active 8 years, 6 months ago-
Volnus commented on the post, Blackguards 8 years, 7 months ago
Not a bad game but also it fails to impress.
Volnus commented on the post, Superhot on Fire 9 years ago
Test Test its me you foolz ~
Volnus commented on the post, Rebel Galaxy Review 9 years, 5 months ago
The problem with this game was that it was extremely boring when starting out and the game seems like it focuses more on end game content. You can think of it as the single player version of eve online.
Volnus posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
Making a post to fill cache..
ogreman and
Volnus are now friends 9 years, 6 months ago
Volnus wrote a new post, Might and Magic Heroes 6 Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Heroes VI tells the story of the Griffin dynasty, when they were still Dukes of the Holy Empire, and not yet sitting on the Imperial throne (like in Heroes 5 and Clash of Heroes). The Griffin Duchy is east of the […]
Might & Magic Heroes VI is a solid installment of the popular turn-based strategy series, probably one of the best.
Another rly good sequel of Might & Magic, it is based on turn by turn, but everything is so much better then before, only thing that i dont like is leveling spell tree, it was kinda confusing, and u rly need to know what to do if u wana achieve best effect of them. Also i think that Heroes and more useful now, then before. 5 star for this one
Nice turn based strategy video game,I played this part of heroes of might and magic and many older,I recommend this game everybody
Well from the pos of the games look, the graphics are stunning. I have never played the sequels, therefore I can really judge the story line, however the game may just be a solid strategy game itself. This strategy-action game made by Ubisoft is very interesting.
Pretty good turn based strategy game that is based of M&M, would recommend if you enjoy the sequels the graphics are also good
It’s a decent game, you’ll really enjoy it if you do like the Heroes franchise, there’s really nothing else to be said. I’d rate it 3/5 because i’m not really a fan of the game.
Might and Magic Heroes 6 is a pretty fun game. You explore the overworld, finding resources or landing yourself in encounters where you fight in constant turn-based strategy battles. Gameplay isn’t as fun as X-COM’s turn-based battles, but it’s still pretty good, and you have access to four dynasty heroes which you can level up. Personally, I think the $20 price tag on this game is a bit too much; game just doesn’t have as much appeal as other strategy games. Overall, I’d rate this game a 3.5/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Lords of Everquest Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Real-time strategy and thrilling gameplay set in the EQ universe.
Post Date: 21:39 27-06-2014
Rating: 6
Author: najdan11
Comment: This game is nice,but after some time you playing it you just get […]-
Lords is a nice change from the type of gameplay that WCIII created. I actually had to learn new strategies for this RTS. Glad to see someone is taking on the Blizzard goliath
Lords of EverQuest is a 3d fantasy real-time strategy video game.It is developed by company Rapid Eye.Game is made for single-player and you can play with your friend on one computer :).This game reminds me on heroes of the might and magic,recommend this game everybody who love strategies.
If you like RTS game,you will like this too,very interesting game,I recommend it
Good 3d fantasy strategy game, it’s interesting with good gameplay and solid graphic i recommend it to all..
The game looks boring… Dull.. the graphics is fine best part of the game probably, and the gameplay sucks..
Even though this game is pretty old and past its time and not many people play it it’s still good. Also it’s free to play
Pretty good real-time strategy game, even if it’s an old game from 2003. One feature that I really like that I don’t see a whole lot of in more modern strategy games is the free-roaming camera; it just makes it more interesting to watch battles play out where you can change where the camera is positioned. But when it comes to gameplay, I’d say it’s alright. I feel like units are lacking in actual fun strategy, but it is an old game, so the RTS features aren’t as refined in this game. Overall, I’d rate this game a 3.5/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Kings Bounty Review 9 years, 6 months ago
King’s Bounty is a groundbreaking combination of dynamic adventure and turn-based tactical battles.
Post Date: 19:14 07-07-2014
Rating: 8
Author: FrendlyLeBlanc
Comment: Interesting game and […]-
A solid game, also has solid graphics, I like it.
