Talisman Online is a free 3D multiplayer online role-playing game. It happened in an ancient fantasy world, people take adventure to enhance their magic skill to protect the peace of the world. But some omens showing the Evils are revived, so it’s the time for you to defeat the Evils.

Review Archive

Post Date: 23:30 25-01-2015
Rating: 7
Author: nikolinjo555
Comment: Ye been playing it for quite some time now my oppinon for now: pros+hard grind,interesting stuff,cool mounts,varity of gear cons:bad graphic,when i mean bad yeah its really bad,pay to win a lot … thats it

Post Date: 22:12 18-09-2013
Rating: 2
Author: Supernatural
Comment: Tried the game a few days ago and it really feels like the game from last century… Movement is really weird, my char moves like he is retarded and from 2 hours I spent playing 80% of the time was watching my character walk. Really boring experience.

Graphics are terrible, you could at least update the models or texture so I feel like I’m actually living in the 21st century.

The only positive thing was the music which was kinda cool but it’s gets annoying really fast.

I don’t see a bright future for this game, sorry.

Gave it a 2, there are worse games then this one that’s for sure.

Post Date: 17:02 25-08-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Tiberian
Comment: Talisman Online was the first game I ever played online. I go away for a little bit but it always brings me back to it its addictive and fun. Love all the classes like the fairys which are great for group and always gets in group easier, Wizard if you want to do massive group damage with fire or ice, Assasins if you want to be a deadly tank or damage dealer, Tamers are great for soloing and you have a tame pet beside you, monks are the most tanking character good defense. Great guild vrs guild wars.

Post Date: 04:53 30-07-2013
Rating: 5
Author: Astruil
Comment: Well isnt that great but i like it , just because its different of all the games ive played

Post Date: 16:41 02-07-2013
Rating: 9
Author: mmowiz
Comment: the pandas are coming! to is a good 3d mmo that has been around for years. the updates and events keep it going strong

Post Date: 20:54 06-01-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Great game really fun graphics are good one of the best free to play MMORPG out there today for sure i really liked this game myself when i checked it out if you are thinking about trying it then go for it you wont regret it

Post Date: 18:58 03-01-2013
Rating: 5
Author: killers
Comment: First of all, you need to give a name to the character you create. You can choose different face styles and hair styles you like to make your character look cool and unique from other players.

You can create three characters at most under one account. If you want to try more characters you need to register a new account. Choose the character you created, and then you can enter the server through this character and begin your adventure.
Green Scarp is green all the year round and is a nice quiet place for Master to have rest. It consists of four major places: Square, Back Mountain, Secret Cave and Piedmont. All of the five characters are born in the Square of Green Scarp.

Post Date: 04:05 29-11-2012
Rating: 8
Author: jackquack
Comment: TO is an awesome MMO. My only beef is that I do not find any love that I see in the love stories!!! Who writes stories?

Post Date: 19:20 02-08-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mishoepro
Comment: The recent addition of a new area for 60+ people and 20+ people makes the game favorable for both low levels and high levels. I’d just wish that the updates would come out more frequently and I’d be hooked to it. If they had a better security system yeah, that’ll help from all the bots that people had but they just recently patched that, so i’m happy :). Otherwise, every class has its own strength’s and weaknesses, but i’d recommend tamer for solo play, fairy for party play and monk, wizard for pvp/solo, assassin for pvp/solo

Post Date: 07:04 29-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dhagista
Comment: Talisman Online is not just a game for fun. This game helps you reach out and make friends. It teaches you the importance of teamwork. Most of all it shows you that with your confidence, skills and ability.
This game means a lot to me, it helps me share love and friendship. No matter how far we are from each other, here in game we can be together and take care of each other. We laugh, cry and beat each other up in duel.. but hey, those moments makes it far more than just a game. It makes you build connections that lingers truly in your heart. Here in Talisman Online you can be who you are. Thanks for the game. 😀

Post Date: 14:29 27-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Ben2023
Comment: one of my favorite events are collect Celestial Pearl, because we can get the exp. and energy with only collect Celestial Pearl quest. There are several regular weekly events in the game and called Celestial Pearl event. Celestial Pearl can be found in different places in the map, you can pick up those pearls to use it in your quest if its required to your level neither you can sell it in Trade, Stall & Auctionar to other players in the game. So during the event time you can collect the Celestial Pearls as much as you can to have enough pieces to use it next days of the week before next event. The celestial pearl quest can be requested in Stone City & Clear Water Dam. NPC: Immortal Lee. The collection of the Celestial pearl is unlimited during the event. The quest of Celestial Pearl its a Daily Quest 3 times Per Day. This event comes 3 times per a week and lasting for 1 hour. Enjoy the game. 🙂

Post Date: 04:44 27-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: rahitroe
Comment: Talisman Online is a free-to-play 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It takes place in an ancient fantasy world, people turn to adventurers who seek enhance their magic skill to protect the peace of the world. But some omens showing great ancient Evils have revived; as one of these adventurers it is time for you to defeat the Evils. There are many items that u can use to kill the evils. Combine is the only way to strengthen talismans and defensive gear by giving them Plus Rank. It can make them stronger than the same ones without Combination or with lower Plus Rank and can add additional attributes to the equipment. Of course, the higher Plus Rank, the more power they have. Rhe higher-rank Combination, the lower success rate, but rate can be raised by providing Fortune Item. At present, the Fortune Items can be used on all equipment of +7 or above, Titanium Stone (may be acquired by killing strong BOSS) and Golden Diamond (an item to guarantee 100% success rate in Combination from +1 to +9) that is available from the in game shop. Please note that all Fortune Items will disappear after usage and each Combination no matter successful or failed consumes certain amount of money, Combine Gem and all Fortune Items. So please be careful when you put things as Fortune Item. Success rate will be raised after failure. How to Combine?? Speak to the blacksmith and select the Combine option in his dialogue. All talisman and defensive gear can be combined to +1 without any failure and money. From +2 to +10, the success rate will reduce gradually. Good luck all !!!

Post Date: 10:37 26-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: DamaG3R
Comment: As all we know that Assassin is very good damager, they can do mass of damage and they also have a VERY high change of a Critical Strike (CS), almost like a tamer (they can also hit higher than a tamers Critical Strike). Their only fault in their Set is their Lack (low) of Health. People with a Critical Strike Set have Low Vitality Therefore low Health. Critical Strike set has high damage even with-out Critical Strike because the set come with Dexterity which gives assassins their damage power. As Heavy Damagers are good in PvP (Player vs. Player) and PvE (Player vs. Enemy) because of their big damage and quick kill. Weapon Choice for Heavy Damagers is Dexterity (Dex for short) this Increases their attack. But if you want to add on your health you can always buy or TRY to drop from a monster a Dexterity and Vitality.

Post Date: 08:31 25-05-2012
Rating: 8
Author: baipisan
Comment: Hello all i played TO from 3 years i have hero class:Assassin
in Light in Darkness server 75 lvl with all gears +10 and wep +7 i cant stop play this game cuz have a amazing graphic (3D)
and a lots of fun with the quests.I reccomend to play this game with friends and never give up and DO youre quests !

Post Date: 13:23 24-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: JoohJoCS
Comment: Hi all :^_^: Tamer is the cest class in Talisman online. The most important is u must have a mana pet to grind on map and kill everything. If You drop good things like medium emeralds, rubys, anything just sell it. Focuse on getting enough money to buy pet even lvl 1! With pet its much eaiser to grind or farm. After You get your pet You can invest some money in EQ – buy only cheap CS items since tamer is almost cheapest char in talisman online. When You got Your pet and lets say EQ lvl 40-50 with cs – or even 30-40 depends of Your luck with getting money – You have to chose what You want, faster getting to lvl 70 or faster getting money. If You chose faster getting to level 70 Your next goal is to get auto pick. It helps you alot coz You dont have to waste Your time to pick up everyting You get. If You chose faster getting money I would suggest to save money for mount +7………Why ? Becouse alot of teams are farming only last bosses in caves such as BC and They need damagers with mount +7 so there is big possibility They will take You. and you can farm HH as well to make ur lucky day for golden assis drop… 🙂

Post Date: 09:31 24-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: depkata02
Comment: a tank…. beeing a tank isnt all about the HP…. if u have a fary u dont need HP and u should focus on wepon and defence… for expample u dun need a pet with max HP in caves , a pet with def and HP regen like the cavy is good enough. Also – When u tank with a +10 dmg make sure to use the SACRIFACE skill when luring mobs, since staff only has AOE for 3 targets and u cant keep the aggro anyother way, untill the sacriface buff expires u should be done with all the mobs. on boss its ok too simply bash bash bash and bash to stack some aggro , and after u are sure u have enough aggro stacked u can use bonus spells like ignite skill and Fatal Sadness. the best points on staff for tanking is 5 points on fire ,, 5 points on bash so u can use bonus skill when u need ,, 5 points on Fatal Sadness to give u 25% chance to stun ANYTHING ,, 5 points on fire dmg and 5 points on dodge increase cuzz that gives u the WHOOPING 20% bonus dodge , combined with full dodge gear u can reach 60% dodge rate and 30% from staff = 90% to decrese the incoming normal dmg !!! for a tank build u can use simply blue items for dodge ,, but i suggest going for full loos or if u have it already start making PRC repu . the loos set gives u STR for incresed Damage ,, huge dodge rates and vitality.
Also from loos set u get bonuses for every 2 ,, 4 and 6 items from the set — 2 items increase STR points 90 — 4 items increase defence 10% very importaint and 6 or full set reduces the stamina cost of the FATAL BASH skill by 10 wich means u can stack aggro alot easier and ofcourse deal more dmg 🙂 and most importaintly u need to make sure noone is in the range of the AoE of the boss… if ur take DMG make sure he can take the aoe and actualy deal dmg isntead of just sitting back on bosses
i can give u more tips but u just cant remember all of this to use it. u’ll learn it while tanking and watching others tank , u simply have to learn them ursleves 🙂

Post Date: 15:30 21-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: CaezarLopez
Comment: Many players dont know which gear to choose for wizard, here i try to explain the ’best’ gear you can possibly get for wizard. While you’re lvling from 1-70, you should just try and get some int/cs blue equipment and combine it to +3-6 or so, it will be good enough to level, and you shouldnt have any problems. But once you reach 70+ you will want to start working on the gear you will be using for PvP and other End game activities. Now this is actually a bit tricky, i cant say for sure which is going to be best because the 70-80 set might be released soon, and i dont know the exact stats of it, also the 60-70 purple sets could be released, and i dont know the stats of those either. So therefore i have a hard time recommending the best possible equipment, so i will just say that at this is the best right now, it may very well not be in the next patch, so keep that in mind if you choose to get this equipment. Right now, for PvP the best set a Wizard can have is 4 Loos and 2 PvP(sword) or 4 PvP 2 Loos (blade). For blade you could replace those 2 loos with something else, like getting a full pvp set instead, or 2 golden CS pieces, its up to you. But for swords users theres no better combination of gear at this point. Once the 70-80 gear is released, it may be better to mix and match int/cs with int/vit gear, since the 70 set will have alot more defense and resistance. Hope it was of any use tips…. 😀

Post Date: 10:27 21-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: goodmaps
Comment: How make fast graduate your apprentince in Talisman Online.? One of the best class to use for Apprentices is Wizards is the best class for making apprentice but you need the tools to make fast graduate your app is Mana pet lvl 20-25 full intel with auto pick and sword weapon 10-20+6. At level 1-8- stay in green scarp and attack mobs below your level by 3 lvls, use your first attack, it produces more kills in a minute with 1 hit kills, do all the quests first then grind on the mobs. Level 9-15- Go to sky village do all the quests there, with your weapon being full enhanced you will get kills faster which means you quest quicker. After all the quests are done go to the bandits and grind on them. Level 16-20- Do the qeusts and the scenario in white cloud and grind on centipedes until you reach lvl 20, you will need to the wizards aoe from blades at lvl 20 to fly through the winded camp and north of stone to make it to the play boys. Level 21-23, You should be north of stone at this point. At this point you wont be using your normal attacks unless its on the mushrooms for the venom quest. Grab all those quests and complete, do not leave this area until you are level 24. Levels 24-30, At this point you should go to leud temple and do all the quests, remember only use ur aoe, quicker kills more exp. go to leud temple, coz this map is the best place to grind your apprentice and find drops to make gold for your purple gears.

Post Date: 04:49 21-05-2012
Rating: 5
Author: flashpow
Comment: i started playing Talisman Online in July 2011 it was the first MMORPG game i played that looked nice ,and you didnt need to pay for it to play the game. Except for the T-point to buy special stuff. So i downloaded the game and created a character. I choice to start as Tamer which i discovered now was a good choice, it can capture pets to fight with you and the armour isnt that expensive. I also choice it because i like bows and crossbows.
The first time is started playing i didnt get the point of the game, but after some help from friends i started to get into the game how everything works, leveling , questing and getting the weapon and assist talisman. Also i didnt know about the Bound and the colors of the talisman but after some matching of them i discovered which were good and bad. And a other problem i discovered when playing is when i ask people for help the talk Brazilain or so, thats language i dont understand so i joined a Guild with english speaking players and my friends joined it to, the guild is still growing and getting bigger. First time i also didnt know what scenarios were i walked in then killed 3-5 mobs there and died, though they should be as easy as the mobs outside the scenario of that map. Wenn i joined that guild it become clear, scenario are like the places were bosses of that map hid en the better monster. There also some high xp quest there and guild quest which ill do every day for the xp and energy rewards they give. Its a great and pleasures game to play with lots of hours of fun with other players from many countries.

Post Date: 11:52 20-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: SweetPalm
Comment: The most important to be a good Tamer is u must have a mana pet to grind on maps and kill everything. If You drop good things like medium or Large emeralds, rubys, anything just sell it. Focuse on getting enough money to buy pet even lvl 1! With pet its much eaiser to grind or farm. After You get your pet You can invest some money in EQ – buy only cheap CS items since tamer is almost cheapest char in talisman online.

When You got Your pet and lets say EQ lvl 40-50 with cs – or even 30-40 depends of Your luck with getting money – You have to chose what You want, faster getting to lvl 70 or faster getting money. If You chose faster getting to level 70 Your next goal is to get auto pick. It helps you alot coz You dont have to waste Your time to pick up everyting You get. If You chose faster getting money I would suggest to save money for mount +7………Why ? Becouse alot of teams are farming only last bosses in caves such as BC and They need damagers with mount +7 so there is big possibility They will take You. and you can farm HH as well. Cave HH can give You great money! From this cave you can reach even 200g. With mount +7 You can just run HH to Green Robe Master. After that You go kill last boss and reset cave, over and over again. Each run takes 5 minutes. Even if You drop 1 item per 10 runs its just 50 minutes of farming and what if You drop golden assis (hasty shoes or dragon roc) You’ll get like 1000-2000g…WOW :DDD

Post Date: 21:26 19-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: tottolodi
Comment: I started out into Talisman like many others. I have played MMORPG’s before, and to me this would seem like another game that held no special qualities- but this was more then a game. Talisman Online is practically a culture that many breathe in! When I started I was lost, confused, and focused on lone wolf while leveling up. I had no master, I couldn’t run SC till I was level 30+, and the Assassin I created had 1400 hp at level 43. Yet, I still played on regardless of that fact and I still brought it upon myself as an individual to push through the obstacles to obtain my goal of hitting the max level. Through all of that I made many memories and many friends, along with having the time of my life to log in almost every day. Thanks and good luck all#1

Post Date: 18:44 19-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: KingRapp
Comment: when i first play Talisman Online the game was a good one. The players inside were very friendly. Within 10 minutes of questing around, there came a high level asking me to be his apprentice. I was clueless of what an apprentice was, but decided to give it a try and accepted. My master was a very helpful one in a sense that he helps me in quests, which are more challenging to complete.
Very soon, i was a level 20 and raiding instances with other players. Although these instances were challenging, i had great fun as it requires a lot of teamwork and coordination to bring a boss or even a group of monsters down. Each and every instance has its own uniqueness to it, which makes the game even more interesting instead of those regular grinding-fest mmos.
This i few is a good feature that TO has in which many more mmos dont in a sense that most others that i played are just your tank and spank kind of bosses. This is also the reason TO is able to keep me engaged to the game and not move on to other games.
Another good thing is the customising the characters. Each class gets 2 talisman and 4 assistant tailsman to choose from making it pretty customisable to which build oyu want to be. Of couse players can also just farm energy and level 6 talisman. So far TO has not let me down and im happy to have ever played this game.

Post Date: 12:20 18-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: WyreN
Comment: Hi all.Talisman online is free MMORPG game for playing,its free and online.in game basicly have 5 characters,game is really good and fun for playing.Have items from 0 to 75 level basicly level 75 is higher on the game.You can enhnace your weapon to level 75 and make +++ basicly +10 weapon,max quality is golden and max quality for stuffs is also golden,most higher hp and defense have the monk and he is Tank he use shovel and stuff and for me shovel have best look when its +7++ 70+ level :)) Wizard is very good damager also and AoE Tamer is something same like Wizzard and here we have assasin he is tanker for low level scenarios max he can tank CWC and he is good damage dealer .. 🙂 Fairy is the healer in game he heal revive and buff other players 🙂 IN game have mount and pet,pet max level is 25 and mount max combine is +10.Most low defense have the tamer than wizard than fairy than assaasin and than monk.Come play this game its very good game.

Post Date: 17:49 14-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Winnar
Comment: This game is a fusion between a classical storyline and a whole new gaming style. This is where you find a high end graphics where the armor designs are spectacular especially the engravings on the armor and weapons. And the plus pointa miniature combo system which does not overpower you with combos yet gives you a chance to use it.(in tha=e assasin class) Further more the game has a very easy system to orgaise with decent drop rates of rare items and its quite fun and easy to play. Finally its a mmorpg with pvp,pve,teamwork guild and many more. However there are some bad points about it and its abit laggy but other than that I would give it a thumbs up!

Post Date: 13:03 11-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Wicked
Comment: Talisman Online is a poorly translated Chinese-based MMORPG. The so-called story line is impossible to follow. The only thing certain is your quest objectives. Poorly translated or not, the game system allows for your character to automatically travel to your destination surrounded by the target enemies.

One thing this game does properly is the extensive variety of mounts and pets you can utilize; Of course, keep in mind these cost up to $30, but they can be bought with in-game gold for the right price. Most games with a mount give you few options; this game has many options and each option suits different characters because of different skill trees and effects supplied.

It can become very repetitive the more you play, at least until a new scenario (raid instance) is unlocked. These are fun (the first time) and helpful toward the leveling of your character, but the bosses generally only have one or two special attacks while they have massive hit points. God-awfully repetitive and lame on that point because it takes minimal skill, but a great amount of time.

Post Date: 15:23 10-05-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nazkendy
Comment: Talisman Online is nice.

Post Date: 08:56 28-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: GoodDay
Comment: Talisman is online game . have 5 classed Monk ,Wizzard, Fairy, Assasin, Tamer. Max lvl is 75 Every hero have nice sets and weapons.Have nice caves and realy hard World, Veteran boss.Have Realy easy and hard Quests. Every hero can have pet and mount. Tamer can conquer pet (mob).To Finish cave need realy good team work.
Good Team Work. To VICTORY !!

Post Date: 14:15 27-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: TalismanPlayer
Comment: Talisman is Online game . Have 5-(6) Heroes.
1.Assasin he have 2 Weapons Talismans.Daggers dagers was for duel and boss.Chain Simmitars he have AoE`s Skills.
2.Wizard (male and female) Have Swords and Blades.Blades was for duel and boss.Swords Was DMG and AoE.
3Tamer he is Solo hero. He have pet.Hi wepons is Bow and Crossbow.Bow Was AoE for mobs. Crossbow was for DMG.
4.Fairy he is support here. He have Heal And Nice Buffs.Have Pearls and Wheels.
5.Monk he is tanker. He Have Shovel and Staff.Shovel was for DMG Monks.Staff was For Tankers.

Post Date: 19:50 26-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Hidden
Comment: Talisman online is online game its MMORPG game and its free for playing.Talisman online is 3D game and you play with people around the world.Game is fantasy and in game have servers witch u chose to play.Most old server is light in darkness.In game have 5 classes Wizard assasin monk tamer and fairy .Basicly on the game for levelup you need to do quests ,the quests give golds and silvers too and give energy for enhancing your weapon .Fairy is pretty nice and sweety hero she is healer,she can heal and Buff and revive too its good for scenarios and u are fairy u will always go to scenarios .Scenarios are from level 15 to level 75 hardest scenario is PRS and if u are tank (monk) u must bee +10 full :))Wizard is good aoe most popular is sword than blade assasin is good damager and aoe he use siimi for aoe and dagger for damage Tamer is something like wizard and monk is Tank mmost high hp and defense.In pet have pet and mount for riding max combining items is +10 🙂

Post Date: 14:22 26-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Deed
Comment: Hello. I’ll tell you a little about the game very well known Talisman Online. It is a 3D game with fantastic graphics and good effects. In the game you can put yourself in five forms. Assassin, Monk, Tamer, Fairy, and Wizard. Each character is good in different ways. Talismanie in a very interesting thing is the so-called secaria. we can say that in this game, not missing a lot of things everything. has been worked out. Image game so I think a lot of fantastic players thinks so but that does not bother us in any way is just good. You can have your own guild with colleagues or with other players around the world really fun to play. the game can easily be downloaded from talismana www.talismanonline.com. Feel free to joint Game D.

Post Date: 05:37 26-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: MarkRouge
Comment: Lets i talk about some good in game features, that i loved it.
as everyone suggested and described that this game have 5 classes so i think i should not describe it.
But this game is MMORPG, its free game but if you want to be stronger in it, you can buy TPs. yes, TP (Talisman Points) is used to buy items from in game shops.
Till now TPs can be gained by participating online events from talisman website and forum, but from May 2012 Cpoints is reward for an online events.
What about game graphics, graphics user interface and game missions ??
yeh.. its very cool, GUI is very superb. There are many caves for each player levels, cave always gives high experience rate and this experience helps you to level up your character faster. Some Bosses like Fantasy Palace Bosses gives Purple Drops.

If you’re willing to play Fairy,Tamer characters then this game may be less costly for you. because items for that chars are cheap. but to develop Good assassin, Wizard or Monk might bring worst Experience for you, because its items is too costly in some servers.

Post Date: 14:57 24-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: DPMNE
Comment: Hello all:)Talisman Online is free MMORPG game and its online for playing.Like something first for game i can say that levelup its very hard and that in game have 5 heroes.When you click Talisman Online it have two modes Genesis or Treasures on Genesis you have more than 8 server and on Treasures you have 2 servers ..The oldest server on game is Light IN Darkness and its always full 🙂 i am playing on Light in DArkness with assasin level 71 and its good for now i am with 2x items +7 one +9 and other +6 i am having about 9k defense with pet defense skill :).. On talisman online 5 characters name are Wizard,Tamer,Monk,Fairy and Assasin.Wizard Tamer and assasins are good aoe but most good aoe for me is Wizard 🙂 Fairy give heal and buff,Assasin is good damage dealer and tank too,Wizard is an aoe and damaager,tAmer is aoe and damager and Monk is with high hp and defense actualy he is amazing Tank!On assasin weps are dagger and simitar but i am using the most Dagger its +9 and my simi is +7 .. 🙂 In this game have mounts and pets too pet is very good for using it give defense hp mana heal you and much more 🙂 Mount is for riding with +7++ mount you can ride in scenario 🙂

Post Date: 08:46 24-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: MarkRouge
Comment: Hello to all talisman game players,
I would like to review this game , that how much entertainment i got till now 🙂
By playing this game, i found out that how to make friends, before 1 year i think, my cousin suggested me to play this game. and i tried to test it and that days i always hate online games because of too much internet speed eats up, loads etc.
but talisman provides something unique to their players. i never faced lag on my 2mbps broadband connection.
now i let you know that if you reading this reviews and having headache to read mine one. then i wanna tell you only one word “You should try it now !”.
There are some mistakes, bugs and Slow response from GM on our submitted cases. but potential game environment is cool and easy to play with 3D graphics. yeh.. its an MMORPG game and its my first choice game in online MMORPG games world.

Post Date: 13:45 23-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: VMRO
Comment: Talisman ONline is Very cool game .. its an online game and its free to playing.in game max level is 75 but its really hard to be that level because u need to do very much quests and to go on caves.. 🙂 The game have 5 characters basicly 6 because wizard is mail and female other characters are tamer assasin fairy and monk.In game have pets and mounts too pet max level 25 and u can put 4 skills on that and mount max combine is +10.. 🙂 i have Wizard with +10 sword +8 full but i need to make myself +10 because i want to find more easy team for PRS also i am level 74 my hp is 17k and my defense is about 11.5k 🙂 weapons for wizard are blade and sword for sin dagger and simitar for monk shovel and staff for fairy pearl and wheel and for tamer crossbow or xbow and Bow 🙂

Post Date: 20:33 22-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Rocker007
Comment: Talisman online is free game,there is a 5chars,all have skills,my perfect char is assasin,he is impossible,i play in All Stars AS server there i use daggers +10,im going PRS every day if i find team,always my friend tank with monk full golden +10,but im (PVP)Boots,armaguard,cuff,kneepad,belt +7 armor +10 and dagger +10,anywas i love he’s 3th skill dagger,with my sin i always lure the last boss in PRS Si Ming,its hard to go PRS and that take maybe 1,2hours,i have right now 13.456 defense and 18k hp,for PRS you need be 70level++,for CWC 65level++ Thanks 🙂

Post Date: 19:50 20-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: ZAPAD
Comment: Talisman ONline ah how times i stop to play this game and start again.. Now i will play the game because have new server Hidden Dragon in talisman online have many server but most popular are Light in darkness Crouching Tiger Soaring Phoenix ALLStars and Hiden Dragon for now i have wizard level 41 on Hidden Dragon and i ts too low attack +3 and 2x items +1 server is new and i hope i will be the best player i have very little defense about 700 defense but its ok with my wep because i use sword and i have stun .. 🙂 For Talisman online i can say just that is the best game what i have ever play.. :)TO have 5 classes strongest monk weakest fairy .. 🙂

Post Date: 12:50 20-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: P4ss!w3
Comment: Talisman is Online game have 5 class. Have Caves . Classes is Fairy,Assasin,Monk,Tamer,Wizard-(male female).Every Hero have 2 ass.wepons and 4 ass.talisman. And along of sets. Caves was for 15….75 . Every item can be Withe,Blue,Golden and Purple.
Every hero can pick (Luckey Egg TO) he can open 1,8,15,25,35,45,55,65 lvl. Max Combine +10. For 0-3 need small (ruby, emerald),for +4~6 Medium (Ruby, Emerald)and for +7-10 Large (Ruby, Emerald) Ruby was for def.gear and Emerald was for Damage and Mounth gear. Mauth was Animals. Need good team work to win and survive. 🙂

Post Date: 11:49 20-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: MeMaria95
Comment: Talisman online is a free MMORPG. The exp rate is low and leveling is mainly based on quests and caves. It has a nice variety of pets, that can learn skills which will support you in battle and non-battle state as they level up and mounts, which can be upgraded to +10 but with difficulty. The whole game has 5 classes players can chose from, the wizard being the only one of them that gives the gender selection, having both male and female and the character customization is rather small. Most people chose this game for the low file size it has. The power of the player if mainly based on the equipment he/she has it having the ability to be upgraded once the player gain another level. The current level cape is up to 75 and the whole game is separated into two part Genesis, which contain all the old servers and treasures, which has the new ones. All in all the game is interesting but you must have patience to level up and to gain gold to be able to buy some items.

Post Date: 17:26 19-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Never
Comment: Talisman is Online game. Have 5 heroes.Monk.Wizard,Assasin,Tamer,Fairy. All heroes have 2 ass.weapon. and 4 ass.talismans . Have Nice Mobs and skills. Have caves. To finish cave need realy good team work.Max lvl 75. Every Hero have alot of sets.

Post Date: 16:00 18-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Surviver
Comment: Talisman online is a free MMORPG . It’s hard to level up but some people know how to level up and how to be the best! There have 5 classes – wizard,monk,assassin,tamer and fairy. I play with fairy level 37 and I go LW every time when someone have team. With fairy you can find very fast a team because you can rivive and heal. When I heal sometimes I heal with other HP not my normal maby 150++ of my normal.
Now something other not my charester’s only tell what you need to do to join the game and playing.

When you make register and wanna join some server first of all, you need to give a name to the character you create. You can choose different face styles and hair styles you like to make your character look cool and unique from other players.

You can create three characters at most under one account. If you want to try more characters you need to register a new account. Choose the character you created, and then you can enter the server through this character and begin your adventure.
After accomplishing quests or killing some mobs, characters can gain some items for them to equip. All items will be stored automatically in Item box. First, press “I” to open the box, then mouse-right click the item you need to equip, then it will be equipped and appear in its own place above. All items as quest rewards are bound, so they cannot be traded.

Post Date: 14:46 18-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Rocker007
Comment: Talisman online is free game,there is a 5chars,all have skills,my perfect char is assasin,he is impossible,i play in All Stars AS server there i use daggers +10,im going PRS every day if i find team,always my friend tank with monk full golden +10,but im (PVP)Boots,armaguard,cuff,kneepad,belt +7 armor +10 and dagger +10,anywas i love he’s 3th skill dagger,with my sin i always lure the last boss in PRS Si Ming,its hard to go PRS and that take maybe 1,2hours,i have right now 13.456 defense and 18k hp,for PRS you need be 70level++,for CWC 65level++.Thanks!:-)

Post Date: 13:35 18-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Treasure
Comment: Talisman is Online game. Have 5 class heroes.Max Lvl is 75.Have nice caves and mobs.Have Nice Weapons for every class. The team work was hard and strong. Every here have 5 skill in weapon (fairy have 4). Have Ass.Talimans every ass. talisman have 2 skills (fairy have 3).

Post Date: 12:51 18-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: alek99
Comment: Talisman Online is the best game ever.I love all of heroes.It have 5 class: fairy,monk,assasin,tamer,wizzard.This game is have realy good graphix and heroes.Max combine is +10.

Post Date: 17:00 17-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: KOMITI
Comment: Talisman is online game maked by MMORPG.In that game i have an wizard level 32 and my items are lol +3 all only +4 armor and +6 level 30-40 sword.With those items i can tank solo RC and SC with some pills and buffs..My defense is 1.2k and with pet 1.6k but i dont have pet for now.. only gano level 2 :/So wizard is very good hero with +8 sword you can go SSS and with +10 items you cant SSS last and BC solo LW solo HH solo RC and SC solo +10 sword and +8 items you can go in CWC and PRS.Wizard and Tamers are the best aoes:) Btw i play on Soaring Phoenix

Post Date: 16:46 17-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kpbctahob
Comment: Talisman online is a free MMORPG. Have 5 classes(6 heroes)
In all stars I have tamer level 34 with 1.3k defence. My items are weak but the damage is good.Tamer’s don’t need much mana because skill’s don’t cost so much mana like the wizard’s but it is good to have a good recovery. Tamer is damager and she can catch pet’s at her level, but they cannot be bosses and people like bandit’s. Tamer can solo at level 30 RC if she haves pet on her level. You can use pet for absorbing damage but if he is 28 level and you 30 the mobs and bosses will attack you because you’re highter level. With pet tamer is very strong in soloing easy caves with not too strong bosses. Tamer can solo max cave BC and maby SSS final if she heals and run on the lightnin’s. Wheh I go in caves like HH when I attack with my strongest attack without CS I make like 500 damage and I get 1/5 or 1/4 if they have 2k hp. For me tamer is the best is soloing caves and damager.
Teamwork to survive, talisman to Victory !!

Post Date: 13:24 17-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dimitrovski
Comment: Talisman Online is FREE MMORPG,there is 5 classes Wizard,Assasin,Tamer,Fairy and Monk all characters have skills.Always Monk is for TANK,Fairy for HEALER,Wizz/Tamer AOE and Assasin for DMG or TANK,In this game MONK have very much hp and def than all,after Monk is Asssasin he have to def and hp good,Tamers have low hp and def but good DMG,Wizzards have too small hp and def but they are perfect for PK and DMG,Fairys are with normal mana and low hp but they are good HELERS,i think here all clases are cool but we have one favourite char,my char is wizard bcz i can go SSS SSC with +7 +8 +9 sword or blade,fairy can go SSS SSC CWC PRS with +6 +7 equipment bcz have skill for healing,assasins and monks need +7 +8 eqp for SSS and SSC but for PRS and CWC need +10 equipment.Anyways i play in Soaring pheonix.Assasin and Monks neeed TPS for caves,Wizz need +10 sword or blade for big caves,Tamers need +7 +8 +9 +10 equipent and bow or xbow +10 for big caves and Fairy is free for caves you need pearl or wheel for big caves for stun or poison.Thanks all if some1 have question for something can send me mail 🙂

Post Date: 12:18 17-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: alek99bg
Comment: I love Talisman. In talisman have 5 class:fairy who heal,assasin who AOE and TANK,monk who tanker,wizzard who is AOE and tamer who is AOE.My hero is Fairy i love them.Fairy have 2 Wepons.Pearl and Wheel.In Talisman MAX combine is +10.New cave is PRS (peacon river sorow).Max level is 75. I love set for Fairy.I love too assasin and wizard.I am level 53 .I go BC and FP but better need BC.

