Sunday, March 9, 2025


The directory is where community members can find and review various online games.

Team Fortress 2 vs. Firefall

This is the twelfth match (last match of the second round) of’s Online Shooter Showdown 2012.  This is a tournament to determine the best Online Shooter out of 16 games....

RaiderZ Online First Impressions

Want to pummel down some colossal sized monsters? Come along with me as I explore the recently opened up closed beta for RaiderZ Online. From the outset, the game has a lot...

AVA vs. Blacklight Retribution

This is the eleventh match (third match of the second round) of’s Online Shooter Showdown 2012.  This is a tournament to determine the best Online Shooter out of 16 games....

Tynon Online First Impressions

From the same people who brought us Evony Online comes a new strange sort of hybrid RTS, civilization-building social MMO called Tynon Online. When goblins and evil dwarves—amid others—decide to invade...

Dark Blood Online First Impressions

Grab your sword, your bow, your magic wand, it’s time to save the world again from evil forces that would rend it into molten chunks! It’s time to spelunk into the...

APB Reloaded vs. Brick Force

This is the tenth match (second match of the second round) of’s Online Shooter Showdown 2012.  This is a tournament to determine the best Online Shooter out of 16 games....

Brick-Force First Impressions

What happens when you get Minecraft in a FPS game—you get a game like Brick-Force. A free-to-play game published by Infernum it will fill the niche of what might be the...

Battlefield 3 vs. Realm of the Mad God

This is the ninth match (first match of the second round) of’s Online Shooter Showdown 2012.  This is a tournament to determine the best Online Shooter out of 16 games....

Soul Captor Online First Impressions

Souls. Souls everywhere. Time to fill up all the cards in the soulpedia and make sure you’re anima is well taken care of—there’s an entire system for playing with your little...


Real Uses Of Virtual Reality (VR) You Should Know

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated program that acts real using 3D displays. This 3D environment allows users to explore a virtual environment in...

Mastering Online Games