Nice game, its turn by turn based strategy game, u chose character and lvl him up, by lvling up u can unlock many different spells that will help you conquer your enemies. One of many things that i like here is ability to rotate camera on so many ways. Game rly remind me on Heroes of Might and Magic
Great game,it reminds me on Heroes of Might and magic V.
Sympathetic adventure game where you can do a lot of things,try it for sure
Good game with friendly community, it also has solid graphic
One of the best genre combination adventure and turn-based tactical battles this game is good the gameplay is awesome the graphics is fine the art is fine as well , I say yo try this kind of games if you haven’t yet. 🙂
This game is cool, Haven’t played yet, But i’ll try it tho.. I already know it’s gameplay. It had nice graphics and its kinda rly good. 🙂
Solid hack and splash rpg, lots of content and freedom involved with the ability to get married, have jobs, etc. If you follow the Diablo series then this game will probably look like a Diablo copy cat to you, but I would still recommend trying it.
King’s Bounty is a pretty fun game series. From the looks of the screenshot, it appears this one is King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North which features a viking theme with the main protagonist as Olaf. I really like this game, because it’s not just the hex-based strategy combat that defines the game; like you actually do get to adventure around the overworld and ride around on a horse. And the graphics looks pretty good. If you like this game, I recommend checking out their other similar games like King’s Bounty: The Legend, King’s Bounty: Crossworlds, King’s Bounty: Dark Side, and King’s Bounty: Armored Princess.
And there’s apparently a new King’s Bounty game coming out in August of 2021 called King’s Bounty II which is going to be much different, using Unreal Engine 4 rather than TheEngine. I think this one might be even better from the looks of it.
Overall, I’d give the game a 4.25/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Dragonshard Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Dragonshardâ„¢ is a real-time strategy experience based in the mystical world of Eberron, the acclaimed new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® realm. Within this wholly imaginative setting lives an inventive gameplay fusion: dr […]
Great strategy it is something like World Of Warcraft
Decent strategy game,i wasnt playing it much,but if you are bored,or dont know which strategy game to start,try this
3 stars from me -
I have watched a couple of videos of this game on youtube and i can say i like it.. its really fun game
I checked a few gameplay it looks interesting as long as the stories can keep me interested​ otherwise I’d be bored to death. 😀
Decent strategy game, a mix between WoW and dungeons and dragons if you’ve heard of that. One thing I didn’t like about this game is how you can only build bases in certain locations and they’re limited in size.
Dragonshard is a pretty good RTS, especially considering this game came out in 2005. The game has a nice selection of enemy units (Champions, Juggernauts, Captains, and Soldiers), all fairly unique. Artwork is nice for the most part, but perhaps what I like most about this game are the bits of voice acting where you hear snippets of quotes. The world itself is quite impressive; probably my favorite thing about the world are the underground maps. I’d rate this game a 4.35/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Dominions 4 Review 9 years, 6 months ago
You are a God! You are master and ruler of a loyal nation. You have unimaginable powers at your disposal. You have claimed this world as yours. But there are others who stand in your way. You must defeat and […]
Idea of gameplay is rly good, map is separated on small parts, you need to conquer them to expand your land.
Depend of lands, they can be attacked from more sides, so this is part where strategy part rly pop up.
U can play with your friends place your lands near each other so u become stronger. Last god that stand alive win game. -
Interesting strategy game,i really had nice gaming time while i was playing it,it isnt too much complicated 🙂
Nice Strategy game in my opinion I think that idea of game is taken from (Heroes Of The Might and Magic),but game is good,I recommend it everybody to try
Dominions 4 is an strategy game which has interesting stuffs and it’s really playable and enjoyable (atleast for me).I was thinking to play to start playing this game in a few days,that’s the reason why I’m going to suggest it to everybody.I also give 4/5 to this game 🙂
Solid strategy game with good gameplay but very very solid graphic, i don’t recommend it.