Post Date: 11:54 17-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: 4ever
Comment: Talisman is online game.I give me information for Caves.Rattan Cave need 15 lvl to enter them.
Snace Cave need 15 lvl to enter them.
Happines Hall Cave need 25 lvl to enter and is realy popular cave,droped ass.talismans.
Lauren Wonderland Cave need 35 lvl to enter them.
Fantasy Place Cave need 40 lvl to enter them
Bewicher Cave need 45 lvl to enter them.
Seven Stars Stage Cave need 55 lvl to enjoy them.
Spider Catacomb Cave need 60 lvl to enter them he is popular cave, Every kill monsters give you reputation for purple items.
Silver Fox Cave need 61 lvl to enter them.
Chill Wind Cave need 65-66 to enter them.
Peacot River Cave need 75 to ender them. This cave is realy hard to finish. Need good Heroes, Purple Fayries (with purple sets) and Monk 30k+ healt.

Post Date: 18:14 16-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: ConnecT
Comment: Talisman online game have 5 hero and wiz Have Male And Female.
Monk is tank,monk have good HP and Def.His weps:Shovel and Staff.
Wizard is good aoe and Good DMG.His weps:Swords and Blades.
Fairy healing other characters.Its weps:Pearls and Wheels.
Assasin is good at everything.His weps:Dagger and Simitar.
Tamer have Pet,Tamer is solo hero.Its weps:Bow and Crossbow.

Post Date: 14:50 16-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: 2good4you
Comment: Talisman is Online game . Have 5-(6) Heroes.
1.Assasin he have 2 Weapons Talismans.Daggers dagers was for duel and boss.Chain Simmitars he have AoE`s Skills.
2.Wizard (male and female) Have Swords and Blades.Blades was for duel and boss.Swords Was DMG and AoE.
3.Monk he is tanker. He Have Shovel and Staff.Shovel was for DMG Monks.Staff was For Tankers.
4.Fairy he is support here. He have Heal And Nice Buffs.Have Pearls and Wheels.
5.Tamer he is Solo hero. He have pet.Hi wepons is Bow and Crossbow.Bow Was AoE for mobs. Crossbow was for DMG.

Post Date: 13:52 16-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Divaka@_@
Comment: In Talisman Online have 5 classes one of the class is wizard. I have a wizard and it’s verry nice to play with him. The CS is very good like on level 44 2.6k damage. When I go HH I tank with 2.5k defence with blue and one golden items. The wizard need to have more mana with int. you can upgrate your mana and damage too. For wizards it is hard to solo caves because they have weak defence I need maby more 7-8 levels to make full HH and maby good pet with max hp and mana. The best damager is wizard because they have good CS with Fire Brust(or it was barb) . It’s better to use sword for more damage but for mana blade is more usefull. Wizard max can solo FP and some bosses in BC but it will be verry hard for some wizard. When I make quests I lure with my tiger 5-9 mobs and kill them with bomb(the 5th attack with sword) or I grind with blade AOE. Normal damage (in level 43) with blade is 800-900 with the strongest attack and for sword 1200-1300 again with the strongest attack. Much of the wizards use sword for damage and AOE but I think blade is better specially for caves because don’t cost so mutch mana. But if you have mount 7 or above it’s good to use sword for AOE. The AOE of the blade it isn’t for lure because you can’t use AOE when monster hit you.

Post Date: 06:43 16-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: drak
Comment: In Talisman online I have tamer level 73. I use bow +7 now. I have 7.3k defence and my best cs is 11.4k. I don’t use pills for max def and hp. I see verry much tamers at level 75 have 18k hp I don’t know how and why but thise is verry weak. I have 13.9k HP. It’s cool to help people and help them level up.

Post Date: 06:42 16-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: varocks
Comment: Hello friends,
Talisman online provides an innovative experience to gamers like me. i always bet that this game is 100% good other then. according to me some effects, spells and caves must be changed. and when will they add new patch ? game becomes boring when its not update regularly and overall this game performs well in ranking list of many websites, so i can say that talisman survival to the victory !!
Good game.

Post Date: 21:11 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Kristijan
Comment: hi all,Talisman online is an Online game and in that game have 5 classes monk asssin wizard tamer and fairy.I have Fairy level 49 and i can say that is easy to play fairy you go allways LW FP BC because you are healer,fairy can heal buff revive and much more.. 🙂 But anyway i think wizard and tamer are the best on server because they rock with +10 weaponnnn 🙂 If u want to start to play this game i request to you to start to play Fairy wizard or Tamer because they are the best maybe they have low defense and hp but they are amazing damagers 🙂

Post Date: 18:11 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: PervySage
Comment: Hello all! i am playing on crouching tiger i think its the best server i have an tamer level 51 but its to weak only 2.5k defense with 1x item +4 other full +3 #13 But i have good bow level 50-60 +8 pure int so i rock with that x).And about chars i can tell that wizz and tamer are the best with 2x itens +8 and fulll +7 you can go to PRS #9,I have husky level 14 with skill max hp :)))Good luck to all #23

Post Date: 17:23 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dimitrovski
Comment: In Talisman online I have wizard level 74. I use sword +9 now. I have 9.2k defence and my best cs is 5.2k. I use pills for max def and hp. I see verry much wizards at level 70+ have 8,9,10k hp I don’t know how and why but thise is verry weak. I have 14.3k HP. It’s cool to help people and help them level up.

Post Date: 14:13 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Divaka@_@
Comment: Hi! In talisman online I have sin level 71 full +10. Loyal items- armor, boots and belt. The cuff and kneep are of the sun cheasse set. I have 23k def with pet and 22k hp with pet. I can solo HH,LW and FP of the hard caves. It’s really cool to play with assassin and you make nice CS. My best cs for now is 21k on vet level 49. I love to help people to level up. For now I don’t wanna level up only I go to PVP and PVE for points. It isn’t hard to find team for CWC and other caves. I level up and wizard to level 44 with good items and weps now I search for pet full skill for my wizard too because I will give it on one friend and it will be nice to be stronger.

Post Date: 11:49 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: drak
Comment: Talisman is Online game.It have 5~(6) heroes. Every heroes have 2 ass.wep.and 2 assist.talismans. I Like this game.Have Caves and good Q. Team work was the realy hart to win.

Post Date: 11:16 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Immortalbg
Comment: 1 hero Tamer 73 level

Post Date: 11:03 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: alek
Comment: Hello all!I have fairy level 55 +3 items i will tell you some thinks about playing fairy and game talisman. Fairy is very easy to play.fairy is always in scenarious bcz she is healer. fairy have little defense but she have good weapon and strong for pking.fairy have good assistants she can buff and heal,revive and other. i think that fairy is the stronger hero in the game.

Post Date: 10:49 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: pisecabg
Comment: Talisman is Online game. he have 5~(6) heroes. Evey heroes have 2 ass.wep.and 2 assist.talismans. i Like dis game.Have Caves and good Q. Team work was the realy hart to win.

Post Date: 07:32 15-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: alek99bg
Comment: My hero is fairy i love it. My wep is +4. I love Pearl.I have 3748 hp no buff.

Post Date: 07:20 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: ConnecT
Comment: I love Asassin, hi is my favorite hero, he have nice skill and Daggers and Simitars. Daggers was for dmg .Simitars was AoE . He have nice costumes .

Post Date: 07:08 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: WickedBGh
Comment: This game is have realy good graphix and heroes. Max level was 75, Have item Luckey Egg he open [1,7,15,25,35,45,55,65LvL] Have 5 heroes [6] every hera have 2 wepons talismans and 2 ass. talisman.
Team Work was For WinneRs .

Post Date: 05:32 15-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: janepp
Comment: Hello all!I am playing talisman almost 2 years amazing game i play on LD class Monk .. But i dont know what to think for my monk its Weak i think 13k defense with 2x +7 items but i am happy because i have staff +8 :).My monk is level 71 and its really hard to play monk but ok if u want it u will play i t.. 🙂 i think Tamer is the best hero on server but Fairy is the strongest .. Anyway i choose monk because i love bigger defense and hp my defense is 14k with pills and 17k hp 🙂

Post Date: 13:43 14-04-2012
Rating: 6
Author: ConnecT
Comment: My hero is assasin he is my favorite. He is good skill on the wep.My max crit is 3676 with Wep +6

Post Date: 10:58 14-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: alek99bg
Comment: My hero is fairy he is my favorite hero.My crit is 1998 max with wep +4

Post Date: 07:24 14-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: simo312
Comment: Loyal Toast Chain Simitar
Frost Silver Bow
Greedy Wolf Simitar

Post Date: 06:57 14-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Happinesss
Comment: In Talisman online I have wizard level 42. I use sword +6 now. I have 2.2k defence and my best cs is 2.4k. I don’t use pills for max def and hp. I see verry much wizards at level 50 have 3k hp I don’t know how and why but thise is verry weak. I have 3.3k HP. It’s cool to help people and help them level up.

Post Date: 04:36 14-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Kristijan
Comment: Hi all i have wizz level 67 now 68.. i have choose skill because with it you can go anywhere if you have +10 sword and 3x items +7,wizz have little defense with +6 full have 6k with pet defense but he is amazing damager and aoe..I can tank solo only HH because my wizz is weak level with +6 items but i have good gun 🙂 my sword is +8 so i dont have problem about finding team for SSC and other scenarios..when i will levelup this one to level 75 i am thinking to start monk.Talisman is The best game in the world! Fantastic MMO game 🙂

Post Date: 17:45 13-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Happinesss
Comment: Talisman online is a free MMORPG. I have monk level 42. He is weak at dmg. Max crit for now is 1.1k. Have verry good hp and def like 4.6k with items +3 and some +4. The dmg is little because wizard level 42 do 2.4k dmg with sword +6. Monk is great tanker at level 33 can solo RC with good items on level 28. The monk is only for tank in caves.

Post Date: 14:56 13-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Kristijan
Comment: hi all 🙂 i have an wizard on server LD genesis mode i have wizard level 67 now 68 i love the wizz has good aoe skill 🙂

Post Date: 14:16 13-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: WickedBGh
Comment: I love Asassin, hi is my favorite hero, he have nice skill and Daggers and Simitars. Daggers was for dmg .Simitars was AoE . He have nice costumes .

Post Date: 15:56 12-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: MyCrit
Comment: Talisman Online is one unique game that anyone should play for months. Download the game ASAP and enjoy!

Post Date: 15:39 12-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: GoLdShoo7
Comment: It”s fun to play with fairy when you go in caves only need to heal and rivive if someone dies. It is not verry hard to level up with a fairy. You don”t need HP pots with fairy only mana, because you can heal yourself.It”s hard to level up with monk when you have low damage.

Post Date: 14:28 12-04-2012
Rating: 7
Author: mishobisho
Comment: I thought for the duration i played talisman it was actually quite fun and enjoyable, until i got to level 30, then wow this game became boring as hell no new quests to start getting 0.08 of a level per kill couldn’t get into any runs because i was to low. Don’t get me wrong the game looks great plays great the people are generally fun and willing to team but that can’t make up for the Monmouth of a grind i was facing at the time.
I personally would only recommend this game for casual gamers who probably get bored after playing an MMO when they reach 1 of the max. Level.
Post Date: 08:15 12-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: CrazyPro
Comment: my couson introduced me to play talisman.after playing awhile i think talisman is so fun and now im addicted to the game.the pets here are more cute than other games.keep it up.hope more will be released soon.I cant wait to buy all LOL
Post Date: 07:19 12-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dr devil
Comment: I have 36 level tammer in talisman online. It”s very hard to level wenn you reach 40 level becouse the Quests dont give the same exp like on 1 rst levels. I have 30-40 bow +6 and 50-60 bow +6. It”s hard to level my gano becouse he is 11 level. Wenn i reach 40 level i can solo RC and SC. Wenn i play this game i find new frends. This is the best MMORPG game i played. Good luck to all play this game ;).

Post Date: 11:04 11-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: MegaAssassin
Comment: I have assassin level 39 in talisman online. It’s hard to level up at level 35-75 because quests give little exp. One friend tell me I can’t combine green armor 38 level +6, but I try to do it. It was really hard 3~4 haved maby 15 falites to +5 was easy but 5~6 have 20 or more falites. Now the armor is +5 and I forgot my username but when I play there was verry nice because I meet new friends. Now I have Tamer and is verry easy because have pet and at 30 level can solo RC. It’s nice to play with fairy too when you can heal.

Post Date: 08:15 10-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: heroes
Comment: My age is 17 right now, i joined this Game on my birthday last year, My friend gifted me a new Level 20 account (sin) with 500 golds free for me. but i won’t play any MMORPG game that time. however, my girlfriend started playing my char and she leveled it up to 30 and get bored.

After this all my birthday present giver friend told me at least try it out, its best game according to him that time. it was birthday prize so its more valuable for me and i played this game approx around 10 days and really i addicted to it !!
now i have full Level 75 sin with one Full Crown pet and +8 Horse. I never liked MMORPG game before, but in the case of Talisman Online i can’t hate it !! 🙁
It’s 3D Fantasy game with lots of adventures and chars, when you start as newbie in this game. you will not understand that what’s going on. what to do first etc.
just simply follow steps and guides, use how to guides as reference from forum and websites and you will be success soon. Good luck friends and enjoy this wonderful online game.

Post Date: 06:45 10-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: LoveDancing
Comment: Talisman online is a game who you can have mounts and pets. For level up you need to do quests. I have wizard level 40 and it’s easy to level up with him, because do great damage, but low defence. Thise wizard can solo in HH some bosses not too strong to solo the cave full but 3 of the bosses he can do it. It’s easy to level up when you have frind helpping you and it’s fun to help other friendly people. Have enent’s in the game and you can win something in thise event’s like I win pet level up book.

Post Date: 16:57 09-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: AssasinPro
Comment: Talisman online has 6 characters. Assassin, Wizzard ( Male and Female ) Monk, Fairy and Tamer. Assassins have balanced Def. and Damage. Fairys can heal. Tamers have pets. Monks have lots of hp and def. Wizzards make lots of damage and have low def.

Post Date: 10:39 09-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: CrazyPro
Comment: The game is hard.Im 28 lvl tamer.Tamer is strong hero.Me tamer heve 3 g.And game heve Easter Events.Easter questions is very easy.Events questions are kill boss 21 lvl kill 30 mobsters 21 lvl and kill 30 mobs 27 lvl.

Post Date: 15:07 08-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: VictoryBlue
Comment: Its interesting to write something about the Race Event in Talisman Online. The races are two: Junior Race and Senior Race. In the Junior Race get part player to 40level. In the Senior Race get part players 40 level up. In the Junior Race you have to run across 52 Checkpoints. In the Senior Race you have to run across 146 Checkpoints. In the end of the races the first five players win awards.

Post Date: 12:57 08-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: vanko1
Comment: talisman online heve six heros.There are monk,wizadr,wizard,asasin,tamer,feary.Me favourite hero is asasin.I heve asasin 38 lvl.ME sin heve dager 30-40 +3 blue
.Me armur 38 +3 blue.Me bot 35 +4 blue.And me armgard 33 lvl +3 blue.

Post Date: 10:30 08-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: CrazyBot
Comment: Hello all players of TO. In this review i will tell you about PvP. In PvP you can go after 40lv and you can enter in it 2 times per day. You need to do pvp if you want to get the purple items.

Post Date: 19:22 07-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: TheDonkey
Comment: In this review i will tell you about PRC set in Talisman Online known as TO. At the moment i think that its the best set for all characters. You can get it from the cave PRC, the set is for 60/70 level its purple but is become bound after buy from shop or if its drop it will be bound after pick up so the drop is better because you can sell it.

Post Date: 18:57 07-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: adidas
Comment: My favourite hero is wizard. I like it because it has got a lot damage and it make good cs. But you need good items because wizard has got low defense and hp.

Post Date: 20:27 06-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: titana
Comment: talisman online like other mmos requires real cash to indirectly buy things in the game, thus, making it a problem for alot of people especially those who leave in poor countries where the exchanges rates are outrageous, those can afford tpoints,thus, indirectly afford good armor i.e. Yellow and purple armor mock, insult and be-little those who can only afford simple armor i.e. Green, blue and white armor by calling them NOOBS and pKing them for no good reason, this annoys the grinding players and makes them to quit playing.

Post Date: 12:41 06-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: ShelbyGT500
Comment: In Talisman Online have a lot of events from which you can win a lot of things. One of that events is Peral Collect. In some places apears perals ant when you collect them you can sell them for a lot of money or to finish a quest that give you gold and exp.

Post Date: 12:01 06-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: queens
Comment: Talisman Online is a free multiplayer online game. You choose to play with 5 different characters: Monk, Assassin, Tamer, Wizard and Fairy. You in a fantasy world. You must be strong to fight the evil creatures and protect the world. Download the game to find more about the game !!!

Post Date: 19:30 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: HelloKitty15
Comment: I am playing this game from last two years. Let I have to give some suggestions and tips for newbie in this game.
First is about gold. Don’t beg gold from anyone, find good guild and gain good contribution value by accomplishing scenario and guild quests, then you can ask some guild members for few gold. be sure, its few gold, not ask for huge gold like 2k,6k. you may be kicked off by begging to much golds. never request gold more then 1k, its my personal suggestion.
I never begged before, and will not beg in future.

Post Date: 19:25 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Auctioneer
Comment: Talisman Online is the best game ever. It is more of a PvE than PvP at lower levels but at high level when your bored you just have fun killing people/farming scenarios and what not. The skills are limited which i love since i dont have to worry about them being complicated.Also there’s so many new people to meet and chat with. This is truly one of the best games i’ve ever played in a long time!!!

Post Date: 19:06 05-04-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Poppy
Comment: talisman online is the best free mmo game available,..its super fun and very interesting, its storyboard and graphics are of minial quality but its loaded with tons of fun contents. it allows for you to chose between 5 different classes of heroes(not all mmos offer that), when a character reaches around level 35 the amount of quest being offered by npcs reduces, creating a boring environment where one must grind to level up.

Post Date: 17:45 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Confortly
Comment: Now in Talisman Online have a event for Easter and you can win a lot of thinks like T-point(if you write a Easter story), free items(if you find the admin in the server he will give you free items), mount White Tiger, Easter Egg that will give you items or money and other thinks. Play the original game to can get them.

Post Date: 17:32 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: burqta
Comment: Hi my opinion: a goood game with a good 3d graphic.the graphic bette than other game.have pvp sytem that allow us to get pvp points to get purple equipment which like epic equipment.It is a fun and open game that anyone can join,i give it a 9 cause nothing can be a perfect 10.:)
Post Date: 17:31 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: palq4o
Comment: Talisman Online is the best game ever. It is more of a PvE than PvP at lower levels but at high level when your bored you just have fun killing people/farming scenarios and what not. The skills are limited which i love since i dont have to worry about them being complicated.Also there’s so many new people to meet and chat with. This is truly one of the best games i’ve ever played in a long time!

Post Date: 17:15 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: falqqk
Comment: Talisman Online is a free 3D game set in the ancient world of Fantasy. The player can translate into five character classes. These are: Wizard – his forte is the high level of intelligence, big injuries and agility. The downside is far too small amount of hit points. Tamer – this is a class of strongly connected with nature. It controls your pet who is struggling with her arm in arm. Like Wizard’s vulnerability is too small number of points of life. Monk – Monk is called a tank. It just blocks the mobs or bossy. It has a huge number of points of life. This is a great class for beginners. Fairy – Class treating. It is the basis of each Team. It has the lowest number of points of life. Assassin – figure highly questionable. Some think that is great and another that is good for nothing. Assassin is a combination of Monk, and Wizard. It has pretty much hit points and inflicts great damage. Let’s focus now on the story. In the far east is located a peaceful continent. People live in peace. They do not know, however, that Master Blood gather energy for a thousand years and now is preparing for an attack on their continent. War breaks out between good and evil. Grand Master Tian Meng comes from the north to link people together and jointly face up to evil. The key battle lasted one hundred days. In a place called Blood Palace evil was defeated. But the specter of a re-awakened, and preparing an attack on the world. We must combat this threat and save the world. As you can see the plot on the chart was created that has been accepted in many games. The game certainly commendable. It charms with its simplicity and that it was created in the image of World of Warcraft. I recommend to all lovers of Hot Fantasy.

Post Date: 12:49 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: momk
Comment: Very interesting game for playing with friends for fun. One of the best free MMORPG I had chance to play and I have been playing a lot of them. It has nice graphic. Really fast leveling. Interesting story and not boring quests. Game interface is easy for use. One thing I don’t like is moving with mouse(I prefer WASD more). I’m playing it for , maybe two years. I got five friends to play it with me and even my older brother which hates MMORPG. That is one of the most important thing, you need someone to play it with you.

Post Date: 03:01 05-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: peter89
Comment: The game is awesome. Talisman Online is my favourite game. Im playing it with my friends from the real life and its real fun. I have assasin with dagger +10 so ictake a lot damage and good critical. If you havent tried yet go try it 😉

Post Date: 18:06 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Katarina
Comment: That with the summoners in Talisman its great! When I needs to go in HH to make my quests I write in the chat that I am summoner and on the moment one high level player take me in his team. Then we go in the cave. He was killing them and I just run after him, when suddenly one boss drop Blue item. I press “Dice” and he too and I won the item. He get angry and start talking like baby:”Give it to me! It’s mine!”. But I don’t give it to him because I was lucky and I get the item not he. So when you play and you get someting, if someone high level tell you to give it to him – Don’t do it! It’s yours.

Post Date: 17:51 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Critical
Comment: Talisman online is a very fun game but that is just my opinion. Its graphics is very good even though it has a small client. The only bad things about it is that it is laggy sometimes but does not last long and it takes some serious grinding at higher levels to level up. The game is currently level 75 max but it is being updated. Overall i give it a 10/10.

Post Date: 16:43 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: maglata
Comment: i had play this game for around 2 years.sometimes its boring for me but sometimes not.cause the cap lvl increases too slow and i have friend to chit chat.i like the nine tails fox very much and the blue flame horse ^^ hope more cool mounts and pets and the most important is more caves pls

Post Date: 15:51 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: burglar
Comment: I never played any games online before talisman,my one friend suggested me to play this game, when i visited his gamezone many of them playing talisman there and they inspired me to play this game.i am writing first review of any game in my life, that’s only one word i can say, talisman game is best, no one can beat it.if you are not playing this game, please try it out, you will be addicted with it soon. 😉

Post Date: 12:56 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: amumu
Comment: I have played talisman for 3 months i am already lvl 54 assassin it is really fun. i think it is easy if you have good friend to help with cave. i wish i have money to buy tpoint like others to be stronger 🙂 i rate game 10/10

Post Date: 11:44 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: bomb
Comment: i play this game everyday i can’t stop playing i love my sin and my guild and all my friends im a lvl 70 sin a dagger sin + 7 going to +10 soon this game grapich are awsome and new stuff just keep coming you should play this game its AWESOME

Post Date: 08:26 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nitroman
Comment: Hi all i m going tell u about PvP in talisman online game…PvP(Player vs Player) as the name shows that u have to have fight other players in it.In this u have to defeat waves of mobs along with other chars in the PvP.The main goal of PvP is to defeat the other teams vital tree.If no team could defeat the other team’s vital tree then the team with the highest points after one hour after starting the PvP will be the winner.U can start doing PvP at lvl 40 and can do it 2 times a day.

Post Date: 07:21 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: TalismanTheBest
Comment: Mounts are used to move faster.There are various cool and cute mounts in this game including Tiger, Fox, Horse, Kylin, and wolf. Mounts can be combined with the using of emeralds to increase its shape and its speed.

Post Date: 05:46 04-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: vishakha
Comment: I played Conquer before it, but i feel boring with that game and my school friend suggested me to play talisman online, and i surprised that it is only good game that attracting more players to come and play with different game characters with good combines, however in game shop items too costly, but game balance is good.
We need more cool events from this game admins, please i request to add in game events to be added.

Post Date: 19:43 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Kassadin
Comment: Its really good that in Talisman Online they make summoners for some caves. Before if you have quest for a cave you can finish them only if you have friends with high level or you are lucky. Now peoples that are high level needs low level players just to summon one boss. And the finishing quest for caves now its really easy. Thank you Talisman!

Post Date: 18:03 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Name
Comment: i like talisman so much, sometimes it sux cuz i meet some guys are aint nice but in most you can meet nice and cheerful ppls 🙂
there is 5 classes, all of them got 4 asists talisman and 2 talismans.
ther is a nic mount and pet systems.
client is easy to download, small sized and quick to install, updating is short too

Post Date: 14:36 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: missfortune
Comment: Killing Master Yue Wen:Firstly, you need a good tanker(Monk only). Full +10 probably for this or Defense above 20k+. Seriously unless you are real lucky with your Fatal Sadness . Like 50x Crab Cream Bun + 50x Shark Fin Soup . Golden Light Pills and Apothecary Pills helps alot too.2x Fairy Loo’s full +6 or Full +10. I don’t know how good the defense should be but just as long she know how to survive xD.Wizard +10 Sword helps alot with damage.Tamer +10 Bow helps alot with damage too but her crack do not work here so she spamming her crack only for damage not defense drop for the boss xDThe team must have good defense to start with or aoe could kill them which is bad news. But don’t panic. all cool. take a deep breath because even full +6 Loo’s fairies could survive here.

Post Date: 12:54 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: zazapa
Comment: The beat 3d game ever! Try it. Bezt char. is fairy. Max heal is 1500

Post Date: 11:18 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: fay
Comment: The game is very fun and fair meaning that bribing of GM doesn’t works and has impressive graphics, team play system and the quest are very engaging.Its very easy to play and most of all its FREE to join. So why not , come and join talisman online!!

Post Date: 10:52 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: azis
Comment: Talisman online is the first mmo game i tried out,i was so excited that i wouldnt sleep for some nights because i wanted to level,:D,this game is really awesome,action packed and alot of fun.I started of as a wizard cause i think mages are really cool but once i started seeing how powerful other characters,i decided to create each character puting them in different servers,my ain was my tamer in bigfish,the are very powerful, 3rd best when it comes to defence and armors and the can capture any thing they want as a pet,they have aoe and some pets too do have aoe.the other characters in this game are the monks,the assasins,the fairies and the wizards.Each char is unique in its own way but everyone relatively depends on one another.The graphics of this game are really cool,the part of this game i like most are the realistic waterfalls,the tons of mobs and bosses scattered around the locations in the game and you always see one or two characters teaming up either for drops or for leveling or for just the sake of having fun killing mobs. The game is a perfect ten and cannot be compared to other mmos.

Post Date: 08:13 03-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: M1RAKA
Comment: Talisman Online is my first MMORPG. It attracts me a lot with his balanced classes, good graphics, comfortable gameplay and friendly community. The game funs always keep me immersed though its update is not very frequent.

5 classes (actually 6 characters), good visual effects of mount and equipment appearance, gorgeous battles, vast West island and East continent, more than 20 dungeons & caves, PVP & PVP settings, interactive systems… They make TO my favorite game!

Teamwork to Survival Talisman to Victory!!

Post Date: 07:49 03-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kitaec
Comment: Hello. I’ll tell you a little about the game very well known Talisman Online. It is a 3D game with fantastic graphics and good effects. In the game you can put yourself in five forms. Assassin, Monk, Tame, r Feira, and Wizard. Each character is good in different ways. Talismanie in a very interesting thing is the so-called secaria. we can say that in this game, not missing a lot of things everything has been worked out. Image game so I think a lot of fantastic players thinks so but that does not bother us in any way is just good. You can have your own guild with colleagues or with other players around the world really fun to play. the game can easily be downloaded from talismana www.talismanonline.com. Feel free to joint Game D.

Post Date: 19:25 02-04-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Dark_key
Comment: In Talisman Online the best way to level up is to play with Assassin. He make lot of damage, but his HP is low. If you want to have more HP you must play with Monk. He have a lot of HP and Defense, but his attack is low. If you play with Wizard you can attack your enemies from far distance. He have attack but low defense. If you like to play solo you must use the Tamer. She can attack from far distance like the Wizard and she have pet that she tamed. If you play with Fairy you can heal yourself or other players. The Fairy can attack from far distance like the Wizard and Tamer.

Post Date: 18:25 02-04-2012
Rating: 5
Author: tapak
Comment: The game is fun, the people are friendly, you can make friends in this game, and it’s worth a play. The game does have flaws though. I think the creators don’t speak English well, because there are some parts in the text of the game that don’t really make all that much sense. You can figure out what they mean, but words can be moved around. Another flaw is in some skills, like a Fairy’s Buff, it’ll say it lasts 10 seconds for some reason, yet it lasts 20 or 30 minutes. Big difference.

Post Date: 18:22 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: babi4ka15
Comment: Pets in this game are very cute..
Please add some new skills for pet.
pet level up books consumes gold 🙁 , is there any alternative you thinking ?
overall game rating is good, however game is also nice.
it sounds like cool 😀

Post Date: 17:19 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: monster10
Comment: Very interesting game for playing with friends for fun. One of the best free MMORPG I had chance to play and I have been playing a lot of them. It has nice graphic. Really fast leveling. Interesting story and not boring quests. Game interface is easy for use. One thing I don’t like is moving with mouse(I prefer WASD more). I’m playing it for , maybe two years. I got five friends to play it with me and even my older brother which hates MMORPG. That is one of the most important thing, you need someone to play it with you. Teamwork to survival, talisman to victory 😉

Post Date: 15:04 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dragc1
Comment: talisman for ever! do quests, lvl up when you do all quests what u should to do?simple! earn cash for better eq if u finally get best set +10 etc.enjoy pvp’s own other pleyazbe the best!

Post Date: 14:15 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sharana
Comment: Advices to lvl up quickly.1) Pick a character it doesn’t matter which class… they all have their special perk and are all strong in their own way2) When you start out just do all the quest in Green Scarp which should get you to lvl 5 or close to it. NOTE: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING EVEN ARMOR . IT IS A WASTE TO BUY ARMOR AND WEPONS AT THIS LOW A LEVEL. DO NOT BUY ARMOR AND WEPONS TILL YOU ARE LEVEL 32!3) Once you hit lvl 5 go to world chat and say “Need master” and in 2 seconds there should be someone out there that will recruit you. The master and apprentice system in game is a great way to get bonus experience and energy after every level and blue weapons for level 10 and level 20.

Post Date: 12:47 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: qvor
Comment: Hmm.. ^^Talisman Online^^ I had a lot of games already played. I think this game is very very fantastic because a lot of features made me even more curious. This game also made me less sleep because addicted to this game. So I guess nothing is more perfect than this game..I luv Talisman Online… #23

Post Date: 10:45 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: zqpai
Comment: In the world of Talisman Online, there are five characters for you to choose from. You may choose Wizard, Monk, Fairy, Tamer, or Assassin.

First of all, you need to give a name to the character you create. You can choose different face styles and hair styles you like to make your character look cool and unique from other players.

You can create three characters at most under one account. If you want to try more characters you need to register a new account. Choose the character you created, and then you can enter the server through this character and begin your adventure.

Post Date: 07:35 02-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: st1nsko
Comment: Hi all i will tell you about one of the classes in Talisman Online -assasin. He has good damage hp and defense. He is between tank and aoe. He use stamina. He use dagger and simitar. He male the best CS. And He is my favourite character!!!

Post Date: 18:52 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: shoto
Comment: Hello all….
I am the player of talisman online game. If you are looking for MMORPG game then i suggest you play talisman online game. Because it is good MMOPRGs game.In this game we have 5 heroes they are Assassin,Wizard(Male),Monk,Wizard(female),Tamer,Fairy
These heroes are best in their work. For example fairy is to heal the other players and monk is having good defense low damage.
When u are going to choose a hero i say assassin because with assassin we tank the caves and we can be damager for the caves.


Post Date: 17:34 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: paparak
Comment: [01.04.2012 20:32] Hello. I’ll tell you a little about the game very well known Talisman Online. It is a 3D game with fantastic graphics and good effects. In the game you can put yourself in five forms. Assassin, Monk, Tame, r Feira, and Wizard. Each character is good in different ways. Talismanie in a very interesting thing is the so-called secaria. we can say that in this game, not missing a lot of things everything has been worked out. Image game so I think a lot of fantastic players thinks so but that does not bother us in any way is just good. You can have your own guild with colleagues or with other players around the world really fun to play. the game can easily be downloaded from talismana www.talismanonline.com. Feel free to joint Game D.

Post Date: 14:38 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: motocross
Comment: This game takes many things back to basics and that is what I like about it. think this game is very good, with its good graphics although i think NPC’s could be done better. Also it has a list of available quests you could take and will give waypoints on map to the quest giver, and once you are on a quest getting waypoints to the quest targets is only a few clicks away. No need to run all over creation getting lost to finish quests.thx

Post Date: 13:52 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: fenacho
Comment: I am playing talisman since 1 year and its good fantasy MMORPG game,i would like to suggest you to take part in the south border land event every week, you may get treasure boxes as drop from its bosses, you can sell that boxes at 10g each. like this one do quests that pays you more, always take GQ (Guild quests) to get experience and golds !

Post Date: 13:25 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nike
Comment: I have played a LOT of mmo’s, both pay 2 play and free 2 play and this while this is a free game it hardly seems fair to compare it to any of the other free one’s out there. They don’t come even CLOSE to what this game has to offer already, even though it’s still early beta.

