Triple Triad is a free trading card game on where you have a board with 9 available slots where cards can be placed by you or your opponent. Each of you have 5 cards to begin with which are either red or blue, the aim is to turn your opponent cards to your color.

Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
Rating: 0
Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
Rating: 1
Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
Comment: dCEEDumX
Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
Rating: -1
Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 16:11 30-07-2015
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Author: User Name
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Post Date: 13:14 29-07-2015
Rating: 0
Author: User Name
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Post Date: 13:14 29-07-2015
Rating: 1
Author: User Name
Comment: 1
Post Date: 22:35 05-06-2015
Rating: 10
Author: FenixMatrix
Comment: Nice game
Post Date: 19:10 18-02-2015
Rating: 8
Author: Croco12
Comment: A good card game. Little confusing for dumb guys like me. Graphic can be better, music is fun and annoying at the same time and the point of the game is great. New, stronger decks can be bought by Ogre Coins. After victory, you get cards, and after defeat, you lose cards. 8/10
Post Date: 13:19 11-01-2015
Rating: 10
Comment: Awesome card game.
Post Date: 13:57 27-12-2014
Rating: 5
Comment: good
Post Date: 18:07 06-12-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Sle91
Comment: Triple Triad is a card game at GameOgre. At the start of the game each player holds five cards in it’s hand and there are nine possible places to put them. In each turn u can place one card on one slot. After placing them, cards get compared to the cards next to them. If u have higher number, tiles get coloured in your colour and if the opponent has higher number, he gets the cards to his side. The goal of the game is to have more cards than your opponent. All cards get counted and the player with higher score wins. Important notice is that cards left in your hand are also counted. Think this game is worth a shot. Enjoy! 🙂
Post Date: 12:05 02-10-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Matija12
Comment: This game is kinda awesome. I played it about 10 times versus wacko and infinite times vs ogre minion.
When i started this game first thing i hated is music, the graphics… but i like idea and gameplay which is big plus for me!
Post Date: 13:42 03-09-2014
Rating: 9
Author: Garagos
Comment: Triple triad is game that has great idea. It is simply and easy for new players.
I have fun playing that game 🙂
Post Date: 10:33 21-08-2014
Rating: 10
Author: DurantulaThunder
Comment: Really nice game 😀
Post Date: 22:00 30-07-2014
Rating: 10
Author: VannaVIktor
Comment: Interesting 1vs1 card game! To win you must have more cards then your opponent. At start you have 5 card! 🙂
Post Date: 12:58 16-07-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Madara98
Post Date: 19:59 03-07-2014
Rating: 9
Author: Frozen
Comment: Triple triad is nice card game. you can play with computers and multiplayer with your friends and other players.
on the start you get 5 cards with different stats sometimes you can get same cards in same round. The ground is 3×3.
every card have a points on the left,right,up and down.
when you place card in down-left corner and when is another guy on turn he can place card near your for example down-middle and now if is his card points on left side stronger then your card on right-side he will own your card but if not nothing will change.
And the guy who have more cards he will win 🙂
Post Date: 20:53 01-07-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Frozen
Comment: Its great card game very funny but hard for me.You can play this game on forum
Post Date: 18:13 17-05-2014
Rating: 9
Author: Dragan945
Comment: Good strategy game but music is the best 🙂
Very good card game.
Post Date: 15:04 08-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Gavra10
Comment: Triple Triad Is the BEST 😀 I love this card game 😀 I play it every day on this forum 😀
Post Date: 10:01 25-04-2014
Rating: 9
Author: arZ
Comment: Triple Triad is a popular Final Fantasy card game. Its a 1v1 game. Each player got 5 cards, and you need to fill the 9 empty slots. Every card got 4 numbers or ranks, and some card got special elemental attributes. To win you need to have more cards then you enemy. Its simple, just put higher numbers or ranking cards then the enemy. Its easy game … but you need to have good cards. You can get some cards playing against computer, or buying them.
Post Date: 09:45 25-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: NoVaZz[E]
Comment: One of the best card games.At first i didnt get it but than i learned to play better
Post Date: 09:19 09-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: savicaa
Comment: For me this is the best card game i have ever played . I started playing in when i came on this forum and i was thinking how this game is good like this?
Naimly , for this game u need to have a little bit of logic in your head , so u can win minion for start , then u can win the real man ..
For starters of this game , i would reccomend to buy the cheapest deck and start with minions cause they don’t have chance to win people who playes this game for a while .