The gameplay is good, but comparing the graphics to the current games make this like no graphics at all indeed the art meh, as long as you don’t care to the graphics and art you’ll have a lot of fun. 🙂
It’s look like a cool game , but the graphics is not good tho? But it would be fun if u jus enjoy the game and if u really interested to play a certain game, it’s good . good 🙂
This looks like one of the Total War type of games. In which players strategizes a plan to conquer enemies. Seems like.a great game in my opinion, I’m into games with this type of genre. However, graphics tend to be slacking so I’d dock a couple of points from that. I hope to see the mechanics improve as well.
Great game but no point to buy it now that Dominions 5 is already released. Even though the graphics are bad the mechanics and concept is where this game strives.
For a game released in 2013, the graphics are alright; it looks more like a strategy game from the early 2000s though, and the $35 price tag doesn’t really help catch the appeal of the game. But the gameplay looks fun, although the graphics does hinder the appeal of the gameplay a bit. I’d rate this game a 3.5/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Company of Heroes Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Real-time strategy game set in World War II with company level combat.
Post Date: 03:15 30-12-2013
Rating: 10
Author: keller07
Comment: This game was inspired in the world war 2. It is also a […]-
Very good strategy game,graphic is really good,gameplay also. If you like world war 2,try it out
Rly good rts, theme is world war 2. As in every RTS u need to find resources to star building base. Grow your base as much as u can and defeat all enemies. Gameplay and graphic are good, like all ingame effects. Worth trying game
Great strategy game,with great 3d grpahic,you got to choose between 2 factions German or America.This was special strategy for me cuz in that time there was not much strategy games with guns and Tanks
A re-delivery of a fantastic game that went dead and vavle were chamions and brought hte game back to life. Wish they could do it with other games that i love.
4/5 -
Company of Heroes is a pretty fun RTS. This game offers a campaign with a handful of missions, all being themed around WWII, and also offers a multiplayer mode which you can play via LAN or Internet (which is probably the most fun you’ll get out of the game). Game looks pretty great as well with the artwork achieving a somewhat more realistic look. Overall, I’d give this game a 4/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Command and Conquer 3 Review 9 years, 6 months ago
The critically-acclaimed Command & Conquerâ„¢ (C&C) series returns with Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Warsâ„¢ (C&C 3). Setting the standard for the future of RTS gaming once more, C&C 3 takes you back to where it all […]
The big difference is the technical move forward. Action is fluid, special effects are pretty, and the cutscenes are funny and entertaining. Even the in-game physics, like building explosions and collapses, are comparable to first person shooters.
Command & Conquer generals ZH was my most played game for a long time, so i had to try Tiberium wars, i played this game for a short period, not so much Skirmish, but i rly like campaign, i was enjoying every aspect of it, especially on end of it, because u can chose one of 2 different endings.
Very good RTS game,i played it with my friends a lot,my best part is tiberium wars.If you like strategy game as age of empires,you will like this too. Gameplay is awesome
Try it out,for sure -
I really like this game… Its my childhood game… but i stopped coz of busy life and new Games that i really like more than this…
One of the best strategy game I played I used to play multiplayer with my friends the game is just so good the graphics is awesome I enjoyed playing the Kane’s Wrath. 😛
It can be played online or can be played with campaign mode. I like the campaign mode because you wont get stressed with the real time feature of the game. But im not saying playing online isnt good. It is good. In fact, playing with others are enjoyable because of the thrill and the strategy you have to think your moves your positioning your actions, the timing etc etc.
Great game with smoothie smooth graphics
Thumbs uppy ~
4/5 -
C&C 3 is a fantastic strategy game with an amazing multiplayer experience, and a well-made campaign mode. Also like that you can choose your own difficulty mode (easy, medium, hard, brutal) since the mode allows for a flexible experience for different types players, both casual and experienced players. Gameplay is also fun; you build and deploy units and battle against enemies. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4.44/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Command and Conquer Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Command and Conquer: The First Decade allows you to play nearly all the games in this vaunted RTS franchise. With over 23 million units sold worldwide to date, the C&C franchise has defined the Real-time strategy […]
This is a sick, stretagy type of game. It’s kind of complicated though… The graphics is bearable too. The idea of the game is sick. I like how there’s many different types of weaponry. nice game!
