Post Date: 18:14 29-06-2010
Rating: 0
Author: dikke
Comment: This game looks very bad ? why i should play such a ugly game my eyes will burn out
Post Date: 04:19 18-06-2010
Rating: 5
Author: awesomedrako
Comment: Top F2P shooter? Not any more. Alliance of Valiant Arms is superior to this game in every way except for Ghost Mode. Firstly, and I'll get this out the way because it's a simple point, Alliance of Valiant Arms has better graphics. Unreal Engine 3 certainly helps this.
When you move and run, the screen shakes about, and you hug your weapon close to you while running, like in real life. Just these tiny little touches make this game more realistic, and more believable.
However, it's the gameplay where AVA really shines. Both games have all the usual guns and stuff in a typical F2P shooter, but AVA gives the leader a pair of binoculars, which can be used to spot people with, and then they will be marked on everyone's screen. The leader then gets points if someone on their team kills them. This encourages teamwork, and there isn't really anything on Crossfire that does similar things. In AVA, some weapons can have scopes and sights attached to them, and if they don't, most other weapons have a small zoom in feature instead of scoping in. Again, Crossfire doesn't have this level of customization. Sniper rifles come with scopes (obviously), but that's really it. And actually, scopes and sights are really important things that are almost necessary to a FPS. Actually, guns in AVA can be customized with grips, barrels, silencers, but Crossfire gets zero points for customization (which really should be in any self-respecting FPS. Both are free, but I guess AVA was developed by better people).
AVA also has a class system, where everyone play as one of three classes; Pointman (a rusher), Rifleman (a general machine gun wielder) or Sniper (a sniper). Also, you can choose anytime during a match what class to respawn as. This means in AVA, you can change your classes on the fly to combat enemy tactics. Crossfire certainly doesn't have such a system. This is one of a couple of reasons why AVA is more tactical than Crossfire. Why AVA relies on tactics sometimes as well as skill.
Maps are something that are very crucial to FPSs. Good map designs means action-filled gameplay with people finding all sorts of spots to perform stealth kills. Both FPSs have typical 'two sides facing each other' maps, where the map is pretty much linear, with one side spawning on one side of the map, and the other side spawning on the other. Typically, there's also one rush route where people can go straight from their spawn to the middle of the map to try and surprise enemies. However, AVA also includes some innovative maps for pretty much every game mode apart from Death Match. The escort map Rising Dust for example, includes sniper spots and rushing routes all over the place, and many different spots where someone can surprise the enemy. In this map, you really have to watch everywhere to make sure you're not flanked. There's also the Demolition maps, where there will typically be several routes to one of two bomb sites, and these routes go all over the place, up levels and down levels. There's even one route on a particular Demolition map that includes a wooden bridge that can be destroyed so that route is cut off. Seriously, AVA's map designs are pretty damn good for a F2P game with so little access to money. And this is one of the first FPSs I've seen where the typical 'terrorist' side doing the bombing is not a typical 'bad' or 'evil' side. In AVA, there are two sides, the Europeans and the Russians. And in Demolition, the Europeans are the ones who blow up the enemy's bomb sites, rather than the somewhat looked-down-upon Russians (often cast as the bad guys in FPSs).
And finally, the game modes. Crossfire has one game mode that everyone always talks about. Ghost Mode. This mode has one side as the terrorists doing the bombing, and the other side stopping them. Just like Counterstrike (Crossfire is pretty much a CS clone, after all. Graphics especially.). Except in Ghost Mode, the terrorists are invisible when still, and transparent when moving. This means the game mode has a lot of stealth. This is one innovative feature that makes Crossfire rise slightly above other F2P FPSs, but AVA has more. AVA has a co-op mode which comprises of two missions. One is where you have to fight away zombies for as long as possible. The second is an attempt to escape a facility filled with AI enemies. These two are almost 'campaigns' that you never, ever, ever normally see in F2P multiplayer FPSs. Actually, it's the first time I've seen such a thing in these kinds of FPSs. Crossfire certainly has no equivalent to this.
Crossfire may have Ghost Mode. But AVA has better graphics, better gun customization, a wider range of weapons (with SMGs, shotguns, sniper rifles, WWII rifles, assault rifles, pistols, automatic pistols, frag grenades, flash grenades, smoke grenades, even a prison tray dish! Seriously, there is a prison tray dish that can be bought in AVA.), scopes, silencers, sights (that can be used!), better tactics, better maps, more maps, a co-op mode, better realism (the light actually slightly blinds you as you move from the shadows to brighter areas, and you can't see into the shadows, and it takes a while to adjust to the darkness if you run into the shadows. All of which is more realistic, and allows more tactical play of hiding in shadows.). And all this while offering the same, if not better, standard of gameplay of shooting people (except there isn't a shouty person yelling 'headshot!','Double Kill!','Triple Kill!' when getting these. I don't miss him though.).
Post Date: 19:12 11-05-2010
Rating: 10
Author: callofmaty
Comment: CrossFire is awesome!
Post Date: 19:30 05-05-2010
Rating: 3
Author: blastoise466
Comment: good game but hard to gain golod its eatin my money from black market
Post Date: 04:52 15-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: jun9008
Comment: Great game, fun FPS. But the current management has little interactions with the players and a lot of hackers can be found in the game.
Post Date: 14:25 24-01-2010
Rating: 0
Author: jolyphs
Comment: Not the worst, but dfntly not the best. Pretty suck. Rather play Operation 7 - Best Online FPS.
Post Date: 00:51 29-12-2009
Rating: 8
Author: rowebil
Comment: This game is good! The best ever, but only something needs work on. That is... The ability to hack the game. I asked on forums how to hack a game and they just called me stupid. So I don't know what hacking does but I've seen a lot of people using bots. It helps you aim better I think. Not too sure though. But it gets annoying when say "player1 has bot" or "player1 has chams(?) installed." It's very annoying. So, I think that should be worked on. Not too sure how to fix it, but that's the only thing wrong with it. 8 out of 10.
Post Date: 03:38 01-10-2009
Rating: 9
Author: piesrocks
Post Date: 13:20 21-09-2009
Rating: 8
Author: lm0ntei
Comment: It's my favourite online fps game .... but lately due to some strange errors doesnt get a 10 out of me !
Post Date: 20:24 20-08-2009
Rating: 10
Author: leonzxc
Comment: Im going to keep it short unlike this guy below me:P Crossfire is an online FPS(first person shooter) unlike other games like Wolfteam,Combat Arms,and soldier front it is very easy to get kill or BE killed therefor you will need to be very.. umm... well really quick in order to get lots of kills Also! there are lots of "heart throbing features such as Ghost mode,Search and destroy, Elimination, and Deathmatch(of course). Go ingame to find out more. dont forget to have fun :D
Post Date: 00:20 20-07-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Urrthelurr
Comment: It's a pretty good game. It takes for ever to save up enouph money for a new gun though.
Post Date: 05:38 16-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: xXSpecialsoulXx
Cross fire is a FPS(First Person Shooter) of Subagames
The game is different to the other because you can die with 3 or 4 shots Respawn in 1 sec.
You have to be quick to Aim or you goint to Die if you are good you can get a double kill,triple kill ,multikill or an amazing "unbelievable" and be The "MVP Player" or "ACE player"
In this game you can reach levels earning a mount of EXP(experience)you gain in each math and you can earn GP(Cross Fire Game Points) and Buy Sp(Suba Points) in this ultimate you can buy special items you cannot buy with GP
and buy Gp,The Gp is the money of the game,if you are the MVP in the match you can gain 100 Exp+ or 20 EXP+ to last kill doing the game more competitive
another thing you can see is the movement of the players is fast making the game more fast and funny
Well you can find Balanced weapons and a lot of kinds of weapons types
In this game has a big arsenal where you can buy.
You can buy:
"The Main weapons","Sub-Weapons","Hand-weapons","Thrown weapons"
--Main weapons:
The main weapons you can find:
-Shotguns-Rifles-Subrifles-Snipers and Heavy weapons
--Sub weapons:
In this seccion you can find Pistols:
Revolvers,Desert eagle,Anaconda and common pistols as a COLT 1911
--Hand weapons:
In this seccion you can find the Melee weapons
--Thrown weapons:
in this you can buy the Granades:
*Smoke Granade
*Flash Granade
*Fragmentation Grenades
The Defaut weapons *(you cant Sell)
-2 Grandes type A
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::GAMES MODES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
In this game you can find a lot of Games Modes as classic: Team Deathmatch,FFA(Free for All) :
--[[Team Dethmatch Mode]]
In this game your objetive is:
-Kill enemys to gain Points
-avoid to die to prevent the enemy does not give points
The game finish when a team reach the Points objetive or the time is over,and win the team with more points or reach the numbers
of points
--[[FFA(Free for all)]]
IS this a Solo type game when you need kill to obtain points and reach the points objetive
In this game your objetive is:
-Kill enemy to gain points
-Evit to another player Reach the objetive Points before you do it
*This game have weapons opcions:
-All: players can use all weapons
-Snipers only: Player just can use sniper ,but you can still using the knife
-Pistol only: Player just can use pistol ,but you can still using the knife
-Knife only: Player just can use knife
--[[Elimination Mode]]
In this game your Objetive is:
is kill All the Enemy team but you Cant respaw,if you die you need to wait the next round to respawn the game finish when all player of a team dies or
the time is over and win the team with more players
--[[S&D (Seach and Destroy Mode)]]:
In this game the Objetive is:
"Black List team"/detonating C4 in the A site or B site
"Global Risk"/defusing C4
or kill all enemy team
like Elimination ,you cant respawn the same round,the game finish when all player of a team dies or the GR defuse the c4,or the time over.
--[[Ghost Mode]]
This Mode is Original and new of Cross Fire,in this game you can be the ghost(Black List) or the Ghost Hunter(Global Risk)
In this game the objetive is:
"Black List(Ghosts Team)":
*Kill all Ghost Hunters
*Destroy the objetive with the C4 (A site or B site)
"Global Risk(Ghost Hunter Team)":
*Kill all Ghost
*Defuse the C4(if it is activated)
*Defend the C4(if it is droped)
*Wait the time over
::The Ghosts::: The ghost have a special power.this is one kind of invisivility if the ghost is moving the ghost can be saw..but the ghost is still,the ghost cannot be saw
,the ghost just can use "Knife"
::The Ghost Hunters::: The Ghost Hunters dont have the special power of invisibility but they can use weapons of Bags
--[[Special Match mode]]
This Mode you can use just knife in a map named "Arena"
You can see in this game a lot of maps but you can play in diferets mao depending what Mode are you playing ,there are maps shots and medium size this cannot have extra large but this stile of maps make the game more
tactic and more fast
well the Graphics of this game as similar as Counter strike or Half life 1,but it have better Graphics than that games,it is a good news for people have old machines
The sound is more apresiable than other games because it have Radio mensage,the sound of the shoots are strong that other sounds and the sound of the medals Pop Corn,Headshot..etc
is motivating and the natural sounds is more realistic
well the sistem of clan have been modificated to be bettter you cannt acces to a clan if you dont go to Page of crossfire to "aply" to a clan and you cant join if you dont send a wiper to ask where are the guys,but you can job as a clan when are together to earn points and reach better position on the clan raking
The servers are constantly in manteniment
to increse the speed you can enjoy a good conexion of the servers if this game
-Gameplay: 10
-Weapons: 9
-Maps: 9
-grapics: 7
-Sound: 8
-Clan: 8
-Servers: 9
Post Date: 20:57 14-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: pCr
Comment: Military base first person shooter Crossfire is good game for beginner or professional gamer.Game maybe looks quite funny at first,but when you play it few days or weeks,graphics doesn't matter. Crossfire's weapon selection is huge and there will be more guns in new updates.
Crossfire reminds really much Counter-Strike,but it's not same game as Counter-Strike. You need to know how to shoot and aim,not just spray around and hope best. Crossfire got four different play modes Team Deathmatch,Elimination,Search & Destroy and Ghost mode.
Crossfire have Ranking System which is pretty good. Higher rank you are,better gun you can buy. After playing one game match you gain Experience points and GP's. You can buy guns or different items on your character with GP's or SP. You can buy SP's (SubaPoints) with real money on Crossfire's website. With SP's you can buy special characters,special guns and much more.
Thing that everyone expects from FPS games is Clan System. Game is much better and funnier to play with your teammates. You can buy your own Logo on clan and you can play clan matches on Clan Server. Best clan match gamemode is Search & Destroy,because you need to use tactics to win your enemy.
Only one thing in game is bad,Hackers. Crossfire is using nProtection on game client which isn't the best one. Allmost everyday I see one hacker in-game,but don't worry,after match you can save replay of hacker and send it for Subagames and hacker will be banned if he's hacking clearly. I suggest this game for every FPS lover !
Post Date: 09:03 14-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: spiritraven
Comment: Cross Fire (SubaGames, 2009?)
An Online FPS that's a mock of Counter Strike, what fun...
First to start off... I have no idea as to why I even bothered to check this game out... maybe for laughs mainly... but hell... now that I've play tested out this game, it comes down to the point of just reviewing it and then back stab it for being good, bad, or just plain old crap...
Cross Fire is a multiplayer online First Person Shooter with the intent of just copying Counter Strike in most ways but with different maps, graphics, visuals, characters, teams, characters (except for SAS... ha!) slightly more items but the biggest grind up the arse of any MOFPSes which ever existed... which I think... must be just two... though... still, couldn't be bothered playing those... wait... just one now! The slate is now a blank slate and gone bye bye!
What makes this game different from that blank slate is the fact that it is just a pure clone of Counter-Strike with idiocracy level scaled to high, makes the noobs just piss off regular players...
The game modes within this game include Free-for-all, Team Death Match, Elimination, Sabotage, Detonation (or whatever the hell it is) and ghost mode. All of these game modes are self explanatory with the exception of ghost mode where the evil team are invisible and can only knife whilst the other team goes out and goes all guns blazing... until they run outta ammo. Also, something to the mention of blowing something up.
Initial jumping in, everything seems fine and dandy until I noticed a lag or above normal latency, but it seems okay so powering on, going through the tutorial system... I must say... it isn't professional FPS friendly and I was instantly lost within the first section until I realised what was going on... then comes bonus credits to purchase a weapon... If I had of known, I wouldn't have actually bothered to purchase a gun... but being lost... I purchased one... but it was still good...
If I had of been told that you would of initially started off with the standard M4, sniper rifle plus a few grenades to boot... I wouldn't of actually bought any guns... but hell... at least there was a decent amount of guns.
This game with a free-to-play MOFPS, this has a really frustrating grinding system to get people to pay of get some stuff and keep things exclusive to ranks or whatnot to maybe... get some to people to actually pay to play things with a slight advantage, but given that it is free... I wonder if it was actually worth my time play this game at all... but never-the-less... all this pondering doesn't actually get to the nitty-gritty of how the game is actually like, so might as well get to the game now...
Starting off with a flying start, I started off gun blazing and just did whatever like an absolute idiot without the need to care about the surroundings by attacking anything that I saw, including friendlies since this doesn't actually tell me anything. Thinking that it was a game that was heavily populated by novices... but it was just the server itself, remember to move to another server if you think that a lot of people are complete novices as a side note.
The graphics within the game is okay for a free MOFPS, clipping being absolutely horrible and there is the constant problem of running into team mates, causing a great deal of grief more times than not. Death animation just a static bugger and does the same thing over and over, making Counter Strike the option all round with the occasional death-defying (quite literally) impossible death poses ever, creating comical situations at the best of times. With one single death pose, gets boring and the respawn times... meh... though, they have tackled the issue about spawn campers by giving them invincibility for a small amount of time.
This game being new and all, have come across two major annoying groups... Hackers and Whingers... I could of chosen the word noobs, but there have been some quiet and honourable novices around, so whingers it is...
nProtect is attached to this game and "was" suppose to get rid of the hackers... but it just doesn't stop them... so... question... why doesn't it stop the hackers from ruining the game? Maybe another system that seems more worthy and a bit more cost effective... Use that instead... geez...
Whingers... the same level of idiocracy as the hackers and can just as be destructive due to the tendency to spam false accusations about players is more annoying than say the smell of crap... you know it is there and maybe it is more preferable than the whingers. Anyone disagree with that?
Some of the audio within the game, I can't disagree with, but it isn't that good either... but meh...
The grinding within the game does try to keep players in, but I'm into the casual and intense stand-offs or land stands, so it is either Counter-Strike of Team Fortress 2 which does perform better... plus Team Fortress 2 is having the updates coming out.
V: 6 / 10
A: 4 / 10
G: 6 / 15
L: 2 / 5
S: 5 / 10
VAGLS: 23 / 50
So, if you live the grind... Then go for this game... I'm just going to go at this game for a little while more until I can't stomach the game...
Post Date: 08:35 14-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Clartme
Comment: Well! One thing all I can say, it is simply the best!
Post Date: 04:25 14-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: MarkusHuitzi
Post Date: 18:12 13-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: jenchiuk
Comment: Cross fire is a free military first person shooter (FPS) which is a very good shooting game. it has different modes in which you can play in with your friends to compete each other in order to see who is the best player. you can set the time limits, and death limitis. it is a very good game especially for a FREE ONE and is very good and suited for people who like shooting games.
there are four different modes and one special mode that you can play in.
Teamdeathmatch: this is when you take out any oponents from the oposite team in order to win this battle.
Elimination: this is when you eliminate the whole team in order to win one round and rounds can be setted at the start of the game room.
Ghost mode: one team is terroists and one is counter one puts the bomb in a bomb site and they will be invinclbe when not moving so much but only knives are allowed for the terriosts side whereas counter terrosits are the side which counter the terrosits's bomb by defusing the bomb and they can use guns and will have to hear footsteps in order to know the opoents position of attacking.
Search and destroy has gameplay similar to counter strikes. A team of players have the bomb and plant it where as the other team have to defuse it if it gets planted. No respawn in this mode makes it the most tactical.
Knife arena is exactly what you think it is. 2 teams with only knives stabbing one and other. A fun game but only 1 map to it making it quite repetitive.
now we have the game modes out of the way lets discuss the good, and bad points to crossfire
Good points:
A very fun game to play for a free shooting game
A variety of modes to choose from your own choice.
A range of maps that are very heated battles which builds up tension
the map is for ie mexico TD, egypt TD, Crossroad EM etc.
A large range of differnt weapons.
Most of the community are very friendly and are willing to help you out if you are in need.
very professional design
Bad points:
Weapons cost a lot of GP and using the same starting weapons gets repetitive.
Lots of hackers detected
Grenade physics could be upgraded.
it is very hard to gain GP
i think there could be more weapons and modification in them not just repairing
overall i rate this game 8/10 because it is a really enjoyable game to play in with your friends and meeting other people to compete with the only reason i have not given ten is the bad points that i have given but it is a really interesting game to play in especailly for a FREE GAME it could be made better if you could solve the bad points i have given but overall a very good and interesting game to play in.
Thank you for reading this review!!!
Post Date: 11:34 13-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: xTincT
Comment: I pass by the computer of my friend Mike who is living with us, take one glance at his monitor and stop, which I normally don’t do because he plays a lot of different games and I tend to lose interest. This uncommon reaction probably comes from my love for simple but fast and realistic first-person shooters. I watch a couple of seconds, but then start poking him so he would let me play.
I sit down and start analyzing the screen: I have a M16 standing at the spawn of a map in a desert city (Mexico, Team Deathmatch as I soon learned). In the left corner my healthpoints, in the right my ammo. The textures, not the newest Generation, but hey, I used to play Counter Strike 1.6, so there is definitely an improvement. As a non-American keyboard-user I have to bind my jump and duck button to my native-keys. Unfortunately there is no possibility to rebind the TAB-button so I can’t see my scores and ping.
Making my way through the map I immediately have a feeling for the gameplay which is similar to Counter Strike and lots of fun while profiting from my CS-experience.
I soon ask Mike where the hell I could buy “CrossFire” and he tells me it’s a free download. Doggone it now I’m really starting to like this game.
After a quick search I download and install the exe. Registration? What for? Aah, you earn experience points which you keep and can level to different army-ranks. Cool.
Then I start making myself familiar with the game features. It’s not as simple as I first thought. Before the action happens you choose a Player model from Globalrisk or Blacklist. Those are the teams you join. One good, one bad. The first games are played with an M16 until you earn enough GamePoints. These are granted by playing and used to buy different weapons like the classics: MP5, M4A1, AK47, Deasert Eagle and AWM. Furthermore there are new weapons like the SCAR HEAVY, DRAGUNOV and combat axe. Too bad that every weapon is very expensive and I have to repair it after every round. Since the new update I haven’t found a way to earn a reasonable amount of GP without breaking another weapon. For these cases you can buy GP and other special items in the Item Shop.
Looking around I discovered the mods I liked from Counter Strike like Search and Destroy, where the Globalrisk plants a bomb and the Blacklist has to defuse it, and Elimination where one team takes on another. In addition to this I have the opportunity to play many different mods with different Weapon restrictions (only knife, only sniper etc.).
A new and exclusive Mod in CrossFire is Ghost Mode, in which the Globalrisk team can only use melee weapons, but therefore is barely visible when moving and completely invisible when not in movement. They have to Search and Destroy the target, while the Blacklist team tries to prevent this with all weapons.
All in all a very fun and exciting game. The Minus Points are the low amount of GP you can earn without paying real money, understandable due to the otherwise completely free game, the keyboard restrictions for non-American users and the textures.
The Plus Points are the exciting, fast and easy-to-learn gameplay, the huge variety of weapons available, the ranking-system, the frequent updates, with all new gamefeatures and the great amount of gamemods with love for details.
My rating for the game is a very good 9/10. It really got me hooked, which is not easy and has not happened in years. Thank you, Suba, for this awesome game!
Post Date: 01:57 13-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Oscelot
Comment: CrossFire is arguably one of the best free FPS out there today. It has fast paced action in some modes, but laid-back strategic situations in others.
Honestly, I have encountered few problems with this game. Sure, the community can be a pain in the butt a few times, but overall, they are very warm and welcome. The GM's and Moderators are active and most of the time helpful and nice.
The game play and graphics are quite similar to CS 1.6, except that weapons are bought forever, not just for a round.
There are several game modes. Most of them are just your average run of the mill modes, however ghost mode creates a completely new twist to the FPS genre.
In this mode, you can either play as Black List (ghosts) or Global Risk (normal people). Black List is completely invisible while standing still, however they are translucent while moving. You can also use footstep and breathing noises to your advantage to locate ghosts. All in all, it is a very fair and enjoyable mode for both teams.
The weapon choice in this game, like the graphics, is also similar to Counter Strike. You have your M4, your AWP, your Ak47 and Ak74, and many others. For the most part, guns are fair and balanced, and each has it's ups and downs. One gun may be amazing close range, but have powerful recoil, or another may be weak, but extremely accurate. Whatever gun you choose, you'll be able to put up a fight.
A final subject I would like to touch in this review is the competitive gameplay. Players and members of the community have already created leagues and tournaments for players to enjoy and compete in. The competitive community in this game is small, but growing. Perhaps soon we'll be having LAN's and perhaps even be picked up by a popular league. Only time will tell.
Overall, I give this game a 7/10. The only true problem with this game is that hackers are fairly frequent. The GM's work hard to answer all of your reports and questions to make the game a better place.
Happy fragging!
Post Date: 01:17 13-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Naro
Comment: Review
I have played my share of FPS, and honestly i think CF is the best free FPS. The game crossfire is fairly new in the U.S/Canada. Crossfire is outstanding in all categorizes. Its graphics own those of SF. Its game play is simply awesome. Its most outstanding feature is the GMS/Community.
This games graphics are good. The characters don't walk like in CF, The textures are perfect (for low end PC's). The blood is optional but still nicely made. I would say that CF's Graphics are most like CA's
The game play in this game varies from mode, to mode. In Team Death Match (TDM) and Free For All(FFA) the pace is fast. In Search and Destroy(S&D) matches the game play calls for tactics and skill. The most unique mod is Ghost Mode, The pace can get extremely slow or fast. In Ghost Mode the Black List (BL) have suits witch make them invisible when standing still and barely visible when running. The BL only have one disadvantage, they can only use a knife/axe.
The Weapons in this game are well balanced. Every gun has its own draw back and advantage. The guns vary over a large variety, from close range guns (shotguns and MP7) to long range guns (snipers and AUG/SiG). The maps in this game are also amazing. For example Black Widow is based off of De Dust_2 however the textures are different making it fun. This game receives new guns and weapons ever 2 or so weeks.
The GMs in this game are truly outstanding. I can say that im one of the few CF gamers who got to know the gms more personally. The GMs actually listen to the community and take its suggestions into considerations. For example, during a new patch new sounds were introduced, unfortunately these sounds sucked. The community (me included) suggested to remove the new sounds and keep the old ones. During the next patch the new sounds were deleted.
So all in all i think that this game is at the top when it comes to Free FPS, it resembles CS:S a lot. The system specs for this game give it a wide variety of players due to the people who have low end pcs (myself included). I owuld chose this game over Warrock, Soilder Front and, Combat Arms any day.
Post Date: 15:20 12-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: fiserman357
Comment: Crossfire is an obvous counter strike clone and is the only free clone i know of. For those of you who dont know what crossfire or counter strike is, they are both tactical shooters in which a group of counter-terroists fight against a group of terroists. The objective of counter-strike is to plant a bomb if you are terroists or defuse it if you are counter-terroists. Crossfire brings you a small playlist of free for all, team deathmatch, search and destroy, elimination and the very unique game modes, ghost mode and knife arena. I will be doing a short wrap up of the playlist.
Free for all:
Free for all is just your basic "every man for himself" game where it is you pitted against a maximum of 16 players. This mode can be customised with pistol only, knife only and sniper only gameplay.
Team Deathmatch:
Ahhh good old team deathmatch. The most played mode on any game. This is where 2 teams just have to kill each other. No strings attatched. The most simplistic but most fun mode.
Search and destroy:
Search and destroy has gameplay similar to counter strikes. A team of players have the bomb and plant it where as the other team have to defuse it if it gets planted. No respawn in this mode makes it the most tactical.
Again, this also has a map and gameplay that is very similar to counter strike's. On the map,crossroad, a team of players spawn on opposite sides of eachother with only knife in hand at spawn. Weapons are on the ground in front of them and you have to pick them up depending on what sort of stratergy the player likes ie sniper, heavy gunner etc. However this also has a map caled columbia which lets you spawn with weapons the player has bought.
Ghost mode:
This is what makes crossfire unique. Ghost mode has the plant and defuse the bomb gameplay with a twist. The enemy team spawns as an invisible "ghost" and can only use a knife and can only be seen if they move whilst the other team have their weapons but are fully visible. A very smart move by suba games and a very fun and original game mode.
Knife arena:
Knife arena is exactly what you think it is. 2 teams with only knives stabbing one and other. A fun game but only 1 map to it making it quite repetitive.
now we have the game modes out of the way lets discuss the good, and bad points to crossfire
Good points:
A very fun game to play for a free shooter.
A variety of modes to choose from.
A range of maps that are very well done and are very useful in the environment the map is for ie mexico TD, egypt TD, Crossroad EM etc.
A large range of balnced weapons.
Most of the community are very friendly and are willing to help you out if you are in need.
Bad points:
Weapons cost a lot of GP and using the same starting weapons gets repetitive.
Some maps dont have as godd of layout as some maps ie columbia Em and train TD.
Apart from the friendly community, the rest are either unfriendly, hackers or spammers.
Grenade physics could be upgraded.
Well as the review comes to a close, i will be saying my final thoughts. This is a very good free to play shooter with a good community and lots of weapons/armour to choose from. However, the game is becomig flooded with hackers, the exp progression system needs an upgrade(issues with how much exp i got from killing 20 people and only getting 10 exp), and lacks a lot more such as:
more game modes ie headquarters( base capturing), capture the flag and maybe a zombie mode *wink* *wink*
A better hacker prevention system
More gp in game or cheaper weaponory
Overall i give this game a 7. A great game with fun and addictive gameplay but lacks things which would make it so much better. A very recomended download
Post Date: 03:36 12-05-2009
Rating: 6
Author: [M]obst3r
Comment: Crossfire, One of the best free FPS online games. This game has grabbed my attention from many other games such as Combat Arms, Op7, and much more. Crossfire is a great game overall but it has it's ups and downs.
Up's of Crossfire:
- Most of the community in Crossfire is great except for a few pain in the butts.
- The game modes are great, TDM, FFA, SnD, and one of my favorites GM. I've never played another game with a mode like GM so this one was my first, It's very creative and well put together game mode that is grabbed most of my attention.
- Crossfire has many different items to choose from such as equipment, guns, characters, grenades, and many different maps to choose from.
Down's of Crossfire:
- Greatly needing a better hack prevention system.
- Lack of updates to the game itself, the same old maps and game modes get boring after awhile.
- Lacks modifications, the grenades don't do nowhere near what a real life grenade would, you should be able to modify your guns like Op7 and Combat Arms, half the equipment doesn't give bonuses in any way so it's a waste of money just for looks, and much, much more.
That is all just a few opinions of mine about the game. I would rate this game a 6/10, It's one hell of a great game but lacks many things.
~Good luck with the reviews guys n gals~
Post Date: 01:07 12-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Mike33166
Comment: Crossfire is a strategic FPS developed by Smilegate and Neowiz. I came from playing World of Warcraft so it was a very big change for me. But even a noob like me coming into crossfire it was fun. Although it has a few bugs and glitches the game is great. There are alot of hackers though so thats another reason this got a 9/10. They blended an awesome FPS with a ghost mode which challenges alot of people. I dont think any1 can get bored i no i wont so have fun with this awesome FPS.
Post Date: 01:03 12-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Crossfire Master
Comment: Today we have a great reveiw of the game crossfire. I myself play the game every day and it is very fun.I started polaying tis game a few months ago. My favorit feature is probably joining clans. I am in a clan called killonsight and they are ranked 1300 in the clan list. I think that apart from the constant hacking it is a pretty good game. I Understand that people hate it when you hack but they have the feature to ban hackers from games. Otherwise this is a great game. There are almost no bugs or glitches if you have a fast computor. I would recomend this to anyone becasue of its fun interactive side. I disagree however to the fact that it goes under maintnance everylittle while. but other than thsat i give it 5 awm shots in the head, out of 5
Post Date: 23:48 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Wyattttoligy669
Comment: I have been a CounterStrike gamer for some time and a friend introduced me to Cross Fire advertising it as a CounterStrike, Call of Duty hybrid that would blow my mind.
I was unsure if i should take his word for it so I got the game and checed it out.
It did not take me long to realise that this game is incredible. It has the fast paced action style of counterstrike, but with a much wider variety of weaponry and gameplay options. I would have to say while the majority of the game play stays the same, it isnt hard to spice things up and alter the feel of the game by using different weapon sets and character customisation. The graphics arent the absolute greatest in the world but they certainly do not negate the games intensely fun exciting nature. So I give this game a 9 out of 10 because while it's gameplay can get slightly repetitive(but what game doesn't)and it's graphics aren't perfect, it has an awesome addicting feel to it and a wide variety of gameplay that you could nver grow bored of.
Post Date: 18:53 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: OSKItheBEAR
Comment: CrossFire is a tactical first-person shooter online PC game developed by South Korean FPS developing groups SmileGate and Neowiz. Tencent operates the game through the Internet, with service areas covered and the networks supported by China Telecom and China Netcom. The tests for its software bugs were started publicly in April 2008. It is normally believed that players of this game will naturally associate it with Counter-Strike.
CrossFire features two International Mercenary Forces, locked together in an epic global conflict. Players assume the role of either a Black List terrorist or Global Risk mercenary, joining an online team that must work together to complete objective-based scenarios.
There are six online modes: Team Death Match, Search and Destroy, Elimination Match, Ghost Mode, Free-For-All and the all-new Special Mode. Based on their performance in-game, players will receive experience points and be promoted through various Military Ranks. Players will also have the ability to customize their character's equipment and appearance through CrossFire's in-game item shop. Upon release, CrossFire will be free to download and playable online.
CrossFire involves several modes of play, each with unique maps and rules.
Team Deathmatch: Players must work together to kill the enemies a designated number of times, or get more kills in a designated time limit.
Search and Destroy: The Black List attempts to destroy designated points with C4, or destroy all the Global Risk players, while the GR team must destroy all Black List players before the bomb is planted (If the bomb is planted it can still be disarmed for a GR victory).
Elimination mode: Similar to team deathmatch only players don't respawn when killed, and it runs on a basis of rounds instead of kills or a time limit.
Ghost Mode: All Black List terrorists are cloaked in invisibility, and are only armed with knives, while all Global Risk mercenaries aren't cloaked in invisibility, but can use all weapons. The Black List must use stealth to blow up the target with C4 to win, while the Global Risk mercenaries must defend the target.
Special Mode: A mode that is fully manipulatable by the player.
Overall, Crossfire is taking the internet by storm. It is a great game and very enjoyable to play. It is highly recommended.
Post Date: 17:15 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Rudster
Comment: It's hard to find a game that is worth dedicating your time to master it. You can spend many hours and regret wasting a lot of money looking for 'The One'. Nearly all games seem tired, dull or lifeless and are too expensive.
Then you find Crossfire. Fantastic. Then you find out that it's free, and then the download could not finish fast enough.
Crossfire boasts a ton of game modes, loads of weapons and a horde of noobs waiting to have their heads blown off. Play hard so you earn higher ranks, and earn enough money to buy that deadly new that waits tantalisingly just out of reach.
There's a bomb defusal mode, team deathmatch, deathmatch with just knives, guns or snipers and team elimination to blaze your way across. When you're done with that, the unique Ghost Mode awaits. Trade in your gun for a knife and partial invisibility and master the art of stealth and cunning in the ghost team. Boost out of nowhere and stab some loser in the face! Be one of the ghost hunters and feel your grip tighten, jump at any sudden noise and sh*t bricks in the high-tension finale.
Crossfire is kept fresh and exciting with new weapons, maps and even characters being added from time to time. You can join the Crossfire community by adding friends, joining clans or even starting your own.
This is the game that you will find yourself playing whenever you have a spare moment. This is the game that you can work hard at well into the night so you can finally get that glorious, deadly new gun for your own. This is the game that you will play for 10 minutes while you have the dinner cooking. This is the game that you will curse when you find an hour has passed and your food is burnt. And then start playing again.
Balls to Counter-Strike. Crossfire rocks.
Post Date: 16:41 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: 4znlyfe
Comment: Crossfire is a new Online FPS shooter game that is made by subagame, cross fire is a game that similar to couterstrike. But at cross fire there are some stuff that is difference then couterstrike. Cross fire has more challenging modes and maps,weapon and characters.
Here are the modes:
Team DeadMatch
Ghost Mode
Search and Destroy
30+ Maps
More Character to pick
Able to Join/Create a Clan
More Modes
More Equipments (Weapon,Character,Appearence,item cards and such.
This is game is a new level of online FPS shooters, that ever gamers can enjoy.
I personally a biggest nerd when it come to fps, and when it my friend told me about this game, i start download it right away and start playing, now my little brother is starting play it too. is a fun fps game that you can imaging.
I rated it 9. Everything is Good about this game, it just one couple thing that i hate most. Repair Item, Cash item .
Post Date: 16:32 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: D4xx
Comment: Crossfire is a free MOFPS - Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter.
Crossfire has many different features that a lot of FPS player can enjoy.
Some features being, the always challenging Melee only Team Death Match.
The Four game modes of Crossfire are,
TD - Team Death Match
GM - Ghost Mode (my personal favorite)
EM - Elimination
S&D - Search and Destroy
One HUGE feature of Crossfire now, that everyone enjoys, is the Clan server
which allows you to take you and 2-7 more of your clannies, and scrim whenever you want!
There are many different weapons to choose from, some being, the M4A1, the AK-47, The AWM sniper rifle, Desert Eagle and many more.
4 different character types to choose from being the OMOH, SAS, SWAT, and SPOP.
There is a lot of character customizing, and you can even buy more than 1 character type.
I think there is only a couple downfalls to this game,
One - the cash items are way too overpowered, only SPOP character types can use actual armor not just decor.
so overall I rate this game a 9.
Post Date: 14:11 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: supernova
Comment: CrossFire is an FPS published by SubaGames.Signing up for an account is easy and doesn't require a confirmation email.Once you're signed up & installed you have a choice of 3 different types of characters.(S.W.A.T ,S.A.S ,O.M.O.H) The only difference between the 3 is their look.
Think about it,Teamwork, Explosions, Guns and even Ghosts.CrossFire has it all including 14 maps+, a large range of guns and 6 game modes including:Ghost mode,Team Death Match,Elimination,Search & Destroy,Arena and Free For All.
The lobby graphics are fine, they looked good but the game graphics isn't so great because there are rather alot of square objects, like crates.Most of the time bullets go through wood so hiding behind crates is pointless if someone knows your there.
Sound is a major part in every gamer's playing style right? Well, the sound in CrossFire is very effectiv.The main modes that require the help of sound are Ghost Mode and Search & Destroy.You can attually hear enemy's footstep from behind or in front.Using headphones are best for these modes.
The ranking system is pretty awsome.You can rank up by playing and this will also earn you game currency(GP).If you are impatient, you can add game points with real money.What's good about buying game currency is that if you want new weapons or a heavier armored kit you can get it even if you haven't played for a while.Unfortunately,this will also allow players with more money than sense to buy an amazing kit that it'll take some skills to over come.
Overall, CrossFire is the best FPS ever made.Even though the graphics is a let down but what it does have is addictive game play that will keep you hooked for hours.I absolutely love this game and I think you will too.Try it for yourself,you know you want to.=]
Hope to see you guys in-game.
Post Date: 10:36 11-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: SpeX
Comment: Crossfire is a military operations game consistng of two teams; GR: Global Risk and BL: Black List, although it seems pretty simple, it is but the rules of each mode is different.
There is:
TDM: Team Death Match, consisting of upto eight players on both teams, batteling it out to a targeted number of kills per team or under a time limit with unlimited lives for each player.