Post Date: 13:20 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kamila
Comment: This game has a wizard using a sword, so I give credit for originality.
Not much else that is specifically great, but I do think people blow some issues out of proportion. I suggest not listening to most reviews and I suggest to try it for yourself, at least for a few hours.
Post Date: 12:32 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Mozila
Comment: What is CS?CS is short for Critical Strike. CS increases the rate(%) at which you do great damage. You might have noticed at times that the damage u do sometimes is greater than your average damage. that is CS. Many people mistake CS, thinking that it increases damage. CS does NOT increase damage, it increases your chances of doing CS. Every gear, apart from PVP set which CS in it also has one other attribute. The other attribute is:Assassins – Dexterity (Dex)Monk – Strength (Str)Tamer/Wizard/Fairy – Intelligence. (Int)That other attribute is what increases your CS damage. Therefore, while CS increases the chance of you doing CS, the other attribute increases the amount of damage you do with CS. Another good quality of the other attribute apart from increasing CS damage is that it also increases damage in general. With CS gear on, your damage will rise and you will be able to kill monster very quickly. Even being able to kill them in a single hit if you have high enough CS and Dex/Int/Str.

Post Date: 12:16 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Trabanka
Comment: I play this game one year and i really like it! The first you have to do is obvious quests and travelling. Then you have to get some gold. There is leveling up tips in the game if you don’t know where to go or what quests do you have to do. There is scenarios in the game they are almost in every map in the game like Bewitcher cave in Vast Mountain. There are mounts and pets that can be bought with T-points. There is plus rank of items +10 maximum i think. Guilds are good for wars and guild quests or to find someone to help you.

Post Date: 10:39 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: tarataika
Comment: Talisman Online is a great MMORPG. Weekend events with high drop rates of rare items and daily events like racing and celestial pearls give an incentive to stay active. The PK system is decent…although is heavily, HEAVILY favored to cash users. The raids are very fun and rewarding. Strategy is necessary and if you beat a tough raid boss your success is displayed on a special Rumor channel 🙂

Post Date: 07:19 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: ta6ak
Comment: Wizard:

Wizard’s founder Master Long-eyebrow, who has been enlightened at the beginning of Song Dynasty, is the ringleader of every low-level immortal both in just and evil juntas. The head Qi Su Ming, who is called Madam Miao Yi, is taught by Master Long-eyebrow, and his ability is too strong to identify. Wizard is the head of just juntas. All prentices in this class are all justicial members.

Wizard is excellent in using the five-element power to deal with their targets. With the graceful robe, they always attack the enemies in distance. They are able to cause damages to one single target and even cause mass damage to monsters around.

Post Date: 06:49 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Courage
Comment: Talisman online is a game in which any MMO player will like.To start off the graphics are better than most f2p games out there.music is horrible, but you can use your own music instead.Once you reach a higher level, you gotta keep upgrading your weapon and armor and assistant talismans to have a stronger character.The storyline.. i don’t even bother with it in this game cause it’s horrible lol, the only storyline i would follow is Final fantasy or WoW which actually follows the storyline even after big expansions to it.

This message has been edited.

Post Date: 06:42 01-04-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Liliput
Comment: Talisman Online is a little-known free MMORPG 3D game in which we find “borrowed” elements from the game World of Warcraft. User interface, looting, and even a mini map of the world of design elements are borrowed from the World of Warcraft.All these features make the game more enjoyable. When you create a form of talisman online stand before choosing one of five available character classes: Wizard, Monk, Assassin, Tamer and Fairy. The first three classes form the figuresmen, while the last two characters are women. For some, sex is no match to any class may be a negative side Talisman Online. Also, as is the adaptation of the appearance of characters such as we chooseæ only one of three available hairstyle hair style. The game tutorial does not bores us, and game designers have prepared advice for players in the form of an exclamation point on the left of the screen full report, which you can read or ignore. The game will meetfull of NPCs who are ready for this quest to offer us. It is desirable to implement all the quests because it enables the implementation of their intervention to new locations.

Post Date: 20:29 31-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Tank
Comment: Talisman Online is one great FREE online multiplayer role-playing game. It has got fascinating story and unique gameplay. It’s a game that anyone should try.
There are 5 different characters you can choose from:
1)Wizard (male/female) – Wizards are masters of the arcane arts. They may have weak defense and low HP but they can deal massive damage with their spells.
2)Monk (male) – Monks are the warriors of Talisman Online. They fight with large weapons and inflict heavy blows. Monks have high defense and use stamina for their skills.
3)Assassin (male) – Assassins quick melee specialists who have low defense but high attack and dodge rates. Like Monks, Assassins use stamina instead of mana for their skills.
4)Fairy (female) – Fairies are a supportive class that possess healing and buffing spells. Fairies make competent damage dealers as well but suffer from low defense.
5)Tamer (female) – The Ranger class, Tamers excel at long ranged combat with their trusty bows. Tamers can persuade creatures of equal or lower level to fight by their side.
So, download the game and enjoy.

Post Date: 20:09 31-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nike
Comment: Comment: Chain simiter is the main weapon to level up till 61! You can use this weapon for PvP also, but people preffer daggers. It have more damage than dagger, but less CS rate and less CS damage. It has 2 aoes and its quite helpfull in leveling up with those aoes. Its also better at lower levels because your CS rate is anyway LOW (or you suffer death cos if you use CS gear you have 1000-2000HP only so you die easy) so better use simitar till you get 50 or 60, because you will do more damage with normal hits.

Post Date: 17:42 31-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: fapfapfap
Comment: Lotus Cave story:

Thousands of years ago, a great evil power called Master Blood finally became a huge monster on Blood Palace. Master Blood began to slaughter human beings and other living things in order to strengthen his power. He enhanced himself by absorbing their souls. However, where there was depravity, there was justice. The great rabbi Master Tian Meng and other righteous forces jointed together to suppress Master Blood. After a long period of fierce battle, Master blood was defeated by Master Tian Meng’s witchcraft called Heaven Ice, and he was sealed in a block of one-thousand year ice cube. This ice cube was suppressed at the bottom of the deep pool in Green Scarp. Nevertheless, Master Blood escaped from Green Scarp successfully five hundred years later. But some animals lived in the Lotus Cave were infected by his evil breath. They keep attacking people who enter into the cave. Among them, the Wild Boar King is the most fierce and hardest to deal with. Now it depends on you to eliminate these evils.

Post Date: 16:10 31-03-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Misho
Comment: The game is awesome. The charcters are great. At most I like tamer. It has weapons like bow and crossbow. It makes big damage and a lot mana and health points.

Post Date: 16:06 31-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: stunbun
Comment: Talisman max level cap is 75level. Mounts: horse tiger beer wolf and others

Post Date: 19:17 30-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: t1panar
Comment: In the ancient orient, there is a peaceful and serene continent. The people there live and work in peace and contentment. Their families are kept there generation by generation. However, an evil power is preparing to come out behind the peaceful surface. After collecting energy for the past thousand years, the evil power finally became a huge monster that is called Master Blood on Blood Palace. Master Blood began to slaughter human beings and other living things in order to strengthen his power. He enhanced himself by absorbing their souls. At that time, the whole world was full of blood and fear. People became destitute and homeless. The beautiful and peaceful continent became a hell which was full of corpses.

Post Date: 19:05 30-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: gaspadio
Comment: In the vast world of Talisman Online world, mount is a good choice for you to move faster! There are various cool and cute mounts in this game. Why not keep one yourself?

There is no Class limit in riding the mount! Mount can be combined with corresponding emerald to increase its Plus Rank (from +0 ~ +10) to move speed and enhance the appearance!

Post Date: 18:58 30-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Fazz
Comment: “Reputation Item” is a place for you to research the valuable rewards exclusively for Reputation quests, which are all of blue quality and have better attributes than green items. With this attractive equipment on your character’s body, you will be more powerful and be more likely to be the winner in different types of battles!

We are waiting for you in the Talisman World!

Post Date: 17:21 30-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kravara
Comment: Hello, this game is amazing to start off the client is a small download only about 350mb for what its worth the graphics are pretty good there are tons of quests leveling starts to get pretty hard at lvl 30+ you can get cools pets and mounts lots of fun scenarios but i admit i did get bored of this game at times and quit but i always came back acouple weeks later sometimes i wish they had more skills for each class but i dont complain much about that anyway some of the things in the game are similar to WoW and dont judge this game before trying it it is actually quite fun so give it a try =D

Post Date: 10:49 30-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sisi
Comment: Players can write text mails, send items and receive in-game items such as item you’ve bid successfully in Auction House and in-game rewards via TO Mail system, which is very easy to operate.

Functionally, there are 2 types of mail: text mail and item mail.

Post Date: 07:21 30-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: vikasd
Comment: mine one school friend recommended me to play this game first time before a month(i think its before one or two month).

i never played mmorpg game like this with cool graphics, 3d effects , cool events , various characters and with weapons.
its interesting game.

Post Date: 17:07 29-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: gospodin
Comment: in talisman online there are 4 talismans and 2 types of weps for every character. assassin – daggers, simitars ; wizzard – blade, sword ; fairy – wheel, pearl ; tamer – crossbow, bow and etc ..

Post Date: 12:54 29-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mokades
Comment: Classes

In Talisman Online there are 5 classes (monk fairy assasin tamer wizard).

Post Date: 11:15 29-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: wizard96
Comment: In Talisman Online there are cool mounts. I just bought red flame horse +7 its so fast. Before i had bear and tiger but i like best the red flame horse. Next im going to try the moon bear.

Post Date: 03:38 29-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: fatmagui
Comment: What’s the Magicstone?

The Magicstone is a gem with magic capacity what can store powerful strength and be used to socket on the Talisman and Defense Gear to improve their attributes.

Post Date: 17:56 28-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: palqko
Comment: To go into PVP u need +40 level.
To go into PVE u need +10 level.
When you level up ur Soul Level ( by doing 2x PVE a day)
you get more health.
When you go into PVP you will get PVP points (if you loose you get 15 points, if you win you get 30 points) whit theese points you can get PVP items. from PVP Shop in STONE CITY.

Post Date: 11:47 28-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: meattacker
Comment: 3D fantasy world i never experienced before, my computer having good graphics with Nvidia high graphics cards and Intel processors, this game working well on my pc. on laptop it works well. i have laptop and desktop, i used to play game on desktop pc for good expereinece. my char is in all stars server, its good server, please join friend this server.

Post Date: 17:39 27-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: zadnik
Comment: Best game eveeeer please enter when you reach 10 level you can get free pets mule and panda. Panda gives you HP upper limit and Mule gives you Mana upper limit. When you become red guys will kill you and you will lose xp, energy and money. So when you PK be carefull. if you have 0 xp and you dont have energy you can pk but put your gold in warehouse 🙂
soo theese are my tips 🙂

Post Date: 03:56 26-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Anderz
Comment: Best Guild EVER!~~ Join in server Light And Darkness then make a character add Mingkiri in friends and when she is online pm her to add you in guild. They help for caves! Yesterday they helped me for SSC. And i leveled up 61 level then i went in MDV ( moon dragon village) and i needed to killl bosses and the guild members helped me. Guild name:

Post Date: 08:47 24-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: stanislav
Comment: Best 3D Fantasy World! when you join the game the world i so realistic, the armours are very cool 🙂 i like the armour of fairy 58 level. When you reach level 10 you can go into your first cave! its named Bamboo Valley. At 15 level you can go SC and RC (Snake Cave) and (Rattan Cave) Snake cave is a long cave :(, Rattan cave is a short cave 🙂 A fairy 45 level can SOLO HH!!!! PLEASE JOIN THE GAME!

Post Date: 15:34 23-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: abule
Comment: Best game ever made! i started playing whit assassin in Crouching Tiger. I reached level 20 and i joined a guild.
When i reached 40 level i went FP the cave was so amazing!
Talisman Online has good graphics, cool skills, and things!
It has PVE, PVP and Duels. Max team members are 5. so this game is awesome i suggest it! download it, register and play, its easy to play 🙂

Post Date: 16:48 22-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: suketu
Comment: Talisman online is best game of my life, I changed two times. First i created account in All Stars and leveled up to 54 and it was monk, but i not satisfied with it #25, so i left that server and created new account on Big fish, there i reached to level 32 with sin, and getting too much load… and finally i joined server Sun and moon, lots of friendly peoples are there.
I would like to suggest new players to come in this server, join us and enjoy game.

Post Date: 04:40 21-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: ronspears
Comment: Never played this game before. i played ibibo online games and once my friend suggested me that play talisman online, it supports mobile based modem internet.
and whoa !! when i tried got succeed and started my journey with talisman. It’s cool game with variant features. I come into game this January 2012 so don’t know more about in deep. still learning lots of things.

Post Date: 08:14 20-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: frankking
Comment: This game is pretty much good and enjoyable game. however i play daily, i leveled up to 75 in only 4 months. and assassin is my first character in game, i never made app my self, just recruited someone.
its 3D fantasy game that i always likes to play, one of the main feature is that its multiplayer online game. with different levels, caves, weapons and mounts and pets are so cute. please add some new mounts like elephant, or something. i got an awesome game experience by playing this online multiplayer game.

Post Date: 04:45 20-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: pavel930x
Comment: Hey people i created a new fairy and started leveling her. Her name is BlazeClockN. Im playing in Light And Darkness. I have a golden husky pet 25 level max exp full skill. I have 3.3k defense. 3.3k means 3300. I have 6000 mana and 7300 hp whit buffs, whitout pills. When i became 57 level i went SSS! it was so amazing! In my team were 2 tamers +70 level and 2 fairys +70 level! The cave run was very smooth and i leveled up 58 level in the cave.

Post Date: 04:12 20-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sahasadventures
Comment: My suggestions for next patch-

>> New level cap 75-80 or 75-85

>> New combine rank 11+ or above

>> New Huge Emerald and Huge ruby for +11 rank or above

>> Increase the drop rate of Golden items

>> Add required newbie system in BC cave

>> Add some flying mounts (someone suggested in site)

>> New caves

>> Some new events same as Blood palace war

>> New items and temporary mounts in Cloud land pavilion Guild Demense.

hope that next patch would be great and enjoyable for players to play.

Post Date: 16:17 18-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: alpesh
Comment: Hi Gameogre members, i would like to share my personal opinion about this game, forgive me if i made mistakes.

i started playing this game in February 2012 now my char lvl is 37, i am not daily player, but when i become free i log into my talisman world.

My character is fairy and as in my real life i always save and help others, same in game.

i don’t know about other chars, because i not played remaining characters yet.
still lots of rules i don’t know in game and many other areas i would like to visit soon.

Post Date: 14:52 18-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: vishal
Comment: Talisman online is the best game i played in my life, whenever i play any game i play it for a hour or day and leave it behind. its my usual behavior for games.

but this online game changed my way of thinking about games and specially for online games. high graphics, lots of system settings , keyboard shortcuts supported, and MMORPG game with different chars entertained me a lot.

Post Date: 19:13 17-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: singa
Comment: HI every one i have somthing to share about talisman online game….

What is CS?

CS is short for Critical Strike. CS increases the rate(%) at which you do great damage. You might have noticed at times that the damage u do sometimes is greater than your average damage. that is CS. Many people mistake CS, thinking that it increases damage. CS does NOT increase damage, it increases your chances of doing CS. Every gear, apart from PVP set which CS in it also has one other attribute.
The other attribute is:
Assassins – Dexterity (Dex)
Monk – Strength (Str)
Tamer/Wizard/Fairy – Intelligence. (Int)
That other attribute is what increases your CS damage. Therefore, while CS increases the chance of you doing CS, the other attribute increases the amount of damage you do with CS. Another good quality of the other attribute apart from increasing CS damage is that it also increases damage in general. With CS gear on, your damage will rise and you will be able to kill monster very quickly. Even being able to kill them in a single hit if you have high enough CS and Dex/Int/Str.

Post Date: 12:22 14-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: smgod
Comment: It is the cool MMORPG game,
I am playing this game last 1 year having sin character.
however, if you want to join TO and you female then there are two characters too. Female Wizard and Fairy. fairy is healer and heal all, while Female Wizard can be dmg or tank as you wish. overall i suggest players of SO to play this game at once.
enojoy game friends.

Post Date: 16:39 12-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: yash
Comment: most of friends suggested some guides to players, i will suggest few one.

1. If you own guild, be respective to guild members.

2. use advanced powers of Jolly Tree in Guild demense, whenever your guild reach particular levels.

3. if active members want borrow golds help them.

4. if you don’t mind, hold contests for your guild members and choose randomly someone as winner and give them precious prizes such as MR, LR some blue gear weapons or pet foods.

5. by arranging contests your guild will be popular, and no one want to leave.

this game is good to play instead of playing soul order online, anyway enjoy game.

Post Date: 10:25 12-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nikso
Comment: especially i will vote 10 !!
an awesome game, i played world of Warcraft also. but i suggest WOW players to play TO at once.
its filled up with lots of graphics, 3D scenes, danger bosses, caves.
including overall game experience its joyful game to play.

Post Date: 06:31 12-03-2012
Rating: 9
Author: streamwolve
Comment: I am happy to write my review on this game, there is no arrangement on miragame site for talisman online.
my suggestions for game is, create more enhanced graphics with cool new chars in next patch. this game supports dial up connection (*148kbps) that’s good.
sometimes lag problem happens too much, please solve it.
i will rate game with 9 rate. bcauz every items, products and services are not always perfect.
Thank you.

Post Date: 17:43 11-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: priyanehal
Comment: I am fan of talisman, i will share some personal opinion with my best TO player friends.
-help guild members.
-sell items cheap to guild members.
-contribute for guild daily.
-take part in BPW- Blood palace war regularly.
-use guild chat while within guild team in caves.
-help newbies members to do caves.
-don’t pk own guild members.

Post Date: 16:15 09-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: tree
Comment: Advices to lvl up quickly.

1) Pick a character it doesn’t matter which class… they all have their special perk and are all strong in their own way
2) When you start out just do all the quest in Green Scarp which should get you to lvl 5 or close to it.
3) Once you hit lvl 5 go to world chat and say “Need master” and in 2 seconds there should be someone out there that will recruit you. The master and apprentice system in game is a great way to get bonus experience and energy after every level and blue weapons for level 10 and level 20.

Post Date: 17:17 08-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dhruvalgodhani
Comment: Review about talisman online !!!?? 😉
Its hard to review this game. its enjoyable game with great graphics, weapons ,chars,caves, shop ..
Mira game developers must think about more new things, such as huge emerald for combine 10~13 etc.

overall game is good.. i like it.

Post Date: 21:21 07-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sruty
Comment: Killing Master Yue Wen:
Firstly, you need a good tanker(Monk only). Full +10 probably for this or Defense above 20k+. Seriously unless you are real lucky with your Fatal Sadness . Like 50x Crab Cream Bun + 50x Shark Fin Soup . Golden Light Pills and Apothecary Pills helps alot too.
2x Fairy Loo’s full +6 or Full +10. I don’t know how good the defense should be but just as long she know how to survive xD.
Wizard +10 Sword helps alot with damage.
Tamer +10 Bow helps alot with damage too but her crack do not work here so she spamming her crack only for damage not defense drop for the boss xD
The team must have good defense to start with or aoe could kill them which is bad news. But don’t panic. all cool. take a deep breath because even full +6 Loo’s fairies could survive here.

Post Date: 09:20 07-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: worldup
Comment: Pets in this game are very cute..
Please add some new skills for pet.
pet level up books consumes gold 🙁 , is there any alternative you thinking ?
overall game rating is good, however game is also nice.
it sounds like cool 😀

Post Date: 08:56 07-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: itslife
Comment: Its look like as social network, we can play with friends, even make new friends while playing.
thus TO is good game having easy game interface, faster speeds, supports slow connections, and much of graphics in characters and its powers..

Thanks to talisman online and miracle castle for this game.

Post Date: 11:24 04-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: saddahaq
Comment: Talisman online game is very interesting and joy full game in which we can meet the people from the different countries all over the world. The game consists of many interesting quests scenarios which we can enjoy at most with getting the team and having fun with team work. There are 5 characters in the game and for each there is speciality. We can get diferent types of mounts and pets in the game.

Post Date: 19:02 26-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Leave
Comment: I will tell about peacock river cave set….

Peacock River cave is hardest cave in game. You must have very good team to finish it. When you finish it, you get Reputation Points for Dodge set, and Bloodstain Chips for CS set. Inside of cave you will see NPCs (Non playable characters) where you can buy set after getting enough recourses.

For Dodge set you will need Reputation Points. Each full cave run you will get 15.000 Reputation Points (after accomplishing quest). For 1 Reputation level you need 140.000 Reputation Points. You will need 10 times to finish it to reach next Repu (Reputation) level (10 times is 150.000 Repu points).


Post Date: 16:41 25-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: shah
Comment: Hi every one

I will tell u about bonk hero

1.The most powerful anti-attack ability.
2. The most powerful close combat ability.
3. Excellent aggro-control ability, can force the target stop attacking the partners to attack he himself.
4.Fewer skills of long-distance attack.

Post Date: 16:22 25-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: stan-9
Comment: I play this game one year and i really like it! The first you have to do is obvious quests and travelling. Then you have to get some gold. There is leveling up tips in the game if you don’t know where to go or what quests do you have to do. There is scenarios in the game they are almost in every map in the game like Bewitcher cave in Vast Mountain. There are mounts and pets that can be bought with T-points. There is plus rank of items +10 maximum i think. Guilds are good for wars and guild quests or to find someone to help you.

Post Date: 03:43 25-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: alpavc
Comment: I am playing this game from last two years. Let I have to give some suggestions and tips for newbie in this game.
First is about gold. Don’t beg gold from anyone, find good guild and gain good contribution value by accomplishing scenario and guild quests, then you can ask some guild members for few gold. be sure, its few gold, not ask for huge gold like 2k,6k. you may be kicked off by begging to much golds. never request gold more then 1k, its my personal suggestion.
I never begged before, and will not beg in future.

Post Date: 13:16 23-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: angelearth
Comment: Talisman is an amazing game !
My Suggestions to play this game better :
>> If you are good tank then you must have +7 mount, in almost all scenario +7 mount saves your time.
>> Newbie is not enemy, so don’t ignore them.
>> Don’t use cash to purchase golds from other players.

This game have dozens of weapons categories with 6 characters, i would like to suggest to play this game.

Post Date: 17:11 22-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mysticsin
Comment: Talisman proves something new in online games. Good weapons, plus ranks, pets, chars, chat system, guilds, auctions and extra lighting effects with good graphics.
one of the best thing is that it not require high-end system configuration for game-play.

Post Date: 21:45 18-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: seel
Comment: I am going to explain u about monk weapon shovel….
Shovel is the prefered weapon for any CS build simply because of the skill Giant Burst. Giant Burst is used for it’s burst damage and is also the strongest skill for any class in the game. To bring out Giant Burst’s true potential, a CS build is usually the build of choice to maximise it’s damage and to make it’s bursts as frequent as possible. If you lose aggro of a boss in a cave, make sure to use the skill Sacrafice to bring back the aggro to you. Within those 15 seconds of guaranteed aggro, do as much damage as you can to increase aggro value.

– Have very high burst damage
– Have many stuns
– Have the high CS rate skill Giant Raid
– The burst damage will almost guarantee to draw aggro of a boss from any player

– Burst damage is entirely reliant on chance therefore to increase chances of burst damage, a CS build is used
– Does not keep aggro as well as staff because it does not have an “increase-aggro-with-every-hit” skill.

Post Date: 12:38 18-02-2012
Rating: 6
Author: iskamexpfr
Comment: all say talisman is the best game ever play but why ?
i have more epxperience with online game this is one of the best cuz it isnt very hard and its not easy play with friends is more intresting have emotions and fun momment #20
YEA this is one of best game !!

Post Date: 18:46 17-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nato
Comment: Talisman isnt my first game online, but its the longest game i have ever stuck with it..XD I know this game from my leader in Tales of pirates(my first game online), he got hacked there and want to start a new game. He tell many loyal members include me to join talisman. Thats the story how i play this one. Its about 1 year and now i am the only one who still play talisman….T.T

Talisman is the best……

Post Date: 06:38 17-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: tushjasoliya
Comment: I have good experience of talisman game and having sin character level 48.
Its best 3D mmorpg Game, its stone city market is like as stock market !!! everyday price changes.
my one suggestion to newbie that don’t bag to others for their mounts, golds etc. do your quests step by step you will achieve all this things once.
best of luck/.

Post Date: 08:57 16-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: lauda
Comment: Hi all.talisman online game is very good and botting is very bad habit.We shouldnot be lazy.You should do quest by yourself.By doing good quest u will get good drops.Botting is for lazy prople we should be active.

Thanks…from lauda

Post Date: 07:28 16-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: coolchigs
Comment: I am playing talisman since 1 year and its good fantasy MMORPG game,
i would like to suggest you to take part in the south border land event every week, you may get treasure boxes as drop from its bosses, you can sell that boxes at 10g each.
like this one do quests that pays you more, always take GQ (Guild quests) to get experience and golds !

Post Date: 20:23 15-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: reddi
Comment: i will tell about scenarios. There are 8 scenarios in talisman online game.6 major scenarios and 2 minor in green scarp.You can gain rare and useful talisman or different kinds of equipments through killing the BOSS or monsters in scenario. It is a place full of valuable items.There are some quest fir scenarios which give more experience.

Post Date: 06:16 15-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: diski
Comment: Hi all.I am playing this game since 3 years and its really good game.I have a tip for u guys.

For good drops kill the mobs at one place.with this u can drop good items.Here the mobs should be your level or higher level will be more better.

Post Date: 05:06 14-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: jaydip
I never played any games online before talisman,
my one friend suggested me to play this game, when i visited his gamezone many of them playing talisman there and they inspired me to play this game.
i am writing first review of any game in my life, that’s only one word i can say, talisman game is best, no one can beat it.

if you are not playing this game, please try it out, you will be addicted with it soon. 😉

Post Date: 21:19 13-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: siksa
Comment: Hello every one….. I have a lil suggestion about talisman online game.

Never + rank your items from low lvl.
My suggestion is:

lvl 10 weapon +1
lvl 20 ewapon +1
lvl 30 weapon +3
lvl 40 weapon +4 – +6
lvl 40-50 items +3 – armor +4
lvl 50 weapon +6
lvl 50-60 items +6 – +7
lvl 60 weapon +7 – +10
lvl 60-70 items +10
lvl 70 weapon +10

Post Date: 07:58 13-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: noviceshine
Comment: hi guys,
i am playing talisman from last 3 months, and got very good experience,
talisman is best MMORPG game then other games.
Most features i liked in Talisman is Guilds, Combine, Divine Tiger quest, yeah.. this quest help us to accomplish move speed at low level character.

Finally, I bet that “Talisman Is Best Game Forever”.

Post Date: 19:47 12-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: supern
Comment: About guilds in talisman.

1. lf you are a English speaking player find guild that most of them are English speaking.( vice verse : if you are not english speaking player find guild where you can communicate to them easily )

2. They helps u doing quest. (but not all quest only quest that needs a team and killing bosses)

3. Helps you in doing scenario especially when you are a first timer.

4. Helps you to get some purple items in PVP and SSC if you are a high level

5. Leader, presbyter and officers are active, friendly and kind.

6. Stays conected in guild chat while you are in other team.

Post Date: 19:31 12-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dj messi
Comment: Talisman has good graphics, good armor, good weapons, good pvp, and this is my first pvp game i love everything about it and its my 2nd favorite game so rock on! I have also participated in PVE and PVP while belonging to a very helpful guild. My guild supports all members with fair rules that do not get in the way of playing the game. Find the friendliest guild you can as soon as you start playing. I love talisman online I wish they could make other online games like this and rs!

I hoped you like my article because i worked it took me lots of time to to write so thx

Post Date: 16:15 12-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: warbegin
Comment: Talisman is good mmorpg game that i came across.. good in game shop items, some more items to be added like “If we use it then it can increase our HP or Mana (by 2%,5% and so on) for one hour”

Overall Good Graphics, and Game play is nice…
I Would like to say thanks specially to game developers of talisman for developing this nice game.

Post Date: 22:17 11-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: lika
Comment: About Assassin’s defense gear:

Full Vitality – Dodge have NO CS, and NO dexterity. You will not recieve damage and you will have nice HP with it, but you will not do any damage. As a tanker, you will not have nice damage to keep your agro and will kill your team. As PvPer, you wont have enough CS, cos anything lower than 20% CS for assassin is BAD!

Full Dexterity – CS – Well here is the oposite. You will have enough Dexterity for high hits, and enough CS for good CS%. Still you will have bad HP even at full +10.

Full Dexterity – Vitality – Again bad. Good Dexterity, Good Vitality, but NO dodge and NO CS. About 10% CS and 5% dodge is bad!

Full SSC – Well good for tanking. Low CS % but good for tanking. But Bad for PVP. Too low level and not enough elemental resistance. Also bad CS% on this set.

Full PvP – Good HP, awesome CS, nice 6/6 bonus for 15 seconds less cooldown on Elements Array. Its a good set. But it lack Dexterity. Without the dexterity, you will not CS high enough, especially with obduracy gems here.

Post Date: 16:21 11-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: holyfriend
Comment: Hello friends, I like of talisman game, and regularly plays this game from home.
Now lets me share some tips for users that can be useful for talisman users.

1) Don’t miss 200% Drop rate, Experience events,it will help you to gain more items and level up fast.
2) Don’t PK someone without any reason, if they killing your lured mobs, just tell them by msg, don’t PK them.
3) Don’t Ignore newbies, sometimes you was newbie, so help newbies, and get popular more.
4) Contribute for your guild and guild members, deposit some useful items in guild warehouse always, also deposit golds. that will good to attract guild leader 😉
5) Share Drop’s with your teammates in big scenario’s such as PRC.
6) If you’re assassin or monk then always help fay in quests such as kill abcd 0/40, because fay can’t lure 🙁 at this site you may help them for faster level up 🙂

Let me try to find some extra game tips and buying guide, i will post it soon…

Thnx all..

Post Date: 22:22 10-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: segara
Comment: H i guys, i am a player of talisman online and its a good game. I have a tip for you guys. If you have low lvl in cave, never use aoe if you don`t have a fairy. You will die easy.

Post Date: 21:45 09-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: balu
Comment: Hi all…
talisiman online is a good ha fun game.with the playing of this game we can get more friends around the world.All we need to do some quests and have fun with other players.
Really its awsome game.
thanks all

Post Date: 17:02 08-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sulli
Comment: Hi all i m going tell u about PvP in talisman online game…

PvP(Player vs Player) as the name shows that u have to have fight other players in it.In this u have to defeat waves of mobs along with other chars in the PvP.The main goal of PvP is to defeat the other teams vital tree.If no team could defeat the other team’s vital tree then the team with the highest points after one hour after starting the PvP will be the winner.U can start doing PvP at lvl 40 and can do it 2 times a day.
Mobs,Players and Items:-Same like PvE the mobs in PvP r the same lvl as u or the teams average lvl and they also get stronger when u defeat each wave of mobs.U can get items in PvP by killing mobs,bosses and other players.The items in PvP r healing potion,healing sticks,damage stone,fire bomb and much more.Some of the items could be bought from arena merchant by money in the PvP.

PvP is very important as it not only gives exp and energy but competition points which can be used to buy purple lvl 50s equip from competition merchant.The points given in each PvP is 30 points for the winning team and 15 points for the losing team.
Team for PvP:-There r two teams for PvP.One red team and other team blue.Each team contains 5 players.The team for PvP is same as that of PvE but no need of fairy as healing sticks and potions do the healing.Maybe add a tank or aoe instead of the fairy.
Thats all for my guide.I hope this guide help newbies who arent familiar with PvE and PvP.i wrote it in sub-titles so newbies can understand it better.

Post Date: 13:47 07-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: marcipan
Comment: Hi all im one of the fans of talisman online its best for me MMORPG game its funny when u play with friends try it 🙂 I play This game from 2009 and still play 🙂

Post Date: 13:24 07-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sail
Comment: Hi every one. I am a player in talisman online game.I am playing this game from 2 years really it is awsome MMORPG game.I made many friends in this talisman online game.
Love talisman…..

Post Date: 13:57 06-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: razreshenalubov
Comment: Talisman online is a great game its funny and cool when u play with friends i play talisman from 2010 and still dont bored 🙂

Post Date: 22:00 05-02-2012
Rating: 5
Author: sandi
Comment: Talisman online game is a ancient fantasy world. In this world we have 6 heroes.They are …

and each profession got different skills….
Really good game guys try it….

Post Date: 00:10 05-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: maimunatazozo
Comment: Talisman online.. hmm good game NOPE great game its awesome game maybe better than WOW or Aion i play this game from 2009 to 2011 with friends.What you wait try it !!!

Post Date: 20:43 03-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: daimikoda
Comment: This game is great its good and funny i play in 2010 to 2011 and i dont still boring try it

Post Date: 09:39 03-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: daimikod
Comment: Hi all this game is awesome its good and funny when i play with friends. I play this game from 2009 to now its awesome game try it 🙂

Post Date: 19:29 29-01-2012
Rating: 5
Author: samu
Comment: Hi every one….
This is really awsome MMORPG game.I am playing this from 5 years and i did not feel bore.I have 4 heroes in talisman game.and they are all in high levels.In talisman online first i like wars between guilds.It makes much fun to players who participated in the war.
Talisman rocks…..

