Video review included. World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy. A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrade and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant tanks to eliminate opposing armored forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace.

Play World of Tanks Now

Post Date: 12:37 21-04-2015
Rating: 10
Author: LosmiK
Comment: Unique and confident in its place in the free-to-play world, this team-based MMO is a surefire winner, balancing fun with depth and detail with action.
Post Date: 13:14 03-02-2015
Rating: 10
Author: Croco12
Comment: Really great game. You have tank and team and you fight enemy! Also, you can choose tanks. Its one of the most popular MMOFPS games and I like it. If I had better PC, I would probably play it. I rate this game with 10/10.
Post Date: 21:47 12-12-2014
Rating: 8
Author: gavrilo3
Comment: my first game with battle of tanks 😀 it’s pretty nice i like it gameplay is pretty nice too for me is best game with tanks cause have a lot of things like i can select my own language and it’s more easier to understand the whole game community is ok i never have some big friends on wot but most of all i forgot i like to play artillery 😀 for my friend they save atrillery is sucks only for noobs but it’s not true 😀 who else no want to hide in bush or behind buildings and w8 for kills 😀
Post Date: 23:10 20-11-2014
Rating: 8
Author: ogisamisule
Comment: World of Tanks is a strategic game that offers fun to everyone! This game is made to addict you to playing it! I love this game because you can play it for free but if you like it a lot you can do yourself and a favour and spend some money on it! Now let’s get it to the point of the game and the game it self:-The game is about tanks, as the title said! But the thing is that the goal of this game is to climb up the ladder and upgrade your tank to the fullest, by going into the battle field and fighting your way through, but you need to be precise, you need to be smart, and calculated in order to win games, because it needs skills to drive a tank and shoot enemies that are trying to destroy you! It’s slow proces but worth trust me, I played this. The graphics are really good for this type of the game, and even tho it’s a small game(as I remember not over 4 gb of memory and a small amount of ram is needed to run it) you will have a lot of fun playing it and you will enjoy playing it! It’s very adictive, tanks and maps are really detailed, animations are good, sounds are really awesome, everything is just good looking! Now here is the bad side of the game and that is: there is huge amount of toxic players! Under toxic I mean people(mostly kids) that insult you, and also, because friendly fire is enabled in this game, shoot you, they “troll” you! But don’t get anything wrong, the community of this game is awesome despite those guys that try to ruin everything! Let’s get to conclusion:
“This game is very addictive, fun, great looking, and it will get you ocupied for hours! Enjoy playing it and good luck on battle grounds, win those rounds!” I’m rating it 8/10
Post Date: 05:53 16-09-2014
Rating: 10
Author: kiki2204
Comment: I am playing this game for a really long time but and it is still amazing the testing is so cool
Post Date: 07:21 12-08-2014
Rating: 5
Author: PoisonCreasy
Comment: One of the most popular MMOFPS games out there.
Its a big world where u try your skills with some of the most destructive machines ever created. Tanks. The best way to download the game is from the oficial site cuz there are no viruses. The game can be played ofline.
Post Date: 14:47 22-05-2014
Rating: 7
Author: cemex
Comment: another good free 2 play game with lots of tanks and awesome gameplay.
Post Date: 19:28 20-05-2014
Rating: 8
Author: NeSsQQuiCk
Comment: One of the most popukar MMOFPS game ever. fun to play especially with friends 😀 I don’t think I need to write long review because most of people know what this game looks like.
Althought I would like to write a lot 😛
Post Date: 18:10 01-05-2014
Rating: 10
Author: ivekvv256
Comment: I really like playing World of tanks (WoT) becouse I like the various tanks that there are from different countries and each has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. You can play in many different types of battle (company battle, random battle…). There are also lots of maps which is graphically really nice. Inside your tanks you’ve got your crew which you can train (the bigger percent the better your crew will be driving/shooting) and after they reach 100% you will be awarded to take a perk. I think that the best nation to start with are Soviet nation and at that nation you build up to KV tanks. Also you can play german tanks at which I reccomend you take tank Hetzer and then build up to stronger tiers of tanks. Nothing else to say then 10/10 🙂
Post Date: 16:36 30-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: nikiwild
Comment: Ok, here we have a massiv multyplayer online game. World of tank or short WoT is online tank shooting game. It cant be played offline, because every tank in this game is a person. So its really interesting. Game is free to play, you need to download it, make an account and start playing. I recomend you to download it from offial site, there are no viruses. More safe, thats my opinion, but do as you wish. Select your region, im not sure how many regions are, but there are america, europe and some more i think. Choose your continent and start playing. Its importatn to choose the continent you are playing from, not where you are born, because u will have less lags, or no lags at all ingame. Game requires a good pc, and a good network. You will not have lags then. Sound in this game awesome. Clean 10 for sound. I am really amazed how they did it. In the whole game its been put aup a really hard work. Every moove you make its heard, every canon has diffenrent sound, depends on how big you canons are, how big you pipe is, are you mooving while shooting, and many more effects the sound ingame. You can even hear your squad in the tank talking to you. In game there are pings, then u can ping your mates where are the enemyes, if u spotted them and that, sound for that is unique too. Graphics i cant say they are bad, they are really good, and i mean really good. If u have a good pc go try out the high resolution, high effects, put all on