Awesomenauts Review
Awesomenauts is a MOBA and an accessible 3-on-3 action platformer. Head out to the online battlefields together with your friends as an online party or in local splitscreen, and never worry...
Minimum Review
Set in a minimalistic stylized universe, Minimum features fast-paced combat with an elaborate blueprint crafting system that pits two teams against each other with their own gigantic robotic Titan. Collect materials...
Heroes of Order & Chaos Review
Heroes of Order & Chaos is a highly rated mobile MOBA game for iOS and Android devices and was also one of the first to bring the popular MOBA genre to...
Orcs Must Die Review
Orcs Must Die! challenges players to defend fortresses under siege. With a wide variety of traps and weapons to choose from, Orcs Must Die! dares players to find the best ways...
Infinite Crisis Review
Infinite Crisis blends RPG and strategy to create a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) in the DC Comics multiverse.
Post Date: 22:29 24-05-2015
Rating: 10
Author: aradius
Comment: its a good game, funny, interesting,...
Guardians of Middle-earth Review
A shadow grows over Middle-earth as the greatest armies of the Third Age prepare for the coming battle. Take up arms in the clash over Middle-earth with the most powerful heroes...
Gigantic Review
Gigantic is a Fantasy competitive team action MMO in the vein of SMITE or other MOBAs, but with a heavy emphasis on RPG aspects, strategy, and an over-the-shoulder third-person view. Developed...