Post Date: 10:41 29-01-2012
Rating: 5
Author: hollowman
Comment: i play tihs game form 3 yeasr it so amazing and so fun you can play together with friends and do quests and get gold to purchase more strong item !!

Post Date: 11:16 28-01-2012
Rating: 7
Author: wanted123
Comment: hi my name i choni i played games for 3 years
its bo beatifull and ist so fun to play with friends and leveling

Post Date: 11:03 28-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kozabezzubi
Comment: Talisman is the best try it i play this from 2009 its the best

Post Date: 10:55 28-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: indos
Comment: Here some tips about talisman online game.

– Dont buy armor for level 1-30
– Only buy Blue armor for level 30+ and try to keep it blue throughout the rest of the game.
– Only add gems to blue armor and wepons max +3. For +4 and up try buying it from other players.
– Check stalls and auction periodically. If you see something for cheap and is way under priced compared to the auction price then buy it and sell it in the auction for 1g cheaper then everyone.
– always soul infuse talismans and assist talismans to make it stronger
– Add emeralds to your talisman (max +3) only for level 40 and up
– Try not to spam kill bosses because the rate that they spawn is very slow and you can probably kill more regular monsters and get more experience and loot
– Always report to master apprentice
– If you want to grind on one monster try to pick one that is 1-2 levels below you to get the most experience and loot. Too high or too low will give less experience and more energy to kill.
– Scenarios should be done but it doesn’t have to be right away. Try to be 5 levels higher then the required level to be more desirable to other teams
– Having a friend in game makes training a little more fun and less tiring. But when you grind try to keep team to a maximum of 2 to get more experience and loot.
– Lastly be nice and dont kill people at random

Post Date: 20:19 27-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: munshi
Comment: Mounts are used to move faster.There are various cool and cute mounts in this game including Tiger, Fox, Horse, Kylin, and wolf Mounts can be combined with the using of emeralds to increase its shape and its speed.

Post Date: 20:16 27-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Imamonster
Comment: Talisman is one of the best MMORPG game ever. This game have so much “private or fun” u can call it however u want.It happened in a fantasy game.

Post Date: 19:17 27-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: jenanazaem
Comment: hi im here from 2009 and there is the best game ever my friends share to me and we play together try it !!

Post Date: 18:53 27-01-2012
Rating: 8
Author: iskamkod
Comment: hi im new here but no in talisman there is best game ever with his players and quests interesting and fund try it #20 !;)

Post Date: 17:33 27-01-2012
Rating: 7
Author: ivoradev123
Comment: My name is Kalvar im from brasil and play this batifull game with amazing graphic for 3 yeaers ago . It s very nice to play have fun and maybe should be more fun if you play with friends . ;_)

Post Date: 13:43 27-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: gokihan
Comment: talisman online maybe is the best MMORPG game i still play from 2009 to 2012 try this game its awesome :)) From turkey:)

Post Date: 09:25 27-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mishkatawe
Comment: Talisman Online is the coolest game I’ve played:) amazing

Post Date: 15:45 26-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: cheers
Comment: Chain simiter is the main weapon to level up till 61! You can use this weapon for PvP also, but people preffer daggers. It have more damage than dagger, but less CS rate and less CS damage. It has 2 aoes and its quite helpfull in leveling up with those aoes. Its also better at lower levels because your CS rate is anyway LOW (or you suffer death cos if you use CS gear you have 1000-2000HP only so you die easy) so better use simitar till you get 50 or 60, because you will do more damage with normal hits.

Post Date: 13:41 26-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: dund3r
Comment: Talisman Online! What can I say about Talisman! I can only say nice work! Playing it from very soon but the game is great:)

Post Date: 12:12 25-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mitet0
Comment: Playing a talisman for a long time with all the characters he play and I want to say that all are very nice:) The game is great I recommend it to you

Post Date: 10:04 25-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: yinky
Comment: It is a really awsome game. I got many friends from talisman online around the world.You won’t get bore in this game we have many funny missions to do.In talisman online we can kill other players for fun.

——–Love talisman——–

Post Date: 09:44 25-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nemojeshdamespresh
Comment: Good game,,nope Great game,,,nope awesome game YES this is the best game i played this game from 2009 to 2011 its fantastic try it !!

Post Date: 20:34 24-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: detailsfor
Comment: One friend of mine recommended this game:) and I really like it and play it since 2008 and I think it is great pochvaite it without even thinking

Post Date: 19:47 24-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nqmamspirachki
Comment: i play this game and its awesome i still play from 2010 now is 2012 and never will stop this game its awesome try it !!

Post Date: 13:32 24-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: NimoaSaZapraBG
Comment: I play since Talisman has made ??game:) very nice and will not stop playing it ever! I can only say SUPER GAME

Post Date: 13:25 24-01-2012
Rating: 8
Author: pishtovabg
Comment: im 18 years old and play this beatifull game from when i was 14 im one of the first player and the game is still better thans 2008 to our days 😉

Post Date: 18:51 23-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: cherveisochila
Comment: Talisman online.. hmm good game NOPE great game its awesome game maybe better than WOW or Aion i play this game from 2009 to 2011 with friends.What you wait try it !!!

Post Date: 18:27 23-01-2012
Rating: 8
Author: pepper
Comment: a tamer can work with almost any kind of gear combination ( int/vit, int/cs, vit/dodge etc.)

It really depends on your play style, i will go ahead and say that for pvp the best gear would be
a full pvp set with a crossbow, you cant get stronger than that.

But that would take ages to get and not everyone have the patience for it.
But dont worry, as you already know a tamer rules and you can still beat most without full pvp.

Now as a tamer, your main purpose is to deal damage, that ofcourse means int/cs is the best
way to go. But without hp you wont really be able to do much PvP wise.

What about loos? the loos set for tamer leaves you with very little cs rate, and as a damage dealer
you rely on your critical hits. Therefore full loos isnt the way to go, sure go ahead and rant about
me being wrong and such. But you only got that gear cause of the red glow, and you know it.

Keep in mind that the 70-80 set(when it comes) might be better than the PvP set.
Aswell as when the 60-70 purple set comes.

If you can afford to make 2 sets, then it shouldnt be too difficult, as a full int/cs set with a bow is perfect for PvE, meaning all you have to worry about
is making a set for use in PvP.

Post Date: 18:17 23-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: bonne
Comment: Talisman is the best MMORPG game for me .. all this chars and magics … i just cant tell u how I love this game. I played it since 2009, my friends told me about it and its really cool. SO KEEP PLAYING IT U ARE NOT GET WRONG 😉

Post Date: 14:31 23-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: zip0e
Very interesting game for playing with friends for fun. One of the best free MMORPG I had chance to play and I have been playing a lot of them. It has nice graphic. Really fast leveling. Interesting story and not boring quests. Game interface is easy for use. One thing I don’t like is moving with mouse(I prefer WASD more). I’m playing it for , maybe two years. I got five friends to play it with me and even my older brother which hates MMORPG. That is one of the most important thing, you need someone to play it with you. Teamwork to survival, talisman to victory 😉

Post Date: 12:06 23-01-2012
Rating: 9
Author: divhui
Comment: talisman online one of best MMORPG game i played from 5 years and love it he has an amazing graphic and intresting quests .
He is very nice to play with friends for relaxing 😉

Post Date: 10:16 23-01-2012
Rating: 5
Author: divdomat
Comment: talisman online maybe is the best MMORPG game i still play from 2009 to 2012 try this game its awesome :))

Post Date: 20:51 22-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: iloveandreatits
Comment: I love Talisman Online.I played this game since 2009-2010 and i like it.If you wanna try go to talismanonline.com its my favourite game and look my post in my profil :))

Post Date: 20:48 22-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Kamilata
Comment: Talisman is my favourite MMORPG. I played since 2009 and i’m still not bored. 🙂 But if u want to know more about talisman u can look my posts in the site.

Post Date: 16:59 07-08-2011
Rating: 10
Author: matkaner
Comment: Talisman Online is the best!

Post Date: 23:20 12-07-2011
Rating: 9
Author: squid
Comment: Talisman Online is my current MMORPG. Read my article about TO in the forum. https://www.gameogre.com/forums/contests-events-giveaways/18101-talisman-online-blog-article-contest-giveaway.html

Post Date: 21:29 15-06-2011
Rating: 5
Author: CronosBG
Comment: cool

Post Date: 12:03 12-04-2011
Rating: 10
Author: ares98

Post Date: 04:05 05-03-2011
Rating: 5
Author: sasuke24
Comment: This is a nice 3D MMORPG. I like the grpahics and the combat system.

Post Date: 08:42 07-02-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Adrian
Comment: This game is sweet, the amount of stuff that you can do is awesome, combined with okay graphics and gameplay, make this a game to play.

Post Date: 22:04 06-02-2011
Rating: 8
Author: MaryJane
Comment: This is a Great game. From begginer to the expert player they will find fun here.I have recommended this game to Many people that I know play RPG.

Post Date: 23:39 30-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: X3Master
Comment: free MMORPG with very good graphic.easy leveling even for begginers in MMo world like me.

Post Date: 21:17 17-11-2010
Rating: 5
Author: aldin
Comment: I like talisman online, i started to play a month ago and now i am lvl 43

Post Date: 14:59 11-11-2010
Rating: 5
Author: szwa666
Comment: Talisman is the best game since life my pc i love TO

Post Date: 04:29 13-09-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Devil_God
Comment: Well talisman is seriously a awesome game..it has the best features i have ever seen in any online game..specially the chat it is so simple and good..its the best i ever saw..well u got 5 different kinds of chat which rele helps..u can talk in guild,world,frnds,team etc..and its a complete fun package..!

Post Date: 13:17 15-08-2010
Rating: 6
Author: Eldrants
Comment: A great online game so far because i only play this lol. This game dnt cost to much data transfer about 2mb for 4.5hr. 5 profession all together, the male is wizard, assassin, monk and female is wizard, tamer, fairy. Once u started the game, u will be given weapon(talisman). There is 3 slots for talismans, 1 is what i said earlier and 2 slots for the support talisman Also some armors of course. In ths game dnt try to be solo make some friends because u wil need it. It is very hard to make in here but try to be brave and kind.. that the key. But i bet there is something better than this game. I dnt very like the creation but its ok. Lol. So far i give a…

Post Date: 13:04 16-07-2010
Rating: 8
Author: magnumraiderex
Comment: This game is a fusion between a classical storyline and a whole new gaming style. This is where you find a high end graphics where the armor designs are spectacular especially the engravings on the armor and weapons. And the plus pointa miniature combo system which does not overpower you with combos yet gives you a chance to use it.(in tha=e assasin class) Further more the game has a very easy system to orgaise with decent drop rates of rare items and its quite fun and easy to play. Finally its a mmorpg with pvp,pve,teamwork guild and many more. However there are some bad points about it and its abit laggy but other than that I would give it a thumbs up!

Post Date: 06:29 11-07-2010
Rating: 9
Author: wraxerex
Ok let me give you an introduction of this game, its a story about good vs evil and there are many characters you can choose to fight the evil,first there are a assasin class,the tankers and damage type, then there are a fairy type by the name i’d judge that you’ll know its a healer, a monk which is the ultra tank and the wizard which is a strong nuke.

This game has awesome graphics for its specs and its easy to follow style of quest, pk and most of all PVP !!! And it doesnt require much installation though having so MUCH fun packed in this game so I’m gonna applaud the maker and give it a 9/10 (I’m a assasin and it ROCKS man!)

Post Date: 18:50 04-07-2010
Rating: 10
Author: harsh413
Comment: this is awesome game.I m assasin of Lv 48.This best game ever played by me.

Post Date: 20:51 02-07-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ionZipador
Comment: Hmm.. ^^Talisman Online^^
I had a lot of games already played. I think this game is very very fantastic because a lot of features made me even more curious. This game also made me less sleep because addicted to this game. So I guess nothing is more perfect than this game..
I luv Talisman Online… #23

Post Date: 23:55 03-06-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Ponras
Comment: O yes, Talisman Online is awesome! I’m level 32 now and I’ve played enough to know it has also changed the GUI in an awesome way! This game is easy to play even on an old computer; and it’s a “newer” game!

Post Date: 04:30 24-05-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ljprojects
Comment: Taliman Online is an awesome game.

Post Date: 21:56 21-05-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Taurus
Comment: I thought for the duration i played talisman it was actually quite fun and enjoyable, until i got to level 30, then wow this game became boring as hell no new quests to start getting 0.08 of a level per kill couldn’t get into any runs because i was to low. Don’t get me wrong the game looks great plays great the people are generally fun and willing to team but that can’t make up for the Monmouth of a grind i was facing at the time.

Post Date: 00:52 19-05-2010
Rating: 9
Author: jlssg4
Comment: This game is a relatively simple MMORPG and I think that’s what makes it so enjoyable. Graphics are not top quality, but for users such as myself with older PCs that is a good thing. The one thing I was slightly annoyed at, initially, was the difficulty of soloing in scenarios, but in retrospect it was pretty cool teaming up with other people to get the job done. Overall, for a free game you can’t ask for more and I give Talisman Online two thumbs up!

Post Date: 08:17 15-05-2010
Rating: 9
Author: zoota10
Comment: ty

Post Date: 12:16 02-05-2010
Rating: 5
Author: tamer1912
Comment: talisman online an awesome game that requires great team work to complete scenarios.
the amount of time put into this game is returned you can see yourself developing and becoming stringer throughout the game.

Post Date: 23:56 27-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ironmaidenxx
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D online role playing game. Its a really nice game, there lot of nice players and it is the best role playing game i’ve played. There a LOT of nice quest and more to discover! Hope see you on it

Post Date: 16:07 26-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: markosel
Comment: This game takes many things back to basics and that is what I like about it. Public fighting against mobs is great and simple. Scenarios, which are preset repeatable instances, have the linear appeal that brings a focus most other games don’t give. Graphics are OK, but that’s not the most important thing in my opinion 🙂

Leveling is slow after a while, which is the way it should be. I’m confused as to why people complain about it being slow to level after a while. You don’t want EVERYONE being max within a month, right?

This game will give you a solid year of play with no regrets. I played on previous server for a year and yes, there is nothing to do after 11 months. So…I started new on new server Flawless Jade ^^

Name is Scylla if you need any help.

Post Date: 14:22 25-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: wraxerex
Comment: In this game, gms are very friendly, sometimes they even help you to kill bosses F.O.C couple that up with the engaging storyline, amzing 3D graphics and user-friendly interface, this is one of the MMORPG that is worth your time and effort, If you ask me why to join this game still, then I’ll ask you why not!

Post Date: 14:26 23-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: GuildDude
Comment: game is ok i guess . a bit of spammers here and there, but the UI i very easy to use witch makes it easier to grind and farm

Post Date: 07:01 18-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: jared
Comment: Really fun game awesome people who play it graphics are good and its funny 🙂

Post Date: 06:16 18-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: jsthewraxer
Comment: the game deatils are listed below
Good:3D graphics, small space needed, PVP INCLUDED!!!,easy to play, very engaging and its very fun !!
Bad :LAG,GLITCHY,T-points stall must pay $$$
Conclusion:VEry good game with graphics, style with substance and the pro outweighs the cons

Post Date: 18:25 16-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: roket11
Comment: his is an awesome game!
At first when i looked at thegraphics i thought it had horrible gameplay, horrible monster and etc.
But since im a Game Guru(one that downloads game and recommends them to ppl)i tried it out.
I was like WOAH! it”s much better than your expectations from the graphics so i recommend this game for all people out there!(kids,teens,adults) ^^=)

Post Date: 18:13 15-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: markosel
Comment: Comment: talisman online is the greatest game ever,its the easiest game out there trust me i mean it, i have tried a lot of games,it might not be really mesmerizing in graphics but it focuses on the real thing people actually care about unlike other games which is having FUN!,so many Quests,so many caves,so many pets,so many armors,so many mounts,so many….,lol. The really shocking thing about it is that its is just around 270mb(am guessing they used a really powerful compressor). Getting into the game is very simple;
* go to www.talismanonline.com
* click on the download icon
* download the client(different sites posses the client)
* once u have finished download the client and u see that it works, open the webpage again
* click register this time
* follow instructions
* agree, register nd ur done!!!

Post Date: 14:27 15-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: blader
Comment: i love TO and i’m addicted to it. I’ve lots of characters, but the best 4me is.. Assassin. He’s most powerfull and strongest character i’ve ever playied. ;.))

Post Date: 12:15 15-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: raiderex
Comment: The game is very fun and fair meaning that bribing of GM doesn’t works and has impressive graphics, team play system and the quest are very engaging.Its very easy to play and most of all its FREE to join. So why not , come and join talisman online!!

Post Date: 08:49 12-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: keldy
Comment: The creators should make a kind of tournament, 2 times per month where players could register for a PVP against each other in an arena where they could enter only those that are registered, a minimum of level and during this tournament would not be allowed trade items nor equips, the rules would be created by GM and MOD, the winner would have the prize and a featured site with the name and a message of congratulations at the time of each duel players would be called into the arena and where so everyone could see but they could be inside the space to separate the fighting, would be a great way to know who is good in duels and a good way to attract the attention of players, considering that many are stopping to play by the lack of variety of activities in the game, there is this hint there for the GMs and MODs game talisman online, I hope it helped in anything

Post Date: 13:42 11-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: raiderex
Comment: very fun n has good graphics to size ratio havin less den haf the size if warcraft yet comparable to it. Especially with the easy to understandable. there are 5 classes and JOIN NOW

Post Date: 07:34 10-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Szczurek
Comment: Hello. I’ll tell you a little about the game very well known Talisman Online. It is a 3D game with fantastic graphics and good effects. In the game you can put yourself in five forms. Assassin, Monk, Tame, r Feira, and Wizard. Each character is good in different ways. Talismanie in a very interesting thing is the so-called secaria. we can say that in this game, not missing a lot of things everything has been worked out. Image game so I think a lot of fantastic players thinks so but that does not bother us in any way is just good. You can have your own guild with colleagues or with other players around the world really fun to play. the game can easily be downloaded from talismana www.talismanonline.com. Feel free to joint Game D.

Post Date: 18:43 09-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: inte
Comment: The Talisman Online mmorpg franchise is a massive one which comprises of a non comparable socializing system, average and moderatedly configured characters and graphics befitting each location and scenario.
Gamers chose one character out of 5 characters and begin a journey into the world of the ancient orient,the motive of the game is to lvl up your character from lvl 1 to lvl 70(the highest/maximum level obtainable for now), player chars join guilds, teams and others plusing their equips to make killing monsters easier.
the common likes:Its pure fun.
you meet new people.
you get to wear fancy equips and such..
tons of pets and mounts
varieties of monsters

the common dislikes:it gets really hard at a certain level
really glitchy
minimal security
killer lag

popularity=90% the countries that are aware of the game are much. the game has alot of players coming from different places such as
belgium,bulgeria,south america,parts of asia, south africa,america,trinidad,england,greece etc.
the game is definently one i will advice people to tryout.

Post Date: 17:21 09-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: smoony
Comment: tali online is a awome 3d game.
i like it so much, 5 profesions, pick up your own and rule the world of talisman
check details on www.talismanonline.com
this is oficial website
seeya in game

Post Date: 17:12 09-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: bizarro
Comment: Talisman Online is the best MMORPG from the beginning. First some technical data which could interest u: 3D game, client size: 286 MB (easy to download, install and update / if u have problems with run the game, download “game.exe” and “ucfile.evp” form official website.)Game is placed in the ancient orient world of Talisman. u can choose one of the 5 classes. This professions is
– Assassin – good balance of defense/attack
– Monk – great defense but weak hit
– Wizard – low defense, deadly hit
– Fairy – Healer, good for duels if u know how to play
– Tamer – Distance attacker, can catch mob to be her pet
U must find out ur own class and train hard to be a master. game offer u a lots of fun: scenario-cave, race events, bloody palace(pvp attackers-defenders) and much more. Level up ur character, make new friends, find guild, in big shortcut enjoy this amazing game.

Post Date: 10:41 09-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Taurus
Comment: Talisman Online is a free 3D game set in the ancient world of Fantasy. The player can translate into five character classes. These are: Wizard – his forte is the high level of intelligence, big injuries and agility. The downside is far too small amount of hit points. Tamer – this is a class of strongly connected with nature. It controls your pet who is struggling with her arm in arm. Like Wizard’s vulnerability is too small number of points of life. Monk – Monk is called a tank. It just blocks the mobs or bossy. It has a huge number of points of life. This is a great class for beginners. Fairy – Class treating. It is the basis of each Team. It has the lowest number of points of life. Assassin – figure highly questionable. Some think that is great and another that is good for nothing. Assassin is a combination of Monk, and Wizard. It has pretty much hit points and inflicts great damage. Let’s focus now on the story. In the far east is located a peaceful continent. People live in peace. They do not know, however, that Master Blood gather energy for a thousand years and now is preparing for an attack on their continent. War breaks out between good and evil. Grand Master Tian Meng comes from the north to link people together and jointly face up to evil. The key battle lasted one hundred days. In a place called Blood Palace evil was defeated. But the specter of a re-awakened, and preparing an attack on the world. We must combat this threat and save the world. As you can see the plot on the chart was created that has been accepted in many games. The game certainly commendable. It charms with its simplicity and that it was created in the image of World of Warcraft. I recommend to all lovers of Hot Fantasy.

Post Date: 08:16 09-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Shrek12
Comment: E przyjecha?em There are different MMORPGs, but this game is the only game which I like because there’s a lot of interesting things such as Take item or weapon, plus a very interesting and wci?gaj?ce.Lub is like a character in candles, many players like it. From making money is not too bad, you simply have to want it. We encourage you to play other players:)

Post Date: 05:40 09-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: nesia
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3 D MMORPG game, the game deserves attention with pretty good graphics and some of interesting characters like: Fairy, Tamer, Monk, Wizard and Assassin. Thx to lots of ppls online, active GM’s and Mod’s, lots of quests and scenario – caves you can quick lvl up and concentrate on better part of game
(doin your equipment and PVPing) Client have small sizes, also its fast to install and update.
Personally i think you should try it.

Post Date: 04:27 09-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: Dywi
Comment: My Talisman Online Review:

I like Talisman for the following reasons:

1. Mounts and pets are awesome.
2. Good character choices.
3. weapons kick butt.

I like Talisman for the following reasons:

1. Grinding
2. Graphics are ho hum

Post Date: 02:42 09-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: bootmeup
Comment: I just started playing about a week now and its a very nice game. Lots of fun..

Post Date: 22:10 08-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Electric10
Comment: game is nice graphics 10/10, but not nice market 🙁 3/10 Wargasm pig #17 they dont know pk and they eat floor fast. but join TX its best guild !! we exept +10 🙂

Post Date: 05:28 08-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: gezomaster
Comment: choose your own class and create your character!!!
that mmo rulez
Chars are: Assassin, Monk, Fairy, Tamer, Wizard.
there is a nice mount and pet systems.
jonin now

Post Date: 05:20 08-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: bezoar
Comment: ultra mmo! best like ultramarines!
i like world of talisman its huge and still growing!
im playing monk its a good class
shovel rlz its rly good
download game from website and play with me 😀

Post Date: 21:22 07-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: plazer
Comment: addictive,interactive and just plain fun, Talisman online is game meant for people who have a lot of time to spend on grinding monsters for drops and level ups. its storyboard is decently interesting and the characters in the game are not too shabby. it is a very good choice for players with poor internet connection and those who would not like to sppend hours downloading a massive client.:)

Post Date: 16:12 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: plusman
Comment: talisman for ever! do quests, lvl up when you do all quests what u should to do?
simple! earn cash for better eq if u finally get best set +10 etc.
enjoy pvp’s own other pleyaz
be the best!

Post Date: 14:49 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Szczurek
Comment: Hey I wanted to talk about the game Talisman Online. It is a game full of fantasy and interesting effects. The game deserves attention pretty good graphics and lots of interesting characters. Characters are: Assassin, Monk, Feira, Tamer, Wizard. Most of these characters po?rud I like the Assassin, has poniewarz interesting spells and looks very cool. In this game I play for over a year and I’m going to play it a few years yet:) I recommend this game.

Post Date: 13:47 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: cnoop
Comment: i am a big fan of two things! MegasXLR and Talisman Online!
talisman offers u a big fun. create your own char, lvl up and kill hords of enemies.
who gonna win? u or stupid mobs? of course you!

Post Date: 13:43 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: OtoddO
Comment: yo, talisman online is a cool game hah
search yor own characters
3.wizard (male, feemale)
personaly i think that wiz is the best 😀

Post Date: 13:32 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Fingi
Comment: i like talisman so much, sometimes it sux cuz i meet some guys are aint nice but in most you can meet nice and cheerful ppls 🙂
there is 5 classes, all of them got 4 asists talisman and 2 talismans.
ther is a nic mount and pet systems.
client is easy to download, small sized and quick to install, updating is short too ^^

Post Date: 13:22 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: samuraiRei
Comment: beest game! assasin looks like ninja! i love this character, we can meet in big fantastic world with evils taoists, shadowly ghosts and much much super things!
if u join, create sin or fairy, we need good tanks and healers :]

Post Date: 12:55 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: DengerousDave
Comment: i ended game a few times but i allways return its just a masterpiece!
talisman have that thing! u allways returns to it!
personaly i think its the best mmo ever
choose ur way and join the game

Post Date: 05:33 07-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: socrates
Comment: sometimes i hate talisman online but sometimes i love to play very much.i hate talisman because i have to wait so long for the cap lvl=.=besides,the lag in the game make me go crazy sometimes >.< when there is new mount or pet,the player rise up the price in game,i had to grind everyday to get the amount of gold.besides,the gm hardly online and the Mod not doin his job as a Mod.He only come online to sell his stuff for gold and show off his phoenix mount while he is afk.The gm need to find a new Mod that will do his/her job as a Mod.i love to play talisman online because my guild and friends are very nice to me.they always help me and gave me stuff for free.i really want them to be with me.But the game is getting boring cause by no new caves.Many of them hardly online now until special event/caves arrive.Hope the GM will take action^^

Post Date: 03:00 07-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Botter
Comment: all my class mates play this game we all +10 cuz we help each other out we all have purple we all OWNE we got each others back in school and on TO best game i have ever played i love my wiz and my blue horse ^^ and fox pet ^^ love and we all i nthe same guild to soo awsome 9/10

Post Date: 01:03 07-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: elisabetta
Comment: I quit a few days ago but i couldnt stay away from TO i love it too much and when i came back all my friends were so happy when i cam back im a +10 assasin and im ready to kick some monk ass 10/10 i love you TO

Post Date: 20:44 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: uberMike
Comment: that game rlz
best mmo, think what you prefer? healing powers, elemental magic, brute phisical power maybe bacstabing or bows and beast mastering?
choose your own class and create ur character!
you must only download small sized client and install

Post Date: 19:45 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: bro
Comment: talisman online is the greatest game ever,its the easiest game out there trust me i mean it, i have tried a lot of games,it might not be really mesmerizing in graphics but it focuses on the real thing people actually care about unlike other games which is having FUN!,so many Quests,so many caves,so many pets,so many armors,so many mounts,so many….,lol. The really shocking thing about it is that its is just around 270mb(am guessing they used a really powerful compressor). Getting into the game is very simple;
* go to www.talismanonline.com
* click on the download icon
* download the client(different sites posses the client)
* once u have finished download the client and u see that it works, open the webpage again
* click register this time
* follow instructions
* agree, register nd ur done!!!

Post Date: 17:39 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: LiquidAngel
Comment: funcy mmo 🙂
i like it cuz there is 3 female characters ;P
lots of funny & nice players :)) join TO maybe we meet someday and kick some evil tao’s ^^
im w8ing 4 u ;*
client have small size so its quick and easy to install :PP

Post Date: 17:32 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: bigbang
Comment: great and awsomegame
im playing monk its huge guy with big big shovel and deadly staff
download small sized client and play with me
join guild and farm scenarios, mobs and kill the bad guys
cu in talisman

Post Date: 17:26 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: RunHomieRun!
Comment: my favorite mmo
its good to play with other peoples its rly a lot of fun
i can stop play in any time bout simple i just dont want to
gr8 adventure, you should meet me in origin world of talisman online

Post Date: 17:05 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: TaliManiac
Comment: talisman online is the best game in the whole world
create ur own char and play with us!
who know maybe if u gonna be a good active player then u gonna get a gm or mod job?
maybe maybe, join now

Post Date: 14:59 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Szczurek
Comment: Hey I wanted to talk about the game Talisman Online. It is a game full of fantasy and interesting effects. The game deserves attention pretty good graphics and lots of interesting characters. Characters are: Assassin, Monk, Feira, Tamer, Wizard. Most of these characters po?rud I like the Assassin, has poniewarz interesting spells and looks very cool. In this game I play for over a year and I’m going to play it a few years yet:) I recommend this game.

Post Date: 11:16 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Crashblade
Comment: Awsome game, u can go on scenarios with other players in team. lots of scenarios!
snake, rattan, lotus, tide caves, lauren wonderland, fantasy place, bewitcher cave, seven star stage and much more!
its a good adventure, who knows? maybe u will loot a rare item or take world rumor

Post Date: 09:16 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: pluszaklol
Comment: extra mmo 😀
i thnk everyone should try it 🙂
interesting events, long but nice too reputation quests, bloody palace (best) 😀
moreover you can go to group arena (GA) and defend master ku with your friends.
dont let him down xD
good luck !!!

Post Date: 09:07 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: artemis414
Comment: I love this mmo. my favorite char is assassin he is very expensive but also very strong, best tank 🙂 monks have good def but very weak atks so tanking boss takes so much time.
good game with nice system: pets, talisman, asistance talisman, mounts, skills.

Post Date: 09:03 06-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: DukeNukem
Comment: that game RLZ!
Come and get some cool weapons – talismans, choose yo char, what yo prefer? big strong monk maybe killer assassin? oor fairy who heals wounded players? maybe the ruler of animals world the tamer? (sexy :D)

Join Now ^^

Post Date: 08:56 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: havokX
Comment: IMO its a super 3D game, u should it try too. small sized client but it have rly nice graphics. choose ur own class and pick up one of two talismans and rule the big world!
Remember ur not alone, meet new ppls and conquer with them world of talisman

Post Date: 02:58 06-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: forbidden
Comment: talisman online has a 3d graphic.although the 3d graphic not perfect but still better than other 3d graphic which looks like 2d graphic.each class can have types of weapon but i wanted to choose my own weapon =( i wan to use any kind of weapon on each class when i wan to =(

Post Date: 01:43 06-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ferguson
Comment: my twin brother was playing a sin so i made a sin just like him and we play together all the time we in the same guild and verything we always got each others back awsome game 10/10

Post Date: 00:30 06-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: migue
Comment: great game a firned asked me to play it and now i love it he quit it though 🙁 but i stil play all the time :))

Post Date: 20:49 05-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: traumatiser
Comment: in mine opinion very nice game for all who like mmorpg. so much quests to do, high lvl 70, nice graphic 3D, i give 9/10!

Post Date: 18:46 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Sonynokia
Comment: Talisman Online is a gr8 game for guys who like to spend time doin quests and fight for survival..game has every that makes u an addict..frnds.gold.weapons..and the desire to be the best..the more u play the more u WANNA play..game rocks i wud like to rate it like this sound-7/10 graphics 9/10 game play 8/10 story line 8/10

Post Date: 15:50 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: choooc
Comment: Nice game, i played lots of mmorpg but best of them is talisman. its got very original system with talismans and asist talis, also there is a very originals weapons: shovel, daggers (wearing in reserve), pearls, wheels, flying swords blades, it isnt an stupid ordinary mmo. ith very very nice

Post Date: 14:56 05-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: MMORP
Comment: Talisman is 3D MMORPG game.In the game i pla Assasin i think it is very good chars.Drop in the game can be higher.The game have good graphic.In the game i like killing a monster and boss, i love doing Lw ,because my lvl up.My opinnion is 8/10

Post Date: 14:22 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: DukeNukem
Comment: Talisman Online. Come get some!
awwwsome game with babelicious babes. The best is kickin’ bad bosses with support of sexy tamer and cute fairy.
u can pick 5 ways (5 chars to choose) in all of them.. your enemies are DEAD!
join Talisman.

Post Date: 14:06 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: markosel
Comment: Hello, this game is amazing to start off the client is a small download only about 218mb for what its worth the graphics are pretty good there are tons of quests leveling starts to get pretty hard at lvl 30+ you can get cools pets and mounts lots of fun scenarios but i admit i did get bored of this game at times and quit but i always came back acouple weeks later sometimes i wish they had more skills for each class but i dont complain much about that anyway some of the things in the game are similar to WoW and dont judge this game before trying it it is actually quite fun so give it a try =D

Post Date: 13:53 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: TaliManiac
Comment: one of the best mmo’s u can create ur own char and enter to the big world of mistic deamons, trickly monsters and pride heroes!
game offer u lots of fun thx to good GM’s and events
dont ask what talisman can give u but what u can give to talisman!
just download, reginister and play NOW

Post Date: 11:17 05-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: artemis414
Comment: none

Post Date: 11:04 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Crashblade
Comment: Gr8 game, one of the bests MMORPG i’ve ever seen. Yo can meet lots of friendly players over the whole world.
Its easy to download and install. Few minutes and yo can play in Talisman Online the Best MMO!

