TRAUMA tells a story of a young woman who survives a car accident. Recovering at the hospital, she has dreams that shed light on different aspects of her identity – such as the way she deals with the loss of her parents. TRAUMA lets you experience those dreams in an interactive way, reminiscent of Point-and-Click Adventure Games. It builds upon this established formula by introducing a gesture-based interface, real-time 3D technology for dynamic level layouts, unique photographic visuals and a level design philosophy that focuses on creating a rich experience rather than an elaborate puzzle challenge. Combined with the unconventional story, it is aimed to be a compact and deep game for a literate and mature audience.

Post Date: 13:34 03-04-2015
Rating: 9
Author: axwellshm
Comment: This game has a really good story that follows a great gameplay and the graphics. I think that is game has a really epic story only thing, it’s sad. In overall it’s really good. 9/10.
Post Date: 14:08 09-12-2014
Rating: 9
Author: arZ
Comment: Trauma is an andventure game where you need to help a woman that survives a car accident to recover and to deal with a loss of her parents. Really cool game with a sad story. The graphic from the game is beautiful. Its worth to play and its a cheap steam game. I rate this game with the note 9/10!
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  1. I like story and idea for game, its some kind of puzzle game, you start as woman who lost her memory and need to find who she is, going trough things and collecting clues to combine them to help u remember, what i dont like here is that whole game is on pictures, i mean only small part u can see at the time and using mouse to turn around. Its all on pictures, no solid movement.

    brankomiljus20 did not rate this post.
  2. Awesome game,i always have liked mistery of dreams,and this game offers just that,you are exploring dreams and trying to discover what is happening or what was happened,story is great,gameplay too,try it out for sure

    djolebelevode did not rate this post.
  3. The game looks interesting from the trailer the gameplay looks awesome and I’ve seen some others saying the story is good but sad which really makes me want to play it, the graphics is good too:).

    Masako ratings for this post: Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4Masako gives a rating of 4
  4. Trauma is a cool point-and-click game with emphasis on pictures, but with a bit of puzzle. The game has a really great story, which is its biggest strength, and has an interesting concept of gameplay for a point-and-click game. Overall, I would rate this game a 3.9/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4Snowy gives a rating of 4
  5. 2/5 – Trauma is a elaborate puzzle challenge game with a story. Basically you’re given photographs of different places and you have to find all the secrets. Its decent for a experimental game but game is rather short.

    Rex did not rate this post.
  6. Intriguing visuals, great music and an interesting concept. Unfortunately Trauma is too short for its price and shallow – no matter how hard I tried, I was unable to see any deeper meaning to this story.

    Qsljic ratings for this post: Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4Qsljic gives a rating of 4

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