For the game : Graphic is not the best , but why it would be, this is little forum game which gives u some relaxing in ur free time , music is really good i like it , cards are little bit expensive ( better one ) , but u can buy them if u are active on forum , so be active on forum and u will have better cards 🙂

Also , this game reminds me on some strategy game , cause u need to have tactic to win someone and always 1 more plan if first doesn’t give u win . And u can really easy addict on it,and care of that 🙂
That’s it , cheers!

Post Date: 07:03 07-04-2014
Rating: 8
Author: Shefreaks xD
Comment: interesant and funny game 😛
Post Date: 21:45 22-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: LosmiK
Comment: It’s so good 🙂
Post Date: 12:04 22-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: savicaa
Comment: For me this game is perfect,she need thinking , and that’s why i like , music is really good :’D
P.S If you can make some more game cards i will play ;))
Post Date: 02:11 18-08-2013
Rating: 9
Author: Webber
Comment: I am getting better cards :D. Playing other players is a better challenge than the CPU.
Post Date: 18:27 18-03-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Webber
Comment: Tourmnaments are still fun when an opponent is in chat. Polan, this site is noty!
Post Date: 21:00 04-02-2013
Rating: 8
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: This game is a free card game on In this game we have many levels of cards and we can play with many oponents. We can play with computer or real player that is a forum member. When we start game we have only few cards and must to get new in game or buying it. We can buy them on forum. We pay for that card by gold coins which we earn of forum 🙂 So all are connected 🙂 To have new better cards we need to wright some opinions or posts on forum. I think this is noce game and I recommande it for all 🙂 I rate it 8/10 🙂
Post Date: 11:08 04-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: Triple Triad is a wonderful card-game you can play in GameOgre. Some of the rules can be a little confusing (at least for me). So it’s always the best to read the rules before you play. You can play against other members in GameOgre or you can play against CPU. You buy cards with your Ogre Coins that you have earned. I haven’t really played this game that much though. I’m more into Ogre Wars than this game :p But it’s still a great game once you have gotten into it ^^
Post Date: 19:58 26-02-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Lions
Comment: This is a very addicting game that cost me quite a few of my Ogre Coins as invested on GO. I still haven’t beaten Crush or the Ogre King, not that I’ve really tried too hard for it (I much prefer crushing the little Ogre Minions personally :P).

Anyway what I do really appreciate with Triple Triad is that it can be challenging to you on any level. When you start playing it doesn’t matter that your cards are a bit lousy, you can still play against a CPU of a solid skill level to stump you a few times.

