The news lair is the place to learn about all the latest happenings of MMORPGs, Online Shooters, and Online RPGs. This page and Twitter will be the place to learn about changes and updates to Game News can also be found on our MMORPG Forum.
Latest Games and MMORPG Showdown 6 Begins
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include Maple Story Adventures, Crystal Saga, Path of Exile, and Heroes of Neverwinter. Maple Story Adventures and Heroes of Neverwinter are high quality social games while Crystal saga is an impressive 2.5D browser game and Path of Exile is an online action RPG in beta testing. The 16 MMORPGs for MMORPG Showdown 6 have been chosen. The first round will start later this week. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Tales Runner, Flyff, Naviage, Planet War, Brawl Busters, Aika, Ether Saga Online, Microvolts, Talisman Online, and World of the Living Dead. also has a special event called Ogre Game Fest that will end in over two weeks.
Latest Games, New Online Game Battle, Game Play Forum Event
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include Drakensang Online, 7 Dragons, and World of Warplanes. Drakensang Online is a browser-based action RPG. 7 Dragons is a free browser-based RTS by Outspark. Last but not least, tries to continue the gaming magic of World of Tanks with World of Warplanes. Rusty Hearts takes on Dragon Nest in a battle of recent Free MMORPGs. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Brawl Busters, Aika, Ether Saga Online, Microvolts, Talisman Online, Rusty Hearts, Hearts of Iron The Card Game, Supreme Destiny, and World of the Living Dead. also has a special game play event called Ogre Game Fest.
Latest Free Games
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include War Inc Battlezone, Age of Empires Online, and Luvinia Online. War Inc is a free online shooter with high production values. Age of Empires Online is a free-to-play entry in the vaunted Age of Empires franchise. Luvinia Online is a free MMO from OutSpark. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Rusty Hearts, Hearts of Iron The Card Game, Supreme Destiny, Realms Online, World of the Living Dead, Picaroon, and R2 Online. also has a special event just for members called The Good, The Bad, and The Action.
New Forum Event, E3 2011, and More Beta Key Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include Battlefield Play 4 Free, Elsword, Rage, Blacklight Retribution, and RaiderZ. Battlefield Play 4 Free is a free version of Battlefield 2. Elsword is an online fighting game with anime style graphics. Rage is the highly anticipated shooter from id Software. Blacklight Retribution is an upcoming free-to-play shooter from PWE. Likewise, RaiderZ is also an upcoming free game from PWE. This month traveled to E3 2011. Check out our choices for the Best of E3 2011. The latest match of the Online Shooter Showdown is Crimecraft vs. Firefall. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Global Agenda, Rusty Hearts, The Chosen, Hearts of Iron The Card Game, Supreme Destiny, Realms Online, World of the Living Dead, Picaroon, and R2 Online. also has a special event just for members called The Good, The Bad, and The Action.
Hellgate, Living Avatars, and More Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include 8Realms, Living Avatars, and Hellgate. 8Realms is a strategy MMO by Jagex, Living Avatars is a virtual program that is used on’s forum to allow forum members to add items and clothes to their forum avatars. Hellgate is a relaunch of the famous Hellgate London. The latest match of the Online Shooter Showdown is Black Ops vs. Crysis 2. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Black Prophecy, Wakfu, Supreme Destiny, Realms Online, World of the Living Dead, Picaroon, Luna, and Metal Assault.
Online Shooter Showdown 2011 and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include Die2Night, Crysis 2, Angry Birds, and Prius. Die2Night is a team-based survival game. Crysis 2 is the latest game in the epic Crysis series. Angry Birds is an addictive puzzle game that is available on multiple platforms. Prius is the first free cinematic MMORPG. The Online Shooter Showdown 2011 has started! The first match is Black Ops vs. Modern Warfare 2 while the second match is MicroVolts vs. Cosmic Break. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Zentia, Black Prophecy, Picaroon, Luna, and Metal Assault.
Free MMORPG Blog and New Ogre Game
The Latest Games added to the Game Directory include Triple Triad, Battlestar Reloaded, and Pocki Ninja. Triple Triad is a free online trading card game that can be played on Battlestar Reloaded is a browser-based space simulation and Pocki Ninja is a free brower game with manga-style characters. now has a blog for MMORPG news and articles. In event news, GameOgre has key giveaways for Aika, Mission Against Terror, Holy Beast Online, Tales Runner, and Crime Craft. We also have a Gamer Achievement Event.
Online Game Awards and Latest Games
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Iron Grip, Metal Assault, and Orange Alert. Iron Grip is a browser-based strategy game with a Steam Punk theme. Metal Assault is a free-to-play shooter game. Lastly, Orange Alert is a free phyics game. GameOgre has announced its 2010 Online Game Awards. GameOgre has key giveaways for Aika, Mission Against Terror, Holy Beast Online, Cosmic Break, Tales Runner, and Crime Craft. We also have a Gamer Achievement Event.
New Shooters and Freeware
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include FireFall, Bloody Good Time, and Super Crate Box. FireFall is an upcoming team-based online shooter with various multiplayer game modes. Bloody Good Time is an online FPS with a very interesting premise. Lastly, Super Crate Box is a freeware game with an old school arcade theme. World of Warcraft vs. Lord of the Rings is the first Showdown match of the semi-finals. GameOgre has key giveaways for Runes of Magic, Dreamlords, Rappelz, Cosmic Break, Tales Runner, and Forsaken World. We also have a Game Olympics.
Several New MMORPG Giveaways
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Pandora Saga, Iris Online, and Herosmash. Pandora Saga is a 3D MMORPG with story quests and large scale wars. Iris Online is a gypy-themed fantasy MMO. Herosmash is the latest game from Artix Entertainment. Darkfall versus Lord of the Rings Online is the second Showdown match of the second round. GameOgre has key giveaways for Dragonica SEA, Runes of Magic, CosmicBreak, GetAmped2, Tales Runner, and Forsaken World. We also have an Online Game Olympics.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include DDTank, Lucent Heart, and Ogre Maze. DDTank is a browser-based action game similar to Worms and Gunbound. Lucent Heart is a free online dating RPG with anime graphics. Ogre Maze is a Flash game on where you try to get past 6 levels of mazes. AQ Worlds versus Jade Dynasty is the fifth Showdown match. GameOgre has key giveaways for Runes of Magic, DDTank, Cardmon Hero, Mission Against Terror, Dreamland, Forsaken World, and Ministry of War. We also have a Runes of Magic Review Contest.
Happy Halloween, New Giveaways, and Contests
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Cardmon Hero, Dynasty Wariors Online, and Odyssey Classic. Cardmon Hero is a card collecting and summoning MMORPG. Dynasty Warriors is an action MMO tactical combat game. Odyssey Classic is a 2D Online RPG with midi music that offers members 10 free levels. Perfect World takes on Allods Online in the third Showdown match. GameOgre has key giveaways for Runes of Magic, Cardmon Hero, Forsaken World, and Ministry of War. We also have contests for Runes of Magic, Seal Online, and Splashfighters.
TLBB, EverQuest 2, and New Games
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Theta Warriors, Uncharted Waters, and K.O.S Secret Operations. Theta Warriors is an online strategy MMO that can be played on Facebook. Uncharted Waters is a sea-focused MMORPG with exploration and sea fights. K.O.S is a free online FPS with a multi-kill system. GameOgre has key giveaways for Legend of Edda, Kitsu Saga, War of Angels, Odyssey Classic, Divine Souls, and Ministry of War. We also have an EverQuest 2 Membership Giveaway and a Splashfighters Halloween Event. Lastly, the TLBB Review contest will end in one week.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Halo Reach, War of Angels, and Legend of Edda. Halo Reach is a first person shooter (FPS) with gripping single and multiplayer game modes. War of Angels is a MMORPG in closed beta where you can decide if you want to play as a good guy or a bad guy. Also in closed beta, Legend of Edda is a free fantasy MMO with intense PvP. GameOgre has beta key giveaways for Legend of Edda, Kitsu Saga, War of Angels, Tales of Fantasy, Divine Souls, and Ministry of War. We also have a Browser Game Event and a Splashfighters Halloween Event.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Vindictus, Rift: Planes of Telara, and Max Pow. Vindictus is a free-to-play MMORPG with brutal physics by Nexon. Rift: Planes of Telera is a fantasy MMO that will likely be released in 2011. Max Pow is a casual action game with bombs where players can compete in free-for-all or team modes against each other. GameOgre has a gift code giveaway for CrimeCraft and beta key giveaways for Vindictus, Tales of Fantasy, MAT, MicroVolts and Ministry of War. We also have contests for TLBB Reviews and RuneScape Screenshots.
Latest Games, Forum Upgrade, and Second GameOgre Video
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Craft of Gods, Battlestar Galactica Online, and Camon Hero. Craft of Gods is a fantasy 3D MMORPG based on Slavic mythology. Battlestar Galactica Online is a tactical space MMO based on the TV series. Camon Hero is a free MMO with trading card elements. has a new intro video.’s forum has been upgraded. In event news, has a gift code giveaway for CrimeCraft and beta key giveaways for MicroVolts and Rappelz Phillipines. We also have a RuneScape Card Contest and a Taliman Online Blog Contest.
New RuneScape Contest, MMORPG Showdown 5, and GameOgre Video
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Martial Empires, Mythopolis, and Microvolts. Martial Empires is a free martial arts MMO that focuses on PvP combat. Mythopolis is a free browser strategy game based in ancient Greece. Microvolts is an online multiplayer toy shooter that has recently entered closed beta testing. In site news, MMORPG Showdown 5 is now choosing the games for this year. We also have a new Free MMORPG List Video. In event news, has a gift code giveaway for CrimeCraft and beta key giveaways for Aika Global, MicroVolts, and Rappelz Phillipines. We also have a new RuneScape Contest and a Taliman Online Contest.
Darkwind–War on Wheels: Computer Controlled Cars Learn From Player Behavior
Darkwind, the multiplayer on-line turn based strategy war game has continued to push the boundaries of possibilities in on-line gaming with the integration of computer generated players who have improved their skills through cross breeding, natural selection, and learning from human behavior. The game is one of an extreme minority to implement Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to breed new superior computer generated players who additionally can learn from the strategies of their human adversaries.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques can make the behavior of the computer agent more interesting, varied and believable as it has learned behaviors rather than rules being pre-programmed to determine behavior. Genetic algorithms use techniques inspired by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and survival of the fittest via natural selection: a population of individuals undergo selection in a system where variation inducing operators such as crossover of genes and ongoing mutations are present. The evolution starts from a population of individuals and happens in generations.
In each generation the fitness of every individual in the population is evaluated and based on this multiple individuals are randomly selected and modified (recombined and possibly mutated) to form a new population. The new population is then used in the next iteration of the algorithm. A fitness function is used to evaluate individuals, and reproductive success varies with fitness. The results are the average fitness being increased with each generation.
GA evolved computer agents/drivers are being introduced in Darkwind for specific track/car combinations in the racing environment. Effective racing lines for these combinations are being evolved through the use of waypoints. Computer drivers use these waypoints during the game to influence their behavior as they navigate static and moving obstacles on the racetrack. This provides an evolved understanding of the overall shape of the track. The GAs have yielded an improvement of up to 30% in computer driver behavior, but more importantly the use of GAs can make the behavior of the driver more human like.
Darkwind players are varied, and while some prefer Player-V-Player conflicts, others prefer to team up against computer adversaries. The introduction of GA evolved computer agents benefits all players and increases the challenge for the most effective players.
AI is also being deployed in the wilderness area of the game for efficient path finding, obstacle avoidance and terrain navigation. The routes taken by human players over thousands of journeys per week as they navigate the wilderness are used as a form of route planning consensus by the computer agents in a similar manner to that of how ants use pheromones to mark their trail and guide following ants. If the trail is successful and more cars use it, the guidance becomes more intense and denser, whereas other trails fade out. This is much more effective than doing a cost-surface analysis where the computer agent makes a computational evaluation of the landscape around them as they traverse it, and therefore once again leads to more human like decisions and challenging opponents.
New Browser Based Games Added
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Sanctioned Renegades, Castle of Heroes, MineCraft Classic, and Stellar Dawn. Sanctioned Renegades is a free browser-based shooter. Castle of Heroes is a free strategy MMO that was made in Flash. MineCraft Classic is a creative multiplayer game. Stellar Dawn is an upcoming sci-fi MMORPG from the makers of RuneScape. has a gift code giveaway for Runes of Magic and beta key giveaways for Soul Master, Zenetia, and King of Kings 3. We also have an Arcade Challenge Event and a RuneScape Card Contest.
Latest Games, New Runes of Magic Giveaway, and Closed Beta For Zentia
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Transformice, Nord, and Zentia. Transformice is a free online game where players try to grab the cheese first. Nord is a social game based on farming. Lastly, Zenetia is a free MMO where players take on the roles of various former immortals. This game is currently in Closed Beta. In giveaway news, has code giveaways for Runes of Magic (which also has prizes), Zenetia, King of Kings 3, Divine Souls, Fists of Fu, and Heroes of 3 Kingdoms. We also have a Splashfighters Video Contest, a RuneScape Card Event, and a Social Explosion Event.
Latest Games and Social Games Category
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Hero 108 Online, FrontierVille, and King of Kings 3. Hero 108 Online is a free-to-play game based on the Cartoon Network show. FrontierVille is the latest social game from Zynga. Lastly, King of Kings 3 is a PvP and RvR MMO that just started closed beta testing. The final match of the Showdown is Alliance of Valiant Arms vs. Bad Company 2. has code giveaways for Fists of Fu, HolyBeast Online, Dragon’s Call, and Heroes of 3 Kingdoms. We also have a Splashfighters Video Contest and a RuneScape Card Event.
Latest Games and Social Games Category
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include CosmicBreak, Farmville, and Mafia Wars. CosmicBreak is a MMO shooter with massive PvP battles. Farmville is a very popular Facebook game where players farm with their friends. Mafia Wars is another popular game on Facebook. just added a new Social Games category. The fourteenth match of the Showdown is Borderlands vs. Bad Company 2. GameOgre has code giveaways for Heroes in the Sky, HolyBeast Online, Dragon’s Call, and Heroes of 3 Kingdoms. We also have a Splashfighters Video Contest and a Social Explosion Event.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Red Dead Redemption, Fantasy Earth Zero, and Fairy Story. Red Dead Redemption is a sandbox action game set in the old west. Fantasy Earth Zero is a MMO that focuses on large scale PvP. Fairy Story is a free MMO that just entered closed beta testing. The twelfth match of the Showdown is Global Agenda versus Bad Company 2. GameOgre has giveaways for Runes of Magic, World of Kung Fu, Kingory, and Dragon’s Call and beta keys for Kingdom Heroes and Heroes of 3 Kingdoms. We also have a Karos Online Review Contest and a GetAmped 2 Screenshot Contest.
Latest Games and Review Contest Continues
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Need For Speed World, DinoSawUs, and Riftforge. Need for Speed World is an upcoming free game based on that racing franchise. DinoSawUs is a virtual world for kids between 6 to 11. Riftforge is a game that looks to innovate the fantasy MMO genre with deep tactical combat. The ninth match of the Showdown is Modern Warfare 2 vs. Cross Fire. GameOgre has giveaways for Runes of Magic, Highstreet 5, Monster Forest, Kingory, Dragon’s Call and Heroes of Three Kingdoms. We also have a Karos Online Review Contest.
Latest Games and New Design for the Review Directory
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Grepolis, Genesis AD, and Thresh Wars. Grepolis is a free online strategy game where players can build cities and use the power of the gods. Genesis AD is a sci-fi MMOFPS that is currently in closed beta. Thresh Wars is a free browser strategy game. In site news, the Review Directory has a new design! The eighth match of the Showdown is Bad Company 2 against Wolfteam. GameOgre has giveaways for BVO, $88.88 Kingory Code, Dragon’s Call, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a review contest for Karos Online and a Review Helper Contest.
New Giveaways and Games
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Beach Volleyball Online, Blade Wars, and Seyerdin. BVO is a sports MMO with console game elements. Blade Wars is an action/fighting MMORPG by the makers of Dragon Oath that was first developed in China. Seyerdin is an online RPG that is currently in beta testing. The sixth match of the Showdown is Borderlands vs. S4 League. In event news, GameOgre has giveaways for Beach Volleyball, $88.88 Kingory Code, Dragon’s Call, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a review contest for Karos Online and a Review Helper Contest.
New Contest and New Season of Ogre Wars
The Latest Games added to’s Directory include Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Lord of Ultima, and Excalibur Online. Bad Company 2 is a leading online shooter with amazing vehicular combat. Lord of Ultima is a browser-based online strategy game. Excalibur Online is a free MMORTS. In other news, the third season of Ogre Wars has started. The fifth match of the Showdown is Team Fortress 2 against Counter Strike Source. GameOgre has code giveaways for Karos, City of Eternals, Dragon’s Call, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a review contest for Karos Online.