S&D: Seek and Destroy, the BL are to plant a bomb in either one of two sites and are to defend it until it detonates or they can wipe out all of the GR players. If a player is killed, they must wait until the next round begins. GR are to defuse the bomb if it is ever planted or wipe out all BL to win. The GR have an advantage in this game because if the timer, which has 2:30 every round, ends, and the bomb has not been planted yet, the GR are automatically the winners of the round. Upto 13 rounds are the max.
GM: Ghost Match, pretty much the same as S&D except the BL are ghosts, not the haunting ghosts but they wear a suit thet makes them invisable when they are motionless. It seems fool proof if you don't know anything about GM but here is the twist. BL are only allowed a knife or if bought, and axe. also to the GR advantage, ghosts emmit breathing to allow the GR that they are near a ghost. The rules are still the same as S&D. (Although it is the most favourited mode in Crossfire, it is often hated to the mass attraction of hackers.)
EM: Elimination Mode, is a game of quick thinking and never say die. Each round, all players are given one life per round, once killed, you are to watch other players until atleast one player stands. If the timer, set at 2:30 again, ends, the winner of the round is which ever team has the most players, if an equal number of players on each team, the winner of the round is decided by the HP of each player. (Not 100% of that last sentence but they've got to decide fairly somehow.)
SM: Special Mode, recently added, SM has a special rule, Snipers only, Pistol only and Knife only, added due to the fact of angry players, trying to hold a knife only match, only to have players come in and rake up some kills by using guns.
The Good:
This game is fun with its mass variaty of weapons, maps and customizable male characters; Swat, SAS, Omah and the new female character; Spop. (Female bought with SP, read below.)
The chance to communicate and befriend players from all over the world with the fun of joining a clan to be recognized above all others.
Ranks: Players can gain ranks with enough EXP, won through many hours of playing in PvP matches.
The Bad:
SP: Suba Points are only obtained through special events like tournaments or can be obtained by buying them with real money. This is bad because there are many useful items that can only be obtained with SP.
Hackers: This is a problem that everyone has with Crossfire. Hackers, mainly in GM, use cheats to make them seem better than everyone else and make it highly unfair for opposing teams. It's sometimes obvious when a player is hacking, like when you see a player running at extreme speeds or the new one, a ghost with a gun. Althought these are obvious, only players from GR ar allowed to kick vote a GR player as BL are only allowed to kick vote a BL player.
Overall, I would have given this game a 9.75/10, rounding up to 10 but because of the useless Antihacking program, added to Crossfire, I have taken 1 point off with a rating of 8.75/10, rounding upto 9
I would still highly recommend this game to any fans of 1st person shooters.
Crossfire is also available for download through Utorrent for those who would rather torrents to direct download.
I would also recommend checking out Subagames' other games that you might find interesting
Post Date: 01:39 11-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: spartan327
Comment: Cross Fire is a AWSOME game.Its a 1st person shooter about the Global Risk(or the swat) vs the Black List.
There are 4 dfferent characters. The Swat,the SAS,the OMOH, and the SPOP(or the female character).Theres 2 of each character, ones a Global Risk character and the other is a Black List character.
In Coss Fire there are 7 game modes, Search and Destroy , Elimination, Ghost mode, Team Death match, Free For All, the Knife Arena, and the Knife Sniper Pistols only matches. The game modes have great maps.
As you play Cross Fire, your rank goes up as you get better,and when your rank goes up you can get better weapons. And you can join clans to fight groups and have clan matches.
This is a great game. I give it a 10 /10.
Post Date: 01:30 11-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Biff Loman
Comment: Review Cross Fire
I started playing video games in 1977; my first experience in gaming was with Pong. Two paddles of varying sizes and a blip which would move between them if properly struck then it was Atari, Activision, Sega Genesis and so on and so on. Eventually, I moved to PC gaming shooters like Wolfenstein and the DOOM! series introduced me to the realm of first person shooters. The AI and graphics were amazing for the time and those games were a challenge to a degree. Eventually though I would master them and become bored. How far computer and online game play has progressed.
Recently, with some unexpected free time on my hands due to the economic climate in the United States I stumbled upon Cross Fire while it was in late beta. It’s my first MMO game and I was hooked from the first kill. The elegance and simplicity of the interface and game play creates an ease which draws in newcomers and veterans alike. The challenge of competing against the ultimate AI, human computers, if you will, on a massive stage with players from literally around the world can be both exhilarating and frustrating simultaneously. There are multiple maps and game modes which allow a player to find a place to succeed and also stave off boredom by varying match types. Weapon selection and variety keep game play fresh as well, as one learns the nuances of different arms. And the devastating impact they have on your opponents.
In my case I have become a specialist in Ghost Mode, one of Cross Fire’s unique match types. Teams align with either Global Risk or Black List, the objective being to sabotage a designated target or prevent the destruction from occurring. A big twist is that all the Black List players have semi-invisibility; they kill only with knives and are out to destroy a target by planting a C4 device. When moving they become slightly visible for a short duration. This scenario makes for incredibly challenging matches. The tactics and strategy involved in winning from either side involve much more than how fast one can press a key. Reaction and reflex skill help but outwitting the opponent is essential to victory. And that is why I return to Cross Fire, it is more than just hand eye coordination which breeds success.
The graphics, and frame rates as well as the type of computer one needs to enjoy play are all quite reasonable. The team at Suba games is updating and maintaining the game vigorously. There are enhancements released with some regularity and the commitment to keep the player engaged and satisfied seems genuine. The maps are quite beautiful should one have a moment to look around, fair warning though survival is the key. Sightseeing is not possible in these matches. Players can establish their own game rooms and select modes of play, as well as a host of variables to suit their preference, one may password protect a match, the options and flexibility in the system are excellent.
Finally, the ability to be promoted through the military ranks and build a character through success and failure deepen the Cross Fire realm. Statistics are tracked to a granular degree and allow a player to view their progress and improvement. All this and the game is free! There are options to purchase items in the Item Mall as it is called. These selections can change the look and feel of your character or get a particular weapon to add to one’s personal arsenal. But nothing is mandatory and purchases are at a player’s discretion.
The only negative aspect which I will comment on for the purpose of my review is the presence of in-game cheaters or “hackers†as they are called. There are apparently several insidious web sites which sell or otherwise distribute programs allowing players to cheat their way through a match. It is quite obvious when they are being used and Cross Fire has several a systems in place to deal with them. During a match players can vote to kick or eject a player from a match. This works some times though a majority must vote to kick a player. This doesn’t always occur and can be frustrating. Once a player is evicted they cannot return to that room. Additionally, the game provides a mechanism for saving replays of matches and submitting them for review by game moderators. (By the way it’s also cool to save a game, when one does particularly well and replay it later for self- glorification). If it is determined a player has violated the terms of service they are blocked from play by the appropriate staff. These systems are helpful but have the potential for abuse. I have been kicked from games unjustifiably on numerous occasions. The presence of these “hackers†undermines trust within the Cross Fire community and in-game chat can devolve to accusations and recriminations of hacking. Other bugs or glitches aren’t worth mentioning as they don’t present a significant barrier to enjoyment.
So as an old-timer in the gaming world I present you with my views of Cross Fire. The bottom line for me is I am hooked. The positives far outweigh the negatives and as an online community it’s safe and enjoyable. I have chatted with and killed people from around the world in the game. It’s not every day that one can write those words and laugh but they are true. As my first foray into MMO, Cross Fire has given me the motivation to explore the online gaming world more closely. Fun is contagious catch it on Cross Fire. See you on the battlefield.
Post Date: 23:05 10-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: kmokmo123
Comment: I think this game is 10/10 because:
1)Controls are flawless- 10/10
2)Graphics are amazing- 9/10
3)The ranks are flawless- 10/10
4)The amount of guns is ignoramus- 10/10
5)The leveles are soo well thought out- 10/10
6)The levels were so whell thought out- 10/10
7)The Clan System- 10/10
Whell i have to give 6/10 because there is still alot of hackers out there and i know that they are trying there hardest to stop them but k'mon you have the hole subagames
team and gameguard team i think they can prevent hackers.
9)The In-game talking- 10/10
10)The Addictiveness is 10/10-
I mean if you play one game your like "OK,lets just play one more game" and then after that game your like "OMG i cant stop playing its so freaking good".
Overall Average:- 9.5/10
I think everyone who's computer is able to compute with this game should get it even if they dont like it!!!!!!-MiCkYaLpA
Post Date: 22:13 10-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: tweezerser
Comment: Crossfire: Dud for those too dumb to do anything else or Addictive Must-Try?
Graphics : 7/10 (10/10 if you take into account that its free)
I don't really have too many complaints about the graphics. Running with everything at high I normally get between 40 and 60 frames/second, which isn't too bad considering I'm on a $600 laptop.
Pros: High performance; The only time I ever really experience any kind of lag is when 1) there's a speed hacker and 2) My internet is messed up.
Realistic weaponry; If you look at the guns, they look very much like their respective counter-parts, how could you possibly complain about that?
Moderate amount of choices for appearance; You have 3 different male "classes" and now, more recently, a female class. Now all they need is a skin-tone generator and a more easily accessible female class :P
Cons: Bullet holes/blood spray; They don't stay on the map too long at all, I'd guess 10 seconds max, so it would probably look a bit better if they stayed for 30 seconds to a minute, and maybe in game modes that go by round (like E.M.) staying for 1 round.
Slightly blocky texture; I can't really complain about this, seeing as the game is free, but it does contribute to a slight deduction in points, perhaps 2 :P
Game Play: 9/10
Crossfire has excellent game-play comparatively, and very very little to take from points.
Pros: Multiple game modes (explained later); This definitely keeps you from getting bored, and it makes the game very addictive (see Addictiveness)
A lot of weaponry to choose from; What bad is there to be said about this? Hopefully more soon though. Maybe some more kinds of pistols and melee.
Cons: Hackers can run rampant; This creates huge problems during G.M. and other modes a moderate problem (Boo aimbot). This could somewhat be diminished with a slight reformation of the kicking system (considering there are so many sore losers who won't kick a hacker). One possible method, is if every member of the opposing team approves of the kick, and 1-2 members of the friendly team approve, the person is kicked. You could also make it that someone can propose a kick from either side.
Lag; Some players lag horribly, having over 150 ping can cause serious problems in hitting them, through my experience. It would perhaps be in Suba's best interest to somehow find a way to go against this. I just don't know how.
Community: 7/10
Crossfire's community is not as great as other MMO games due to a few factors.
Pros: Clans; They make it easy to recruit people you like and talk to them a lot easier in game.
A lot of people; This creates a more diverse community for you to be in/around.
Cons: Perhaps a modification to the chat function; sometimes its a bit taxing to find enter, and backslash, and the r to simply reply to a whisper, so perhaps make it so you press backslash and a chat window appears with a / in it, or make it so by pressing enter the previous whisper is set as a default. In addition, sometimes when someone has said something to you, you miss it because of the short time the chat stays up. It would be very nice to have a function that isolates whispers from general chat, and keeps a small record of all chat to scroll through. The chat is the only excessively bad thing about the community.
Variety: 10/10
As said before the variety of game modes and weaponry adds greatly to the quality of game-play.
Pros: Multiple game modes and options; You can set it by round/minutes/kills and you have, currently, 6 different modes to choose from (TD, EM, GM, S&D, FFA, SM) along with different ways to play some of them (pistols only, knife only, sniper only.). There's absolutely nothing to complain with about this.
Vast weaponry; You're able to choose from multiple assault rifles, sniper rifles, pistols, grenades, and even 2 types of melee (although perhaps a club or sword is in order :P). There's really nothing bad to be said about it.
Decent character selection: As said before you have 3 male choices, 1 female choice. Not too much wrong with this.
Cons: No black people; Although not crucial to the game, you can see where some African-Americans could get just a wee bit offended.
Addictiveness 10/10
Why stop playing?
Contributing factors: Many modes; You never get bored
Nice ranking system; You just strive to get from that Rank 5 Staff Sergent to a Rank 6 one.
Many statistics; You'll quit when you get that 1.1 kill/death to a 1.15...Maybe
The biggest con of them all:
Monetary system; The monetary system of the game makes it incredibly hard to make any money at all, and the GP you do make, gets sucked almost completely out of your pocket through repairs. On average you could make 10GP a game, which means that gun you want O so much that costs 40k GP would take you 4000 games to get. That, is sick, although it does give far more incentive for you to order SP, and get that shiny 120k GP package :P
Overall 9/10
Crossfire may have its low points, but overall for a free game, this is the best you'll find. With its massive community and astonishing variety, it's a must try for anyone who enjoys and MMO first-person shooter. I started and I've been hooked since day 1, so why not try for yourself?
Post Date: 13:36 10-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: jarekjjarekj
Comment: extra game!!!
Post Date: 05:47 10-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: backfired1
Comment: Crossfire is the cutdown version of combat arms(AN FPS GAME)
but is equal to Soldier Front
CRossfire has some downsides as well:
1. Such as lag(lots of people lag thus affecting the match)
2. Lots of people think your hackers though you definitely pwned their butts
3. Your gun can break and you have to constantly fix it thus wasting gp
Crossfires positive sides are:
1. Has over 30+ guns
2. 7 types of matches(S&D,TD,GM,EM,SM,KM,FFA,ETC.)
3. Maps that have advantages for both sides
4. Rarely any hackers unless you have a speed hack
5. Beneficial Exp extras
There are rarely any GameMasters on so you have to rely on anyone you play with.
the voting system is based on two sided voting(both sides vote on person being kicked)
Campers are common in Crossfire
Clan system is still confusing but will soon be fixed
Post Date: 02:20 10-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: goldenfury
Comment: ********************************************************************************
Well first of all, Crossfire is a piece of crap! Yes i said it a piece of crap!
......Haha not really. Ive played many FPS military online games-really only counter strike and this one Crossfire :)-and many other similar games, but this game stands out like.....well i cant really compare it to anything since its to amazing to describe in words.
The first time i played this game(and I'm serious) my face was similar to this o.O, and i really became an "addict". There's a lot of neat maps and very interesting and guns not only really basic ones. The details of the game really bring this game to life. I like how there's a variety of options you can make to the game. My favorites have to be the cross-hair customizations and the "Windowed Mode". Windowed mode really helps when your doing a lot of things in the background without having to close the game. The cross-hairs are really a BIG help since not everyone is used to only one type of cross-hair. The color changing is not really necessary but, hey it makes us feel comfy and fuzzy inside :D.
Now, I'm not saying Crossfire is the best thing on earth. but it really isn't the developers fault(dang hackers). There's some issues with the ping differences. Like when someone has 78 ping and another 186. The person with 186 can knife your brains out from 10-1000 yards away(yeah I'm exaggerating :P)and it really gets annoying. There's some glitches which really bother some people and makes us go "oh what the >:(" and lot but some that makes us go "Oh hell yeah! xD". But sum em all up and it makes us go >:|.
I wont be saying i love this game but it gives me an abundant amount of fun and laughs xD. A lot of us people really enjoy owning or getting owned(but it has to be enjoyable). I give this game a 9.3(but i really cant) so its a 9 :)
Ps.-Love the patches you give us.
Post Date: 00:19 10-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Emink0
Comment: ===My CrossFire Review===
CrossFire, what can I say? Even the name sounds exciting and that is exactly what this game is, Exciting! I swear, I can't count the amount of times I have jumped out of my chair from shock as I run around a corner just to be shot in the face with a "Spas-12". Or smiled with glee when I got a sweet Headshot on that pesky sniper that has been annoying me all match!
Now let's start off with the obvious. The graphics are not AMAZING as such but it is indeed a valiant effort, with custom settings, 32-bit colours and very-well done textures. Honestly, I believe the creators of the game have outdone themselves seeing on the size overall game.
The game runs beautifully, I come across barely any lag in-game or in menu. The controls are like your standard FPS with W,A,S,D being your main movement keys others include Control(hold) to crouch and Shift(hold) to walk. Aiming is done with the mouse, shooting is done with the with the left mouse button,the right mouse button is to (if the gun has one) scope and finally the 1-for main weapon, 2-for sub-weapon, 3-for Melee weapon and 4-for thrown weapons or a mouse wheel is you have one.
One of the things I love most about CrossFire is that it has a vast variety of real-world guns. There a few good guns you can start of with (a personal favourite of mine being the "M4A1"). However, better guns are unlocked via ranking up. As weapons are different in statistics, It seems that some weapons excel in certain maps which is the next subject.
===Maps& Game Modes===
There is truly a map for anyone's tastes such as "Monaco" which is the perfect sniper map, or the more up-close maps such as "Ship" or "Egypt" and finally maps that mix the two such as "Mexico". Now, on to game modes. These are the following:
Team death Match-Where your team needs to get to a certain amount of kills to win.
Elimination-Where your team needs to wipe out the opposing team a certain number of times to win.
Search and Destroy- Another classic game type. Where your team needs to either wipe out the opposing team or plant and protect a bomb at a certain point until it is ready to blow.
Free For All- Where a lone player must defeat everyone else to get to a certain number of kills. Also settings can be placed in this game type, such as: Pistols only, Melee Only and finally Sniper only.
Arena- Basically a knife only match enclosed in a arena much like the "Coliseum" of Rome.
Ghost Mode- I have truly Saved one of the best modes till' last. Ghost mode is basically a search and destroy clone with and awesome twist. The "Blacklist" team is a team of barely visible ghosts armed with just their knives and one team member holding the "C4". On the "GlobalRisk" team it is their duty to kill all of the Ghosts and/or diffuse the C4. Certain maps are placed only in certain game modes but I can assure you ALL of the are fun!
The Community in CrossFire is one of the best I've seen in any free Fps. It slaughters "Combat Arms" in this field and is slightly better than "Soldier Front" however it does not reach the standard of the well known "America's Army". But, in my eyes this is all becoming jeopardised by a large up rise in hackers. Which brings me to the final two subjects.
I'll start with the bad as I wish to end this review on a high note.
-Graphics- They could be so much better I know I commented on good they were for the game's overall sides but they are "meh :/" when they could be "OMGWOW :D"!!
Finally for bad is.. You guessed it
-Hackers, I believe that the hacking problem in CrossFire is growing everyday. I swear, I cannot seem to join any game without being killed repeatedly by a fast-moving,invisible hacker with a fully automatic sniper rifle ending the game 20-150 honestly how fair is that?? I know it is hard to keep on top of such a thing when new hacks are being made everyday but honestly I believe so much more could be done!!
Where can I start! The game nears perfection in itself.
However, nothing is perfect.
-I am going to start off with the weapons. I am extremely pleased with the large variety of weapons all of which with their own pros' and cons.
-Gameplay... Need I say more it's just plain awesome!
-Sounds, all the sounds in CrossFire are just brilliantly well done I doubt I need to say any more.
-And finally FUN! The game is all-round excellent in this field of great vitality.
After all I have just said there is only one thing you should do now. Download this game!! Seriously you'll think what the hell were you doing on all the other free on-line fps's there are out there.
I thank Suba for making such an amazing game which is kept amazing by regular patches and awesome new items and maps nearly every month. Please continue to work on this great game to make it even better than it is now.
If I do grab one of the 3 top reviewer spots in this contest my in-game name is EminK0
Post Date: 20:50 09-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: LuckHurryUp
By the 21st century since the invention of the internet, Gamers all over the world have put on their thinking caps to challenge the competition with a variety of games, including first-player shooter. There are players who obviously hate it when they spent an hour downloading a game to play exactly 4 seconds before realizing how stupid it is. But the only way to survive in this industry is to be the best in five sub-categories: graphics, game play, interest, options, and obviously sound.
Since it's first arrival in 2006, Crossfire is raising up the charts. With a variety of things to pick from, Crossfire stands out in its own level of competition. A sniper room or a silent ghost mode? It's all up to you.
Graphics- 8/10
Game play- 10/10
Interest- 10/10
Options- 9/10
Sound- 9/10
Soldier Front:
Graphics- 8/10
Game play- 8/10
Interest- 9/10
Options- 8/10
Sound- 8/10
Combat Arms:
Graphics- 9/10
Game play- 8/10
Interest- 8/10
Options- 8/10
Sound- 9/10
Okay in every game, there is a little flaw. I would most definitely say that Crossfire has a major flaw which is nevertheless hacking. But overall the game is one of the best in its field since it's unquie ghost mode is surprisingly fun, to me anyways.
Beat that Nexon & ijji.
Post Date: 17:39 09-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: c16ed
Comment: Overall, playing the game for almost 4 weeks now, I’ve grown quite addicted. I first started playing when I saw a couple of buddies of mine in the computer lab at the college playing a game which appeared to be Counter Strike, another similar FPS. But when I asked them what they were playing, they told me they were playing Crossfire. I started playing and instantly I was hooked. From only 4 weeks of playing the game my opinion of Crossfire is my:
The game is fast pace, just like the popular game Call of Duty 4, has a lot of in-your-face action. The game is instant respawn so you’re right back in the game (that’s just for Team Deathmatch and Free for all I believe, sorry haven’t played the other two modes). Also each match rewards players with Points and Experience, so just like a RPG, you can level up and buy different guns. I also appreciate how the accuracy and power of the guns plays a role in game play. Most if not a lot of FPS games you can just keep shooting with no skills and get a kill from a lucky shot. What is also creative, and I’m not sure if any other game does this but, Crossfire starts all new users with a basic gun and new users have to play and earn points and experience before being promoted to another rank. Once a player is promoted to a certain rank, users are awarded with enough points to buy another gun of their choice. What’s nice about the gun selection is you are able to see stats about each gun and compare.
Although the crossfire has a wide variety of gun choices, the reality is you stick to the first gun you buy. I say that because once you buy a gun, majority of your points spent and it is nearly impossible to gain enough points to pay for different gun. That also ties in with another dislike. I believe Crossfire forces you to keep playing, because in order to get a new gun, you must play to get points, but to get mass points you have to earn new ranks. And to get a new rank, you must keep playing to gain experience. That is honestly the only way to earn enough points is to rank up. So buyer beware, be sure to buy a gun you will stick with, or you will be making new user names left and right.
My major dislike and I speak for all if not majority of players is, HACKERS. I don’t know how long this has been going on from reading other reviews, but HACKERS is my number one that ruins game play. From invisible hacks to speed hacks, I think it’s annoying and it kills the Crossfire game. What’s even more frustrating now is there are a lot of HACKERS. I haven’t been counting but at least half the matches I play there is one or even two hackers in the room. And that just ruins game play especially when hackers take all the kills or if they are on the opposing team they just sit by the respawn area and camp (waiting in one spot).
Other than my long rant about hackers, the Crossfire is a fun free FPS. I enjoy it much more than Counter Strike and hopefully the amount of hackers go down so the amount users don’t go down.
HOPE this review helped out, I’ve only been playing for 4 weeks and that’s all it took to get hooked.
Post Date: 16:13 09-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: jesi92
Comment: cok guzel bir oyun cok eglenceli uzun menzilli silah ile oynamak kadar zevkli bir sey cok adamin kafasina siktiginda akan kani gorunce dahada heycanlaniyorsun degisik tarzlar yarata bilirsin cok hos ve guzel bir oyun sizde gelin oyuna suan cok turk yok ama git gide cogalacagiz
Post Date: 15:57 09-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: darins888
Comment: Abosulutly fantastic! This game is a very realistic with more than 30 real weapons. The intension of this game would keep one concentrated through out the game. The graphics are fair, but the gameplay is just awsome.
Some draw backs of this game is that there is ocasionnaly lags which disturb the gameplay. Also, when play ghost mode, you can find hacks in every game you play.
In conclusion, a game this good should deserve a high ranking. This game would make you wanting to rush home from work or school to turn on your computer and play this game!
Post Date: 12:29 09-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: THSK
Comment: Crossfire is an online FPS game that is an epic game and gets a little addictive once you play with your friends and people you met in Crossfire. Do you not feel the urge to be promoted and let others acknowledge your rank? Whether you like the sound effect saying “head shot or double kill”? Or the bullets flying towards your opponent and dodging the bullets that are aimed at you.
Chatting with your; Team to develop a strategy, fellow Clan members when having a Clan match, whispering for privacy. Joining Clans with your friends and having clan battles with other rival clans. Proving to your enemy that you are going to, walk out victorious at the end of the match.
It's true that the graphics aren't that great like the other FPS games, but it is not that bad either. From the scale of 1 to 10, I would personally rate it 7.5. It could be improved in the future and will surpass other games in time. The designs of the characters are amazing, I like their outfit and the gear they are wearing and most of all for female players out there, and they can purchase female characters.
The guns in the game are just awesome, once you get promoted and receive your pay check (points). You immediately feel like purchasing other guns the minute you receive your paycheck because there are over 30 or more guns there to use in Crossfire. You might like stronger or weaker guns, faster or slower ones.
The different types of matches like Team Death match, the Arena, Ghost mode, Free for All and Elimination etc. They all have their own attraction to players; you might like playing in a team and think of strategies that would bring your opponents down. You could wield a knife and slash or stab your opponents. Being an invisible Black List team member; walking around furtively and surprising them with an attack from a knife and having the chance to plant an explosive. Whilst, your opponents are invisible and only armed with a knife, you as a Black List will be equipped with guns to defeat your opponents and defusing the explosive during a time limit.
Overall, this is currently the best multiplayer FPS game out there now and you can play for free. Congratulations to Suba Games for making such a successful online FPS game, and for all of the reviewers and people who are reading my review. HAPPY CROSSFIRING!!!
Post Date: 12:16 09-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Face_
Comment: Crossfire, a world where guns and bullets exist in an Massively Multiplayer Online atmosphere.
After playing First Person Shooters for around 8 years, I have to say that this game has held my attention as long, if not longer than some of the premium (bought) FPS's I have ever played.
First off I am going to keep this relatively short, I will discuss 5 pro's, and 5 con's of Crossfire, mainly to make a balanced review, and show you that with good, always comes some bad ;).
1.Highly integral team focused game play.
Crossfire reminds me of Halo. You login, you see your friends are online and you jump into their server, and have a good time playing with your buds. Teams can also take this to the next level, with the 'clan match' server that Subagames has added into crossfire, making it both competitive and fun, as well private leagues are also forming, adding a whole new level of competition to those who cant get enough.
2.Community Player Base.
Crossfire is developing a rich community of gamers who enjoy this game as much, if not more than I do, they express this through making amature films, story blogs, and guides. All help the community grow as a whole, as people with less experience come into the game, long time players share what they have learned, so as to push forward the ever evolving MMO which is the crossfire world.
Now some people are getting too used to CoD4/BF2 graphics, this game takes me back to a time, where I didn't want to find a game that my computer couldn't run, where I didn't care that the pixel terrain shaders weren't 100%, a time where I just had fun playing FPS.
4. Simplistic Design.
This goes hand in hand with graphics, but I thought it deserved its own part. The way this game is designed, is almost like a base model from the whole CS genre of game play, but they tweak it to make it special in their own way.
For instance, many of the maps have very simple terrain models, with very smooth rolling textures to keep FPS as high as possible, and focus on character textures more than the ground, since people care way more about their own characters look and appearance, along with custom gadgets. Which leads me into point 5.
5. Customizable characters.
In a lot of games, you can just spawn in and pic what gun you are going to use without really putting much of an effort into getting it, you didnt really prove anything by getting the gun you are using, where as in crossfire the basic system is implemented, and it will only get better as time goes on, as higher ranks will get not so much better guns, but they will have more options on what style of play they want to use, and as an all around 'self evident' feel to what you create, and play in the game world, is (as the game progresses) showing a persons individuality more and more.
1.Broken Hitboxes.
I list this as my con 1, because it is not only the most serious and game breaking problem this game faces, much like left lean in call of duty 1, this game really needs to fix its server side lag issues with bullet trajectory.
The biggest and most problematic of these hit box glitches is the 'fake headshot', where you really just shot someone in the head, but it does 26-28 damage, as if you did an extremity shot. You can shoot them 4 times in this spot, and when they die it will show up as a headshot, but it took 4 shots to accomplish this? Major bug that I doubt will ever get fixed.
Next on the block is jumping hitboxes, while in the air I find that not only do chest shots count as leg shots, but headshots are completely random and are practically impossible to pull of on a in air target do to in-game lag, not client side.
2. Weak Grenades.
I haven't really heard anyone complain about this yet, but in every other FPS I have played (minus CS genre games), Grenades will do 1 of 2 things, kill you instantly, or badly damage you.
In crossfire its extremely easy to avoid a nade, and even if it lands on your head, you still most likely will not die. This makes grenades useful as a tagger, but you will almost never get a 100-0 HP kill with a grenade, and never be able to kill 2 untagged targets with 1, where as in other games you could severely damage a rush with just 1 grenade.
I post this as #3, because it is recent, whereas the above problems have been present since Open beta, possibly even alpha although I was not present for Alpha Testing.
Anyway, continuing.
The main problem is not the people who create D3D walls/speed hacks in this game, it is the fact that Crossfire is using GameGaurd as its anti-hack engine, not only is this anti hack system one of the worst I have ever had to deal with, they cant even code their system to keep public hacks off for more than 2 hours AFTER PATCH.
Even so, most anti hacks for all games really dont stand out as amazing, but at least pick an anti hack that can keep people out of the system once they have been dealt with, at the moment all people are issued with is an IP ban, which is POINTLESS, what they need is a complete HARDWARE ban, that way they cannot come back whatsoever, for this patch, or even in a years time an Xpac, or any other suba product.
4. Lack of Game Masters.
From what I have seen, Crossfire only has 1 division manager, [GM]FallenAngel.
Now he might be an Angel, but one person cannot handle 40K+ registered users, who will eventually report/complain a problem in the game to this person, now he has (by the looks of it) at least 4-5 sub moderators, but is 6 people really enough to take care of this game as a whole? Instead of making people forum moderators (hint: no one cares about forums), make some game moderators, I go into 60 servers a day, and out of those I see at least 1 hacker per 3 servers, IF NOT MORE. We need a self contained police force, what is being done to prevent hacking is just not enough, I don't want to see this game become another Warroc/CA, I love it too much for this to turn out like those games.
5.Slow updates.
One thing people like, is getting new toys to fool around with every once and a while, so far they have just been copying the Korean crossfire link:(, what I want to see is Suba actually make content that isn't already prescribed on another brother game platform (aka: China crossfire/Korea crossfire).
Not that I do not like what they have made, I just want to see them think for themselves as a change of pace.
To draw this review to a close, I must say that as a game playing solo you can have your moments, but where this game shines, is when you are playing with friends.
Don't have any friends in crossfire? Not too worry, with the right attitude you can find the clan that is right for you in a matter of a week at most.
Not everyone is the same, and as more and more people are joining this diverse Online MMFPS that is crossfire, more and more diverse clans which are giving homes to unique individuals like yourself, are waiting.
This game can be enjoyed by anyone, I hope you consider playing, this game has a lot of potential, by making our community grow with inspired and dedicated people, we can make sure that the future of this game, is what we want it to be, a great one!
Final Score 7.3/10.
Thank you,
Face_ .
Post Date: 10:27 09-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: spancer
Comment: If u like a good fps fixing large number of guns and very nice maps here's ur answer... This is a good mix of First Person Shotter and the possibility to rank up ur accout. Every time u play a game, on the end of it, u will be given GP's (to buy new things from the shop such as wepons and costums for ur caracter) and EXP's (to allow u to rank up and reach new military posts)... This games has also many modes of play, such as TDM (Team Death Match) S&D (Search & Destroy) FFA (where is only available a knife and a weapon chosen from the Host to play)...
I discovered this game for like 2 or more months and I just can't stop playing it, so IF U ARE LOOKING TO SPEND SOME GOOD TIME KILLING AND RANKING HERE'S UR PERFECT GAME!!!!!!!
Post Date: 06:10 09-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: ynvaser
Comment: Cross Fire is, by the authors' words, a Massively Multiplayer Online Military Shooter. In this game, you play with thousands of other people in some fast paced oldschool shooting action.
You can either join the forces of Global Risk to defend areas of interest and fight against bad guys, or Black List to help your wallet grow while blowing up specific objects, and fighting against the good guys.
CF is easy to set up. Just download it, run the installer, tweak the controls to suit your needs then jump into action! Throughout the game, you can buy additional equipment (New weapons, grenades, clotches, misc. items) to help your fight against your opponents, join clans, gain in-game ranks, and compete against others to be the best player in CF and become number 1 in the list of players.
Graphics: 8/10
It's nice. Not the most awesome graphics I've ever seen, but there's nothing to complain about.
Gameplay: 10/10
It's something that FPS players need: non-stop fast paced action. There's a plenty of game modes (TDM, S&D, FFA [with only Knife, Pistol and Sniper motifs], Ghost Mode, Elimination and Special Matches [Knives only]) and there's a cool ranking system giving your character real military ranks. I think this is one of Cross Fire's best point.
Fun Factor: 9/10
The game is really good for killing time. But sadly there's a bunch of hackers trying to ruin that fun. The kicking system isn't too good since you can only kick your teammates (which is reasonable), but it sometimes helps. There's no map/game glitches as far as I know. Updates are regular and the events are great. The weapons are balanced, everyone can find their optimal gun. But the "you get what you pay for" method works here too. You won't have an easy time with the cheapest M9 pistol against someone armed with a SCAR Heavy rifle...
Sounds: 10/10
The sounds are on place. The radio messages are cool, the guns rip as they should, the grenades blow your ears off, the menu music is "military" enough... I think there's nothing more to tell about this point.
Overall: 9.25/10
This game is really good if you are looking for some FPS action online. I recommend it to everyone who likes this kind of stuff.
Post Date: 21:42 08-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: knifeko
Comment: Crossfire is a FREE military first person shooter created by the ingenius minds of subagames. This game can be played universally which makes it unique to some other online first person shooters. The graphics in gameplay are quite possibly the best for a free online game. It also creates a realistic war zone atmosphere which every computer game enthusiast is looking for. As well as this there are a wide range of different items and weapons that can be purchased by points earned online or even better, bought online with REAL money(for the lazy people who know what they want and want it there and now). CrossFire also includes a variety of different game modes, from the widely known Team DeathMatch to a unknown special game mode, Ghost Mode. As well as this you can also pick your own character agent. From OMOH to SAS. This online shooter is a brilliant way to spend hilarious and an action packed time with your mates from only a click away. As well as just individuality, you can also create clans which only cost a few 1000 gp from the crossfire website.(Which is located on the crossfire tab when you load the game up).Or from this website: Now what are you waiting for? Go play crossfire with your friends!
Post Date: 03:23 08-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: delfrid85
Comment: Crossfire is an amazing FPS. After CounterStrike was losing quality, everybody who likes FPS online, thought wouldn't have a game which replace it so soon, but came Crossfire and everything changed. I really enjoy it, and always that I play it, can't leave it 'cause it's really explosive and has a great graphic quality. Play it and will prove it, just remember having a good computer to live a better experience. Greetings.
Post Date: 23:23 07-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: louiexlee
Comment: Cross Fire is an online FPS that will keep you on the edge of your seats no matter which of the various modes you play on. Whether you are stealthily knifing people in ghost mode, defusing a bomb in search and destroy, owning others in TD or FFA, or just having fun with your friends, Cross Fire will keep you satisfied. There are a variety of maps like Egypt, Mexico etc. and guns to choose from like M4A1, Ak-74, Mp7, and much more. Although very fun, this game has some minor drawbacks. The money system for Cross Fire (GP) is very hard to come by. You only get around 100 gp every match that you play and guns are about 40k gp. It is hard to repair your weapon while trying to get the new gun that you crave. Another drawback is the hackers. While not as big of a problem as hackers in other FPS's like Combat Arms and Soldier Front, the hackers in Cross Fire are relentless and tricky. They exploit the game and make the other players angry and not able to kick most hackers because they have an anti-kick hack which allows them to never be kicked. All in all this game has its pros and cons, but the pros DEFINITELY outweigh the cons. I recommend this game to anyone yearning some action that is fun to play and easy to learn.
Post Date: 15:44 07-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: mic177
Comment: Jest to polska recenzja (pomyslalem aby ja zrobic poniewaz nie widzialem innych)
Zacznijmy od tego ze gra niejest moze super poterzna graficznie ale w przeciwienstwie do slawnej gry "Warrock" bronie sa na stale (tzn raz kupisz i masz ja na stale) tylko sa wyjatki w ubraniach i zeczach typu combat axe w wspomnianym "Warrock" jest na odwrót tam bron musisz kupic za odrobine mniejsze pieniadze niz w CF ale jest tez ograniczenie w postaci premium (tzn chcesz kupic jakas bron musisz kupic najpierw premium za "real" kase i dopiero kupujesz) nastepna rzecz ktora spodobala mi sie w CF to to ze jest malo graczy z programem "Hack" czyli jest tez bardziej komfortowe granie jesli w "Warrock" sa pojazdy to dlaczego w CF niema moim zdaniem trzeba na nie poczekac bo po jakims czasie napewno pojawia sie mapy typu "Battlefield" czyli ogromne z duza iloscia pojazdów mam nadzieje ze zachecilem kilku polaków
is a Polish review (i thing in order to I make reviev but im dont see other)
let us start with it around the game is not being maybe super powered graphically but in game "Warrock" weapons is to steels (once you will buy and you have I to steels) only clothes and items of type combat axe are have "Time". in recalled "Warrock" is on the contrary there of harrows you must buy too smaller $ than in CF but is of theses limiting in the form premium (you wish buy any of harrows you must buy at first premium too "real" $ and only you are buying) next thing which appealed to me in CF it is it around is little of players with the program "Hack" that is is of theses more luxurious playing if in "Warrock" is vehicles it why in CF dumb in my opinion it is necessary on not wait because after some time certainly appear maps of the type "Battlefield" that is huge around with bulk I have vehicles will stuff around encouraged a few polish players
Sorry but im dont have perfect english
Post Date: 03:12 07-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: DyingSk8er
Comment: Cross Fire is an MMOFPS at its finest. Many other MMOFPS games have attempted to adapt the look and feel of Call of Duty and adapt to an MMO world. Cross Fire takes the feel wonderfully but it kind of uses the look of CoD a little more than I would like. There is a specific map on Cross fire that greatly resembles Shipment on CoD: Modern Warfare. That map aside Suba games, the developer of Crossfire for those who can’t keep up, took the feel and applied it nearly perfectly.
