’d rate this game a 3.85/5.
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, Infinity Online Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Infinity is a frantic free-to-play multiplayer online game. Enter the fray with your favourite warrior and guide your guards against other players or side by side with your friends in the cooperative mode. […]
Infinitely Online seems like it was a pretty good action game, very comparable to Rakion in many ways, especially when it comes to PvP gameplay which is probably what Infinitely Online was best known for. Not the best graphics, but looks a bit better than Rakion. I like that you could choose various characters, all with their own unique abilities for combat. PvP is kind of interesting; you can customize the game with or without guards, and choose modes like solo, team (player-selected teams), or random (randomized teams). Game is a bit dead now though, so Rakion might be a better alternative. Overall, I’d rate this game a 3.75/5.
Correction: Meant to say Infinity, not Infinitely.
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, Interstellar Marines Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Interstellar Marines is an AAA, FPS, Sci-fi, action and adventure game with an original and unpredictable storyline featuring single and cooperative gameplay, with heavy focus on realism. Planned as a trilogy and […]
Even though they’ve been using some time on their programming, there is still no doubt, that they’ve focused on what other companies haven’t! A good example could be the HUD system they have been working on.
Interstellar Marines is Survival Fps game,which reminds me on Hallo 3 or 4 a bit.Graphic is solid,I recommend this game everybody
Interesting fps game with survival elements,i don’t know why but this game reminds me on half life š (half life 4 confirmed haha),it has very good gameplay,okay graphic,but as septera said,when you playing this game,you have impression that the game missing much
Try it out anyway -
2/5 – This game was good when it first launched and had potential but ever since the engine change it hasn’t been as enjoyable
Pretty good first-person shooter. Game is 8 years old, but the graphics is very crisp, and the lighting looks nice. I wouldn’t even be able to tell that this game was that old just from looking at it. Gameplay seems pretty cool; it’s kind of similar to Rainbow Six. Campaign missions are fun, and you can choose single player or co-op for these missions. PvP is standard for shooting games, and this one features modes like deathmatch, team deathmatch, team domination, and deadlock. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4/5; it feels like many other FPS games, so there’s not many features that stands out from other FPS games.
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, My Top 12 Anticipated Games of 2014 11 years, 2 months ago
If you have read my earlier posts, you should now know that the list is officially done. In this blog post I will just sum it up.
12. Samurai Warriors 4
Samurai Warriors is hack and slash game set and i […]
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, My Top 12 Anticipated Games of 2014 – Games 9-7 11 years, 2 months ago
It’s time again, for the three next games of my list of the top 12 anticipated games of 2014. In this blog post, I will introduce you to the games that have placed in 7th, 8th and 9th place. There’s not much more […]
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, My Top 12 Anticipated Games of 2014 – Games 10-12 11 years, 2 months ago
And here we go! In this blog post I will introduce you to the 3 first games of my list, that placed in 10th, 11th and 12th place of my list. Hard choices, and some games might be a bit surprising for some people, […]
I’m only able to see 12, 11, and 10. Where are the other 9?
I used to play Samurai Warriors 2 all the time as a child, it was one of my favorites. I haven’t tried the 4th but might give it a try.
You have chosen good games here!
It’s great that you stumbled upon this list then.
Witcher 3 seems to have good gameplay
Thedarkboy wrote a new post, Grand Theft Auto V – Review 11 years, 4 months ago
Grand Theft Auto V isĀ Rockstar Games latest released game in the incredibly popular in the GTA series.Ā It was released 17th SeptemberĀ in 2013 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 and will also be released for the PC so […]
Newest GTA game with amazing graphics and gameplay…You can do whatever you want like in previus games but this time much much more also you have 3 main guys to play with and good story makes this game on the top games of 2015…..5/5 from me
It was a great game, looking forward to the next 6th title in the coming years. Nothing beats San Andreas though. It was way ahead of its time and graphics wise it still holds up for a decade + old game.
GTA: SA was the game that introduced me to this series and it’s a very good game even after all these years.
GTA sure is a game with a vast world to do things in!
I started with Vice city and played a lot of the games since, haven’t tried V yet though.
One of the most popular games to play right now, and possibly even Rockstar Games’ biggest game as it’s a massive hit. Game has such an open world, and very clean graphics as well, that not many other games even come close to GTA V. And there’s just so much to do in the game like play through the missions, drive around, do heists, etc. This game also has a pretty big modding community, so there’s just so much versatility and content this game can offer. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.9/5.
Home Thedarkboy
Game is awesome but i think this game cant be better than grand theft auto 5,all said watch dogs will be 100% better game then gta 5
Watch Dogs (2014) is a well-made action-adventure game. The gameplay is really fun since you can drive, shoot, role-play and even experience some puzzle elements, so there’s plenty of versatility there. Story is amazing; the game has strong cinematics with voice acting which really elevates the immersion of this game, especially when experiencing the plot. The graphics is amazing, especially for 2014 standards; there’s a nice sense of realism in the characters and the world. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.5/5; definitely a game worth checking out.