Latest Games and New Contests
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Soul Master, Milmo, and Tactical Intervention. Soul Master is a fantasy MMORTS with cartoon graphics that is currently in development. Milmo is a browser-based 3D action/adventure game. Tactical Intervention is an upcoming online shooter. The second match of the Shooter Showdown is Cross Fire against War Rock. GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Dragon’s Call, City of Eternals, TLBB, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have review contests for Talisman and Dragon Oath and a screenshot contest for Splashfighters.
Latest Games, New Contests and Giveaways, and Shooter Showdown Begins
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Fantage, Heroes of Newerth, and Forsaken World. Fantage is a virtual world for young children. Heroes of Newerth is a real-time strategy MMO based on Defense of the Ancients. Forsaken World is an upcoming MMO from Perfect World Entertainment. The Shooter Showdown starts off with CoD: MW2 vs Left 4 Dead 2. GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Dragon’s Call, City of Eternals, TLBB, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a Wiki Contest, a Talisman Review Contest and a Dragon Oath Review Contest.
Latest Games, New Review Directory, and Online Shooter Showdown
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Erebus, Immortal Empire, and Webkinz. Erebus is a reimagining of Travia by OutSpark. Immortal Empire is a browser-based RPG that can be played solo, co-op, or PvP. Lastly, Webkinz is a virtual world focused on kids. In site news, is please to announce that our MMO Forum and our Online Game Review Directory have been combined! Members can now make forum posts and review games under one login. We will also start the Online Shooter Showdown 2010 next week. In event news, GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Dragon’s Call, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a Wiki Contest and a RuneScape Screenshot Contest.
Latest Games and 2009 Online Game Awards
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include War of Legends, Digimon Battle, and World of Tanks. War of Legends is a browser-based multiplayer strategy game by Jagex. Digimon Battle is a multiplayer game based on the Digimon TV series. This game is currently in development. World of Tanks is a team-based MMO focused on armored vehicles. In site news, the 2009 Online Game Awards have been announced! GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Dragon’s Call, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a Wiki Contest, a SF Quiz Event, and a RuneScape Screenshot Contest.
Latest Games, New Contests, and MMORPG Showdown Finale
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Mass Effect 2, Haven & Hearth, and City of Eternals. Mass Effect 2 is the sequel to one of best science fiction RPGs ever. Haven & Hearth is an online RPG where choices have lasting effects. Lastly, City of Eternals is a free flash-based vampire MMORPG. World of Warcraft vs. RuneScape is the final match of MMORPG Showdown 4. In event news, GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Dragon’s Call, and Battle of the Immortals. We also have a Wiki Contest, a SF Quiz Event, and a RuneScape Contest.
Latest Games, New Contest, and RuneScape vs. Perfect World
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Battle of the Immortals, War of the Titans, and Dungeon Bandits. Battle of the Immortals is a 2.5D action MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment. War of the Titans is a free PBBG where players fight in arenas. Dungeon Bandits is a tournament-based online game. RuneScape vs. Perfect World is the 14th match of MMORPG Showdown 4. In event news, GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Tales Runner, Dragon’s Call, and Dragon Oath. We also have a review contest for Splashfighters and a Wiki Contest.
Latest Games and RuneScape vs. AQ Worlds
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include GetAmped 2, Lost Saga, and Lords of War and Money. Get Amped 2 is a new fighting MMO that was recently launched. Lost Saga is a free fighting game where players can battle across space and time. Lastly, Lords of War and Money is a free browser strategy game inspired by Heroes of Might and Magic. RuneScape goes against AQ Worlds in the 12th match of MMORPG Showdown 4. GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Tales Runner, TLBB, and Dragon Oath. We also have contests for Splashfighters and Dragon’s Call.
Happy New Year and Aion vs. DDO
Happy New Year from! The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Wonder King, Moshi Monsters, and Three Kingdoms. Wonder King is a 2D side scrolling MMO that is currently in closed beta. Moshi Monsters is a virtual world where players can adopt monsters. Three Kingdoms is a browser game with strategy, RPG, and simulation elements. Aion takes on DDO in the 11th match of MMORPG Showdown 4. GameOgre has code giveaways for World of Kung Fu, Tales Runner, TLBB, and Dragon Oath. We also have contests for Splashfighters and Dragon’s Call.
Latest Games, New Giveaways, and Aion vs. Champions Online
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Cloud Nine, The Seventh Dragon, and the Alliance of Valiant Arms. Cloud Nine is an anime-style MMO that is a version of Holic 2. The Seventh Dragon is a free persistent browser-based strategy game where players can hire heroes. Alliance of Valiant Arms is an online FPS with customizable weapons. Aion takes on Champions Online in the 8th match of MMORPG Showdown 4. GameOgre has code giveaways for Neverland Online, World of Kung Fu, Tales Runner, Dragon’s Call, and Dragon Oath. We also currently have a MMO Helper Contest.
Latest Games, New Giveaways, and Free Realms vs. RuneScape
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Sacred Seasons, TLBB, and Kung Foo. Sacred Seasons is a free online RPG that hooks into social networks. TLBB or Tian Long Ba Bu is a F2P MMO based on a Chinese novel. This game is currently in pre-closed beta. Kung Foo is an upcoming MMO that will poke fun at the entire genre. RuneScape faces off against Free Realms in the 7th match of MMORPG Showdown 4. GameOgre has code giveaways for Neverland Online, World of Kung Fu, Karos Online, Tales Runner, Dragon’s Call, and Dragon Oath. We also have contests for Tales Runner and RuneScape.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Grand Fantasia, Heroes of Telara, and TERA. Grand Fantasia is a free fantasy MMO that is currently in closed beta. Heroes of Telara is a beta MMORPG where choices have an impact on the game. Thirdly, TERA or The Exiled Realm of Arborea is a game where players control combat and the economy. Guild Wars takes on Warhammer in the 4th week of the MMORPG Showdown. GameOgre has code giveaways for Neverland Online, World of Kung Fu, Karos Online, and Grand Fantasia. We also have contests for Talisman Online, Tales Runner, and RuneScape.
Latest Games and Showdown Match
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Kingory, Aika, and Neverland Online. Kingory is a free browser-based strategy game with real-time and turn-based elements. Aika is the latest MMORPG pubSacred Seasons is a free online RPG that hooks into social networks. TLBB or Tian Long Ba Bu is a F2P MMO based on a Chinese novel. This game is currently in pre-closed beta. Kung Foo is an upcoming MMO that will poke fun at the entire genrelished by Gala-Net. The game is current in closed beta and will feature Nation vs. Nation PvP. Neverland Online is a fantasy MMO with flying mounts. AQ Worlds takes on Shaiya in the third week of the MMORPG Showdown. In event news, GameOgre has code giveaways for Holy Beast Online, 4Story, Talisman Online, and World of Kung Fu and a beta key giveaway for Karos Online.
Talisman Code Giveaway and the MMORPG Showdown Kicks Off
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Dungeon Fighter Online, Section 8, and WoW Cataclysm. Dungeon Fighter is a free arcade fighting MMO. Section 8 is a shooter that combines FPS action with military strategy. Cataclysm is the latest World of Warcraft expansion with such features as two new races and guild advancement. The Showdown starts with World of WarCraft vs. Age of Conan. GameOgre has code giveaways for 4Story, Talisman Online, and World of Kung Fu and beta key giveaways for Karos Online and Dragon Oath. We also have a MMO Video Contest.
Latest Games and Video Contest Continues
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include DUST 514, Night of the Cephalopods, and Blood Bowl. DUST 514 is an action-packed console MMOFPS based in the EVE Online universe. Night of the Cephalopods is a free old school survival horror game. Blood Bowl is a fantasy football game with a unique twist. This game is a funny combination of the Warhammer franchise and American football. In event news, GameOgre is hosting an MMO Video Contest in our forum. We also have code giveaways for Holy Beast and World of Kung Fu and beta key giveaways for Karos Online and Dragon Oath.
Latest Games and New Contest
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Nida Online, Aderan Wars, and Hero Mages. Nida Online is a hybrid action MMORPG that fuses elements of the past, the present, and the future. Aderan Wars is a free browser MMO. Hero Mages is a browser strategy game with traditional board game elements. In site news, has a new MMORPG Video Directory. In event news, GameOgre is hosting an MMO Video Contest in our forum. We also have code giveaways for Holy Beast and World of Kung Fu and beta key giveaways for Karos Online and Dragon Oath.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Galactic Magnate, Formula WAN, and Legendary Voyage. Galactic Magnate is a free strategy game that is similar to monopoly. Formula WAN is a Formula One management game. Legendary Voyage is a free 2D browser MMO. In event news, GameOgre is hosting an Ultimate Game Card Review Contest. We also have code giveaways for Holy Beast and World of Kung Fu and beta key giveaways for Karos Online and Dragon Oath. Take note that the World of Kung Fu giveaway has a batch of new codes that anybody can use whether they received a previous code or not.
Latest Games and New Server for
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Borderlands, Torchlight, and Dragon’s Call. Borderlands is an upcoming roleplaying shooter where up to four players can cooperatively take on a frontier planet. Torchlight is an impressive action RPG with a level randomizer. Dragon’s Call is a browser MMO in development. In site news, is now powered by a new server! In event news, GameOgre is hosting a blog contest for Splashfighters and an Ultimate Game Card Review Contest. We also have code giveaways for Holy Beast and World of Kung Fu and beta key giveaways for Heroes of Gaia and Karos Online.
New Games and More Beta Key Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Dragon Cave, Zodiac Online, and Bright Shadows. Dragon Cave is a free online dragon training game. Zodiac Online is a colorful MMO based on the Chinese Zodiac. Lastly, Bright Shadows is a 3D anime MMORPG with a large social system and 20 unique classes. This game will be in closed beta soon. In event news, GameOgre is hosting a blog contest for Splashfighters and an Ultimate Game Card Review Contest. We also have code giveaways for Holy Beast and World of Kung Fu and beta key giveaways for Heroes of Gaia, Karos Online, and Dragon Oath.
New Games and Another Dragon Oath Beta Key Giveaway
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Karos Online, Mercenary Wars, and Heroes of Gaia. Karos Online is a free fantasy MMORPG with Mass PvP and guild clashes. Mercenary Wars is an online shooter with a unique stat system that can be used to customize your character. Lastly, Heroes of Gaia is a free browser MMO that resembles the Heroes of Might and Magic franchise. GameOgre is hosting blog contests for World of Kung Fu and Splashfighters. We also have a Luna Review Contest, an Ultimate Game Card Review Contest, and code giveaways for Holy Beast and Dragon Oath.
Newest Games, Luna Online Review Contest and Contest for Ultimate Game Card
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Mythegy, Robits World, and Gates of Andaron. Mythegy is a browser-based PvP game that is currently in beta testing. Robits World is a free web-based multiplayer game with 3D graphics and realtime aim-and-shoot combat action. Gates of Andaron is an MMO game where players can fight for disputed territories and besiege castles. In site news, GameOgre is hosting a blog contest for World of Kung Fu. We also have a Luna Online Review Contest, a Review Contest for an Ultimate Game Card, and a code giveaway for Holy Beast Online.
Latest Games, WokF Blog Contest, and More Contests
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Robo Smasher, MLB Dugout Heroes, and World of Battles. Robo Smasher is a free multiplayer action game where blocks play a major role. MLB Dugout Heroes is the best baseball MMO yet with a realistic leveling system. World of Battles is a great looking MMORTS that is currently in beta. In forum event news, GameOgre is hosting blog contests for World of Kung Fu and Wolf Team. We also have a review contest for Ether Saga and a SplashFighters Image Contest. Lastly, we have a code giveaway for Holy Beast Online.
Latest Games, New Contest and Beta Giveaway
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Empire Craft, CTRacer, and WarpForce. Empire Craft is a browser-based game with strategy and RPG elements. CTRacer is a 3D MMO racing game focused on real driving. Lastly, WarpForce is a new science fiction single player RPG from the AdventureQuest universe. Players take on an alien force known as The Network. In forum event news, GameOgre is giving away codes for World of Kung Fu and beta keys for Dance Groove Online. We also have contests for Ether Saga, Secret of the Solstice, Wolf Team, and SplashFighters.
Latest Games, New Contests, Ogre Wars
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Dragon Oath, Dance Groove Online, and Ogre Wars. Dragon Oath is a fantasy MMO with a focus on teamwork and community. This game is currently in pre-closed beta. Dance Groove Online is an upcoming free dancing game from Outspark that will feature a wide variety of music and outfits. Ogre Wars is a customized forum game that can be played right on In forum event news, GameOgre is giving away codes for World of Kung Fu. We also have contests for Ether Saga, FlyFF, Secret of the Solstice, and Wolf Team.
Latest Games and New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Earth Eternal, Gilfor’s Tales, and AgeRaces. Earth Eternal is an upcoming 3D MMO that you will be able to play in your browser for free. It should be noted that all virtual items that can be purchased can also be earned through playing the game. Gilfor’s Tales is a tactical RPG that is currently in beta. AgeRaces is an online racing game where you can drive through different eras. In forum event news, GameOgre is giving away codes for World of Kung Fu. We also have contests for Ether Saga, FlyFF, Secret of the Solstice, and Wolf Team.
Latest Games, New Giveaways, Forum Game, Free Game Tournament
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Jade Dynasty, Infinity Online and Conquest Forum Game. Jade Dynasty is an action MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment that is currently in open beta. Infinity Online is a free multiplayer game with a cooperative mode. Conquest Forum Game is fun online strategy game that be played in’s forum. The Free Online Game Tournament continues. GameOgre is giving away codes for World of Kung Fu and Galaxy Online and Wolf Team Beta Keys. We are also hosting a Map and Accessory Idea Contest for Splashfighters.
Latest Games, Showdown Finals, New Contests, Free Game Tournament
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include GhostX, Racing Star: Come on Baby, and Fantasy Tennis 2. GhostX is a free action RPG with an unlimited combat system and nanobots. Racing Star is a whacky racing game where babies race on carts, skateboards, and even playpens. Lastly, Fantasy Tennis 2 is a Tennis RPG with special moves. Cross Fire vs. Team Fortress 2 in the final match of the Shooter Showdown. GameOgre is giving away World of Kung Fu Item Codes and is hosting contests for HolyBeast Online, Fiesta Online, Chronicles of Spellborn, and Splashfighters.
Latest Games, Showdown Semi-Finals, New Review Contests
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include GONG, Blade and Soul, and Horseland. GONG (Goal or No Goal) is an online soccer game with cartoonish graphics that can be played for free. Blade and soul is a martial arts MMO in development. This game does not have an English version yet. Horseland is a virtual world that revolves around horses. Team Fortress 2 vs. Call of Duty 4 is the second semi-final match in the Shooter Showdown. GameOgre is giving away World of Kung Fu Item Codes and is hosting a HolyBeast Review Contest, a Fiesta Review Contest, and a Spellborn Review Contest.
Latest Games, Showdown Round 3, Contests Continue
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Cosmic Supremacy, Dead Frontier, and Alteil. Cosmic Supremacy is a free turn-based space strategy game. Dead Frontier is an online survival game where players fight against zombies. Alteil is a Japanese online card game with a dueling system that requires a great deal of strategy. Cross Fire vs. Battlefield 2142 is the first match of the semi-finals in the Shooter Showdown. GameOgre is also hosting several contests including a SplashFighters Idea Contest and Review Contests for World of Kung Fu and HolyBeast Online.
Latest Games, Showdown Round 2, Beta Keys and Review Contests Continue
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Evony, Dragon Sky, and Alganon. Evony is a free MMORTS in a persistent world. Dragon Sky is another free martial arts MMO from Aeria Games. This game is currently in closed beta. Alganon is an upcoming MMO that allows for characters to grow even when they are not being played. Crysis vs. Call of Duty 4 is the latest match of the Shooter Showdown. GameOgre is hosting several contests including a SplashFighters Idea Contest and Review Contests for World of Kung Fu, 9 Dragons, HolyBeast Online, and Twelve Sky 2.
Latest Games, Showdown Round 2, Beta Keys and Review Contests Continue
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Freesky, Ikariam, and Allods. Freesky is a free browser-based strategy game by IGG. Ikariam is a real-time strategy-based colonization game by GameForge. Allods is a sci-fi fantasy MMORPG from gPotato that is in development and has already won awards in Russia. Team Fortress 2 vs. GunZ is the latest match of the Shooter Showdown. GameOgre is giving away beta keys for Luminary and 12 Sky 2 and is also hosting a SplashFighters Review Contest, a Cross Fire Review Contest, and World of Kung Fu Review Contest.