The feel of Crossfire, as I’ve already said, takes the nearly realistic feeling of Call of Duty and applies it. Some aspects could be tweaked just a little bit, such as health and what not, though still overall splendidly executed.
The levels vary in size and shape and the game types are pretty fun too. You have your generic free for all and Team death matches. The teams in team based games are broken into two teams, the Black List and the Global Risk, neither of which sound world friendly. Though some of the free for all matches I have played have had weapon limitations to just Snipers, Knives, or pistols. There is a game variant of Search and destroy called Ghost Mode, which is all sorts of fun, in which there is a defensive team and an offensive team, here comes the kicker, the offensive is invisible when standing still but sort of transparent when moving. I have yet to see a Capture the flag or Territory game type, but that might come to be soon. I mean; you can’t have Team based combat without a good ole’ game of CTF, Right?
Clans? Yes, Crossfire even has a Clan option. Although you need to reach the “Staff Sergeant†Rank and have the right amount of in game cash, GP, to do it. I personally haven’t had the opportunity to explore the clan option yet. Suba games actually has a section of their site dedicated to Clans. The Clan List, which is just a Leader board, only goes up to 102. I’m sure there is more than that. Through the clan list you can explore the amount of clans, see the amount of players in that clan, see the amount of points that clan has. If you click on a clan name, a page with all the information you need, Kills, Deaths, Clan matches they have participated in and matches they Won or Lost. You can even apply to join a Clan; maybe even make it in if you’re lucky.
How’s the “Character Creation� The character creation is pretty simple. Right from the get go your asked to create an in game name, this can be Alpha-Numeric. I never liked seeing Alpha-numeric names, they sort of water down the RPG aspect of the game to me. But when your entire game community is basically on one big server I can understand why they’re used. After your naming, you get to pick a character skin, there’s three to pick, and I went with the S.A.S. skin. I assume every skin has the same starts off with an M16, knife and grenades. As you play the game you earn GP, in game money. With GP you can just anything, but you need a lot of it. Guns cost hundreds of thousands of GP, but not always worth the effort it took to get them. You can buy Character add-ons, name cards, even spray paint designs the list goes on. Special Items cost SP, which takes some real money to get.
Though Cross Fire is not a ground breaking game, it remains in my top list of FPS games. I feel I should give this game an astounding 7.5 out of 10. Maybe through some minor tweaks to the game might help bump up that score. Like more health or guns do less damage so we don’t die as ridiculously fast. But I shouldn’t argue, that’s what makes you strategize and be a little stealthier than running in and shooting nearly everything that moves. I still think that there should be a CTF or a territory Game type. Oh well, my best wishes to you all at Suba games for making a great shooter.
Post Date: 01:23 07-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: alinelishaa
Comment: A friend told me about crossfire on msn and I didn't think too much about it because of it's name. When my friend kept on telling me to play it eventually i gave up and downloaded the game. The download was really quick for me and the updates go really quick aswell. When first getting into crossfire it seemed really boring and it looked exactly like counterstrike.
I have been playing counterstrike before that and thought it was the best FPS game to play on PC but then i got hooked onto crossfire. When im really bored the thing that I always do is go on crossfire and play a game... or six. When i play crossfire time goes so quickly since im having fun with my friends and my clan. I love tha matches in crossfire all except ghost mode since i think that gives one team an unfair advantage.
The really bad thing about crossfire but with mostly all other games is the hackers in the game. People are trying to have a good time playing without fairly without hacks and out of nowhere a hacker comes in using a speed hack or an aim hack and hackers are easily detectable. I think suba games should do something about all these hackers since they make the game very annoying for other people.
There aren't many flaws with crossfire the weapons are perfect, maps are great, little extras are great, leveling up is good and many more but the one thing i dont like about it is spawn killing. When i die and i respawn i have three seconds of safety then out of nowhere a guy starts shooting me from behind, i get him eventually but he still gets a couple of kills on me. I can't complain too much since i spawn kill sometimes too since i need the kills.
Crossfire is probably the best game ive played on PC and when i play it for about two hours it feels like only 20 minutes and this is what i love about it. You lose yourself in the game. Thankyou suba games for making this wonderful game but do something about the hackers!
Post Date: 01:14 07-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: jobob2009
Comment: This game is very fun to play, but it almost never works. There is so much stuff on the game that when there are a lot of people and with all that stuff it makes you lag a lot. This makes you loose and unable to play the game. It also agravates other people trying to kill you, in the game. The maps are amazing, my favorite is the Egypt map. The reason for this is bacause it is a small enough map that you can play with just a few peole there or it is still fun with a lot of poeple( a full room ). Also, you get lots of popcorns there. Popcorns are when you kill somebody with a gernade. There are tons of interesting weapons in there and lots of accesories for you character. But all this stuff cost gold, witch you will reicevie when you play, as well as experience. But the thing is, it gives you like little to no gold at all. Pretty much nothing when you work your but off. It seems like you deserve a little bit more when stuff cost 56,000 gp ( this is the AWM) and you only get 100 gp per round about. There are a lot of hackers comming into the game now, I guess they cant win and are getting agravaded. It is just a game, why do they have to cheat, and make it less fun and more frustraing fo the rest of us.
I think what they could do to solve a pronlem would be to put like monetors onto the game. These people could play the games and when they think they see a hacker they mark him. Then after so many marks they get baned. But only some people have the power to mark somebody. That way there are not poeple just marking for no reason. Then they could up the amount of gold or gp that you get after each game. I want a lot of weapons and I have like nothing on that game and I own a clan and am like really high in rank. But do I have the weapons that i fell i need and want, no i do not. This is because we do not get enough money. The only reason people get money or win on that game by like a lot, is because they cheat. And more and more people are beggining to cheat now. Cheating can also be refered to as hacking for this game, I mean the same thing.
Also something I forgot o mention up at the top, is that there is a wonderful feature that alloys you to make a clan and let poeple join and you competer with other clans and it is really fun, I could say mutch mucth more anout this game and about the clans , bnut then this review would go on forever, so I will not do that.
Post Date: 23:19 06-05-2009
Rating: 0
Author: kangol
"Cross fire" is a Korean FPS... Well, actually that could be the whole article, but Cross fire is more likely the reason to invent something past the superlative of "bad", since this game is the most unpleasant experience you will ever get to know and honestly, it's even worse than GUNZ. This is no exaggeration, due to the fact this game was intended as a form of torture for prisoners that had committed mass murder.
The main goal of this waste of harddisk-capacity is to draw pictures with bullet holes into walls and to kill the opposing force. At the beginning each team of 12-years-olds runs towards the middle of the map, which is either as big as a table-surface OR, rarely, half of a dressing cabinet and every moron will throw his happy-stun-flash-grenades in a random direction and then either run back to the base or climb onto a roof. Then he will take out his AWM, or even his ak47, which are the cheapest weapon in the game able to kill with: Just "aim" at someone and shoot the 8.1 kgs heavy rifle while running, cutting yourself and having a seizure simultaneously and it will result in a kill100% of the time, and 85% of the time result in a headshot, which won't be registered by the netcode. The arsenal is the most unbalanced in history: You can buy a famas with tons of recoil, weak bullets, low rate of fire and bad accuracy OR you can buy an M4 with perfect accuracy incredible power, the recoil caused by a fart of a flea, divided by 10,000 and a firing rate like a minigun, for slightly more cash ($1 or $2). It's just unbelievable how much effort the 5 year old programming-slaves put into this game to make it unplayable. One of the unique features appears to be the randomly occurring hyperspace-portal-effect, caused by 4th-dimensional curvatures, also called "Lag". If this happens, EVERY 12 year old faggot playing, will either write "lagg", "lag", "laaaag" or "fukcing hacker!11!" and you will enter the space between nothing and nothingness, the "hyperspace". In this area, everything is black and if you go further you will re-enter the map.
The game is advertised as a "Next-Gen FPS". If you see the graphics you will most probably die from advanced brain-cancer. Starfox for the SNES had more polygons than Cross fire and the textures are like 16x16 pixels of Brown and Yellow mixed together with the spraying can tool in MS Paint, stretched over a 50x200 meter surface which could represent a concrete wall or your enemy. The weapons consist out of some singlecolored polys with sprites attached to them; I'm still not sure what it should be. The player models look like some slaves who have a motion which looks like suffering from seizure, reversed and accelerated by 16 times.
Every airsoft-rifle sounds like it's real representative's firing sound, only deleted and replaced with a random poop-drop-sound with sampling rates far below technical possibilities of 1972. The terrorists and special-forces yell "Fire in my hole", which expresses their pain. This painful screams seem to be recorded by the programmers' first brain storming session..
The netcode is designed to provide perfect latencies to everyone except you. You can own a 36Mbit/s-connection and you will still have a ping ranging from 700 to OVER 9000! You will never ever cause any damage points, regardless which weapon you use, because this game seems to download porn, spam mail and McDonalds-newsletter-PDFs every time you play, accurately calculated together to fuck shit up your ping.
This game is a Korean FPS with MMO-features which has an uncountable amount of bugs and visuals which will definitely splatter your eyes all over the desk
Post Date: 22:02 06-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Crossfire_Review
Review: Introduction
There has been many FPS online shooter games made. But were they worthy to try out? From the old and popular FPS shooter games come a new FPS game, Crossfire. A completely free to play shooter game that offers something to FPS gamers out there to enjoy. Whether you're looking for a few extra kills or for pride, Crossfire is sure to keep you occupied and keep you entertained. Crossfire takes everything that made FPS into such an enjoyable experience and puts it all together to make a truly wonderful game, whether you're a gamer or not.
Gameplay: The gameplay in Crossfire is one of the many things that makes it such a great game. Combined with fast-paced action and a variety of guns to choose from, it is easily one of the most memorable FPS gaming experience. With a simple and yet, addictive system, you will find yourself enjoying the gameplay more and more. The game is very realistic in terms. You will slow down if you got hit with a bullet. You move around easily and you can feel the smoothness. Crossfire is one of the few FPS online games where skill matters, not the gun. In many FPS games,(i will not mention those games as this is a Crossfire game review) getting a good gun means you become very powerful. Getting a good gun in Crossfire is very helpful and will make things easier. However, even someone with a beginner gun can take an advanced player down. Skill is everything the game. Your ability to aim, shoot and outsmart your opponent is the key to winning. Aiming is a key factor in any FPS games. By aiming carefully, you can headshot or kill your opponent easily. While spraying is not recommended because you might lose control of the gun due to the recoil. Outsmarting your enemy is another factor. If you charge into the enemy base, you will get killed( or have a high chance of getting killed). Therefore, by hearing your enemys footsteps and predicting their move, you can easily kill them. Any FPS fans shouldn't have trouble with the gameplay.
I give gameplay a score of 9/10
Guns/Weapons: With 21 primary weapons and 5 secondary weapons(which are pistols), you will have a pleasure trying to decide which gun is mostly suited for you. Whether you're a sniper or a rifleman, or even a shotgunner. But lets not forget about the flashbangs, smoke grenades and frag grenades if you are a more tactical player. Then again, there is the popular army knife and the lethal combat axe. Guns in this game all have their strenghs and weaknesses. A sniper may have amazing power and may be a one-hit kill, but it is certaining not automatic and may be trouble if an enemy is very close to them. A machine gun may have bullets, but the recoil speaks for itself. There is a wide variety of weapons to choose from. However, more weapons would certainly make the game more enjoyable. I am looking forward to new guns.
I give guns/weapons a score of 8.5/10
Graphics: Graphics is not what makes a great game. However, in Crossfire, graphics are surprisingly good. The textures and patterns are very nice designed. Shooting bullets at a wall actually look a bit realistic with the hole in the wall. Bullet trails and blood adds a little spice. The guns are designed fairly well with extra details. You won't find anything too extreme, such as blood dripping from your enemy or anything like that. However, requiring such a low graphics card to play such a game is truly amazing. Like I said, graphics don't make a great game. But with such detailed images in an simple FPS game, it makes the experience even more worthwhile.
I give graphics a score of 8.5/10
Game Modes: There are many game modes in Crossfire. Some of which we may have seen in other FPS games like Team deathmatch and search and destroy. However, Crossfire still manages to pack its own unique game modes and little tweaks to it. In Elimination for example, you get to pick up a gun on the ground(this is a good way to test which gun suits you). This gun may have been too expensive to buy in a shop but you get to use it in Elimination.More uniqueness comes with F.F.A(free for all), Ghost Mode and knife arena. As the name suggests, free for all is a match where you get to use a sniper, pistol, or a melee weapon. You are basically a one-man team, killing anyone that gets in your way. The first person to get to the kill limit wins the game. Knife arena is a game mode where only melee weapons are permitted. You basically take turns stabbing at each other and train your reflexes. A good way to take a break from shooting. Ghost Mode is a very unique game mode in Crossfire. 2 teams are made. One is a ghost team, that can only use knifes and are invisible once they don't move. The other is the hunter team that tries to hunt and kill the ghosts with any weapons. The objective for hunters is to kill all the ghosts or disable the C4, and the ghosts objective is to plant the C4 and successfully explode, or kill all hunters.
I give game modes a score of 8.5/10
The sounds: Sounds are quite impressive in this game. Bullets flying in the air, snipers and shotguns sound very real. They fit very well with the guns. Sounds of a gun may be a factor to winning if you play in smaller teams. By hearing where a gun noise is, you may be able to predict the enemy's real spot and therefore this could give you an advantage. Another entertaining part to sounds is the announcer's sound. If you shoot someone in the headshot, you will hear "Headshot!" Or if you successfully knife someone you may hear them say"Knifed" (or something else if I'm wrong). This might keep you entertained if shooting people gets a little boring. Once again, footstep sounds are another way to predict an enemy's movements. Sounds are interesting in Crossfire.
I give sounds a score of 8/10
Features(Ranks, Clan, GP): The ranking system in Crossfire isn't exactly unique as there are ranking systems in other FPS games. You start out as a low rank. Once you gain experience points in matches, you gradually move up the ranks. Ranks benefit you in many ways. Sometimes lving up in a rank might get you an extra amount of gp. With more ranks, the more guns you can buy. Once you become a staff sergeant, you can create your own clan. Or you can just join another clan at a lower lv. Clans are a group of players who fight for pride and glory in clan matches. Or they can all have fun playing against each other. You can join a clan by applying on the web. You can check your clan information on the website too. Sometimes, getting enough GP might be a very frustrating thing to do. You might want a gun but you lack the money to buy it. I personally think that the GP system is great. You won't get money too fast, thus buying all the guns in the game. You get an equal amount of GP each game and the prices can be a little lower but aren't too expensive. By buying suba points, you might get money faster, but buying suba points don't necessarily make you stronger therefore its a balanced game for everyone. There is a vote/kick system that can kick someone out if that person is using bad language, or hacking or afk. This works depending on the people's votes. Hackers are less likely to rule the game this way and keeps the game in a friendly language environment. However, if the hacker's team want to win, they will most likely keep the hacker in the game and this could cause trouble.
I give Features a score of 8.5/10
Cons: This part of review will not get rated. There is no game that doesn't have any cons. Like most FPS games, people will try to hack the game and it is by far, the most annoying parts of the game. It is not the game's fault, or the company's. It is the hackers fault for ruining the fun out of many players and it is frustrating. Even with GameGuard, there are still ways for hackers to come back. Even if there is a new patch, hackers still come. This is a fact. There are hackers in almost all online FPS games. There are a few bugs in the game as you might get stuck in the lobby, or maybe starting the game might give you some problems. But besides that, Crossfire is a great online FPS game.
I wish new maps, new guns and new game modes will be released. This game is still new and still has a lot of potential to be made even better. Releasing female characters(not the ones that you can buy with suba points) might get female gamers into the game, as it won't feel its only made for male players. Crossfire is still, nontheless, one of the greatest FPS games of all time. With an interesting gameplay system with a array of guns, maps, features and graphics, you will find a lot of things to enjoy about this game and not so many things to not enjoy(such as the hackers). So what are you waiting for? It's time to download the game, and play!
My final score for Crossfire is : 8.5/10
Post Date: 20:29 06-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: ComanderRex
Comment: CrossFire's Review Done RIGHT.
Hey fellow gamerz out there. I am here to tell you guyz about CrossFire atleast Thats the job I'm suppose to do If I'm to win this contest =P
Well I'm a Long time gamer. Ive played so many games, moderated some even like RuneScape till i quit. Ive played other FPS games Like WarRock, and Combat Arms. And let me tell you CrossFire Has better graphics then WarRock. About the same Id day with Combat Arm maybe little different. CrossFire though Is a FPS game With AWESOME things. Though you can not drive vehicles there pros to that. It means that the SubaTeam can work more on newer guns, modes, characters, maps, and a bunch of other SWEET stuff. I do have to admit that there is a con to this game. ITs called Hackers. Though this is NOT SubaGames fault. They do everything they can to try to stop it. But people have to understand that This is not something that can happen over night. Besides SubaGames is not the hacking prevention against this. NGaurd is. So other then the hackers this is a sweet game. You got many modes so far as followed.
~ Team Death Match aka T.D. which is you work with your team maates to killed the other team members.
~ Search and Destroy aka S.D. in which one team has a bomb and you must plant it and blow up either Site A or B. Both teams have guns. The other team without the bomb must try to destroy the other team and if the bomb got planted they must defuse it in time.
~ Ghost Mode aka G.M. (my favorite mode) Is an evolution of S.D. mode in which the team with the bomb can only use knifes OR now if you payed for the combat axe you can use that. You might say then how can you win if all you got is a knife? Well as the name says ITS GHOST MODE. Meaning the Ghosts are invisible wen not move and slighlty visible when are. Though your not completely safe as is the other team knows they can HEAR your breathe.
~Free For ALL- as it suggests Its every man/woman for theirself. This is usally with a condition of either Only Pistols, Knifes, or Snipers.
There are many great maps to many to name with new ones every month or sooner. Most players are nice and if they're not you can take a screen shot of em and send it to the Game Moderators. At the end of the game you can also choose to push save which will save a replay of the game that you can send in to a Game Moderator if you suspect a person of hacking. Just state their name and what hack you think they were using.
CrossFire has a Clan system meaning you can join a clan and try to become the best of the best. CrossFire just came our with a clan server bete so you can organize clan matches.
Well anyway Ive tried my best to tell everyone everything. I give CrossFire 9/10 because its a great game but because of the hackers it gets a little unfair though UNDERSTAND ITS NOT CROSSFIRES FAULT. Its the noobs who got no skill so they need help and they still lose anyway.
~Well Im ComanderRex, CrossFire player till the end, and this is my review. ENJOY! MEAT YOU ON THE BATTLE FIELD!!! WOOT!!!!!!
Post Date: 20:26 06-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Benboy6
Comment: Crossfire is one of the best MMOFPS out there! There are many other gun games, but why would I choose Cross Fire and not other games like Combat Arm? Crossfire takes less space(mb). There are cool guns and more to be coming out. The graphics are great! You start out with some pretty cool weapons. There's all kinds of custom maps. Certain map that have specialities. You can also drop your weapons and trade with others! Weapons cost little. Getting money is easy by ranking up! There's also maps where weapons are on the ground and you can just pick them up and use them. There's even Ghost Mode! There's also a lot of nice people! There's different mode to play in. It's like a lot of FPS combined into one. The controls are easy for playing so you'll feel comfortable. I rated this game 9 is because due to all the glitches that glitchers does and all the hackers that made the game bad. I'll like Suba Games to get a new hacking prevention system.
Post Date: 18:41 06-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: ginagurner
Comment: Crossfire isnt the first fps ive played, beforehand i played on games such as warrock and battlefield 2. I came upon this on a wiki page, and thaught the screenshots were pretty poor, which intrigued me, so i dowloaded it.
Immediately i was addicted, its ranking system works like most other games, but it
has the feature which you get a gradualy growing amount cash, to spend on weapons, or accesorys, i rate that 8.
The graphics arent the best ive seen, compared to games like battlefield 2 and crysis they seem primitive, but that is also a bonus because the simplicity of it mean you can play it smoothly, getting a good gameplay experience. I rate the graphics 6.
Sounds on crossfire are acctually quite good, the click while scrolling through games is simple but effective, making it also run quick, with no un needed complications. In game osunds are also manufactured for a simple but good effect, the most complex sound is that of somebody at the start of a game, adressing what your mission is, and that only lasts around 3 seconds.
Every gun noise is individual, so you can identify what your up against before you see the gun. Also, it has no background noises ingame like battlefield 2 and others, making run smooth. I rate the sounds 9.
Gameplay; I find that in crossfire there is something to suit everyone, from Ghost mode, which takes a certain amound of patience and cunning, or elimination, which takes shire brutallity and skill. Its beginner friendly, with a tutorial that dosent drag like some. i rate this 8
Hackers; there is a serious hacker problem in crossfire, although youll prbably only encounter a hacker every 3 games or so, they wreck it for everyone else. this aspect gets a 5, since they do do regular updates to combat hackers, but theyre not doing enough.
Average rating : 7
This is a game for people who are interested in games in general, Strategy fans will like the Ghost Mode, Adrenaline junkies will like the Free for all, packed with intense action. And calmer, solemn people, who are into games like my little pony, shouldnt even be reading this review ;D.
Good game.
Post Date: 14:35 06-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Rasta-Far-EyE
Comment: So here's the layout. I've been playing this game since the begining of beta and it's an all around good casual, semi-addictive shooter.
Graphics: 8/10- Compared to say Counter Strike it's graphics aren't amazing, but not much is lacking and the physics make up for it.
Sounds: 9/10- I like the effects and the popcorn .wma when you get a nade kill.
Gameplay: 10/10- You have to like a certain type of FPS to really get addicted to this game. If fast pace, non-stop killing and warring is what you like, this game is for you.
Community: 6.5-7/10- This is the only major problem in Crossfire. No one ever talks, there's no real sense of community, and to top it off there's a good bit of hackers. Though I have to mention that Subagames does update regularly to avert the cheaters.
-Review By: Rasta-Far-EyE a.k.a LionXIV
Post Date: 09:04 06-05-2009
Rating: 1
Author: JennyHand
Comment: Graphics - Good to average. Will run on older machines though which outweighs the negative here.
Game play - A few different modes so not to repetitive.
Cheaters - To many to be able to enjoy the game anymore and Subagames don't seem to be doing anything to combat it. :( Still happy to take our money tho...
Post Date: 07:12 06-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Rubieus
Comment: I have only play this game for a few days but it seems to me that the game is balanced by giving new players the ability to head shot and use a single grenade which turns the tide against skilled players. Although I only played a few matches, I still feel I had alot of fun and made alot of kills, granted I didn't have any shop items or experience, I still felt part of the team in TDM and felt I was still making an impact. For those who want a fast paced, fun and easy to get into FPS game, I'd say try it out.
Post Date: 02:44 06-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: jmlyan
Comment: I rate this game an 8 because Crossfire is really fun, the graphic are not really good but the game play is awesome. Really easy to level up, play it for an hour and you'll level up fast! However there are some bad things about this game and they are: too many hackers ALREADY and not alot of map for each mode.
Graphic: 6/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Sounds: 8/10
I'd say go try it out!
Post Date: 02:32 06-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Delta62
Comment: Cross Fire:
It is perhaps one of the greatest online FPS games I have ever played.
The best thing about Cross Fire is the fact that there is constantly new content, such as weapons and maps, being added nearly every month! It's great!
The controls are easy to learn and it takes barely any time to learn how to use your weaponry.
The guns are great. There is a nice spread of guns to choose from. They even do some realistic damage, one shot one kill, and decreased damage through boxes. However, the grenades need to be slightly more powerful seeing as how it is very difficult to get a grenade to kill someone.
The graphics in Cross Fire aren't the best. However they are very nice for a free online FPS.
The game physics are nicely set. Players don't jump too high, yet they can jump the normal height of someone in all the gear. The ability to shoot through boxes is great! I can't tell you how many people I have killed by shooting through the box! However, on slight drawback is the ability to run faster and jump higher when you have a knife out, it's as if the gun you were using dropped off of you and you lose weight; but then you can of course use the gun again as if you never lost it, or the weight.
This is a very unique game. Many games have teams called "Alpha" and "Bravo." The game creators of Cross Fire actually took time in deciding the name of the two teams in the game! "Black List" and "Global Risk." There is even a back round story of the two factions! Unlike many games there is just "Alpha" and "Bravo" and no story about the teams.
So the teams are creative, but the game modes are some of the most unique game modes yet. Seriously, how many other games have Ghost Mode?! It's great having one team slightly visible and the other team defending! I have never seen a single other game like this! The elimination is also a good idea. You have a choice, start with your weapons or the game will already have weapons waiting for you on the ground.
The maps are great. There are very few games where you can start fighting the moment the round starts. It's usually, the round starts and you search for the enemy. Here it's, the round starts and you're already close to the enemy. The maps also offer a diversity in size and obstacles. Some are very small maps while other are large and perfect for sniping. The only drawback in the maps, is that it is too easy to spawn kill. But eventually the game balances itself out.
Arena is a great way to practice on the knife. How often is there a map made just for the knife? It's a small map and many people enjoy playing it, and many have increased their skill with the knife.
Free For All is a fun game mode where people kill anything else that moves. "If it moves, it's food." It's every man for himself. There are also abilities for the host to have certain weaponry, such as: sniper only, pistol only, knife only, and any weapon.
Search and Destroy must be used with good teamwork. If anyone fails to have good teamwork, then their team could easily lose. Black List must plant a bomb at one of two sites, while Global Risk must defend the two bomb sites. If the bomb is planted, quickly defuse the bomb before you and the bombsite both go up in an explosion!
Clans are a good option to have. A great way to make some new friends. Although the clan match server is still in beta, it's great to have. It's an excellent way to meet some new clans and possibly some allies for the future!
Weapon diversity
Game uniqueness
Good weaponry balance
Good player base
Large player base
Never having to wait for a room
Great clans
Good creative maps
Ghost Mode
Search and Destroy
Team Death Match
Free For All
Knife Only
Spawn Killing
All in all, this is perhaps one of the best online FPS games there is. I would give this game a 10/10 if it weren't for the hackers and spawn killers. 8/10 is a great score. Once those two problems are fixed, this will become the greatest FPS ever. I'm sure of it and do not plan to leave the Cross Fire community!
Good luck, and happy fraggin'!
Forum: CF_Delta_____62
Post Date: 01:24 06-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Wonderbill
Comment: In the midst of an economic crisis, what could people possibly do to quench their thirst for First Person Shooter action? Well… They can play Crossfire! The all-new FPS Crossfire is completely free to play, yet offers the most memorable and desired aspects of the online FPS gaming world. The combat and action is fast paced and non-stop, combining attributes of online greats like Counter-Strike and Unreal Tournament. So, what is it specifically that this game has to offer?
The Basics:
To get you started, here’s a little bit of an overview of the game. You download it for free from Suba Games and install. Make an online persona to use in game, and load her up. A mercenary-based game, you’ll be given a fair amount of in game gold, called GP, with which to purchase weapons, characters, and other gear. You can choose from a small selection of character models, and all players are given the same set of starting weapons. As players gain in-game experience, they also gain ranks and money, allowing the purchase of more equipment. The initial load-up and interface is not very intuitive, and it takes a small bit of trial and error. In the game-room selection menu, players can choose from a variety of game modes including Search and Destroy (a la Counter-Strike), Team Deathmatch (amass more kills than the other team), Free For All (every man for himself), Elimination (last team standing wins), and a unique play on Search and Destroy called Ghost Mode. Just double click on a game room, and in you go. Luckily, the game-play is quite easy to pick up. Get in the game, and start shooting. Even objectives are quite clear with the in-game narrator’s assistance. The finer points can be picked up later. Anyone who’s done their time in Counter-Strike (or pretty much any other FPS) will feel right at home in this setting.
The Graphics:
The game-play of the game is simple, and the graphics follow suit. A game for everyone is exactly what has been delivered, and exactly what should be expected. Unfortunately, high resolution is not currently supported, but it is in the works as we speak. Overall, it looks remarkably similar to Counter-Strike, with simple textures and a basic color palette. The good news is, you can always tell who’s on the other team! The weapons are rendered well and quite recognizable. You won’t see any eye popping-effects, no glint of sunlight off the sweat on your enemy’s brow, and no earth shattering explosions. You will, however, be quite happy with the grace with which this game presents itself. Since the game doesn’t need to process a graphical masterpiece, the fight itself becomes your only focus. Sure, you may have the same face as the guy next to you, and your outfit may be the exact same one…but who cares? You just shot that other guy in the face! That is the true wonder of this game. The game is the focus, and not just a sidekick to some fancy graphics.
The Sound:
Again, there’s no big deal here: Just your basic weapon noises, some explosions, and a small bit of radio chatter. Fortunately, the weapons are distinct enough to let you know who has what gun, and where they’re at. From the echoing blast of a high-powered sniper rifle to the angry bumble-bee of a nearby submachine-gun, you’ll be able to plan your fights accordingly…if you listen. Also, a great little bit of sound is the footsteps. These can be a game-winning extra, allowing a careful player to get the jump on an enemy wanderer. A personal favorite is the addition of the announcer, yelling “HEAD SHOT!” and “YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME!” It adds a nice bit of fun-factor and keeps your feet on the ground, letting you know that, yes, it is a game…but boy is it fun!
The Rank System and Money:
The simple rank system in the game lets work their way up from trainees into official military ranks like Privates and Lieutenants. Each of the first few rank steps grants the player more gold, allowing them to expand their arsenal. Each game causes a bit of damage to your weapon, so you must spend some hard-earned GP to keep them in the best firing condition by pressing the “repair” button. If you want to play completely for free, be prepared to have two or three guns besides the ones you started with. If you like, you can go online to Suba and pay real money to attain more, along with some exclusives like a female player character and some fancy sunglasses. This is the greatest part of Crossfire, as it allows the choice of free to play or a monetary contribution to Suba, for which players are rewarded. It strikes a nice balance, and keeps the developers in business!
The Interface:
While not the most intuitive setup, most gamers should be able to navigate through and get playing without too much trouble. If this is your first online FPS ever, you may be a bit lost. Fortunately, a bit of browsing on the Suba Crossfire forums can help alleviate much of these troubles. Players have a storage area in which they have any purchased gear, and they can put these into “Bags” to use in game. To buy items, go to the item store and the purchased item will appear in storage. To join a game, select a server then pick a game room. Then, pick a side, click ready, and you’re off! While far from kink-free, the interface gets the job done and allows quick access to online fun.
The Game-Play:
Luckily, the best part of this game lies in its simple and addictive game-play. Players move easily, and no complex dynamics such as cover or leaning are implemented. It’s a great “run-and-gun” kind of game with direct links in play-style to
Games like Counter-Strike and Unreal Tournament. Weapon damage and player movement are far from realistic, but that’s not what we’re looking for. A rifle shot to the heart won’t slow you down too bad, nor will a hand grenade going off 5 feet away. Most weapons take from 3-6 rounds to drop an enemy, but, just like we like, you’re just as deadly with 1 hit point as you are with 100! Unfortunately, this does bring with it a fair share of bunny-hoppers, but for a game of this style, it’s a side effect I can live with. While you can choose from a few different game modes, the heat of a battle is pretty much the same in all of them. The overall feel is more tactical and careful in Search and Destroy, and more fast-paced and hectic in Deathmatch, but you’ll feel right at home unloading on someone in any mode you play. Some great news is the game balance, with almost no weapon having a true upper hand over any other weapon in any situation. While the sniper rifles may be ferocious at a distance, you’ll be in quite a pickle when the man with the shotgun rounds the corner beside you. Likewise, that poor fellow with the shotgun will be simply outclassed if you’ve got a bit of range on him. Any fan of a shooter should be able to pick this game up and be battling with the best of them in no time. You may need some time to pick out the nuances of every weapon, but anybody should be able to have a bit of fun right off the bat.
The Drawbacks:
Unfortunately, with every game must come some drawbacks. Amazingly enough, this game really doesn’t have too many. Some minor bugs with installs and the game protection have been reported, the game is overall quite clean. Balance is nearly perfect, and anyone can choose a few of his/her favorite weapons. Unfortunately, and by no fault of the game itself, hackers have become quite troublesome as of late. This would be a minor problem if players could easily remove them, but there is currently only one way to remove a player from a game: The Vote Kick system. Now, aside from hackers, players may also be kicked for foul language, playing against any posted rules, or a number of other reasons. However, there is currently a fatal flaw in this system. A player may only initiate a vote once per match, and only if they are on the same team of the offending player. Obviously, many players on the opposing team will be feeling the brunt of a cruel hacker or an offensive player, and there is nothing they can do. Not even the room host can remove an offending player. This causes many players to leave mid-game because they don’t wish to deal with such players. If this gets a nice tweak and the prevention system gets updated, then this game would truly have no glaringly negative aspects.
On a personal note, while there is a fair number of weapons and maps, more would be appreciated. Understanding the freedom of this game, I’ll take what I can get. Also, Ghost Mode, while different, feels a bit forced, and seems to require a little something extra. As it stands right now, it is simply Search and Destroy with some invisible players. A nice idea, but just a nudge in the right direction could really turn this mode into a truly unique experience. The purchasable female characters’ coloration is not similar enough to the male counterparts, and can lead to some confusion. The small appearance of these characters makes them more difficult targets, and they seem to be at an advantage. While this is in no means a sexist decision, I feel it only fair if all characters in a game are either exactly the same, or properly balanced. This provides an ultimately fair and truly competitive gaming experience. Lastly, some of the audio effects may get a bit repetitive, and it is easy to get stuck on other players. Aside from these slight discrepancies, this is a truly simple and wonderful game.
The Conclusion:
Crossfire is a free online shooter that offers exciting, fast-paced, and addictive game-play with graphics that allow pretty much anyone to play. Whether a casual gamer looking to try something new, or a hardcore shooter fanatic, there’s a mode in Crossfire that’s right for you. With a simple yet effective sound set and a nice array of weapons and maps, even the snobbiest of the FPS world would have no choice but to enjoy a few rounds in Suba’s online world of Crossfire.
Overall Rating: 8.0
Post Date: 23:25 05-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: danyuchiha2
Comment: hola soy danyuchiha pero me equivoque en mi raiting mi raiting es 10 a y tengo algunos errores de escritura
danyuchiha but I'm wrong in my raiting my raiting is 10 ay have some typing errors
Post Date: 14:21 05-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: mnm12131213
Comment: Crossfire is the one of the BEST online FPS games there is TO DATE. The wide vareity of weapons and special features make this an amazeing game. (Did i mention it's an amazeingly FREE game?) Aldo with an exculsive "Ghost mode" this game never gets old! An intergrated clan system and not to mention clan server really make this game apealing. The reason I only gave this an 8 out of 10 though is because of the graphics and HACKERS. The graphics i can deal with becuase im ot a high mantinance kind of guy but the hackers are hard to live with. From "speed hacks" to "invisable ghost with guns hacks" the players on crossfire have found them all. I would suggest upgrading your hackshield Subagames becuase i know me and all the other fair players are getting sick of being shot up with a ghost with a gun. Also i know its kind of impossible to put a GM in ever sigle room, but i think a better kicking system would be substantial. Oh, and maybe a reporting button? Where you GM's could see all the people reported and join a game every once in awhile and see if that person is hacking? Overall if this game didnt have hackers i think this game would deserve a 9. Just fix a few more kinks and this will be the best FPS on the net.
Post Date: 13:51 05-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: StalkingMaan
Comment: Cross fire is one of the best FPS game i have ever played! Very Intense and Pure kick Ass!! Many Maps,Guns,Gernades! Journey your self in Team Death Match,Free For ALL!,Knife Only Maps,And the unique GHOST MODE!And Leveling your self through Ranks! Dont forget that there is no Time Limit on Gun!
Updated Weekly!Never Down time!Not many glitches,Never lag,
"Wow! This Game sounds Wonderful,but its probably is like 30$,Right?"
"Nope its all free"! You May buy items for yourself With real money.
Want more info? please go to
"Why do you rank this at 8"?
The reason why i rank this at 8 is because of the main reason "HACKERS"
there are Hackers in this game. I mean you can vote them Out.
But its kinda annoying,but dont worry Crossfire is working hard finding ways
to stop hacking and Patching them!
Post Date: 10:27 05-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Pwnzord11
Comment: This game is probably one of the best FPS games ever.
It is not high graphical so nearly everyone can play and it has very cool features. The good think about this game is of the ranking system. When you rank up to a certain rank, you will get free GP, the ingame currency, so you can buy new gear and weapons for your character. There are a variety of unique game modes including Team Deathmatch, Elimination, Search & Destroy, the unique Ghost Mode and the new modes Free For All and Special Match.
This game is also good for its selection of weapons from the MP5 to the M4A1. These are bought with GP. The good thing about the guns is that in each round you play the gun sustains damage for however long you fire automatically on it, therefore reducing the stability of the weapon, but after each round you get the chance to repair your weapon with the GP you earn after each round. Some weapons are rank selected which means you cannot purchase that specific weapon until you are at that specified rank.
The best thing about the game is the integrated clan system. Until you have reached a specific rank you can make a clan and start recruiting members for your clan. The new Beta Clan Server on CrossFire gives clan members and leaders a chance to play other clans in Elimination, Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy and Ghost Mode.
The bad things about the game are:
Hackers - Everyone feels frustrated about these rule-breakers using weapon hacks, speed hacks, wall hacks and invisibility. I hope Subagames does something to prevent this from happening.
Lag & ping - I have a little lag when playing this game but it is really annoying to waste a few rounds on someone who won't die for a long time.
There are not many other problems since the last update to CrossFire. Overall, I think this game should be the #1 game in the FPS business and it is also free to play. I recommend this game to teenagers and above.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your gear and get ready to fight!
- [S]coped*-
Post Date: 01:33 05-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: I$r@eL
Comment: CrossFire is,simply, the best MMOFPS i ever played.....Why?...well lets see... CrossFire has a wide variety of weapons which includes the AWM, Scar(HEAVY and LIGHT), the AK-47 and 74, FAMAS, M60 and more. (and, unlike CA, you keep the weapons all the time you want!!! but you have to repair them and so you waste GP...)