Post Date: 06:42 06-02-2012
Rating: 9
Author: gamegenre
Comment: Triple Triad is played on a three-by-three (3×3) square grid of blank spaces, where cards will be placed as the game progresses. The cards depict various characters, monsters, and bosses from the game. Each card has four numbers (known as Ranks) placed in top left corner; each number corresponds to one of the four sides of the card. These numbers range from one to nine, the letter A representing ten. On the top right of the card there is sometimes an elemental symbol representing the card’s element. The elements are Earth, Fire, Water, Poison, Holy, Lightning, Wind, and Ice. There are two card colors, pink (the opponent’s cards) and blue (the player’s cards).
In a basic game of Triple Triad, each player has five cards. A coin-flip decision is made to decide which of the two players will begin. The player who wins the coin toss may then choose a card to play anywhere on the grid. After the first card is played, the opposing player may then play a card on any unoccupied space on the board. The game continues with players’ turns alternating in this fashion.
Post Date: 23:59 04-02-2012
Rating: 7
Author: buzzsaw
Comment: Triple Triad has PvP and PvE. However, the PvP is mostly tournaments. The PvE is the best thing you can do when you first start!
Post Date: 18:05 26-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Joker
Comment: Triple Triad uses ogre coins that you get from posting on GO. You can also buy coins using forum points. I like the setup on how it is mixed with the forum. Not a bad time killer.
Post Date: 02:21 22-01-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Webber
Comment: Triple Triad is the most fun if you have the right cards. You can either beat NPCs for cards or use ogre coins to buy cool packs. The ogre king pack gives you the best chance to get boss cards.
Post Date: 13:39 20-01-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: Triple Triad is a great game that you can play on GO. The rules can be really confusing though if you are a newbie.. It might be hard to get the game if you don’t read the rules. So always read the rules of the game. There’s pretty many cards in total. I’m not really good at this though. I think I have to train more. The graphics aren’t that good though.. But it’s still very entertaining. Everyone should at least try this one time.
Post Date: 22:54 14-01-2012
Rating: 7
Author: buzzsaw
Comment: I prefer Ogre Wars because of the PvP. Triple Triad is best if you have awesome cards. I still can’t do a plus or combo!
Post Date: 21:29 29-10-2011
Rating: 10
Author: raybaeck
Comment: awesome game, bad graphics but who gives??? This game is sick!
Post Date: 17:40 29-10-2011
Rating: 9
Author: lumlehsumleh
Comment: i love this game. i always play this game when i log on to gameogre. there is a well blanced amount of characters. one thing they should change about this game … the CPU shouldnt know what cards you have
Post Date: 19:30 26-10-2011
Rating: 10
Author: raybaeck
Comment: The game isn’t THAT good, but the simplicty made it great. The rules are kind of confusing like same wall and everything but once you get a hang of it, it’s a great game to play.
Post Date: 05:16 03-10-2011
Rating: 10
Author: mmowiz
Comment: triple triad is fun whether you like ff or not. you are rewarded with ogre coins for being part of the community. the more you post and the more you play the npcs, the better you should become xd.
Post Date: 08:42 26-09-2011
Rating: 8
Author: funnygamer
Comment: If you’ve played Final Fantasy VIII and its mini card game, one look at Triple Triad will surely remind you of that game. The mechanics is very similar to the original. Here is the link for the rules of the game:
[url=]Triple Triad Rules[/url]

To start off, you have to buy cards using Ogre Coins that you have collected in this forum. You can buy your cards here:
[url=]Purchase Decks[/url]

Obviously, the more expensive packs contain better cards. If you’re just starting out, however, you may opt to buy the cheap packs then start battling the computer.

In the arena, you can choose different types of AI opponents. The AI ranges from easy to hard. The rules also vary depending on the AI that you selected. The battle arena can be accessed using this link:
[url=]Battle Arena[/url]

If you bought a couple of cheap packs, try the easy AI first and get more cards. As you become more and more familiar with the rules, you can try challenging harder AI to get better cards. Continue doing this until you reach the “Crush” AI which has pretty good cards.

Here are a few notes that I would like to share:
– It may be tempting to just leave the game if you feel that you are losing to prevent losing cards. However, I don’t recommend this because not only is it unfair, but it also won’t allow you to trade. If you have a pending battle, you can’t trade cards with other players. Always finish your battles, regardless of the outcome.
– As you will notice, all AI battle modes are set at random. As such, you may opt to give your not-so-good cards at the trading center so that you have higher chances of getting your good cards when battling hard AI.
– All AI battle modes are set as closed, meaning, you won’t see each other’s cards. However, my experience from playing the game tells that the AI somehow knows your cards and may devise moves based on his cards and your cards in hand. This may be quite unfair but there’s no other way to go around it. Just treat it as an extra challenge.
– Lastly, you can try playing with other GameOgre members. Tournaments and practice matches are held every now and then. Don’t be shy to join them so you can battle real players.