Latest Games, Showdown Round 2, Beta Keys and Review Contests Galore
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Luminary, HolyBeast, and Mytheon. Luminary is a free MMO that combines politics, community, and craftsmanship into one game. Holy Beast is a free-to-play game that allows players to transform into beasts. Mytheon is a combination of a RTS and an action RPG. Cross Fire vs. Combat Arms is the latest match of the Shooter Showdown. GameOgre is giving away beta keys for Luminary and 12 Sky 2 and is also hosting a SplashFighters Review Contest, a Cross Fire Review Contest, and World of Kung Fu Review Contest.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown Week 8, New Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Blood Wars, Cities XL, and MySims. Blood Wars is a free online game where players are vampires in a post nuclear world. Cities XL is a city-building MMO currently in beta. MySims is a social game where players can share their creations online. Quake Live meets Call of Duty 4 in the eighth match of the Online Shooter Showdown. In code news, GameOgre is giving away item codes for World of Kung Fu and GodsWar Online and Closed Beta 2 Newbie Codes for Chaos Online. We also have a SplashFighters Review Contest.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown Week 6, New Contest
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Legends of Zork, Mortal Online, and Zatikon. Legends of Zork is a classic PC game that has been reborn recently on Internet Browsers. Mortal Online is a first person MMORPG that is currently in beta. Zatikon is a free turn-based tactics game. GunZ shoots it out with S4 League in the sixth match of the Online Shooter Showdown. In code news, GameOgre is giving away item codes for World of Kung Fu and SplashFighters and beta keys for Luna Online. We also have a contest for a Nintendo DS RPG and a Twelve Sky 2 Art Contest.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown Week 4, More Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Luna Online, Twelve Sky 2, and Fragoria. Luna Online is a new MMO with innovative matchmaking features and an interesting farm system. Twelve Sky 2 is a PvP focused game currently in beta. Fragoria is a browser game in development that will be offered in various languages. Team Fortress 2 battles Left 4 Dead in the fourth match of the Online Shooter Showdown. In giveaway news, GameOgre is giving away item codes for World of Kung Fu, GodsWar Online and SplashFighters. We also have a contest for a Nintendo DS RPG.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown Rolls On, New Giveaway
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include EpicDuel, Ponystars, and MyDivaDoll. EpicDuel is a free browser game focused on PvP combat. Ponystars allows players to breed, raise, and train their own herds of magic ponies. Lastly, MyDivaDoll is a virtual world by Acclaim that is based on attitude, fashion, and interior design. Exteel faces Battlefield 2142 in the third match of the Online Shooter Showdown. In giveaway news, GameOgre is giving away item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online and now free card codes for SplashFighters.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown, Giveaways, Warhammer Online Trial
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Piracy Age, 2029 Online, and Galaxy Online. Piracy Age is a free browser game with a pirate theme. 2029 Online is a MMO that combines RPG and RTS elements. This game is currently in alpha testing. Galaxy Online is a free MMORTS with six available factions. This game allows players to design warships and fleets. Cross Fire goes against Counter-Strike: Source in the second match of the Online Shooter Showdown. In giveaway news, GameOgre is still giving away item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown Starts, Giveaways,
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Black Prophecy, Age of Lore, and RanchStars. Black Prophecy is a 3D real-time space combat MMO. This game is currently in development, but you can register for the upcoming closed beta test. Age of Lore is a free online RPG by Acclaim. RanchStars is an online farm game also by Acclaim. Combat Arms takes on War Rock in the first match of the Online Shooter Showdown. In giveaway news, GameOgre is giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and Ether Saga and item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown, Giveaways, Quake Live Open Beta
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Land of Magic, Space Conquer, and Legends of Qin. Land of Magic is a classic 2D MMORPG where changing race and gender is possible. Space Conquer is a free empire building game. Legends of Qin is a free MMO that aims to minimize grinding. In other news, Quake Live will begin its open beta on February 24th. In site news, Online Shooter Showdown continues to add participants. In addition, GameOgre is still giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and Ether Saga and item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online.
Latest Games, Shooter Showdown, Giveaways Continue
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Cross Fire, Titan Online, and Project of Planets. Cross Fire is a free online FPS that is currently in beta. Titan Online is a MMO that features martial arts and robots. Project of Planets is a science fiction MMORPG with an FPS mode. In site news, GameOgre will try to find the best online shooting games in the first annual Online Shooter Showdown. In giveaway news, GameOgre is still giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and Ether Saga and item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online.
Latest Games, End of MMO Showdown, Game Awards, New Beta Key Giveaway
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Megaten, Left 4 Dead, Blood Frontier, and Wizard 101. Megaten is an online RPG with a complex demon partner system. Left 4 Dead is a retail game with a great multiplayer mode. Blood Frontier is an open source FPS. Wizard 101 is an online wizard school adventure. In GameOgre news, MMORPG Showdown 3 has concluded and the 2008 Online Game Awards have been announced! In giveaway news, GameOgre is giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and Ether Saga and item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online.
Latest Games, Giveaways Continue
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Trench Wars, Sudden Attack, and BattleForge. Trench Wars is a popular zone in the free space shooter known as Subspace Continuum. Sudden Attack is a free MMOFPS that is currently in closed beta. BattleForge is a fantasy online RTS that has solo and team-based missions, tournaments, and PvP. The latest match of MMORPG Showdown 3 is Guild Wars versus Lord of the Rings Online. In other news, GameOgre is still giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and item codes for World of Kung Fu and Destiny Online.
Latest Games, World of Warcraft vs. RuneScape, New Code Giveaway
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Sauerbraten, Celestial Destroyer, and Mo Siang. Sauerbraten a.k.a. Cube 2 is a free online shooter. Celestial Destroyer is a 3D MMORPG that is currently in open beta. Mo Siang is a martial arts MMO where each character can choose six fighting styles. The latest match of MMORPG Showdown 3 is World of Warcraft vs. Runescape. In giveaway news, GameOgre is still giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and item codes for World of Kung Fu. There is also now a newbie code giveaway for Destiny Online (Legend of Golden Plume).
Latest Games, Showdown Match, Beta Giveaway and Item Packages
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Realms of Loria, Secondhand Lands, and Operation 7. Realms of Loria is a free browser RPG with 2D graphics. Secondhand Lands is a MMO set in a fairytale world. This game is currently in open beta. Lastly, Operation 7 is a free online FPS that allows players to build their own weapons. The latest match of MMORPG Showdown 3 is Eve Online vs. Lord of the Rings Online. In giveaway news, GameOgre is giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and item codes for World of Kung Fu.
Happy Holidays, Latest Games, Showdown Continues, Giveaways
Happy Holidays from! The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Purge, Street Gears, and Taikodom. Purge is a persistent FPS/RPG hybrid game. Street Gears is a unique MMO skating game with racing elements that is currently in closed beta. Lastly, Taikodom is a massive science fiction social game where all players play on one server. The latest match of MMORPG Showdown 3 is RuneScape vs Maple Story. In site news, GameOgre is still giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and item codes for World of Kung Fu.
Latest Games, Showdown Match, Beta Giveaway and Item Packages
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include S4 League, World of Goo, and Ether Saga. S4 League is a MMOTPS that combines shooting and sports elements into one action game. World of Goo is a leading casual/puzzle game where players build structures made of goo. Ether Saga is a free anime-style MMORPG from the makers of Perfect World International. The latest match of MMORPG Showdown 3 is World of Warcraft vs Perfect World. In site news, GameOgre is still giving away beta keys for Chaos Online and item codes for World of Kung Fu and Twelve Sky.
Latest Games and Showdown Matches, New Beta Give away and WoKF Item Packages
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Pirate Galaxy, PinkBall, and SmallWorlds. Pirate Galaxy is a sci-fi browser game currently in closed beta. PinkBall is a free browser-based football management game with league and cup competitions. SmallWorlds is a virtual world where you can not only play a plethora of multiplayer games, but you can also make special missions. The final match of the first round of MMORPG Showdown 3 is RuneScape vs. AQ Worlds. In site news, GameOgre is giving away item codes for World of Kung Fu and beta keys for Chaos Online.
Latest Games, Guild Wars vs. Dungeon Runners, and WoKF Item Packages
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Spy Battle, zOMG!, and Grand Theft Auto IV. Spy Battle is a free browser game. zOMG! is a browser MMORPG currently in beta from the virtual world known as Gaia Online. Grand Theft Auto IV is the PC version that has just been released with a multiplayer mode, customizable radio station, and a video editor for sharing player videos. In showdown news, the latest battle is Guild Wars vs. Dungeon Runners. In site news, GameOgre has teamed with the World of Kung Fu to giveaway Item Codes for special item packages.
Beta MMOs, Latest Match, and Tabula Rasa
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Fantagetar Online, Lego Universe, and DC Universe Online. Fantagetar is a free cartoonish MMORPG that is currently in closed beta. Lego Universe is a MMOG currently in development for players of all ages. Lastly, DC Universe Online will sport such famous heroes and villains as Superman, Batman, and the Joker. Will this game be more popular than City of Heroes? In surprising news, Tabula Rasa, a p2p MMO, will be closing down on February 28th. In showdown news, the latest battle is Perfect World vs Silkroad Online.
Latest Games Added and Tibia versus Maple Story
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Urban Rivals, King-War Online, and Wardrome. Urban Rivals is a MMO trading card game where you can challenge other players from around the world. You receive 8 cards when register and there no download. There are over 400 characters to discover. King-War Online is a free online strategy game with a fantasy setting. Lastly, Wardrome is a browser strategy game with a space opera atmosphere. In site news, MMORPG Showdown 3 continues as two free MMOs battle it out: Tibia vs Maple Story.
Latest Free Online Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include free online games such The West, BattleMail Kung Fu, and Free Realms. The West is a popular online RPG about the Old West where players can duel each other. BattleMail Kung Fu is a web and email-based fighting game. Free Realms is a MMORPG/virtual world by Sony that is being made for the PC and the PlayStation 3. Whether a player engages in combat or not, is completely up to the player. This game is currently in beta. In site news, MMORPG Showdown 3 continues with Age of Conan vs. Lord of the Rings Online.
Wide Variety of Games and MMORPG Showdown 3 Kicks Off
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Secret Builders, Freaky Creatures, and World Golf Tour. Secret Builders is a virtual world where you can play games, maintain a house, and chat. Freaky Creatures allows you to make your own creature, raise it, and then fight with it. This game is currently in beta. World Golf Tour is a realistic golfing sim that is free to play and allows players to compete in tournaments for prizes. In site news, MMORPG Showdown 3 kicks off with a bang as World of Warcraft vs. Warhammer Online is the first match.
Latest Games and New Star Wars MMO
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include League of Legends, VanillaGate, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. League of Legends is a competitive online game with RPG and strategy elements. VanillaGate is a free fantasy MMORPG with an educational aspect that is currently in open beta. Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a story-driven MMO from Bioware and Lucas Arts. The game is set thousands of years before Darth Vader. This could be the MMO that Star Wars fans have been waiting for.
More Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Strategy Game Network, 7Million, Blood Divide, and Hello Kitty Online. Strategy Game Network is a online turn-based version of Risk. 7Million allows players to play the role of a thief that performs elaborate heists. Blood Divide is a free browser RPG with 4 type combat system. Hello Kitty Online lets players explore the much-loved Sanrio universe.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Blackshot, Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria, and Highstreet 5. Blackshot is an amazing looking MMOFPS from Outspark. This game just finished its closed beta test. Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria is an expansion that will offer one of the biggest dungeons ever in a MMORPG. Highstreet 5 is a global dancing game where you can dress your character in the latest styles and video chat with friends.
Wide Variety of New Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include WolfTeam, Sorcery Quest, Strategic Domination, and Crysis Warhead. WolfTeam is a MMOFPS where players can transform into a werewolf. Sorcery Quest is a free flash-based online RPG with an arena. Strategic Domination is a turn-based war game where game sessions last 10 days. Lastly, Crysis Warhead is a standalone release in the Crysis franchise with a better multiplayer mode than the original.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Sho Online, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky and La Tale. Sho Online is a free MMORPG that is based on a Chinese tale known as Fengshen Yanyi. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky is an online shooter with RPG elements. This game is the prequel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and must be purchased. Lastly, La Tale is a free 2 side-scrolling MMORPG in the same vein as games like Maple Story, Ghost Online and WindSlayer.
More Games Added and Contests/Giveaways
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Illarion, MoiPal, Awakened Lands, and Tagoria. Illarion is a free online RPG with graphics. MoiPal is a virtual world with different games to play. Awakened Lands is a browser-based cyber punk game. Lastly, Tagoria is a free fantasy RPG with arena fights and item trading. This game is available in English, German, French, and Spanish. In other news, has added a new Contest, Events, and Giveaways section in our MMORPG Forum for future events.
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include such beta MMORPGs as Dragonica, Divine Tears Online, and 4 Story. Dragonica is a free 3D side-scrolling game with a large focus on action. This game is currently in closed beta. Divine Tears Online is a fantasy MMO with three unique factions: Dragon Race, Elves, and Biotechs. In 4 Story, the hero’s destiny is to bring the endless war between the three kingdoms to an end using such means as quests, time travel, and the game’s command system.
Latest Beta Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Sugar Rush, Deco Online, and Tales Runner. Sugar Rush is a multiplayer action fighter from the same company as Maple Story, Nexon. The goal is to beat up other players while collecting coins. This game is currently in closed beta. Deco Online is a free fantasy MMORPG where players can choose between a nation that uses primarily magic, Rain, or a nation that primarily uses weapons, Millena. Lastly, Tales Runner is a free online racing game with a fairy tale setting. This game is also in closed beta.
More Free Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Discarded, Richman Online, and Zombie Pandemic. Discarded is a MMO collectible card beat-um up game with cartoonish graphics. This game is currently in beta, but is free to play. Richman Online is a free MMO board game by Aeria Games. This game is also free and has an over-the-top cast of characters such as Ninja Bob and Tater Tot. Zombie Pandemic is a browser game where you are a survivor in a zombie infested city. This game is currently in development.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Panfu, 5 Days A Stranger, 7 Days a Skeptic, and Concerto Gate. Panfu is a virtual world for kids where each kid chooses a panda as an avatar. 5 Days A Stranger and 7 Days A Skeptic are both free adventure games with old school graphics by Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw. Both games have a special edition available and both star the master cat burglar named Trilby. Lastly, Concerto Gate is a fantasy MMORPG currently in closed beta. This game’s combat system uses a mixture of real-time and turn-based combat.
More Games Added, GameOgre’s New Design, and Improved List Pages
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Legend of Golden Plume, Trukz, and NationStates. Legend of Golden Plume is a cartoonish MMO with a focus on community over solo play. This game is currently in closed beta. Trukz is a free browser game where players get a taste of a being a truck driver. NationStates is a free nation simulation game based on a novel by the maker of the game. In site-related news, has a new site design! We have also updated several lists and improved the structure of all the lists. Opinions on the changes are welcome in our forum.
Wide Variety of Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Dark Orbit, PMOG, Celestial Impact, and Ace Online. Dark Orbit is a browser-based space game where you can compete against thousands of online opponents. PMOG stands for Passively Multiplayer Online Game. This basically means that you can “play” without really playing because this “game” unfolds while users browse the Internet. Celestial Impact is a team-based FPS where players can destroy and add to the game’s terrain. Lastly, Ace Online is the new version of Space Cowboy Online. SCO was shut down back in December.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Crazy Shooter Online, Play Hard Football, and Aeronauts. Crazy Shooter Online is a free 3D online shooter with vehicles, realistic looking weapons, and some weird-looking characters. Play Hard Football is an online football game currently in beta. You will be able to create teams, bid against other GMs for players, and play against teams from across the Internet. Lastly, Aeronauts is an online flight action game where friends can ride as assistant pilots to help repair the plane when it gets damaged and/or to provide extra firepower against enemies.
Latest Games Added and New Look for
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Space Siege, Star Pirates, and SocioTown. Space Siege is the latest action RPG from the makers of Dungeon Siege 1 and 2. This game has not been released yet, but could end up being a futuristic version of Dungeon Siege. Star Pirates is a free browser game where players can battle it out against each other, research weapons and technology, mine asteroids, and raid ships. SocioTown is a 3D Social MMOG that can be played in a browser. In site-related news, is going to have a new look over the next few weeks. Our MMORPG Forum is the first area of GameOgre to receive a taste of the new look.
New Games Added including Diablo 3
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include WindSlayer, Habbo Hotel, and Diablo 3. WindSlayer is a free 2D side scrolling MMORPG with anime-style graphics like Maple Story. This game is currently in closed beta. Habbo Hotel is a huge virtual world for teens where thousands of people chat, play RPGs, and just generally hang out. Lastly, the big announcement has been made as Blizzard is working on the latest installment of the granddaddy of all action RPGs. After years of speculation and countless clones, there will be a Diablo 3. The two new character classes will be the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor.
Several New Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Tengaged, Stone Age 2, Atlantica Online, Project Powder, and Splash Fighters. Tengaged is a social game like the Big Brother TV show. Stone Age 2 is a game currently in beta where dinosaurs can be raised as pets. Atlantica Online is a strategic turn-based MMORPG where players try to unlock the secrets of Atlantis. Project Powder is a snowboarding game that will start its closed beta very soon. Lastly, Splash Fighters is an online fighting game where players can use everything from their fists to weapons and psychic abilities.