CrossFire has an excelent ranking system, where you gain EXP and you rise your rank, allowing you to unlock other weapons and earn some GP.
CrossFire has 4 different modes: Team death match, Elimination, Search and destroy and the all new and unique ghost mode (my favorite mode so far...)
This game's graphics aren't quite as good as CA.... but Hey!!! Almost every computer can run CF so that they can join in!!!
This game sure packs a lot of fun, eh? and its goin' to get better and better! Trust me...If you are already playin' this game, i'll see ya there; if not.... what are you waitin' for? Go and download this awesome MMOFPS!!! AND IT'S TOTALLY FREE TO PLAY!!! ^-^
Post Date: 21:23 04-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: lespaul6677
Comment: A free fast-paced online multi-player first person shooter with thousands of players competing for GP and EXP, and most times for just plain good old pride. Years ago the idea of such a game would only be a dream. But SubaGames has made that dream into a reality with their creation of the constantly growing ever so popular CrossFire. With an impressive 21 primary weapons that range from the small yet fast rapid fire uzi to the versitile scar light to the deadly high-powered AWM sniper rifle, the game offers a very respectable choice of weaponry. But that's just the beggining. There is also a favorable selection of secondary weapons which are all pistols that range in price, power, and the amount of ammunition the gun can hold at a time. Also, for those sneaky or strategic players there is an assortment of grenades such as; Standard frag grenade, smoke grenade, and flash grenade. Those are definately great items to have, especially with all of the competition out there! Oh, and lets not forget about the standard knife and the new lethal military axe. Both can be very effective with some experience and skill.
Un-like other FPS games i've played, Crossfire gives you that sense of achievement. By earning new ranks and earning GP you work your way up to being able to purchase better weapons and some fun items.(more GP and EXP are earned if you aquire "ace" "MVP" or "last kill" status in game) Plus with the respectable choice of game modes that Crossfire offers, it will keep you wanting more and more. As for game modes, a few of them are Search and destroy, Team DeathMatch, Ghost Mode, and Elimination. All in which require different skills and strategy to climb the rank ladder faster.
This game also provides you with a good choice of maps. From experience i've noticed that Egypt, Mexico, and crossroads seem to be some of the most popular.
Another great aspect about this game is that it is accomidates the fact that not only do Guys play FPS games, but girls do to! With the selection of being either a male or female character it really opens up the environment a bit.
As far as graphics go, I was impressed with the video quality and sound quality of the game for it being free. Crossfire also has a smooth gameplay which i respect alot, and I always get connected to a game when i want to play.
So for having all of these qualities for being a free online game/community, I give this game 10/10.
Post Date: 17:09 04-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Hardbull3t
Comment: Crossfire Review (by 1ns4n3 AKA Hardbull3t)
(If you have any doubt with abbreviations or other just check the end of the review).
Here is a game that I"ve had much fun playing with my friends and sure will have alot more in future because of future updates with new weapons/equipement.
I truly recommend you this game(if you like FPS of course), which is 100% FTP, with fair ranking systems, only allowing the most advanced and loyal players to have the best weapons. And of course, we musn"t forgot, the brand-new and exclusive Ghost Mode!
Many people out there were looking for a good FPS with good gameplay, well, you"ve found it right here, this game not only has a good gameplay but comes along with a bunch of cool new-gen weapons, loads of maps and of course, a really big lot of players, so you"ll never get bored and/or play alone.
Pros & Cons of Crossfire:
1. The gameplay. Realistic and nice, you sure will have fun with your weapons, even if its the most basic ones like M16 or Micro Galil. It comes packed in with very nice game modes and maps. (The real and only way of testing it is downloading it and playing! you will be surprised!)
2. Options. In Crossfire you have a wide selection of graphic options(even tough you can only play 1024x768[see cons 1.]), and other options that will affect your gameplay (e.g. Mouse Sensitivity).
3. Weapons and customization items. This game comes packed with some great and fun to play weapons, with very realistic ratings. Sure you can kill alot of people with your AUG or Scar, but, as in reality, in battlefields, you must always watch out for snipers, if there"s someone around with an AWM, you have got to be careful, because in one deadly hit to any part of your character"s body will put it down on the ground. Along with weapons, comes another great pack of customization items, including glasses/tint lenses and helmets, that wont give you any protection, but that sure will give you some style on the battlefield. There are still pistols and knifes/axes.
4. Bonus in games. Of course, you will win good experience if you play well, kill many players and complete your objectives, but, you can win even more experience with bonuses like: MVP, Last kill, First kill, Ace. You can recieve this at the end of every game/round, with them, you will sure get faster to the next level and be closer to your objective.
5. The Money System (GP). The ingame currency, it will allow you to repair the weapons you own(moderate cost, the GP you win every game will largely do the job), or buy new ones (You only need to buy one time! It"s not like some other FPSs where you need to buy a gun every 30 days, and that make you spend real life money on their website to get more ingame currency). The money system is fair and will give you the right amount of GP at the end of every game .
6. The Clan System. A nice and well-built clan system. You have many options on it, and, your clan can contain up to 100 people! You need a specific level to join or create a clan, but you will be able to do both things early in game.
7. The new and exclusive GHOST MODE! A total turn-on, the brand new and exclusive, the awesome ghost mode! In this game mode you have to plant a bomb on the bomb spot or protecting, depending in which side you are playing. In this mode, Black List (The terrorists) have to plant a bomb, BUT! the are hardly visible while walking, and totally invisible while standing still. This team can only use knifes(or Axes). The Global Risk team (Counter-Terrorist team) have to defend the bomb spots and kill the hardly visible Black list players if they need to. This team can use all the guns(Rifles, pistols, knifes...). This game mode can played in 3 maps. Here is a video that will give you a taste of what it looks like(One of the weapons seen in the video [XM8] is not yet available in all the versions of the game.)[[[Credits to video"s author]]]:
1. Graphics. Honestly, it"s not quite the best I"ve seen, The game is not that much detailed, and can"t be played in a much large resolution (max 1024x768).
2. Hackers. The best games also have the worst parts. A total turn-off, hackers. Not only wallhacks, but also aimbots, speedhacks, weapon hacks... The list goes on... Let"s hope that Subagames will do something about it soon. Meanwhile you can report them on Crossfire website (see forums for details...)
3. Lag/High Ping/Breaks. I"ve not noticed any of this(I have a good computer and fast internet and I recommend it if you want to play the game 100% well), but I have some friends which this happens quite often. Not that worrying if you have a fast enough internet.
4. Vote kicking system. You can only vote kick once per game, which is annoying if there"s any hacker/bugger which can exploit the game and ruin your score or k/d ratio. But, seeing the other side, game"s creators didn"t have much of a choice, either like this, or either people that would vote googol times to get a good and honest player kicked.
5. Problems installing the game/launching the game correctly for the first time and/or after updates. I"ve noticed some problems myself(but I"ve managed to solve them thanks to the precious help of other players in forums), since I have windows vista, but if you have windows XP, it should work fine. Here is what I recommend if it ain"t working for you: Allowing game files trough Firewall list and/or your antivirus, Running program as administrator(Vista), if it still ain"t working, Re-install the game, and if it still ain"t working at this point, redownload the game and install it. Normally , it should absolutely work. If not just ask for some help on Crossfire"s forums.
Well, and I guess this is all. Now only downloading and testing the game left to do ;) GO! ^^
If you"re still not sure about changing your usual FPS game for crossfire, here is a little gameplay video, that sure will help you make the right decision: [[[Credits to video"s author.]]]
Overall review: A Good game and very good for a 100% FTP Game. Of course, not as good(in my humble opinion) as games that cost money in local retails shops like Counter-Strike, but still, this game is definetly worth to give a try. 8/10
Abbreviations & others:
AKA : Also known as.
FPS(s): First Person Shooter(s).
FTP: Free To Play.
New-gen: New generation.
AUG: Austrain assault rifle.
Scar: Belgian/American assault rifle.
AWM: Arctic Warfare Magnum, a deadly british sniper rifle.
MVP: Most Valuable Player.
Ace: A bonus at the end of everygame that will give extra experience to the player with the most kills.
GP: Game points (the ingame currency, with it you can buy weapons or repair the ones you already own and other things).
Googol: A term used in mathematics, used to describe a large number. (if you want to learn more (I doubt^^)... check the link this link:
P.S.: I"m sorry if there are any orthographic errors, I"m not a native English speaker.
Post Date: 10:38 04-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: paladin1997
Comment: Crossfire review
Truly a positive, open game for many people. I played many shooting game so far in my life, but I think crossfire is the best out of the best. Here, I can tell you a review of how it is like.
1. Tactical- Surely enough, you can shout it is difficult, or it is really straight-forward by killing people, but actually, there is a very easy way to kill people, and can boost your intelligence too. Like those crates, boxes, windows, ladders, camping, can be ways to hide. Like, hiding behind a crate, while an enemy is approaching from behind, when he passes you, he does not normally look back, so start shooting him. That is a way to do it. It will be boring if it is just normal killing, as it no different from other fps shooting games.
2. Combat arms- I think the guns are really good, with good accuracy, good power, and certainly, a reason it is there to support the needs. Like, AK-74 and Ak-47, it is different in some sort, or the weapons on the list are no different from either one, because they have almost the same stats.
3. Minimum lag- Crossfire is a really good game to play, because it has the best minimum lag in the fps game world. Lag is always somehow annoying, because as the screen pauses, you may have a chance of getting killed. So, with minimum lag, it is a fair game between both teams.
4. Customization- There is a wide variety of customization, because they might give you a boost to your stats, so you can be on the upper-hand. That is a really good thing, and worth to spend on. Some fps games do not really have customization. Also, there are characters. That really shows how you support or respect that force.
5. Crosshair- The crosshair, which is the aim point to the target, is a really essential thing. If the crosshair goes too big, you just go out of control, as you just spray. In some shooting games, like ijji¡¯s soldier front, the crosshair get so big that it gets way out of hand. That is just a plain thing that should be modified. Truly, I like the way that you can change the crosshair type, because in some other games, you have to buy a thing to change the crosshair.
6. Options- There is quite a variety of options, which can be modified to suit our needs. There is a gamma, you can adjust the crosshair, and you can adjust the blood, sound, and many other things. That is a need, so you can really enjoy playing, with the flaws being erased.
7. Effects- The effects are awesome; it is like being in a movie. There is booming grenades, bullets getting shot. I guess it is one of the best ever, in any other shooting games. Radio messages, are also really cool too, really realistic, and can be fun to send radio messages all say.
8. Quality- The quality is awesome, and that is just it. You have bright screens, and can also offer a really good view, like a 3d view.
9. Bonuses- The bonuses are quite good, because in some games, being the strongest, getting the first/last kill never gives you anything. But in crossfire, you have 3. Ace, MVP, and first/last kill. This really pushes people forward to play, because everyone wants to have those bonuses.
10. Realistic- I guess it is really realistic, because, the grenades, are actually like a rocket flying across the skies! That is so cool! The guns also look what they really look like, and those forces actually also exists in the real world. In some games, there isn't even any force. So, is really nice to have them.
11. Reasonable- I think it is a fairly reasonable game, because in some games, the guns are so strong, that it is so easy to get kills, and because of that, it will result in many deaths as usual. The guns in crossfire are realistic; they have reasonable pros and con's, and misses in some point. That is being a fair and fun game.
12. Sniper rifles- The sniper rifles, I say, are the best ever in the world. Having high recoil is being realistic, and having a 1 hit kill is also, because in some games you have to shoot twice or so to get a kill. The weight is not too heavy, and all snipers have a double scope, which is the best thing because, in some games you do not even have a 2x scope at all.
13. Good knifes- The knifes, are always low-ranking in most fps games, because they have low power, but in crossfire, they are powerful. Just a slash or more on the body is a kill, and also having a power-slash (right click), it can result in a death in one hit. So, knifes are really useful, really in crossfire.
1.Hackers- One thing I just find annoying is the growing number of hackers. They wall-hack, speedhack all sort sof hacks. Hacking is a very unreasonable way to play the game, because that gives others a disadvantage. In crossfire, there is not hacking report system, which just lets the hacker get away with it. Crossfire should, and must have a hacking-prevent system.
2. Kickvote system- Kickvote is a not really good in the game, because if anyone misses out, or forget to vote, will be counted as a disagree. In that way, it is hard to kick. The kickvote should also be able to kick other people in the opposite team, because if there is a hacker, then the other team would be reluctant to kick him. That is another thing crossfire should take note of.
3.GP- The GP gains are not good in the game. Because the repair cost, takes up most of the GP gains in a game, will therefore makes saving and buying a new gun harder. Also, after you reach SS, you will no longer get anymore GP. Which makes saving and buying a new gun tedious, because decent guns prices soar above 35k.
I think it is a really good game, and really motivate others, to join, and strive to achieve the highest ranks, beat the rest, and be vigilant. I shall give this a 9 out of a 10!
Post Date: 00:24 04-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: grimmy161
Comment: This game is like a diamond straight out of the earth.It is not at its best but will soon be there with some tweaking and refining.Creators need to slightly go with the Combat Arms idea of weapon customization and more variety of weapons.We need to have tabs of weapons when there are at least five of each type,ex.sniper,machine gun,SMG,assault rifles.We need to not only have different characters to chose from but also more than one or two things we can put on those characters.The game is heavily populated with hackers that are capable of cheating and doing it good.That is a major problem for all and to fix this we need to have a game play video of the game that the player can choose when to record so the Team can catch the guys on video.The path so far that is being taken by Cross-Fire is not great at all.It is like Combat-Arms in the beginning with Counter-Strike graphics.You have done something that all players whether they know it or not like,keeping the weapons no matter what.By doing that you let players relax while playing knowing that there weapon will not go away the next day and them being stuck with the default weapon like Combat-Arms.You have countered that by making it where the weapons are extremely expensive and take much time to get.That is a good combo making players play this game more by letting them relax and have a good time playing knowing they don't have to worry.Game play options are the next BIG thing.Knifes,pistols,and snipers only are must haves in this.You have done very good as far as game types.CTF,Ghost mode (sorry if I am wrong)and elimination are all good.What is next is now the big question.You now have to think outside the box even more because these game types are almost standard in all games.Zombies and sport type games are many of the things that are creative.You have almost an infinite amount of game types to create and it is up to you to make them.This game is defiantly addicting and fun,but can you also include campaign and make the game more serious?That is a question for you to think about hard.Vote kicking is a major problem here because you can only vote kick once or twice,but what happens when another abusive person comes into the game?Well,he gets to stay and you either have to deal with unfair game play or leave.This defiantly win many reward but you have to take this game to the next step in game play.You are going to have to do more holiday events,include more contest,and refine this game and take it to its fullest.Do not focus on the graphics on this right now.The main focus is the details.You have details but need more to make this a 5 star game.on a scale to 1 to a 100 this would score an average of 60 to 70 on the serious gamer.This game has so much potential it is unbelievable.You,and only you have to pave the way to success,because when you refine this diamond then you have made the best F.P.S.
Post Date: 00:09 04-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: BunnyTwo
Comment: Unlike a couple people, I'd be the last one to dish out a monthly $20 payment just to shoot people and get shot at on a regular basis. However, I certainly would become a target AND a predator for *free*, while occasionally spending a couple bucks to play as a sweet female character and have a couple thousand GP just to mess around with. Crossfire is a completely free FPS, which should not only make you at least want to give it a chance, but you'll soon find yourself glued to it, spending a weekend nights up at 4 AM, completely ignoring the fact you have to work in 5 hours but rather cheering over your "MULTI-KILL!"
I wouldn't like to break this down into a boring play-by-play of rating everything on a scale of 1 to 5 but to get the gist of it:
The audio is pretty gnarly. The first time I played, I remember the music already making me feel like I'm on a covert mission about to kick some ass (regardless of my happy-faced rank). Although you'll eventually go to sleep with "FIRE IN THE HOLE" ringing in your ears and cursing anyone who throws a grenade in Egypt, I now find the sound of guns ablaze to be music to my ears.
The modes are fun, FFA knife being my favorite. Most people will easily adjust into the game by playing Team Death mode to get some practice and Elimination Mode for quick GP and experience. Ghost mode gets an A+ for originality and bonus points for being a fun way to switch it up from playing TD all day. I find Search & Destroy to be fun in small doses as it can be a bit tedious.
The biggest problem in Crossfire is, of course, hackers. However, seeing as this is the biggest problem, and the most easily patched and avoidable, I'd say that's not too bad. It's a rarity your FFA game won't be disrupted by someone spewing bullets from a knife (yes, bullets from a knife) towards the end. However, CF is still being developed and GMs are working to add more features while still plucking out hackers.
All and all, I'd give this game about a 9/10. The one point merely being from the hackers, which is an easy fix. I think it's time for CounterStrike to move over! Don't you?
Post Date: 21:52 03-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: crazynuts17
Comment: I have been playing this game for about 3 months and it is the best game I have ever played. It has a few bad things, but which game doesn't. The best part of the game is the unique gun selection and clan system, it is awesome. The few things I would do is tighten up on the hacking prevention system. There are too many hackers that play. I would also like the vote kick to be useable up to 2 or 3 times. Although many of my friends say the graphics look too cartoony I think the graphics are awesome. It would be cool if there were more character choices instead of just the 4 we have now. The knife kill system should be upgraded so you can't kill someone from so far away. The hacking prevention system should crack down harder on hackers. How? Well, my idea is to have some people "play" crossfire but not really play. They should "play" and search for hackers at the same time. Then, for every hacker they point out or have reliable info about they get 5 or 10 GP. This game is one of the best fps games ever. But, the hackers are ruining everything.
Post Date: 20:37 03-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: dil123z
Comment: This game owns! The gameplay is very good and addicting, but there to many hackers.It has a really good variety of sound that meakes the gameplay more enjoyable.This is the best free downlodeable game i have ever played.
Post Date: 18:41 03-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: gamer500
Comment: Crossfire is a cool game and i having hecka fun when i play it! the best mmorpg game i ever played!
Post Date: 14:59 03-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Melechesh
Comment: Crossfire is a Free2play MMOFPS.
It has a really good variety of sound that boost the gameplay expirience, Sound 9/10
If your into fast killing and if you like your games in the Blink! and you die stile this is the game for you, if not... dont worry it is easy to adapt to
Gameplay 8/10
Crossfire is also renowned for its originality and variety of game modes, from ghost mode to free for all, elimination to team deathmatch , you will surely find your type of game in a matter of secounds and thats not all it has a very good clan system that helps you stay in touch with your brother in arms and fight against other clans. And you even Got a female class its probably the first game to have that.
Originality 10/10 maps 9/10 respect for women 10/10 (xD)
Lets talk about guns.. whats a FPS without its guns.. you got small guns , big guns, heavy guns , light guns you got an axe to smash your opponents head open, now the only thing thats missing its a lightsaber(Pls put that in? :D)
Guns 9/10
Probably the only bad thing about the game, every mmo has cheats and hackers... it has a fair anti hacking system that stops 70% of the hacks. and there is a voting system in case you detect a hacker or someone that insults you, well you can vote him out
Security 7/10
If you like your FPS you surely will like Crossfire. I for one Recommend this game to everyone, disable blood if your under 14 :).And i am done the rest is up too you to find out, My Best wishesh.. Melechesh
Overall 8.66/10
Post Date: 14:45 03-05-2009
Rating: 0
Author: apioinus
Comment: Crossfire is a fun FPS Shooter with a lot of good ideas. There have been a lot of reviews explaining how the game works, and all the features it comes with, so im going to spare you that and tell you about Subagames, and their Inability to Control the Hacker Problem this game is facing, and the problems the game itself has, that have not been addressed by the subagame staff to this point of time.
1. Votekick System
The Votekick System, built in the game engine, is flawed. Here's why:
a.) You can only start 1 Votekick per Account (per game), which is a big problem, when a Vote doesnt go through (see b. )
b.) When the timer is up, all the Votes that have not been cast, automatically get reverted to a Declining Vote. Since most of the people playing have no clue about this feature, or how it works, it takes a small miracle to actually kick someone from the game
c.) The Votekick System only works in Team Games (that means, only team members of the people in question get to start a Votekick) The consequence is, that in 2 game modes, the Votekick System doesnt even work. For example the FFA game mode. Another consequence is, that people on the team of the hackers (who benefit the most from the hack, because they dont get punished like the hackers do) most of the time wont vote or negate a kick vote.
2. Hackers and the Anti Hack Engine
The Community is flooded with hacks and hackers, out of the last 20 games I have played 15 of them had at least 1 hacker in them.
a.) The NProtect Game Guard Engine
The NProtect Game Guard Engine doesnt only come up with a lot of False Positives (thats when the Program detects a hack when there wasnt a hack being used) but its also oblivious to 9 out of 10 hacks available on the market
b.) The Hack Report System
The Hack Report System is NOT built into the game engine. To report someone for hacking, you need to upload Screenshots and Replay to a Webspace or a website for hosting files. After you have done so, you need to send a report to ONE (1) person handling all the Hack Reports, per PM on the Subagame forums.
I work as an IT Tech, and i can tell you for a fact that 9 out of 10 Users on the Internet cannot take this HURDLE, its too much work and too complicated for most people out there. As a consequence, 9 out of 10 hackers are not even being reported.
The next problem is, the ONE (1) person handling the Hack Reports only works on weekdays. As a Consequence, 2 out of 7 days nobody is even handling Hack Reports at all. Basically if you hack on Friday night, you get a free pass until the weekend is over. Everyone knows that most of the people cheating are just kids. They have 100 % more time to play on the weekends, because they dont need to attend to school.
The game was lots of fun until like 2 days ago, when the hacker problem went totally out of control.
3. Suggestions to Subagames are not being read&worked on
Over the past few days, I have tried everything in my powers to support Subagames in their Crusade against hackers. I am, however, struck by the fact that Subagames has already given up on that battle.
4. Cheaters are also taking over Clan Games now
There is a Server for Clan Games only, it was only a matter of time until people started hacking there as well. Now youre not only facing 1 hacker, youre facing teams full of hackers.
To conclude: The game is OVER. Hackers have destroyed it to a point where it can not be repaired. People are leaving left and right, and I cant really blame them.
The Game is full of good ideas, but the lacking Proffesionalism of Subagames and its staff has quickly put an end to a wonderful idea.
To all you gamers out there: A free Game is what you want, this is what youre gonna get. I Can only suggest everyone to stay away from this game. The only way to have fun in this game at this point of time is by downloading your own hacks and abusing the system and its players.
Im going back to Counterstrike ! 20 bucks is a low price for a good gaming experience. Keep ur hands off Crossfire
Post Date: 11:01 03-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: kaos91
Comment: if you love your guns and games like killzone or call of duty, then this is the game to play online when your family hog the tv. weve all had the odd argument about whos getting the tv remote or whos playing what game. well from now on, you dont need to be bothered because youve got something better to do.
crossfire is a adrenaline pumping game, it has a wide range of weapons to feast youre eyes upon. also this game has a anti hack prevention system which is downloaded with the game. this stops hackers big time, however you might see some a**hole whos superhuman. you can easily report this and provide evidence:its simple. (refer to the forums and navigate to your destination for more info)
if your using a laptop, id recommend you use a mouse to aim its much easier. something that you might realise is that you die very quickly when you fist play. its p*** taking but nothing to worry about because your just getting used to the game. in time you will get better trust me. i had the same problem wondering if i was rubbish, but a little experince is what you need. doesnt matter what charater you choose, they all get the same weapons to start off with.
(when youve saved enough money and got the rank id recomend the m4a1 or p90, no shotguns trust me).
once youve started youll realise AC on top of your HP. AC is apparently armour not sure, but its not available yet im gessing the games fairly new. be patient.
there is a wide range of game modes, my opinion would be to play team death match as its the easiest way to get money and rank.
you can have clans, friends and talk to them in game but that would be hard, stick to lobby chating.
overall this game is great but does get boring when you die. DO NOT GIVE UP. its great and there may be times when you think you cant go on but youve got a team behind you so dont let them down.
there are loads of other things i havnt mentioned, so go find out what your missing
Post Date: 06:54 03-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Murtagh
Comment: When one thinks online fps one automatically thinks of hacks. There is virtually none without them. This is the only reason I rate at 8/10. Literally every third game you are fighting someone who blatantly hacks, or someone who's reflexes are faster than any human. Kick votes rely upon the honesty of others; which isn't a quality that we all share. I have heard countless people say, "He's speed hax, invisible, and rapid shooting a ????in sniper." An alarming amount of people say, "So what?"
Gameplay is excellent. Nothing is outrageously overpowered, but getting that new gun mixes things up and makes the game new again. Everything runs smoothly in-game. The only thing that annoys me is that in knife fights it appears you are five feet away from a person and they knife you (generally playing chicken with the other person [but this is the only thing I can nitpick on, and is hardly worth mentioning]).
Sound is alright, but breathing must go. If you want people going deaf cranking up their earphones to ridiculous levels just to "spot" a ghost is crazy, and it also gives the hackers the perfect way to cover up their unfair advantage. I understand it brings a bit more realism to the game, but the costs outweigh the benefits. I like the music and audio messages; the only critique to be found out of here is the constant string of "fire in the hole."
Ghost mode. I have a section just for this. greatest mode out of any fps. People running around partially cloaked with knives says it all. Hacks are more visible in this mode than any other type of game, but it takes a different type of teamwork due to "guns blazin'" not working that effectively for ghosts with knives. Great twist on the standard search and destroy. People should play CF just to give being a ghost a shot.
Hacks 6/10
Gameplay 9/10
Sound 7/10
Ghostmode 10/10
(this review may have sounded highly critical in areas, but I covered about every common complaint that you will see on a regular basis)
Overall 8/10
(better anti-hack, and get rid of breathing it'd be an easy 10/10)
Post Date: 05:23 03-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: MattM7117
Comment: Graphics: 8/10
The graphics are good and glitches that involve graphics are few.
Sound: 9/10
All of the sounds are great. Different guns have different sounds and the quickchats are said with an altogether pleasing voice.
Varity: 8/10
Great amount of maps to play on. There could be more but you are not going to get tired of the same map over and over. There are 6 game types and 4 mods so you can always find a certain type of game.
Gameplay 7/10
Ok this is gonna be a long one. The gameplay is great and the engine is constructed very well. Weapons are actually balanced and there is almost no supergun that is five times better than another. Shotguns have very reasonable range and spread. Snipers are fairly good but seem to be a tad overpowered. (But not much)You also get exp and gp at a very decent rate.
Now for the bad stuff.
Hackers! There are quite a few hackers. I cant go a day withought having some hacker come in and start shooting you... In a knife only match.
Also most hackers use chamming/wallhack so they automatically know where you are causing very one-sided and generally not fun gameplay.
Also in ghost mode (Like search and destroy but one team is cloaked and has knives.) it seems that if a person wears headphones or turns thier volume really loud, they can heard the invisable ghosts breathing. That is a bad thing because it ruins the only real way a ghost can kill.
Ok I got
That makes The final score: 8/10
My recomendations. Get a better anti-hack engine (really importaint) and maybe try to stop the breathing for ghosts.
Post Date: 04:04 03-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: TheLordOfDivineWar
Comment: Overall:9/10
I found out CrossFire is a very good game from my cousin Nick who you wouldn't know. The graphics are WAY better than any other FPS games like Counter Strike, Soldier Front because it looks so real that now I know what to do in a situation in real life. The money system, If you buy a gun that costs like 35k and then if you sell it, you only get 15k so its hard to get money and I find my self needing money A LOT so I screw up my account and then start an other account.SP(Payed Cash) is pretty cool because I have some of it and the Axe is very good for one-hit KOing people fast and gaining lots of kills in a round. Game Protecter:A very poor preventing hacking system and my accounts got hacked 2 times but i recorded how it happened so the hacker lost his account, and there are lots of people that hack so keep your cameras ready!And the weapons are real plus my Air Cadet friend is already at Rank Lieutenant and he is invincible because I only killed him 10 times while he killed me 20 times in a round.Also, the game gets an update almost every month so its pretty exciting what happens next.
Overall CrossFire is the ultimate FPS for me to recommend anyone, so enjoy the game and if the Hackers stop and play for fun, it would be an 10/10.
Post Date: 04:01 03-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Kyle989
Comment: Spectacular! This game is so amazing you feel like your really right in the middle of the flying bullets and grenades. Very character interactive, you can change how your players look and switch the gear that you use. Game is simply amazing. Its the kinda game that you need to strap in to play or you might fall out of your seat in excitment! Has the major weapons of any military group around the world including the Ak-47, M-16, and some snipers including the AWM! Astounding Game! Prepare for the ride of your life.
Post Date: 03:50 03-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: [Guy]
Comment: Crossfire is a amazing Free to Play FPS. It has now six different game modes, four different characters, twenty one maps, and thirty one weapons to chose from.
In general, their are two teams in game. Global Risk and Black List. Global Risk is set as the good guys and made up of special forces, while Black List is the bad guys or terrorists set out for evil.
Graphics 7/10
While not superb, the graphics do look quite nice. They have many textures and colors to give everything a nice look and feel.
Sound 8/10
Sound is very nice too. You can hear the opponents footsteps and the guns sound like they should. Their are also voices which tell you when you get a headshot and such.
Maps 9/10
The maps are designed very well, with obstacles and ladders. Some maps are small(Egypt), while others are larger(Mexico). All of them are set in different locations and times, so their is quite a variety. Some include Train, Powerplant, Laboratory, Sub base, Port, Black Widow, and more.
Weapons 8/10
Quite a nice selection of weapons to chose from. Their are Rifles, SMG's, Snipers, Pistols, Grenades, and Knives. A nice thing about this game is that if your really good with a gun, you can kill anyone. Guns don't make the player's skill entirely.
Gameplay 10/10
As I mentioned, there are now six different modes to chose from.
Team deathmatch: Standard "Kill everyone in your way" mode.
Elimination: Same concept, but you don't respawn and play a set number of rounds.
Search and Destroy: Now this is the fun stuff. The Black List team (Bad guys) have to either kill all of the other team or set a bomb(C4) to blow up. They can set it in two sites in each map, and Global Risk (Good guys) have to prevent this by either killing them first or defusing the bomb.
Ghost Mode: Same as Search and Destroy, but theirs a catch. The Black List team are cloaked and will stay invisible if not moving. However, they may only use Knives. So they can plant the bomb, or try killing Global Risk. Global Risk may use any weapons they chose from to kill the other team and prevent the bomb from detonating.
Free for all: A new mode, and thats what it basicaly is. Their aren't any teams, and yodifferent optionu must obtain a set number of kills to win. Their are also s you can chose(Example Snipers only, Pistols only, or Knives only).
Special(Arena): The last one, this is also a relitevialy new mode. Basicaly you are set in a big arena with teams and must kill the other team Knife only stye!
Overall the gameplay is extrodinarely good, and it never gets old.
Features 8/10
Now entirely perfect, but good nonetheless. Their is a special ranking system, and the exp you have determines your rank)Example Sergent, lieutenant, or trainee). Another nice feature is the clan system in which you can create a team and have clan matches and prove who's the better one. Their is GP which is the standard currency for buying guns, and SP which is bought with real money and allows you to get certain items(Example exp increase, sunglasses, or an axe).
Overall i'll give it a 9/10. The hackers are a bit of a pain, but if your good you can still kill them. Fairly new game to the US, Crossfire is an excellent FPS that I recommend to anyone that likes killing things.
Post Date: 03:33 03-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: themanisback
Comment: Themanisback: Ok, I found That Crossfire is a pretty good game. The Graphics are compatible with average graphic cars which is awesome,The Blood Effects are awesome (Really Good in the Ghost Mode)And to talk about the Ghost Mode: Best Mode I've ever played(I'd never think of this Mode.)Now lets get to the Exp: The exp is well distributed compared to other games, Like Combat arms(which took me 4 months to pass from sergeant to staff sergeant) The Resell action: Finally Not a game that you'll pay 40k for weapon and get 200gp back, Thx Crossfire to atleast giving 15k back. Game Protecter: Extremly poor for that reason, The NGAME is an easy target, Hackers bypass and ruins peoples fun, Other than hackers its fine. Weapons: The Weapon variety is awesome you've got any kind of weapon low recoil to high recoil high accuracy etc. SP(Payed Cash) I've never bought some, but it looks pretty cool, i've saw freinds play with it and its a good item to crossfire. Items: The Wall paintings (That Is so cool!) It is a good distraction, Helmets and the rest of the gear are fine. Desertation: This part sucks because when you come in with a hacker, you dont want to play anymore so you leave and this is a desertation point and your honor goes to average to bad.
Overall: 8/10 Very Good FPS Game I recommend this game to anyone, Just fix the Bypass/Hacker problem and this game is gonna be a 10/10
Post Date: 02:03 03-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: davidng5000
Comment: ok, to summarize the whole review in a few sentences: crossfire is a great game, good gameplay, fairly good graphics, nice guns and maps, and many ways to play including an original game called ghost mode.
lets get started ^^
crossfire has many different guns with different pros and cons to fit your needs.. you need a shotgun you get a shotgun, you need a sniper you get a sniper, you need a gun that can kill enemies with burst shots you get it! for instance, many people likee snipers and shotguns, there are 3 snipers and 2 shotguns! people who like the feel of a rifle, there are some rifle-like guns like the m4a1. if you like smg's there is some good smgs that are fairly balanced.
maps and graphics:
crossfire has some very great maps too. there is maps like ship and powerplant, which is much like a sniper or a rush map. so if you like sniping or like using a rifle like AK-47 then this is the place for you. there are also maps that are maze-like in a way. such as port and black widow. these maps are for people who like to do free-for-all(which you can on crossfire)games. they are mainly for people that like smgs and scoped rifles like the G36K. there are also small maps for close range warfare such as egypt, which fits the needs of people who like smgs and shotguns. Along with the variety of maps there are a fairly good graphics. some of the graphics could improve but altogether its good because graphics doesn't have to me EXACTLY like a real person and stuff. but if they were to add some shadowing and some extra shading and sunlight it would make it TOTALLY better in my opinion.
this is the main part of the review as if it sucked it would make the game suck(lol). ok, crossfire has many good ways to play for advanced gamers who like to play to enhance their skills by playing different modes of games.
Team deathmatch:
what's a game without it? its the mode that almost every fps game has.. of course crossfire is going to have it!
search and destroy: this is a mode that most FPS games have, a bomb plant and defuse. this is pretty simple, blacklist(bad guys) plants a bomb, and global risk(good guys) defuses it.
Free for all:
this is a mode that some FPS games do not have. it is basically a one-man-army. your all on your own, pretty simple right? but wait, theres more. there is extra ways to play on FFA.. such as pistol only and sniper only
special match: this is a match that is knife only but is TEAM so you can have a team in knife in the ARENA...check it out and you'll know what i mean. yet another reason to play crossfire
Ghost mode:
this is the last but not least mode... this mode is search and destry with a twist. the blacklist(bad guys)are almost invisible, and when not moving are invisible. O: but the catch is... they can only use knife while global risk can use guns :D
ranking: the ranking is really easy.. you can rank after every 4-5 games at the start so itll be pretty easy but gets harder and harder as you have to get more xp
GP: you get 10,000 gp for ranking from trainee, 20,000 for going to corperal(i dont know how to spell it), and 30,000 for going to staff sgt.
other than that 60,000 its pretty hard to get gp. id say without the rank boosts it would take about like 1-2 months if you just play games like 25 games every day as an average player to get a new gun.
cash shop: this feature uses suba points to buy new items.. there is a major good amount of stuff there, you can get extra gp there too if you dont want to keep playing to get gp. and theres like codename change and exp up and things like that.. you should at least get some suba points and try a few things because this stuff will really help you out!!!
other stuff you need to know: if you are going to play crossfire.. you might want to know: there are a bit of hackers, like 1 every 20 games.. but dont worry just leave the game if you dont want to lose your K/D. also, there are some tactics you might want to know such as ghost bunnyhopping and crouch jumping and quicksniping and stuff so you might want to ask some people for help on tricks..
overall crossfire is an EXTREMELY good game. if you like FPS games this is for you! i highly recommend this game to all FPs players who like games like counter strike ^^
overall i say crossfire is a GREAT game and i give it a final rating overall totally a 9.7/10.
Happy shooting and playing crossfire ^.^
Post Date: 01:13 03-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: cec133
Comment: yah its me again but this time i got more things to say. Its really a good game i recommend that people play it. The graphics might suck like what everyone said but combat arms has such a crappy gameplay.In crossfire there are 2 team bl(black list) gr(global risk). There are alot of other matches like tdm(team death match),gm(ghost match),em(elimination match),sd(search and destroy),ffa(free for all),sm(special match). There are lots of maps like egypt,monaco(really good plays for sniping),mexico,ship,crossroad,,blackwidow,ceyhan,factory,powerplant,train, Eagly Eyes,port,Subabase,laboratory,lost relics,hakenkreuz,columbia,cross road,arena.There are some goos weapons (right now im using m4a1)but the weapon i really want is a scar light.Ok some people keep saying this game sucks well i disagree once i started playing i thought it was so fun and it still is so ill write this in capital words.PLAY CROSSFIRE MILITARY FPS ITS LIKE YOUR IN THE MILITARY WHEN YOUR NOT.There are diffrent ranks (right now im a staff sargeant)it doesnt really matter if your a low rank is just matters if you can play good.Getting exp is really hard but if you play 24/7 if your parents let you (mine dont) you will rank up easily.Getting gp(money)is harder right now i got like $5000 somthing and before i got $882 so like i said play 24/7 you would be rich! Now to talk about the hacking prevention system so its good there are n ot much hackers but i have a friend name mecarl,azn kicker,_bloody_ he hacks i was so surprised so i said that where do you get it he said i just have 1 thing to say to those websites i just want to say that please dont put anymore hacks cause it ruins the game and it starts to make people bored cause it makes it easier (if you like hacks its not my problem). These are thing i hate, i do not like people saying there not hacking it was just a glitch because i am just new to this(even tho im staff sargeant i just started on march 8) so stop being so nooby and cheat so you can be a famous person cause your not look at the clan cf pro their like real pros who dont hack.
questions&answers q=questions a=answers
q:is it true crossfire has crappy graphics
a:yes but it has a better gameplay than cs(counter strike) and ca(combat arms)
q:should i play this game
a:i recommend but not every day or you will turn to a fatty XD
q:this games sucks
a:i dont care i like it
q:i love this game but how do i get sp
a:you have to buy it at the website
q:im tired of playing
a:then sleep
q:are there lots of hacker
a:not really
Cross fire is a free military first person shooter (FPS) hope you have fun playing this game it is so awesome so if you dont have fun(like you are gonna have a blast)it is recommended that you play outside so you dont turn to a fatty XD
sincerley cec133
Post Date: 01:07 03-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: CF_Ghost
Comment: Its a very fun game, the graphics aren't that great, but its great overall.There are plenty of guns and lots of great maps. I especially love the Ghost Mode. It feels like I'm a ninja.You become invisible when your not moving. NO fps game has a GHOST MODE. I also love Crossroad.You can choose a variety of guns in that mode to choose from.Its great for people who want to try out a certain gun before they buy it. The bad side to this game right now is that there are a lot of hackers and chammers. There are way too many.Overall, I love the modes,maps,and guns.But they really need to get rid of the hackers.