Post Date: 09:24 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: sketman
Comment: Talisman Online is great 3D Multiplayer Online Role-playing game that everyone should try.There are five different characters, each with unique skills and powers:
It is a fun and open game that anyone can join,i give it a 9 cause nothing can be a perfect 10.:)

Post Date: 07:28 05-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: junkz
Comment: Talisman online is the first mmo game i tried out,i was so excited that i wouldnt sleep for some nights because i wanted to level,:D,this game is really awesome,action packed and alot of fun.
I started of as a wizard cause i think mages are really cool but once i started seeing how powerful other characters,i decided to create each character puting them in different servers,my ain was my tamer in bigfish,the are very powerful, 3rd best when it comes to defence and armors and the can capture any thing they want as a pet,they have aoe and some pets too do have aoe.the other characters in this game are the monks,the assasins,the fairies and the wizards.
Each char is unique in its own way but everyone relatively depends on one another.The graphics of this game are really cool,the part of this game i like most are the realistic waterfalls,the tons of mobs and bosses scattered around the locations in the game and you always see one or two characters teaming up either for drops or for leveling or for just the sake of having fun killing mobs.
The game is a perfect ten and cannot be compared to other mmos.

Post Date: 03:32 05-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: lediamage
Comment: talisman online has improved.The SOuth Border Land event was totally hard and nice.many player participated in this event,including me xD.the best thing,south border event contain 3 big area can accommodate more than 1000 player without lag.i hate when it lag,but this event no lag for me xD

Post Date: 19:18 04-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: CWCfarmer
Comment: i love TO so much i play it everytime i can i love helping people and killing them after lol this game is so grate you can look on youtube t see if you would liek it 10/10 😀

Post Date: 15:28 04-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: dimMlord
Comment: Talisman Online is MMORPG game.About the game I can say with Talisman is very interesting, and you can meet many people. The game has five different characters, each is very good, it depends on the player who wants graæ.SO i give 8/10

Post Date: 15:00 04-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: angelababy
Comment: Talisman online has improved recently.the new event is so fun and nice.Although its hard,but i kinda enjoyed it ^^.i was exspecting some event/scenario like this long ago,now my dream came true xD thanks a lot talisman online.Goodluck on making more exciting events xD

Post Date: 10:26 04-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: m.easy
Comment: talisman online is a 3d game with a semi interactive but very active environment, its much like world of warcraft, but it also has its own touch of creativity, its massive fun especially when playing friends and loaded with lot of cool activities, there are tons of pet and mounts in the gameshop and really cool looking armor that you can acquire from doing quests and killing monsters….for a game with a very small sized client, talisman online is very captivating

Post Date: 02:57 04-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: fairy
Comment: talisman online is almost a perfect game.Just only some problems they need to solve.We know that GM have to work but they still need to be on.Don’be off for a long time.thats ridiculous.the caves is insufficient for us.we need more scenario/quest.

Post Date: 20:50 03-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: toADDICT
Comment: one good look at talisman online would tell u that the makers of the game rushed and ignored some things during the creation of the game,though what they did not ignore are what make people like me get strangely addicted to it,the weapons,armor,scenarios,quests etc make it all the more exciting. each of the five characters posses their own way of having fun, since i am a tamer,..i think the best way to level and have some jolly good is through having a tamer char

Post Date: 17:25 03-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: SSBB
Comment: just finish war in this game lol it was awsome my guild won anyway this game is awsome i love being a sin(assassin) if u didn’t no and i find it hard to beat monks wiht out crits its like evry class as there strong points but you need to think so u can win its a great game i give it a 9/10 i play everyday to i love all my friends guild and the caves ib this game

Post Date: 14:17 03-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Monktalia
Comment: Talisman online is the best free mmo game available,..its super fun and very interesting, its storyboard and graphics are of minial quality but its loaded with tons of fun contents.Scenarios on the other hand are the same as instances from WoW and the enemies are elite, also the same as WoW.

Post Date: 12:38 03-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Golfer
Comment: Hello.Talisman is 3D MMORPG game.Overall this game is good. It fits my taste and it is very fun. It rarely gets laggy but i do enjoy the grinding, it can be fun with friends or if your in a guild with a lot of people.Graphics are terrible in comparison to modern games, but with that aside the game itself is really fun.

Post Date: 10:33 03-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: miracle
Comment: TO need to increase the cap lvl+new scenario at least once a month or less than that.Player easily get to the max lvl.Scammer and botter should be banned forever.Control the price of T-Points,equipments,mounts and items.Don’t allow the ppl overprice the stuff.For those player who overprice, banned them for a few days.GM and Mod should be on everyday.I know GM and Mod are busy,but at leasy on a few times a week better than offline.I suggest to have 7 Mod.Each day,at least one mod must be on.I prefer each day 2 Mod. Cause some player are from different countries.If Mods dont do their job,GM have to get a new Mod. Mod should not be online to sell stuff or just show off their fire phoenix mount or do their thing,but they also need to do their job as a Mod.

Post Date: 09:45 03-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: nanobot
Comment: best have ever, good graphic, scenarios, sets, dueling system. just perfect how much u can do here. 10/10

Post Date: 08:13 03-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: menos
Comment: Hi all.Talisman Online is an awesome game for anyone who likes to spend time doing quests and play mmos.I think this game is great, people are nice, client is small, but still good overall graphics. 10/10

Post Date: 03:31 03-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: TOfans
Comment: im a TO fans.i really like to play TO.To help improve TO i would like to give out some suggestion.
1)TO make quest/world boss that everyone can kill in a party or w/o party.the one who damage the boss the most get the rewards.the rewards could be extremely rare items.the drop rate make it very low.
2)Create a mount that can fly in the air.i prefer flying dragon mount,flying eagle,flying phoenix and so on….
3)Create a pet that can transform.from baby till the last form.transform to another learn a new skill that cant be bought in the game.the skill book in the game can be learn by the baby till last form.

Post Date: 02:51 03-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: idena
Comment: talisman online is a popular game that has its 24/7 online,with so many servers and people on them talisman online is always very interesting to play,most of its players are south americans though.like all other mmos’talisman online requires a type of payment to acquire in game currency known as tpoints, now with tpoints players can acquire things that make the game very easy for them,those who cannot afford tpoints are stuck with equips and items they had to grind to acquire.

Post Date: 21:11 02-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: chainslayer
Comment: talisman online the best game ever, i play here 3 years and i still play 6 hours per day. 3d graphic and awesome quests.

Post Date: 17:05 02-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Alper123
Comment: Pretty good game.

Battle:7/10 Fun, u get skills, and combo. Very good indeed.
Community:9/10 One of the best communities i have ever seen. They help u, a lot.
Leveling:8/10 Great, good quests, rarely grind at 50-s.
Questing:4/10 Ouch! Too many quests to handle.
Filesize:10/10 A 200 mb filesize is very small, even bad comps can handle this.
Characters:9/10 Very different character+ weapon choices.

Overall:8/10 A fun, small, different game. This game can be developed very much. This game has a bright future.

Post Date: 11:13 02-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: animationpowerride
Comment: Hi my opinion: a goood game with a good 3d graphic.the graphic bette than other game.have pvp sytem that allow us to get pvp points to get purple equipment which like epic equipment.It is a fun and open game that anyone can join,i give it a 9 cause nothing can be a perfect 10.:)

Post Date: 10:05 02-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: styx
Comment: hi.talisman online is the best free mmo game available,.the graphics are good even though it’s a small client.I give it a 10!

Post Date: 09:01 02-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: jokerpro
Comment: Hi all:Talisman Online this is the best game online. 3D game.Super game new update new quest to done 😀 u can also too kill others palyers. 8/10

Post Date: 02:37 02-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: donke
Comment: one of the fun features talisman online has to offer are events. These events come in different times and length periods but they are created for one general purpose,Fun. Events could be inform mount races or monster killing spree in a secret location. And in some event occasions the general manager could be spotted taking part in this events.

Post Date: 02:22 02-04-2010
Rating: 9
Author: jefffhx
Comment: wow.now talisman is doin a nice job.the new events kinda cool and fun.before that,i was hoping talisman will make something like that.im really satisfied.keep trying to make more nice event/caves. Happy Ester ^^

Post Date: 22:10 01-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: rikolinos
Comment: i had play this game for around 2 years.sometimes its boring for me but sometimes not.cause the cap lvl increases too slow and i have friend to chit chat.i like the nine tails fox very much and the blue flame horse ^^ hope more cool mounts and pets and the most important is more caves pls

Post Date: 21:52 01-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ChainSlayer28
Comment: Hello: Graphics are terrible in comparison to modern games, but with that aside the game itself is really fun.alisman online is a game perfectly suited for people who like fictional chinese mythology, easiness and grinding. Its a free role playing where your allowed to chose from 5 classes of heroes. Good:
– Small client size.
– Plenty of quests/scenarios.
– Cash Shop items are good. 10/10

Post Date: 21:18 01-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: mearlin
Comment: tired of paying for games and taking 2 days to download just 1 game?,if u are,checkout Talisman online everything is almost entirely free. No monthly subscriptions,weekly subscriptions or payment of money just to level up is required. just go to the main site,(www.talismanonline.com), download the game around 250-290mb(very small), register an account,login through the downloaded client and your done. Very simple:D,the game might just be 290mb but its packed with a lot of superb contents. if i could rate this game 11,i swear i would.

Post Date: 21:09 01-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Kakarotto16
Comment: This game takes many things back to basics and that is what I like about it. think this game is very good, with its good graphics although i think NPC’s could be done better. Also it has a list of available quests you could take and will give waypoints on map to the quest giver, and once you are on a quest getting waypoints to the quest targets is only a few clicks away. No need to run all over creation getting lost to finish quests.thx

Post Date: 18:39 01-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: roben407
Comment: Awesome Game. I have played this game for a while and really liked it. I have tried WoW before and I actually thought this one is better.And my friends think so to i love them. 10/10 gg
Post Date: 17:00 01-04-2010
Rating: 5
Author: gregor01
Comment: This game is great, if you like World of Warcraft you will notice alot of the same things such as the interface, the Auction House and some other things. If you’ve played God of War you’ll notice the Assassin attacks like Kratos with chained Scimitars. Great Game, I give it a 10!

Post Date: 16:11 01-04-2010
Rating: 7
Author: kisofdeath
Comment: huh Talisman Online its a fantasy manga game u get here 5 proffesion to play.On scenarios u can get good quest but u need get team to do that, to droop items on team u get a system dice so if u got lucky u can get som good stuff with ur team my rate 7 /10

Post Date: 15:01 01-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: sermundodelawega
Comment: hello for all Talisman online its very good game for all ppl u can find here many quest and scenarios to do system pvp its good so u can get funn on kill others if they arbuse u 😀 im like play on that game so on my opinion its good rate its max 10/10 thx and common to play !!

Post Date: 14:53 01-04-2010
Rating: 10
Author: [email protected]
Comment: Hi.This game is ok compared to the other free to play game. Once you reach a higher level, you gotta keep upgrading your weapon and armor and assistant talismans to have a stronger character.I found this game to be really good because while your a low level the game encourages you to level up, but then once you have your character and are looking for scenario runs and what not.

Post Date: 07:57 01-04-2010
Rating: 5
Author: bigbek123
Comment: Comment:Talisman Online is great 3D Multiplayer Online.i play a sin im low lvl but it is still very fun.The game graphics are really good.There are tons of quests/scenarios.

Post Date: 03:45 01-04-2010
Rating: 8
Author: meiwild
Comment: im gettin tired of this game.after playing for around 2 years,i feel like i should quit the game.i know the gm are trying hard but they really need to employ more ppl to help to make this game perfect.Try to make more special event/scenario/quest.don’t keep making new mounts and pets.if not,player only think you all like $$.well,i won’t quit at the moment.im waitin for the gm to improve those problems.GoodLuck GM xD hope you make my heart stay ^^

Post Date: 03:13 01-04-2010
Rating: 9
Comment: Talisman online is a mmorpg, you can make friends and do caves(scenarios). Grinding and questing thats how you level up. You will love this game.

Post Date: 23:51 31-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: nemirimav
Comment: Talisman online is a game in which any MMO player will like.To start off the graphics are better than most f2p games out there.music is horrible, but you can use your own music instead.Once you reach a higher level, you gotta keep upgrading your weapon and armor and assistant talismans to have a stronger character.The storyline.. i don’t even bother with it in this game cause it’s horrible lol, the only storyline i would follow is Final fantasy or WoW which actually follows the storyline even after big expansions to it.

Post Date: 22:54 31-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: fortspann99
Comment: This game is ok compared to the other free to play games. the graphics are good even though it’s a small client. the download time is so good that i could start playing almost immediately. the classes are simple and pretty much the same as other games. i wish they would add more skills and maybe 2-3 more classes and it’d probably be more fun!

Post Date: 20:23 31-03-2010
Rating: 1
Author: karz
Comment: there are three main things i dont like about this glitches, the annoying lag and the really slow lvling up process.starting with glitches,the glitches in this game are mainly found in dialogues of npcs and system pop ups. u are fighting a boss or an ordinary monster that you can kil without stress,..BOOM!!!,..lag comes in when it goes you end up DEAD and lose hp stupidly. from level 1-35 you find leveling up really easy until ur no longer receiving alot of quest, what would normally take 50 minutes to level could take like 5 hrs if u have constant lag till the next day probably.

Post Date: 17:05 31-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Falzoixo
Comment: Talisman Online is the best game ever. It is more of a PvE than PvP at lower levels but at high level when your bored you just have fun killing people/farming scenarios and what not. The skills are limited which i love since i dont have to worry about them being complicated.Also there’s so many new people to meet and chat with. This is truly one of the best games i’ve ever played in a long time!

Post Date: 14:27 31-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: teekay
Comment: i saw many player are complaining about the game in the forum.after i play for a few months,i realize the problems.after max lvl,i kinda starting to feel bored.everyday do pink bee,GQ…only more and more mounts and pets are coming but cap lvl still kinda slow>.

Post Date: 04:48 31-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: EmilyRocks59
Comment: i am new player for this game. i like fairy class cause i feel it is best to heal and support others. what i like so far about this game on my few days playing is that when you make character you can change how face looks hair and face structure. they have 8 different choices goes from girly girl >.> to goth looks, this is availible for all classes.

Post Date: 02:45 31-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: iceicebaby
Comment: talisman online need to update once a week or once a month.the lvl need to be inrease once a month.player easily lvl till max lvl in a few weeks/month.after that some player might get bored of this game.the pets,talisman is doin a great job.the pets look are getting better.i don’t think the reindeer are nice.Till now i think the blue flame horse still the best.

Post Date: 02:40 31-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: avengerbk
Comment: Talisman online iss a cool game. you can find here profession for which you like (5 other prof to play).If u exp on team u can on system dice (u rolling dice and u must get a lucky to take rare item ) 😀 super fantasy mmo!! good luck on drops if you get to play!! #1

Post Date: 02:11 31-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: sexysin
Comment: wow talisman is the best game ever. talisman has 3d graphic,small client. my internet speed is low still can play no lag i like it.the people here very kind and helpful.thx for all the help(my laptop is old)=x

Post Date: 18:41 30-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: zuleasenj
Comment: I found this game to be really good because while your a low level the game encourages you to level up, but then once you have your character and are looking for scenario runs and what not. leveling becomes so much more difficult but by this time your already addicted and can’t stop playing.Otherwise this game is great and i still play it :]

Post Date: 14:59 30-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: lice
Comment: talisman online to me standsout from other mmos because of its design, it was set in an ancient chinese setting but it is totally populated by americans( north and south). It is not a FPS GAME. It is a game where magic and melee combat weapons are used. It also has pets and mounts. It is a fun and open game that anyone can join,i give it a 9 cause nothing can be a perfect 10.:)

Post Date: 01:20 30-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: TOplayer
Comment: Awesome Game. I have played this game for a while and really liked it. I have tried WoW before and I actually thought this one is better.And my friends think so to i love them. 10/10 gg

Post Date: 01:00 30-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Augsdorfw2
Comment: This MMO is cool. I’ve played a lot of MMOs, but none of them has satisfied me as much as Talisman. I’ve played Talisman for a while and I’ve quit about 2-3 times but I come back all the time cause my friends tempt me to play lol.Now I’m playing it more than ever cause i have way more friends so i won’t get bored.
– Small client size.
– Plenty of quests/scenarios.
– Cash Shop items are good.
-Bans hackers/scammers/botters and good updates.
– The prices for most items have grown especially on the golds.
– Getting +4 and higher is 20% and even less when you go for a higher +
– Gm’s aren’t on that much
– New content needs to be released more frequently

Post Date: 22:37 29-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: vzidedu
Comment: I started playing this game since the start of it. Although the prices have changed drastically, the level cap updates make it more fun as they add in new content/gear/whatever they have planned.What i like about this game also is that it’s always changing whether it be the people or the content of it. I recommend this game to anyone who likes MMO’s as it’s very very fun. Just the excitement of upgrading your gear to +10 makes it fun heh.

Post Date: 19:27 29-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: riodatr
Comment: Imo Talisman online is a pretty average good game, the graphics are awesome for the small client, the music and sounds effects on the other hand are horrible, so i usually play with all the sounds and music on mute and i play my own music and it helps me grind more. The 5 different classes are under done because a usual class would use like 3 skills out of their whole bar most of the time. If they added more skills, it wouldn’t be as easy to spam the same 3 skills all the time, and you’d have to think about what you’ll do next.If they added the option to choose between the 2 different gender’s, it’d also give more of a customization feel to the game.I would also suggest more than two weapons for each class to give a more of a customization between players. I think the whole enchanting system with gems is great.The quest system is great, I’d just wish they had more quest for the mid to high levels. Scenarios on the other hand are the same as instances from WoW and the enemies are elite, also the same as WoW. Overall this game is basically an awesome alternative to WoW as it’s free2play so I’d give it a 7 cause I’m still playing it lol.

Post Date: 18:29 29-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Arcisacnn
Comment: Talisman online is a fun game in my opinion :]. The graphics are good even. The only bad thing about it is that gms arent on as much and it takes a mean while grinding at higher levels to level up. The game’s max level is 70 at the moment but it’s being updated periodically. Overall i give it a 8 cause if the gms were more into the game as some other gms are, it’d be a fun game and the grinding wouldn’t be as boring.

Post Date: 12:46 29-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: pets
Comment: armors,weapons,pets and mounts talisman online is loaded with them in excess. u can combine items with rubies and emeralds to make them super powerful and amazing. the max lvl for combination of any equipment in the game is +10. the are about 5 different set of equip types,which are : competition purple(1st),yellow( 2nd),ordinary purple(3rd), blue(4th),green (6th),there are also white equips but i dont regard them as equips,..>_

Post Date: 01:15 29-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: liz
Comment: This game is great, if you like World of Warcraft you will notice alot of the same things such as the interface, the Auction House and some other things. Other things I find awesome about it is how easy it is to lvl and the way the skills work. If you’ve played God of War you’ll notice the Assassin attacks like Kratos with chained Scimitars. Great Game, I give it a 10! and getter is its FREE so its better then WoW just so you know =x
Post Date: 14:08 28-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: santa
Comment: Talisman Online has a very small client size.The game graphics are really good.There are tons of quests/scenarios.When we do scenario,we might get equip(golden drop/purple drop)xD.In the game has a item mall.It make us easy to buy stuff.The GM always bans hackers and scammer but GM don’t seem online =( .SO i give 8/10

Post Date: 13:30 28-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Nazgul_246
Comment: Talisman Online is great 3D Multiplayer Online Role-playing game that everyone should try.There are five different characters, each with unique skills and powers: Monk, Assassin, Tamer, Wizard and Fairy. The game site provides all the useful guides for the game.All in all, the game is the best of its kind. The best thing is that is free to play.So download and enjoy.

Post Date: 12:16 28-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Papertrail
Comment: This game is wicked sick when it comes to player killing. i personally use an assassin which is my preferred class. the scimitars are for the mob killing ant the daggers for strait player to player combat. well im a veteran member and i think the game has been really fun.

Post Date: 04:32 28-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: gamefuel
Comment: pretty much this game is all about which person has the strongest gear. me personaly i like to do more than just pve and pvp i want to do different things. ilike the game but it can do wayyyyyy better

Post Date: 04:24 28-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: drakefan
Comment: game is nice i like it i played other games like this one n i always find pve to be very boring . if you guys can find a way for the pve not to be boring it will attract a lot more people guaranteed

Post Date: 01:31 28-03-2010
Rating: 4
Author: rhodlenph
Comment: This game is ok to play but the grinding as you get higher level gets way tiring. You hardly get as much quests when your high lvl and it becomes very very boring. This game is fun if you have friends and of course, money to spend. everything else is pretty much fine, just don’t like the fact that the exp goes towards the 0.01’s, i think they’d need to fix up the exp table to make it more entertaining.

Post Date: 01:08 28-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: kohe
Comment: i had play this game for around 2 years.sometimes its boring for me but sometimes not.cause the cap lvl increases too slow and i have friend to chit chat.i like the nine tails fox very much and the blue flame horse ^^ hope more cool mounts and pets and the most important is more caves pls

Post Date: 00:23 28-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Tenken-Riku
Comment: i play this game everyday i can’t stop playing i love my sin and my guild and all my friends im a lvl 70 sin a dagger sin + 7 going to +10 soon this game grapich are awsome and new stuff just keep coming you should play this game its AWSOME

Post Date: 23:44 27-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: SynSin
Comment: i play assassin, people always call me noob when i kill them because of my high damage. i have low defence but high critical strike i am only lvl 57 and i can hit 4.5k on pvp. pve i do not like i feel it is very boring 🙁 i will go with rate of 8/10

Post Date: 21:29 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: sweeq
Comment: talisman online is a game perfectly suited for people who like fictional chinese mythology, easiness and grinding. Its a free role playing where your allowed to chose from 5 classes of heroes. Talisman online is of an average graphics standard and has a small client but its contents are worth up to 2gb(if u ask me). Anyone whose into easiness and simplicity will surely find this game interesting

Post Date: 20:15 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: CallitNine
Comment: I have one of each class so i will summarize all 5 classes.
Was asked by skullz to review, thx bro.

Overall I’ve used every class and my results have been. Strongest class results to be Fairy’s with 1vs1 fights because you can just stun your opponent the whole fight against any class. Fairy’s are officially Overpowered followed by wizards for their ability of instant skills, and tamers/assassins when it comes to doing a crazy amount of damage -_-. Monks are always a helpful class cause everyone loves to farm caves which they look for monks because they require less fairy’s due to their defense which allows more room for dps classes to help in a cave.

Post Date: 20:13 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: TalyBaby
Comment: Hey i play female wizard 🙂
Reply to Tattoo.

[Wizard] Pros and Cons

Pros- Currently with a wizard i can beat easily every assassin and monk and fairy in my server. This class consist of weapons like Blades which are water element with freezing skills or Sword which is fire element with fire skills. Both weapons have aoe. i recommend ice for pve if you have weak gear. with strong gear fire comes in handy because faster kills. That is pve for pvp i recommend blades for monks and assassin to kite and fire for fairy’s tamers and wizard fights for fast inflicted damage.

Cons- Low Defense, Low hp without right built

Post Date: 20:10 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Tattoo
Comment: i play a tamer, this is my review on how it works following iamelite, btw thx for invite to website..

Pro and Con.

Pros- High damage, Quick damage for pvp and pve. In pve you never get hit because pet tanks everything. You can heal you pet that tanks and attack at the same time. Basically a solo class.

Cons- Low defense, low hp, without pet pve is hard.

Post Date: 20:04 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: iamelite
Comment: i currently play a monk so i chose to do this one, following No1killer’s post.


Pros- Monks have extreme amount of hp and defense. for pvp they have a shovel weapon which uses 5 point build up damage to then do a combo hit which consist 100% + of regular damage. Has a far range stun. Staff weapon for tanking. High Block %.

Cons- Kiting monks is relatively easy. the only aoe they have which is with staff pretty much sucks and only hits 3 mobs at a time.

Post Date: 19:59 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: No1killer
Comment: To follow Skullz review as he requested i am reviewing the assassin class.

[Assassin] – {Pros and Cons}

Pros- Have a 50% dodge skill that becomes helpful in pve and have wind drift skill which both benefits pvp for classes that kite and pve for when you need to run from a boss or mob to not die. Have high critical rates. Have 3 stuns with daggers and 2 stuns with scimitars which have an aoe skill.

Cons- has low defense and low hp when gear is full c.s gear.

Post Date: 19:50 27-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: skullz
Comment: why hello there im glad to be here today to tell you guys abit about how this games foundation works. The cap lvl currently is lvl 70 as we may know. world is out june it should be raising to lvl 75. this game gives you the option of crossing any of 5 classes as the following, Fairy, Assassin, Monk, Tamer, Wizard.

[Fairys] pros and cons

Pros- Stun locks are extremely easy so fighting 1vs1 against people in pvp is relatively easy.

Cons- No aoe, No anti stun skills, Low Defense

Cons- has low defense and low hp when gear is full c.s gear.

Post Date: 17:24 27-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: technical
Comment: like talisman there is no other … except w.o.w.. they look very similar to me .. the ui is alike. well a part that i really like about talisman online is the AOEs and the graphics of the scimitars ..the maps are liek no other .. the colors are used in compliment with the mobs that are around i give this game a 9/10 just because it makes me happy to see GMs really working.

Post Date: 17:06 27-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: RPGFTW
Comment: i give the game a 9 because its gr8 =]. i have alot of fun in game with my friends being pvp or anything of the matter . the pvp gets boring after a while thast the only thing but after all i like the game!

Post Date: 11:44 27-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: senpa
Comment: talisman online is the best free mmo game available,..its super fun and very interesting, its storyboard and graphics are of minial quality but its loaded with tons of fun contents. it allows for you to chose between 5 different classes of heroes(not all mmos offer that), when a character reaches around level 35 the amount of quest being offered by npcs reduces, creating a boring environment where one must grind to level up.

Post Date: 04:16 27-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: igetit
Comment: i give this game a 5/10 for the fact that its very laggy i cant go into stone city without logging of ….. maybe its my computer but right now its a 5/10

Post Date: 04:10 27-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: sammie
Comment: well to make it simple i like the game not asmuch as my other mmorpg but its ok it gets addictive. i also love the mounts n pets there very cute

Post Date: 01:17 27-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: digitamer
Comment: i hate grinds xD but when grinds i get good stuff hehe.i like talisman mounts and pets there.they are very nice and cute.i like the fairy there.i like healing everyone lOLZ

Post Date: 15:11 26-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: mortal
Comment: a game full with 3d graphic.lots of cool mounts and cute pets.many kinds of battling skills and healing skillls.class having cool weapon. have PVP sytem and GA system

Post Date: 14:11 26-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: itouchftw
Comment: Talisman online creators stick to their word when they call it a free mmo.With a crappy internet connection your ready to play it and good to go. The game helps you with every step of the way from lvl 1 to lvl 70 so you don’t feel like your stuck anywhere. After you finish all the caves and quests its time for you to upgrade your weapons and gears. After that you can grind gold till the next patch and buy better weapons or you can do PVP / Group Arena and get a purple set of gears which are really good and give you the same stats as those of a gold. So try giving this game a try, you shouldn’t be disappointed :D.

Post Date: 13:56 26-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: iseeyou
Comment: Talisman online is a fun game with many great people/ things to do. Its also fun because you can still be the best with other players who pay even if you don’t buy tpoints. Once you reach higher you should be able to make a good amount of money without spending a dime on this game :).

Post Date: 09:11 26-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: abulahdzi
Comment: huh that game its cool!! many quest and monsters to kill give better funn on game and almost free eq from quest 😀 now lvl 70 its max but meaby on next update will be better so gl on Mystic World of Talisman ;D 9/10 !

Post Date: 04:10 26-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: kyle34
Comment: hello this is kyle an d i want to say that this game is amazing!!!!!! it wold be real nice if the made a video on the story .. like why is there an assasin how did the monk became the monk…. how did the tamer her skill i will like this alot

Post Date: 04:01 26-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: shawn22
Comment: game is cool but i want more quest .. i like the pvp and the fredom of killing any one at any given time.i would like it if they raised the lvl to be 80 im tired of 70

Post Date: 03:56 26-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: playstation32
Comment: right now this is my game!! i like all the adventuring and the quest it is so easy to lvl and the pet and mount sytem are sweet!!!

Post Date: 03:49 26-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: xrock
Comment: my fav acc is the sin because of the simitars its like playing god of war in talisman….i like the graphics alot they are very cool istarted weeks ago but im actually very good

Post Date: 03:42 26-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: noodlecupBR
Comment: This game is great, if you like World of Warcraft you will notice alot of the same things such as the interface, the Auction House and some other things. Other things I find awesome about the game is how easy it is to lvl and the way the skills work. If you’ve played God of War you’ll notice the Assassin attacks like crazy with chained Scimitars

Post Date: 03:40 26-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: Arkship
Comment: this game is very interesting .. i have played other games but this 1 takes the “cake”. i play a wizard im low lvl but it is still very fun.

Post Date: 03:32 26-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ipod64
Comment: i play wizard which is the class i find well orientated due to its range aoes and skills it becomes relatively easy to kill mobs in pve and plp in pvp. i currently use a golden husky lvl 20 for pvp and pve. Wizard are the greatest!

Post Date: 03:26 26-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: starme11
Comment: i find this game fairly balanced with quest and caves. It is quite easy to create high lvl characters when you are fairy class because people usually need yourr support for bosses and caves. make a fairy today . and join the fun of healing.

Post Date: 03:19 26-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: potatobread
Comment: I have played talisman for 3 months i am already lvl 54 assassin it is really fun. i think it is easy if you have good friend to help with cave. i wish i have money to buy tpoint like others to be stronger 🙂 i rate game 9/10

Post Date: 02:47 26-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: liang
Comment: i really like the pets and mounts.i only play game tat have cute pets and cool mounts.talisman online is the best choice for me.the weapon there also kinda coool.if can add more weapon maybe its better

Post Date: 16:31 25-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Stoppingpower
Comment: Talisman Online is an awesome game for anyone who likes to spend time doing quests and play mmos. This game has everything that makes you keep on playing such as friends,gold weapons and the desire to be the best..the more you play the more you want to play. This game rocks i would like to rate it -8/10 graphics 9/10 game play

Post Date: 15:09 25-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: rudboy
Comment: blades,daggers,shovels, smictars,swords are cool weapons you can only find in talisman online,you can increase the damage by plusing it, the maximum lvl it can be + to is 10. From +4 weapons glow and shine. If your someone whose into weapons this game is for you.!!!

Post Date: 12:12 25-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: metateuv
Comment: I think this game is great, people are nice, client is small, but still good overall graphics. Leveling does become pretty boring once you get to like 35 with you having to either grind through like hell or do a couple of scenario runs.Scenarios are a dungeon which only your team can go in enemies in these are maybe twice as strong, and bosses are type easy if you have a good team. Drop rates in this game are a bit low decreases as you get higher, i just hope they raise it a bit.

Post Date: 11:59 25-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: sleptuzm
Comment: Talisman Online is one of the best free mmorpg’s imo i have ever played. This game is so easy to play and even if you cant do something, some people are willing to help you. The best part about this game getting your gear and plussing it :D.

Post Date: 03:40 25-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: skulldafresh
Comment: talisman online is too addicting, too time consuming and takes to much away from my life. It is a pretty fun based game but has its up and downs. I feel that i should shorty have to stop playing this game to continue my college life well . 🙁 i love the community and all but so sad to see me go . 🙁

Post Date: 02:41 25-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: jungle
Comment: talisman online has a fantastic 3d graphic.after trying many 3d graphic game,talisman 3d graphic still the best of all.the pets and mounts talisman owns it.other game pets and mounts not cute as talisman.only the weapon other game are better than talisman online.

Post Date: 22:13 24-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Shiranui
Comment: This is a really fun f2p game until the high levels. People whine too much about the cash shop…..but they also would not be able to play f2p games without the Tp buyers. Shut up being a hypocrite, ok?

As far as f2p games with p2p options go, this game is fair in the fact that all p2p items can be rewarded from grinding and raiding. There are no p2p -specific items, so it’s perfectly fair…

This game has a wizard using a sword, so I give credit for originality.
Not much else that is specifically great, but I do think people blow some issues out of proportion. I suggest not listening to most reviews and I suggest to try it for yourself, at least for a few hours.

Post Date: 13:40 24-03-2010
Rating: 4
Author: ruki
Comment: talisman online like other mmos requires real cash to indirectly buy things in the game, thus, making it a problem for alot of people especially those who leave in poor countries where the exchanges rates are outrageous, those can afford tpoints,thus, indirectly afford good armor i.e. Yellow and purple armor mock, insult and be-little those who can only afford simple armor i.e. Green, blue and white armor by calling them NOOBS and pKing them for no good reason, this annoys the grinding players and makes them to quit playing.

