Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Pirates of the Burning Sea vs. Eve Online

First round match in MMORPG Showdown 3. The Match-Up There have been close matches in the past but this match between Eve Online and Pirates of the Burning Sea actually ended in...

Guild Wars Vs. Dungeon Runners

First round match in MMORPG Showdown 3. The Match-Up This match-up provides a battle between two NCsoft free-to-play MMORPGs that are both heavy on action. These two MMORPGs also rely heavily on...

Guild Wars Vs. Sword of the New World

Second round match in MMORPG Showdown 3. The Match-Up After several weeks of very close matches along comes Guild Wars versus Sword of the New World. Although it should not be a...

Perfect World vs. Silkroad Online

First round match in MMORPG Showdown 3. The Match-Up Perfect World vs. Silkroad Online is an interesting match-up between two free MMORPGs. While both are solid games they exude two completely different...

Age of Conan vs. Lord of the Rings Online

First round match in MMORPG Showdown 3. The Match-Up If Age of Conan and Lord of the Rings Online have anything in common is that both are based on great fantasy franchises....

Game Battles

One of the most popular features of GameOgre.com has always been its Game Battles and Showdowns. Here are the Showdowns and a featured battles from our Forum. Online Game Battle Forum Where...

Guild Wars Vs. Hellgate London

Semi-final battle in the MMORPG Showdown 2 series. The Match-Up Although there is a huge gap in terms of popularity between these two games they actually have a lot in common....

Final Fantasy XI Vs. City of Heroes

First round battle in the MMORPG Showdown series. The Match-Up While the previous match-ups consisted of two MMOs with something in common this one consists of complete opposites. Where as Final...

Dark Age of Camelot vs. Supreme Destiny

First round battle in the MMORPG Showdown series. The Match-Up Like the match with Guild Wars and Dungeons & Dragons this match-up features a pay-to-play MMO versus a free MMO. While...


Real Uses Of Virtual Reality (VR) You Should Know

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated program that acts real using 3D displays. This 3D environment allows users to explore a virtual environment in...

Mastering Online Games