Weapons:There are a quite of variety.SMGs,Sniper,Machine,AR
I was disappointed when there was such a small variety of snipers,AWM is the only one worth buying.But most of the guns are great
Modes:Modes in this game is almost the same in any other online fps EXCEPT,the GHOST MODE and Crossroads.In crossroads,you have a variety of weapons to choose from to take out your enemies.Its great for weapon testing.In Ghost Mode, the Black List Team have stealth technology.You become mildly invisible when you move,but 100% invisible.The modes in CF are spectacular.
Maps:There are a quite large option of maps.Some are big,and other are great for close combat.I would say that the maps are made for great combat game play, There quite fun to play in and feels very realistic.
Currently,there are heaps of tons of hackers. I see at least one per game. Its quite frustrating. I spend more time reporting hackers than I play the game!
Overall,The game is great, but the hackers kill it.But,still...I love this game so much,I would still play it if 98% of the players were hackers. I'm serious.I hooked to this great game.I just hope they get rid of the hackers soon.I would recommend this game to anyone. 9/10
Post Date: 00:02 03-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Gstyles
Comment: Crossfire
Crossfire, the recently released FPS by subagames, has spread at a rate not normally seen on F2P games, and has gained definite clout in the world of free shooter games, this world being perhaps the least accessible genre in the industry. This review will be with direct regards to all aspects of the game, stretching from gameplay to presentation, to present in a unique quality exactly what has been achieved by this rapidly growing first First-Person Shooter.
Gameplay: There is nothing more essential to any game, then game play. They in their sole aspect represent the very purpose people choose to indulge in any game. And Crossfire has certainly met expectations in this field. But there are many aspects to first be considered before a judgement is given in any particular direction.
The actual gameplay in CrossFire is quite smooth, and fluid, as is to be expected and necessitated of an FPS. Lag, while effectual to the gameplay, is so as much as in any online multiplayer game, and is perhaps more forgiving in this aspect. I've noted that as long as ping remains within the range 50-200 the game is played in an agreeable manner by all hands. Having fluidity in this range is sparse and necessitated in the gaming atmosphere.
The weapons are also of great detail. The variation of weapons has grown at reasonable rate, ranging from the usual automatic weapons, i.e., Ak variations and the M16/M4A1, to the scoped accessibility of the Steyr AUG/SG552. In terms of range, and interaction between weapons, CrossFire's gameplay provides a realistic battle format for these weapons, in they're statistical values and function in the game. I think some slight changes could be made, but they're hardly noticeable or necesarry in the game. The AK's recoil seems a little unstable at times, but in the hands of an experienced player its hardly problematic.
With the vast variations of weapons that have been added, CrossFire offers as much diversity with firearms that any gamer could possibly desire, though I think no one can deny the value if a rocket launcher or grenade attachment was made availabe would add to the impressive range the game offers in the field. Not to turn the game into battlefield two, but more interactable environments would've been nice to see. These elements often add to leg, so of course its an aesthetic value. But operatable vehicles, or turrent mounts through various stages could add more strategical entertainment for gamers.
I was however disappointed how the additional melee weapon, Combat Axe, was made for donaters only. I hope this is not the crude format that is being sought where accessibility becomes free to play, pay to own. This is more personal however, because I am a supreme fan of melee fighting in shooter games, and nothing short of a lightsaber would suit my fancy in these respects. I am however, pleased these aspects of the game are being taken in. Though I find the list of items you must purchase with real cash to be growing, which offers an additional problem.
I am and I've been told by many players, were disappointed by the GP rate increase offered in maps, juxtaposed to the cost of repairs. Since after the seargant staff ranking, you no longer receive money bonuses for increasing rank, it becomes tedious and gratuitoous trying to increase your armament in the normal fashion. I spent several weeks gaming to gain 9k GP, and since the prices of the decent weapons extend beyond 40k, its a bit disdainful to imagine the pursuit of more weapons after the fact. An increase in the GP output, or the return of staff rank increase bonuses, would do this game a GREAT amount of good, and keep the gamers from becoming bored or being forced to sell a weapon they perhaps would rather not part with.
Another place CrossFire absolutely excels at is its stat sheet. There is nothing I love more, then having my headshots, knifes, nades, and k/d ratio clear and accessible for all and myself to see at ANY given time. And the addition of a ranking system makes it feel like your earning your stripes and bars each time you play the game. This level of interaction is something really (for me anyway) unprecedented in the online FPS world.
The clan system and additions they've made are highly agreeable, and I'm not accustomed to seeing such attention placed into clans in most shooting games. From the logos, to the clan boards, staying connected to your clan is as simple as changing a chat mode, pressing F4, or quickly accessing the clan site to learn the scores and current rank of your clan, in addition to sharing messages. I have no complaints in this field, whatsoever.
The last thing to note, gameplay wise, is there is a discernable problem with the buddy and clan system as far as availability. This problem has been far more alleved then before the most recent patch, but I am observing the stability can buckle from time to time. Though this problem seems to quickly be working itself into a past memory as well.
All in all I think the gameplay of this game is fantastic. The fluid battles and various weapons keeps things interesting, and theres a strong personality attached to each weapon, being that it becomes your weapon upon purchase, makes this game a great relief and joy to participate in. If I could only see the GP matter or staff ranking resolved in some way, the gameplay would receive a perfect score from me.
The Graphics of crossfire, are quite appropriate for the game itself. I've found no difficulty in obtaining headshots, and observed no clipping in the gaming engine that many shooters have, where your kills are stolen from you due to glitches and lag. The character models provide a clearly observable target from even long range, and are always contrasted on any background.
The interface of the game is also aesthetically pleasing. From the opening sequence when you load the program, to choosing your map, it provides an overall pleasing sense of battle and military aspect that you would expect from such a title. The format the games are shown in also make it quick and easy to discover any game and mode you want. The map title changes in the clan battle servers represent the highest level of this, because recognizing your clan name is achieved in seconds as opposed to minutes or IP referencing which waste excessive amounts of time.
Sound-wise, Crossfire achieves everything it needs to. Footsteps almost always pander you to the right direction, the bullet fire varies weapon to weapon yet still sounds like actual fire, as opposed to the pellet sounds effects most games take up. One thing I did not approve of however, was the voice changes for the command sequencing. They went from aptly, dominant sounding male and female voices, to peculiar british and "mopey" sounding voices. This however is minutely effectual, and I suppose adds a bit of realism since not everyone sounds like Arnold or Stallone in the heat of battle.
Graphics wise this game is fairly smooth. The maps lack resolution, but this is generally undetectable, and any hind-sights were clearly made to keep the game accessible ping-wise and hardware-wise for the various players that would join the game.
Maps and Modes
The Map design of Crossfire is rather interesting. There's many original style maps, most notably of which are the S&D maps, which provide three and up to sometimes five points of entrance where you can attack or defend from your opponents. Each map offers a fair, yet "realistic" amount of cover, including advantageous positions to defend for both sides on various points of the map. Little nuances add in, such as the tower placed in the recent map "Eagle Eyes" which gives you an extended view of both bomb sites, are dynamic paradigms that gamers love to see on the battle field.
Ranging from multi-tiered maps like Black Widow, and Ceyhan, to the outright snipe-n-go style of Monaco, to the straight forward spray n' pray aspect of Egypt, keeps things from really getting bored or tedious in the game. The addition of a knife arena, is also pleasing, though I think the map could've been a little less generic in its creations and prop placement.
While there are a good amount of maps though, I still personally feel like this is where cross fire needs alot of work. This is not suggesting the methods of other known FPS are to be absorbed in this game, not to tamper with its uniqueness, but I would like to see more play maps, and more expansions on the knife only, pistol only accessible maps. As anyone knows, when it comes to FPS', you can never have too many maps. Especially with this massive amount of players, who are decidely mastering angles and assault points for their favored maps on the often. Crossroads is one map I would LOVE to see have tons of variations on, that I think all gamers would appreciate. The drab four corners rule can get a little tiresome from time to time.
As for the modes, there's definitely been a grand increase. The refusal of players to knife on knife only rooms, or snipe only, was a source of great aggravation for many players. Now being forced, to subscribe to the rools of the room, those who sought the easy kills of players with handicaps are now getting their k/d ratios. Though I would love to see more modes become available to other maps. Why not a T/D on eagle eyes? or S/D on monaco? I think an expansion of this would go along way.
So I think definitely the most work needed is in this aspect of the game, but in all honesty the changes are more desired then necesarry, as what has been supplied already is a substantial benefit to the aspect and game play as is.
Maps & Modes: 7/10
There is only one true Con to this game that brings the experience down. Hackers. The frequency with which they occur, and like cockroaches, the difficulty required to rid yourself of them is excessive. This is not necesarrily the fault of the developers, because no matter how many times they change or alter their defenses, hackers will still find a way to make scripts and altercations to the game, ruining the fun for all. This is the only thing holding back the game.
Now one might suggest, well they've provided a vote kicking system to the game, that should rid anyone of problems. Well the difficulty with that is...
A) Often it may take AWHILE for a side to vote off their hacker, and even when the first couple of votes come they may disagree to kick them at all. This does unfair damage to the k/d ratios of players, and I know I'm not the only one that has lost aces or MVPs because some guy has come in half way through the game speed hacking while invisible all over the map.
B) The limited voting system makes it difficult to kick players. I think this cap should really be removed from the system. That or change the required number of votes to kick someone. Truly, mistaking a hacker for a good player is not a simple mistake, its generally OBVIOUS when someone is abusing the game. Perhaps making a way for the Host to kick people during the game willingly as much as necesarry would help subdue this problem, but for now everyone simply has to be wary for who approaches. This problem has toned down a great deal though, so it's clear the producers are doing everything in their power to keep this game hack free.
Over All Review: 8/10
**** out of ***** stars
Crossfire is a great game. Seeing how brand new it is, if the next moves are made right, Crossfire could very well be a WITHSTANDING great game. And from what I've seen from my fellow players wishes this would be case as well. I think the minor changes I provided would go a great deal to making this in case, but seeing as this is a review, and not a reccomendation, there you have it. Now I'm going to go assassinate a whole team.
In game name : Gstyles
Clan: ArmyStrong
rating: 8/10
Post Date: 22:36 02-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: railyx
Comment: In My Opinion this Game has earned itself a Gun running 7. I've played it little over a Month and had time to judge it like a newcomer, a frequent player and of course judge it objectively. I'll try to keep my review brief to keep your attention as long as possible and set a few examples.
On my arrival I noticed that it was easy to Play, basically a mouse and a couple of buttons to crouch and Jump are mostly needed and in certain modes the diffuse button and Plant bomb button.
I saw that the Crossfire Community didn't really like newcomers ( NOOB, NAWAB, STOP ******* dying, get off my team, etc..) So well Yeah maybe not the friendliest Environment but what do you expect from a shoot em’ up game you may ask? People are most likely going to be a tiny bit aggressive.
The worst thing about a free game like Crossfire is that hacking is quite frequent so if you play too well you risk getting Kicked from the game which can be quite frustrating but hopefully measures will be taken and Hackers will be Banned etc...
After a week or two I invited some friends to try it out and play together and it became much more fun and gradually The team death matches disappeared into the mist and S&D matches + GM matches became more interesting to play. Once again in the Ghost Mode Matches, hackers seeing the ghosts’ ruins the game completely... these two game modes have the same Principal, One team needs to plant the c4 and protect it until it blows up and the other team has to prevent that from happening.
It’s Now been a little over a month and I experienced the new upgrades from the patcher and well, just a bit disappointed that No real new weapons arrived… And the only new weapon was an Axe you had to pay real money for.
all in all I give it an 8 because even if you want to have the best things you have to buy with real cash, it's a good free Shoot em’ up game with multiple game modes, quite a few guns, quite good graphics Compared to other Free Games online.
Post Date: 21:55 02-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: zlicker
Comment: I think that this game has awesome graphics. They have gone totally great with the looks and the maps and every other part of the places. They have done a outstanding job on every part of the weapons like the choices and how they look which is awesome. One other reason this is totally insane is because it is a mmo type game so you can play with friends and also verse other people. So if you think you are the best at shooting you should play this against all kinds of other people and show those skills of yours because it is the best game I have ever played. I think if I was going to give this a review between 1 and 10 I would just pick 100 if I could. Cross Fire rocks!!!!!
Post Date: 21:53 02-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: gohjoj94
Comment: I like playing cross fire becuase of the modern millitary feel the game hase. You can choose from a wide variaty of modern weapons, like the mp5[best weapon] or a sniper of your choice. I like the plot of the game to, you play as two opposing mercanery groups fighting feirce battles against eachother. The merc groups are The black list and Global risk. Suba has put in many anti hacks put people who only care obout winning always find ways wich makes the game harder for the honest players of the game. Some hacks that people put in are like super running or auto aimers which makes this game a 8/10. Thank you suba this game has cured the need to play agianst other players on shooters. See you all in war XD gohjoj94/
/ staff srgnt.
Post Date: 21:45 02-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: ryansnow13
Comment: I think Cross Fire is a very good game. Even though it's fairly new compared to other FPS games, it still has great customization. It seems pretty realistic, though in my opinion the grenades might be a little underpowered. It has many weapons (30+) and types of weapons to fit your style of play. I like the bag feature so you can change weapons during a game, say from an SMG to a sniper rifle. I haven’t run in to many hackers, so that's good. Maybe I'm just lucky. The graphics are good too. It has four game modes, free for all, team deathmatch, search and destroy, and ghost mode. The first three types are pretty generic but are still fun. Ghost mode, however, is a very unique game mode. I haven't seen anything anywhere else like it. Patches keep the game new and exiting, up to date and make it more fun. Weapon repairing and maintaining are good and original ideas too. Really the only thing I don't like is how little GP you get per game. It's acceptable though, and patience and perseverance are always good. The fact that you keep the weapons you buy pretty much makes up for the minimal GP that you get.
Overall, I think Cross Fire is a great game with a lot of weapons, not many hackers and great customization. It's realistic, has good graphics and most of all, is very fun to play. I would give it either an 8.5 or 9 out of 10. :D
Post Date: 20:30 02-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: pavelzap
Comment: Congratulations SubaGames! This game is one of my favorites. I really enjoy this game for it's great gameplay. The many different modes such as Ghost Mode and Search & Destroy make the game really addicting. The graphics are also amazing for a game with such a small download size. The weapons and characters are really good and I love the unique Black List/Global Risk teams instead of the usual Red/Blue. But every game should have flaws to make it acceptable. I think SubaGames should try to get rid of the hacking problem. Many people are taking their time to hack Crossfire. Unlike other FPS games (WarRock, Combat Arms, etc) this game has a rich community with many people enjoying themselves and having fun killing each other. I also like it for their many patches which help make the game better. I give Crossfire a 9 for an excellent game regarding the hackers. Thank you.
Post Date: 19:41 02-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: hectorv.
Comment: well i don't know where to start, crossfire is a fps game where all can play free. crossfire has a great community and amazingly skilled players which makes it very challenging at most games. i have been playing crossfire for 1 month and it seems it is very good from the gameplay. deciding which combinations weapons and gear seems endless. as of the stages the game and modes i really enjoy the way how the game works like the ghost mode it is very fun and addicting. as of groups there is called the clan system which allows players to join clans and have clan matches the most essential thing in this game your skills and reaction and how u play.right now i give the game a 10 for everything keep everything up suba games and keep on gaming =D
Post Date: 18:42 02-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: snake...1
Comment: hiii,
I won't talk about the game details (weapons,Characters,etc. ) you all konw them. We need to talk about the game it-self.
All i want to say,it's really growing up fast. No need for other proofs that's a great game.
For new players,don't rush to buy your first weapon once you get the first upgrade.there is more just need a little bit of patience.
I think this game can be the best online game with a few developments (like more special events, also some weapons need to be in more conformity with the real specifications).
Post Date: 18:12 02-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: sinadoom
Comment: Cross Fire is a brand new (very start of 2009) Korean style First-Person Shooter. While there are others, like War Rock and Combat Arms, this one is the best. You can keep the guns you purchase, and having to maintain your weapons after battle by repairing them is a great idea. This game has many of the top guns for you to choose from. It rewards you with GP at the end of each rank. You can sell weapons too. You have the option of paying for additional things, but it doesn't make it biased towards the people that do. It just gives them GP and other content like character clothes, but nothing to overpower the gameplay itself.
That said, Cross Fire has a lot of hackers on it, and therefore the knife/pistol/sniper only game types can be corrupt most of the time. The security on it is not very good, and you can't kick vote when there is a hacker. And like counter-strike, there's no option to turn off "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" which gets annoying in deathmatch.
Overall, this game offers more content than CS: Source for free, however the quality of that content is not as good as counter-strike: source or any game you pay for. But this is a free game, and if you want a free FPS, this is the best one I have played. Even with the only major downside- hackers- this game is still fun and rewarding.
* This is coming from a guy who thinks GTA style games are the best, followed by racing (xbox 360 and some pc) and First person shooters (console and pc).
Post Date: 17:50 02-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: Culaquis
Comment: Crossfire Features a military-based FPS (First person shooter) and PVP (Player Versus Player).
The game has two Basic teams. Who will you fight for? You decide! The globar risk? Or The Black list?
-Black list- The Black List is middle eastern Mercenaries Doing what they canto get by.
They wear mainly Tan CAMO gear.
-Global Risk- The Global risk Fight Against terrorism To make the world a little Bit less harmful.
The Global Risk Wear Mostly blue clothing. They look like your regular run of the mill S.W.A.T
-The characters-
S.W.A.T- The S.W.A.T Character on the game is known worldwide for Their police activities.
They Are also known for their high level of performance in getting the Job done.
-O.M.H.O- If you play as an O.H.M.O Character, You pretty much look like a terrorist.
The O.H.M.O Character is commonly found throughout the game As with the S.W.A.T Character.
-S.A.S- The S.A.S is Pretty much the S.W.A.T Of the British Culture. Known for their excellent skill,
and unique methods to finish the job.
I have Been playing CF for about 3 months now, And i have heard from Almost everyone in my clan, And a lot of my friends,
Have said that Crossfire is Pretty much Very similar to Counter strike. Just a little bit more aiming and Team play.
I myself have never played Counterstrike. But, I have seen a lot of videos referring to CS And i must admit, I think they are very similar.
I have always been a FPS nerd.
I love the thrill of holding a fully-automatic and filling my opposition full of lead. Crossfire has become a VERY successful game.
For being a game just out of open beta, It is going to go somewhere big.
From my expierence in playing Crossfire, I Must admit, Alot of the guns are Really accurate, And they are realistic in someways.
My Friends and clanmates on crossfire have Really helped me to become better with aiming, and just to become a better player overall.
Aiming on crossfire, Is a MUST have. If you can't aim well with a cross hair, I would not recommend Crossfire. There are a lot of people
that can aim REALLY well. I myself get a lot of head shots, And have become a Really challenge for some of the pros on CF.
The one feature about the game i love, Is if someone runs behind a box and takes cover, You can Shoot Through the box, And kill him.
Crossfire has Pretty good graphics. Somewhere in the future i am sure that Subagames will update their graphics, and make them a little more Realistic,
and the game will be that much better.
I rate Crossfire overall probably about... 8.75/10.
Graphics 8.0/10
Game-play 10/10
Interface 7.25/10
See You on The Battlefield Soldier!
This is BOOMH34DSH0T, From Crossfire U.S Version.
Post Date: 15:21 02-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: sekzz
Comment: Hello Cross fire fans,
Lately we've all been seeking a game quite like Counter-Strike, yet none were able to come close, thus making them come out with their own style of FPS games. I have played CS for over 10 years on and off. I have played leagues, tournaments, in-houses. I remember my days playing cs, where in the beginning it was played just for fun, then I started playing more "smart"; It's all about the angles and control of aim. I grew much love for CS and I played it during all my teen years and continued during my university years. Counter-strike is a very memorable for me and now that crossfire came into place, my love for FPS has truly come back. I was stuck playing MMO games such as WoW, even though it attracted me at some point(PvP) the game is not balanced that way. CF does give me the same adrenaline rush feeling that CS once did. And for an FYI, I did play CAL-P in CS. I only mentioned that to say that I am not talking from a "noob" point of view, and I do stand corrected when I say this game has a bright future. This game, for me, will be the next greatest thing, surpassing the legendary, game of several years winner, Counter-Strike. For a game that constantly being fixed,tweaked,and patched Cross Fire has it all. You have your Team Death Match/Search & Destroy/Ghost Mode/Elimination and more. Even if the game has bugs/hackers and fixes to be worked on; all games have that problem as well, but the difference is CF has already proved to me it's capabilities of skills and dedication, and I approve of it. This game has a lot of potential and I stand by it 100%. If you are a FPS addict(even if you're not) and haven't tried Cross Fire, my friend, it's time to give it a shot, I guarantee you, coming from a professional CS player, you shall not be deceived!
Cross Fire rating -
Gameplay: 9.25/10
Graphics: 8.5/10
Interface: 7/10
This game has no violence in terms of blood and because of that it makes the game suitable for all ages!
I rate this game: 8.25/10
For a game that just left Beta, I think it's amazing what can be done.
You can find all you need to know about this game in the link below, and remember, if you like what you see; It's free to play! The battles are waiting for you! So join now and fight.
See you on the fields!
Sekzz saying Over and Out.
Post Date: 14:40 02-05-2009
Rating: 8
Comment: This game has many great aspects to it such as knives only matches pistols only and snipers only. With genius modes such as ghost made that puts Black list team invible with knives and Global risk with guns on a S&D mission. Aswell as the classic game modes such as teamdeath match and free for all,S&D,and elimination. It does have hackers that do spoil the game but is not often.It has deacent graphics and wide array of guns to choose from overall I would give it 8/10
Post Date: 13:50 02-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: lnkndwp
Comment: The game it self is somewhat like counter strike source, yet complainers compare it to combat arms which is has no similarities at all. Since CrossFire was released in Korea in 2007 whilst combat arms just released its final some time in 2008, not including the test releases.
This game has a lot of pros for it. I’ll list a few that come straight to mind when I think of crossfire.
* No hackers - yes no hackers, its a great feeling since this is more of a lowbudget game I’m glad big hacking communities are not wasting their time with this game like they ruined combat arms.
* Competitive gaming - this game is very competitive. Just like counterstrike this game has a lot of competing teams out there. As this is not the fast rush game. This is more the slower pace game when you must burst fire to get perfect shots.
* Easy - as of right now this game is very easy to play and easy to learn. Any beginner could learn this in a day if they wanted to.
* Maps - There maps are incredibly big, love the maps. Especially their best map called Crossroads. It’s a play on a game mode that counter strike has its pretty fun. Basically each time lines up and then rush to get the best gun then you dual it out all 9 rounds or so depending on what you set it on. You also get the most GP in this mode.
Unfortunately this game has a few cons which might be adjusted as it is only open beta and the latest maintenance was last night.
* Accuracy - This game has amazing accuracy for certain guns and then just crappy accuracy on the other hand. When using the m4 you can get nothing but headshots if you work steady and burst which brings me up to my next con.
* Whiners - I know every game has them I even do it occasionally because some shots just seem so unpractical. This game is built where you can get amazing aim with almost any gun possible and BOOM head shot and the people start crying.
* Prices - this is almost one of the biggest things I like but dislike at the same time. You can purchase guns forever and you can resell but you have to repair guns. When playing this game guns cost almost up to around 30/40k per game. Now that the 50% more gp is over as of last night (Feb 5th, 2009) you will get an average of 1-2 hundred game points per round. That is not enough to pay for your gun repairs and enough to save up for better guns and what not.As it is still in open beta they might change the amount due to high amount of demand, but they might make it harder to kill people also. So it could be a win lose situation depending on what they decide on doing in the future for crossfire.
* Resolution - This game so far is pretty great for people who look past graphics and look more into fun, skill and strategy. But one big problem that this game has is the resolution. I have a wide screen 17″ monitor and I run on 1440×900 pixel screen, something along them lines. Which allows me to see more which I really like. As this is only open beta they said soon they will be adding more resolutions for availability, but I am not sure or aware when and how big these resolutions will reach.
Other then the main things from crossfire. I love the game typically one fun game. Waiting on them to add the gun game from CS:S which is incredibly fun if you know how to play it well. And hopefully some one many army mode that combat arms has which is another mode I like a lot.
After all I would rate this game a 4/5, but I wont be the judge I’ll let you be the judge. Go ahead and check out crossfire for your self and tell me in the comments your opinions.
Thanks for reading.
Post Date: 13:35 02-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: BloodlustGaming
Comment: Story-
A number of soldiers who once belonged to the world-leading Special Forces joined 'Global Risk', the international mercenary forces corporation.
The mercenaries carried out difficult missions for the organization, but they have distinctive differences from 'Black List' who commit terror only for profit. Despite an appreciable sum of money, the mercenaries have never participated in any battle without justifiable reasons and they live up to their conviction to fight against terrorists. Based on their practical battle experiences and skills, Global Risk seeks to expand its power.
Main clients of Global Risk are third world countries without their own national militaries, countries on the black list of terrorists, and the UN X-File Bureau implementing secret missions.
Global Risk-
Group of special forces soldiers, they are trying to purge the world from terrotist, veruses the black list.
Black list-
Black list is a tarrorist group with a unknown leader, but is funded by hedge fund, a european dimond group.
Getting started-
You start by simply picking your type of character, all male, you can buy a female character later with Real life money though. After that you can easliy find a game within the 7 servers including a clan war server. Getting started is very easy. You have the ability to customize your crosshair in game with the options tab into 3 types and 3 colors.
Rating- 4/5 Reason- The game is easy enough to ge tthe hang of, but the limitation of characters and having to buy female characters can some times drive some people away.
Graphics/gameplay- The graphics and gameplay bring back the feeling of counter strike with a new twist, offering over 50 guns and customization maddness you can find a new gun you like, but not to worry, don't know if you will like the gun? You can use the map known as crossroads and test out about 12 different guns. This game also offers a training area to get a quick feel for the game. The game controls are no different from a normal shooter. This Fps has a story line which is a relief from some others where you just gun for no reason. With the game just nowing going into non-beta the best is sure to come.
Rating- 5/5 Reason- The game feels like a real FPS, how a game should be, theres no element i can think of the game is missing that is needed for a good FPS game.
Maps and Game Modes-
Team Deathmatch - A team death match, normal score to 100, points = kills (1 Kill = 1 Point) Red and blue teams, both teams have there own base where they respawn when they die.
Elmination - A team death match were you die once and your done, games go on a round system, To win you must reach the point limit before the other team, points go by round wins (1 Round Win = 1 Point)
Special - This offer knife only maps, knifing is the only thing possible on here, no different than saying a team death match with knives only.
Search and destory - A simple search and destory, Red and blue teams, one team rushes to plant the C4 to blow up Site A or B, first the C4 blows, then you win, if the other team stops you, you lose.
Ghost mode - A mode that has yet to be done, ghost mode allows the Black list team to become ghosts, who can only be seen while moving, yet can only knife the opposing team, While trying to set up a C4 at site A or B.
Free for all - Free for all, with the ablity to set weapon limitations. You will spawn randomly in the map while a killing spree is going on around you.
Over 20 maps to choose from you can always find something new to do!
Rating- 5/5 Reason- Theres enough maps and enough modes you can put together to give you fun for months, in fact i played this game for months.
community- The community is good for a FPS game, no one is yelling noob or crap most of the time, most people keep it clean. There are a decent amount of hacks and Bearly 5 glitches in all the maps in the game, they are getting harder and harder to come by. The Crossfire and Gameguard staff are always ready to block the hackers.
Rating- 5/5 Reason- The community not yelling cuss words or noob every 5 seconds is a great relief from other FPS games. All games have hackers, you can't stop it.
Store and customization- The customization of your character is great, you can combine different styles, or buy new character models for new looks. The store features about 50 different types of guns, nades, clothes, and more. The guns are on a Pay once system, you get the money and their are yours, but then after some games you need to repair. The clothes are set on a time limit system and are never repaired. The clothes do nothing expect add a look to your character, Some items can give you a competive boost but that cost real life money.
Rating- 5/5 Reason- The gun system is much better than that of the buy for 1 day, i rather pay for my gun onces and not worry about it, repairing is normal for me after every game, its just a habit now.
Overall- The game is an overall reminder of what a fps game should be like, but most arn't like. This game is amazing for such an unknown developer, until now. This game provides hours of fun, and thats why its now one of the fastest growing Fps game on the internet!
And thats why Crossfire gets a 9.5 / 10
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Post Date: 13:33 02-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: Kay2
Comment: Often, I stray away from playing popular games such as World of Warcraft and team fortress 2 and dig in the mines of the free online gaming world. Many times I find that the game are sub par to others I already have in my collection, due to problems such as bad community, boring game play, and general bad design quality. But occasionally you may strike gaming gold and find a game that is both FREE and GOOD!
Crossfire is such a game, offering a huge amount of content, good game design, interesting game mechanics and an excellent community. How good is Crossfire compared to other games such as War-Rock and Soldier Front? Well, simply put, this game will kick both of their butts across the virtual world in a heart beat.
This game has one thing that all players will find a massive boost to moral, what is this all mighty Holy Grail? This game has almost NO lag, lag is the bane of all shooting games, lag in this game does not give you an advantage, such as a speed boost, hitting hidden targets and being immune to bullets, instead it simply slows down the lager, making lagers disadvantaged instead of unstoppable machines of death taking a full round of sniper bullets in the face to take down. I rate this games ability to cope with lag a 10/10.
The graphics in this game are far better than your average free online shooter, boasting both detailed weapons, character designs, maps that are incredibly detailed and visually impressive, when compared to War-Rock and Soldier Front, and a graphics style that will remind seasoned gamers of Counter Strike, a game which rightfully deserve a place in the Online Gaming Hall of Fame. I rate the Graphics a 10/10.
What really strike a lasting impact on anyone who plays this game are the varying modes of game play. There are numerous styles of game play appealing to all types of gamers. The modes are: Elimination, Ghost Mode, Free for All, Search and Destroy, Sniping Mode, Melee Mode and Team Death Match. These game play styles are fairly self explanatory, you will either need to rely on one type of weapon, destroy a target, kill or be killed or just to go out and play merry hell on your enemies kill death ratio. This is a 10/10, whoever thought these up needs to be awarded a medal.
Ghost mode however is where this game shines brighter than the sun, imagine the scene from predator where Arnold is being chased by an invisible predator, which has superior speed, tactics, and combat skill. Now, take away the jungle, add in a strategic objective that you either defend or try and destroy and give the invisible guy a wicked cool mask…and you’re not Arnold… This mode will test one team’s tactical prowess and the other teams bloody minded crusade against everyone who dares to wear desert camouflage in the middle of a laboratory. This mode alone is worth downloading this game. 10/10
Level design, this is where your tactical and strategic thinking will pay off. You will always find that there are multiple ways to approach a situation, and multiple objectives to defend/destroy. This will have you choosing your approach to a situation multiple ways, to avoid the bulk of your enemy, ambush your enemies, and flank the enemy’s position. This nets the game a 9/10.
Now let’s get down to the serious business, the weapons. What is a first person shooter without weapons? I have previously created many weapon reviews covering 9 A4 pages already on the crossfire forums. For the purposes of this review, however, I will split this into 5 categories, rifles and sub machine guns, sniper weapons, secondary weapons, thrown weapons and melee weapons. Weapons are attained at different ranks, with a varying price tag which ranges from 12,000GP to 55,000GP.
Sniper rifles in this game are a bland topic, the M700 is free so no problems there, the Dragunov is terrible, not worth anyone’s money, low fire power and bad accuracy. The AWM is the final word in Crossfire sniping, 1 shot, 1 kill. Snipers get an 8/10, good design however a distinctive lack of variety.
The bulk of weapons is made up by rifles and SMG (Sub machine guns). There are no BAD weapons, all weapons are useful to a certain degree, and all can be equally effective. However, the most widely used sub machine gun is the MP5, due to high stopping power, firing speed and good accuracy. The most widely used rifle is the M4-A1, a weapon with amazing statistics with no weak points. The weapon design and variety in this category gets a 10/10, for featuring unique weapons such as the Micro-Galil and Scar-Light and fan favourites such as the M4 and AK47.
Secondary weapons are useful backups to your main weapon. They can have amazing stopping power such as the anaconda and Desert Eagle or low stopping power and high firing rate and ammo capacity, such as the P228 and M9. Secondary weapons have a strategic depth to them which gets this category an 8/10.
Thrown weapons are grenades; these can be used to kill your enemies, disorientate large groups of targets, and even be used to cause a smoke screen to facility a swift escape. These weapons bring another depth of strategy to the table, what do you want to do with your grenade? Kill, Escape, or use it to ambush a group of enemies? This will effect your choice of grenade as you will usually only be carrying one. Grenades get a 7/10, for being very similar to those seen in other games.
Melee weapons are a unique feature, they allow you to link together a complex combination of blows, strike a weakened enemy quickly for the easy kill, or aim for the head with a powerful lunge which can topple even the most skilled player in a single strike. Melee weapons are also a feature of the Free for All mode. There are only 2 melee weapons; the stealthy and quick knife which is light and easy to strike with, or the devastating axe, which can crush your enemy in 2 body blows. Both have their own tactics that can be employed to finishing off a weakened player or an ambush from behind. 10/10 for the sheer range of attacks available for these weapons.
Sounds in this game are rather stock, there is the normal “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” or “FLASH GRENADE!” that is used when throwing a grenade. But weapons in this game sound both realistic and detailed. The Uzi for instance makes the same sound in game that it does in reality. There is also an option which allows a Korean voice to be used over the English character voices. 7/10 for being so blasé.
Character customisation is a feature that is overlooked in many games, but Crossfire has its own system that has very interesting looking items for characters to use. These can be helmets, ammo pouches, backpacks, sunglasses and hats. These allow you to deck out your character or recharge your GP. 10/10 for allowing custom models and allowing you to stand out from the crowd.
Sprays are items anyone can buy and use, many of them are humorous, such as a sniper dropping his weapon and running (this will happen often in Crossroads, hehe) to a tactical spray that has an image of a player crouching on the ground pointing his weapon forwards, which can trick enemies into firing at this spray and giving away their location. 10/10 just for being interesting and humorous.
Hackers are for many people, the scum of the earth, and I agree. If any person thinks that hacking is ok to do, then I am disappointed. Hackers are plentiful in many games. They ruin the enjoyment of others, and even their own, for an illogical reason. Many hackers give games up very quickly because they are no longer entertaining. I am glad to say that Crossfire is a game that is patched frequently to stop people from hacking the game for very long. An in game feature also allows people to kick out hackers and rob them of their ill gotten prizes, striking a blow that in future will hopefully stop them from hacking. However when a hack is found some players will try it out, ruining the enjoyment of others. The hacking prevention however nets a 9/10 for at least patching hacks and bugs.
This games currency is very “friendly” as it were. It works on a system of GP, GP can be gained from various activities, such as using Subapoints to buy an item that awards GP. Another way is to keep battling it out with other games and winning matches, awarding GP depending on your performance. (Or even writing an amazing reviews that will hopefully win you a 50,000 GP prize ^_^.)
All in all Crossfire is an amazing game that I would recommend to anyone who is a fan of the first person military shooter series, and even if shooters aren’t your thing, there is no reason that Crossfire shouldn’t surprise you. If you’ve never played a military first person shooter, then there is no better time (or game) to help you dip your toes in one of the most exiting genres of all time, and a game that will help you improve your focus and attention to detail. (Remember, that tiny black dot 500 meters away on top of a crate may be a snipers head.) I rate this game a solid 9/10. Nothing is perfect, but this game is as close as your getting for the piece your paying.
Post Date: 10:47 02-05-2009
Rating: 1
Author: AlaaBrus
Comment: To be honest, I was rather skeptical about playing a totally free online FPS as I'm use to the likes of Call Of Duty and such. However, crossfire is not your ordinary free online FPS. It's a whole lot worse! I know I should appreciate the fact it is an entirely free game but it's simply poorly designed. Not worth playing, will result in an unprecedented amount of boredom and frustration.
Post Date: 09:43 02-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Right4Alive
Comment: Crossfire is a promising new addition to the rapidly growing FPS community, with decent graphics, a wide array of deadly weapons, and even a very original game mode. All completely free, no strings attached. Although it lacks a proficient hacker-prevention system, the game still remains a fun way to unwind after a stressful day, whether it involves blowing up your opponents with C4 or landing a head-shot on an unsuspecting ghost. Unlike some popular first-person shooters, CF features a training mode that helps new players learn the ropes in a matter of minutes. As the game is relatively new, there is a burgeoning low-rank community that makes it easy to reach 1st sergeant in a matter of days.