Several Games Added and Major Changes
Over ten games from various genres have been added to the Review Directory including Runes of Magic, Wild West Online, Smash Online, and AQ Worlds. Runes of Magic is a fantasy MMORPG currently in beta that has a dual class system with switchable primary and secondary classes. Wild West Online is a free online game where you can play either the single player mode or one-versus-one multiplayer mode. This game allows you to live out your wild west fantasies by taking on historical gunfighters. Smash Online is a free MMO tennis game that features RPG-like character development. Rounding out the new additions with a bit of a surprise is AQ Worlds. AQ Worlds is the first MMORPG from the makers of Adventure Quest and DragonFable. This game is currently in alpha. In news, a Flash Games category has been added to the Review Directory and both the Online RPG and Free Game pages have underwent major changes.
Various Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Sins of a Solar Empire, Love, Top Speed, and Rohan: Blood Fued. Sins of a Solar Empire is a highly acclaimed retail real-time strategy game with a multiplayer mode. Love is a first person adventure game that acts somewhat like a social network. Top Speed is a wacky kart racing game with cartoonish graphics. Last but not least, Rohan: Blood Feud is a 3D MMORPG currently in open beta. This game has many impressive features such as guilds being able to control towns and players being able to get revenge on other players who killed them via a Hit List.
More Beta/Development Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Combat Arms, Divergence, and Global Agenda. Combat Arms is a free MMOFPS/shooter that is currently in closed beta. This game allows up to 16 players to battle it out at a time. Divergence is a hardcore sci-fi MMORPG currently in development. This game will have a very open PvP system where any player can attack any other player. Another sci-fi game in development, Global Agenda, is a fast paced action MMO with a spy/technology theme. In other site news, will be having a 3 month long tournament in our forums to determine the best online game. This tournament will start on June 1st and will consist of over 100 games.
More Games and New Game Graveyard Category in Review Directory
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Aranock Online, Fireteam Reloaded, and Mr. President. Aranock Online is a free online RPG based on a past MMO known as Astonia. Fireteam Reloaded is an action packed multiplayer game that bills itself as the combat sport of the future. This game is currently in Open Beta. Mr. President is a free online game where players can be elected as President for one week. In other news, a new category has been added to the Review Directory. The Game Graveyard is for games that are no longer operating. No game in the graveyard will be eligible for a top 10 list because the purpose of it is just to show what has been said about past games and to allow for future comments in case a game makes a return in some form.
Improved Lists and New Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Citadel of Sorcery, DarkSolstice, and Florensia. Citadel of Sorcery is an MMO currently in development that will try to create a unique experience for each player with adventures rather than the usual quests that are in most massive games today. DarkSolstice is an online RPG with 2.5D graphics. Florensia is an MMO where players can battle on land and sea. This game is currently in closed beta. In addition, several game lists have been improved this week including Free MMORPGs, Beta MMORPGs, and the MMO Graveyard.
New MMOs Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include games that are either in alpha or beta such as Nodiatis, Dawn, and Black Moon Chronicles. Nodiatis is an old school type RPG in an MMO setting that is currently in beta. The most noticeable feature of the game is that players risk everything in PvP. That is right, PvP results in permanent death. Take note that this game is currently playable. Dawn is a game in alpha from the same company as Nodiatis and Race War Kingdoms. This game will incorporate aspects from the RTS, FPS and RPG genres. Black Moon Chronicles is a fantasy MMORPG that is inspired by a French comic strip. This game is currently in beta testing, but is set to be officially launched on May 14, 2008.
One MMO and 2 Games in Development Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Holic, CrimeCraft, and Warhammer 40,000 Online. Holic is a free fantasy MMORPG with cartoon-like graphics. The most interesting feature of this game is that players can create their own quests and dungeons. CrimeCraft is a MMO shooter in development that will use RPG aspects and the Unreal 3 Engine. Instead of heroic cops bringing down the bad guys, various criminals battle each other in a ruthless city. Warhammer 40,000 Online is another highly anticipated MMO still in development. Unlike the upcoming Warhammer Online, there is not much known about this game yet.
More Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Roblox, Goal Line Blitz, and Magi-Nation: Battle For The Moonlands. Roblox is a virtual world where players build their own personal places using virtual bricks. Creations include vehicles, buildings, and scenery. Goal Line Blitz is a browser-based free sports simulation based on American football. Like an RPG, players are created and then gain experience by playing games. Lastly, Magi-Nation: Battle For The Moonlands is a free online RPG based on a popular cartoon series for kids. Take note that you can join the Magi-Nation Fan Club as well as play the game.
Sports Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Empire of Sports, Cal Ripken’s Real Baseball, and Artic Stud Poker Run. Empire of Sports is a multi-sports MMO that covers basketball, football, tennis, skiing, and track. Take note that this game is in Europe and may not be available to outside countries. Cal Ripken’s Real Baseball is a baseball MMORPG that allows up to 18 players on a field at once. Players can customize their characters’ traits and compete in leagues. Lastly, Artic Stud Poker Run is an inventive arcade-style game that promises “full-contact poker”. Instead of playing a friendly game of poker at a quiet table, players race and battle other players cross-country style in a whacky world. In other news, the MMO Graveyard will soon be getting a new entrant as Disney will be pulling the plug on Virtual Magic Kingdom (VMK) on May 21st.
Beta MMORPGs and More
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include such upcoming MMORPGs as Magic World Online, Neo Steam, and Mythos. Magic World Online bills itself as a new concept MMORPG due to such features that include a bot that grinds for you, video chat, and weapons that grow as you grow. Neo Steam is a 3D MMO that is close to being launched. One of the main attractions of this game is steam rides via balloons, submarines, and zeppelins. Finally, Mythos is an action MMO from the makers of Diablo. This game is currently in development, but will be entirely free-to-play when it is launched.
Two Shooters and a RPG/RTS.
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Quake Live, Battlefield Heroes, and Stranger. Quake Live is a browser version of the classic online shooter known as Quake Three: Arena. The game will be free-to-play and have stat tracking, but also expect in-game advertising. Battlefield Heroes is another upcoming free game from an established shooter franchise. This cartoon-style game will be targeted towards casual gamers but will also offer deep character development. Lastly, Stranger is a combination of an RPG and an RTS game. The multiplayer mode of the game allows up to eight players.
Latest Games Added and Upcoming Forum
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Faketown, Slider Party, and The Warrior King. Faketown is a virtual world where you can buy property and build your own dream house. You can also make your own virtual items for the game. Slider Party is a free multiplayer action game with a very casual and colorful look. The download size is only 39.5 MBs. The Warrior King is an online browser-based strategy game that focuses on teamwork. In site-related news, GameOgre will be opening a full-fledged forum sometime this week! The current forums that accompany review pages will stay for the time being, but could eventually be phased out. The new forum will enable even more interaction on
More Free Games Added and Supreme Destiny Closing
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include BattleKnight, Blade Mistress, and Gate to Heavens. BattleKnight is a free online browser game where you can be a paladin or a dark knight. Blade Mistress is free fantasy MMORPG that has returned from the dead. This game was shutdown in 2006 but has now come back under new management. Gate to Heavens is another free MMORPG that has been relaunched under new management. While those two games have found a new life, Supreme Destiny is calling it quits soon. Without question, Supreme Destiny has been one of the most popular games covered on so it will be sad to see it go. SD will close on June 1st, 2008.
Betas and Freebies
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include The Prophet’s Song, Mabinogi, and Kingdom Tales. The Prophet’s Song is a free online RPG where each of the game’s ten races have have a unique history and special abilities. Mabinogi is a MMORPG currently in beta that has cartoon-style graphics. A few of the game’s interesting features include the ability to design your own clothes, NPCs that remember your actions, and the ability to make your own music. Kingdom Tales is a 3D MMORPG based on Chinese mythology. This game boasts a wide variety of quests such as family quests, team quests, state quests, and branch quests.
Newest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Bitefight, Requiem, and Force of Arms. Bitefight is a free online game where vampires battle werewolves. Both sides search the streets for victims and players can build strongholds. Requiem: Bloodymare is a gory MMORPG made for mature gamers only. One interesting feature is that your character can transform into a terrifying creature. This game is currently in closed beta. Force of Arms is a mech MMO that is currently in development. While in development interested players can still experience the Force of Arms universe though a few gamics. Gamics are a combination of games and comics. FoA will have a very large focus on PvP, but will also have PvE elements.
Next Superhero MMO
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Champions Online, Secret of the Solstice, and Bread and Butter. Champions Online is a MMORPG in development that will be the next big superhero MMO by Cryptic Studios. This game is being developed for both the PC and the Xbox 360. Players will have billion of character options in order to customize their superheroes. Secret of the Solstice boasts an interactive storyline that centers around twin princesses and a kingdom in trouble. Lastly, Bread and Butter is about making treats in a bakery. This game has a cutsey theme and dozens of mini-games.
One Beta and Two Free Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Angels Online, Battle For Wesnoth, and Open Arena. Angels Online is a 2D MMORPG with cartoonish graphics that is currently in beta and is free to play. Take note that this game will be free after beta as well. Battle For Wesnoth is a free turn-based strategy game in a fantasy world. Players can make their own maps, create custom units, and even write campaigns and scenarios. OpenArena is a free online shooter based on Quake III: Arena. Please note that Quake III: Arena is not required to play OpenArena.
Several Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Urban Dead, Savage 2, and Starfighter: Disputed Galaxy. Urban Dead is a free browser-based survival horror game. You can play as a trapped citizen, a member of the military, a scientist, or even a victim of a sinister contagion. Savage 2 is the sequel to a retail game that tried to do too much and is extremely hard to put into one category since it used elements from various genres including RTS games, fantasy, science fiction, and shooters. Now, the full version of Savage can be downloaded and played for free. Savage 2 can be bought online, but does not require a subscription for playing online. Starfighter: Disputed Galaxy is a free top-down shooter with both multiplayer and single player elements. In other site news,’s 2007 Online Game Awards will be announced this week!
More Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Earthrise, Twilight Heroes, Prison Struggle, and Madhouse. Earthrise is a sci-fi MMORPG that is currently in development. This game will feature a player driven economy and a unique skill-based advancement system. Twilight Heroes is a turn-based super hero RPG. This game is free to play and offers personality instead of colorful graphics. Prison Struggle is a slight twist on the usual mafia-style game. Madhouse is definitely a free game that is hard to put into a category. The game bills itself as a top down shooter adventure RPG with a comical horror theme. The characters in the game are wacky and the action is insane with ample amounts of blood and comedy.
Many Free Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include such free games as Everonia, A Tale of Two Kingdoms, RuneSword II, Glest, and Toribash. Everonia is a free fantasy online RPG with cartoon graphics that centers on a controversy for the crown. A Tale of Two Kingdoms is a free fantasy adventure game similar to the old King Quest games by Sierra. RuneSword II is a free CRPG made for gamers who prefer pen-and-paper style RPGs. This game also provides a world maker to players. Glest is a free 3D real-time strategy game with a fantasy setting. Lastly, Toribash is a turn-based fighting game with both a free version and a pay version. This game also has both a single player and a multiplayer version. The focus of Toribash is on tactics rather than button-mashing and the violence is over-the-top in a comic way.
First Games Added in 2008
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Wakfu, Fallout 3, Tremulous, and World of Padman. Wakfu is a fantasy MMO that takes place 1,000 years after Dofus. This game is currently in beta. Fallout 3 is a highly anticipated retail RPG that can be played in a first person or third person view. Don’t look for this game to be released until at least next Fall. Tremulous is a free online shooter that combines a team-based FPS with a RTS by allowing teams to build working structures. These structures provide various functions such as spawning, healing, and defense. World of Padman is also a free online shooter but it takes a more cartoonish approach to the genre than most games. This game can be played either online with players or offline with bots.
Latest Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Overlord, Trackmania, and Spore. Overlord is a retail RPG where players can be as evil as they want to be. The goal of the game is to conquer seven corrupt heroes. Trackmania is a racing game series with a plethora of content available for players. This game series gives the choice of either racing or just building tracking tracks to share online. Lastly, Spore is one of the most anticipated PC games ever from Will Wright of The Sims fame and has been in development for many years. This game could finally be launched in 2008.
Latest Games Added and Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from! The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Football Superstars, Bulfleet, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Football Superstars is a MMO soccer game that is set to be launched in 2008. This game follows the career of players from humble beginnings to the top of the sport. Bulfleet is a free online space strategy game that requires only a browser to play. Players build their own empires in the game by researching technology, building structures, and forming alliances with other players. Last but least, Pirates of the Caribbean gives players a chance to experience adventure on the high seas in the same colorful world as Captain Jack Sparrow. This game can be played on the PC and the Mac. Instead of controlling Jack Sparrow, players customize their own pirates and build ships that sail with their own crews.
Latest Games and Fury Adds Completely Free Option
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Stargate Worlds, Assault & Strategy, and Elf Online. Stargate Worlds is a MMORPG based on the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis TV series. This game is currently in development. Assault & Strategy is a browser-based RTS where each player can have up to 15 units to command. Elf Online is an anime-style MMORPG that is currently in closed beta. This game allows players to make their own weapons and equipment. In other news, Fury now has a free to play and download option with the new Age of the Chosen update. The update introduces a new player category known as the Chosen. The Chosen have access to the all the content of the other player categories, but earn less gold and essence and can not trade with other players. This is a great opportunity for PvP-minded gamers to try out this recently launched MMO without having to buy it.
Latest Batch of Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Shaiya, Fields of Glory Online, and Seeds of Time Online. Shaiya is a free MMORPG from the same company as Last Chaos. This game is currently in beta and offers such features as Realm versus Realm combat, Guild versus Guild combat, and the ability to sell items to the enemy from secret warehouses. Fields of Glory Online is a free real-time strategy game with RPG elements that can be played in a browser. Like Shaiya, this game is in beta but is fully playable. Lastly, Seeds of Time Online is a free browser-based game where players can catch and train monsters. Catching monsters allows players to use the abilities of the monsters in battle.
New Free Online Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include free online games such as Holy War, The Ninja RPG, and Fordana. Holy War is a free online RPG set in the Middle Ages during the time of the Crusades. Players can choose to fight as a Christian Crusader, a Muslim Saracen, or a Pagan. The Ninja RPG is a free text-based ninja game where player start out as academy students and work their way through the shadows in an attempt to become the Kage. Fordana is a small free online game with very basic graphics that was made with AJAX. This game can be played in a browser and focuses on romance and adventure.
Wide Variety of New Games and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from! The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Warrior Epic, Booty Master, Saga, and Rebellion Online. Warrior Epic is a free action online RPG that offers both cooperative campaigns and PvP combat. Booty Master is a free text-based game where players are thieves learning the ropes of crime. Saga is a persistent MMORTS with many interesting features for an RTS game such as an auction house, espionage, and multiplayer questing. The last game added in this batch, Rebellion Online, is a 2D fantasy MMORPG. The most noteworthy aspect of this game is that players can own and edit their own houses.
More Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Crysis, Beyond Protocol, and Portal. Crysis is one of the biggest blockbuster first person shooters of the entire year due primarily to amazing graphics and a superior AI. The game’s AI is so good that players must form strategies and used customized weapons and armor in order to be successful. This game will be released on November 16. Beyond Protocol is a MMORTS where players form empires through technology, combat, and trade. Lastly, Portal is another game from the Orange Box. Without question, the Orange Box is one of the best deals in PC gaming. In this innovative game, players must solve puzzles by manipulating objects in space.
More Games Added And English Seal Online
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Talisman Online, World of Kung Fu, and Unreal Tournament 3. Talisman Online is a free 3D MMORPG set in an ancient fantasy world. World of Kung Fu is a 3D martial arts MMORPG currently in beta. Players start out by studying Kung Fu in small villages and then travel throughout ancient China. One very nice feature of the game is that players can establish schools and master their own styles of Kung Fu. Lastly, Unreal Tournament 3 is the latest installment of the UT franchise and set to hit stores in November. This installment adds amazing graphics, upgraded weapons, new vehicles, and a new mode called Warfare. There is also a demo of this game that is listed in the Demos and Trials lair. In other news that should please many review members, Seal Online finally has an English version. This version is currently in beta testing.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Stick Online, Colony Wars, and Wonderland Online. Stick Online is a playable game in development where players control an ever-growing stick character. Stick characters can wield weapons like swords and can wear hats for fun. This game has a large focus on PvP. Colony Wars is a free online browser game where you colonize bare planets and battle other players. Lastly, Wonderland Online is the latest free MMORPG from IGG. This game is a 2D adventure MMO and is based on several South American and Pacific Island cultures. Keep in mind that WO is still in the early stages of development.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include MechQuest, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and Supreme Boxing. MechQuest is another free online single-player RPG from the makers of Adventure Quest and Dragon Fable, Artix Entertainment. This time the game’s theme revolves around giant robots instead of generic fantasy. Like AQ and DF, MechQuest does not require a download or any programs to be installed. This game is still in the early stages of development but players can log in and start playing. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars takes the Quake franchise into the strategic shooter genre. Lastly, Supreme Boxing is a free online boxing game that is still being developed. Besides fighting for regional, weight, and international titles, players will be able to buy houses and luxury items to show off their wealth gained from fighting in the ring.