Very interesting RTS video game,it has solid graphic I recommend it everybody
Cool RTS game ,interesting gameplay ,try it
This is like the powecore of all war RTS games. It is very iconic that many copies of it were sold worldwide. It offers many features which are highly enjoyable and fun. From story lines to real time battles. Skirmish and many more. The graphics. Even tho some titles have been outdated now, it still gives satisfaction to players which is positive. Try it!
Thumbs Uppy~
5/5 -
C&C: The First Decade is pretty good. It’s pretty much a compilation of C&C games from 1995 to 2003, so you’re going to have plenty of gameplay which is really nice; just know that it doesn’t include later C&C games like C&C3: Tiberium Wars to C&C4: Tiberian Twilight. Personally, I think C&C: The Ultimate Collection is a better value, because that one includes 17 games (far more than C&C: The First Decade), all for the price of just $20 which isn’t so bad. So if you had to choose a C&C game, I’d seriously skip C&C: The First Decade and just get C&C: The Ultimate Collection.
Overall, I’d rate C&C: The First Decade a 4.5/5; I’d probably rate it higher, if C&C: The Ultimate Collection didn’t exist.
Volnus wrote a new post, Clones Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Clones is a friendly, fun, and engaging evolution to the classic Lemmings puzzle genre which includes robust internet-multiplayer with team play, different game modes, powerups, leaderboards, and a built-in level […]
Clones is a clone of the good old pc game Lemmings, but the developer managed to port the game into modern age. There are 150 levels, a map editor, LAN and online multiplayer and a cute setting. Fact: It’s a cool game for it’s price.
Excellent puzzle game which isn’t so easy as I thought,my recommendations
Clones is fun and interesting classical puzzle video game.I recommend it everybody 🙂
A great platform puzzler to fill in the time’s when youre downloding or bored! Let the clone’age begin!
3/5 -
Pretty good game, but I feel like there are simply too many puzzle games similar to Clones (e.g. Lemmings, Cargo Bridge, March of the Blobs, etc.), so you’re not going to find much of a unique experience out of this game. And the graphics isn’t that great; the textured graphics just isn’t as appealing, especially in today’s modern gaming era. But it is $1 on Steam, so that’s not too bad; plus the game has over 150 puzzles, so it might be worthwhile. Overall, I’d rate this game a 3.5/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, BattleForge Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Experience real-time strategy in a whole new dimension! Every battle is different, every army unique. Create your own fighting force from mighty creatures and powerful soldiers. Lead your army in epic online […]
I never seen RTS game like this, its rly good, constant action, nice game play. I thing that i never seen is adding cards on this type of game. At first in could be confusing, but ppl get use to it after some time. Cards are used for building, units or spells like dmg or heal, almost everything is made by them.
BattleForge is very enjoyable video game,I played it once with my friend it has lower graphic but that is not big deal gameplay is interesting,I suggest this game everybody
When it comes to the RTS genre, BattleForge is a well-made game. The overworld is simply amazing, especially the visuals. Missions are pretty fun, but can get a bit repetitive, but the PvP mode experience is probably the most enjoyable. I think the main downside to this game is the lack of a single player experience, so it’s not great when EA shuts down the servers to this game because there just isn’t anything to look forward to, but it seems like there was some revival of this game in 2015, so I guess it’s not too bad. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Battle for Middle-Earth II Review 9 years, 6 months ago
With all new content from J.R.R. Tolkien’s original fiction, delve deeper than ever before and engage in new battles that go beyond the award-winning movie trilogy. Wage war in the North and assume command of the […]
One of the best Lord of the rings strategy games where you can be all of the nations in middle age….Story is amazing as movies….Graphics are awesome as well and i recommend it to play this game
I love lotr movies,this game is awesomeeeee,excellent strategy ,all epic battles are included ,you can play as good or dark side,you have to have good strategy of you will fail a mission. Graphic is solid,but if we check game release date,it is logic. In one word,perfect strategy game.I would change only graphic.