The weapons are similar to that of CS, with a few additions like the SCAR Light or the combat axe. A much wider array of weapons is already planned for implementation. You've got your traditional 1-hit-KO sniper (AWM aka AWP), your run-n'-gun rifles (K2/M4A1), your close-range power guns (SPAS-12/AK-47), your trusty Desert Eagle, and of course, the assassin's favorite, the knife. It may seem like a remake of Counterstrike or Call of Duty 4 to some, but it has a very different feel to it. If you expect to be just as good as this as you are at CS, don't. The maps are complex and mindless attacking won't get you anywhere. Strategy is of utmost importance, and communication between players is a must in order to maximize your gaming experience.
When I first started the game, I imagined twisted versions of de-dusts and pool parties. It was completely different, with different categories of matches to meet players' styles. For example, Ship and Egypt are small maps designed for close quarters and there is no shortage of grenades and bullets flying everywhere. For the avid sniper, there is Monaco, in which the AWM reigns king. There is no shortage of maps, so everyone learns which maps they like and which ones they don't very gradually.
Ghost mode is one of my personal favorites, whether I'm playing in Laboratory or Hakenkreuz. It requires a certain level of luck and skill, and the constant fear of being sliced and diced from behind keeps your adrenaline pumping. I think ghost mode deserves its own section because even though it is certainly not the most popular mode, it is one you must try, just because it is unique to this game and its fun even when you lose.
As with all popular games, there are those lazy bums who don't want to improve their gaming skill by playing fair. Hackers are a big problem in Crossfire, since many hacks have been made available to the general public for free. Gameguard is good, but it still has some catching up to do. If you encounter hackers in-game, they are usually kicked by team consensus in minutes.
My favorite moments are when I make kills with my knife and the "Assassin" symbol pops up. Instead of displaying a tiny little icon in the corner of the screen, the game system makes a knife flash onto your screen or a skull if you get a headshot with any weapon. This "praise" from the system keeps you grinning as you blast through your enemies.
Unlike CS, where you can buy all of the weapons at the start, Crossfire gives you access to only some (about half) of the weapons at the start, so if you want to get the best weapons, you have to become a better player first. You start out with an M16 and a M700 (sniper rifle) and those usually last up until you can afford (and/or attain a high enough rank) to buy your dream weapons. You can earn easy cash from finishing rounds with a lot of kills or gaining ranks, which can be used to buy more weapons or customize your character.
I like CF for its fun and simple game play, its combination of realism and sci-fi ( ghost mode), and the ways it jumps off the beaten path to outperform so many shooting games out there. There is little wrong with it, besides the occasional glitches and hackers, which do not take away from the gaming experience. Even though it is free, Crossfire keeps me hooked on my computer better than many other games that I paid for. This is why I think it deserves an 8/10. With a few small improvements, this game could eventually reach a level of international recognition so that it becomes synonymous with the FPS genre, along with Counterstrike and Call of Duty 4.
Post Date: 08:57 02-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: SH4D0WF13
Comment: Post Date: 3:53 05/02/09
1.Ok I thought that this was going to be a hack free game and I'm getting sick of all the aimbotters and chammers you can fix that
2.Love this game ok love graphics its so amazing and also great gun sounds Awesome!
4. love you 4 types of games BEST THINGS I've played since Counter strike!
5. make more guns maps Etc. BUT you should give money out every time you level up (opinion)
Post Date: 05:38 02-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Iceman00789
Comment: I rate crossfire an 8 out of 10. This game has great graphics for it being free. It has the quality of a twenty dollar game, for free. Great attention has been paid to detail of the maps. Each map has its own individual characteristics carefully planned out and executed. The game includes many weapons that were made accurately.
There are many different types of game modes, including ghost mode that make make the game more realistic, and unrealistically fun at the same time. The many maps to be able to choose from are great. I personally would like to be able to have the option to host any mode on any map. This would make the game more customized to our gamer tastes.
The ability to damage the weapons is especially good. At first the damage is very minor and takes time to do. Eventually as the damage increases your weapon begins to decrease in stability and has other ailments. The more your weapon becomes damaged the faster it will become more damaged.
In the weapons there are categories that determine the damage, accuracy, recoil, firing rate, and weight. The accuracy is fairly good.
A lot of thought was put into the accuracy of most of the weapons. I find that on a few if you do a single shot the accuracy still behaves as if you were spraying lead everywhere.
The damage was very well thought out for this game, but could still be more realistic. A system where damage to the head did nearly 100% damage with any gun could be implemented into this game. The recoil is extremely good in this game. A single shot with an AWM (.50 cal) recoils about the amount it should if a well built man was firing it. The recoil in, we'll take the ak-47 for an example, is good. It not only recoils up, but also strays to the sides a bit, this make game play even more realistic.
There is nothing I can say about firing rate; all the guns except the m60 have a good firing rate. The m60 shoots a little bit faster in real life than is does in crossfire.
Weight is very well thought out here, all the guns have close to accurate weights for running speed. The only thing I could have thought to be better would be running speed with a knife. In real life if you swing the gun over your should and pull out your knife you are not going to run much faster. The running speed should be based more on your bag's weigh, not you weapon's weight. I would still keep the running difference with a knife there, but I would make the speed change less drastic.
The ranking system and the bonus's are good in this game. Most of the weapons are a little high priced, but I think are set properly in proportion to the others. The requirement of being a certain rank before buying a certain weapon is good. This prevents all the new players from buying weapon's they may be able to afford, but not know how to use. One feature I do not like is the SP option. All of the weapons and items should be based upon what you worked for, not what you paid for, but hey they got to make some money somewhere.
The feature of being able to go directly to the server list is great. The naming of the server's being: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie... is good because it makes it easier to communicate which room you are in. The ability to be able to see what server your friend is in is good, although it should be extended so you can see what room he is in also. A feature that allows you to join your friend's game room by right clicking on their name would be an excellent addition to this game. The organization of the rooms and look and feel of all the features is very personalized to this game and is a great feature.
Several aspects of this game I do not particularly like are the grenades. The fragment grenade does not explode realistically. It explodes in a V-shape upwards when the blast should actually spread more to the floor. The animation could have been done better on this aspect. The damage of the grenade also could have been more realistic. The fragment grenade's blast radius should have been increased and the damage should be more effective for a medium radius.
I do like the feature of being able to allow the computer to remember your login name, although if you want it to remember your password it can't be done. Having the option to remember your password would be good on this game. Also, it would be great to see a login screen with a drop-down menu of all the names you had it remember.
The kill to death ratio should also be displayed in all the areas of the game's player stats, not just the "today's game play k/d ratio".
As you can see this game does not have the quality of a twenty dollar game and has its ups and downs, but this game is fantastic. I think a game of this quality, for free is great to have available to the public.
Post Date: 05:31 02-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: sparda675
Comment: okay.. I Have been playing FPS games since im 10 years old, and i have played almost all the fps games you could play, I've tried combat arms, Warrock, Guns and many more and all out of them my favorite was CrossFire.
Because Crossfire is a realastic gameplay, Ex: When you shoot somebody in the head HE dies automaticly, if you play combat arms and shoot him in the head 80% chance that you will kill him.
CrossFire also reminds me of a FPS game Called Counter Strike: source. (game from steam) (pay 2 play also)
Because it has the Same Graphics (REALLY CLOSE), game play is ALMOST the same.
What i like the most about CrossFire is that, this game is a Challenge, you buy weapons you fight other players for fun and gain "GP" to buy Weapons, suits, characters etc.. And that what makes this game "challenging" because you want a weapon and you have to work for it :)
So i will Rate this game a 10, not because i want to win but because they deserve it for all the HARD work they have put in this!
Post Date: 04:47 02-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: samelel
Comment: 1. Game play
Not very laggy. There are the teams (Global Risk and Blacklist). Basically teams. The four characters are SAS, OMOH, SWAT, and SPOP. Okay graphics for a server that doesn't lagg. Easy download (took me about 30minutes)
2. Good points
The guns don't expire. That is a very good thing. After that, you repair the guns if the need arises. You start out with M16 (machine gun), M700 (sniper), grenade [1] (type-A), and a knife. Plus about 50k gp (money), but you have to buy a character mentioned in 1 so it's about 45k which can buy almost any gun.
3. Bad points
the population is not as high as other games. This means less lagg, but still can be bad in some points. GP increases slowly and guns are costly. Not many hackers, but there are the few who hack. Stages might get boring.
4. conclusion
overall, this is an excellent game that doesn't require much and gives out more. the guns are good, it's a free game (unless you want to buy SP). If you are looking for a FPS game, try this one out.
other information can be found in
but i think you know that. Have Fun in this game and don't hack =D
Post Date: 04:41 02-05-2009
Rating: 6
Author: shajeedislam12
Comment: Right, before we get started (even though I've just started playing), I'll tell you quite briefly what CF is.
Alright, as we all know (or we should know)Crossfire is a very addicting MMOFPS. Crossfire has a multitude of weapons, characters, armor, etc. You buy these things with GP. There are however other special items that require SP to obtain.
There's a variety of modes in Crossfire including Team death matches, Knife matches, Search and destroy, and a whole lot more.
Other than that, there's not much to it. You buy weapons, you hide, you shoot. wohooo. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get started.
I'm a very negative person and I'm very hard to please, so let's talk a bout the cons. Here are a few things that really tick me off while playing.
-Hackers. Despite the fact that while downloading Crossfire, you're asked to download a hacking prevention system, we've still got a lot of hackers. In my eyes, the most annoying hack is the speed hack. even though some people get extremely light weapons, they decide that they won't be satisfied until they can safely say that they have defied the laws of physics. I'm not exaggerating, they move insanely fast and can sometimes literally dodge my freakin' bullets. It also really ticks me off to see a player with a sniper rifle in a 'pistols only match'.
-Graphics. Yeah, this really ticks me off. Don't get me wrong, Crossfire has pretty good graphics but it really ticks me off to see soldiers float in midair after they die. The blood (which by the way can be turned on and off) is no exception. the graphics for blood isn't very well detailed. There are a few more but I won't bother typing them up. If those however were fixed, my rating would have been higher (I think).
-'Ghost mode'. 'Ghost mode' is a special mode unique to Crossfire. It's where the Black list soldiers are wearing stealth suits making them ALMOST invisible. Once in a while I happen to be stupid enough to join Global risk during these matches which end up giving me a bad Win:Loss record. However some people would consider this mode a pro rather than a con.
-Ranks. You go up ranks just by earning experience points, so it is possible to be playing with a noob that's a sergeant or a major (yes, I was referring to myself). One other downside is that after going to a specific rank, you are prohibited from entering some servers.
-Pros. Me? I'm a total noob at this game. It's only once in awhile that i get over 7 kills. Wanna know why? You probably don't care but I'll tell you anyway. In almost every match, there will be AT LEAST one pro that is going to pwn you're team (unless you're lucky enough to be on the pro's team. That's why I always look at everyone's rank before picking a team. LOL).
-Grenades. In overcrowded, extremely puny maps, this is a big issue. The grenades hurt both your enemies and allies. In the Egypt map (basically a short strip of land with small barricades) It's almost impossible to NOT be hit by a grenade, whether it's your's, your teammate's or your enemies, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, that’s basically it. Those are the problems I face. There probably are many more problems in the system or server but I honestly, I couldn’t care less. Anyways, lets move on to the pros.
-Weight system. There’s another feature where the weapons actually have their own weight. The weight is how much the weapon weighs (it takes a real genius to figure that out) and how much it slows you down. I like this feature because I would be really ticked off if players with m60’s managed to move around as fast as you would move with a freakin’ knife.
-Chatting. The spreading sensation that’s overwhelming the nation. There’s a chat feature that allows you to chat or send commands.
-Weapons. There are over 30 different weapons, there’s a multitude of weapons, each with its own pros and cons. Eg. The AWM is insanely powerful and accurate but it makes you extremely slow.
-Variety of modes. There’s a variety of modes each with its own rules and restrictions that are supposed to help you (or harm you).
-Graphics. Aside from small defects, the graphics are good.
-Fun and addicting. CF is extremely fun and addicting. I spend ages on my computer wastin- err.. I mean playing.
-It’s free. Must I say anymore?
Yup that’s about it. The game is fun and I’d recommend it to anyone reading this cut-rate review. Overall, I’ll give Crossfire 6 out of 10.
Post Date: 03:27 02-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: topkid_12
After several months of both closed and open beta testing, the free-to-play FPD Cross Fire has now officially launched to the public. Developed by Smilegate and released in the US and Europe via publisher G4Box, the shooter has also added a number of new content and features in celebration of the official release.
Those new features include female player characters for the first time and three new gameplay modes. These include the battle arena mode (where only knives are used) and the more traditional Free For All deathmatch mode. Cross Fire is also allowing players to earn extra experience for a limited time during the game's launch period.
Post Date: 02:17 02-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: BlueACID97
Comment: Cross Fire is an AMAZING game. I rank it 9 out of 10 because, well, I can be a sore loser and it seems like people have to use real money to get game money or game points (GP) and advantages such as SPOP character. I LOVE THE GAME OVER WAROCK AND COMBAT ARMS!!!!! XD Somepeople just don't know what they want in an online shooter but SUBA Games does and they made my MMORPG DREAMS COME TRUE!!!!! (tears of joy) I love everything about the game. Every weapon is good in its own way AND THE DEVELOPERS OF CROSSFIRE HAVE BEEN COMING UP WITH SUCH BRILLIANT IDEAS!!!!! XD......wait a second.... make that 8.5 out of 10,
I hate when people get hacks to turn invisible and get automatic AWM's (no joke, it happened to me 3 times in pistol F.F.A.). Somehow they got through that hack prevention patch that was created from March 17th to the beggining of April. When there is no hackers, I have the best time of my life. I get a chance to get away from my dad and 6th Grade homework (i'm in 5th Grade and trust me, it's HARD!). When I am playing and I die, even when the other person got rediculously lucky, I am still not mad because it is like my brain's timeshare, it never gets board of it and always has a great time!!
Hope you pick me because I can't get stuff from the item mall on the Cross Fire website because my mom said we were on a budget (whatever that is :P) and she didn't wan't to give those guys her credit card number. I REALLY WANT THOSE PRIZES!!!!!!!!
Post Date: 23:46 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: LtKhaos
Although there are many other F2P (Free-To-Play) First-Person Shooters out there, Cross Fire takes the title of being one of the best. Cross Fire, instead of most FPS games out there, uses the "Repair" system and instead of "renting guns", you buy them to keep throughout your whole Cross Fire experience, unless you sell it for a better gun, of course. Cross Fire includes many guns from today's FPS games, such as the M4A1 or AK47, and also the gun animations are very realistic: the reloading, the firing, and the gun's weight are just examples of these grand animations. Crossfire also uses the "Backpack" to carry up to four guns into the battlefield, switching them at your team's spawn point. Despite some graphical issues that are not at full most up-to-date, the graphics are still pretty remarkable, even with a bad graphics card.
In Cross Fire, there are two factions: the Blacklist (BL) and Global Risk (GR). Although this is much like Steam's Counter-Strike "Terrorists" and "Counter-Terrorists", they differ in some ways. Also, in Cross Fire and other F2P FPS games, there are many modes of play and maps to play on. The original "Deathmatch" is in Cross Fire, in which each person playing attempts to achieve the required amount of kills by themselves, meaning without a team. "Team Deathmatch" is also in Cross Fire. Each side, BL and GR, are attempting to get the required amount of kills within the time limit or before the other team gets them. Each side can have 8 players, meaning a total of 16 players within a Team Deathmatch. Other modes such as "Search and Destroy" are round matches; BL trying to set the C4 and successively detonating it, while GR tries to prevent C4 plants and defusing if necessary. There are also restrictions in some match types, such as "Pistol Only" or "Sniper Only". While they are other game modes in Cross Fire, this game has one of the most greatest features yet: "Ghost Match". In this mode, GR, equipped with all their equipment like in a regular match, try to prevent the BL "ghosts" from setting the C4. On the other hand, BL are "ghosts" that are equipped with knives, running almost twice as fast as regular knife holders. Their objective is to kill all GR forces. Easy enough, really. After a match is over, awards are given. "MVP", "ACE", and "Last Kill" are given to separate players who succeeded in doing the award's requirement the best.
Cross Fire's interface system is grand. The original "GP" (Gold Points) is used, as well as the "SP" (Suba Points). GP is used to buy weapons and armor. SP, on the other hand, allows the user to buy premium stuff to increase GP rate, or have a cool-looking item. Also, when you start the game, a character choosing is needed. You can choose from SWAT, SAS, or OMOH, each having a BL and GR separate character. The rank system is original, with Trainee to Marshall; each rank requiring a number of "EXP" points. There is also a "Clan" system in Cross Fire that isn't fully operational yet, but it is undoubtedly going to be in the near future.
Cross Fire Scores:
Graphics: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Interface: 8/10
Animations: 9/10
Average Rating: 8/10
Pretty impressive game< I have to say, for a F2P. Hopefully Cross Fire will continue this great gameplay and other things that will make it even better than it is now.
Post Date: 22:18 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: waterwalk
Comment: Crossfire is one of the best shooting games I ever played. It is free, fun, and can make you addicted for hours. Also, another addition is that, in other shooting games, if you buy a gun, you can only keep it for a few days. But... crossfire is a lot different! If you buy one you keep it forever! (except when you sell it) I have been playing for 2 months and I am sooo(etc) addicted! Its got good graphics and more. One problem is that you have to be Staff Seargent to make a clan but the other good things will make up for it. Well thats all. PLAY CROSSFIRE! :)
Post Date: 22:08 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: zidale
Comment: Among the FPS that have come out this year and last year for the computer, that are free to play, Crossfire shows the most potential from its earliest stages. As a player of closed beta i can personally tell you that it has come along way starting at a few maps to and now hosts up to 14 maps to play on. Also from the chatter on the forums i would have to say there are more maps, guns, and game modes to come.
A unique game mode that Cross Fire hosts is "Ghost Mode" where one team has only knifes (Black List or known as Ghosts in this mode) and there objective is to plant a explosive at either site A or B, they also must protect the explosive from being defused by the opposing team GR (Global Risk). GR has guns and the ability to hear BL's breathing when there near by and there running too, there objective is to either eliminate the opposing team or defuse the bomb when planted. Now i know some of you reading this might think that this game is one sided since BL doesn't have guns and GR does, but the developers solved this by giving BL speed boost and the ability to be invisible while sitting still and "Faded" while moving around, they also added in this neat ability called "bunny hop" or "ghost jump" by players in game where the ghost can move around but no be seen. All of those ability's put together make the ghosts a formidable enemy. The next style is called Search & Destroy, this style is like Ghost Match but both sides have guns, neither side has invisibility, neither side can hear the opposing teams breathing when there near by. The objective of this game is basicly a carbon copy of Ghost match in that you have a attacking team with explosives and they have to plant and protect and there is a defending team that has to eliminate the attacking team or defuse the bomb when planted.
The rest of the game styles are Elimination. In this mode you either have your weapons that you bought or had before the match and try to hunt down and eliminate the opposing team or you have weapons sitting in front of you on the start of the game and you pick these up by running over them, and then try to eliminated the opposing team. Next style is Team Death Match in which it is a all out war and the objective is to eliminate the opposing team using and force necessary, this match is won by having the most kills by the end of the time or getting to the predetermined amount of kills first.
My biggest question when i first entered this game was, "is there spawn protection" and in this game you have a spawn shield that protects you from damage when you spawn, this means you can kill those direct campers ^_^
I must say though one of the unfortunately side effect with having a FPS game, is that it attracts hackers. And since Open beta has started i have seen a increase and decrease in hackers thanks to the GM team, there quick acting makes a hackers life in this game short and unproductive. But that hacker part dropped my review down a notch. There is also the problem with the ability to get into walls and under maps which are being fixed by the development team when they are presented to them by the community.
Overall this is a good game with a few problems that will get fixed as the game exits open beta and enters full game mode.
A few Q&A
Q: is the game fair to both teams?
A: the game is fair in the sense that in most game styles the opposing teams have equal chances of killing each other. But you will also get the pros in this game that will wipe the floor with your face if your not careful, but that is in just about every game that is multiplayer
Q: Are the graphics good
A: the graphics are good, they are no where near top of the line or CoD4 or CoD5 graphics, but this is to allow everyone to be able to play
Q: Is there a lot of lag or downtime
A: From my experience i have had no lag in any of my games, but yes there is a chance of getting lag if u have a bad connection or something downloading in the background. Also there isn't much downtime, there are maintenance and some emergency maintenance but other than that the only time it might be down if there is a update or the servers crash, which i haven't seen yet when iv been playing.
Q: Is there a lot of cheaters and hackers
A: You do get the occasional hackers and cheaters but most of the time if they are reported properly they don't last more then 72 hours before there account is banned, also since this game uses GameGuard which has a extensive blacklist and is updated usually monthly it cuts down on the programs that hackers can use
Post Date: 22:07 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Draesar
Comment: I have just two things to say: TERRIBLE GAME (joking)
I never played FPS games before but since I found this game I got addicted loool
So my vote for this game its 1 because its destroying my life, I dream with Search and Destroy, I see Ghosts with knifes everywhere, I think all my friends want to kill me (FFA) and I miss classes because I like to play clan wars and now my parents want to take away my computer :( ..* IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS GAME TELL ME SO I CAN PLAY WITH YOU *..
Hahaha my real vote its an 8 because the game its free, nice graphics great gameplay, a lot of game modes and have a great community of players...The reason I don't give a 9 or a 10 to this game its because there are some people that cheat *HACKERS*...when I started to play CF there wasn't hackers but now its really annoying play Ghost Mode because they have hacks and its really unfair to the others players.If you want to know what is Ghost Mode go Download the game
So my real two things to say its: AWESOME GAME
Post Date: 22:05 01-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: darkattack
Comment: Cross Fire is G4box new online shooting games. I know u doesnt know this game had in other country, and it really popular. I am in to all those versions. The game is made of brave soliers who try to save their territory ( Search and Destroy) for GR ( also known as Global Risk). And BL ( Black List) trying to do their best to plant the bomb in those 2 territories A,B. Cross Fire is the only game that get Ghost Mode, a place where you have to need a really good headphone or earphone to practice on hearing the ghost breath. If you are BL you need to skill at Bunny Hop, skill when you sit and jump without being seen. None modes are easy, but it will be easy if you learn about the game and practice with other players. It will be a tough time at beginning for the new player's to get use to the game. You also can buy SP( which is real money) for cool stuffs in game such as, BC-axe , Spop ( other versions they call them Lady Ranger). Those two are the most popular weapons right now out in the game. When you buy a weapon in GP, you get to keep your gun forever, in SP, you will buy it depends on days, 7 days, 30 days. There are hundred ranks you can challenge yourself to get to the top point. There will be a new mode called Zombie Mode later on, I recommend this mode more than any other game such as counter strike. I do see more teamworks in this mode than any other games.
This is a game that I know you gonna enjoy! This is the most valuable game in my life I have ever played. Thank You
Post Date: 21:04 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: dompopp
Comment: Crossfire is sure one of the best Free-To-Play Shooter i ever played. It's like a mix of CounterStrike and Warrock, but much better. I really like the Ranking System and the Item Mall and Contests like the Review Contest.The only thing i don't like is that you must reach "Staff Sergeant" to create a clan, but if you are Member or Leader of a Clan you will find a fantastic Clan-System: Create a Clan, Invite your friends and shoot'em up! Thats what the MMOFPS' of today need. Awesome!
Post Date: 20:44 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Stryker0808
Comment: Crossfire is an addicting FPS shooter that I started playing about 2 weeks ago... and now I'm hooked.
Although very similar to the game Counterstrike: Source, it has its major differences - Major differences include the in-game store which I find is an amazing way to earn your way to the best guns and equipment in the game. The developers have obviously put a lot of thought and dedication into their design.
The graphics are amazing, the maps are fun, the gameplay and ranking system are just genius.
The in-game store offers weapons and other equipment that you can purchase with GP, GP is the in-game currency that you earn by playing in matches and also can be purchased via the Suba-Store on their website.
The ranking system is great, starting at Trainee and eventually working your way up to Martial is definitely a great way to show off your skill and is also a great achievement system.
I give this game an 8/10, for Graphics, Physics, Map Excitement, Ranking System and overall aspect of the game.
Post Date: 18:13 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: delta26
Comment: have you ever wanted to play a war game that is good but free? Well then you have found it, and it is called Cross Fire! You must earn points and ranks to get that special gun you have always wanted in the war games. Also you can customize your character to what you want it to look like. Helmets patches and type of soldier you wanna be. all you need for a great gun and soldier is points. the reason i gave this game a 8 is because it takes a long time to upgrade to better guns due to the amount of GP you get at the end of each map. I gave it an 8 also because it is a great game to have an all out war with great graphics and almost no lag and a great anti-hacker detection system. so i hope that i can see any war fanatics online and i hope to soon have my own clan. so register at to play Cross Fire and have fun. Peace out delta26!
Post Date: 17:25 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: xVampirex
Comment: I honestly cant say it is a 10 but I do think it is a pretty good game I play it ever day and my personal favorite mode is Ghost Mode witch is like search and destroy except the BL(Black List)are ghost and the GR(Global Risk) are the humans they have to try and stop the ghost team from planting the bomb at either A site or B site I also like that you are able to communicate with other players around the world witch makes it easyer to play the game and you can make some friends but my whole review raps it up as a good game to play you should really get on and try it out :) also GO VAMPIRES
Post Date: 17:19 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: joshown
Comment: I tryed many free online games becuase I was bored of paying for them. Alot of the free games sucked when i was feeling depressed I saw a advert for crossfire.
I gave it a try and i was shocked becuase the graphics and gameplay where much better than the rest of the rubbish I played I soon told my friends and they all agreed it was the best free game they had played. I belive that this game is so good it could compete with the expensive monthly subscribing games.The game has a large variaty of realistic wepons with detailed description of the wepon stats so u can get the perfect wepon for u. The staff are kind and proffesinal.
Post Date: 17:04 01-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: cec133
Comment: its really i good game i recommend that people play it. The graphics might suck like what everyone said but combat arms has such a crappy gameplay.In crossfire there are 2 team bl(black list) gr(global risk). There are alot of other matches like tdm(team death match),gm(ghost match),em(elimination match),sd(search and destroy),ffa(free for all),sm(special match). There are lots of maps like egypt,monaco(really good plays for sniping),mexico,ship,crossroad,,blackwidow,ceyhan,factory,powerplant,train, Eagly Eyes,port,Subabase,laboratory,lost relics,hakenkreuz,columbia,cross road,arena.There are some goos weapons (right now im using m4a1)but the weapon i really want is a scar light.Ok some people keep saying this game sucks well i disagree once i started playing i thought it was so fun and it still is so ill write this in capital words.PLAY CROSSFIRE MILITARY FPS ITS LIKE YOUR IN THE MILITARY WHEN YOUR NOT.There are diffrent ranks (right now im a staff sargeant)it doesnt really matter if your a low rank is just matters if you can play good.Getting exp is really hard but if you play 24/7 if your parents let you (mine dont) you will rank up easily.Getting gp(money)is harder right now i got like $5000 somthing and before i got $882 so like i said play 24/7 you would be rich!
questions&answers q=questions a=answers
q:is it true crossfire has crappy graphics
a:yes but it has a better gameplay than cs(counter strike) and ca(combat arms)
q:should i play this game
a:i recommend but not every day or you will turn to a fatty XD
q:this games sucks
a:i dont care i like it
q:i love this game but how do i get sp
a:you have to buy it at the website
q:im tired of playing
a:then sleep
Cross fire is a free military first person shooter (FPS) hope you have fun playing this game it is so awesome so if you dont have fun(like you are gonna have a blast)it is recommended that you play outside so you dont turn to a fatty XD
sincerley cec133
Post Date: 16:35 01-05-2009
Rating: 5
Author: Angick21
Comment: CrossFire is a great FPS F2P game out right now. It has a very realistic military feel to the game with the ability to use sound as well as sight to your advantage. Weapon sounds and the feel of firing them is wonderful. The melee system of the game has a shorter learning carve than most FPS out right now, which gives players a chance to enjoy and use it more often. Basic modes like TDM (team death match), EM (Elimination Mode), FFA (Free For All), helps give veterans of FPS game some formulary to the game. GM (Ghost Mode) and S&D (Search & destroy) are modes that tests a persons sight and hearing to the fullest making it the best modes I have ever played, and with an ever growing player base of competitive players its sure to gain a giant clan base willing to show they have what it takes to be the best.
Post Date: 16:26 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: nathan1100
Comment: Crossfire is an almost unique Game; Players take on the role of either a Black list Mercenary or a Global Risk operative. Crossfire is fast paced and easy to play and you never far from the action. The game also has 6 Game modes:
1.Team Death match (TDM) the aim of this game mode is for one of the teams to reach the set kills first or gets the most kills in the set time limit
2.Search and Destroy (S&D) – Black list team has a bomb and must plant at the target, Global risk must kill all members of Black list and/or disarm the bomb.
3.Elimination (EM) – Each team has a line of weapons on the ground readily available to pick up, the aim of this game mode is for one team to kill the opposing first
4.Free for all (FFA) – This game mode is slightly like Team Death Match but it’s everyone for themselves, Free for all can be changed to be Sniper only, Knife only or handgun only matches as well.
5.Special match (SM) – This mode is like Free for all: Knife only except your fighting in an Arena.
6.Ghost Mode (GM) –This NEW and completely UNIQUE mode is exclusive to crossfire. This mode is also like Search & Destroy except The Black List team is cloaked and can only use knives. While Global Risk Can use any weapon available to them but are not clocked. Global risk can see ghosts while they move and can hear them breath.
As explained in ghost mode Crossfire is quite realistic When you, your team or when your enemies move they make footstep noises, depending on what kind of surface your on your Footstep noises change. Another realistic thing about crossfire is that crates and certain types of wall can be shot through.
Crossfire also features an array of weapons such as:
. Shotguns
. Assault rifles
. Sniper rifles
. Heavy machine guns
. Pistols
. Revolvers
. Sub machine guns
. Frag, smoke and flash grenades
. Knives
. Axes
And more being added regularly
Crossfire also has an almost unique military ranking system and with some ranks come GP (money) bonuses. Crossfire also has regular events to earn extra EXP or Extra GP and sometimes even both.
Crossfire is a Game you will Love till death, you’ll just love its fast paced military action. Trust me if you like Close quarters First Person shooters crossfire is the game for you
Post Date: 15:01 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: neojr
Comment: I like teh game very much, its for free, that makes it realy interesting :D
ok now why I give a 9:
-graphics are good(very good for a free game)
-gameplay is very nice(cause I like the rating with ace and so on, gives the game a good ambiente)
-the most people are cool(almost no lamers, but some hackers(they exist in every game :( )
- the mapping is VERY NICE god I like almost all of this maps :)
but why it is just a 9 instead of a 10:
-some lags
-the hackers I mentioned before
-the money is very hard to earn
Post Date: 14:55 01-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: ikky25
Comment: I would recommend people to play CrossFire. It has good graphics and different modes like: EM (Elimination Mode), GM (Ghost Mode), TDM (Team Death Match), SM (Special Match), and FFA (Free For All). I gave a ratting of 7 because of all the hackers. During the first day of the new patch there was no hackers but as time past they came back. CrossFire still has room for improvement in my opinion. CrossFire is well known because of the different versions. Like the Chinese Version, Viet version, etc.
Post Date: 14:08 01-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: mstrboyz
Comment: He very good game.
Good Graphic.
Good Sound.
Good Player.
Good maps.
i recommendation he games play all he very good game !!!
Post Date: 13:33 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: raul987
Comment: Advantages:
-the big variety of game types especially ghost mode knives mode {very unique}
-maps like: Egypt, Lab
-the graghics are pretty good
-you should earn money to have weapons
-The presence of Speed hackers and other types pf hacking
-it is so hard to earn money
-the big costs of repairing wepons
-some maps are very wide ....... it takes a lot of time to reach ur enemies
-you cant customize ur character a lot
Post Date: 09:38 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: krikke117
Comment: In cross fire (FPS)you have nice maps and modes:
When you enter a match you can choose you will be either in BL or GR.
The different modes are : TD, FFA (you can chose between only pistols, snipers and knives or all weapons allowed),GM and SM.
Team deathmatch is easy to play : you just have too kill your enemies and when your dead you will be respawn (directly or in a few sec). In the Free For ALL mode its all against eachother so you won't be in team. It's that point that makes it special. Ghost Mode is very origninal i think because BL can be invisible but can only use knives and GR can't be invisible but CAN use guns. At last there is SM it's the mode where you can only use knives. It's good that Cross fire added this mode last update because a lot of people enjoy it. The screen is easly to read and learn: you ahve a clear minimap and the score is a the top of your sceen. Hp is in the left corner and your gun in the right. Because there aren't much things in your screen it's easier to use. It's also funny that blowing up someone with grenade is called popcorn. It's good that they didn't invented weapons and that they decided that the easiest way to kill somoen is the headshot way. So you have to train on aiming for the head...
But Cross fire isn't there already: it IS a nice shooting game but there's still work to be done: there are always bugs to fix, hackers to be banned (I saw a lot of speed, wall and Glitch hacks...)and new maps (or modes?) to be invented. But for me it does deserve an 8 (altough they ahve to work hard) due to the nice gamplay and easy uses and stores!
btw the cross fire website is easy to use very handy and clan management is very cool. The forum is also good.
Post Date: 08:33 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: waykillerowns
Comment: F Crossfire is a free military FPS (first person shooter) players join to build there rank take out top notch weapons and become the best. Crossfire has recently added the maps ARENA and EAGLE EYE, it has a new server {beta server} a clan match server. Crossfire is a free military game you comeplete your objectives to earn ranks and $.Some forms of killing are {grenade},{main gun},{pistols},{knife/ab axe}. There is four sort of kills that is {HEADSHOT,BODYSHOT,POPCORN,AXE}!
Some great weapons are
SNIPERS- awm and dragonuv
SHOTGUN- spas-12
AUTOMATIC- g36k and scarlight
PISTOLS- deagle and anaconda
i rank this game 9/10 because it has great graphics, it is very fun, and it is a safe game to play {NO VIRUSES}
Post Date: 07:29 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Sliver
Comment: This game, is simple one of the best out there for your North American - European players in terms of its genre. Whether your young, old, male/female, if you enjoy first person shooting games, then this is a MUST PLAY.
Yes there are all these reviews with details on it, but words can never express the feel of fragging the other guy with you gun, or the sounds of explosion as your grenade obliterates a group of people.
Nah, why waste time reading, go download the game, buy your cool looking gun and and shoot, stab and blow up the other guy in this fast-paced and great looking and well and fun playing game!
IGN: Sliver
Post Date: 07:22 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: oxox0xoxo
Comment: crossfire is one of the best fps shooting games around i played when it was not crowded at all but then within a week it got filled up and that was great. You guys at subagames did a great job advertising this game good job =[). overall i would give this game a 9/10 because it doesnt lagg it has great weapons and great maps, but lets just say combat arms they have more maps better graphics but they lagg alot more that is why they are better than you if you guys would have weapon attachments and price your weapons down a little this game would easily be a 10/10. whenever i talk to my friends i tell them to join this game and they do and they love it. this game is for anyone it is the best fps game out there (trust me ive looked everywhere
in game name is 44-oz-slushy login id 44oz (the one i want the money on if i win)
mains name is oxox0xoxo login id oxox0xoxo
Post Date: 02:52 01-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: danyuchiha
Hola aqui mi comentario: a hablo español pero dejare mi comentario en 2 idiomas:
Bueno el Crossfire es un juego genial y ademas es gratis. No voy a comparar lo con otros para mi es el mejor juego FPS que he jugado en mi vida ademas es atractivo por el unico mode fantasma( ghost mode) que es loque me fasina jugar. Ademas el nuevo patch de abril fue una modificacion genail para el juego que de mi calificacion de 8 que tenia del juego subio a 9.5 xD. Ahora voy hablar de algo que quisueran que mejoraran 1 Lo dificil de reparar armas y juntar GP. 2 Lo dificil de avnzar de ranking. 3 Los hackers crean hacks rapidamente. Bueno en fin el juego es el mejor en FPS y tiene mucha variedad de armas ahora mis calificaciones para el juego:
Armas: 9.5/10
Rank: 8/10
Tutorial:10/10 Bien por el tutorial
Jugabilidad: 10/10
Ghost Mode: 10/10 XD es unico y mi favorita
Patchs: 10/10
Seguridad: 7/10
Clan sistema:10/10
Gp/Sp: 9/10
English I use traductor
Hello here my comment: I speak Spanish, but to leave my comment in 2 languages:
Well the Crossfire is a great game and it"s free. I will not compare with others for me is the best FPS game I"ve played in my life is also attractive because the only mode ghost (ghost mode) which is what I fasina play. Besides the new patch in April was a modification for the game genail that my rating of 8 who had climbed to 9.5 in the game xD. Now I"m going to talk about something that 1 wanted to improve the difficulty of repairing weapons and join GP. 2 The difficulty of ranking avnzar. 3 Hackers quickly create hacks. Well in the end game is the best FPS and has a lot of variety of weapons now my grades for the game:
Graphics: 7 / 10
Weapons: 9.5/10
Rank: 8 / 10
Tutorial: 10/10 Good for the tutorial
Playability: 10/10
Ghost Mode: 10/10 XD is unique and my favorite
Patches: 10/10
Safety: 7 / 10
Clan system: 10/10
Gp / Sp: 9 / 10
Anyway this is a comment and not everything else
Post Date: 02:41 01-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: kenrulz2
Comment: This is Copenhagen71, and i really enjoy this game. It is better than Combat Arms! I have tried Combat Arms before knowing about this great game, and Combat Arms sucks! The players on there do not respect you what so ever, and kill you so they can disarm the bomb, or get the last kill. On Crossfire, your teammates respect you no matter what, and they wont kill you unless it is a Free For All a.k.a. FFA. I will give this game a 10/10 for the graphics and everything else. There is no hackers on this game like there is on Combat Arms. This is the most realistic game that I have ever played, and hope to see this game make Combat Arms run away from our great and awesome players while they trip over their own feet running out the door. We need to make them run away from us and cower in a corner, and i am one player waiting to do so! THIS IS THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED!