Post Date: 13:39 24-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: yuuchan
Comment: talisman online has a small size client.good for my computer.the graphic pretty good.more and more beautiful place and quest.mall items like mounts and pets becoming cuter and cooler.talisman online always banned hacker and scammer.i think the gm need to log into the game and play with player to learn wat player think of this game/improvent should they make

Post Date: 02:38 24-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: wolfram
Comment: i wan more cute pets and mounts.i suggest u make mounts can fly in the air.that would be perfect hehe.pets maybe dragon pet?caves is insufficient we need more ^^ hmm.i suggest maybe make some legendary weapon.player must fight very hard boss they need to work together. the boss dun put in a caves.make the boss appear random after defeat.the boss appear in the world should not announce to player

Post Date: 00:38 24-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: rangeloqi
Comment: This game is the greatest of free mmo’s I’ve tried but it gets hard to level at the higher lvls. The most annoying thing about it is the grind. The grinding takes hours at high lvls to get even half of the level, i fall asleep sometimes lol. But when my friends are on i usually grind or do something else and i don’t fall asleep then. This game is worth trying out so i’d give it a 8/10 cause of the fun factor later on :]

Post Date: 00:23 24-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: izlitald
Comment: Talisman Online is a online game that is noobie friendly. Unlike most of the other MMO’s when you level up, you dont have stat points so you dont have to worry about your build and all that other stuff. The equipment has requirments only by levels like any other MMO. The best thing about this game is that it’s growing day by day and slowly getting better.

Post Date: 17:18 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: sifer
Comment: One thing I really like about talisman online is the huge amount of pets up for acquistion, I just love those little cute animals, they offer a lot of power to whom ever posseses them, pets like the golden husky and nine tail fox are mainly for the players who use mana oriented characters I.e. The wizard,fairy and tamer, other pets like little onion and moonlight cavy are for tanks and assasins I.e. Stamina oriented characters.

Post Date: 13:43 23-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: chipmore
Comment: the thing that gives me attention on talisman online are graphic,pets and mounts.i was attracted by these things.talisman has a nice 3d graphic which is better than the other 3d graphic.pets and mount cuter than others.other game race can have more than 1 weapon but talisman each race can have only 2 types.i really wanted to chooose my own weapon

Post Date: 11:57 23-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: hangitup
Comment: i am big friend of blackboard10 he tell me review and i get 10 tp O.o sound very cool. well i want to say that this game is fair sometimes it make me sad 🙁 because people stronger than me try to pick on me but guild TX always help 🙂 i rate game 9/10 for the graphics and pk system

Post Date: 11:53 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: blackboard10
Comment: Talisman online is very fun. i do alot of drops when i kill many mobs. i make people eat floor like pig haha like wargasm, pk is fun, you try and you like join TX guild 🙂 it very strong and win war easy

Post Date: 05:17 23-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: i am mr cool
Comment: the first thing i dont about talisman online is the “borrowed” music, some of the background music resembles that of a game called fable. The second thing noticed, is the remarkable resemble of the assasin to the god of war(kratos). The third thing that i dont like would be the killer lag,. This things got me pissed and the game a little irritating to me, but oddly enough i still play the game, its really interesting but once in a while it still gets on my nerves

Post Date: 01:47 23-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: gameness7p
Comment: I believe that talisman online is a great MMO and has great potential.It’s semi hard to level up but it is fun when you have friends, whch you could make easily in this game. The client is small so you can download and play it fast, and even though the client is small the graphics are pretty awesome. There are 5 classes Assasin>The best dmg dealer in the game but there are to many of them,Fairy> The healer of talisman, everyone needs one,Tamer>Has good damage and uses a pet to fight, like any other pet class,Monk> The tanker and best defence on the game, has a lot of health. Wizards> low health and low defence but high magic attacks, also a good AOE with Blades/swords.It’s worth a try and you might even like it 🙂

Post Date: 01:36 23-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: ghibliesbq
Comment: Last year i quit this game and now im back. i think talisman online is still the best.fast download cause of the small client.no needing to wait so long and can play within 5-10mins.i always wanted a small client in a game so i don’t need to wait so long for the download.the updates are getting very goood, slowly progressing there. im enoying the new things that they continuously add :D.

Post Date: 01:24 23-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: oogvellec
Comment: Talisman Online looks and acts very similar to Blizzard’s World of Warcraft but still manages to look and feel like an original game. A lot of things including the interface, mini map and other small details are taken straight from WoW while equipment enhancing and auto-walk are new features that help Talisman Online stand out from the wow look alikes, which is why i took the time to actually try it out. Though Talisman Online is an original and interesting game, it’s lacking in content. The game world is small and character customization is limited > for example tamers only can be girls and fairies can be girls only, while monks, sins can only be guys, only one that has both genders is wizard

Post Date: 01:20 23-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: babygirl
Comment: so many ppl are looking for free to play game.one day i found a game name talisman online.the game was wonderful.a game with a 3d graphic.ppl they are friendly and helpful.i dun do pvp cause i think the other lvl 50+ purple its good enough for me.i really like the mounts and pets here.they are very cute

Post Date: 00:34 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: SexyPhysic
Comment: i have found this review about time which my friend have been telling me about. i find talisman a highly hardworking necessity game. requires teams hard work sometimes taking chances is good , picking smart allies who are supportive in pve and not only pvp. this will get you threw all your hard ups and downs.

Post Date: 00:27 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: QuickDesire
Comment: as my name goes quick desire i am a farmer. i play i would say about 18 hours a day when i desire something it pushes me to get it so i train hard all day and with team work achieve my success. Anything is possible in this game if you just push yourself.

Post Date: 00:23 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: ilovefood
Comment: hey im glad to say i am back for an update 🙂 currently a little upset to many fail to +10 when not using cashshops this makes you want to quit but everything else is good. im working to rebuild my bank now 🙁

Post Date: 00:17 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Username99
Comment: This game is great, if you like World of Warcraft you will notice alot of the same things such as the interface, the Auctioneer House and some other things. Other things I find awesome about it is how easy it is to level and the way the skills work. If you’ve played God of War you’ll notice the Assassin attacks like Kratos with chained Scimitars. Great Game, I give it a 10/10!

Post Date: 00:12 23-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Onemoretime
Comment: Awesome Game. I have played this game for a while and really liked it. I have tried WoW before and I actually thought this one is better.
No offence to WoW players, but this kicks its butt! Go TO
PS: Can everyone tell me if they think this is better than WoW

Post Date: 11:44 22-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: GamingisLife
Comment: Talisman is a fairly balanced game in my opinion even thought cash shop people seem to be favorable over the gms in the end the same result occurs. its possible to be as strong as a person who spend 2000$ usd on the game if you try hard enough and have the right friends to go with you a lot of times to high lvl caves. The economy of this game shifts left and right but currently items have been becoming more affordable

Post Date: 06:39 22-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: lungema
Comment: talisman online is a game that allows you to chose between 5 classes of heroes i.e the wizard, monk. Fairy, tamer and assasin, each individual in good on its own, but one hero cant exist without the other, take far example a lvl 40 wizard in trying to do hh is like sentencing him to his death, but with the aid of a fairy it is made easier. Thus, bringing out the creators motto “Teamwork to survival, Teamwork to victory”

Post Date: 04:11 22-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: iSatdown
Comment: The recent addition of a new area for 60+ people and 20+ people makes the game favorable for both low levels and high levels. I’d just wish that the updates would come out more frequently and I’d be hooked to it. If they had a better security system yeah, that’ll help from all the bots that people had but they just recently patched that, so i’m happy :). Otherwise, every class has its own strength’s and weaknesses, but i’d recommend tamer for solo play, fairy for party play and monk, wizard for pvp/solo, assassin for pvp/solo

Post Date: 04:03 22-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: wakingwave
Comment: the game of talisman online is very good. I play already for 2 weeks and im 47 tamer with good mp pet to help me out.the graphics very nice and people are nice too. i have very much friend on talisman and hope to meet more people. ^^

Post Date: 03:11 22-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: radius
Comment: Before i started this game, i used to play some pay to play mmo’s but i soon gave in to free games cause it saves me money and i get the same fun here. There’s lot’s of people to talk to and everyone’s always on, no matter the time zone. The recent concentration system lets you AFK level for about like 30mins to an hr. Also the pets are a big help as they auto pick up for you and give you extra hp/mp.

Post Date: 02:56 22-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: pandapower
Comment: i originally began with the panda pet shown in the image above which you receive at lvl 10 it is very helpful due to the hp buff it provides.many plp think it is a noob pet because it is bound but i find it very helpful and it saves much money.

Post Date: 02:45 22-03-2010
Rating: 3
Author: nissan350z
Comment: i think this game is fair. if there was more contest like these to get at least 10tps it will help balence the game, it is a big difference from cashshop plp and others so it annoys me a bit buy if you have money then thats the only way you can really be strong:(

Post Date: 01:59 22-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: xXxMonkxXx
Comment: i feel monks in this game is the best class for pvp and pve when it comes to tanking, they are rather strong have the highest defense equipped gear and most hp in the game with a pure vit set. shovel is the way to go for pvp for pve staff is what is good for tanking because it hold more aggro. i rate 7/10 for gameplay

Post Date: 01:46 22-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: turtlebeachxD
Comment: i think this is reall good game.i kill lot of people and get lot of drops, i am very rich in money i like play alot like 15 hours in day. pls help and play game get drop be rich like me gl!

Post Date: 01:18 22-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: subwaycoke
Comment: i play assassin i think it is best class cause faster skill so you dont need to wait for casting, vit dodge built is nice i have 33% dodge from full gold vit dodge gear ! i think assassin is strongest class you just need to know how to play it like a pro

Post Date: 00:55 22-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: pikachu
Comment: i’ve been playing talisman online for about 2 years or more.im felt bored when im max lvl.everyday waitin for the cap lvl to increase.everyday doin the same thing.pink bee,guild quest and so on.i suggest that talisman need to try to increase the cap lvl once in a month+new caves/equips

Post Date: 16:09 21-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: exand
Comment: the only thing that keeps me attracted to talisman online is the want of acquisition of new armors, weapons and mounts, at lvl 30 the game really got boring for me, because there was a huge decrease in the number of quests offered,but every time i saw a lvl 70 player with good +10 armor i get super jealous and resume my grinding..lol,..later in the game i found out that being in a guild helps leveling up,…now am lvl 60 lol,…

Post Date: 13:45 21-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: pirate
Comment: talisman has a poor security system.gm doesn’t online much ingame.cant find gm to report botter and scammer.have to wait so long for the cap lvl.not much cool caves.only create more mounts and pets.

Post Date: 07:47 21-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: hinata c
Comment: One turn off for me in talismaN online is the lack of animation scene,this damages the storyboard of the game, after you reach a certain level the game becomes pointless, players who still want to continue the game get extremely frustrated when they die due to lag during grinding,… All these makes the game get boring easily

Post Date: 04:49 21-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: bazo
Comment: talisman online is a cool game that offers varieties of ways to having a good time,it could be by doing quest,chatting or just killing for the sake of lvling,its a wow clone but unlike wow, its free to play

Post Date: 03:53 21-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: Tyrant
Comment: Talisman Online is a poorly translated Chinese-based MMORPG. The so-called story line is impossible to follow. The only thing certain is your quest objectives. Poorly translated or not, the game system allows for your character to automatically travel to your destination surrounded by the target enemies.

One thing this game does properly is the extensive variety of mounts and pets you can utilize; Of course, keep in mind these cost up to $30, but they can be bought with in-game gold for the right price. Most games with a mount give you few options; this game has many options and each option suits different characters because of different skill trees and effects supplied.

It can become very repetitive the more you play, at least until a new scenario (raid instance) is unlocked. These are fun (the first time) and helpful toward the leveling of your character, but the bosses generally only have one or two special attacks while they have massive hit points. God-awfully repetitive and lame on that point because it takes minimal skill, but a great amount of time.

What is extensively painful about the prior point is that you are forced to participate in these scenarios three times daily if you want to achieve a highly-leveled character. At even a modest level of 35 you would be required to kill roughly 1100 mobs (not particularly easy or enjoyable for some classes, such as the monk, whose primary niche is tanking raid bosses).

Yes, there are normal quests you can complete, but the number of new quests you unlock per level will only get you roughly halfway to your next level. Thus, if you desire to successfully compete on any given server, you must spend the majority of your time doing the exact same monotonous activities every day. New armors and weapons (which are called Talismans; This is the basis of the title of the game) may mollify the player for a while. Indeed it is enjoyable to wear that armor that requires level 48 and now pulsates from the medium rubies you spent on it. Though not new by any sense of the word, Talisman Online excels in pleasing the player with increasingly awesome-looking equipment. Those who spend lots of cash on the game will undoubtedly have the best-looking equipment; all pulsating, though not necessarily the best possible equipment.

As far as the item shop does go, it is somewhat fair to the leeching player as well. Free users have the ability to trade for pay-to-play items. There is a general respect in this game for the pay-to-play users that most games consisting of similar business models lack.

One nice addition to this game that some prevalent MMORPG’s lack is use of a free world chat. There is, of course a delay between the amount one can chat publicly to the entire server (roughly thirty seconds). Unfortunately, almost half of the players come from Brazil and most players who speak English do not understand Portuguese. This is a very curious aspect of the game, because the official language is indeed English. It is only speculated upon as to why advertising of an English game was heavily concentrated in Brazil.

Far more than organized chaos, Talisman Online sports an important guild (i.e. clan, alliance) system. Being active in a guild becomes one of the player’s primary goals as each guild offers many benefits. These clans have access to a demense, which is akin to a “home” for the player. It acts as a safe haven from player-killers (PKing in this game is very simple, effective, and not worth reviewing) and sports a guild warehouse along with access to guild quests one could not access otherwise.

Unlike some free-to-play MMORPG’s such as Runescape, Talisman Online offers a completely capitalistic society, comparably to what Runescape once had. However, with a considerably smaller fan base, there is minimal risk of real world item trading. Along with a smaller fan base comes a more easy game to manage. The Game Masters of Talisman Online speak softly but carry a big stick when it comes to breaking the rules.

All in all, Talisman Online is an average MMORPG that has much room for improvement. It remains unknown whether the audience it serves will expand or become lost like other recent MMORPG’s such as Dungeon Runners or Conan.

Post Date: 02:48 21-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: simca
Comment: i think tamer should have more trap skill.wizard should have more different type of element skills.sin maybe can have throw dagger skill if can. monk maybe can have a skill that throw staff and then the back will come back after throw on the enemy

Post Date: 02:33 21-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: sno
Comment: For a free mmo, this is pretty decent compared to some others. At the beginning you get a lucky egg that you can open until level 65 and it gives helpful stuff you can use later on. The mounts look awesome and some mounts like the horses look similar to the ones on WoW or the new pet on rappelz. Leveling in this game is also decent as it’s not too fast nor slow.

Post Date: 02:25 21-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: codsnipe
Comment: hmmm here, there’s lots of people to talk to so your bound to make friends. There’s seperate pvp arena’s for lv 20-30 or something like that then 60-70 then one for just 70’s. The game may get a bit boring at times, but the friends make up for it. As for making money, it isn’t hard, just grind like we all do and the item will pop out soon. 🙂

Post Date: 19:55 20-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: xpokerXstar
Comment: Talisman Online is a great MMORPG. Weekend events with high drop rates of rare items and daily events like racing and celestial pearls give an incentive to stay active. The PK system is decent…although is heavily, HEAVILY favored to cash users. The raids are very fun and rewarding. Strategy is necessary and if you beat a tough raid boss your success is displayed on a special Rumor channel 🙂

The community is fantastic…if nothing else, this is what you look for in a game.

Post Date: 19:18 20-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: PoofGoesYourHead
Comment: i personally enjoy playing first person shooter games this is the first mmorpg i have tred since runescape came out and ive found it to have a very interesting game play and story line. i think it is very enjoyable and its not that easy to get bored because there is so many activitys to do with other players around the world.

Post Date: 19:02 20-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Tom6612
Comment: this is great game. i play already for 1 year and lvl 57 already with class assassin i have fast skills and use stamina i am 11 years old and i still have alot of fun in this game, i think everyone should try ! gogogo lvl up

Post Date: 18:52 20-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: TalismanAddict
Comment: ive been playing talisman for 2 years i am now lvl 70 with 3 characters and i find it alot of fun. i think its one of the best free to play mmo’s out there so i think everyone should give it a try. pretty balenced with quest senarios and well ballanced classes . every class is strong if you know how to use it 🙂 check it out at the website ogreman provides 🙂

Post Date: 18:34 20-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: gamefreak101
Comment: I think this game is awesome new cave for lvl 12 and new place and cave for lvl 25+ they make this game very enjoyable with new patches gms helping more and more and they fix many bugs now. i find i lvl really fast , great game

Post Date: 17:35 20-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: ilovecheese
Comment: I find the game really nice. I like the pk system and pve system :). patches are fixing graphics and making them better. i think everyone should try this game :)Goodluck with lvling everyone 🙂

Post Date: 15:30 20-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: butter
Comment: talisman online has a wonderful graphic.the improvement of the game still bad.they only make more mounts and pets.pets more useful in game.the cap lvl still low and we need more caves or quest.we easily get bored because we fast lvl our char

Post Date: 14:16 20-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: kenz
Comment: talisman online has to be the best game next to wow of course, its very interesting and allows for socializing with other players, its motive is simple,..it gets boring once in a while but its still a lot of fun,…:]

Post Date: 08:22 20-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Nazgul_246
Comment: Talisman Online is one great FREE online multiplayer role-playing game. It has got fascinating story and unique gameplay. It’s a game that anyone should try.
There are 5 different characters you can choose from:
1)Wizard (male/female) – Wizards are masters of the arcane arts. They may have weak defense and low HP but they can deal massive damage with their spells.
2)Monk (male) – Monks are the warriors of Talisman Online. They fight with large weapons and inflict heavy blows. Monks have high defense and use stamina for their skills.
3)Assassin (male) – Assassins quick melee specialists who have low defense but high attack and dodge rates. Like Monks, Assassins use stamina instead of mana for their skills.
4)Fairy (female) – Fairies are a supportive class that possess healing and buffing spells. Fairies make competent damage dealers as well but suffer from low defense.
5)Tamer (female) – The Ranger class, Tamers excel at long ranged combat with their trusty bows. Tamers can persuade creatures of equal or lower level to fight by their side.
So, download the game and enjoy.

Post Date: 02:26 20-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: lover
Comment: the bad thing i wan to say about talisman are they have bad security.ppl easy get hacked by hacker.when combining equips to +10 it fails a lot of time.rich ppl can keep on combine but pooor ppl combine till piss off.the good thing i wan to say about talisman are they have nice mounts and pets.equips too

Post Date: 21:04 19-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: xxxWizardxxx
Comment: Graphics: 2003-esque MMO standard. Look at Entropia Universe for a comparison.

Gameplay: Clone of *insert 100 different MMO’s here* Quests good for a while, followed by mostly large-scale server events and grinding, which comes along with the fine-tuning of your toon.

Sound: Music gets really boring after a while…though you do memorize it. Unsure if that’s good or bad.

Replay Value: Incredibly High, as can be expected from any MMORPG. There really is never much difference betwixt all online RPG’s, and this is no different.

Overall: Nothing particularly special, save the daily events. In fact, multiple events for experience and gold may happen up to thrice a day. This is what sways me over from other MMORPG’s out there.

Post Date: 20:08 19-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: bolt
Comment: one thing i like about Talisman online is its simplicity, …controls are easy to use,locations are easy to find and movement is very easy to come about. The fact that the game lacks creativity and its somewhat glitchy (sentence wise) does not stop me from having fun

Post Date: 15:18 19-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: synysterslash
Comment: Talisman online is a pretty good game, they just have to release content more often because people get bored then leave for another game. But as they are, they are trying to release content more frequently.If they raised cap in big increments like 10 each patch or something like that, it’d be good and you can actually get your full gear instead of some parts of it. If the gm’s were more active, this game would prolly be better and won’t have as much people being bored. Overall the game is good, they just need to release content more. The recent patch also added 2 new separate servers so you have a variety of servers to go to, and i don’t lag much but that may be because i live in the us and the servers are here.

Post Date: 15:04 19-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: conrad
Comment: the mounts and pets are getting better but the cap lvl increase to slow.talisman should work more hard. try to make something every months.maybe caves,special quest,events and so on.talisman can make more special stuff too

Post Date: 11:31 19-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: finalsyn
Comment: This game is like WoW but free, and they are slowly adding improvements so it’s getting to it. The new patches add more and more good gear, and the recent anti-bot they had implemented has made me play even more because i don’t have to worry about the bots being around. As for the new stuff, i haven’t got to experience it because I’m not that high enough, but during spring break i plan to experience it :). Also, the prices are getting affordable for new people to play and actually get good gear.

Post Date: 07:01 19-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: deddycool
Comment: Talisman Online is the best online game because I think this game is very good and can make me more comfort for adventure in it. Give me a different nuance even more. Thank you for all.

Post Date: 03:38 19-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: theycallmej
Comment: The following game Talisman Online has made me a computer addict. I find the game really enjoyable and as patches come out the market prices are getting better and better. GM’s are on more often to offer help i feel this is a great improvement the game has made. Also new mount looks really nice. One major improvement they have made is adjusting the xp and energy for 20 + adding new maps for lower lvl characters make it so it is similar to level. New caves drops awesome weapons gold so, every go farm CWC 🙂 🙂

Post Date: 03:01 19-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: gwendal
Comment: it took me long time to find a goood game.when i was surfing the net i saw talisman online link.i tried downlod it.when i started to play,it was very good.although the game was laggy,but the people there are friendly and helpful and the gears are very cool.besides,the most i like is the blue flame horse

Post Date: 19:38 18-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: kaelstraz
Comment: I recently just came back to this game, because my friends play it and it has improved quite a bit.I’m liking that there’s more quests to do instead of just a pure grind boredness. Also seeing that the gm’s are getting a lil bit more active than normal is nice to see too 🙂

Post Date: 16:30 18-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: lungema
Comment: I noted recently that talisman online has been improving adding and fixing glitches but I also noticed that they are not attempting to fix the major glitches, an example of one of them would be lag, the amount of times I have almost deleted this due to frustration resulting from lag are countless,…though the game frustrates me a lot, odly enough I still find it super fun and interesting 😉

Post Date: 13:45 18-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: heka
Comment: when i play talisman online i’m still having some lag.can u improve the connection. when i die its gonna make me angry sometime T_T nothing to say about the mounts and pets cause talisman online did a great job on those

Post Date: 03:46 18-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: ruki
Comment: talisman online is definetly one awesome game, and a very addictive game as well, its fun and obviously lacks originality . . .its low graphic wise, and tends to lag out alot, they should try to fix the problem of “A MONSTER STILL ATTACKING YOU WHILE YOU LAG”.

Post Date: 02:13 18-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: seiji
Comment: talisman online has a nice graphic.i think they can make the graphic better that will be good.many adorable pets and cool mounts keep it up.i want a dragon mount that can fly on the air not on the ground xD i think tats gonna happen sooon in the future

Post Date: 22:35 17-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: DemonSiege
Comment: This game takes many things back to basics and that is what I like about it. Public fighting against mobs is great and simple. Scenarios, which are preset repeatable instances, have the linear appeal that brings a focus most other games don’t give. Graphics are OK, but that’s not the most important thing in my opinion 🙂

Leveling is slow after a while, which is the way it should be. I’m confused as to why people complain about it being slow to level after a while. You don’t want EVERYONE being max within a month, right?

This game will give you a solid year of play with no regrets. I played on previous server for a year and yes, there is nothing to do after 11 months. So…I started new on new server Flawless Jade ^^

Name is Scylla if you need any help.

Post Date: 10:36 17-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: sono
Comment: i wish tamer can have bow and sword or gun so can do far and near range attack ^^ i also wan to up tamer pet stats T_T can TO make more skills trap for tamer.besides fire and ice trap,maybe some stun trap,bombing trap and so on

Post Date: 06:31 17-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: ligerzero
Comment: I decided to look for a new mmorpg game after getting bored with runescape. After searching for so long I had found Talisman Online. What attracted me was the concept of riding a mount I mean who wouldnt like to ride a tiger down the road?. The graphics are amazing and realistic and the mounts and equipment has been artisticly done and the bosses have had alot of thought put into them.Even events like group arena and Blood Palace war entertain people. I enjoy the quest system and a reputation system. However, with a lot of mmorpgs, it has a few bugs and glitches. With weekly maintenence though, these are eliminated easy enough. I like the guild system and how it adds the the whole “teamwork to survival” idea. Overall I rate this game 9/10 because of its addictiveness (I hav played for months now and can’t stop) but slight glitches bought it down. “TALISMAN TO VICTORY, TEAMWORK TO SURVIVAL” e

Post Date: 02:37 17-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: kun
Comment: wow i like this game.so many mounts and cute pets haha. i like games with cute pets and mounts.besides that, i also like cool equipment and skills too.the skills in talisman online is kinda cooool.hope they can create more skills ^^

Post Date: 17:10 16-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: i am mr cool
Comment: ok, for those of you who dont know these already, Talisman online is a super fun game, its really interesting and also a really cool way to get to meet people from different aspects of the world, i feel that the creators of the game where very imaginative but truthfully speaking the game is glitchy, alot of people critize that, but i feel it aids to the uniqueness of the game. Fyi (i aint saying all these just to get tpoints)..lol

Post Date: 04:06 16-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: twilight
Comment: I’m still dissapointed about the connection in TO.it still laggy.can TO improve it pls.TO should make every class can have more than 2 weapon like WOW.make more class.4 class not enough.

Post Date: 05:40 15-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: Vonstrohm
Comment: It’s hard to explain why I like TO at all. Maybe it’s the simplicity and familiarity from other MMOs that this game shares. (WoW-clone, in some ways, yes. It takes the living skill system, for example, with only two skills.)

The game has much replay value until you hit about level 35. Then there is a huge lack of fun quests to do, and the grinding begins. Fortunately, there are lots of people stuck in the same place so you can find someone to do it with.

I like how the game tries not to be something it’s not; original. It takes good concepts from many other MMOs and implements them here. I hate to say it, but Talisman Online offers absolutely no original content, save some interesting monsters (but what game doesn’t have unique monsters?)

The potential is unlimited, however. Talisman Online may yet prove worthy of a top-ranked MMO if it expands upon a few key things: Translate the quests and other various text boxes a bit better, give customization of characters so they do not all look very similar, and offer expanded variables on equipment drops! The last part is very critical for making a good game. When everyone has the same armor with 850 defense, 300 elemental defense, with 50 vitality, it offers no sense of uniqueness. That ruins it for me, when the best I can be is everybody else.
Post Date: 04:01 15-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Hotsauce95
Comment: This game is really fun! The pets are cute and the monsters can be kinda scary =

I made a faree class so I can heal my friends. i play this game after school every day and I help them out with boss’s. You can also be a monk with a lot of hp or wizard or assassin that deals lots of damage. Theres even a class where you take control of the enemys and use a bow, called Tamer. Really, really, really fun game for boys OR girls.

Post Date: 03:50 15-03-2010
Rating: 5
Author: yintai
Comment: talisman online improves mounts and pets fast but they don’t improve gears,caves,lvl fast.they have to work harder to make more special caves.make some new skills for each class.talisman online can also make more classes too.maybe make a few legendary weapon

Post Date: 01:15 15-03-2010
Rating: 7
Author: Alex227
Comment: The very first thing I noticed about Talisman Online was the fixed classes. No male/female customization, very little customization on facial hair and such…

Graphics are terrible in comparison to modern games, but with that aside the game itself is really fun.

What can I say, besides it’s fun to find treasure moreso in this game than others? It’s not often in this game you will find really good items, unlike in other games where everything has similar values. People actually value their drops here, and there is always someone to buy it.

There isn’t a good guide explaining the in-depth functions of all the things you can do with your character, so the game has a learning curve of about a week.

Instance raids in this game come in form of scenarios. World chat is free, and there is always someone to do raid with you.

Guild system is necessary for free teleportation to main city, Stone City.

Lots of little easter eggs most people don’t notice 🙂

This game is worth trying!

Post Date: 07:33 14-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Nazgul_246
Comment: One of the most inspiring online games i have ever played. If you are wondering if you want to play it, don’t !!! I assure you you won’t be disappointed.
In the game you can choose from five different classes, each class with unique powers. The max level you can reach with your character is 70. But don’t think it’s easy, though.
I truly recommend this free multiplayer role-playing online game. 🙂

Post Date: 05:48 14-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: DarkRaven
Comment: I have played a lot of MMOs, both pay-to-play and free-to-play. While this is a free game, it hardly seems fair to compare it to any of the other free one’s out there. Other free MMOs don’t come even close to what this game has to offer. Grouping works nicely with good loot distribution options, which is sadly something few free games really have. The interface in this game is also quite flexible with tons of onscreen buttons possible and easily customized hotkeys. The single biggest feature that sets this apart at least for me is that it has an in-game auction for player selling! That’s right, the game has a central player market that does not force you to stay online to sell your goods. Actually, this is the only free game I’ve found yet to include this feature. Definitely something they should all have.

Post Date: 04:49 14-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: Ahov
Comment: After playing Evony for a few weeks and getting bored with that, I was in the hunt for a great new MMORPG. Most P2P games were on older servers and would be difficult to successfully compete in. I asked around and discovered that Talisman Online had a new server up since March 4th. This was fantastic news.

I joined the game with no particular expectations, except maybe small instance maps with minimal content. The client is very small, >300MB. To my surprise, the maps, while not necessarily gorgeous in HD, are indeed vast and varied.

One thing I absolutely love about this game is the auto-run feature. During a quest, if you don’t feel like searching for a particular coordinate, your character can automatically run to your quest objective. This is so much better than MMOs where you must manually run each time.

The player base is small-medium as well, which means the chances are you will encounter just about everyone who plays. Free-market economy with a stall system and an auction house, very nice.

Combat against Mobs is very simple, as can be expected from any other similar MMORPG. PvP is slightly more strategic, and the class system makes it necessary to group with people when PvPing or with Raid instances.

Most items from the Premium shop can be found in game as well. The players who work a little harder can have all that the person paying has.

Sound is irrelevant. I normally use my VLC playlist.

The Game Masters are incredibly active and personal. If you send a private message to them, response is instant and the issue is immediately handled with a smiling monkey emoticon ^^

Events occur every day, ranging from all-out wars to getting gold for answering GM’s riddles. Once more, it is a community where everyone knows each other, and I find that important in an MMO.

There is rarely a lack of quests until the very high levels. Content is added fairly frequently, but more needs to be added at the extremely high levels.

I suggest that anyone who is looking for an MMO at the moment to try this game out. It is a short download, and very worthy of your time.
Post Date: 03:43 14-03-2010
Rating: 6
Author: shanbo
Comment: when i play talisman i thought i won’t be bored anymore.after 1 year+ , i getting bored of this game cause the cap lvl increase very slow. Player can be mx lvl in just few months.Need more good scenario,equips and skills.

Post Date: 03:30 14-03-2010
Rating: 8
Author: tannerbanner597
Comment: I give this game an 8 due to great storyline, classes well thought out.
But i wouldn’t say 9 or 10 due to the classes genders well thought out.

Post Date: 09:03 13-03-2010
Rating: 9
Author: Hurley
Comment: Talisman Online is a poor man’s version of WoW. I am not knocking the poor because I am one myself. To be honest, I prefer the community. The graphics are good and the PvP is good for gear.

Post Date: 08:52 08-03-2010
Rating: 10
Author: donaldgjergji
Comment: I think this is the best game online
I say to anyone to play this game
BEST RPG game ever [LOL]

Post Date: 14:13 31-01-2010
Rating: 9
Author: tamer1912
Comment: talisman is active i cant stop playing it, its so good better than wow in my opinion

Post Date: 07:08 19-01-2010
Rating: 9
Author: camweb
Comment: I love this game very much

Post Date: 14:49 29-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Nazgul_246
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D multiplayer role-playing game. There are five different character: Assassin, Monk, Fairy, Wizard and Tamer. Every character has a different skills. You character can go to up level 70. Best of all the game is free to play !!!