Over 10 Games Added
Over 10 games have been added to the Review Directory including World in Conflict, Team Fortress 2, Drift City, Heroes in the Sky, and Grand Chase. World in Conflict is a huge online RTS game that can be bought in stores. Players defend their cities in World War 3. Team Fortress 2 is the sequel to one of the popular multiplayer mods ever. This multiplayer team game is class-based with cartoon style graphics. Drift City is a hybrid role playing and racing game that can be played on Heroes in the Sky is a flight combat simulation MMO that takes place during World War II. Lastly, Grand Chase is a free online adventure game that is currently in beta. The PvP mode is modeled after old school arcade games.
Various Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Twelve Sky, Conquer Club, Space Wars, and FusionFall. Twelve Sky is a martial arts MMORPG where players must choose sides in a conflict that consists of three factions. This game is currently in beta. Conquer Club is a Risk-style strategy game that has been made for casual gamers who do not have a lot of time for gaming. Space Wars calls itself a MMMG or Massively Multiplayer Mobile Game. This game allows up to 120 mobile players to battle in real-time at once. Finally, FusionFall is a MMORPG based on the Cartoon Network universe with various characters from the Cartoon Network shows. This game is made primarily for kids and is currently set to launch in the summer of 2008.
Free Games Added and Hellgate London
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include free online games such as Dance! Online, Atu’los Online, and Pawn. Dance! Online is a club-style dancing game from Acclaim that is currently in beta. Acclaim continues to go after various areas of the free MMO genre with this fourth game. Acclaim’s other three MMORPGs/online games are Bots, 9 Dragons, and 2 Moons. Atu’los Online is a isometric online RPG set in medieval times. Atu’los derives its name from a powerful sorcerer in the game. Lastly, Pawn is a flash-based online arcade shooter that can be played on nearly any computer. This game also sports its own map editor. In other news, beta signups for the highly anticipated MMOFPS/MMORPG known as Hellgate London have started.
Games Added and Auto Assault Enters MMO Graveyard
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Zero, Pioneers of Aethora, Magic Ages, and Project Torque. Zero is a sci-fi MMO that is currently in beta. Pioneers of Aethora is a browser-based RPG with party-based combat and a player-based market. Magic Ages is a 2D fantasy MMORPG that is currently in beta. Lastly, Project Torque is a MMORG (Massively Multiplayer Online Racing Game) with 3D graphics, several different game modes, and tournaments. This game is free to play. In addition, GameOgre has to mention the demise of Auto Assault this past week. This is a game that tried to be different as a car action MMO, but ultimately did not attract enough players. Could Auto Assault worked as a free MMORPG? Hard to tell for sure, but making the game free would have definitely made the game more active. This would solve the biggest problem the game had. Not sure why they did not at least try making it free before closing the game. However, the game is closed and will be listed in our MMO Graveyard as will all other games that are removed from the Review Directory due to ceasing operations.
More Free Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Gaia Online, Kong Kong Online, Gods of Time, and Crazy Tao. Gaia Online is a virtual world where characters can do such activities as racing and buying houses. Speaking of racing, Kong Kong Online is a colorful free online game where you jump race against friends. Gods of Time is a free browser-based adventure game. Lastly, Crazy Tao is an anime-style MMORPG in development where pets play a large role in the game since characters and pets act like teams. All pets have different characteristics, skills, abilities, and even tempers.
Wide Variety of Games Added
Several new games have been added to the Review Directory including Phoenix Dynasty Online, Gladiatus, Kicks Online, and Dream of Mirror. Phoenix Dynasty Online is a 2D MMORPG set during the conflicts between seven vassal states in Ancient China. Gladiatus is a free online game where you try to climb to the top of the ranks in the arena. Kicks Online is a free-to-play football MMO where you play according to street football rules. This game is currently in Open Beta and can be played in 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4, and 5 vs 5 modes. Lastly, Dream of Mirror is a 3D anime MMORPG that is currently in Closed Beta. The most interesting aspect of this game is that players can fly around on something that you would not completely expect them to, their weapons. That is no typo, you can actually fly around on your sword in DoM.
Tabula Rasa Closed Beta Test and More Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Eternum Online, The Wrestling Game, and Ragnarok Online 2. Eternum Online is a fantasy web-based RPG with basic graphics. The Wrestling Game is a strategy game/sim based on the wild and wooly world of professional wrestling. This game can also be played in your browser and offers quite a bit of depth over wrestling games that are played on consoles like the Smackdown! series. Lastly, Ragnarock Online 2 is a highly anticipated sequel that is currently in beta in Korea. An English version for the game probably won’t go into beta until next year. In the meantime, another highly anticipated MMORPG is currently in beta in English, Tabula Rasa. This game is currently in a very limited closed beta and could make waves in the MMO industry once it is finally released.
Wrath of the Lich King and More Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Shadow of Legend, Immortals, and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Shadow of Legend is a fantasy MMORPG currently in Closed Beta in North America that can be played via both PCs and mobile devices. The mobile devices that Shadow of Legend support include PDAs and smartphones. Immortals is an Asian fantasy MMO based on 5,000 years of Chinese mythology that is currently in open beta. It should be noted that accounts made during open beta will not be deleted at launch. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is the second expansion pack to the world’s most popular MMORPG. Primary features will include a new continent known as Northrend, a new inscription profession, new level cap of 80, epic siege warfare, and the game’s first hero class known as the Death Knight. As usual with Blizzard games, the big question is when LK will be released. Will it be one year after The Burning Crusade or closer to two years?
Action Games/MMOs Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Age of Armor, Bomb ’N Dash, Lunia, and PI Story. Age of Armor is a robot-themed online game where the in-game world can be destroyed. Once the world is destroyed, players will take their saved characters to another server. Bomb ‘N Dash is a 3D online action game with cartoon graphics for casual players. Lunia is an arcade-style RPG with a mid-air combo system. PI Story is an online action RPG with 2D graphics. Take special note that PI Story is still in development and little of the game’s website is currently in English.
Wide Variety of Games Added
Over ten new games have been added to the Review Directory including Online Boxing, Blockland, BZFlag, Red Stone, and Upshift StrikeRacer. Online Boxing is that features a sophisticated rating system, regional titles, and complete record tracking. Blockland allows players to build such things as races, mazes, and deathmatches. BZFlag is a free open source tank game that can be played on various platforms. Red Stone is a 2D fantasy MMORPG that is currently in beta. This game will have eight character classes that can transform into alternate classes. Lastly, Upshift StrikeRacer is a car combat MMO that is currently in open beta. This game is from the same company as FlyFF and Rappelz. Like those two games, Upshift StrikeRacer will be free-to-play.
Latest Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include KartRider, Silent Murder, Crime Syndicate Online, and Fiesta. KartRider is an online multiplayer-adventure game. This game allows you to customize your character, perform different quests, and race against other players. Take note that the closed beta for this game has ended and it is now waiting to be released. Silent Murder is a free browser-based ninja game. Donators to the game will be known as “Honorable Ninja” and will have access to more features. Crime Syndicate Online is a free text-based gangster game where you fight your way to the top using various methods and weapons. Lastly, Fiesta is a cartoon-style fantasy MMORPG that is currently in closed beta.
Latest Games and New Fighting Game Category
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Zu Online, Fishing Champ, and Playdo. Zu Online is an upcoming fantasy MMORPG from the same company as Mythwar Online and Tale of Pirates. Fishing Champ is a beta MMORPG that looks to do for fishing what Albatross 18 does for golf. Besides working on your character, you can cook the fish that you catch or show them off in an aquarium. Playdo is a virtual world where you can customize your avatar and play games. In addition, a new section has been added to the Review Directory for Fighting Games. This category consists of arcade-style fight games, robot fighting games, and any other online game or MMO focused on fighting. Rag Doll Kung Fu and One Must Fall Battlegrounds have both been added to the Review Directory in this new category. Rag Doll Kung Fu can be played via Steam while One Must Fall Battlegrounds is an older retail game with a downloadable demo version.
Virtual Worlds
Since games like Second Life and Club Penguin are not really MMORPGs, a new section has been added to the Review Directory for Virtual Worlds. In addition, a few new virtual worlds have been added including There, Kaneva, and Neopets. There is a virtual world where you create a 3D avatar to build homes, chat, and play games. Basic membership is free. Kaneva is a 3D hangout where users can share media and play games. Lastly, Neopets is an online virtual pet world where players can raise up to 4 pets. This virtual world has its own currency, a stock market, different themed worlds, and various games.
Free 3D Games and and P2P MMOFPS
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include 3D games that can be played for free such as Manga Fighter and Metin 2. In addition, a MMOFPS known as Phylon is currently in beta. Manga Fighter is a free third-person shooter with cartoon graphics. In an interesting twist for a shooter, this game uses cards. Metin 2 is a free fantasy/martial arts MMORPG where you fight for one of three empires. Phylon should be a leading MMOFPS as soon as it is released due to the way that it handles leveling and player damage. Leveling allows the game to be more than only a massive online shooter where just sharp reflexes, a high-powered PC, and a broadband connection matter. A successful MMOFPS needs to have both intense action and RPG aspects. In Phylon, your level is major factor in determining how much damage you can deal out and also affects your PvP status. When it is released, this game will need to be purchased and will have a monthly subscription fee.
Coming Soon and Beta Games
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include Two Worlds, Godswar Online, and Call of the Kings. Two Worlds is an upcoming retail RPG that will look to bridge the gap between single player and multiplayer gaming. Players in both modes can shape the game world and the game’s story. This game should go a long way into satisfying gamers who want the freedom to play their own way in a persistent world. Godswar Online is a 3D MMORPG based on Greek Mythology that has just been announced. This game has cartoon graphics and will feature famous Gods, monsters, and cities that have been in countless books and movies. Call of the Kings is the sequel to Call of the Warlords and is currently in beta. CoK is a an online hybrid strategy RPG that focuses on building an empire using the the economy and armies.
Free Online Games, Beta MMORPGs, and StarCraft 2
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include free online games such as Audition and Astro Battle, beta MMOs such as BB Tanks and Rumble Fighter, and future blockbuster StarCraft 2. Audition is a free online dance game with very colorful graphics and several different modes. Astro Battle is a 2D top-down shooter that allows you to build and fly your own space ship. The two beta games are very action oriented as BB Tanks is a turn-based strategy shooter with wacky weapons and Rumble Fighter is a fighting game with transformation items. Due to the intense pace of the action, Rumble Fighter is compatible with joysticks. Finally, StarCraft 2 is the upcoming RTS game from Blizzard that will feature greatly enhanced graphics, a single player campaign that begins where the original ended, a larger focus on the multiplayer aspect with new competitive features, and map-making tools.
Free MMOs Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include free MMOs such as MixMaster and Club Penguin. MixMaster is fantasy MMO with cartoon graphics that is currently in beta. The standout features of this game is this use monster allies known as henches. Henches fight with you in battles and can be combined to make different species of henches with unique characteristics. Club Penguin is primarily for kids between the ages of 8 and 14, but any kid can play it. This game allows children to play mini-games and interact in a child-safe environment. The basic game is free, but extras such as dressing up a penguin or decorating an igloo requires a monthly fee of $5.95. In other news, one of the most anticipated PC sequels ever has finally been announced. StarCraft 2 is now in development with no official release date, but it is known that the game will be playable online via like the original.
Several Games Added
Several games have been added to the Review Directory including Vovins Fall, Wytheria: The Mystic Island, and Horse Isle. Vovins Fall is a free browser-based RPG that is somewhat similar to the Dungeon Siege and Diablo games. Wytheria: The Mystic Island combines elements from a traditional console RPG with a virtual pet adventure game. This game is being developed by a team of only 3 people and is free to play. Lastly, Horse Isle is game targeted towards players of all ages in general and younger girls in particular. This is a non-violent game where players can train horses and compete against other players.
More Games Added
A few more games have been added to the Review Directory including Terra: Battle for the Outland, Perfect World, and The Silver Lining. Terra is a free online war game where players can fly choppers, drive tanks, and claim land. This game has no player classes or newbie areas. Perfect World is a game currently in development that derives its name from the game’s most notable feature: enabling players to “create” their own perfect world. PW will have a closed beta test starting sometime in May. Finally, The Silver Lining should be a treat to old school adventure game fans since it is the fan-created ninth episode of the classic King Quest series. The full game is still in development, but there is a demo version of the game that is available to play for free.
Various Games Added
A few games from various genres have been added to the Review Directory including Travian, Ultimate Baseball Online, and Tantra. Travian is a free browser-based online strategy game set in the time of the Roman Empire. You start out with one village and try to establish your own empire against thousands of other players through trade and force. Ultimate Baseball Online allows 18 people across the world to play baseball games at once instead of just going up against a computer. You can have up to three characters/players and can participate in tournaments and leagues. Lastly, Tantra was once on GameOgre as a pay-to-play MMO but is now a free MMO with an item mall. Tantra features PvP combat in a few different flavors such as guild wars, god warfare, and just one-on-one PvP battles.
A Couple of Potential Blockbusters and Free Online Game
A couple of upcoming games and a free one have been added to the Review Directory including Hellgate: London, Shadowrun, and Tactics Arena Online. Hellgate: London is a highly-anticipated game from some of the developers of the Diablo franchise and could be a classic action RPG/FPS. This game is set to be released in the summer. Expect to see an online play model that is very similar to the Diablo games. However, this game will also have FPS elements while the Diablo games did not. Shadowrun will also use FPS elements and could bring fresh life to the entire shooter genre with a unique combination of modern weapons with ancient magic and advanced technology. In addition, Shadowrun will allow PC players to go against Xbox 360 players. Lastly, Tactics Arena Online is a free online turn-based strategy game where players can build their own fantasy armies.
More Games Added on Easter
Happy Easter from! Several more games have been added to the Review Directory including Dawnspire, Fern, Human Age, and Krabbit World Labyrinth. Dawnspire is a tactical RPG that features team-based PvP action with persistent characters and 3D graphics. Fern is a web-based empire building game set in a medieval world that is being overrun by unnatural forces. Human Age is a free simulation game where you adopt a human being and guide him or or her through different eras of mankind. The toughest game to categorize, Krabbit World Labyrinth (KWL) is a 3D game that tries to combine adventure, action, and RPG elements into one game. KWL has a demo version and can be played in single-player or multiplayer mode.
Several Games Added
Several games of various genres and platforms have been added to the Review Directory including Oberin, Afelhem, and The Two Towers. Oberin is a very interesting game since it is exclusively for the Macintosh and there are not very many Mac MMOs out there. One of the game’s most intriguing features is being able to meet a friend at a pub and play chess. Afelhem is MMO for PCs that is currently in Beta. Offbeat skills from this game include pet breeding and brewing. For Lord of the Rings fans who can’t wait for the launch of Lord of the Rings Online and who don’t mind text-based games, The Two Towers is a well-established MUD based on Tolkien’s world that has been online since 1994.
More Free Games Added
The Latest Games added to the Review Directory include more free games such as Tales of Pirates, Alaunt Online, and AWplanet. Tales of Pirates is a free 3D MMORPG that takes a comical view of pirates and is currently in Beta. Alaunt Online is a browser-based MMORTS with a medieval fantasy theme. This game was recently launched and has a premium subscription option. Rounding out the additions, AWplanet is a free multiplayer science fiction game set on a planet where modern technology and medieval ways meet.
Free Online Games Section
The Free Online Games category in the Review Directory received a major update with several games deleted and several more added. Among the new games added include OGame, Star Chamber, Outwar, and Crowns of Power. OGame puts you on the throne of your own space empire as you battle and negotiate with other emperors across the universe. Star Chamber is a combination of a turn-based strategy game and a trading card game. Outwar is a free online RPG where you can be a monster, a gangster, or even a pop star. Lastly, Crowns of Power is a 3D online RPG that is currently being developed but is playable. In addition, players can give ideas on how to improve the game before it is officially released.
Wide Variety of Games Added
Several games have been added to the Review Directory including Pirates CSG Online, Command & Conquer 3, Dispatch of Army, and Avelia. Pirates Constructible Strategy Game Online is an online strategy game by Sony that uses playing cards to assemble fleets of ships for high seas adventures. Command and Conquer 3 is an upcoming online RTS that will allow players to commentate on online battles like a pro wrestling match. Dispatch of Army is a MMOFPS focused on 1960s warfare with classic weapons such as the AK47 and the M60. Finally, Avelia is a free multiplayer game that lets you design, breed, and raise your own pets.
Free Online Games and RPGs
The Free Online Games category in the Review Directory and the Free Online RPG lair both received heavy edits today with several games deleted and added in both areas. The new games added include Armada Online, GalaXseeds, and Project Rockstar. Armada Online is a science fiction strategy shooter based on the classic Sega Dreamcast game. GalaXseeds is a colorful space game where you get to customize your own living space. Lastly, Project Rockstar allows you to step into the role of manager in a rock and roll band. You try to get your band to the top of charts by promoting their music, getting them gigs, and even helping them to make songs and albums.