Post Date: 02:33 01-05-2009
Rating: 6
Author: Lrn2shootplz
Comment: crossfire is a great game, it is quick paced and the community overall is good. You have the option to change cross hairs for free(unlike Nexon's Combat arms). A good thing about crossfire is if it is your first time playing crossfire, you are asked if you wish to participate in a tutorial of the game(throw gernades, move, shoot, aim, etc.). One of the bad things about the game is that making game points( GP ) is hard as you have to repair your gun after every match, so you are only making 10-50 gp per match usually.
i will give some ratings:
weapons: 6/10
there is a large variety but a lot of guns are pretty useless. most of the guns cost more then what a person can afford, resulting in a waste if you buy the wrong gun.
community: 7/10
the community overall is good, but there are some hackers, and people who call you a hacker when you are not.
rank system: 7/10
the rank system is pretty good, but you need a fair amount of experience to level up after sergeant.
tutorial: 10/10
the tutorial goes over almost everything you need to know about the game. when you play a new game mode you get a little pop up telling you what the mode is and what each side does. I myself found those pop-ups very helpful.
reward system: 4/10
it needs some work, the amount of GP you get after a game is not very good( 10-50 GP per round after repairs) and the exp is decent, as it depends how long you were in the match.
level up rewards: 6/10
it is pretty good, but it should definitely have more rewards after sergeant first class.
gameplay: 9/10
overall the game is fun, fast paced, and ghost mode is pure fun.
overall score: 6/10
the game is worth playing if you don't mind expensive guns for the amount of GP you get per round. i will definately keep playing this game
Post Date: 01:18 01-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: zeeko826
Comment: Hello i am zeek from crossfire I think the game is very entertaining but at the same time alittle same-old,same-old,the game is very well ozganized and you never know what to expect by either planting a boomb or your the one defusing it! I cant find anything they really need to improve on excpet for mabye a few more maps. The guns are also very realistic and grenades are very realistic too. I will give CrossFire a 7.5 a great game and a fun experience!
Post Date: 00:57 01-05-2009
Rating: 9
Author: jakesaw
Comment: CF is easily the moast fun online fps ive played so far. way bether than cs and combat arms imo. the reason why it didn't get a 10 isn't really because of the game but the hackers that destroy all the fun and i understand its hard to keep them out when its a free game so i still love CF :) the game itself deserves 10 in rating (especially after the new patches)so i can with all my heart recommend this game to anyone who wants hours of fun :)
Post Date: 00:14 01-05-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Tricks
Comment: CrossFire (CF for short) is an exciting FPS game with a lot of fun and action. One of the best games I've ever played in my short 12 year life! The game is a well thought out game with new fixes and stuff of that sort almost every three weeks or so. Take the last autopatch, it was on April 16, 2009, two weeks ago exactly from today! On my opinoin, the game has very good graphics for a computer download game. The game has tons of excitement and is now very common across the US and mabey Europe.
I fin
Post Date: 00:13 01-05-2009
Rating: 8
Author: siming.guo
***CrossFire Review***
By PerpetualAFK
Since there are already dozens of reviews talking about the different game modes, maps, etc, this review will focus on what is good about CrossFire (CF) and what's not so good. The tips section is for people new to the game. Readers may notice that there are several comparisons to the game Counterstrike. I am not trying to pick on Counterstrike. I compare the two games because they are quite similar, and I have experience playing both.
Weapons: 7/10
Good: There is a large variety of weapons (SMG, rifle, sniper, pistol, melee, shotgun) so one is sure to match well with your playing style. For those who have played Counterstrike, CF will offer even more weapons to choose from.
Bad: Some of the weapons that you can buy are a waste of money. For example, some of the very light SMGs (ie Uzi) are not very effective against rifles or even pistols, yet are not much cheaper than a good rifle.
Tips: Weapons are very expensive, and reselling it will only get you about a third of its original price, so it is important to try one out before buying it. There are three ways to try out weapons: you can play the map Crossroads, you can pick up weapons off dead people, or you can make a second account. In my experience it is best to save up and buy a really good weapon, than buy a so-so weapon. A so-so weapon will become obsolete quickly, and you will have just wasted a lot of money. Also, new weapons come out frequently with CF patches, so if you don't find a weapon you really like, keep waiting.
Maps: 7/10
Good: There are a large variety of maps and they are fairly easy to learn.
Bad: Some of the maps are slightly unbalanced for the Search & Destroy and Ghost Mode game modes. Some game modes can only be played on specific maps. For example, "pistols only" has only 2 maps to choose from. Currently, individuals can not make their own custom maps.
Tips: Especially on team matchups, it is important to get experience playing from both Global Risk and Black List teams, so you know where the other team's camping spots are.
Game Modes: 9/10
Good: There are SIX game modes: elimination, free for all, team deathmatch, search and destroy (bomb), ghost mode, special mode (knife). The 6 different modes keeps CF from getting boring even when played for several hours straight. Ghost mode in particular is very unique, and one you won't find in other first person shooters. It is like search and destroy, but the "terrorists" are only visible when they move (hence "ghost"), and they can only use knives.
Bad: The only issue is that playing a Ghost in ghost mode has a very steep learning curve. Not many people can get a good kill/death ratio playing a Ghost.
Anti-hacking: 6/10
Good: There are 3 systems for protection against hackers. One is the anti-hack software that runs while you play CF. The second is Votekick. If you suspect someone is using a hack (aimbot, map hack, speed hack, etc) you can start a votekick against them. To make sure that people do not abuse this option, there is a minimum time you must wait before initiating another votekick. The last system is that at the end of each round, the room host can kick whoever he or she suspects of hacking.
Bad: The anti-hack software is currently not very effective. Especially in the last month, there has been a proliferation of hackers. The votekick option has a moderately good success rate. The ability of the host to kick people at their discretion is usefull when a votekick fails. However, some hosts abuse this power and kick people who do not hack.
Ranking system: 8/10
Good: You gain ranks by earning Experience Points. You are awarded points for each round, based on time played, number of kills, and if you do any achievements such as defuse or plant a bomb. There are also bonus points for being ranked first. The ranking system has a good progression. That is, the time it takes to reach a "good" rank is not so short that everyone can do it, yet is not too long that it takes forever. For the first 3 ranks, when you level up, you get bonus cash deposited in your account that you can use to buy weapons and other gear.
Bad: After the first 3 ranks, the only way to get money is by playing, or buy purchasing money online through Paypal or another service.
Servers and lag: 8/10
Good: There are a lot of rooms to choose from, or you can make your own room. To help fill up your room faster, you can invite people who are running CF but have not joined another room yet. The lag is usually not bad. Typical values are 50-150ms, which is decent for a first person shooter. Usually, it is not noticeable in game (ie you do not have to aim ahead of the enemy).
Bad: Nothing worth noting.
Graphics and sound: 6/10
This is highly subjective. Obviously, CF will not compare to the leading FPS out there like Crysis. But then again, not all of us have computers that cost $2000. The graphics on CF are decent, such that anyone with a computer made in the past 5 years can play it. People who have the latest gaming computer will find the graphics so-so. The sound is fairly standard, comparable with games like Counterstrike. The only issue with sound is that in small maps, the sound of 16 people firing, throwing grenades, and sending messages over the radio all at once is very overwhelming.
Replay value: 9/10
Counterstrike is currently the MOST PLAYED game in the world, years after it was launched. I think the concept of CF is even better than Counterstrike. Besides some of the issues noted above, this should make for hours of enjoyment.
Clan: 7/10
Good: The clans are all ranked on the CF website, so it is easy to find a clan of your skill level. Most clans are reputable and show good sportsmanship.
Bad: The clans are ranked by clan points. A clan is awarded a point for every 500 experience points a member earns. 500 experience points equals roughly half an hour of gameplay. Because the number of clan points is the sum of the points of each member, this tends to favour clans with more members.
Overall: 8/10
This game is a fairly good first person shooter. The variety of maps, guns, and game modes gives CrossFire a high replay value and is what really makes it stand out. There are some issues with balance and hackers, but it does not detract signficantly from the enjoyment of the game. Overall Subagames has done a good job.
Oh, and did I mention? It's FREE!
Post Date: 00:06 01-05-2009
Rating: 7
Author: tbclycan
Comment: Cross Fire Review Contest
-By Zakk Myer-
I would give Cross Fire a 7/10 because it was good but not great. The graphics are subpar of modern graphics, money is needed for guns and is hard to obtain through just fighting. One bad financial decision and you regret it for a nice while. Now I will rate the game in sections of graphics, game play, audio, ect. And list the pros and cons found in both.
Graphics => 4/10. The graphics a subpar like I mentioned before but this does not mean that the game is horrible. I always say that graphics may make a game look good but it will also make the game play horribly. It is like the “average woman” with a good personality compared to the “hot chick” with no good personality to her.
Pros- Game plays more smoothly then it would with pumped up graphics allowing most computers with a decent internet connection to play it.
Cons-It does not look as good as most of today’s games for consoles and it is no way a Crisis piece-of-art that everyone wants on their computers.
Game Play => 7/10. While the game play may be fun, it still has certain flaws. Although these are highly minor you can still see improvement in the game. The aiming is default for most computer-based First person shooters and the movement keys are the same as all other computer based MMOs that layer the internet nowadays.
Pros- Good aiming and control system that stays the same throughout all MMOs we have spawning through the internet.
Cons- Some areas are glitched where your character seems to fly when you save and watch a replay.
Concept => 8/10. It seemed so retarded they may be on to something. The basic concept seemed to be taking a popular genre and make one of your own trademarks in such a genre. They took the ever popular Military FPS you see everywhere around gaming today and made one of their own with characters and a slight plot.
Pros- A hit of today.
Cons- Will it stand the test of time?
Story => 8/10. While there seems to be almost no story just a renewed cliché “red v blue” arena FPS, there actually is a background that just may spawn a few fan-fictions. The story if a world of two mercenary sides fighting to be at the top of their class in hired warfare, one for justice, and one for terrorism. Players are allowed to choose their sides at the beginning of the match between Global Risk and Black List.
Pros- A nice story to fill in an explanation of what is going on in the game, and just enough to get anyone started.
Cons- Not much story but I will admit there is enough.
Audio => 10/10. I have to give this a perfect score because I love how we have nothing but the music of gunfire and pre programmed character voices yelling out “Fire in the hole.” “Flash grenade.” and “Smoking grenade.” In various voices. Along with that is the voice over for your headshots which make them more enjoyable.
Pros- Great sounds of gunfire and voice-overs becoming an ear pleaser.
Cons- In crowded areas like Egypt where there are a lot of people lobbing grenades across the battle field the voice-overs get overwhelming.
HUD => 10/10. I loved the Heads Up Display because it was, for the most part, very clean and always readable. The pop-up messages that claimed your kills and special skills were beautiful looking icons that were always a welcome guest to your HUD. The pop-up kill icons showed a background symbol, picture, and words. The headshot icon had audio to it which I loved also. It was slightly comical to see an icon saying “POPCORN” when you obtained a kill with the grenade.
Pros- Beautiful defined and highly readable meters, kill icons, and point display came to the game screen with no clash or distraction whatsoever.
Cons- I have to be honest I find nothing wrong with the HUD, I have no idea what other players, beta testers, and critics thought about the HUD.
Ranking System => 8/10. I have to admit that the ranking system was very plotted out into a nice level and reward military styled ranking system. I loved the way of going up through the military ranks that are used in the actual military, except for “trainee 1 and 2” of course. It added to the realness and made it more addictive to play also due to the fact that when you reach certain ranks you unlock the ability to buy better weapons and gather a nice amount of cash. It is always exciting to reach the next rank which is a challenge but that is what games should have, a good fair challenge.
Pros- A great ranking system that made a military style FPS feel more like a military FPS. Rewards waiting around every corner and a good challenge on the ride to the top.
Cons- The ranking system seemed to be the only way to get any cash without hurting your reputation by running through battles with a knife and grenade so you do not have to repair your guns costing an arm and a leg. It felt like people above you would never be able to be reached since I felt first one to play is the first gaining experience and staying higher unless they have a streak of not playing for a nice while.
Weapons => 5/10. I have to give an average five out of ten due to the simple fact that while we have a nice selection places lacked severely like the sniper rifle, melee, and thrown. We have three sniper rifles and only one melee weapon that we can keep in our inventory. Now there are only three thrown but it is a general selection of grenades although I would like to see three more types of grenades and maybe throwing knives for an added touch. The four grenades I would like to see are the stinger, a grenade that fire rubber pellets stunning enemies Teargas, which most people know lets out a chemical smoke causing another type of stunned effect. I would also like to see some kind of incinerary grenade that would do a fair amount of constant fire damage. Finally I would like to see maybe another grenade known as the High Explosive, or HE grenade, which has the same effect as a regular frag but a larger range.
Pros- An okay selection, but lagging in key areas like sniper rifles.
Cons- Like I mentioned before many times it is an okay selection that is lagging in areas. Money is also trouble due to the high price of weapons compared to the average very low pay out of match money including the fact of gun repairs costing an arm and a leg is completely asinine.
Economies’ currency pay-out => 1/10. An odd topic I know but this is where it repels most players to hate the game just a bit. So you gather money from matches that you pay for weapons, accessories, and items for use in the game. Now the problem is that you get on average around 70-100GP per match then if you used any guns you must pay for the cost of repairs after the match which can cost anywhere from 1-300+GP. I found this asinine that the best way to get money is injure your record so you do not have to pay for gun repairs or else try to rank up to gather new abilities, weapons, and GP of high pay-out that can get you one or two guns or maybe some items but it is all horrible since if you make the simplest financial mistake you can pay very dearly for.
Pros- Sorry to say I do not think I can find one here that out-weighs two or three major cons.
Cons- Money is too scarce and the best ways to obtain money are asinine and injure your record which why I took this opportunity to attempt to gather some money doing this. And finally you make one wrong move with your money and it hurts you financially for a good while.
These are the reasons why I gave it a 7/10 with the average being 6.777777777777777777777777777777778. Like I said it is good not great but could be way worse, like the currency situation that is going on now. All in all a fun, addictive Military FPS for fans of not only military FPSes but all FPSes to enjoy, if you love games in general, love FPSes then this is for you but if you dislike them I would not recommend it yet I would not recommend any other FPSes to you since you already dislike them. Good job Subagames and affiliated producers!
Post Date: 23:09 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: avantguard
Comment: the game is one of the best FPS on the internet the best thing is that its FREE!!! the game is well thinked well planned and its real, of course as all games there are some minor issues such as cheap players using hacks or amateur players calling cheaters to other when they get killed. but thats is something on any mmo in the world hehehe.
the best thing is the butcher axe they implemented its like hacking and chopping ur way thru enemy lines, and also the guns are well made and highly detailed and the brands on the side of the gun makes it look real, the sound is good but it could be better and the voices too, also have to consider the caliber issues such a g36k bullet (5.56 x 45 nato) capable to kill any enemy but its not a high stopping caliber so its not a very useful caliber and in that matter the game is so much realistic.
the game is a great choice if u want to pass a good time and its not hard at all to become a good player, the interface is user friendly, and the graphics are not so demanding which means they do not sacrifice good graphics quality for performance, and the best of all is that there are female characters that will delight ur sight too bad u have to kill them before they kill you =P.
Post Date: 23:02 30-04-2009
Rating: 5
Author: johngarra
Comment: Bueno, la verdad nunca habia tenido la oportunidad de jugar en lina, pero el dia que descubri crossfire mi vida cambio, lo juego todos los dias, no veo la hora de llegar a casa, prender mi pc y jugar el mejor juego de armas en primera persona que haya conocido, tiene demasiadas ventajas es facilisimo de descargar, tiene demaciadas modalidades dejuego, excelentes armas, garficos excelentes, la oprtunidad de crear tu propio clan con tus amigos y luchar contra tus oponentes, aparte te permite tener diversos item, como el avatar el logo del clan, y lo que es aun mejor permite que las chicas tengan su propia identidad..... Megustaria que limpiaran el juego de los hack, son una verdadera molestia y le quitan el sentido y significado a tan excelente juego...... lO QUE MAS ME GUSTA ES QUE EL GANAR TIENE UN SENTIDO, ENTRE MAS GP CONSIGAS PODRAS TENER LAS MEJORES ARMAS Y LOS MEJORES ITEM, ESTO ME INSENTIVA A JUGAR CADA VEZ MAS Y LUCHAR POR LOS MEJORES ITEM QUE NOS OFRECE EL JUEGO.
Post Date: 22:54 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Violentb0b
Comment: Upon playing the game and watching the graphics, action, and the areas for combat, I will have to say this is a great FPS. Ghost mode is intoxicating and for those who like the thrill of the hunt will enjoy this quite a bit. Team death match is an oldie but always goody. Making friends and building clans help in these kind of matches, unless you prefer to be a lone wolf, more or less. Search and destroy is fun for those who like to just hunt but complete objectives in the process. Overall this is a great game for anyone who loves FPS games. The only problem I had was the hit boxes are a little off. You aim and shoot and sometimes do not hit them at all. But that just means we can work on aiming for smaller targets and perfecting our games. Ranking is nice, gives people a chance to show off their skills and get rewarded in doing so.
Every game is going to have elitists, it is just something you let go and try and enjoy the game play. Also the fact that this is a free FPS is a definite bonus, since most of us gamers are broke due to building a gaming system, schooling, and so forth. So in the end Crossfire makes for a fun and challenging game. :)
Post Date: 22:06 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: sk8dude829
Comment: Out of all the FPS games i have played,this one is the best in many ways! The new patches have made this game unbeatable by adding the (combat axe) which is my favorite. The patch also made the game a lot more stable for weaker computers like my friend's computer. At the very high price of being free makes this game the best for what it is being offered for. The features include a wide variety of weapons including some of my favorites, the M4A1, AWM, Desert Eagle, SG552, G36K, and last but not least the ANACONDA. And a new feature that most FPS games don't have are girls , but this game is not one of them because it lets you be a girl for the cost of some SP. It also has Clans that you can create or join to play against other clans for points, for fun, or to get the most respect from other clans or people in the game. There is one feature that no other game has, it is called ghost match and the Blacklist side are ghosts and the Globalrisk side is the "good" guys trying to either kill all the "ghosts" or defuse the bomb when the ghosts plant it. So if you like FPS games, this is the game for you.
Post Date: 21:27 30-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: jackthewako
Comment: Crossfire... ONE OF THE BEST SHOOTING GAMES EVA! 3 Reasons to love Crossfire
1.6 Different game modes including knife only battles. ( Like who dosen't like a knife on his forhead?)
2. NOT only do u play with guns u can use meele weapons such as the knife and the AMAZING COMBAT AXE WOOOOOOOOOOOOO ( The bad part is... you gotta pay sp for it >.<
3. Last but not Least.... YOU get to be a GIRL WOOOOOOO GIRLS PWN BIG TIME
Well thats all the reasons for playing and if you dont think this game is fun go get your brain fixed or stop living in your moms house ;)
Post Date: 20:47 30-04-2009
Rating: 3
Author: dan324
Comment: Good: free fps game. Ghost Mode and other modes are fun. Does not require a good computer. Lots of guns. Pretty easy. Fun
Bad: More than half have 200 or more ping. People complain too much thinking that you hack if you kill them by luck or skill. Lots of people get kicked off for no reason when you are playing Global Risk in Ghost mode. HACKERS! So many people complain.
This is my opinion so you don't have to agree but you should still try the game since its free.
Post Date: 19:08 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: cmurda401
Comment: I would have to give crossfire a 10 it is a awsome game. I love the large selection of guns, arenas, and differant matches. Also the graphics in this game are great. Most of all i like the arenas they are big and provide lots of hidding places and cover. One of the other things i like is you can costimize your player as you see fit. The clans are just a bonus to a already perfect game.
Post Date: 19:00 30-04-2009
Rating: 5
Author: born2killyou
Comment: This game is one of the best games for computer i have ever played. Its Free, Developed by great makers. Similar to the infamous counterstrike, this game gives you a variety of weapons to choose from as well as different methods of combat. You can choose melee attacks (knife), long range (sniper), Short rage (pistol) and moderate range, (assault rifles/smgs) All to annihilate your opponent. They also include MGS, Grenades and other melee weapon choices. The maps are very well thought out allowing special zones with higher vantage points for snipers, and smaller areas such as vents to allow more close quarters combat. Some maps are larger providing a different style of combat and some are smaller. There are a variety of different covers in maps and they provide cover and you can get on top of some areas allowing another vantage point. The controls are simplistic and effective. The moments are kept basic to avoid confusion which i enjoy. At first i didn't like how there was not a run button, but should you choose to run, you must use a lighter weapon, this is a very creative twist which i learned to appreciate more because it is slightly more realistic and lessens the odds of a cheap death. (the one running needs to pull out a gun which gives him time to get shot). There are a variety of different game types to choose from to prevent you from having to play the same old game and there are different maps for different game types. The HUD display is great, it provides a radar, health and armor points (however there is no armor included in the game yet) ammo and gun status, as well as the team outlook on the top middle. You can select commands to yell to your teammates which i do often so that the commands can be voiced and heard. The graphics are outstanding for the size of the game, compared to combat arms which is a bigger client this game offers much more. This game also allows you to keep purchased weapons unlike other games (combat arms), however there is a catch, you must repair your weapons to keep them working which is more realistic and much less stressful. The game includes several style options so you can customize your player to make it unique. The item shop and login menu are well arranged. The ranking system is great and slows down the higher you get which is realistic and well thought out. I could keep going for ages, this game is incredible it has so much good stuff to offer. oh i should mention there is a blood option you can toggle on and off, Need i say more ;).
On to the bad stuff. you don't earn that much GP during games unless you play exceptional well. Sometimes guns aren't as good as they appear on the stats. It does take a while to level up sometimes. They need to add armor our outfits that provide a tactical advantage.
that's all i can think of at the moment, its good outshines its bad, i should mention while i was trying to think of the bads stuff i had to go back up and add 4 more things to the good paragraph. This game is still new and needs some work but for where its at, it is exceptionally good. Its a diamond in the rough!
Post Date: 13:51 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Sparta09876
Comment: CrossFire is a game of note 10 for several reasons :
1) Is a FREE online first-person shooter for PC ...
2) Is FREE to download so ... :D
3) The game looks like real life ...
4) The game has been developed by Smilegate and Neowix and Published by Wiched Interactive and G4box ...
5) Durring the game you gain Experience and GP ...
6) The game have 6 Modes : - Free For All
- Team Deathmatch
- Ghost Mode
- Special Match
- Elimination
- Search And Destroy
7) This game have a Rank System : a) Soldiers
b) Petty Officer
c) Company Officer
d) Field Officer
e) General
A)The ranks are : Trainee
B)The ranks are : Staff Sergeant
Master Sergeant
C)The ranks are : Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
D)The ranks are : Major
Lieutenant Colonel
E)The ranks are : Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
8)For every mode is a map ...
A) For Search And Destroy are Sub Base
Eagle Eye
B)For Team Deathmatch are Mexico
C)For Special Match is Arena
D)For Elimination are Colombia
E)For Ghost Mode are LostRelics
F)For Free For All are Port
9) The Graphic Is AWESOME !
10)And The Download Link is
Post Date: 11:49 30-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: ohmslaw
Comment: Cross Fire the fast paced FPS
Cross Fire is a FREE online military first-person shooter for the PC, developed by SmileGate and Neowiz, co-published by Wicked Interactive and G4BOX.
Players assume the role of either a Black List or Global Risk mercenary (Male characters). You then join an online team that fight to complete objective-based scenarios. Cross Fire supports various modes of play including, Team Death Match, Search & Destroy, Elimination, Free for All, Arena and the exclusive Ghost Mode, in which you become an invisible stealth assassin!
Cross Fire also includes a military style ranking system with in-game options of a friends lists, Clan list, character customization options, a multitude of weapons and accessories.and a message board for you to chat with friends. You can also take screens shots during the game to show your friends or save your game video to view at a later date.
During the game you will be awarded Experience points (EXP) which go towards your promotion and Global points (GP) used for purchasing weapons and accessories. There is a mall to which you can buy Suba points (SP) and purchase extra items to be used or worn in the game. You can also now purchase the new SPOP (Female character) for a small amount of Suba points.
This is a fast paced first person shooter where you can have the "Gung Ho" approach, use tactics as a group or clan or just do your own thing to defeat the opposition. There are also many clans to choose from and an option during the early promotion process to buy and run your own.
To recruite members to your clan and also to make friends or request help there is a forum provided. In the forum your clan can request or challenge another clan to a scrim to which details are worked out between each team.
The developers of the game are working hard to complete Cross Fire Clan Wars, where clans can compete against each other and eventually be ranked.
Still not sure about all this then why not download it and give it a go, it is free and you might just be suprised and like it.
Post Date: 11:37 30-04-2009
Rating: 5
Author: bloodbane
Comment: CrossFire
It's an normal FPS that has modes which excepts it from other games. You can buy firearms that lasted permanently. The main attributes that attract players are the modes, the guns, the character modes and maps.
There are 2 sides in the game Cross Fire Black List and Global Risk more easily known as namely the 'bad' and the 'good'.
There are 4 modes they have currently have right now (read post date) the most popular, Ghost Mode and the rest which are Search and Destroy, Elimination and the team death match. Ghost mode, probably the thing that is unusually attractive on this game. Black List have the ability to be partly visible when moving and absolutely invisible when not moving. They may also be faster in movement and bunnyhop.
Search & Destroy is a rather obvious one ; as a Black list you must destroy one of the targeted bomb sites (A & B). As a GR you must prevent them from doing that.
Elimination is some what like fy maps in CS all cs versions. You must pick up a custom gun you desire (FIRST lol) and kill all the enemy side.
TeamDeathmatch is the easiest way to train on this FPS. As all deathmatches if you get killed you will respawn at the time set by the host (-2,-1,0,1,2,3 are the available ones). There is a set kill rate by the host and which ever team reaches it first wins the game.
The crossfire team have tied the knots between both genders and have created a female charactor type. There is a SWAT type, OMOH, SAS and not to mention the female matcher SPOP!
Negatives about this game:
-We can only buy one weapon with the money we start off with. And the GP (the game currency) is very hard to acquire in large amounts.
-And very important things like the C4 defusing enhancer isn't permanent instead paying more and more so it can last more.
-Latency. Players from different places cant experience good latency than other players which gives the good latency players an edge in the game. A latency like 10 is a gives you a BIG edge in the game.(You hit people faster then the bad ping (latency) ones.)
General Comment: Crossfire is an interesting game with its own great ideas about gameplay but there isn't a FPS I can't find that is same or better than this. It's good but with flaws that are quite devastating that is why I rate it a 5 out of 10
Post Date: 11:34 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: jlomiley
Comment: Crossfire an online FPS or First person shooter game that brings the excitement to the player. The game is worth playing because any military or war game enthusiast will crave to find a game that gives them an experience on what it feels like to be in the battlefield in real life.
Crossfire has many features that differ any FPS game. The graphics is simply outstanding the color and textures of the characters,buildings,guns,etc. fits the game meaning nothing is too bright or too dark. The audio is superb because of the real life explosions and more. Also the server is compatible to the players in were the maximum number of players are maintain. With regards to the usual problems in every Online game there is the lagging, at Crossfire you will feel no lag during the game.
The gameplay of Crossfire is amazing. The different games mode bring the FPS into a whole new level. The characters and guns are based in real life which make the game more interesting because it makes the players feel that their really soldiers. Lastly if your in search for a game were you want hardcore and all-out war then Crossfire is the game for you.
Post Date: 10:35 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Kaotics
Comment: Just downloaded the game today, and all i can say is WOAH. Suba Games have done first person shooters justice with this one!
Crossfire i think could be a big step forward in online shooters, as it is quite unique when compared to other free to play shooters. The game is about fast, frantic, chaotic, and ADDICTIVE gameplay, and not about things like high spec graphics, (which many people find a problem as graphics on Pc'/Laptop's are getting better all the time).
Now to talk about the Game itself.
It has 5 Game modes, such as the common Team Deathmatch and Free for All. It also has Search and Destroy (Plant or defuse the bomb), Elimination (Last man Standing) and a completely new type of match never before seen on a game... GHOST MODE. Ghost mode is possibly one of the best things about this game, as it is different and just so much fun!. Two teams, One a Ghost-suit clad ninja covert ops team, and the other counter terrorist combat squad armed to the teeth. The objective for the ghosts plant a c4 in the opposing bases, and survive, and for the other, find a kill the enemy team, and defuse the bomb. Its one of the most exhilarting game modes ive ever played, and would highly recommend it to anyone ;).
Another great thing about this game is the Equipment, theres a wide range of weapons on store such as m60, Uzi, Dragunov, Awm sniper rifle, and a rather fetching Mahooosive Magnum called the Anaconda. You can also buy stuff of the subagames website such as customization for your character, and exclusive weapons and items for in-game.
To finish off, Crossfire is open to everybody! I've played girls who've royally kicked my butt before, and have played people from across the globe, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands. So all in all this is a great game, and highly recommend it to f2p fps veterans out there!
Ive gave this game a 10, its an essential for me, its all about the gameplay for this one!
Post Date: 09:29 30-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: elitepro
Comment: Crossfire is one of many Fps i have played over the years of gaming i have been involved with and i have to say its one of the best , if not the best.
Have you ever just wanted to play an Fps that's up to date on ever problem and update's and come's out with updates decently. A game that doesn't leave everything to the last moment doesn't stop hackers and doesn't fix glitch's? then Crossfire is definitely the best game for you and its Free.
it has 4 game modes such as Search&Destroy , Team Death Match , Ghost Mode . And Elimination it also has a cool Ranking System and belive it or not 15-20 diffrent maps.
And Belive it or not this game is accually welcoming Girl Gamers ever play a game with all guy characters? well Not Crossfire they have male and female characters.
For all the big clans out there such as us ERC there clan systems cool they have clan tags , clan match's, clan news , clan messages , and much more.
Dont wanna write a story book so id thought to tell everyone this games good for all girls & boys , guys & women , race or religion and its Fun and Free so join up and we will be looking forward to seeing you in game
Post Date: 08:27 30-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: EvilGramps
Comment: if youre and FPS fan you should check out crossfire. its free
crossfire is a mmorpfps, kinda. and its a free download. it has an experience system that allows you to gain rank. you start as a trainee and work your way up to.... i guess maybe general? although the highest rank ive seen to date is liutenant. also you earn money to buy new guns and items, as well as repair your weapons, which degrade over time. there are a few drawbacks, which i'll get to shortly. and did i mention its free..... technically.
first ill review the game modes. search and destroy, team deathmatch, free for all, elimination, ghost and special.
S&D is a favorite of mine for the team based tactics involved in destroying/defending a bombsite. you can try the flank rush as a defender, or crawl slowly to the site as a destroyer. this mode is best i think when you have some friends working together on ventrilo.
team deathmatch is popular because its a quick respawn team based killfest. try the spray and pray if youre a beginner, or some more advanced techniques like aiming.
free for all.... nuff said. get on and kill anything that moves. also it has a weapon restriction feature. i.e. snipers, pistols or knives.
elimination has 2 levels to choose from, colombia, which is similar to team deathmatch. other than the fact that you dont respawn until a team has been eliminated. and crossroads, which is 2 teams of knife wielding maniacs racing to get their favorite weapon from a buffet of high powered weaponry strewn about the spawnpoint. i prefer crossroads personally.
ghost: now this mode is just plain fun. play either as a speedy knife-wielding semi-transparent ninja type. or maybe you could be a slower gun-toting fully transparent tank type. as the ghost you will stealthily move about the board, assassinating people with your knife and planting a bomb. just like S&D. ghost is the most popular of the two and youll often find yourself settling for the other team simply because you just wanna play.
special is, as far as i can tell, a knife battle in an arena-like level called... uhh, arena. or a team deathmatch with knifes only.
those are the game modes, my favorites are S&D and ghost, although i find myself playing them all at one point or another
now the money system is something that i can defend, now that i'm used to it. if you were a counter-strike source player like me, then you may be used to getting on your favorite 24k server and buying whatever different guns armor and grenades you want. on crossfire its a bit different. you start with a set amount of money. enough to buy a rifle and maybe a few accessories. then you are stuck with that gun forever. unless you want to return it for less than half the value. so choose carefully.
also consider saving your money. there will be some great guns coming at later levels in the game. or if you want guns and you want variety and you want them now, hop onto and buy yourself about 10,000,000 suba points which can be used to buy money, sprays, packages of items money and sprays or my favorite new addition, the combat axe. and no, this isnt geronimos combat axe. this beast looks like someone put gunmetal, murder and meanness into a mold and formed an instrument so criminally devious, that it will transform even the most timid of pimply geeks into a bona fide Norris clone. you will look for a reason to ue=se this monster. maybe your kill/death ratio will suffer but it is fun fun fun.
there are some glitches to be sure, they addressed some issues with the last patch and are addressing more soon. but my biggest gripe is hackers. the only way to get rid of them is with a votekick system. now because of the experience system there are a couple problems with votekick. if a team is losing and a hacker joins them they may be reluctant to kick because you get more money and exp if your team wins. this is a lot more common than you may think. votekick is ok for spammers and annoying kids, but for hackers i think suba should "enlist" some of the higher ranked members of the community in an admin capacity. or give the room host the ability to kick anyone they choose for any reason. obviously there are possibilities for abuse but anything is better than throwing away exp because you dont want to play with the speedhacker anymore.
i think with this simple change this game could be a 10. as it is now i give it an 8. and did i mention its free?
Post Date: 08:13 30-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: SWiFTBeast
Comment: RoG (Review of Game):
From a perspective of a gamer on this game.. i think the game is very addicting and also very fun.. some people think "oh it has ugly graphics yuck i dont wanna play this" ... that was actually me wen i saw on youtube unitl i was very bored one day :D it was very exciting for me.. especailly in the beginning it showed a tutorial to help out all the new people :]. Crossfire has a good variety of guns since its release from beta.. it also has very amazing modes like Ghost mode at first its confusin until u get the hang of it. Then theres team death match where 1 team goes against the next. And ellimination, where u have to wipe out the other team before it wipes YOU out. Last is FFA .. Ffa in Crossfire is very interesting to me, it has many different kinds of ffas like: pistol only or just normal ffa's. The gameplay in Crossfire is so smooth and the graphics? who cares its the gameplay that makes a game. so for all u people who care about "graphics" then i dont think this game is for u :[, BUT I recommend this game to anyone who loves some FPS games that are smooth and fun. Here is a warning sign to all people who are going to try this game or will play this game : IT IS VERY ADDICTING.. HAVE FUN WITH IT :D
Post Date: 07:48 30-04-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Oblivion23
Comment: Crossfire is one my favorite fps games i have ever played^^I didnt really care about the graphics because the gameplay is fabulous!!!I love all the different type of matches but my favorite one would be Ghost mode!!!It can be laggy sometimes but dat doesnt stop me from playing this awesome game!!!Im trying to get ppl to play this game cuz its a lot of fun..=)))
Post Date: 06:30 30-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: darkal
Comment: I like this game because i can kill my stress in my life is a form forget the problems and fun, i like the weapons specially the AK -47 :) is very nice, i like all the stages are well designed to have a good war, i don't like some people that use illegal programs for improve certain aspects like speed, maybe there are more class to hack programs only i have been extremely speed i only recommend some solution for this problem liked block of counts or anything that allow to keep a nice harmony in the game.
i want see in the future more stage, weapon,and items :)
and for last is very easy log on in to the game :)
Post Date: 05:59 30-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Hav1kDfw
Comment: This is one of the most fun and addicting FPS games I've ever played. Sure the graphics aren't the best but it shouldn't matter. What should matter is the fun and i could tell you that this game is really fun. There a lot of game modes now and weapons to choose from. The things i hate the most are hackers, glitches and the fact that you waste a whole clip trying to kill a single person. Hackers make a match very unfair for the opposing team. I just wish that their was a patch were it would eliminate all opportunities to hack. Other than this I give it a solid 9/10. This games would be sure to have FPS fans logging back in every time they get home. This game is awesome and addicting, I love it!
Post Date: 05:52 30-04-2009
Rating: 9
Comment: i love this game u can make clans get people to gether AWESOME unique guns and the stuff for guns is right the prob is there aren't many maps and meelee weapons and HACKERS but crossfire is fixing that so i'm happy i have played this game for 3 months AND LOVE IT graphics can be a pinch better but i love this game anyways but because of hackers which are now reducing i'm not caring about so much my fave mode on there is ghost mode to me it is easy the fisrt time i ever play'd shost i thought they were 100% invisible my fave TD match is powerplant there are TONS of barriers my favoraite search and destroy map is suub base cause there are tons of places to get good shots i also love monaco for the capability for sniping my favoraite FFA is pistol and my favoraite elimination has got to be crossroads caus eu get TONS of exp and GP every match so of all modes and matches my favoarite is labortory ghost mode and last and LEAST my favoraite guns are famas awm and scarlight for pistol it is desert eagles 100% 1-10 i give it a 9 because of all the things and maps modes i also am not doing 10 cause of hackers and the little glitches and little stuff so there it is "9"
Post Date: 05:19 30-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: ogax_DarkDayz_x
Comment: Graphics are well not THE best graphics that were ever made but it makes up for it in gameplay. Maps range from epicly big maps such as black window to smaller maps such as egypt. The newest patch has made better maps and better gameplay. The ONLY thing i dont like about this game is its reliability, The fact that you can almost empty a full clip of ammo on someone and then not to die amazes me, another thing is where sometimes even if you get a direct hit to the head its not a instant kill. I like the list of guns that you can get in this game, although i would say you still need to expand it, none the less still indeed a very wide list of weaponry...
Post Date: 04:34 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: latoshi
Comment: honestly i think this game is great fps game it has realistic statistics within the catagory of weapons along with all the different game modes. the game also offers many different combinations of weapons. well as i conclude my review i think this game on a personal view is better then combat arms, but thats just my opinion.
Post Date: 04:09 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: anhtri96
Comment: Ghost mode
Ghost mode is my favorite. I like play both BL site and GR site. But i like play in GR site. I can heard the ghost breath, it very lound and clear. Fisrt time, when i try to play that, it so hard and i alway die. After 2 month, i am pro now because i pratiect everyday after i go to school. I think all the game modes is good because it have a different map and very interesting. It help for people who have play that never live with out. And now Crossfire already is my favorite game.