Post Date: 14:01 27-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: barathrum
Comment: I started playin Talisman online two months ago..when i first loggedn i didnt know which class to choose..i chose assasin.then i regretted it as there are many assasins and their items are very costly and rarely drop..i felt like quitting the game..but then i made a lot of friends and they helped with buying stuff..my defense stuff isnt that good.but there are many frnds who can help me do quests..now iam lvl 61 and now ive started getting good stuff..if i werent an assasin i wudve been a wizard..wizards are pretty balanced.i love wizards..here on Talisman online u do quests u get rewards.u make items ..upgrade themm,,it is fun and itll teach the rules of life..i like the graphics i never knew such a small game can be this good looking.when u are 30 u can choose an apprentice ..u get additional rewards when ur apprentice levels up..i dont like the music its same all teh time.its has an auctioneer u can sell all of ur stuff when u are offline i give this game 8/10..u can give it a try

Post Date: 12:15 26-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: nononsense
Comment: I wud like to keep it simple..first thing i would like to say is reviewing and desrbining are two different thing..
Talisman Online is a good game for those who are not hardcore gamers as they would not like TOs game play..this game is free has good graphics still it has some come cons with it.it has five classes each fit in their role properly..no issues with that..battle system sucks as u have to right click on a monster and ur character does everything
Quests demand a lot of hard work with a very litle reward..it has a autopath system which does not work all the times.u can customise you character the way u want.but again all the characters of same class all look the same..not godd for a person who likes customisations.there are hardly 20-25 customisations
Camera angles,camera doesnt move with u it moves up and down at very strange angles..it better if u mould ur self with it.it needs a lot of practice to get used to it
Graphics and sound:While the backgrounds and details to the environments you can explore look great, the character models are designed in a very simple fashion.improving the graphics details will only result in a lag..again it depends on system configuration..and NPC have avery poorly translated english
The music in Talisman Online is alright, but not very special. It has a tendency to disappear suddenly, and after a few minutes of silence, it will startle you by starting up suddenly.
Easy to use communication system
Enjoyable (though oddly timed) music

Storyline falls apart instead of coming together
Limited character customization
Poor translations, making quests difficult to read

Post Date: 09:27 26-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: i_iz_jebus
Comment: Talisman online is an MMORPG based on ancient china, players can take one of five classes each with its strong advantages and disadvantages, which causes great diversity between players which i think other games lack, for example in duels and PvP any character with the correct combos and even gear potentially kill any other class this diversity makes the game fairer, and therefore a lot more fun.
Probably one of the best features of talisman is scenarios system; scenarios are caves/dungeons in which a team of up to five fight their way through around 75-100 elite enemies (almost three times are strong as enemies in the surrounding areas, they are based on) and 3-5 very powerful bosses with what i believe to be the best drop rates in the game, which sadly are still very low; based on private investigations a blue item(most common gear) will drop from 2-4%(this was based on 100 HH runs). This poor drop rate i think increases the addiction this game possesses. The other great thing about scenarios is the teamwork it almost forces players to do, which is probably why talismans community is so nice, with almost everyone willing to help free of charge.
The one thing that really frustrated me in this game was the upgrade rates of gear; this probably wouldn’t be so bad if medium gems didn’t cost a small fortune for the average player, which is quite a let down with this game being very good, and gear being such an important commodity, to combat this i think the game should increase drop rates of medium gems, i have not independently tested this for the fact that it would be ridiculously time consuming, i myself have only gotten four medium emeralds, and five medium rubies in 43 levels which as I’m sure you can imagine is just outrageous this drop rate must be. If this wasn’t bad enough the game then charges you a further 1-3g just for an attempt at upgrading your gear.
The thing that either makes or breaks a good MMO is its PvP system which in talisman is actually really quite good, for starters you can agree to duel anyone one anywhere, or you can go to the arenas levelled from 10-30, 30-70, and 65+, this on the other hand are crazy it’s a mix of classes and players, with the occasional NPC. PvP in this game is also the easiest way to get purple item or sets as far as individual gear comes this stuff isn’t all that great, but if you have an entire set the bonuses can out weigh higher level gear. There is one thing in the PvP that i found very strange, the GA, or group arena is where your team of five compete against another team of up to five to destroy each other’s tree thing, sounds simple enough but no the makers had to put in NPC’s, which isn’t that bad until you get into the other teams base then you have to fight off some extremely difficult guards as well the other team.
The thing i found very appealing in this game was the attention to guilds, not a lot of MMO’s out there pull of the guild system well, but i would safely say that talisman does, as not only is there guild events, like the blood palace, i myself am yet to do this but i do here it is great something like two guilds face off in a palace type place trying to take control of it. The other thing about guilds is the guild quest system, it is very well done as the more guild members complete quests the more prosperity the guild gains to unlock new quests, generally set in the scenarios of talisman. Also about the guild system is the leader must level up the guild, which did strike me as strange at the start but i soon realised it works in everyone’s favour to donate to the guild as well as complete the quests.
The couple things i thing this game could do with is either a couple more classes, or bring out both genders for each class, also sub-classes i think would go down fantastically in this game just to create even more vibration between the classes, this would also in turn make the PvP a bit more interesting with players having random extra skills.
On a whole i would give talisman online and 8/10, it’s a well established game but has the potential to be even better.

Post Date: 06:21 26-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: crimmy
Comment: ~3D Graphic~
The talisman online has a 3d graphic.I know the graphic is still so so,but talisman can try harder to make it better.I think it will attract more ppl if the graphic is better.
~Sound Effect~
The sound is goood.if can make it more sexy or better,i think will be ok.
Talisman should make a system that can block people from being invite by someone to a team.It is so annoying that people keep inviting me to a team.Although i already put interface but the ! pop out still annoys me…
~Guild System~
Talisman should increase the guild lvl.More people can join guild.Beside that,increase the Guild Quest too.Put sss,ssc,CWC Guild Quest,more exp for people.
The emotion is very good.But if can put more,i think its goood.no harm to put more xD
~PVP System~
This sytem allows player to get the purple gears which has lots of attribute on it.Its goood.no comment.
~GA system~
This system allows player to increase soul lvl.When soul lvl higher,the more bonus we can get.Its good.no comment.
~Drop Rate~
Talisman should make more golden drop rate.Drop some useful golden stuff.xD Blue drop rate too xD
I dun like the pickmode.When drop some good items,teamleader change to leader pick mode.Thats not fair.Talisman should change the pickmode system to:The pickmode must be agree by all team members then click a button to confirm.After comfirm cant change the pickmode again.The pickmode will change back to normal when the team is disband or u left the team.
~Friend List~
Talisman need to increase the number of friend that can be added to the friend list.The number is too low.I have made lots of friends,but i cant add them all because the number is too insufficient.I hope i can add them all in my friend list.
~Friend Chat~
Because the number of friends can be added to friend list is low,i am force to chat with them in whisper T_T

I hope talisman online can be improve with these details

Post Date: 06:10 26-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: irbaboonlol88
Comment: Talisman Online..in my opinion the name should be Talisman of protectionnline i might sound like a critic but again its my own opinion.Its a free MMOPRG..some people might think its free it must be crap..WRONG!not all free games are CRAP..it has a pay option too..only thing u can buy with money are tpoints.
a small glance on professions..there are five ,wizards,monks,tamers,fairies and Assasins
1.Wizards:Strong attacks..low defense..with good set of combos they are untouchable
2.Monks:High defese capabilities low damage..weak against ranged attackers
3.Tamers:best at soloing anything..pet can tank ..attack ..has force attack..but it can slow u down aswell ..if ur a lvl 20 tamer and pet is lvl 5 ..youll suck.
4.Fairies:Low defense..but can heal themselves and other.low chance of dying.they can BUFF..buff means they can increse HP upper limit of other players as well as tamers pet.and they can leech opponents HP
5.Assasins..High attack..very low defense..obsolete against Elite monsters..Again my opinion sorry if u play an assasin
Now to take a short time to talk about Quests. Quest types are fairly simple. Some quests you have to kill a certain amount of something. Some quests you have to kill a Boss. Some quests you have to get an item drop from an enemy, which can get annoying because let’s say you have to get 10 of something, it might take you 30 kills to get all 10. While other quests you just have to deliver a something to someone. Quests are unique because the monsters will be different and drop different things, but you’ll realize that they can be repetitive.
Additional Features:
Over 17 Different Areas to Explore – They’re not small areas either.
A Guild System – So you don’t have to play the game alone. Remember, TEAMWORK to Victory.
A War Game – Every week there is something called the “Blood Palace War”, mostly used by Guilds, you and your team must defeat the evil bosses that emerge, and of course other players.
Scenarios – Special areas of which players are usually in teams, or if they’re high-leveled enough to solo, fight Elite Monsters and Bosses. Elite Monsters and Bosses are more difficult than regular ones because they’ll have higher HP, defense, strength, etc.
Mounts/Pets – That’s right! You can mount things! Currently, you can mount Tigers, Bears, and Horses. Tigers are the most common, because Bears and Horses you have to buy with T-Points, or for very high Gold prices. Also, there are Pets. Yes, Tamers have Pets, but these Pets don’t attack, they can increase your HP, your Mana, or they can auto-pick up items from dead monsters so you don’t have to, etc.
Friendly Community – Most of the community in the game is friendly, however a majority of people that play don’t speak English. This might be a tad problem to some.
The game is fun, the people are friendly, you can make friends in this game, and it’s worth a play. The game does have flaws though. I think the creators don’t speak English well, because there are some parts in the text of the game that don’t really make all that much sense. You can figure out what they mean, but words can be moved around. Another flaw is in some skills, like a Fairy’s Buff, it’ll say it lasts 10 seconds for some reason, yet it lasts 20 or 30 minutes. Big difference.
Graphics..7/10..Sound 5/10.Gameplay..7/10

Post Date: 22:28 25-11-2009
Rating: 3
Author: i am mr cool
Comment: in my review for this week i am goin to talk about some bad things found in TO, well….apart from the mispellings and errors , in talisman online there are a lot of dupers this is so not cool with me, take for instance sometime ago i bought an armour piece it was said to be purple and it cost me 70gold, i bought it went to my mailbox ang guess what???………i saw NOTHING.!!!!!

Post Date: 19:09 25-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: pasieka
Comment: It plays great very talisman onlinie I like climate in it game ) very! There is game simply fairest onlinie

Post Date: 14:54 25-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: zefir
Comment: I like Talisman online for several things
System of control on ur warrior ist easy(using spells and etc.Appearance of warrior thats like a super fantasy manga.It is possible to choose one of five Available proffesion Assasin,Monk

Post Date: 14:32 25-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: dreher
Comment: Talisman jest bardzo ciekaw± gra.W grze musisz osiagnac jak najwiekszy lvl.Jest 5 postaci kazda jest inna to powoduje ze gra jest ciekawsza.Aby osiagn±c jak najwyzszy lvl musisz zabijac potwory lub bosy z ktorych czesto wypadaj± cenne rzeczy, typu; armguardy, armor, cuff, kneepady.Wedlug mnie postaci± godn± uwagi jest assasin gdzyz bardzo szybko bije sie nim lvl. Grafika w grze jest calkiem dobra co uprzyjemnia gre.W talsmana gram od roku i jeszcze mi sie nie nudzi .Super gra, polecam wszystkim. Moja ocena to 9/10

Post Date: 11:18 25-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: islandder
Comment: Talisman is like any ordinary mmorpg, you grind to level, you can have pets, etc. Leveling rates are slow around lvl 35 and very slow around lv 60. Thats why we have quests and scenarios. scenarios are like dungeons except you need a team to finish it, because all the monsters in it are strong.

Post Date: 07:10 25-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Skiba
Comment: Talisman Online is a little-known free MMORPG 3D game in which we find “borrowed” elements from the game World of Warcraft. User interface, looting, and even a mini map of the world of design elements are borrowed from the World of Warcraft.All these features make the game more enjoyable. When you create a form of talisman online stand before choosing one of five available character classes: Wizard, Monk, Assassin, Tamer and Fairy. The first three classes form the figuresmen, while the last two characters are women. For some, sex is no match to any class may be a negative side Talisman Online. Also, as is the adaptation of the appearance of characters such as we chooseæ only one of three available hairstyle hair style. The game tutorial does not bores us, and game designers have prepared advice for players in the form of an exclamation point on the left of the screen full report, which you can read or ignore. The game will meetfull of NPCs who are ready for this quest to offer us. It is desirable to implement all the quests because it enables the implementation of their intervention to new locations.

Post Date: 01:07 25-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: lumberjill
Comment: I thought talisman online was a pretty solid game, graphics are good, community is nice people are willing to help, game play runs smoothly, gear and weapons become very individual, quests are lacking but are brought back up by the scenarios, PvP is also very remarkable. The game has taken some systems but backs itself with the new systems I’m pretty sure the makers made.
First off the graphics they are really quite amazing compared to the ¼ of a gig client, it was a very pleasant surprise as most games with that size client are either 2D or just plain terrible, this also ties with the games smooth game play i myself have not lagged, and i have only heard of a couple people lagging which in the end only lasted a couple minutes.
Probably the most appealing thing about this game and what most others lack are the attitudes of people and their willingness to help, for example a lot of people post in world chat “need help with boss” and by the time i usually say “yea what boss” someone has already helped them. Another thing i admired about the people was the want for teamwork; in my experience people would rather have a balanced team then pay some high level to rush them through quests or scenarios.
Another great thing was the individuality between players and their gear almost everyone has something completely different which i think ties to the games system of enchanting. Gems are placed in weapons to give them a +1-+10, 10 being the best, this system i think is what largely separates it from other MMO’s. Also the levelling system behind weapons in this game is quite remarkable, this system almost forces players to use the same weapon for ten levels before they have to merge it with another weapon to make the one they will probably use for the next ten, the levelling system works with the player killing ‘mobs’ or monsters to gain energy which is then put in weapons and assists to make them better.
The one thing that brought this game down was the quests, it was quite sad how the rest of the game could be brought down by its quest system, all the quests seem to be so repetitive all you ever do is kill 30 of these collect 40 of those, then go kill a boss, or sometimes it’s go talk to this guy to unlock another 3 painful quests. Luckily the quest system is partially saved by the fantastic scenarios system. The scenarios in this game is a cave or area blocked to anyone who isn’t in your team, the mobs in the scenarios are significantly more powerful than the enemies they are based on which are in the surrounding area. Then the bosses are somewhat over levelled, and require flawless teamwork to bring them down.
The games PvP is one of its most remarkable features, with plain old arenas, which in my opinion are actually very good because of the level spans between them such as the veteran arena with its 30-70 level requirement which is crazy there is no way a 30 will ever solo a 70 who is fighting back. The other part of the PvP is what is really great is the group arena, your team of five go up against another 5, the objective for this is to destroy the other teams base, portrayed by a tree, what makes this unique is there are NPC’s in this arena so you don’t just have to work as a team killing the other players but you must defend your side from there NPC’s.
All and all i think talisman is a great game with only a few minor flaws, I would defiantly recommend this game to any hardcore or casual gamer. 7/10 from me

Post Date: 15:44 24-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: gelo
Comment: Talisman is 3D MMORPG game.In the game i pla Assasin i think it is very good chars.Drop in the game can be higher.The game have good graphic.In the game i like killing a monster and boss, i love doing Lw ,because my lvl up.My opinnion is 8/10

Post Date: 15:02 24-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Prosto
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D game fantastyczyej gtafice. The characters I can say is that to me are well done, although there are small weaknesses as in any game. A little bit of magic but a detail and so wellgame. A big plus is the game shop was very helpful and it helps. Thanks, and my rating is 8 / 9.

Post Date: 11:46 24-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: XaD
Comment: Hey there am back with a more detailed review this time..
As the time has passed Talisman Online has improved with it,they have brought some items which had to be removed to stop some fraudulent activities..Ok, so when u create a character and the first time u enter the game..U see some characters there with notifications on their head..ex:exclamations means they have a quest for u and question mark means u have completed a quest and u can submit it then.at the starting stages quests are easy and u can do it in no time and leel up easily..as u reach higher levels quests get harder and u can fidna team for yourself to complete it and all of the team can get the reward..along with normal quests there are also reputation quests..which increase ur reputation value in that area,and hence u can buy better quality weapons from reputation merchant which are bound but are cheaper.and doing reputation quest also means u can grind good gold by drops which the mobs drop..and they rep quests also give u good experience so levelling up will not be a problem..and also along with ur level newer and more tougher scenarios will open for u,but the higher ur level goes you will have to improve the rank of ur weapons +3 weapons are good till 30-40 levels as u will have high levelled players coming with you to the scenarios to help u ..but once u reach 45,you shud upgrae the rank of ur weapons to +4,+5 is even better u have spare gold for upcoming levels..and once u reach the level cap..ur only aim left will be upgrading ur weapons and defense gear to max +10..and now i talk abt soul..as you do PVP or PVP ur soul get better and better higher level the soul more aditional attibutes u have my soul level is 5 and i get 90 bonus additional HP..its good to do that as it gives more experience and enhances ur soul..and doing PVP gives u better weapons [the purple set]which has additional defenses.and now coming to GUI..it has pretty decent GUI every thing is well arranged and u can customise with what u r comfortable ..Graphics are good for its client size..sound lacks..most of the areas have same background music[gets annoying some times]game play is good so in my personal opinion this game is good when compared to other paid games i will give this game 8/10.Thanks gameogre for giving me chance to review this game

Post Date: 02:44 24-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Epic_fail
Comment: I think talisman is a pretty average game really, the graphics are great for the small client, the music and sounds effects on the other hand are quite painful i played this game once with the sound on and it was terrible. The different classes i think are a little under done, i mean the way it is, is good but there is a lot of room for improvement like a male and female option for all classes, i think more than two weapons for each class would be nice to give a little more variation between players within a class. I think the whole enchanting system with gems and energy is great as it gives players the opportunity to have almost customized gear. The quest system is good but could do with a few more for the mid levelled areas, like mercy temple, Snow Mountain, Whorl Mountain. Scenarios on the other hand are amazing, as it loads one area per team, the enemies are ‘elite’ so are significantly more powerful than their counter parts in the surrounding area.
All and all i think this game is good but has the potential to be a lot better. 7/10 from me.

Post Date: 22:43 23-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: belltricng
Comment: there is 2 ways to get purple gears.Either we do some PVP to earn points or do some repu.The purple gears at competition merchant has lots of attribute, while the other purple gears in ssc merchant has lots of resistant.

Post Date: 13:28 23-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: czarny
Comment: Hi all , in Talisma i like drop and chars for example :Assasin, Monk, Tamer, Fair, Wizard.The game is very interesting so i like play in this game. I recomend this game to ecerbody aspecially to young people. My opinion is 9/10

Post Date: 11:44 23-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: BuBu
Comment: Hi. Talisman Online is very nice game. I like play Talisman bicouse that game isnt boring. The there are a lot of quests so every player find fun in this game:) I wish the drop rate was higher:)

Post Date: 10:45 23-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: sermundodelawega
Comment: on this game u can find many quest scenariost and boss to kill u can kill monsters solo or witch u team, if u got team u got more % to droop som items,on team u got a system dice to get items if u got a lucky u can get that ;p graphics and system pvp its good so all game im rate on 9>10

Post Date: 09:12 23-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: killciter
Comment: hi im like play on that game so im rating 10/10.If u wanna get a good stuff giving rank + to ur items It is not paid u will be only lose u cash better its buy Ready eq There is cheap
Post Date: 05:05 23-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: flaming
Comment: what a nice game.a game contain a 3d graphic.inside game colour very good and good graphic.pvp system also good.let me get some powerful weapon and armor.can do caves easily

Post Date: 01:09 23-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: PaperChaser
Comment: TO one of the best online games out there love spaming friends chat love pking my friend and seeign who is srtonger and hate when he use budha shield lol buts it all fu nand games lol

Post Date: 00:38 23-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: khanggg
Comment: talisman online is the best mmorpg game ever!!!. it ius like WoW but free. even though it may not have as much features as WoW, it is equally as good, and better yet ITS FREE TO PLAY!!

Post Date: 22:52 22-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: poison
Comment: This game has 5 professions and they all have their own special charcteristics. i have played all 5 and have chosen tamers because i just love them. the tamer only has a girl class so far.

Post Date: 22:46 22-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: sebus
Comment: I play in Talisman for 1 years . I think this game is very good , because in game is a lot of proffesion for example : Assasin -I play this char,so good, Tamer, Monk , Fair, and Wizard. I recomended this game my friend, i m fanatic this game ,i want say :im from Poland.In Poland there is alot of fan this game. LOVE THIS GAME.

Post Date: 22:20 22-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: icebaby
Comment: coool talisman has 1 wonderful 3d graphic. when we log into the game the colour is gooood.we can see the colour properly.PVP is a system tat allow us to get purple gears by earning lots or pvp points

Post Date: 19:58 22-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: staryalejary
Comment: on my opinion its not the best game but good system attk and spells its good u can use all spels on scrouts or u can use to spells mouse many haracters to play with others spells and etc 8/10

Post Date: 18:32 22-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: ormostrit
Comment: hello all im rating Talisman 10/10.im like on game system pvp graphic its to good u can find her many quest and scenarios if u will be get a good stuff and lvl u can solo doing scenarios for cash to others so u can get cash for free + a loot

Post Date: 17:22 22-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: litledoctor
Comment: i like many games mmorpg and others but talisman take me to mystic fantasy world im like a face of haracters on manga style u can find here 5 haracters to play so game its a better just PLAY 😀

Post Date: 16:01 22-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: playforfunn
Comment: on that game get cash its very bad :/ looting (dropping) items its too not good.If u get quest any of u friend can doo that for u if u got team with him so if u got any friend u can also faster lvl up 😀 graph its not bad btw im like thats game so rate its 10/10

Post Date: 14:40 22-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: simca
Comment: weeee talisman online game is an online game with a perfect 3d graphic. i see the colour in game is better than i thought.i can see the graphic clearly in the game when i log in.keep it up for a better graphic xD

Post Date: 12:16 22-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: amadi
Comment: like am new to talisman online bt from wat my friends have been telling me this game is superdupercool, i checked out the game recently and i was amazed bout the number of people who play dis game, u should download and check out this game too, i promise u u wont b dissapointed

Post Date: 10:20 22-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: daggerking
Talisman online is the game which any MMOPRG player will like..to start with i take the graphics ..better than most paid games out there..music is irritating sumtimes..still bearable..once u reach a higher level..u gotta keep upgrading ur weapon and defense and be a good player..storyline is OK not that good..i give it a 7/10

Post Date: 09:21 22-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: twilight
Comment: The talisman online graphic is nice.It has a 3d graphic which i think is better than the game that i had ever played.well,i dun pvp much but i will try to PVP to get the powerful set of equipment.

Post Date: 04:26 22-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: pikachu
Comment: a goood game with a good 3d graphic.the graphic bette than other game.have pvp sytem that allow us to get pvp points to get purple equipment which like epic equipment.

Post Date: 00:56 22-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: steak_cheez
Comment: I think this game is great people are nice client is small, but still good graphics. Levelling does become pretty intense once you get to like 35 with you having to either grind through 1200 enemies or do a couple runs, which are great, scenarios are a dungeon which only your team can go in enemies in these are maybe twice as strong, and bosses wow, they tear shit up. Drop rates in this game are a bit low for my liking and decrease and you get higher, so its great in the sense that it sets up low levels.
Overall i give talisman a 7/10

Post Date: 00:04 22-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: DragonRoc
Comment: +1-3 is realy easy + 4=-6 alittle harder but + 7-10 wil cost alot of gold and you will ge tfaisl so i just buy the gear + already will tak some tim but its worth it

Post Date: 22:41 21-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: babygirl
Comment: what a nice game~A game with a 3d graphic =) talisman is doin a gret job.the graphic now is better than before~~ hmm.the PVP sytem is quite gooood~~ we just need to have some PVP to get the awesome set gears.just work hard and u gonna get the set =)

Post Date: 22:32 21-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: titanium
Comment: This games PvE is the best that si the main focus on the game. PvP comes secound but during the weekend event everyone farms stuff.

Post Date: 19:18 21-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: manman
Comment: TO pvp is good but gets boring after time pve is intresting as well not knowing when you will lose all the bosses have intrsting names there is something i like about every class this game is for all ages and its fun nd friendly

Post Date: 16:28 21-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: i am mr cool
Comment: although,..TO is a great game, i will have to agree with some reviewers about it not being good for pvp, if u want to play pvp that is not a problem because there will tons of people who want to kill u, bt if u want to win a pvp u have to b of a very high level, some players who use wizards or fairys, dont stand a chance of wining a battle against a monk or assasin that is the same level with you.

Post Date: 14:25 21-11-2009
Rating: 4
Author: kdmsports11
Comment: this game is best for pve, and pvp sucks! when you kill 2 ppl ur red named and some1 can kill u anywhere and u can lose stuff. it takes like 1 min for 2 pointz to wear off too.

Post Date: 11:41 21-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Nazgul_246
Comment: Talisman Online is a free multiplayer online game. You choose to play with 5 different characters: Monk, Assassin, Tamer, Wizard and Fairy. You in a fantasy world. You must be strong to fight the evil creatures and protect the world. Download the game to find more about the game !!!

Post Date: 10:51 21-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: chipmore
Comment: wow talisman got a perfect 3d graphic.the pets there so adorable and the mount there extremely cooooool. ther is a pvp system there.all we need is to do PVP and get some points.at the end of the week can get get some PVP point.if we get enuff points we can get some extremely cool gears

Post Date: 03:16 21-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: khanggg
Comment: talisman online is a great game if you get into it. and better yet like other rpg games you have mounts and pets and you can even upgrade your gear and weapon. it is like wow but free, whats not to love!

Post Date: 00:25 21-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: twinkle
Comment: talisman is an online adventure where you can meet people and defeat bosses in scenarios. the whole game is based on a teamwork concept which i love. nothing can be done without a team and it is more fun in a team with people you can talk to.

Post Date: 23:33 20-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: newbie
Comment: yo wassup ppl can and check out talisman online.talisman has a 3d graphic.talisman graphic is getting better than b4.their pvp kinda cool.just do PVP to earn some points to get ultimate gears xD

Post Date: 22:42 20-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: insomniaHBK
Comment: I think this game a very good, PvP is great because it’s mainly team based so its less about who’s better and more about which team has better teamwork as the PvP in group Competitions has very strong NPCs in it forcing your team to work together. My favourite part about talisman is the gear, it’s broken up into white gear (useless no one above level 5 should use) green (fairly useless but some of the, less fortunate people have) blue (the most common, very good) gold (expensive, probably the best) and purple (the sets useless to have only one but a full set is very good). The good part about the gear is it can be made better with the infusion of rubies, small give you +1-+3 this will give low elemental resistance at a 50/50 chance, medium rubies +4-+6 will give good resistances and makes you shiny at a20/50 chance, finally +7-+10 with large rubies give great resistances bonuses make you really shiny and everyone else go “oh wot a rich guy, aw”.

Post Date: 22:39 20-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: boogerman
Comment: Talisman Online is a gr8 game for guys who like to spend time doin quests and fight for survival..game has every that makes u an addict..frnds.gold.weapons..and the desire to be the best..the more u play the more u WANNA play..game rocks i wud like to rate it like this sound-7/10 graphics 9/10 game play 8/10 story line 8/10

Post Date: 22:36 20-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: meninblack
Comment: love playing this game everyday love the wars every week love +ing my gear and making new friends its seem there is new stuff everyday this game never ends i love getting rumors i give this game 10/10

Post Date: 22:27 20-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: lilpro76
Comment: Talisman has 5 classes and each class has 8 hairstyles and faces you can customize. Each class has about 5 skills per weapon talisman and 2-3 skills on assistant talismans. Max level is about 70 for now.

Post Date: 22:07 20-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Thymine
Comment: Talisman has limited character customization and some of the classes you cannot make a boy character or a girl character. The Game is fun in spite of that fact and the equipment is pretty fun to collect. To become the strongest you must have the best things and that is a goal for everyone.

Post Date: 11:49 20-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: siukamjaka
Comment: im rate this game on 10 u can find here many quest monsters to kill but too loot u must kill monsters almost on u lvl if u got umm >40 lvl to loot u must kill monsters on lvl 36 max 42 😀 gl on TALISMAN

Post Date: 11:09 20-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: pirate
Comment: this game has a 3d graphic.it has good graphic then other game.PVP system so coool.if u do this PVP u will get good gears u cant get from monster or boss xD so u better do PVP to earn it

Post Date: 10:40 20-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: Scorpiia
Comment: Talisman Online borrows heavily from Blizzard’s mega hit World of Warcraft but still manages to look and feel like an original game. Much of the interface, mini map and other small details are taken straight from WoW while equipment enhancing and auto-walk are new features that help Talisman Online stand out from the crowd of WoW clones. Though Talisman Online is an original and interesting game, it is a bit lacking in content. The game world is rather small and character customization is very limited. 5/10

Post Date: 07:25 20-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: lungema
Comment: talisman online is a game with tons of cool stuff to acquire from killing monsters. items can b classified into 3.green yellow blue. bt from pvp we get purple

Post Date: 06:39 20-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: tatanano
Comment: Talisman online creaters stick to their word…they call it a free MMORPG and they mean it…with a mediocre internet connection ur ready to play it..game helps u with every step..from lvl 1 to lvl 70..u dont feel like ur stuck up anywhere…after u finish all the caves and quests its time for u to upgrade ur weapons and gears..for that u can grind gold and buy weapons or u can do PVP GA and get a purple set of gears which are really good and give u extra defenses..so try givin it a try,iam sure u wont be disappointed.

Post Date: 05:31 20-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: jungle
Comment: all come play talisman.talisman has a 3d graphic.the graphic ther looks so good.besides,ther is a PVP system to let ur get a set of pruple gears.the purple gears has lots of attribute on it and looks nice when we wear it.

Post Date: 01:07 20-11-2009
Rating: 4
Author: jake_themuss_heke
Comment: I thought talisman online was pretty terrible, but not without its potential. What i mean is your gear is a mission to upgrade, along with your mount, skills are very limiting to roles in parties, scenarios are over levelled, PvP is dominated by specific classes with its broad level range and the difference between prices for gear is far too large, and on top of all this the in-game item mall has very odd prices causing you to buy larger deals of t-points just to buy the one thing.
Firstly the gear to level it is absolutely ridiculous, i get the first three upgrades with a 50/50 chance that’s all good, a 20/80 would be fine if the medium gems didn’t cost an arm and a leg so a lot of players end up throwing hundreds away just for 20 extra damage or 50 more elemental resistance, and 50 defence and if you don’t spend hundreds failing, you can spend hundreds buy diamonds giving you a 100% chance, so your options are spend hundreds tearing your hair out or spend hundreds on more items. The one positive i have about the gear are the weapon levels, each weapon has a max of 10 enchanting levels above its use level, eg: a level 50 weapon can be upgraded to level 60.
Also the classes in this game are too limiting they don’t give players enough free rein over there character it seems everyone is bidding for the same gear to use the same skills, what the game needs is sub-classes so an assassin for example can adopt a fairy’s healing and get like a leeching strike. Or the wizards could adopt tamers pets to make some sort of an elemental summon. If the game were to do something like this i think players would get a better sense of accomplishment, also it would create vast differences between classes, resulting in better parties/teams for the scenarios or quests.
Another thing the PvP, some people think it’s great but that’s probably because they are a 70 assassin camping the spot where people are spawning,, but this only happens in the arenas where levels 30-70 can duel, which let’s face it is ridiculous there is no way a 30 will even scratch a 70 before he stops laughing and one hits them. Although i must admit i did like the group competition’s PvP teams of up to 5 leading a fair team of rather powerful NPCs to destroy the opposition’s side.
Finally the gear on top of spending your life savings on a pair of shoes, you see some other person in another class get better shoes than you half price, and yes i realise this is fundamental economical idea of supply and demand, but still people need to balance the classes out as it seems everyone second person and there mate are assassins, or wizards just because they feel big doing all the damage. And because of their ignorance they expect everyone else to make fairies to heal them. For example when i started i made a tamer, on the giant tree server and a high level assassin was there quote “recurting fairies only lvl 5-20” so i asked this guy why he was only recruiting fairies his reply was basically, so i can get people to heal me on runs later. So because of these people assassins gear costs nearly twice that of say a monk, for example a dragon roc (a assassins assistant talisman) cost 175g when a monks Buddha Bone at the same level both fully identified cost only 125g, and yes before you ask they were both dual stats.
I would not recommend this game to any serious gamers just keep playin’ WoW or guild wars til Aion comes out don’t waste your time. But for you casual gamers knock your self out.

Post Date: 00:15 20-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: inkspell
Comment: This is a almost well known game around the web now. the game has great potential and it can be improved like get more characetsr like make some tamer as boys or fairies as boys. The only classes you can be a boy in is assassin monk and wizard. wizard has a girl class too but the monk and assassin doesnt.

Post Date: 22:59 19-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: mighty
Comment: wat is PVP.PVP means player versus player.we have to do PVP to get te special items~purple gears~which give us a lot of stats. PVE is to get some bonus~plus our hp~

Post Date: 22:16 19-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: talismanplayer123
Comment: best game i have played online love making new friends and doing the caves i get a great feeling when i + my gear and feel crush when thet fail and when u fail on large gems it suck liek hell but other then fails its a preaty good game 9/10

Post Date: 21:34 19-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: leonidus
Comment: This game has an auction house which is really helpful but most things are overpriced. The economy in this game has gone up quite a bit but it is now steady. The PvP is really great but it has some faults.

Post Date: 19:31 19-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Dracha
Comment: The action of the game takes place in a fantastic world. Is one of the MMORPGs. A big plus of the game is pretty good graphics and good binding sound. The game has five forms, each has a different profesjê.Bardzo recommend the game.

Post Date: 15:35 19-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Sebus
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D game. The goal is to maximize punched lv. The game is very pleasant, and certainly no one game will not be bored. I personally recommend the form of Assassin as soon lv you can stick to that figure. My rating is 7 /8.

Post Date: 11:27 19-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Killerking
Comment: This game is ok compared to the f2p games. the graphics are good even though it is a small client. the download time is so little that i could start playing almost immediately. the classes are simple and npthing new

Post Date: 10:15 19-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: KBDPerformer
Comment: Talisman Online is a free MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.) Some people might go, “It’s free? Must be crap then!” – WRONG! Not all free MMOs are crap. This game does have a pay option too, but the creators are fair to everyone. The only thing you can buy with real money is something called T-Points. With T-Points you can buy special items, which you can later sell in game for high prices, or keep to use. That’s all though. There are no limitations on where people can go. There are no “Members-Only Zones. 9

Post Date: 08:53 19-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: liang
Comment: pve its kinda cool can raise soul exp and get some bonus xD besides,it also can get exp,energy,money and soul exp xD

Post Date: 02:52 19-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: sgt.farnsworthy
Comment: I thought Talisman was a great MMO; for starters the graphics are very good in comparison to the small client. Probably the best thing about this game i think was the simplicity of the classes and most of the skills reflect the classes strengths, the one problem i had with the skills was the monk has a skill with the shovel where they can only attack a mob from behind which is crazy monks are tanks not assassins it makes no sense that the largest class has a sneak attack. Other than that i think the game is great, the PvP has great variation, and your weapons can be almost completely customizable along with your assistant talismans. Overall i give this game an 8/10.

