After being removed due to a forum move to a different software,’s Ogre Wars has finally returned. After nearly seven years with the previous version of the game, we have reworked the game to overcome its previous weaknesses. The game is now more team-oriented and customizable. Instead of being stuck to an outdated Vbulletin plugin where the developer has abandoned it, we are now using our creativity along with a good dice program on Xenforo to power the newest version of Ogre Wars. Also, instead of just ramping up stats with turns everyday players roll a 100 sided dice in a forum thread devoted only to that nation. Since each side can see what the other does, competition takes over to determine who does the best.




In the past, we always had three or four nations. The last season on Vbulletin we tried a few things differently, but we still had three nations. Starting with two this time makes more sense since we are starting from scratch under a new forum.

As we continue with the new game, we will establish new rules and features as we go. Eventually, it should develop into a game that we have all laid out and structured whether it is automated or not. For example, there will be battles and challenges where a dice is rolled to help determine the winner. Of course, troops and possibly more will be taken into account as well each time. Furthermore, there will be nation items that can be bought as a team for the entire nation. Some of the benefits from this will be large and instantaneous while others will be smaller but permanent. There will also be a feature where nation members can aid newbies to the game with gold and/or troops. This should help new members get up to speed much faster than they would otherwise.

Lastly, look for customizing on the forum itself for those who participate in Ogre Wars. For example, look for members to display their nation via titles or metals or even a special banner. The previous game had nothing like this and had seasons as well where players could swap sides or “retire” etc. Thus, it lacked a loyalty and team spirit. Although this version of Ogre Wars is just starting, it could be the better of the two with enough perseverance and polish.

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Editor and admin of for over 10 years. Always willing to improve and its game community. If you have any questions or business offers, please feel free to contact me.


  1. Prefer older system then the newer one but still good game that is now available on the forums 🙂

    Septera did not rate this post.
  2. Haven’t been around for the last Ogre Wars but i think it will be interesting with the new dice system. The only thing it needs is more players 🙂

    Guts did not rate this post.
  3. This is free to play video game playable on forum,it was removed from forum but couple months later it came back.There is two nations Ironheads and Stompers,when this game have reworked,it is all different the game now is more team oriented,and there is new dice system which is cool.If you are not join now,game is simple just roll dice and say in post what you want(gold of troops),you choose.



    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  4. LOVE this game! The dice mechanic is fun along with the battling mechanics and troops! Both versions are good despite like a lot of others,me preferring the old style of gameplay. It is still fun though, no way was that statement mistaken! 10/10 (I love ogre dice aswell)

    Crownknight did not rate this post.
  5. I am a proud member of the Stompy Stompers nation!
    The game is fun. With Gameogre friends. I tend to be roll for goldies often as i want to be financing the nation for its needs ~
    Its a great game i can also battle and challenge mr.ogremaan himself!

    Thumbs uppy~

    Mayonnaise did not rate this post.
  6. Go Go Go Ironheads! Rawr!
    Always rollin my dice when I’m around. Tho older members have too much troops for me to handle. Maybe a reset every year? I’m rating 4/5 for competition, determination and luck parameters of the game.

    subeJ did not rate this post.

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