Upcoming Retail Games and a Turn-Based Strategy Game
Two upcoming retail games with significant online components, Supreme Commander and Sacred 2, and PoxNora have been added to the Review Directory. Supreme Commander looks to innovate the RTS genre with amazing graphics, a relentless AI, and a strong reliance on strategy and tactics. Sacred 2 will try to build on the success of one of the best action RPG games ever with enhanced 3D graphics and a feature known as Gore Feedback. It should be noted that this game will also not require any reloading in the game world. Lastly, PoxNora is a free turn-based strategy game where you collect cards in order to command fantasy armies.
Several Games Added
Several games have been added to the Review Directory including The World, Decayed of Zombies, Tactica Online, Loradon, and Stick Adventures Online. The World is 2D game based on the popular PS2 game and anime series known as .hack. Decayed of Zombies is a game in development that allows players to see what it is like to play a zombie. Tactica Online is a turn-based strategy RPG in a persistent world like MMOs. Loradon is a free 2D MMORPG that is currently in closed beta for version 3.0. Lastly, Stick Adventures Online is a free online RPG where you and your stick man adventure through a wide variety of locations. The download for this game is extremely small at only 1.17 MB.
Age of Conan Launch Date, New Games, and Carpe Diem Canceled
The winner of’s Most Anticipated Online Game for 2007, Age of Conan, has set a final launch date of October 30th, 2007. Obviously, this news is very disappointing but it could eventually turn out to be good timing since Vanguard is coming out in a matter of days and the Burning Crusade just launched last week. In other news, the following games have been added to the Review Directory: Ghost Online, TS Online, and Dofus Arena. Ghost Online is a 2D beta MMO like Maple Story that will have a martial arts theme. TS Online allows players to experience both one-on-one combat and army vs. army battles. Dofus Arena is a PvP-only game in a cartoony world. Finally, a very promising MMO known as Carpe Diem has been cancelled. This game was notable for allowing mounts to play a larger role than they normally do in most in MMOs.
Two Free Games
The Latest Games added include two free games, Corum and StarLance. Corum is a free MMORPG from the same company as other free MMOs such as Rappelz, FlyFF, and Space Cowboy. This latest freebie focuses on a combination of instances and PvP. Instances can be claimed by guilds in order to give bonuses to the controlling guild. Specially trained guardians help control the instances when players are not around. StarLance is a free online space game where you can choose a wide variety of paths such as being a policeman, a pirate, a trader, or a soldier.
2006 Online Game Awards and More Games Added
The MMORPG Showdown tournament has concluded and’s 2006 Online Game Awards have now been announced with a few new categories and a couple of surprise winners. In addition, several games have been added to the site including Company of Heroes, Golf King, and Alien Arena 2007. Company of Heroes is one of the best RTS games in years and definitely the best one yet based on World War 2. Golf King is a 3D online golf game with a unique Rush mode that allows 64 players to play at once. Lastly, Alien Arena 2007 is the latest version of the free online shooter that combines elements from Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament into one exciting game. This version has 37 levels, 5 modes of play, 8 weapons, and built-in bots.
Latest Games Added
The Latest Games added include a few online shooters and one fighting game: Soldat, Soldier Front, and Kwon Ho. Soldat is a multiplayer action game that combines the elements of several popular games like Worms, Quake, and Counter-Strike. Soldier Front is an online shooter currently in beta that allows players to customize their characters with different firearms and statistics. Kwon Ho, also in beta, is a fighting game that allows you to follow several very distinctive Martial Arts styles such as Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and Muy Thai.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year from! The Latest Games added include Delrith Online, NosTale, and FreeStyle Street Basketball. Delrith Online is a fantasy MMO in development that will have both a free and a pay-to-play membership. NosTale (Nomads of Silver Spirit Tale) is a beta MMO that features cartoony graphics, pets known as Nosmates, and game play that keeps the solo player in mind. Last but not least, FreeStyle Street Basketball is an upcoming free (no subscription fees) online basketball game from Sierra that will let you show off your basketball skills to other gamers and customize your players. You will be able to buy this game in retail stores when it is released. In other site news, the finals of the MMORPG Showdown tournament is now going on with World of Warcraft vs. Guild Wars. This match will end on January 13 at 12:00AM Central and will determine’s MMORPG of the Year. Immediately after this match, the 2006 Online Game Awards will be live on the site. Who will be the big winners this year?
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays from! The Latest Games added include Xenyoo, Water Margin Online, and Dragon Gem. Xenyoo is a wacky free browser game where characters can square off in an arena. Water Margin Online is based on one of the four most well-known novels in China. This game features a real-time battle system and a quest system that is based around the story of the novel. Lastly, Dragon Gem is an anti-fairy tale with a bizarre story and cartoon-like graphics. One of the most interesting aspects of this game is that it has nice videos of the game served up in episodes.
Several Games Added
Several games have been added to various areas of the site as 3Kingdoms, Legend of the Green Dragon, Dragon Sword Online, Dark Swords, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, and Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. 3Kingdoms and Legend of the Green Dragon have both been added to MUDs. Dragon Sword Online has been added to Beta MMORPGs. Dark Swords has been added to Free Online Games. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is a first person action RPG that has been added to Retail Online RPGs. This game features special multiplayer classes and a Crusade Mode that allows teams to delve deeper into enemy territory as they win matches. Finally, Mark of Chaos from the popular Warhammer universe has been added to Retail Online RTS games. The interesting feature of MoC is that hero units can be challenged for duels during combat.
Archlord Going Free and More Games
Yet another pay-to-play MMO decides to go the free route as Archlord will be free starting in early January. Players will also get free credits to be used in the Chantra Shop to purchase various enhancements that can be used in the game. Archlord is the MMORPG that allows one player the ability to be the game’s supreme ruler for a month. In addition, several games have been added to the site including Exteel, BattleCorp, and Stars Empire. Exteel is a futuristic shooter by NCSoft where you blow things to bits as a customizable Mech. This game is currently in Closed Beta. BattleCorp is a turn-based war game where you develop your own corporation. Stars Empire is a real time strategy game where you can develop technological breakthroughs and make your own spaceships.
Latest Free Games Added
The Latest Games added to include free games such as DragonFable, KnightFight, and Tribal Wars. DragonFable is a free web RPG that is loosely based on Adventure Quest. KnightFight is a free game with a Middle Ages theme where you choose to join good knights in the Knights of the Light or evil knights in the Horde of Darkness. Tribal Wars is a free browser-based strategy game where players join together in tribes to help conquer lands.
Latest MMOs Added and Ryzom Stops Charging
The Latest Games added to include MMOs such as Last Chaos, Voyage Century, and Kaos Wars. Last Chaos is a fantasy MMO with many interesting features such as a pet system that allows players to raise, fight, and fly with their pets. Voyage Century is a free MMORPG with a 16th century nautical theme. Besides waging combat on land and sea, players can also search for buried treasure. Rounding out the games added this time, Kaos War is a sci-fi MMO currently in development that will allow players to play from a third or first person perspective. In other news, Saga of Ryzom aka Ryzom is going though a major transition period where the company will no longer charge a monthly fee. However, the exact details of the future of the game are unknown at this point. What is known is that subscribers will be given a free month and free trial players will have their level cap removed but can currently not upgrade their accounts to reach the mainland. In addition, new players will have to sign up via the free trial.
Betas That Will Be Free Games
The Latest Games added to include games currently in beta or development that will be free when they are released such as Scions of Fate, Regnum Online, and 2 Moons. Scions of Fate, formerly known as Yulgang: Balance of Power, is by the same makers as Hero Online and is currently one of the most popular MMOs in all of Asia. Note that this game has a very limited English site so far. Regnum Online is a 3D fantasy MMO that offers three different realms to choose from and the ability to capture castles. Lastly, 2 Moons will be a free MMORPG from Acclaim that, like the Age of Conan, will be targeted squarely to adults. This game is based on a popular MMO in Korea.
More Free Games
The Latest Games added to include a wide variety of free games such as Savage, Bots, Legends, and FEAR Combat. Savage is one of the toughest games that GameOgre has ever had to find a category for. This game is a combination of an online shooter and an online RTS that can now be played for free (the full retail version). Bots is a free online robot-fighting game by Acclaim that is currently in beta. Legends is a free online FPS that is a little similar to Tribes. Finally, FEAR Combat is the free multiplayer component of the hit PC shooter. Please note, however, that you must register a free CD key on the FEAR site before playing the game.
Navy Field Now Completely Free and More Free Online Games
After having a previous restriction of being able to play free only up to level 30, Navy Field is now completely free to play. In addition, other free online games have been added to GameOgre including Battle Dawn, Funeral Quest, and Rappelz. Battle Dawn is a browser-based MMO strategy game with a wide variety of units to amass destruction with. Funeral Quest is a free multiplayer game with a rather unique theme. Finally, Rappelz is a free 3D MMORPG by the same company as FlyFF and Space Cowboy Online. Instead of offering cartoonish/kidlike characters like FlyFF, Rappelz more resembles games like Guild Wars and Lineage 2.
More Beta MMORPGs
A few interesting Beta MMORPGs have been added to including Africa, The Chronicle, All Points Bulletin, and Fallen Earth. Africa’s setting of 13th century Africa is very innovative for the MMO genre since most games have settings based purely on fantasy rather than a real continent or nation. For example, the setting of the Chronicle is based on medieval fantasy and lets you choose one of 27 races. All Points Bulletin has a little more realistic setting than medieval fantasy since it is similar to the controversial Grand Theft Auto franchise with freeform combat and driving. Lastly, Fallen Earth has a somewhat similar theme to the Fallout series and the Mad Max movies with an apocalyptic future setting.
Latest Free Games
The Latest Games added to include free games such as King’s Quest 1, King’s Quest 2, and Freeciv. King’s Quest 1 and 2 are free remakes of classic Sierra adventure games. Besides being free, both games improve on the originals. While those two games are based on one of the best adventure game series ever, Freeciv is based on one of the best strategy game series ever. This game is an open-source version of the classic Civilization series.
New Strategy Games and RPGs
The Latest Games added to include strategy games and RPGs such as Zelderex Online, Vox Imperium, Aveyond, and Ahriman’s Prophecy. Zelderex Online is a free online multiplayer strategy browser game where you try to dominate the world. Vox Imperium is a graphical browser-based multiplayer strategy game that allows casual gamers the freedom to take their time with campaigns that can stretch out for over a month. Aveyond features over 60 quests and 50 hours of gameplay. This is an RPG in the same vein as the early Final Fantasy series that can be tried for free, but then must be purchased. Ahriman’s Prophecy, on the hand, is a similar-style RPG that can be played for free without having to buy anything.
New Games
The Latest Games added to include Rage of Magic II, Chaos Lands, Reclamation, and Illutia. Rage of Magic 2 is an online fighting game that offer a free online trial full version and a full version for $19.95. Chaos Lands is an online turn-based fantasy game where players can battle one-on-one or take part in huge battles. Reclamation is a MMORPG in development that puts all of the power in hands of human players. Illutia is a free anime MMO that operates donations. Be on your best behavior in this game because you only get out of jail in the game by nicely confessing to your crimes via email to a GM. Rudeness or annoying GMs will only lengthen your stay behind bars.
Latest Batch of Games Added
Many games have been added to including Realms of Rivalry, Guild Wars Nightfall, Darkwind, Pirate King Online, and Granado Espada. Realms of Rivalry is a free online strategy game where you pit your brains against a small amount of players at a time. Nightfall is the latest in the Guild Wars series that will be released soon and will features new customizable heroes. Darkwind offers vehicle combat like Auto Assault but is turn-based rather than real-time. Pirate King Online is a Free MMORPG with colorful graphics and a focus on humor. Granado Espada is a MMORPG in development from the creators of the popular Ragnarok Online.
More Free Online Games Added
Several free online games have been added to different areas of including Deicide Online, Mythos, SkyLords, and StarSphere. Deicide Online is a Free MMORPG with a fantasy setting that focuses on hardcore MMO gamers. The game offers two different war systems: large scale PvP battles and battle with players versus game masters as dark elves. Mythos is a free online strategy game/RPG based on Greek mythology where you get to choose a patron god and a hero to lead your armies. SkyLords is a MMO browser game that includes such interesting features as espionage, piracy, and diplomacy. Finally, StarSphere is a space-based online game set in a real time environment where you compete against other players with weapons and resources.
Free MMORPG Lair Updated
The Free MMORPG Lair has been updated with both removals and additions. On the addition side, several games join the lair including Space Cowboy Online, Dransik, and Eudemons Online. Space Cowboy Online is a MMOFPS/MMORPG where players can fly in their own space fighters and join guilds called Brigades. Dransik is the classic version of Ashen Empires and is now offered for free again. Lastly, MMOers who want to use pets but find Monster and Me too childish should check out Eudemons Online. Eudemons Online enables different pet strategies since 3 Eudemons can be summoned at once.
Beta MMOs Added
The latest online games added to the Review Directory include several interesting Beta MMORPGs such as Bang! Howdy, PrisonServer, Trickster Online, and Uru. Bang! Howdy is a real-time/turn based hybrid set in the Wild West. You can currently play the free open beta version of this game. PrisonServer throws out the tried-and-true medieval fantasy theme by putting you in a maximum security prison. Trickster Online is a cartoony MMO where players play a game called ‘Trickster’ in an attempt to get a piece of the late game maker’s fortune. Finally, Uru is back on track after being canceled. This game will bring the vaunted Myst franchise into the MMO genre. You can sign up for Uru’s beta now.
More MMOs
Several more games have been added to the Review Directory including Well of Souls, Thrones of Chaos, and Dransik. Well of Souls is a free multiplayer RPG where you can make your own quests and then share them with friends. Thrones of Chaos is a brutal MMO that is currently in beta. This game will allow you to lop other players’ heads off and perform devastating finishing moves. Veteran free MMOers will recognize the name Dransik from years ago. That game became Ashen Empires, but there is now a classic version of Dransik that can be played for free.
More MMORPGs Added to the Review Directory
As can be seen on the Latest Games page, several MMORPGs and Beta MMORPGs have been added to the Review Directory including Rise, Fury, and Dungeon Runners. Rise is a MMOSim that allows you to help build the game world. Fury is currently in development and combines MMO and FPS elements into one amazing looking PvP game. Lastly, Dungeon Runners is a fast-paced action RPG that is currently in Closed Beta.
More Games Added and New Forum Feature
Over ten new games have been added to the Review Directory in the Free Games, Online Shooter, and the Free Online Games categories. Several free 3D FPS games by one company were added to the Free Games category including Class Action Killers and Little Cowboy. The Online Shooter category continues to grow with the addition of Nexuiz. This is a 3D deathmatch game with 17 maps to play on. Finally, Popomundo was added to the Free Online Games area. This is an online RPG that takes place in the virtual music industry.
New Feature and a New Batch of Games
As can now be seen on the new Latest Games page, a handful of games have been added to the Review Directory including Prey, Titan Quest, Birth of Federations, and Grand Prix Racing Online. Prey is one of the top upcoming FPS games and has a playable single and multiplayer demo available. Titan Quest is a new online-capable RPG in the same vein as the Diablo series. Birth of Federations is a free online strategy game that can be played in a browser or downloaded. Finally, Grand Prix Racing Online enables you to manage your own Grand Prix team.
Several New Games Added
A wide assortment of games have been added including Cabal Online, Monster Bowl, Another World, and Alien Arena 2006. Cabal Online is a Beta MMORPG that is currently seeking beta testers. Monster Bowl is a Fantasy Sports game where you compete against other players in a savage game of Battle Ball. Another World is one of the all-time PC game classics that can now be played on new PCs. This game can be downloaded for free, but you will have to pay for the full version. Finally, Alien Arena is a freeware Online Shooter that combines aspects of Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 with aliens and gadgets to make one great free game.
Several Online Games Added
Several games have been added to various areas on GameOgre including the MUD lair, the Free MMORPG lair, and the Free Online Game area. Achaea, Aetolia, and Lusternia have all been added to the MUD lair. All three are completely free to play and are made by Iron Realms. Albatross 18 has been added to both the Free MMORPG lair and the Fantasy Sports lair. Talk about creative, Albatross 18 is actually a cross between a golf game and a cartoon MMO.
Online Video Games
Due to next-generation consoles offering more online gaming than ever before, has added a new lair for Online Video Games. This lair covers MMOs, online shooters, sports, and action games on the original Xbox, the Playstation 2, and the Xbox 360. Current games covered include Phantasy Star Universe, Dead or Alive 4, and Perfect Dark Zero. Phantasy Star Universe is a MMORPG currently in beta that will be on both the PC and PS2. Dead or Alive 4 is a popular console fighting game that allows you to compete in online tourneys and form clans with other players. Perfect Dark Zero lets you shoot it out with other players on Xbox Live.
Games Added To Various Categories
Several games have been added to various areas of the site. The recently released Heroes of Might and Magic V has been added to Retail RPGs. This is a classic turn-based strategy series with addictive RPG elements. Hero Online, a 3D martial arts MMO, has been added to Beta MMORPGs and Tycoon Online, a business game, has been added to Pay Online Games. Finally, eTapOut has been added to Free Online Games. eTapOut is a mixed martial arts sim game that has some very interesting features for fight fans such as a Fight Card, a World Champion, and match results.
