Mythic Saga CBT Gift Pack Giveaway
Mythic Saga is the latest MMORPG that takes place in the realm of gods and sages. Players fight in one of three factions to unravel their own past and create a new future. The game has lot interesting features such as relics that fight alongside you, large amount of events and customization, and a multitude of updates in the works. You can find more on the website listed above or on the Facebook Site (
I would like a CBT Giftpack please 🙂
If there still are CBT Giftpack´s i would like one too ^_^ Greetings
i like a CBT Giftpack:)
Looking forward too an CBT pack ^ ^
i would like to get a code please?
plsssss!!give me wing code
code pls
Please Give me CBT GiftPack Please GIVEMEACODE :d
Please give me a CODe
Please give me the pack please!!!
For either Server 1 or 7