high and u will see what a game is. But then u might have lags, so its better, if u have a normal pc, to put all on normal or low, its much better, you wont have lags and then u will more enjoy the game. Gameplay first of all u will have to get a tank for you. There are several nation types of thank and here they are Soviet, German, American, French, British, Chinese, and Japanese, when u choose that u will need to choos what tank u are going to be, what type of tank a light tank, medium tank, heavy tank, tank destroyer, and self-propelled gun. There are more than 200 tanks that u can choose from the whole game. Its really awesome the choise u have. So when u pick a tank u are ready to go fight, buy some ammo in the shop and thats it. Look for a game by clicking battle and that is it, it will invite you to battle you need to accept and you are ready to go. Your team contains 15 tanks, and the oposite team too. There are several types of game, standard, assault, encounter and confrontation. The best is to paly standard. Its 15v15 and u need to kill in the next 15 minutes the opposite team or its draw. So this was my review of this game i hope u enjoyed it.
Post Date: 08:04 30-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Aki013
Comment: Very good tank game.If you like tanks you will like this game.You need to destroy enemy tanks and work in team with yours.You got diffrent types of tanks : Heavy tanks, hunters and fast tanks, you got artilery too.
The point is to destroy all the tanks or capture the flags.
The game can be very interesting when you play with friends.You can go in training room to try tanks, and train with them.
There you can buy gold , and with gold you can buy premium tanks. Premium tanks is stronger of others and special.You got tiers. From 1 to 10.If you want to come to tier 10 you must play long time..But you can play on 7 tanks slot free and you can buy other slots..
You neeed to buy ammo too :D.Well i like this game so much ,i will start to play it again with friends..So my rate is 10/10
Post Date: 19:09 07-04-2014
Rating: 8
Author: savicaa
Comment: For me this game is good marketing game 🙂
What i mean when i say marketing game? I think that advertisment was good really good and but i don’t think that’s such a good game?
It’s ok, like LOL u have some tanks and u go fight and some other things , but for me this is not interesting game , cause i like games with champs , magic , killing creachers and not modern fighting with tanks , bombs , planes and some other stuff.. 🙂
For someone who likes modern fighting i can say that he should try this game , it’s good but that not my way of playing games 🙂
When i start it can’t keep me in the game , i can always watch YT , FB ,GMAIL ,GAMEOGRE and not to look at the game , but when im playing LOL , PES , SMITE and some other games i will only look on game not on some other stuff on computer 🙂
Graphics are good and this is one of the 5 games that is not lagging and that is what i like 🙂
Fot the end i can say that i played much better games than WOT 🙂 Cheers!
Post Date: 11:24 05-04-2014
Rating: 10
Author: Chavo Ledeni
Comment: After playing WoT for 3.5 years (including Beta) I can say something awesome about this game, graphics are good-looking and gameplay is great. You have so many tanks to unlock that you can`t even count!
Post Date: 05:56 25-03-2014
Rating: 10
Author: ivekvv256
Comment: Great game this is, the feeling when you and you’r team go full ahead on enemy tanks is amazing. I reccomend you guys try it out. There are lots of tanks from diffrent countrys.
Post Date: 16:43 20-03-2014
Rating: 5
Author: SilverFOX57
Comment: It’s an ok game,but i like Lol better
Post Date: 08:26 09-10-2013
Rating: 8
Author: djbazchem
Comment: I’ve beeen playing WOT since april 2011 still playing now oct 2013, need i say anymore…
Post Date: 18:39 17-08-2013
Rating: 8
Author: makemap
Comment: Great Game to be honest. Apart from the flaw that it is impossible to tank rush. So if you like Tank rushing, this isn’t the game for you. There are no infantry or Aircrafts in this game, so don’t expects a massive battlefield like Battlefield games.
Post Date: 13:55 11-08-2013
Rating: 10
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: World of Tanks is very popular MMO game. It have almost 40 mln registered players and about 3 mln of active payers every week. in this game we are commanders of our own great war machine- TANK 😀 We are starting game with 6 I tier (lvl) tanks. From that machines we have a way to other higher tier tanks. On each tank we will have diifferent guns, armor, speed and other stuff. In game we are playing as one of 15 players in our team and our aim is to eliminate all enemies or capture base. Remember that your not able to win alone and you must to cooperate with other players in your team to win. Game is very cool for me and I think I will play it to its or my end 😀 I recommande this game to all online players and rate it 10/10 😀 😀 😀
Post Date: 13:23 23-07-2013
Rating: 8
Author: desertraider33
Comment: Post date 23.07.2013
author: desertraider33
I am a big fan of games that emphasize on PVP gameplay and World of Tanks is one of them. The quick battle system as well the posibility to play it with friends open new tactical perspectives and increases the fun factor.
The game might be difficult to master for a new player but as you unlock new tiers you will learn the skills needed to be a good tanker. The WWII atmosphere is unique and playing with historical vehicles (light, medium or heavy tanks, SPG’s or tank destroyers) help the player dive in many “what if” perspectives.
For those interested in a global domniation campaign, clan wars are the answer. You can compete with other clans over regions world-wide in a global map where teamwork and tactics are a must.
For short World of Tanks is a good game for casual and hardcore players alike.
Post Date: 13:16 18-07-2013
Rating: 8
Author: totoguy
Comment: Great game for both casual and hardcore players!I’m usually not too fond of deathmatch/arena style games, but this is an exception. The combination of vehicular combat (my favorite), and quick play sessions is ideal for a casual like me, that just wants to play for 10 minutes here and there.You can keep playing casually in the lower tiers, or start moving up the tech trees and getting more familiar with the advanced mechanics of the game.