New Online Strategy Games
Trash and are two online strategy games that have just been added to the Strategy Game lair. Trash is a small online RTS where games can support as many as 24 players at once. The game’s name comes as a result of having to find toxic waste and trash in order to build combat units. is a free browser-based strategy game that combines RTS and turn-based gameplay. One of the game’s best features is the ability to track what your armies are doing via a Flash map.
New Review Category
A new section has been added in the Review Directory for pay-to-play online games. Some of the games in this category have trials or very small free elements, while some do not. Several new games have been added to this new section including Modus Operandi, Roman Arena, and Star Sonata. Modus Operandi allows you to put on your detective hat and solve mysteries. Roman Arena has a few clones running around the Internet and gives you the chance to build the ultimate gladiator. Lastly, Star Sonata puts you behind the controls of a spaceship with several different career paths to choose from.
New Online RPGs
Several free games that were previously in the Free Online RPG lair have been moved into the Strategy Game lair and MUD lair to better represent their respective genres. However, the Free Online RPG lair has also received many additions such as Blood Clans, Shimlar, and Blades of Virtue. Blood Clans is a 3D RPG where most of the action takes place in clans aka guilds. Shimlar is a very deep online RPG that can be played in your browser. Blades of Virtue requires a download and is an action RPG that is text-based. Other games added include Gunslinger, EUO, Crossfire, and Frog Life.
In addition, Minions of Mirth has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. This innovative game can be played as a single player game or a MMO with no monthly fees.
Several New Lairs Added
Several new lairs have been added such as Strategy Games, MUDs, and Fantasy Sports. The Strategy Game Lair contains free online games, online RTS games, and MMORTS. The MUD section mostly consists of free games but there are a few pay-to-play MUDS out there. Finally, the Fantasy Sports Lair contains a variety of different sports including boxing, wrestling, soccer, baseball, and football.
MMOs Looking For Beta Testers
A recently added Beta MMORPG is currently looking for beta testers, Carpe Diem (cancelled). Carpe Diem should be very interesting because of two key features: mounts and unscripted action. Instead of just being traveling devices, you will be able to train and fight on your mounts. The unscripted action will allow the ultimate boss to be played by a real person instead of a NPC who always performs the same actions.
New RTS Section
There is now a new Retail RTS section that will cover RTS games with a multiplayer mode. Among the recently added games are Dragonshard, Battle for Middle Earth II, and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Dragonshard lets you experience the Dungeons and Dragons’ Eberron setting in an RTS environment rather than the MMO one used in Dungeons and Dragons Online. BFME II serves up battles beyond those that can be found in The Lord of the Rings movies. Finally, Warhammer 40,000 takes the popular Warhammer franchise into a post-apocalyptic universe.
New Beta MMOs
Updates continue in the Beta MMORPG Lair with several new additions including Star Trek Online, Warhammer Online, and 9 Dragons. Star Trek Online continues the popular entertainment franchise into the world of MMOs for the first time. On the other hand, this will be the second attempt an MMO for Warhammer Online. The first attempt was axed back in the summer of 2004 but this attempt should see the light of day since Mythic Entertainment (Dark Age of Camelot) will be developing the game this time around. Lastly, 9 Dragons is an authentic martial arts MMO set in ancient China.
More Beta MMORPGs
In a massive update to the Beta MMORPG Lair, the following games have all been added: Tabula Rasa, Phantasy Star Universe, Wiki, Parfait Station, and Ferentus. Tabula Rasa looks to combine the FPS and RPG genres while Phantasy Star Universe is a continuation of the vaunted Phantasy Star franchise that has been a favorite on consoles. Next, Wiki will focus on the interaction of its players and Parfait Station should offer a wacky online gaming experience once its launched. Finally, Ferentus will attempt to combine martial arts, western fantasy, and science fiction into one game.
Archlord has been added to the Beta MMORPG Lair. Unlike most newer MMOs like Dungeons and Dragons Online and RF Online, this fantasy MMORPG will look to satisfy both PvP and PvE gamers. PvPers will be able to participate in massive real-time battles between guilds while gamers more interested in fighting monsters will able to do so solo. The game world is based on the five elements of spirit, earth, fire, air, and water. You will only be able to play 3 races (Human, Orc, and Moon Elf), but you can choose from 8 different classes within each race.
New Free Online RPG
Miniconomy has been added to the Free Online RPG lair. This online trading game allows you to make money in various ways such as working a job, running various businesses and institutions, selling products, and even participating in crime. Besides making money, you can also get into politics and try to be the next president.
Shadowbane Possibly Closing After Going Free
The downside of a MMORPG going free-to-play revealed its ugly head this week when it was announced that the development house for Shadowbane, Wolfpack Studios, was being closed down. May 15th will be its last day. This move puts the future of Shadowbane in jeopardy. Apparently, the decision to go free-to-play was a way to wind the game down instead of trying to save it with a new strategy, because Shadowbane has not been free long.
Galactica has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. Players who liked the classic PC game known as Master of Orion should enjoy this game. This space MMO offers a deep gaming experience with economics, diplomacy, and space warfare. The most unique feature of the game is that it offers two different versions. The sim version offers more depth while the arcade version offers more fighting. You will need to download a small game client to play either version.
New Free Online Game and Former P2P MMO Goes Free
Fleets of Anarchy has been added to the Free Online Game category. FOA is a text-based RPG/strategy game where you are a space ship pilot in a great conflict of space ship fleets. You can either try to rule your own a fleet or join an already dominant one. In other news, Shadowbane will now try to make a splash in the Free MMORPG genre after being somewhat lost in the MMO shuffle ever since its highly anticipated launch in early 2003. Hardcore PvPers should be rejoicing over this news since Shadowbane was built primarily for player versus player combat, but strategy gamers should also enjoy a few of the game’s different features such as city building, raising armies, and sieges.
RAN Online has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. RAN is a free 3D MMORPG based in Asia with a focus on action. Unlike most MMOs that focus on a medieval or martial arts setting, this game has an urban Japanese flavor to it. The story centers around 4 mysterious institutions: Sacred Gate, Mystic Peak, Phoenix and Leonine Campus. One of the more interesting features of the game allows players to open their own shops.
Two New Games Added
The following games have been added to GameOgre. Darkfall has been added to the Beta MMORPG lair. Although not exactly a new premise, Darkfall will be controlled by the actions of its players. In addition, DF will use some elements of real-time strategy games. Second Life has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair because it offers a free playable version. This is the game where some people are actually making a living on.
RF Online Launching This Week
In somewhat surprising news, RF Online will be begin shipping to stores in the U.S. on February 21st. The UK launch will be on February 24th. This news comes as a surprise since it looked like Dungeons and Dragons Online would officially launch first. RF Online is one of the most anticipated MMORPGs this year and was featured as a possible contender to World of WarCraft in the Who Can Beat World of Warcraft? article.
New Section in Review Directory
4Studios Football and several other online sports games have been added to the new Fantasy Sports section in the Review Directory. Unlike some sports games with football in the title, 4Studios Football allows you to control an American football team rather a soccer one. Besides American football and soccer, sports covered in this new section include boxing, baseball, pro wrestling, golf, car racing, and hockey.
More New Games Added
Two more free online games have been added to GameOgre as Army Commander and Renaissance Kingdoms have been placed in the Free Online RPG lair. Army Commander is a free war strategy game where you try to make your newly founded country into a global power. In Renaissance Kingdoms, you start out as a tramp that can choose different paths such as becoming a powerful leader, a merchant, or a monk.
Two New Games Added
Monster and Me has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair while Neocron Arcade has been added to the Free Game Lair. Monster and Me sports fairly nice graphics for a free MMO, but the best aspect of the game has to be its wide variety of features. You can develop your pets into battle machines, build a house, get married, and make your own equipment. On the flipside, Neocron Arcade is a free arcade shooter with only one real focus: blowing stuff up.
New Free Online RPGs and PlanetSide to Offer Free Version
Ninja Wars, Castle Quest 2, and Dogs of the Seas have been added to the Free Online RPG Lair. Dogs of the Seas has some graphics while the other are two are text-based. These three games will allow you to play three of the most high profile roles in movies and fantasy books: a ninja, a wizard, and a pirate. In other news, PlanetSide will soon take a cue from Anarchy Online by offering a free version of the game for one year. This “Fodder Program” is currently being worked on and will have some limitations.
MUD Section
A new section in the Review Directory has been added for MUDs. MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) are usually fantasy RPGs that resemble Dungeons and Dragons pen and paper games. Most of these game are text-based, but a few do have graphics. A few MUDs like Multi Users in Middle Earth, Wheel of Time MUD, and Shadows of Isildur allow players to experience worlds that were created in some of the best fantasy novels ever. In addition, most MUDs are free and have been operating for years. In a way, you can call these games PreMMORPGs since MUDs have been around considerably longer than their mostly graphical counterparts.
New MMORTS, Beta MMORPG, and Free Online RPG
Imperia Online has been added to the list of MMORTS games. It will not be added to a free game lair since it is no longer free after 168 hours. Your empires grows in this game whether you online or not. For games in development, Arindal has been added to the Beta MMORPG Lair. This a small game with very basic graphics but you can play for free. Finally, Gekkeiju Online has been added to the Free Online RPG lair. This game is like an old fashioned MUD (Multi-User Dungeon), but it has 3D graphics. Most MUDs are text-based.
New Free Online RPG
Space Civilizations has been added to the Free Online RPG lair. This is a brand new free online turn-based strategy game where you share a galaxy with hundreds of other players. You download a very small client in order to play it. The first turn was just calculated on December 28th.
MMORTS Section Added
A new MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real-time strategy) section has been added to the Review Directory with several MMORTS games including Ballerium, Mankind, and Project Visitor.
Rose Online Contest
Contest has expired. Thanks to all who participated.
New Beta MMORPG and New Free Online RPG
Ray Crash has been added to the Beta MMORPG Lair. This game is an action MMO that you can play for free during Open Beta. In addition, Street Fighter Online has been added to the Free Online RPG lair. Although an update has been delayed, SFO is still free to play.
New Free MMORPG and New Free Online RPG
NavyField has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair and Most Wanted has been added to the Free Online RPG lair. NavyField game bills itself as a massively multiplayer online tactics game. Most Wanted is a text-based strategy game where gangs battle to become the most wanted gang in the world.
New Free MMORPGs
BattlePosition, Seal Online, and Myth War Online have been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. BattlePosition delivers real-time PvP combat in an arcade game setting, while Seal Online and Myth War Online are both MMORPGs with fantasy themes and anime-like graphics.
New Free MMORPGs
Five Masters, MU Online, and Martial Heroes have all been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. Five Masters is a free online war game where you choose between 5 different masters according to their unique abilities. MU Online is a free MMO from Korea that is similar to Diablo. Martial Heroes is a free 3D MMORPG that revolves around martial arts.
Rakion has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair and GunBound has been added to the MMOFPS Lair. Both games are made by the same company but are very different MMOs. Rakion is more of a traditional fantasy MMORPG with amazing graphics, while GunBound is a massive online shooting game with cartoon-style graphics.
The Free MMORPG Lair continues to grow as Survival Project has been added. This MMO has very colorful cartoon-like graphics and requires no monthly fees. Instead, you can buy gold force cards and premium characters in the game. Take note that this is version 2 of the game.
New Free Online RPG
Robot Rage has been added to the Free Online RPG Lair. This is the perfect game for gamers who have looking for an online game that gives you the ability to build your own robot in order to take on the robots of fellow robot makers. Not only are your battle stats tracked but you can upgrade your robots with points earned and possibly rank among the best in this popular multiplayer game.
City of Villains and FLYFF
11-05-2005’s current Featured Online Game of the Week, FlyFF, returned to operations after being down for over a month. Not too many MMORPGs can take a month or more off so it will be interesting to see how it affects this popular free MMORPG going forward. In other news, City of Villains has been added to the MMORPG Lair since it launched this week. Expect a review of the game by soon.
Sony Going to Offer a Free MMORPG
In somewhat surprising news, one of the leading MMORPG operators has decided to offer a free MMORPG. Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) is set to launch a yet unnamed free MMORPG in the fall of 2006. Instead of offering a subscription like SOE normally does, it try to profit on extra items and game items instead. As GameOgre mentions in Free MMORPGs Versus Pay-to-Play MMORPGs this strategy may be getting popular in Korea but it has yet to be proven over the long term. Apparently, this announcement and the previous one months ago that SOE would sell in-game items for real cash on the Station Exchange comes as a direct response to the red hot MMORPG currency and item market currently led by IGE.
World of Warcraft Expansion Info
Here is some official news about the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion. The WoW expansion will be called The Burning Crusade and it will have the following features:
- Two new playable races but only the Blood Elves have been announced so far.
- The level cap will increased be increased to 70 from 60.
- A new continent called Outland that can be reached through the mysterious Dark Portal.
- Flying mounts on the new Outland continent.
- The introduction of socketed items like the ones in the Diablo series.
- A profession called Jewelcrafting.
Game Purchase Coupon Code
For the first time available from GameFly, GameOgre visitors can now save $3.00 off any of our 100% guaranteed pre-played games. Use coupon code SCARY and you will receive $3.00 off any pre-played game purchase until 10/31 (limit 1 per customer). All discs are pre-inspected and come with the original case and manuals in new condition. Further, GameFly subscribers get free shipping everyday on all pre-played games.
With Halloween right around the corner it’s time add a game that captures the spirit of the holiday, so Dark Eden has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. Dark Eden is a free Korean MMORPG with a vampire theme. However, take note that the site looks a little empty and the download is 234 MB.
Supreme Destiny has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. Gamers looking for Free MMORPGs with plenty of eye candy will definitely want to check this game out.
New Free Online RPG
Empiriana has been added to the Free Online RPG Lair. This game is a free turn-based graphical RPG that has been online for almost 10 years.
World of Warcraft Expansion News?
Although definitely not official, info about the first World of Warcraft expansion is starting to leak out. Supposedly the expansion will be called Burning Crusade and offer 2 new races (Blood Elves for the Horde and Draenei for the Alliance), one new profession (jewel crafting), and no new classes. Also, the level cap is supposed to be raised to either 70 or 75. Take note that this “news” could be just a rumor. If this info is true, not a having a new class will definitely disappoint a lot of WoW gamers. New races would be nice but new classes should be added for such a highly anticipated expansion. Once again, though, take this info for what it’s worth.
New Beta MMORPG and Contest
Khan the Power has been added to the Beta MMORPG Lair. This game is now in open beta so you can play for free before it goes to pay to play. You can also participate in a contest by playing the open beta. The first person who creates a guild of at least 12 members will win a free t-shirt for all members with this image on the front and this second image on the back. You will also get a bonus in ki points and gold for your main character if you go to pay to play from open beta.
New Free Online RPG
The newest addition to the Online RPG Lair is a MUD based on one of the best fantasy novels series of all-time, Wheel of Time. Wheel of Time MUD has been running since 1993 and is only for gamers who value deep game play over graphics since there are none. Instead, this Multi User Dungeon is for players who enjoy Robert Jordan’s vaunted fantasy books.
Exclusive Neocron 2 Screenshots
If you want to see some new goodies in the somewhat controversial MMORPG known as Neocron 2 take a look inside the recent Neocron 2 Interview and you will find 4 exclusive screenshots. Two of the screens contain the new weapon models of Neocron – Evolution 2.1 while the other two screens show the renewed vegetation.
Legend of Mir 3 Invites Players Back
Since recent updates to the Legend of Mir 3 servers, including a faster, more stable connection, and content updates such as the long anticipated Snow Patch, Quality Games Online Ltd has decided to offer free game time to all users, both those that have left, and those that still play, to give them a chance to take a new look at the game.
Former players are all invited to come back to Legend of Mir 3, to experience the new content, improved connectivity, to get in touch with old friends and catch up with old foes.
All existing accounts have been given 10 free days as an opportunity to see all the new features Legend of Mir 3 has to offer.
Play as a mysterious Taoist, with the fearsome close combat skills of a Warrior, or the awesome magic of a Sorcerer, fight ancient Numa, hunt in dungeons and palaces, and try to establish your place in history as a true hero of Mir.
Although it’s definitely not a new game by any means, Subspace Continuum has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. In fact, Subspace is one of the oldest online games on the entire Internet. Instead of suiting up with armor and a sword, this game pits you against hordes of other players in intense space combat.
Race War Kingdoms has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. RWK boasts such interesting features as PvP combat, strategic warfare, and involving kingdom development. The download for this completely free MMORPG is only 10.5 MB.
MMORPG to Close
Once considered one of the major MMORPGs in America, Asheron’s Call 2 has to decided to hang it up at the end of this year. This announcement comes only a few months after the Legions expansion. This means that Turbine taking control of the struggling Asheron’s Call franchise from Microsoft could not ultimately save the game. Thus, AC2 will stay in the MMORPG Lair until it finally ceases operations. As the MMORPG genre continues to get over-crowded by both free and pay-to-play MMORPGs, do not be shocked to see more announcements like this one in the coming months.
