Twitch continues to be the top destination for live streams of gamers playing games. Although some have expressed bewilderment at the popularity of people watching others play online, the phenomenon continues on unabated. We currently only do a weekly livestream Ogre Game Time on Wednesdays, but one foreign livestreamer has came from our community and found quite a bit of success and we plan on offering more livestreams in the future. On the flip side, just going through Twitch as a viewer and looking at all the different games and channel, it is hard not to have fun. All types of games and systems are represented for a large amount of variety. Tonight, for example, I went into a channel for Rocket League where the channel owner was giving away a PC and the spam in chat was insane. You had to type in a keyword and then the winner was chosen by roll. In another channel, it was a 2 year old wrestling game where six divas were throwing each other off a towering cage onto the floor. The chat was all explosive with not a single non capitalized letter to be found.
The most watched games were mostly action packed. Some are new and some are not so new. If I had to name the top four genres represented, MOBAs, shooters, sandbox games, and then MMORPGs would top the list. Some of the ones listed below are no-brainers but there are a few surprises. These are listed in terms of popularity at the time of this writing. Some games were skipped over for mainly games that we cover on the PC. However, those are the top two without a doubt.
Top Twitch Games (PC)
League of Legends – The top MOBA and the most popular game on Twitch a lot of the time.
Hearthstone – The most watched card game by far.
Counterstrike Global Offensive – Leads the pack for online shooters.
DOTA 2 – The second most popular MOBA.
H1Z1 – The most surprising game in popularity and the top for any sandbox game.
Grand Theft Auto V – Seems to fluctuate quite a bit.
Minecraft – Thought this would be higher.
Smite – Third ranked MOBA.
Runescape – The highest Free MMORPG.
World of Warcraft – No surprise that it tops all pay MMORPGs.
Diablo 3 – Among four or five other games by Blizzard that rank high.
Heroes of the Storm – My pick for this genre, but it is not doing that hot compared to the others.
Ark: Survival Evolved – Among the best in survival sandbox games.
World of Tanks – Still chugging along with its two spin-offs, World of Warplanes and World of Battleships.
Rocket League – New game that is already doing well.
I mostly spend time on League of legends stream but I also watch gw2 , dota2 and cs:go streams 🙂
That’s a lot of streams to watch.
It game just like Mad max
Which game is just like it?
Gotta agree with this Top Twitch Games. I really enjoy watching some of them when I have free time and when I’m bored. I even watch ones that I don’t play, just to make it more fun xD
I liked the article 🙂
It’s sometimes just better to watch games rather than playing them yourself.
Few months ago ,I was watching nigthblue3 whole days,was kinda interesting,now I don’t have time,but I agree with list of games 🙂
I spent my time watching League of Legends 🙂
I spend 10 hours a day watching Legue
i dont really know what is twitch but the game listed are really popular ….
It’s a streaming platform that is very popular. I watch streams some times from it.
I feel like there’s something missing from the liat bur who cares the kist is good enough, LoL is probably the most popular right now I haven’t checked twitch for months so I won’t know. 😛
There are so many games that could be on this list, but it’s good as it.
@Awen, Twitch is basically a video platform where you can watch people play games. You can also stream your own games and build an audience for yourself too.
Twitch in a nutshell!
Well this is pretty accurate list right here. I have only watched Hearthstone on Twitch and not other games on this list.
Hearthstone is good indeed. Cuz my favorite streamer “RIKU” playing it too. So I am in love in this game as well.
Have you watched Brian Kibler play it? He is very good at it and he is also very good at Magic: The Gathering.
GTA Dota and Minecraft are surely fun to watch for me
There are a lot of LoL fans, I think it would be nice to checkout those streams too
So much has changed with popularity of games on Twitch. It used to be League of Legends that dominated the streaming site all of the time, especially in the 2010s, but then sometimes you started seeing CS:GO, GTA V, or some other popular game take the #1 spot, but usually for a short time. But then in 2017, Fortnite seem to take the #1 spot for months, and then you had Among Us taking the spot for some time in 2020. One thing is for sure: popularity of games fluctuate, especially as new trends adapt.