The weapon in game is interesting too, it have a lot of different gun to use in the battle. But i like is M4A1 because it easy use for a newbie who is play first time. M4A1 can HeadShot easy more then another gun i have use. Next is chacrater in game, this is a first time i saw the Swat, Omoh, Sas and Lady ranger. All of them look so cool and help we know we were in the battle with a lot of enamies is waiting to us. This is a game i saw that pefect at all and i can live with out Crossfire. I love you CrossFire.
Post Date: 04:02 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: yogofart
Comment: it is great very awesome but graphics need to be better. i love playing crossfire. i made like 15 people play. they love playing cross fire. many people play it. there are many types of matches such as search and destroy or ghost match. i really enjoy playing cf^_^>_
Post Date: 02:18 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: doremon80
Comment: CrossFire- Free MMOFPS with fast gameplay
I must agree that is true
Game Modes
Team Deathmatch- A match that can be set at different numbers of kills to win. The goal is to reach the setted game score. This mode is a very simplistic game mode yet tons of fun. It is between GR and BL (Global Risk _ Black List)
There are many maps but the best ones for TDM are Ship/Port/Mexico.
Search And Destroy- A match between BL and GR where BL must plant a bomb at either site A or site B and lure the GR team to defuse it and then ambushing them when the try to defuse. Simple yet just like Counter Strike 1.6 DE_DUST
Best maps are Mexico and SubBase
Elimination- A simple kill 'em all in one round game. This is again against GR and BL. BL is a type of character who is the terrorist which when u play, you can see it is like a Counter Strike 1.6 feel but a lot more smoother and easier. Elimination lets you use many types of weapons like AWM and the famous all-star AK47. The best maps for this mode is Crossroad (just like fy_iceworld in counter strike 1.6) but more modern and better graphics.
Special- A just knife mode where you try to achieve the set amount of kills USING JUST A KNIFE and then cutting their heads open (just kidding). This game mode makes the pros go nuts over its ez-knife twice-1 kill style. You can either backstab their heads or you can go 1v1 and murder the guy.
Theres only one map and that is Arena. (SO FAR)
Free For All- A old school classic mode where you can either set it as a just knife/just sniper/just pistol/ALL weapons game. Everyman for him self. Though it may sound hard because u have no teammates, it is very easy to solo it. You will feel very cool once you win this game.
The best map for this is Black Widow.
Ghost Mode- This mode is what makes the game stand out in its full potential. Very complex mode where you can be on team BL (the ghosts) or the GR(the ghost killers). BL only gets to use the knife and GR gets to use all weapons for their disadvantagement for not having the ability to turn invisible. BL are ghosts where you have the ability to turn invisible when you stand still. When you move, other players can see you slightly and that is when the GR team will kill you. If the GR team camps in a group and waits for BL to come rushing at them so GR can just shoot and win, the BL team has the right to plant bombs just like search and destroy but with ghosts with knives. Then u lure them because if the bomb blows, GR loses. Camping in corners is the worst thing because many GRs randomly sprays at corners. This mode makes this game stand out unlike all the others with bland simple crappy gameplay modes. This game has simple controls and the best gameplay I have ever played.
The best maps are ALL of them which are all of them which are Lost Relics (the easiest one), Laboratory, and then HakenKreuz. These maps make the game fun and enjoyable
Graphics- Just like any other game. What is great is that the blood effects make the game all movie like. Character Lighting helps the players stand out more than the map itself. Unlike all other games, the graphics are 2d like but 3d styled.
Sound- The sound truthfully sounds realistic. Combat Arms has unrealistic gameplay and human made sounds (for the weapons) When you fire your gun in crossfire, you get a feel about how you will play because it is really that simple.
Lag- When you lag in the game, all of the damage goes to you even though u have a 400 ping. The only problem is is that after 400miliseconds, you will die if the person has killed u 400 milliseconds ago. Still, even though you lag, you still take the damage which takes care of lag.
Crossfire people- Yes. It is true. It is hacker infested but luckily, they release new patches to take care of those stupid hackers. The fun thing about hackers though is that THE CAN'T SEE ANYTHING BEHIND THEM AND THEY ARE NOOBS. All you do is run behind him and then stab him IF you are playing in Ghost Mode. Then you get a friend or 2 to have some fun versing each other or killing others in a co-op online play mode.
Clan- The clan system is amazing. I've never seen it update so fast(im not joking). It may take an hour or 2 but the thing is games like Combat Arms takes a DAY to update the clan rankings. Also in crossfire, you can easily create clans by going to the website and then applying for it. Clans make you work with your team especially in the clan matches. The clan matches are fun because you can camp and wait for your oppenents to emerge and then ambush them 3v3 or 4v4 5v5 and even more.
Kicking/Banning- It is lucky that subagames designed this system. You can record the gameplay after you finish a game. When the results come up, you can press save to save your gameplay. You can either do this for 1. fun 2. to report hackers. When you report the hacker, you state his name and then upload your gameplay video to somewhere on the net. Give them the link, they'll examine and then BAN if they think they hack. This makes the game simple and fair.
Shopping system- Its one of the best out there because this game has good weapons. Each gun specializes in what you need it for. There are many rifles just as there are submachine guns, snipers, and the heavy machine guns. This game is perfect for a long time player because you can buy a gun and keep it permanently. The down part is that you must repair it once in a while because if you don't the gun will wear out and do less damage. Each gun costs a fair amount of money so when you level up and rank in the BEGINNING of the game, you get bonus GP points. This is great because in this game, it is hard to earn gp. GP is uses to buy guns, clothing, gear. The guns are permanent. The clothing is around 7 days but truthfully, its cool to show off. If you want more weapons you can use real money to buy SP and then spend it on items you can't get using GP. Because it is so hard to earn GP, you can buy GP using SP. GP comes with items like sprays and axes or gear.
Final Comments-I may have rated this 10 but it is not a lie. I have played many fps's and ever since ive played this, I have been playing it everyday since it was free to the public. This game has a full potential to show off to all gamers. Remember, Crossfire may not have the best graphics, but it has the best game mode for an online PC game and the best shopping system ever.
Post Date: 01:50 30-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: -cindershot-
Comment: Game play - 9/10
The gameplay is terrific,a big 9/10
Most games like to focus on their graphics or
the realism of the enviroment,Cross
Fire has graphics not so great,but it gives you a
homey feeling to it as you play it more.
To elaborate on the gameplay,shooting is the biggest
asset to it.I love rushing around shooting in these smaller maps and getting
those "Double Kill!" "Unbreakable!" quotes.
Walking pattern and crouching is spot on,though it can use a prone
position due to snipers on the game who love to stealth.
Overall this game has hooked me in its nest,I'm addicted!
Maps - 8/10
The maps in Cross Fire are fairly small,but that's way better to some people,like me.It is easier to get around and know the maps more,this I would rate an 8/10.
The maps are original and scenic,for example,the Lost Relics is a
very embellished map with a breath-taking environment.
I love the urban areas and industrial war grounds,it's very original compared to other free ware fps.
Guns - 7/10
Ok,the guns in this game are obviously modern,meaning we get some kick a** weapons right?
Yes,Cross Fire has a very nice selection of guns,you don't where to start
...I feel like a girl at a mall.
Well, absolutely the guns are amazing,they come with their ow personal stats consisting of the accuracy,recoil,and etc.
Although it needs a little work on the recoil,it gets crazy sometimes!
So far,the community is happy with the system,so way to go Suba!
Game Modes - 9/10
the game modes will blow your mind!
6 game modes with special additions,it's hours of fun..go there and take on
ghost,then go here to a sniper only and pop some heads.
the first one is Search and Destroy,it is in many games,but the style of Cross
Fire is unbeatable.Urban and Industrial maps are found here,very fun maps,no complaint what so ever.Next is Ghost Mode,now your thinking "Ghost Mode?!",
Yes! Ghost Mode is an original mode made by the developers,one side is the terrorist side,Black List,then the authority side,Global Risk.Black list can be invisible and only use knives..but when moving becomes slightly visible.
Then Global Risk is visible,but CAN use guns.
Third is Team Death match,our favorite mode.Global Risk vs Black List in an all
out war for the most kills in the time limit or score count,never fails to pump adrenaline in my bones.Fourth is Special Mode,or Knife Mode.I love the map,the Arena where it is a team death match styled knifing round.Fifth is Free for All,everyone vs everyone,very fun but the spawn shields are ridiculous.
Last is Elimination,your team wipes out the other for the win or vise versa.
Community - 7/10
Finally is the community,a bunch of happy go lucky fps shooters mostly,except for the hackers,but I have to admit,Suba is handling it very well,if you want an FPS with barely any hackers,come on over to Cross Fire,I love it,you will love it.
Overall a 9/10 game,spot on,thank you to Suba for the over the limit of awesome game for everyone to enjoy.
Post Date: 01:28 30-04-2009
Rating: 5
Author: Aelfwine
Comment: Been playing since the first few days since the game came out and even once made it to the first page of the rankings, so here is what I think.
Learning Curve: Easy - Mid
Played any shooter game before and the controls and mechanics will be all yours in the span of one game. If your new to the whole genre, give it about around 3 hours or so of gameplay and you'll soon be killing as easily as the next guy, or so >_>.
Availability: Well, so far ive found that people from all over the world plays it, from Romania to Brazil, and apart from the latency, they can play quite well.
GAMEPLAY: Quite awesome, the movements are quite smooth even around 30fps ingame. No running option, but you can jump, crotch, and walk, but weapons affect movement speed due to their weight.
Weapons: Not a fair bit of variety to choose from. Only 3 Sniper rifle, 10 assault rifles, 5 Submachine guns, 1 machine gun 2 shotguns and 5 pistols.A total of 26 weapons currently release, not including the 2 melee weapons -combat knife + combat axe. But... it is still just a few weeks out of open beta and updates come every week or so.
Game modes: The usual FPS modes, you have your TeamDeathMatchs[6maps], your Team Eliminations[2maps], Search and Destroy[7maps] and Free for Alls (Pistol/Sniper/Knife only)[2maps]
and a knife only match[1map] and the exciting Ghost mode[3maps]-One side have the power of cloaking and retain invisibility(not invincibility =P) while stationary.
Maps: The maps are very well done and contail little to no exploitive advatanges that isnt provided to the other side. But all the maps so far are in an urban or building environment. No maps with an "outdoor-sie" environment have been released as of yet.
GRAPHICS: Not fairly extravegant, but that makes it playable on alot of systems and allow the game to run smoothly.
Free Player vs Paying Gamer: The great advatange in this game to regular players is that once you buy a gun, its yours, the only downside to this, is that you will always have to repair your gun, which isnt all the much, unless you never repair it and then the gun stats decreases. Adavantage of Payers as of now include: Getting money quite easily - Cash to Gold, Gold only equipment (no effect on stats) and the combat axe (a stronger melee weapon). Other than that, all the rest are skills. However it is harder to obtain another weapon after a certain rank due to lack of bonus Game Points awarded, so at best, the avg player will have their starting 2 weapons, 1-2 grenade and have bought either 2-3 Rifles, or 1-2 rifles and 1 side arm, why a paying Game can obtain all the guns.
SOUND: Hmmm the sound id say 7/10, not great but also not horrid. Each gun has their unique sound, and you can usually tell where you're being shot from and how far. The footsteps, only eliminated by walking, and the sounds when stepping on certain terrain can lead to your downfall or victory over your opponent.
Community: Quite excellent, true you get the rotten cabbages from time to time, but overall my experience has been really nice. Join a clan, add friends, met new people to shoot bullets into. It also has an avtive forum with well manners *sniggers* and excellent moderators.
My current tiff though, is that there arent enough moderators as of yet, but since its a new release to NA, I do hope they obtain more staff.
Overall Summary; ITS FUN! You'll keep want to go into it, because it doesnt matter if your in a clan or not, or if your one of the best in the game or the worse, the game just hooks you in. Dont know what im talking about? Download it and give it a try and you'll find out ^^.
Post Date: 00:44 30-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: GCORN
Comment: I think Cross Fire is a great games for FPS and the most interesting mode in 4 mode is Ghost Mode. When you are on Global Risk side, you are pretty nervous because ghosts can be everywhere and you feel great when you "bust" that ghost. When you are on Black List side, the feeling of hiding and then attack GR from nowhere make u feel great too. But then hackers created hacking system like speed hack and wep hack and make Ghost is a dispirit mode in Cross Fire. I hope you will improve more and more to make Cross Fire is the best entertain game for me and for everybody.
Post Date: 00:16 30-04-2009
Rating: 7
Author: butcher889
Comment: It's the first time I play an online FPS and i liked it.It was a sugestion of my friend so I tried playing it and enjoyed it.It's a "bad" game because of hackers(there is a lot of them) and sometimes bugs,but in the end it's very playful(at least for me).Maybe it' not the best online FPS,but it's between the first 3...That's all...Hope you trie to improve the game to it's maximum...
Post Date: 23:54 29-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: aaneg1
Comment: i think crossfire is a great game their is a lot of guns and bombs. my faverit mode is ghost mode. the idea of a team as a ghost trying to explode the lab or hankuroz or lost ruins.the bad thing tho about it is that there are some hackers who buy the vip hacks and they can get guns while playing it. My second favorite is elimanation its fun because you get to use a lot of different guns and you get to train waith a bunch of other guns. the nextfavorit is search & destroy 1 you get to destroy a port or a factory and a whole bunch of other places.2 you get to protect a port or factory and a whole bunch of other places. my least faverit mode is team death match its fun but not fun its really hard because there is some people on your team that can get you mixed up. And it is fun becuase it kinds is like a 1on 1 game because your teamates are fighting other people while you fight that 1 person.
so all together it is fun. that is why i tell every body i now that would like this game about it.
Post Date: 23:27 29-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: I_Am_Miller
Comment: Just to let everybody know, normally I am not the individual to normally leave comments on anything, but when I stumbled across the review for this page I was compelled to leave a review.
Over the last few years I have been looking for a FPS that lets me run around and blow stuff up. This sounds relatively simplistic, but not until recently have I found a FPS that meets this one criteria.
Crossfire is my FPS of choice because it is user friendly, free to play, and...lets me go blow things up.
I played other FPSs like Counter-Strike and Combat Arms, but I was always experiencing issues like server lag or the game crashing in the middle of my fragging!!
Playing CrossFire, I have had absolutely no issues, and reccommend this game to all gamers who feel to become addicted to an FPS!
Post Date: 23:05 29-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: TehDarkFollower
Comment: I think its a good game cuz well its entertaining i can do sumthin when im bored to death or i just want play it. I need to win becuz i really need 50k for an AWM
I wish Everyone luck
Im not going to write it im just righting overall 9.8ish TDM?
Improvments: Higher hack detecter so less hackers in GM and make all stages available in TDM
Post Date: 22:29 29-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: QuietRiot
Comment: Cross Fire is a FPS game that is like counter strike, but free. This game is newb friendly as long as you don't start online arguements because you think you are all that. With that being said, review time.
Game play - 8
Ready up, knuckle down, shoot them down, and shut up! That's how the game goes for me and some others. The game can be fun on big maps with alot of people, ghost mode is an unique addition to the game, too bad that Ghosts are usually the ones ruining the fun for everyone by accusing anyone killing them a hacker and start arguements as well as kicking the good players. For those who don't know, Ghost mode is a game mode where Global risk have all the equipment that have, but visible, Ghosts are black list who are cloaked so they are slightly visible when moving and invisible when still, they are only equiped with knife and one ghost will have a C4 and plant it at either A or B site. Like Search & Destroy, but with ghosts running around trying to bomb and kill you, call in the ghost busters.
Graphics - 7
Slightly better then an average Wii game, but this game is built for users on a low end PC, so don't blame Neowiz/Smilegate for it. The guns look very detailed if you're in the sunlight(Try Ship on team death match).
Playability - 10
Easy controls that you can get used to in one or two matches. Although the higher the mouse sensitivity the better for some. I recommend 75 as your mouse sensitivity ;)
Entertainment - 7
It's fun if you're with friends or nice friendly people. The game is fun if it's a total bloodbath with 16 players in one room, just epic brutal fun. Although in ghost mode, you have a 68% chance of being in a room where Ghosts ruin the fun by accusing others of hacking/glitching/etc and start verbal attacks on the person, which is one thing Subagames/G4Box needs to do about. Knowing that speed hackers are in the game after the patch a week or two ago, 7 would do. For now.
Replay Value - 7
Rank up, buy new guns, kill more. This game have new contents almost every patch, so it'll keep you coming back to rank up so you can try out that new gun for a certain rank you need to be. If you're tired of the game, wait until new content arrives so you can try out new stuff they put in here, plus Sniper,Knife,Pistol only modes are now in the game, best if you try ALL the modes ;)
Community - 6
The community can be nice depending on what room you're in. Usually ghost mode is where things go down the drain, people are cruel, arguements start, verbal attacks, and that is where most speed hackers hack. Aside from that, I give it a 6 because it seems in every room I go to and play, there's always someone trying to make others feel bad. Although if you play with me, I'll be nice, just violent with my gun hehe ;)
Overall - 7.5, but I'll round it up to 8.
Post Date: 22:27 29-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Warren669
Comment: What r u doing here, ya the game kicks ass! but still,why would u listen to me when u can already b playin. download the game now and play, years of fun ;)
quick and easy, copy and paste if u wish
Post Date: 22:07 29-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: volcom47
Comment: i played this gay for a while and i got to say it is the funnest online cp game their is their are two reason why i rate this a 9 first it has good ruling you can make a clan with out it being all disorganized also it is way better than counter strike cause you can buty ur own weapons and use them whatever team ur on witch leads on to my next point This is a disadvantage for it is the repair crap what is it for its just a waste of gp but thats my opinion thats why i give it a 9 thank you
Post Date: 21:59 29-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: fantasyphillip
Comment: This game is alot of fun. I first downloaded this game not sure what to think of it but when I started to play it, I could not put the gun down ;). It is really easy to understand and control and beginners can pick it up easily! The team modes are amazing and I have already made friends from this game. It is very fun for boys and girls of all ages! If you like Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, you HAVE to try Cross Fire.
Post Date: 21:40 29-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Buronkai
Comment: -the good thing: quick to understand with all the basics of FPS shooters, there is always players to play without problem + the unique game modes the game has.
-the bad thing: still needs some development and fixes
Cross fire is a good online game to spend and kill some time with friends, unlike most online fps games, where they use the expire system, forcing you to earn a minimal amount of money to re-buy the weapon one it expires. instead, it uses the repair system that lets you play at your rythm without worrying to lose your weapon.
another special feature of this game are the games modes like the ghost mode, a game mode where one team hes to try planting a bomb and prevent to be defused while the other team prevents the bomb sites to be destroyed, but the diference that makes this game unique is that the bomb team has only cloacking devices and knifes, making them completely invisible while not moving and blur while moving, while the other team has teir weapons and need to be aware of the sounds the enemy does to spot them, making the playstyle of each team completely diferent.
this is a good choice to play by most people, it has good internet speed, short loads, every once a while they add new weapons and game modes, so we haven't seen yet all the features this game will offer
Post Date: 21:06 29-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: aSnipe
Comment: SubaGames' CrossFire delivers an online first person similar to Counter-Strike. It is a free to play game, although people may argue that the GP (in-game currency) pay-out is very low, and that getting guns, and other items after a certain rank is very difficult. Thus causing you to purchase SubaPoints to buy in-game items. In the game, there are currently six different gaming modes. One interesting mode is "Ghost Mode" where players play as a ghost with a knife, or a human with a gun. When the ghost moves it is visible, but when not the only way to locate one is by hearing his/her breath. This game mode is unique, and at the same time very fun, and challenging. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes very fun & a great mode to play. In CrossFire, teams split into two teams "Global Risk" or "Black List". Neither side has any real differences in terms of weapon loadout, but they do have differently colored uniforms and, depending on the game mode, different objectives. The game has four characters, of which three are free, and one that has to be purchased with SubaPoints. All characters have the same abilities, the only difference are his/her appearances'. The gun's in-game are purchased and kept in your inventory for ever, unless resold. After every game your gun gets "damaged" and you have to repair it; if not the spread increases, thus it is much harder to aim the gun. Some final notes, I give CrossFire a rating of 8/10. The graphics are not so good, but the game play itself is very competitive, and fast paced. The most important thing is that it is always fun, and a great way to spend your free time.
Post Date: 20:50 29-04-2009
Rating: 5
Author: lBoo
Comment: I really enjoyed the game I found very good game for your Amusement he gives us great game if not please excuse and I am from Brazil the game and very interesting and I liked much hope to improve every day but because I believe in you want to win the event because I need the gp playing day and night and are required to achieve success with God every day but sorry but I can not understand English
Post Date: 20:08 29-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Rekedens
Comment: CrossFire is a total unique and addicting video game that you download to your computer and play online with others. If you like Free games, FPS games, MMO Games, Games that are fun, and Games that are unique, you should try this game. It is a totally awesome game. I can't say it any another way, it ROCKS!
The graphics I can't say are top of the line, but they are far from lame. They are really really impressive for a free game. They might not be as good as Call of Duty. But I can't help with envy the talent of the people who made this game.
The list of guns to choose from is huge. You can buy one right away or save up your GP (you get healthy bonuses as you rank up) for a better one or multiple ones. You can get Pistols as a secondary weapon. These weapons can be really powerful, like the Deagle which is a one shot head kill. Or you can get the P228 which is not as powerful but has more rounds. These are good as backup if you are sniping. But on the main gun category, you have plenty to choose from. Some of the the guns like the G36K, Scar Light, SG552, and AUG A1 are really powerful and are good guns to have.
The game brings you a whole new game mode: Ghost Mode. One team (Black List) is a cloaked enemy and they are armed with a knife. They are visible when they move, but it can be hard to track them. The Global Risk (the other team) are not cloaked and can use guns. The point of the game is to stop Black List from blowing up the map with a C4. This game mode is so fun for both Black List and Global Risk.
You also have Search and Destroy, which is one step removed from Ghost Mode (Black list is not cloaked, but still have to set a bomb). It's a change from the Ghost Mode if you don't like hunting invisible people.
You can also play knife, pistol, or snipe only modes for a little more competitiveness. The range of maps for these modes are not as big, but the features are new so it might be a while before they start getting more maps.
Of course, we also have the classical Team Death Match. This is not only the most popular mode to play, but it has the most maps, hiding places, and creative maps. In most of the maps you can snipe, rush, or sneak around. The maps give you plenty of different tactics to try.
While you can't compare this game to Halo or Call of Duty, I am a huge fan of CrossFire and I have never played another game that was as fun. That's why I slapped a big 10 rating on it; it has a perfect balance of graphics and game play to keep it fun and not boring. And since the game only came out a few months ago it has a bright future. I can't see myself playing another game for months ... hope to kill-er, see you in the game!! :)
Written by Rekedens (In game name also, I wish you luck if you meet up with me!) - Unlimited CrossFire Fan Site
Post Date: 19:25 29-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: nazariy
Comment: This game is addicting that gives you an adrenaline rush when you play. The game has good graphics and game play. When you get killed you just want to get back up and fight back. This game is phenomenal.
It just has 1 simple flaw, there is no point of leveling up in level ones you are able to buy all guns in the game. I think that there should be more reward i nthe hard work of player getting higher level.
Post Date: 19:18 29-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: fabregas1
Comment: rateing 8
author fabrgas[_]
crossfire is a free online shootergame. the sotry line is black list a terriost group are trying to blow up certin places but globle risk are trying to stop them.there are 4 differnt charecters you can be sas, swat, omah and spop. you can buy certien things to improve the looks of your charecters.
guns 8/10
the guns are good but not the best. they have a range including snipers, rifes,hand guns,knifes and axes and grandes.
the gameplay 9/10
the overall gameplay is good the two teams start of at the oppersite end of the map and have to do a commen goal. its fast moveing and fast loading and with the new game types like free for all.
maps 8/10
the maps are good and relstic like monco looks like a race track with formal 1 cars there. the only downside is that some maps one of the teams has the advatage over the other like in egypt black list have the advatage.
graphics 9/10
the graphics are brillent for a free game but they could be better but the developers are inproveing the graphics to make them better.
game types 8/10
there are differnt types of game types. there are ghost mode where black list are ghosts and can be seen when there moveing but can only use knifes and globel risk are normal. search and distory is where black list are trying to plant a bomb in a ceriten place in the map and globel risk have to stop them. team death macth is where you have to reach a certien amount of kills or untill time runs out to win. elimation where you just have to kill everyone on the oppersite team and free for all where you have to kill everyone to reach a set amount of kills or untill time runes out.
other stuff 10/10
they include a ranking system so when you go into a game then when it finshes you gain exp to get a higher rank and money. you always get about 5% to 10% more money then the money cost to repair your guns. its fun and fast moveing, its enjoyable. you can also join a clan when you get to the rank of private and make them when your staff sargent.
overall 8/10
crossfire offers you fun and fast game play that have good grafics. it has good maps and enjoyable game modes that.
Post Date: 18:36 29-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Fullsunshine
Comment: First Glance
The newly officially launched free to play, First-Person-Shooter Crossfire is a surprisingly good game. I had denounced Free First-Person-Shooters after playing Combat Arms but was greatly relieved to see that this game was different .Crossfire's story line is that you are either a anti terrorist called "Global Risk" soldier or a mercenary called "Black List" soldier. You can choose from playing as a swat team to a team of SAS soldiers. You can customize all characters to some point. One thing that tops my list is how few hackers and glitches there are in the game. Game Guard seems two steps ahead of hackers!
Gameplay 10/10
Crossfires gameplay is just the way any noob like me likes it. FastPaced! From the size of the maps to the power of the weapons, Crossfire keeps you on edge. After a almost always quick load (depending on your internet) you can't go far until you encounter an enemy. Also newly added is the custom matches, you can now have pistol only,sniper only and so on
Weapons 10/10
Crossfires weapon system is one of the things I like the most. Instead of being able to run around with an AWM or L96A1 and a sub-machine gun of some type which makes you unstoppable. Instead, you have to choose between bag one and bag two. You can configure your bags by going to your storage where you have all your game point(see game money)guns stored. In your bag you are allowed to carry a pistol,main weapon,knife and a throwing object. Another wonderful thing is that when you buy a gun in Crossfire,you buy it for good (though you can sell it for half of its original price). But a surprising feature is Crossfire's guns require repairing after every match and even though you don't have to repair them, your gun functions better when its repaired. In terms of gun selections Crossfire has a wide arsenal of guns. Ranging from: Desert Eagle to AWM. Also its throwing weapons include the standard Flash grenade or flash Bang, Frag grenade and the smoke grenade.
Graphics 8/10
The Graphics for Crossfire are not the best Ive seen but they still are good. The graphics can't be compared to Call of Duty 4 but I am still pleased. Word on the forum of Crossfire, is that the developers are working on making them better but no firm estimated time of arrival.
Maps. 9/10
Crossfire maps tend to be small and be indoors. The maps being small helps the games remain fast paced and easy to get around to various places. The moderators of the game have said that in order to keep Crossfire realistic they will not be adding jungle maps. Most have secret passages or air vents that you can crouch walk through to come out and surprise the enemy but then they also could do the same to you ! Crossfire maps provide cover but not to much so you will have to watch your back. Some people find the maps to small,an example would be the map "Egypt" which is set right infront of a pyramid and the Black list is at one end of the a courtyard while the Global Risk is at the other. This map had grenades raining down from the heavens and many people complain about it but you don't seem them complaining about the grenade kills they are getting :P
Game Money. 9/10
In Crossfire you earn money after every game providing you got atleast one kill and also when you rank up from a certain promotion to another. Some people complain about how little GP(gamepoints) you get after every match but it usually averages 260 and a good game can be up to 500 GP. The things that most players dislike is that fact that repairing your gun after one battle can cost 200 GP. But during special events, Crossfire will have it that every game you play you get 50% more GP or something like that which is very nice. Also there are Suba Points. Suba points are the only thing that makes this game cost anything. You can buy Suba points online by using paypal or something like that. Suba Points usually allow you to buy special things that include 100K of Game Points. But Suba points are not mandatory to the game which makes it still a free FPS.
Fun Factor. 10/10
Overall Crossfire is a fun,fast paced,low hack count, easy to play FPS. I couldn't tear my self away for 4 hours after I had downloaded the game. It still have one or two things I would like to see improved but if your looking for a free game with great players and fun modes like Ghost mode ( where one side is invisible with knives and the other visible with guns) don't be a dingbat and dont delay downloading this Crossfire any longer.
Post Date: 18:27 29-04-2009
Rating: 7
Author: FinalBlow
Comment: Ok this is my honest review on Crossfire. Crossfire is a lot like Counter Strike Source, it looks a bit like it but lacks the orginality and the communication system. I feel Crossfire is very good for a free fps catering for all computers with different graphics, its worth a try!
I feel the maps are quite generic, they look like mirrors so you can use the same tactics on either side. I feel that if they made maps a lot different as Black List or Global Risk it will develop the game more for stratagys instead of rushing at the same places.
Type of Games
I feel in this area Crossfire have done very well. The many different variety of games keep the user interested, where some are team based, others stratergy and other just pure brute force! This area needs the least development as it provides lots for the user to do so they doen get bored.
I feel Crossfire have done good in this area. There is a good amount of weopons avaidable and you can pick up others if you want a change of tactics from a sniper to a machinegun. A good thing is there is no guns for VIPS who pay to get the special UBER weapons like in other games so everyone has a fair chance.
The Crossfire community is quite active with lots of people around. The clan system is also effective as it enables teamwork and show pride, it has been done better than in other games as clan marks are now released so lots of competitions can take place.
Itemshop and Charachters
There is a range of charachters even a female! It think this is good and the itemshop sells money and other objects that arnt guns so everyone has a equal chance. This is good as the selling of UBER guns is where other games have gone wrong.
Rank System
The rank system is good and like the real army. The bonuses at certain ranks really help to change the game for you so you can enjoy it more! One flaw is how hard it is to get money one past staff seargent and bonuses arnt dished out after that.
I feel Crossfire could improve its user base and ratings by put more originality into maps which are looking quite generic (they are basically mirrors) and develop it more so its different from CS:S. Also if the Crossfire team continue to update the game like they are atm they will get more popular.
Overall i think Crossfire is well worth playing and offers a good and lively environment to play in. If the development team keep at it it could be one of the major contenders in ths fps/free fps awards. I think it deserves a 7/10 as it has much to work on but it has made a very good start.
Thanks for reading
Niall - HybridGun/FinalBlow of
Post Date: 17:25 29-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: AMonster
Comment: For a free FPS, Cross Fire blows all the others out of the water. From the start I fell in love with this game. I thought it would be like all the others; Pick up a gun, hold down left mouse button, die. But I was pleasantly surprised. You start out as a "trainee" and a good chunk of money. From there, the possibilities are almost endless. You start with having the option to choose between three different types of characters, SAS, S.W.A.T, and OMOH. With a new patch, there are now female characters too! After you choose your character, you get to start playing immediately. Rank up by gaining experience points after every game. The ranks go on and on! There are many game types and each one gets better and better.
Team Deathmatch: You choose between two teams: Global Risk (the good guys) and Black List.(the bad guys)There are many different maps to play on, but the game type is the same. You kill the enemies as much as possible. You have the option to play up to a certain amount of kills, or until the time runs out. The team who reaches the amount of kills, or the team with the most kills when time runs out wins! yay!
Elimination: Choose between Global Risk and Black List. This game mode is a little different. Each team spawns, but when you kill an enemy, they do not respawn. When one team is completely eliminated, the round ends, and a new one starts. The host can set the number of rounds to what ever he wants, up until 13 rounds.
Free For All: You choose between Global Risk and Black list, but it does not matter. As soon as you spawn, you are on your own! Kill anyone who comes in sight, good guys or bad! The game ends when one player has reached the kill limit, or when time runs out.
Search and Destroy: Choose between Global Risk and Black List. The objective of this game for Global Risk is to keep Black List from destroying a certain object with C4. GR wins by either killing the other team before they can plant, or by defusing the bomb before it explodes. For Black List, you win by planting the bomb and having it explode, or by killing Global Risk. This game goes by rounds, up to 13.
Ghost Mode: The glory of Crossfire! This is an original mode that no other game has. It is completely unique. To start, you choose between Global Risk, who can use any weapon they have. The other team to choose from is Black List. But this time they are different. Black List is now invisible! They only have their melee weapon, and they flicker in view when they move. Global Risk is trying to keep the Ghost team from blowing up a certain point using C4, or defusing the bomb when it is planted. The Ghosts are trying to blow up one of these spots. This is the mode that requires the most skill, and is extremely addicting. If you are looking for a more fulfilled gaming experience, play Ghost Mode.
The game is even more customizable with the weapon restrictions for game matches. You can change the weapons for most of the modes. The weapon restrictions are: 1. Knife only, good for satisfying your craving to stab someone. 2. Pistol only, which is fun for a slower paced version of the game. 3. Snipers only, which is great for brushing up your skills, or good for destroying those who are brushing up on their skills.
The weapon selection in Cross Fire is great, and ever growing! You can find a verity of sub-machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, pistols and even grenades! The best part is once you buy the gun, it is yours FOREVER! No need to re-buy your gun every week. The trick is to find the gun that is perfect for you, because guaranteed, there is one.
A great feature of the game is it's clan system. You can create a clan, get a custom clan picture, and seriously make the clan any way you want. You can have clan wars against other clans. The clans are ranked using a "Clan Point" system. The more points you get, the better your clan. Make a clan for fun, or for some serious competition.
The community is great, and there are a lot of very friendly people. The GMs are very active, and are dedicated to the games well-being. This game is good enough to pay for, but it is even better that it is 100% completely free. All the guns are available for anyone to buy, and there are no guns for "VIP" use only. You can play this game just as well as anyone else, and don't need to spend a penny. But if you have a penny to spend, Suba Points are a good investment. You can customize your character, buy in-game money, and much more!
If you love online games, or shooting, or strategy, or all of the above, this game is for you! This game is a 10 on my charts, because the gameplay is amazing. Fast paced, skilled, and so smooth! The graphics are not bad at all, but the gameplay is what makes Cross Fire a perfect 10. I recommend you go download the game and give it a try. You'll love everything about it. Play the game for fun with friends, and experience the customization of Cross Fire.
Post Date: 16:33 29-04-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Varomaton
Comment: So if Counter-Strike is getting bored for a reason and starting to taste like booger. Here's a case for you, that will blow your mind away, what makes this game unique is the ranking system; meaning the more you play the more you get. In case lets say you start, you get some weapons and a Trainee status, after some ranks you finally start earning some serious dope, such as M4A1 which will take the wind out of anyone in your way, if you know how to handle your weapon. If you need an FPS game and like earning stuff, this is the game for you. Cant/Wont get better than this. Bang bang!
Post Date: 04:12 12-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: mayckoll
Comment: yeah!! cross fire is the greatest fps game. i like cross fire more than Combat arms. i know combat arms has so much more graphics, but cross fire just with ghost mode is the best!
and i agree with (awesomedrako), i have to play cross fire in 800x600 res.
and the graphics with this resolution isnt very good. my screen is 1360x768
Post Date: 17:47 04-04-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Urrthelurr
Comment: This game is epic.
Post Date: 18:17 03-04-2009
Rating: 10
Author: awesomedrako
Comment: REALLY GOOD! i've just tried it, and its awesome, its like Counterstrike except you have to earn weapons, not every start of the round you buy weapons (hate that system), I really like shooters :), the only problem I have with this game is that you can't set the resolution any higher than 1024 x 768, so I can't take advantage of my widescreen, a really minor problem though.
Post Date: 06:09 09-03-2009
Rating: 8
Author: nerdboyxxx
Comment: Crossfire; on first impressions, I didn"t expect much. The graphics were average, like most online shooter there was a lobby and it had all the features. Then I saw the rest, and as how misleading this game can be.
While not a major contender (and it may never be unless the graphics are improved on...) CrossFire offers more than what the first appearances may seem.
From off the bat, crossfire seems like one of those pick up a weapon and shoot anything that moves games that we all see. You"d be right, except for the pick up a weapon part. In CrossFire, you earn experience and gp for each round you complete, and further bonuses for getting the most kills in the game, most headshots, etc. gp can be spent at the item shop (gp is earned in-game and does not have to be purchased) to buy better weapons and upgrades for your character. The better the weapons, the more exp. you earn to get to those higher ranks.
Ranks play an important role in this game. You require higher ranks to upgrade your character further through the equipment tiers. You could have 10 million gp but not be able to spend it because you do not have the required rank. The higher your rank, the better gear you can purchase and thus you earn more gp and snag more kills.
Like most shooters, rounds have a preset goal, from simply killing all enemies in sight to the very intuitive ghost mode, which is a hellava lot of fun. You can trust that mode to bring you back for more.
Although the game can be rather frustrating (the graphics and controls can be improved on, so can the community) crossfire is shaping up to be a fine contender in todays online shooter franchise. And the best thing, it is completely free!
Word of warning: to get to the higher ranks will require almost endless amounts of gameplay as you require a lot of experience to move up, but you are there to play anyway, right? Have fun ;)
Post Date: 20:29 16-02-2009
Rating: 7
Author: buzzsaw
Comment: Good free FPS but not great. Ghost mode rulez but the graphics suck and the community needs improvement.
IF it keeps improving I will keep playing after beta. If not, I will need to try another FPS.
Post Date: 17:40 12-02-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Eknow
Comment: Crossfire is great so far. I would not buy it either but there are few games I would lol. The clan system does rock.
Post Date: 04:49 11-02-2009
Rating: 10
Author: bigfngun
Comment: just downloaded it ive been playin for about 3 days now gameplay rocks its still a beta but clan system rocks knifing roxs graphics aint the best but hey eiter are counter strike 1.6 but gameplay on it rocks awsome rank system customize your characters and also buy new weps train is the best map it fun as hell and addicting i deff recomend this game plus u dont have to go out and buy it lol and the download takes like 20 min lol try it it ownz