This 2nd part of LoTR game follow story that wasnt shown on movies, campaign shows battles of dwarfs, elves, goblins, basically what ever battles wasnt shown on movies they are here. On this game we have chance to see many different new heroes, structure upgrades and many other Armies. Awesome game.
Ah I played this game a long time a go when I was kid.The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (BFME II) is a real-time strategy computer game published by Electronic Arts.There is 5 classes Human,Dwarf,Elf,Orc and hobbits.Also there are movies made because of game.You can Play Single and Multiplayer, and you can also play campaign,but sadly I think this part of game is dead now(hardly who play it) but other parts,new parts of game are AWESOME.But anyway I recommend everybody this game because it has great story about and wars you will spend much time watching this movie and playing this game.
I really love this game!! It was and is one of my favorite strategy games out there!! Well since its about the Lord of the Rings which i simply adore its understandable!!! This games campaign lets you experience battles beyond of the main story that you have seen in the trilogy!! You can create your own champion with the skills of your choice!! Choose which side you wish to play with and try to obtain the ring!! By doing so you will be able to summon an additional hero from the ones available to your faction!! I personally love the elves!! Their archers are no joke after you upgrade them.. but never underestimate the rest of the races or you will meet your doom!!! I rate this 4.5/5..
Battle for Middle-Earth II is a pretty good game; really like the Tolkien inspiration that this game borrows, but I think that’s really the main selling point of the game, the fact that it’s based on Tolkien’s works. But looking at the game, it’s not exactly the best-looking game; overworld feels a bit monotonous and the HUD interface isn’t the best. But the game does seem pretty fun to play, and it includes both a single-player and multiplayer mode. Really like the choice of factions and heroes, and Tolkien playable characters. Overall, I’d rate this game a 4/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Apox Review 9 years, 6 months ago
APOX is for the real-time strategy player looking for an fun, instense, and unique experience. APOX is innovative in how it blends first-person shooter tactics in the RTS genre. APOX keeps everything that makes […]
I’m not much liked this game. Very much a boring game.
Games reminds me on ogre wars ,haha because you have to make your own army,and fight the others,nothing special,i saw a better strategy games 😛
Rating: 2.5/5 -
very decent strategy video game,with good graphic,one of best I have tried,you should try it
Good strategy game, it’s fun to play and interesting i recommend it.
I don’t like the game that much you can inly create one faction even if its 3v3 or more I mean seriously playing the same faction over and over? Sounds boring…
This game is look interesting , nice game tho 🙂 Fight ! Good graphics also .. Recommended,
APOX is an interesting game. I do like how this game incorporates its shooter element with the RTS style; however, I do think the graphics and interface could be done better. Smoother textures for the map and interface, and icons that pop would make this game more appealing. The game is decent, but it just feels like any other RTS game. Overall, I would rate this game a 3/5.
Apox have this same feel as the game Lord of The rings : battle for middle earth. Not the build your base feature but the terrain feature, the game setting, and even the vision/sight feature feels similar. There are objectives that you have to do in every mission plus you control not just one character but plenty of characters. It is a great game yes. But not that intense at least for me sheesh.
Anyways. Thumbs Uppy
2.8/5 -
Having tried to play this, I find it to not be worth one dollar, let alone fifteen.
Spend your money on something else. Trust me 2/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, AI War: Fleet Command Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Humanity has already fought its war against the machines — and lost. AI death squads stand watch over every planet and every wormhole, the few remaining human settlements are held captive in orbiting bubbles, and […]
AI War: Fleet Command is a decent rts video game with solid graphic,gameplay is interesting,I suggest it everybody
Good rts game with some unique elements of the game,graphic is good too
Try it -
This is a pretty good game to play, especially since it’s a game released around 2009. Has nice graphics, although one of the more confusing games on the market, once you wrap your head around it, you will find it to be one of the deepest RTS games that you are likely to play.
oh.. I .. Will have a biased opinion on this one once again. Cos im not too fond with these types of games. Although the graphics are that bad (cos its an old game of course) ppl still say that its a sweet game. Well. Okay but ill be giving it a thumbs down..
