We all love a bit of intrigue, which is probably why SUS games are soaring in popularity; a combination of strategy, cunning, deception, and some teamwork is what keeps players enthralled with this genre.

Let’s have a look at the top SUS games to keep you in suspense and unleash your Machiavellian side!

What are SUS Games?

If you haven’t heard about online strategy games, aka Strategy and Subterfuge (SUS) games, then welcome to a world in which you work as a team – but trust no one. These games revolve around deception, learned strategy, and psychological insight. Players work together to achieve a common goal, but some may secretly undermine the group’s objectives.

This is where the challenge comes in –  SUS games become a guessing game of the truest form. Of course, not all guesses are on the money, and with a little strategy and subterfuge of your own, you become immersed in a world that offers endless entertainment and intrigue.

Explore the Top SUS Games: If You Dare

In the topsy-turvy world of SUS games, you have to be smart to prosper. Let’s explore the top SUS games to play that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you identify friend from foe against a backdrop of teamwork and deception:

Among Us

Take to the stars in the hit game, Among Us. In this space opera, you’re either a Crewmate or an Impostor aboard a spaceship.

  • Overview: Embark on a thrilling journey of teamwork and betrayal, navigating the challenges of completing tasks while avoiding deception
  • Impact: The game has skyrocketed in popularity, becoming a cultural phenomenon and setting a trend for SUS games
  • Game Mechanics: Crewmates diligently complete tasks while Impostors strategically sabotage and eliminate them, creating a tense and exciting gameplay environment
  • Role of Deception: Impostors employ deception to avoid detection, while Crewmates work collaboratively to uncover the truth and ensure their survival

Super Sus – Who is The Impostor

Step into the intriguing world of Super Sus – a sprawling arena where every player holds a crucial role in solving the mystery.

  • Overview: Navigate through various intricate maps and factions, each offering a unique challenge and requiring strategic gameplay
  • Unique Features: Real-time voice discussion enhances the gameplay experience, allowing for immediate communication and collaboration among players
  • Game Mechanics: Players assume different roles, each contributing significantly to the unfolding narrative and the ultimate goal of solving the mystery
  • Role of Deception: Unmask the impostor while skillfully navigating alliances and betrayals, ensuring the success of your faction

Town of Salem

Salem – the very name can send shivers down your spine. Now, you can immerse yourself in the mysterious town, where you will find all the usual suspects of strategy, intrigue, and – as always – deception!

  • Overview: Players are assigned roles and must work according to their alignments, either helping the town or working against it
  • Unique Features: Offers a wide variety of roles and game modes, ensuring a fresh and exciting experience each time
  • Game Mechanics: Players use their abilities and wit to fulfill their roles, making strategic decisions to achieve victory
  • Role of Deception: Deceptive tactics are crucial as players try to conceal their true roles while uncovering the identities of others

Werewolf Online

Every genre needs a good werewolf game and the SUS genre boasts the rustic “charms” of Werewolf Online to satisfy this. The game is set in a village buzzing with secrets, deceptions, and werewolves of course!

  • Overview: Players are villagers with secret roles, working together to unmask the werewolves among them
  • Unique Features: The game offers various roles and powers, adding complexity and excitement to the gameplay
  • Game Mechanics: Players communicate, debate, and vote to eliminate suspected werewolves, while werewolves plot their moves in secrecy
  • Role of Deception: Mastering the art of deception is key to survival, as players navigate suspicions and alliances

Secret Hitler

Step into the historical echoes of “Secret Hitler,” a video game in which political intrigue meets deception.

  • Overview: Players are liberals or fascists, aiming to enact policies or uncover Hitler
  • Unique Features: Set in a historical context, adding depth to the deception
  • Game Mechanics: Players vote on policies, with fascists sowing discord
  • Role of Deception: Fascists deceive to gain control, while liberals seek the truth

SUS Games: Keeping You Guessing to the Very End

Online strategy games have always been popular and SUS games certainly require a lot of strategy! 

From the depths of space to the somber town of Salem, SUS games take you on a journey of discovery. But, what you will discover isn’t always what it seems! To thrive in the cosmos or master the politics of days gone by, you will need to have your wits about you.

Be warned though – A smattering of cunning, strategy, and a little suspicion is needed if you want to unravel the mysteries that await.