Post Date: 00:00 19-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: longing
Comment: This game is ok but the grinding is way to much. At higher lvls u dont get as ,much quests and it becomes boring. This game is fun if you have friends.

Post Date: 23:53 18-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: Kalphite
Comment: this game is mainly pve because if you pk someone u gain 150 pk points. if u get 300 pk points you r red named and people can kill you anywhere. this game has alot of varietys of armors and weapons. i rate 6

Post Date: 22:05 18-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: butter
Comment: 3d graphic talisman can make it better.pve 1 day 3 times.pvp need long time to have enough points to get purple gears from competition merchant.so i give 8/10

Post Date: 21:30 18-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: pingpong
Comment: This game is an ok game for a free one. The best thing is that it is all about equipment and not your stats. The mounts in this game look pretty cool to. Im a low lvl right now so i dont PvP.

Post Date: 20:21 18-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: iliketv
Comment: people say this is just like wow but i say its kinda better cuz its free and people knw its liek wow but stil lplay it and if wow was free is stil lwould play TO cuz i have met so many nice people and have awsome armor ^^

Post Date: 19:36 18-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: unbricker
Comment: If u are lookin for a really good MMORPG ..i advice u to give talisman online a try…i start from its file size..250 mb :O …it is well said ..gr8 deals come in small packages..it is as good as any paid online game.if u have patience..u can be a good player..game graphics rox…sound effects are good..but gets on nerves sometimes..game play is awesome too..and most important of all u need a good team to make it interesting..have fun playin it.

Post Date: 15:11 18-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Kisko
Comment: About the game I can say with Talisman is very interesting, and you can meet many people. The game has five different characters, each is very good, it depends on the player who wants graæ.Moja rating is 8 / 9.

Post Date: 14:22 18-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: shanbo
Comment: pvp is to get purple gears.if we dun pvp we oso can get purple gears but with less stats.pve can make ur soul lvl higher.if your soul lvl higher it give u advantages

Post Date: 08:54 18-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: yintai
Comment: i like the pve bacause higher soul lvl can have better things ^^ i dun PVP cause i dun have time for it.the 3d graphic is kinda good so igive 7/10

Post Date: 02:16 18-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: i_rguy
Comment: Talisman online i think is a very good example of simple being better, there is only five very diverse classes to choose from each with very distinct pros and cons, in both PvE and PvP. Also each class gets a max of around 18 skills to learn this does seem a bit low, and doesn’t offer a lot of flexibility, this results in almost every character around the same level very evenly matched. The one thing i did love about this game was the great variety of PvP such as just straight up arenas which are divided between levels, but the one PvP i found the best was the Group Competition PvP, which was an assortment of very over powered NPC’s your team and yourself, against a similar ranked and levelled team unfortunately there are no tutorials for this aspect (or at least none i have found) that explain this so I’m still in the dark about what the objective was. The one thing i hated, yes hated, was the gem enchanting system this system will drain your money your patience and will your will to play, i mean +1-+3 is fine i can live with a 50/50 shot but once it gets to +4-+6 and its a 20/80 shot and it’s gonna set you back around 30-40g just to try it gets painful, even better after that gems will cost hundreds of gold or you have to spend your real money, or PayPal just so you get a tiny chance to up your gear again, and the fact that you look all shiny after words isn’t really the greatest incentive. But probably one of the coolest things about this game was the people they are surprisingly pleasant and most people are willing to help. Finally i absolutely adore the emotes tiny monkeys doing stuff, nothing better.
Overall i give this game a 7/10

Post Date: 22:19 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: lover
Comment: the 3d graphic was ok but if talisman can make it better that will make me happy.nice graphic have the mode to play ^^ the PVP its kinda boring but im ok with it

Post Date: 21:55 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: lionking
Comment: this game has really good graphics for a small client. it does occasionally lag and you get dc sometimes but i can deal with that. i love challenging games they are fun and time consuming tho.

Post Date: 21:31 17-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: Yourself
Comment: talisman online a free mmo that has hundreds of quests and several scenarios.most scenarios before laurel cave can be soloed with eez. i rate this game a 7

Post Date: 21:28 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: opium
Comment: This game is the greatest but it gets hard to lvel in the higher lvls. The most annoying thing is the grind. The grinding takes hours at high lvls to even get 50%. This game is worth trying though i give it a 8/10

Post Date: 18:45 17-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: nooblet
Comment: talisman online or TO for short i started playign after i saw this game was rated top 5 online games and i got realy into it i love playing it i love makign new friends and going on qiest there are son many pets mounts and skills i use a assassin my self on sever light in darkness some of the best people in the game are there so if you want a game to play TO is great

Post Date: 16:49 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: meepo
Comment: talisman online it is the game where u need a good team to survive all the odds…the game has good graphics…and u can make lots of friends on it ..graphics 8/10 sound effects 8/10 game play 7/10 ..i will rate it 8/10 … give this game a try..i am an assasin lvl 60

Post Date: 14:45 17-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Sony
Comment: Talisman Online The game liked the graphics and the acquisition of lv.Dla me is a great character assassin. But other characters are also good it just depends on what the player wants to form a graæ.Pet helps expie but little kosztujê.BardzoI recommend the game and gives a 9 / 10.

Post Date: 11:31 17-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Spiritbreak3r
Comment: i started playin this game after reading about it…and now iam lvl 60…it proves that its a good game..awesome graphics..good gameplay…and plus its free..give it a try

Post Date: 11:14 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: crazyhp
Comment: um., honestly i wont lie to u bout talisman online, its a good game bt lik al games dere are bugs, its stil a very cul game, wit lots of cul quests dat everyone wil luv. So get to d website ,download d client nd start playin

Post Date: 10:13 17-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: mortal
Comment: to get purple gears we must work hard to earn it xD talisman should make a teleport skill for fairy and a better healing skill.

Post Date: 04:06 17-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: kun
Comment: i do PVP everyday to get purple gears.the purple gears so awesome.so many resistance can kick some butt xD.make more pruple gears pls hehe.i wanted fairy to have more healing skills

Post Date: 02:09 17-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: khanggg
Comment: talisman online is one of the best mmorpgs that i have played, its awesome! though its true that to get far in the game you must grind and be dedicated to train. but once that is done all pays off

Post Date: 01:45 17-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: mr.bigglesworth
Comment: I thought for the duration i played talisman it was actually quite fun and enjoyable, until i got to level 30, then wow this game became boring as hell no new quests to start getting 0.08 of a level per kill couldn’t get into any runs because i was to low. Don’t get me wrong the game looks great plays great the people are generally fun and willing to team but that can’t make up for the Monmouth of a grind i was facing at the time.
I personally would only recommend this game for casual gamers who probably get bored after playing an MMO when they reach ¼ of the max. Level.

Post Date: 00:58 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: JosephT
Comment: talisman is where u can be 1 of 5 roles. monk, wizard, sin, fairy, or tamer..u can do scenarios which are like dungeons and u can kill all sorts of monsters.

Post Date: 00:26 17-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: seiji
Comment: Talisman wth a 3d graphic is good but if up a little more graphic tats more good.talisman can add more skills.get PVP points to get purple gears.hope more high lvl purple gears will release

Post Date: 20:48 16-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: charmerer
Comment: Talisman Online is the best game ever. It is more of a PvE than PvP at lower levels but at high level when your bored you just have fun killing people. The skills are limited which i love since i dont have to worry about them. So many new people to meet and chat with one of the best games ive ever played 8/10.

Post Date: 16:28 16-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: rikukanu
Comment: one of the best games i have played. i love doing pvp pk arena war but it suck that there is so much fails whe nyour trying to upgrade your gear thats the only thing i hate about it. all the quest and caves are fun i have been playing for 1 year now and have lots of good friends and if you looking for a good game TO is a great pick

Post Date: 16:26 16-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: XaD
Comment: Talisman online is not like any other free MMOPRG…it is actually free..has good graphics when compared to other 3d games..cant say how godd or bad it is when compared to WoW beacause both dont fall under same category[u have to buy WoW]didnt play much PvP but its good to test ur and ur teams stratagies,skill and equipments…i give it a 10/10

Post Date: 13:32 16-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: sono
Comment: talisman with 3d graphic is nice but can have graphic like WOW thats better.the combat is still good and im not bored of it.i dun know about the PVP cant help sry.

Post Date: 13:26 16-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Pet90
Comment: Talisman online game is very interesting and draws the player is cool and detailed information as something falls out when we are excited to the higher lv you can start a new Items. in this game you can learn many ludzi.

Post Date: 03:44 16-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: nohomo
Comment: I think Talisman online is a pretty fair game actually i mean it just doesn’t really stand out to much for me. For example it has a great variation between the five classes like: monks as tanks, assassins as damage, wizard’s elemental damage, fairies for healing, and tamers for range damage. But the skills each of the classes has isn’t really to crash hot i mean 5 skills per weapon two from each of the two assistants, that just doesn’t create enough variation for characters. Which means the only thing separating players within a class is the amount of money they have at their disposal to buy better weapons, or sometimes it comes down to just luck with the gem enchanting gear system, which i do thing is great although frustrating. On the other hand i was pleasantly surprised with the graphics, i was half expecting terrible 3-D graphics, but they are actually very good compared to the size of the client. The one thing i think this game has over others is the PvP not quite up there with Metin 2, WoW or Guild wars but still holds it’s own mainly with the variation in PvP available to players with events like blood palace where one guild defends one attacks, this is where i guess the lack of diversity between players in specific classes comes together to create fair teams in turn making this event a lot more fun. The one thing about the PvP that annoyed me was the group competition PvP i found this very strange first time around as there were NPC’s quite tough ones i would add, so it always seemed the opposing team would just run in for the clean up kills instead of actually fighting. The last thing i didn’t like about this game was the scenarios i mean great idea but frustrating when you can never find an actual team most people just wait for a high level to run them through or pay, which kind of defeats the purpose of having them in the first place.
On a whole i think this game is pretty good but there are still better ones out there 7/10 from me.

Post Date: 03:04 16-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: ChingLing
Comment: In Talisman Online there are 5 classes Assassin, Monk, Fairy, Tamer, and last but not least Wizard. Assassins are the second best damagers in the game and they use the weapons Daggers or Simitars(these have the aoe but less damage than daggers). Monks are the tank of this game and they have the highest health and defense, they use the weapons Shovel which is good for PvP since it has stun and they also use Staffs which are good for PvE especially in the scenarios. Fairies are the healers and one of the most essential parts in a scenario team, they use the weapons Wheels which are also good in PvP since it has stun and Pearls which i honestly do not know since i have always been with wheels. Tamers are the damagers in some cases but there are not many tamers out there, they use Bows which are good for PvE since it has defense decrease attack and they use crossbows which are the PvP weapons and it does have stun. Now we are at the Wizards, they are the best damagers in the game and at high levels when they have good equipment will do a good job in scenarios helping take down the bosses fast, they use the weapons Sword which is fire element and the damage and PvP weapon choice of most wizards and then they have Blades which is PvE since it has an AOE(Area of Effect). From level 1-35 there is a junior PK arena but not a lot of people go in it. From 30-Max level there is a Senior PK arena where people like to go and take control of the place with their guild. PvP and PvE seems to be balanced, every Saturday night or what ever day it is for you there is the City War where the guilds battle it out to take control of the Blood Palace. This is when everything goes chaotic and fun, it is an all out battle for control. There are 2 sides the attackers and defenders. The defenders usually defend for 1 main guild to take control and the attackers try to take control. In the center of Blood Palace there is a tower that the Guild leaders have to seal and only the guild leaders are able to. This war lasts for 2 hours and whoever has control of the tower by the end wins this Battle Royale. Now to talk about the graphics, even though it is a small client this game still has pretty good 3D graphics. Overall this game is a 10/10 for sure. Try it out and if you don’t like it that is your own opinion.

Post Date: 23:59 15-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: pakeha
Comment: I think talisman is a pretty good game compared to other MMO’s, but i still think it’s senarios are way over leveled, for example you unlock a senario called laurel wonder which is recomended for levels 35+, and i have never evan heard of anyone below 45 getting into a team for a run.
Other than that i would say this game is pretty good.

Post Date: 23:17 15-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: maou
Comment: i think talisman is a nice game.after playing it i started to love it and i quitted RO.i made lots of friends here.they treat me so good and trust me.i trust them well too.

Post Date: 22:45 15-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: blahhip8
Comment: I love this game to the max.. It is such a great game.. I view it kind of as a free version of WoW.. But you know the graphics and world are slightly smaller.. But as a huge fan of this game.. Play it.. Its GREAT!

Post Date: 19:10 15-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: PrisonBreake
Comment: helo im paly on talisman only 2 months and im dont know all about that game graph-its good system play and scrouts for spells and others its too god u can use all urs spells on one click so write and coomon play 😀

Post Date: 16:18 15-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: szczoszek
Comment: aff all its rated and review ;p but to me Talisman online is funny game im can here kill many ppl with my friends im play only for funn and for friend we can do all scenario and other quest friend can kill monsters and im get quest done 😀

Post Date: 15:46 15-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Wariat
Comment: Talisman Online is a very common 3D game played by many people. About the game I can say that the characters and scenarios are very well wykonene cool to do it with a group of people in HH. We encourage everyone to play:)

Post Date: 15:37 15-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Kindly
Comment: Talisman Online one of the best free mmorpg’s i have ever played. This game is so easy to play and even if you cant some people are willing to help you. The best part about this game is that it is all about teamwork.

Post Date: 13:20 15-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: heka
Comment: talisman what a extremely nice game.omg im so adicted to this gameeeeee.this game can find truly friendship friends.i had found some ^^

Post Date: 12:17 15-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: MrHydeas
Comment: Talisman online its a cool game u can find here proffesion for u (5 others prof to play).IF u exp on team u can on system dice (u rolling dice and u must get a lucky to take rare item ) 😀 super fantasy manga game GOOD LUCKY ON PLAY !!

Post Date: 09:04 15-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: kohe
Comment: this get need a lot of teamwork.with teamwork nothing is impossible.like caves all of them need to work as a team to defeat those bosses.pratice teamwork in game can let us have the spirit of teamwork in real life too.thank you

Post Date: 03:00 15-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: BunnyMung
Comment: this is a great game where you can have fun with friends. the best thing about this game is it is all about teamwork.

Post Date: 02:20 15-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: gwendal
Comment: wow talisman is the best game ever. talisman has 3d graphic,small client. my internet speed is low still can play no lag i like it.the people here very kind and helpful.thx for all the help

Post Date: 01:17 15-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Stranger_danger
Comment: I think this cpuld very well be one of the best F2P MMO’s around, mainly for the fact that most MMO’s concentrate on one thing while Talisman doesn’t everyting to a high standerd such as amount of quests, teamwork, economy and the people that play.

Post Date: 18:57 14-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Shrek268
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D game, we can incorporate it in five forms ta¿da form is very good and dopracowana.Spotkalem in this game much przyjaciu³ and highly recommend: *

Post Date: 17:23 14-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: sirgoten
Comment: 3d games are so cool im like Talisman because im got on my guild many friend u can here meet u games friend so they can hellp to u witch many quest and scenarios graf its good so play its too better 10/10

Post Date: 15:48 14-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: conrad
Comment: wohooo i just got a pet ^_^ now i need to get skill for it xD all pet so cute i wan get allll!!!!!!! come all ppl come play talisman it the best game ever.come come play. 3d graphic small client. fast download and play now =)

Post Date: 15:31 14-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: lungema
Comment: hey, my name is lungema nd am active user of talisman online, its is a realy cool game, nd words cant describe it so check out d site nd download d client nd start playing immediately!!

Post Date: 13:52 14-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: slippynuts
Comment: talisman online is a fun game with many great people. its also fun because u can still compete with other players who pay even if u dont. so im giving an 8.

Post Date: 13:43 14-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: blacksee
Comment: im giving 9>10 for this game im like all fantasy games but Talisman Online its game for me !! 😀 many quest ,many monsters to kill scenarios.But on this game im too like a pvp =D game for ALL!!

Post Date: 07:52 14-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: PATRYK92
Comment: Talisman game I rate at 9:) why? because I like them very characters ii way of obtaining Lv. I recommend to everyone.

Post Date: 07:51 14-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: wolfram
Comment: my couson introduced me to play talisman.after playing awhile i think talisman is so fun and now im addicted to the game.the pets here are more cute than other games.keep it up.hope more will be released soon.I cant wait to buy all LOL

Post Date: 06:25 14-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: l33t_sauce
Comment: I found this game to be really good on the sense that while your a low level the game encourages you to level up, but then once you have established your character and are looking for senario runs and what not, leveling becomes so much more difficult, but by this time your alrady addicited and can’t stop playing. So i must say good work to the makers, you have made a brillently addicting game.

Post Date: 03:20 14-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: nigahixa
Comment: Talisman Online is a very fun game. It is free to play so thats good for a lot of people who want to play. There is also a cash shop like every other f2p game. So far this game is amazing and very addicting. 8/10

Post Date: 00:48 14-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: familype
Comment: I think this game is very good mainly for the fact its based on teamwork so it almost forces you to be social and make friends so that you can lvl easier, and just becomes more fun.

Post Date: 23:58 13-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: yuuchan
Comment: wow hte new updates is damn nice especially the new monk shovel so coool.cant keep looking at it.hope more cool gears will come out.

Post Date: 21:40 13-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: mrjumper
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D Free Fantasy MMORPG here u can fid 5 prof all its others im think fairy its good and all want fairy to scenarios so u can get a free cash for healing 😀

Post Date: 19:53 13-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: starz_8
Comment: OMGG..Talisman Online is AMAZING…but i think that it needs to have more of a story line for the quests =]]….but yes…im so happy i found this game…im so ADDICTED!

Post Date: 13:50 13-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Bike
Comment: The game Talisman, each profession has two types of weapons. What connects to lv 10 weapons. The game is five professions: Assassin, Monk, Wizard, Tamer, and Feira. Every character is good for your sposub. That is why the game is very interesting and enjoyable.

Post Date: 12:37 13-11-2009
Rating: 5
Author: TamerLove
Comment: In my opinion, this game is sorta boring..Leveling after 30 is slow and theres like 1 update a month. I play Talisman just not alot..

Post Date: 08:08 13-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: seito
Comment: a game wif a 3d graphic so beautiful.1 of the best game i had ever played .good looking mounts and pets.the gears look even more cool.hope more ncie looking gears come out

Post Date: 07:50 13-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: ayakashi
Comment: a good and fun game to play. It has a good game ballance and good player based too. My favourite mmorpg so far

Post Date: 07:05 13-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: familype
Comment: i think talisman isn’t actually as good as it is made out to be, i mean there is 5 skills for each of the two weapons each class can use with an extra 8 which compared to other MMO’s just isn’t that great. also prices in the game are so inconsistant, eg: gear for assassins is nearly twice as much for a monk.

Post Date: 03:07 13-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Kinyun
Comment: Talisman online is a mmorpg, you can make friends and do caves(scenarios). Grinding and questing thats how you level up. You will love this game.

Post Date: 02:43 13-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: magiciangirl
Comment: i like to paly talisman cause it has small client and nice graphic.but i like the most are the mounts and pets.they are very nice and cute.hope i can get all for collection

Post Date: 02:25 13-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Aya8
Comment: this is a good mmo. it’s f2p and you can choose to buy talisman points (ingame currency)you can be in a guild or do a scenario, its fun its true

Post Date: 02:10 13-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: familyXXX
Comment: I think Talisman has to be one of the best F2P MMO’s around. One of the best features in my opion would be the almost completley customizible weapon and armour system, which gives almost every palyer induviduality. The one thing i find lets thsi game down is the over priced iteam mall, because if you pay through Western Union they advertise a deal for almost $300US which for a F2P MMO is just insane, i mean i get the makers wanna make money but cut players some slcak.
Other than that i would definitly recomend this game for people new to the genre, or who are just looking for a new fun MMO.

Post Date: 21:48 12-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: i am mr cool
Comment: hello, um my name is wilt nd i just like to say talisman online has to b d best mmo to hit d gaming world since wow. If u have a slow internet connection, dis game would stil work perfectly altough dere are som minor glitches, i stil say dis game is perfect , its totaly awesome . Plus its free!!!!. ‘To’ is realy cool . Its alows u to chat wit friends nd also do endless quest. I dont know if ‘to ‘is d game for u bt am definitely sure its d game 4 me.

Post Date: 20:48 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Kinky
Comment: Talisman Online is a virtual online game that is noob friendly. Unlike most of the other MMORPG’s when you level up you dont have stat points so you dont have to worry about your build and all that. The equipment has requirments only by levels. The best thing about this game is that it is growing and more people are playing it.

Post Date: 14:15 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: digitamer
Comment: wow this game can lvl up so fast.lots of new stuff.nice graphic and small client xD talisman more new things pls xD make this game more fun wohoooo

Post Date: 12:27 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Prototype4
Comment: I started playing this since closed beta. Although the prices have changed alot, the level cap updates make it more fun. I recommend this game to anyone who likes MMORPGs. 9 .

Post Date: 09:45 12-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: Motor15
Comment: The Talisman online game mainly as regards the biggest Lv. Of course you also have a good Items. This is a very pleasant game certainly everyone will like it.

Post Date: 07:53 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: £ukasz100
Comment: Talisman Online is a 3D game. We can incorporate in 4 characters, each of them is very good for your sposub. Ensures that, as a stroke in the game is certainly up to you like it.

Post Date: 07:47 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: kachirotoo
Comment: super game new update new quest to done 😀 u can also too kill others palyers so its good graphic and system play 8>10 and game its for free so don look only playyy 😀

Post Date: 07:01 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: bigdro
Comment: Very good mmorpg game.Started playing it months ago and still do. You basically pick one out of the five classes which are wizzard,assasin,monk,fairy,and tamer. You level doin quests and there are guids u can join.Everytime u level u can use better armor and weapons. I recomend u try it and ull end up playing it for months like i do. Assasins rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post Date: 04:20 12-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: lyrical hustlerz
Comment: Talisman is a great game that can be played for months and years without being bored.There are different classes and different tactics that can be used to kill bosses and earn experience.This game offers both fun and challenges the mind to think of alot of stradegtic moves.Overall I would rate this game a 8.

Post Date: 02:08 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: belltricng
Comment: talisman graphic is so nice im gettin addicted to this game xD lots of cute pets and mounts i wonder when can i get my red flame horse mount T_T easy lvl up .ppl in game so friendly

Post Date: 01:58 12-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: jebusXXX
Comment: I think Talisman is a great MMO for people who are new to the genre mainly because of its app system so is very ‘Noob’ friendly. Also this game doesn’t require any grinding for lvls until your around 35.

Post Date: 01:45 12-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Ponyo
Comment: I love talisman online. The best game that makes you want more and more. It is hard to level up but it is fun when you have friends. The client is small so you can download and play it fast. Even though the client is small the graphics are pretty amazing. There are 5 classes Assasin= The best damager in the game but there are to many of them. Fairy= The healer of talisman, everyone needs her. Tamer= Has good damage and uses a pet to fight. Monk= The tanker and best defence on the game, has a lot of health. Wizards= Low health and low defence but high magic attacks, also a good AOE with Blades. Try out this game and you will love it.

Post Date: 22:25 11-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Ownage556
Comment: talisman is a fun & addicting game. theres tons of scenarios u can do and lots of quests. the client is 218mb but the graphics are amazing.

Post Date: 17:54 11-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: wafel24
Comment: Talisman Online is where the action tójwymiarowa game takes place in ancient fantasy world full of magic. Players can translate into one of the five professions – a sorcerer, monk, psychic, or a killer animal trainer. Give me agreat 3D game.

Post Date: 17:18 11-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: zubasek89
Comment: game its cool many monsters to kill on new update u got map on scenarios (after not map) new Pet, lvl upgrade to max 70 and new inventory so now funn ist better graphics 7>10 😀

Post Date: 14:41 11-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: belltricng
Comment: Last year talisman was kida boring but after the new updates its much better.The pets so cute.When i saw it i was like omg so cute,im goin crazy lolz.hehe hope more cute pets will comes out xD

Post Date: 05:42 11-11-2009
Rating: 10
Author: smiLEz08
Comment: I think Talisman Online is like Amazing…and i have put so much money into this game just to have the best fairy! If only i could play this game ALL day…i have made so many nice friends from this game….Also i think that there should be a relationship button…so i can be married ehehe.
Post Date: 05:36 11-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: jebusXXX
Comment: I think this game is very good, with its good graphics although i think NPC’s could be done better. Game play is very smooth I’ve never lagged much. The one thing i think needs to be touched up is the depth of quests all you seem to do is kill, collect, kill boss or grind in repu, so i think an overall storyline would be a great addition, this would give the game more of an overall purpose.

But on the whole i think this game is awsim, and should be played by all those
Post Date: 02:42 11-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: Postale8
Comment: Ive played talisman for nearly a Year.. This game is a great time and a never ending game for glory.. Pm Wakka8 on earth and seas!!!

Post Date: 02:00 11-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: LeapingFrogs
Comment: Overall this game is good. It fits my taste and it is very fun. It rarely gets laggy but i do enjoy the grinding, it can be fun with friends or if your in a guild with a lot of people. Early on if you play your cards right you can get to level thirty fast. I give this game a 8/10.

Post Date: 01:25 11-11-2009
Rating: 9
Author: KillerTv
Comment: Talisman online is a very fun game but that is just my opinion. Its graphics is very good even though it has a small client. The only bad things about it is that it is laggy sometimes but does not last long and it takes some serious grinding at higher levels to level up. The game is currently level 70 max but it is being updated. Overall i give it a 9/10 only because of the lag other than that i don’t mind the grinding.

Post Date: 01:14 11-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: belltricng
Comment: Hey,last year i quit and now im back. i think talisman online still the best.fast download cause of small client.no need wait so long can play already.i always wanted a small client game so i no need to wait so long for the download.the updates is getting goood.im very enjoy the new things.thanks.

Post Date: 00:46 11-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: SweetDestruction
Comment: Hello, this game is amazing to start off the client is a small download only about 218mb for what its worth the graphics are pretty good there are tons of quests leveling starts to get pretty hard at lvl 30+ you can get cools pets and mounts lots of fun scenarios but i admit i did get bored of this game at times and quit but i always came back acouple weeks later sometimes i wish they had more skills for each class but i dont complain much about that anyway some of the things in the game are similar to WoW and dont judge this game before trying it it is actually quite fun so give it a try =D

Post Date: 23:09 10-11-2009
Rating: 6
Author: Viper.
Comment: talisman has good graphics and the quests are good.leveling is slow when your trying to get to high lvls.i think people who have patience to get high lvls or who have alot of free time should try this. my rating is 6.

Post Date: 22:46 10-11-2009
Rating: 7
Author: mainenfiurer
Comment: game its okey graphic in (1-10) im think 7+ game got a many quest but looting items to get a cash its not simple ;p to lvl’ uping u must only geting many qest killing monsters ist minimal exp on this game sorry for my eng but if u know this game u understend me ;p

Post Date: 21:59 10-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: Superx
Comment: very simple game would recommend to beginners

Post Date: 21:40 10-11-2009
Rating: 8
Author: xFang
Comment: This MMORPG is amazing. I’ve played a ton of MMOs, but none of them has satisfied me as well as Talisman. I’ve played Talisman since mid-october of 2008 and I’ve quit about 5-7 times but I come back all the time. Currently I came back to talisman.
1] Very small client size.
2] Graphics are really good.
3] Tons of quests/scenarios.
4] Shop items are good.
5] Bans hackers and good updates.
1] The prices for most items have grown since 08′
2] Getting + ranks are harder now.
3] Some other stuff, can’t think of them.

My overall rating for Talisman is maybe an 8.

Post Date: 10:37 16-06-2009
Rating: 8
Author: teferi
Comment: very cool

Post Date: 02:43 11-02-2009
Rating: 2
Author: zzatan
Comment: Good game but the overall gameplay (skills, scenarios, etc) is too basic compared to most of other similar genre games. This game is free to play but u can also buy special items from the shop (which are quite expensive for frequent purchase of points).

This game has improved from time to time despite being a bit buggy. Things that i dont like about this game are [1] horrible game support–GM not always available in-game. It is considered a miracle if they’re online. [2] Weak security [3] Too expensive to combine weapons and armors–you could’ve lose hundreds or even thousands of USD but who cares..It’s also common to other MMORPGs 😀

Overall this game is OK. not good & not bad. Overall graphics need to be polished/smoothen, should have atleast less bugs, need to improve game support, less tormenting gamers’ money :/

Post Date: 03:35 04-09-2008
Rating: 0
Author: midos0355
Comment: ok,i HATE this game! when i started i was thrilled to see an mmorpg with gameplay like this. but when i got to know it it sucked with a capital sucked.its probobly becuase of the graphics,it burns my eyes when i look at the graphics not because the graphics suck but because the whole interfeace of the graphics.dont take my word for it!this is only my opionion and it doesnt matter at all to your gaming expercience but you really should try it out!

Post Date: 09:16 18-08-2008
Rating: 9
Author: GamingGuru
Comment: Awesome Game. I have played this game for a while and really liked it. I have tried WoW before and I actually thought this one is better.
No offence to WoW players, but this kicks its butt! Go TO
PS: Can everyone tell me if they think this is better than WoW?

Post Date: 11:48 23-05-2008
Rating: 5
Author: felipe
Comment: nice

Post Date: 15:51 05-05-2008
Rating: 10
Author: ChaoticWolf
Comment: This game is great, if you like World of Warcraft you will notice alot of the same things such as the interface, the Auction House and some other things. Other things I find awesome about it is how easy it is to lvl and the way the skills work. If you’ve played God of War you’ll notice the Assassin attacks like Kratos with chained Scimitars. Great Game, I give it a 10!

Post Date: 01:25 21-04-2008
Rating: 7
Author: jjdragon60
Comment: its ok… i qut yesterday. decent wow clone, not as good of course. give a try and decide.

Post Date: 07:25 11-11-2007
Rating: 10
Author: lopolativo
Comment: This is an awesome game!
At first when i looked at thegraphics i thought it had horrible gameplay, horrible monster and etc.
But since im a Game Guru(one that downloads game and recommends them to ppl)i tried it out.
I was like WOAH! it”s much better than your expectations from the graphics so i recommend this game for all people out there!(kids,teens,adults)

Post Date: 08:52 04-11-2007
Rating: 10
Author: Nacireen
Comment: I’d seriously like to know what games you consider better? I can’t think of even one other example of a free game with any sort of centralized and searchable player market, not to mention offline selling which this also has. Haven’t seen any other free games offering ingame mail system with item and/or money attachments either. Not saying the game is perfect already, but it’s early beta and still offers more then a few pay to play games I’ve tried. The quest system is beyond stellar as well, they are generic kill xx mobs, or loot xx of this item types until 20’s or so when you get some real variety with escort quests and such. Also it has a list of available quests you could take and will give waypoints on map to the quest giver, and once you are on a quest getting waypoints to the quest targets is only a few clicks away. No need to run all over creation getting lost to finish quests. Once they get in more high level content this will be hands down the best game around IMO.
As for it being a WoW clone I wouldn’t know. I do know that if it really is like WoW that can’t be bad, as it’s the most popular MMO ever, but this one is free. 🙂

Post Date: 20:32 02-11-2007
Rating: 7
Author: NeoLlamster
Comment: A pretty nice WoW clone. It’s free, but there’s better free games out there.

Post Date: 22:48 27-10-2007
Rating: 10
Author: Nacireen
Comment: I have played a LOT of mmo’s, both pay 2 play and free 2 play and this while this is a free game it hardly seems fair to compare it to any of the other free one’s out there. They don’t come even CLOSE to what this game has to offer already, even though it’s still early beta.

Grouping works nicely with good loot distribution options, which is sadly something few free games really have.

The interface in this game is also quite flexible with TONS of onscreen buttons possible and easily customized hotkeys.

And the single biggest feature that sets this apart at least for me. IT HAS AN INGAME AUCTION HOUSE FOR PLAYER SELLING! That’s right, a central, searchable, player market that does not force you to stay online to sell your goods. Actually this is the only free game I’ve found yet to include this feature. Definately something they should all have.

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  1. I just saw someone said pay to win.. so first of all I will never recommend this to anyone unless they’re looking for a pay to win game, I did see cool mounts and weapons the graphics is fine not sure about skill animations I don’t like it since it is a pay to win after all, as a free player I have disadvantage. 😛

    Masako did not rate this post.
  2. Not super old, but it is kind of old, considering this MMORPG came out in 2008. Graphics is alright, but translation for this game is horrendous at times. Gameplay is alright, but can be laggy, especially in duels. Overall, I’d give this game a 3.5/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4

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