New Free Online Shooter
Kuma\War will join other multiplayer shooters like America’s Army and Wolfenstein Enemy Territory in the Free Online Games Lair. Kuma/War, a somewhat controversial game that recreates real-life war events shortly after they occur, was subscription-based but is now freeware.
Free/Regular MMORPG
El Kardian has found a new twist to the Free MMORPG model by offering the game free to players until level 50. Once you reach level 50, you will need to activate a subscription to continue. This model positions El Kardian as a hybrid free MMORPG.
New Free Online RPG
The newest addition to the Online RPG Lair is Space. This free online RPG has both a standard server and a deathmatch server. All you need is your web browser to play.
The Free MMORPG Lair got even bigger today as PlaneShift has been added. This free 3D MMORPG allows players such freedoms as the ability to create your own house or castle, unlimited professions, and the choice to live as an adventurer or a normal citizen.
New Free Online RPG and Closed Beta Contest Over
All 25 slots for the Control Monger closed beta contest have now been filled. Thanks to everybody who participated. As far as new free online games go, BattleMaster has been added to the Free Online RPG Lair. Like Adventure Quest, BattleMaster is intended to be a Online RPG that you mainly play in your spare time instead of devoting hours to playing.
New Beta MMO and Closed Beta Contest Almost Over
The latest addition to the Beta MMORPG Lair is TinyWarz. TinyWarz is a strategy MMOG where players battle each other and computer controlled bandits on distant worlds. Open beta for this game is going on right now. In other news, the closed beta contest for Control Monger is coming to a close. Only 5 spots are left (25 total) and the deadline for the contest is August 7th.
Closed Beta Contest
You can now win a closed beta account for the online shooter Control Monger by simply reviewing it! The download info for the game will be sent to the email you use when registering for the review directory. Closed beta begins the first week of August and only 25 accounts will be given away, so review the game as soon as possible if you want in.
The Free MMORPG Lair continues to grow as Conquer Online has been added. This MMORPG focuses on ancient Chinese Kungfu and magic. You can be one of 4 professions: Warrior, Archer, Trojan, and Taoist. Interesting features include the ability to build your own house, marriages, 8 different dances to learn, and you can make your own dream weapon.
New Free Online RPG
Pardus has been added to the Online RPG Lair. This free online game is a trading sim where pirates and space pilots contend to be the wealthiest in the universe.
Tantra has been added to the MMORPG Lair. Although not a free MMORPG, Tantra does give new users 20 hours of free game time. Two of the game’s more interesting features are guild battles and god wars.
New Online Shooter
Control Monger has been added to the Online Shooter Lair. This game is currently in beta, but the standard edition will be free when it launches.
Great Review in Review Directory
Just wanted to point out one of the best reviews that has ever been submitted to the Review Directory. Member keybounce gives an excellent review of Puzzle Pirates that covers nearly every aspect of this MMORPG. Definitely worth a read.
New Review Directory Categories
You can now review Game Servers and MMO Guilds in the Review Directory. The game server section has several game server browsers and utilities. The guild area allows you to see what other gamers are saying about various MMORPG guilds before you join one. You can also add your own guild to the list.
New Free Online RPG
The World Called Hollow has been added to the Online RPG Lair. This RPG has been running for over 5 years and boasts a whopping 15 classes and 20 races.
New MMORPG and Free Trial
Storm Riders Online (SRO) has been added to both the MMORPG Lair and the Free Trial Lair since it offers a 10 day free trial. SRO is a martial arts MMO based on a comic book series.
The Free MMORPG Lair continues to grow as Gate To Heavens has been added. This is another Free Asian MMORPG that is supported by a real money item store.
FaitH has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. This is a browser-based MMORPG with a religious theme. The battle server is for all ages while the RPG server is for gamers 18 and up. Take note that the game offers 3 account types. One is free while the other 2 account types are not.
Month Long Free MORPG Trial
The free trial of Meridian 59: Evolution has been extended until the end of July. During this time, you can log into a special server and check out the game free of charge. This classic MMORPG has been improved in order to try to keep pace with the newer MMORPGs in the industry. Improvements include a much needed graphics update and rebindable keys.
Here is an example of a MMORPG run by one person. Xenimus has been added to the Beta MMORPG Lair because it is not a Free Online RPG or Free MMORPG and it is not finished. The sole creator of the game charges $5 a month to play after a 2 week trial period.
Another game has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. Today’s new entry is Xiah, a martial arts themed MMORPG.
New Free MMO
Gunz The Duel has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. Take note that this one also has elements of an online shooter and is currently in Open Beta for the international version. The basic premise is to live out the fantasy of being a gun-toting hero like the ones you see in movies.
Beta Testers For Auto Assault
NCSoft is looking for beta testers for their upcoming MMORPG, AutoAssault. This game allows players to create characters who specialize in vehicular assault, and use their heavily armored, tricked out combat vehicles as their only means of survival. Characters drive through the hostile post-apocalyptic environment for power, wealth, fame, and ultimately… to take over the world. Check out new screens, movies, music samples, concept art, and added features and then sign up to be a beta tester
Review Directory Improved
To make it easier to navigate the Online Game Review Directory there is now a left menu. You can always tell what category you are in because the category will not be in bold and a small arrow will be pointing to it.
Daimonin has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. This game is an open source fantasy MMORPG that continues to grow as an ongoing project.
New Free Online RPG
Although not the easiest game to categorize, Battle Cards:Cybots has been added to the Free Online RPG Lair. Battle Cards allows you to match wits with thousands of other players and compete in tournaments.
Yet Another Free MMORPG
For the third straight day, a new Free MMORPG has been added to Today’s addition is a cartoon-style MMORPG called Endless Online. Take note that this game is still being developed but is completely free to play now.
Another Free MMORPG
The Free MMORPG Lair gets another addition with FLYFF. This game is a little different from other fantasy MMOs in that it focuses on magical flying. In fact, FLYFF stands for “Fly For Fun”.
A new Free MMORPG, Thang Online, has been added to the Free MMORPG Lair. This game allows you to customize your equipment and create special killing moves for battle.
More Free Trials
A few new MMORPG free trials have been added to the MMORPG Free Trial Lair including Ragnarok Online, Ultima Online Gold, and RYL. Take note that the Ultima Online Gold trial is on FilePlanet rather than the MMORPG’s website.
New Lair
Although its considered cheating by some MMO players and some games ban accounts for it, MMORPG trading continues to build steam. However, some players have been victims of shady dealings. That said, the purpose of the MMORPG Trading lair is to list only established MMORPG trading companies and allow gamers to share their experiences with these companies.
New Free Online RPG
A new Free Online RPG, The Reincarnation, has been added to the Online RPG Lair. Expect some medieval mayhem in this free online strategy game where you take the role of a mage and command your own army.
RYL: Path Of The Emperor Goes Retail
RYL will launch in over 8,100 retailers today. As of this writing, GameOgre visitors have given the game a score of 7.5 on 6 reviews. Here are a few of the best features of the game:
- Guild vs. Guild Battles
- Build Fortresses
- Create Flying Siege Gliders
- Commandeer Battering Rams
- Virtual Real Estate Ownership
- Become the Emperor and Rule the Land
City of Heroes Free Trial
A free trial for City of Heroes has been added to the MMORPG Free Trial Lair.
Battlegrounds Finally Live on World of WarCraft
One of the most anticipated features for World of Warcraft has finally arrived. Battlegrounds is one the top features intended to keep players interested after reaching the level cap of 60. Judging by server performance or lack there of for some people, it looks like players are stampeding to join the war!
New MMOFPS In Development
Displayed at E3, Huxley by WebZen will be a MMOFPS set in a post-apocalyptic environment and is slated for release in 2006. Since no MMOFPS has really set the MMO landscape on fire yet, it will be interesting to see where Huxley can take the genre. The key to success for a MMOFPS looking to lead this growing MMO niche will be intense action coupled with depth and great replay value. PlanetSide might be the best so MMOFPS so far, but it hasn’t exactly been a runaway hit. Hopefully, a new online shooter like Huxley can take the ball and run with it.
Online Team Based First Person Shooter In The Works
Look for an online shooter being released in the summer entitled Control Monger. You can learn more about it at It will be 100% free to download and play.
World of Warcraft Update
The PVP Honor System is now live via a 33 MB patch. The patch will likely take some time to download for low bandwidth WoWers due to the file size and the update system. In addition to the much anticipated PVP Honor System, the patch includes live events and a substantial amount of bug fixes.
Video Game Rental
04-10-2005’s Game Rental Lair has been enhanced with several more game rental sites. Some of these rental sites offer 10 or 14 day free trials so you can check them out before deciding to subscribe.
FFV3R Logo Contest
Think you have what it takes to make a logo for a super hero? The winning logo will be placed on an official hero for Freedom Force Versus The Third Reich. This character will then be downloadable for all players who own the game.
World of WarCraft Goodies
Look for several improvements in the works by Blizzard for World of WarCraft in the coming weeks and months. Currently in development, PvP Battlegrounds will be aimed primarily at higher level players who have reached level 60 and want new challenges. In addition, the higher level players will also get a new raid dungeon and new items.
This is good news for players because it should take away one of the biggest complaints about WoW, lack of interest after hitting level 60. Some players can hit level 60 very quickly in WoW, so it has been a source for numerous arguments in the game. Keep an eye out for a WoW review and a WoW lair very soon on
Freedom Force Versus The Third Reich
Like Freedom Force, expect a Freedom Versus The Third Reich game lair very soon. In the meantime, feel free to let us know what you think about this impressive sequel on its gamer review page.
RYL: Path of the Emperor Beta
03-05-2005 will be reviewing this game shortly, but you can check out the game yourself here. As of this writing, visitors have rated the game an 8.25 on 4 reviews.
New Free Online RPGs
Samurai War and Kingdom of Loathing have been added to the Online RPG lair. One is a great game for samurai fans while the other is laced with humor.
Want to Contribute to
If you would like to write reviews or previews of online games for, send all articles to in the body of your email. If your submitted review or preview appears on the site, you will be given full credit. reserves the right to edit any content before it goes live on the site.
New Free Games
Several new games have now been added to the Free Games Lair such as Secret Chamber, Zango TV, David vs. Goliath, Library of the Ages, and Zango Muncher.
First UMMORPG Canceled
Last month, Mutable Realms decided to pull the plug on the highly touted first UMMORPG, Wish. For those of you getting tired of all the letters in front of RPG, UMMORPG stands for Ultra Massive Multiplayer Online RPG. The “Ultra” part meant that the game was supposed to allow more than 10,000 players in a single seamless world. The only reason that has been given is that data during beta testing was not good. Take note that the beta test did not last very long.
What does this mean for MMORPGs in general? Not too much since Wish was attempting something different but ultimately failed. According to their website, 68,000 players had signed up so it could have been a case of not being able to support as many players as they had anticipated.
If you played the beta test of Wish and you want give your feelings on it, you can do so on its review page.
City of Heroes
02-05-2005 has just reviewed City of Heroes. After receiving a score of 9.25 clubs, City of Heroes leapfrogs EverQuest II in the Top MMORPG Lair to claim the #2 spot behind World of Warcraft.
Free Model At Anarchy Online
The free model at Anarchy Online that has been extended to 2006 continues to help strengthen the game’s already considerable customer base. Along with the upcoming release of Guild Wars, this move by Anarchy Online could be a sign of things to come in the MMORPG Arena. Simply put, some gamers are sick of monthly fees and these two games are attempting to satisfy those gamers.
New Owner For Horizons
Tulga Games LLC has purchased the assets of the company that used to own Horizons, Artifact Entertainment. Since Artifact Entertainment was in bankruptcy, this is definitely a good sign for Horizons players during a time when quite a large number of MMORPGs are either failing or are being canceled in development.
New Review Format
In order to be more compatible with the Gamer Review Directory, will now rate games on a scale of 1 to 10 clubs instead of 1 to 5 stars. This change will allow more accurate scores to be given. That said, previous Review scores have been changed to the new scoring system as well.
Guild Wars Beta Event Pushed Back Two Weeks
Originally set for 2/04/05, the Beta event will now happen on 2/18/05 in order to introduce new content. The new content will come in the form of a new area called Tyria.
City of Heroes Third Free Expansion
Earlier this week City of Heroes released its third free expansion to live servers. This update is entitled “A Council of War” and focuses a good deal on high level content. For example, you now can unlock the first Epic Archetype available in City of Heroes. You can then either play of the two new archetypes, the Kheldians or the Nictus. In addition, you can choose a new power pool at level 41 that lets you master general powers like fire, ice, earth, weapons, darkness, energy etc.
Kuma\War Trial
You can now try out the extremely popular Kuma\War for 30 days without any strings attached. Just go to Kuma delivers new playable missions each month to reflect unfolding events in the war on terror. New missions are now being developed in conjunction with the US Military and soldiers returning from Iraq who want to tell their stories through this unique medium.
Call of Warlords II Beta
According to Lars Nielson of Gamalocus Studios, Call of the Warlords II will enter beta testing in March or April 2005. The game and beta sign up can be found at
World of Warcraft Frowns on Outside Trading of Items
Unlike most other major MMORPGs, do not expect to find a large market for World of Warcraft goods on the Internet. Blizzard has taken a firm stance against the buying and selling of World of Warcraft’s in-game items. In short, both buyers and sellers will risk their accounts and more by participating in real money trades outside of the game.
New MMORPG Top Ten
EverQuest 2 didn’t have long on top of Game Ogre’s Top Ten MMORPG list because World of Warcraft has already bumped it down a peg. WoW is simply one of the best MMORPGs ever because it does so many things well all at once like graphics, game play, low learning curve, and user-friendly interface. PlanetSide has been knocked from the list.
FreeWorld Alpha Test
The following is from Draconus of FreeWorld
We are happy to announce that the next Alpha Test phase will open on the 15th of December. You will be able to download the game, get your account number and play the game as soon as your sign-up is completed. All sign-ups will be on a first come first served basis. We plan to try to keep the sign-ups open tell the 15th of January unless we reach the maximum capacity for the Alpha Test server. We hold the right to close the sign-ups at anytime and will only have 1 test server open. We expect the test spots will go fast, so you may want to make sure to sign-up as soon as possible.
We would like to remind everyone that this is a ALPHA TEST and not a Beta. Many things in the game will change before the final product and many game play systems and final art have not been added to the game yet. If you are looking to play test a game and help with ideas and bug finding then this is the opportunity you have been looking for. If your more interested in trying the game when it is more stable and a more polished product then we would suggest waiting tell the beta test.
I can’t wait to see you all in game and always KEEP FREEWORLDING!!!
World of WarCraft
It’s finally here! Look for this awesome MMORPG to invade the MMORPG Top Ten very soon. Will it surpass the also recent released EverQuest 2 as the top dog in MMORPGs?
More Free Online RPGs and New Top Ten for Online RPGs
Five more Online RPGs were added today. For the Top Ten Online RPG list, Dragon Court and Call of the Warlords were ousted while WeBL and Allegiance grace the list for the first time.
New Free Online RPGs
11-23-2004’s Online RPG lair continues to grow with several new additions today including Allegiance, Ages of War, and Galactic Quest.
Sacred Plus
Sacred continues to get better with the recent release of Sacred Plus. Sacred Plus is a huge free update that includes new items, new areas, and new sidequests. The download is 130 MB and is available here.
Dawn of the Half-Life 2 Era
With Half-Life 2 being released tomorrow, look for online gaming to be taken to the next level. Yes Doom 3 was a very important online shooter but it will not have the same overall impact that Half-Life 2 will. When it comes to modding and online play, Half-Life 2 is simply in a class all its own. Look for Half-Life 2 to climb to the top of’s Top Ten Internet Games list very soon. In fact, HL2 is already ranked in our Review Directory’s Top Ten with a 9.25 rating as of this writing.
Latest Dark Ages of Camelot Expansion
The newest Dark Ages of Camelot expansion, Catacombs, will hit stores on December 7, 2004. The biggest feature of this expansion will be a considerable overhaul of the graphics for character and monster models. Other key features will be “Private Adventuring” in various dungeons and 5 new player classes.
New MMORPG Top Ten
The list of the Top 10 MMORPGs has been updated again with Eve Online entering at number 8. Eve Online is one of the few MMORPGs where the economy really shines.
New MMORPG Top Ten
The list of the Top 10 MMORPGs has been updated with new games at the top 2 spots. EverQuest 2 has leaped to the top of the heap while City of Heroes climbed several places the claim the second highest ranking. Anarchy Online fell due to Alien Invasion not being near of the expansion that Shadowlands was.
Two New Lairs Added
Today has added two new lairs, Developer Interviews and Online Game News. The Online Game News Lair will be in addition to the popular Interesting Fact feature on the main page. This lair will contain all the news covering the MMORPG industry in general and in particular. The Interesting Fact will contain the most newsworthy event of the week in the MMORPG industry. Developer Interviews will become a more important and frequent feature of so it needed its own lair.
Yeah there’s a lot of games to review and read about in the mmo directory, it’s a big game lair.