Post Date: 06:19 14-06-2011
Rating: 8
Author: funnygamer
Comment: It’s a very good game. I play it even in the FF8 version. I hope it won’t have copyright issue though. Haha. The only things that I don’t like is that the opponent behave as if they see my cards, which makes it unfair and harder to win. I also would like to collect as many cards as I can, but because all game modes are random, I am forced to forego low level cards in order to win against high level NPCs. Lastly, this could use some updates like more NPC and game modes so that it would be less boring. But still, I like this game. 🙂
Post Date: 02:24 20-03-2011
Rating: 9
Author: EcLuD
Comment: Actually I really liked this game! and I have several letters .. hehe, but I want to gather more and more! is very good, you can play against forum members, against the CPU and create tournaments, sell cards, very good! 9 / 10.
Post Date: 20:07 09-03-2011
Rating: 10
Author: mmowiz
Comment: triple triad is more fun than i thought it would be. like webber said, it can be addictive. the npcs are fun if nobody is chat to play. wacko is the one to beat
Post Date: 14:14 03-03-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Adrian
Comment: Awesome game, to date there is 110 cards that you can collect. You make ogrecoins (the currency needed to buy the cards) by posting.
Post Date: 09:30 03-03-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Webber
Comment: Addictive game on GO! You can play against ogre minions or friends. Ogre Coins are used to buy decks.
Post Date: 22:35 01-03-2011
Rating: 9
Author: quinn
Comment: Triple Triad dates back to the game Final Fantasy VIII. It is a wonderful game..simple to learn too. I recommend that everyone give it a try at our Forums 🙂

We shall be holding monthly contests for forum points as well! (run by users)

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  1. Triple Triad, one of the best card games. Reallyfunny and interesting game. In this game you need to use you brain, your logic. Calculate all the nubers, where to post card. You can play this game versus computers or versus your friends or an other enemy. My rate for this game is 10/10.

    SulzYee did not rate this post.
  2. Triple triad is card game used in Final fantasy 8( Another good rpg game to try out).
    Cards are based from characters and monsters from the FF8.
    You can play verus computer or other players.
    When the game starts it randomly chooses who goes first and the point of the game is to have more cards at the end of match.
    Higher number card flips lower card etc.There are also other play rules such as : random deck , open , same , plus , elemental , …

    Septera did not rate this post.
  3. Triple Traid is a card free to play video game playable on forum.Game is simple you have 9 places to put a card,you have 4 cards in hand and you got 2 different colors of cards 1st type is blue and 2nd type is red. Point of this game is to change Color of your opponent s card in color of your card.

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  4. Triple Traid is a card free to play video game playable on forum.Game is simple you have 9 places to put a card,you have 4 cards in hand and you got 2 different colors of cards 1st type is blue and 2nd type is red. Point of this game is to change Color of your opponent s card in color of your card.I recommend this game everybody on forum 🙂

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  5. This isn’t really a quality Card game in my opinion. Graphics are bad and the card designs looks like little to no effort. I don’t like basic gameplay found on this game, therefore I’d have to give this game a 2/5.

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  6. Is this game referring to Triple Triad Tournament from the GameOgre Arcade, or is this a different Triple Triad game? Would be helpful, if this article had a link to the game itself.

    Anyway, if it’s Triple Triad Tournament, that game has been broken for a long time, even before Flash Player shut down. Closest I got it to working was right-clicking and messing around with Play and Forward, but that only played sound effects, which I’m guessing are taken from Final Fantasy. It’s possible that this game worked for an older version of Flash. I’m just going to assume that the gameplay itself is similar to Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VIII, which is kind of neat, but not so original. Would probably rate the game a 1/5, just because the game’s broken.

    Snowy did not rate this post.

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