NWN Module: Avatarship Polished

by Zonker

•  well done remake of one of the greatest Computer RPGs ever 
•  the map room offers a great way to travel the module
•  non-linear
•  great story

•  some systems may have trouble exiting or loading in the game
•  changing the dialogue system was too ambitious  

The Bottom Line - The best way to relive the greatness of Ultima IV. 

Avatarship Polished: Download

Hak Pak: Download


After giving the original Avatarship a low score based mainly on bugs that plagued an otherwise great module, it is now time to review the cleaned up version known as Avatarship Polished. For starters, players now have easy access to one of the key innovations of the game, the map room. With the map room, players can now travel easier over the massive world that this module created. This massive world consists of 64 dungeon levels, 8 cities, 4 towns, and even 4 castles. Given all those locations, players can really invest a lot of time (well over 20 hours) in this module. 

As players travel from area to area and dungeon to dungeon, they will notice a lot more than badgers this time.  Walking down simple paths and roads just got more exciting, folks! Some people might think that these encounters are simply hack-and-slash affairs, but Game Ogre thinks that they add a healthy dose of spice to the module. 

The real deep game play comes from all the innovative aspects that this game employs. The author can truly say that he has something that no other module has with Avatarship's dialogue system. Frankly, I would have preferred the author to make a bug-free module instead of the dialogue system, but I will have to admit that it helps give the module charm. In addition to the aforementioned map room, another valuable aspect of this module is its focus on recreating the magic of one of the greatest computer RPGs ever, Ultima IV. 

Anybody who played Ultima IV can tell you that although it was not much to look at, the game play was excellent. This module has captured a large portion of that excellent game play and instilled it into a game with great graphics. Based on that and the several innovations that it introduces, Avatar Polished deserves to be at or near the top of any module library.  

Game Ogre's Rating (out of 10):


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