Steam Monster Sale 10
The second to last day is an encore of previous sales. This allows us to get one last chance at games to add to the forum shop before all the discounts...
Steam Monster Sale Day 9
With the Steam Summer Sale coming to a close soon, it continues to remain fun. Of course, the Monster Game is now over, but it ended with a bang for me...
Steam Monster Sale Day 8
As the sale starts to go into the back stretch, the Monster Game continues to be a bright spot. Today I started later than normal at 4PM Central time, but that...
Steam Monster Sale Day 7
Yes, there was no Day 6 from the Sale. The day started good with the best team for the Monster Game Yet and a purchase of WWE 2k15. However, after a...
Heroes and Generals Gold Giveaway
Heroes & Generals, a WWII MMOFPS, is a game that has hosted a giveaway on before for D-Day and it did extremely well. The game itself is also doing well...
Steam Monster Sale Day 5
The fifth day of the sale was decidedly better than the fourth. For starters, the Monster Game was much better as I was placed on team that continued to play for...
Steam Monster Sale Day 4
The fourth day of the sale is so far the least impressive. The Monster Game can vary everyday depending on your team and how much you play yourself. Had a decent...
Steam Monster Sale Day 3
As this sale continues on, the Monster Game becomes more and more genius. I was able to start it today and build myself up without dying a single time. Also I...
Steam Monster Sale Day 2
Day two of the Steam Summer Sale was also impressive and the Monster Game is now much more easier. You play on a team of about 1000 other players and you...