Retro Bowl: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Retro Bowl, one of my favorite mobile games, has recently gotten two new updates. Oh boy, are they good. Sure, some of the features are somewhat minor. But others (around 90%)...
The Biggest Selling Points of the Newest Retro Bowl Updates!
New Star really went above and beyond, didn't they? Yes, yes they did. At least, for an update that came relatively fast for the amount of content. Man, this was an...
The Best Retro Game Apps?
Video games. It's hard to deny that they are one of the most innovate and influential mediums of the 21st century. Games such as Minecraft, League of Legends, and Spelunky defined...
Solve the Rank Pushing Problems in League of Legends
In League of Legends, everyone knows the game is competitive every season, so anyone who wants to achieve high ranks must invest time and be patient.
There is no perfect player in...
Spellforce 3: Fallen God: Ogres Known As “Trolls”?
In Spellforce 3: Fallen God, the "trolls" look and sound mighty familiar. In fact, these brutish monsters even carry spiked clubs! Thus, it should not be a shock that this game...
Spelunky: Guide to the Mines
Spelunky is a roguelike platformer by Derek Yu, with randomly generated levels and one twist after another. And another. Beating the game is ridiculously difficult, and will likely take hundreds of...
Madden 21 Title Update: #1
After several months of petitioning EA via #FixMaddenFranchise and #NFLDropEA AND #EndMaddenMonopoly, EA finally responded in the form of a MUCH-needed title update, with the usual Gridiron Notes attached. The notes...
Retro Bowl: The Best Mobile Football Game?
Yes, it's true. A game that is completely incognito to the average consumer is currently dominating the NFL scene on mobile. How? Well, let me take you back to the glorious...
5 Things You Need to Open an eSports Arcade
The first video game competition - on record - happened almost 50 years ago. At the moment, the revenue from eSports is just below $974 million. In just three short years, that...