The difficult thing is trying to describe what AI War actually is. It’s an RTS with turnbased combat. It’s tower defence with spaceships and wormholes. It’s galactic conquest where the silliest thing you can do is try to conquer everything. It’s a skirmish game where the AI has no interest in pretending it’s a human player.
It’s an alright RTS game. Space-based RTS games tend to vary a lot, and this one is probably a game I’d say is in the middle. Not a huge fan of the graphics; it just feels weird having 3D-looking spaceships in a 2D game. The turn-based tactical combat is okay; not exactly my favorite combat style when it comes to RTS games, but it is different; and I don’t know if you can even call it “real-time strategy” when the combat is different. Game does cost $9.99, which is not so bad, but there’s a special promotion going on right now (until July 8th, 2021) with the game at 75% off costing $2.49, so I think the game’s worth it when it’s heavily discounted. But overall, I’d rate this game 3/5; there’s not really anything in particular in this game that stands out.
Volnus wrote a new post, Age of Mythology Review 9 years, 6 months ago
Taking on the role of one of nine ancient civilizations, players guide their people to greatness by commanding all aspects of their empire: gathering resources, raising massive armies, waging war against enemies, […]
One of most legendary strategy games,arm to arm with age of empire. You choose one of 3 nations,than you build your kingdom and rise your army.
Rating: 4/5 -
Old but gold.Game is very very old strategy game but it is not still boring xD.You can choose Gods of mitology like in Greek:Zeus,Poseidon,Hades,for god of Dwarfs:Thor and other.Later you build barracks mines and other and then when you got big army you should attack somebody.
Age of Mythology is a classic and brings rts in great combination with story.
The extended edition doesnt feel so extended and the tale of the dragon campaign is buggy, but in sale i would highly recommend that game. 4/5 -
In my opinion this one is the best strategy game os all times. The game provides an imersive adventure through the mythological portals, playing the campaign mode or the online mode. Perfect game! 5/5
It’s a pretty good strategy game. There’s the 2002 version of the game which is the original, and the 2014 version called Age of Mythology: Extended Edition. I would recommend the 2014 version since it’s a huge improvement. The extended edition features single player, online, and LAN, and you get a better overall experience with major graphical improvements plus a new game mode called Treaty mode which wasn’t in the original. Overall, I’d give this game a 4.65/5.
Volnus wrote a new post, Age Of Empires 3 Review 9 years, 6 months ago
This expansion of Age of empires 3 introduces three new playable civilizations. the, Aztecs, Sioux, And the Iroquois. Play in different maps around north America and South America. Use Colonial technology to […]
I love this game… no more wasting time on making buildings to get resources in faster. The cards add great new demension to the strategy of the game. The only thing that needs to be worked on is the hit points of buildings.. they go down a bit fast.
This is what I call “strategy game”.Epic game which made my childhood haha,i have been playing it for an hours,graphic isn’t great,but gameplay is best gameplay in all older strategy games,i fully recommend it 🙂
Very solid strategy video game it has interesting gameplay and good graphic,I suggest this game everybody
A great and well known strategy game based on a historic view about the medieval wars, considered the best game of the age of empires series. Recommended if you wanna try something different. 4/5
Age of Empires 3 is a pretty good strategy game. Between this one and AoE2, they’re both equally great games, and it’s hard to say if AoE3 is any better. I probably wouldn’t be that picky about AoE3’s gameplay, but I want to say that AoE2 is slightly better, since that game feels more balanced. But overall, I’d rate this game a 3.75/5; not a significant discernible difference compared to its predecessor.
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