Has a good freemium model since you don’t need the premium benefits as a casual player, and the prices are fair in case you’re more hardcore (unless you’ve got OCD and you have to buy every single premium tank…).

The only thing I’d like to have is bigger platoons to play with more friends at the same time, but I can see why that’s not available for balance reasons.

Give this game a shot if you’re looking for something that’s not LoL/DoTA/CoD 🙂

Post Date: 18:26 10-07-2013
Rating: 10
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: World of Tanks is one of greatest games created by games producers. For me this game is awsome and gives great fun from playing it. In this game we are driving on of tanks on battle field and our aim is to kill all enemies we can find on that battle field. After every battle we will recive expirience and credit. For exp we can invite new parts to our machines and for credits we can buy them. We can buy also new tanks to our garage 😀 I really recommande this game for all online players 🙂 I rate this game 10/10 FR SURE 😀
Post Date: 20:59 03-07-2013
Rating: 10
Author: ufbre
Comment: world of tanks MM online game
World of tanks is time based game where you can use your skills,taktics,various plans in random batlles,clan wars,platoons or company mods.
The game now has over 65 milions of registred users,servers in North American,European,Asian Server,Russian Server,Republic of Korea Server,Chinese Server and Vietnamese Server.
world of tanks has over 300 vehicles in game and they are deployed in various types of vehicles:Light Tanks,Medium Tanks,Heavy Tanks,Tank Destroyers and Self-Propelled Guns-Artylery.
each type of vehicle has tier levels from 1 to 10,as you progress in game you ar moving up with the levels-tiers.
world of tanks is made by company that grouvs every day.
wot has a sister and brother they are world of warplains and world of warships coming soon.
Batlle with your frends in a platoon of 3 players and have fun or you can go in company mod with 15vs15 players and have fuen or you can play cw/clan wars with your clan and have fun with some gold to win :).
You can go to training room and train with every tank to get your skills up and to find the week spots of enemy tanks 🙂
here some of eg. of top tier tanks:
Light Tanks Tank Tank

Tank Destroyer

Self-Propelled Guns-Artylery

premim tank

personaly i like to play moustly with meds and artylery 🙂
for every player there is one or two type of tanks that hi will love to play.:)

World of tanks is time based on line game for open for all people.:)
World of tanks is world of fun:)

Post Date: 19:25 25-06-2013
Rating: 9
Author: peydtoclickz
Comment: World of Tanks is a team-based action game that has good graphics and alot of things to explore. a good team strategy and cooperation is needed for victory.
Post Date: 21:31 01-06-2013
Rating: 10
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: About this game we can talk hours and hours 🙂 But first I myust say some words of entry:This production is a free MMORPG game which allows us to become a tank hero :DIn this game we will be commanding one of tanks in the game. Off course we can have more then one tank here 😉 We start game with 6 tanks now. All are from I tier. After first battle we will know what is important in game. So lets start first battle 😉

On battle field we will start as one of 15 players in our team and one of 30 in this battle. Now we have one minor aim ot the game…. KILL ALL 😀 After battle we will gain some credits and exp. FOr that exp we can invite some new parts to our tank. New gun, engine, suspension and turret. Mostly we will be able to do that, but not always. When we will get enought exp pts we will be able to unblock next tank 😀 II tier tank is smth deffinitly different then I tier 😀 Now we will be able to fight even with IV tier machines but probably we wont be able to kill them 🙁 But remember this is Your beginig in game 😀 THere will be a day when You will be killing all 😀

About game I must say its one of best productions I have ever seen. i must say I love this game and cant stop playing it 😀

I have one main rule for all new players. Xtier tank is not your main object !!! Your main object is to become a team player not solo Haime suicide gamer. Remember that team needs you and you need team…. COOPERATE with other players. And after you will learn how to play go and buy X tier 😀

Game is great and I recommande It to all players 😀

Post Date: 10:15 27-05-2013
Rating: 10
Author: ufbre
Comment: well …the story gous like this…World of tanks is as we all know an Massively multiplayer online game,evrybody hou reads this should try to play world of tanks:)
Now at the moment we have over 200 Vehicles in the game,divided in 6 nations we have american tanks
britis tanks,
franch tanks,
chinez tanks
and german tanks.
and they are divided like this,
you have heavy tanks
medium tanks
tank destroyers
lite tanks
and artylery.
Ther are all divided in tier s from 1 to 10.
You can choose what tank/tactic gamplay you love the most and enjoy.
We have over 30 maps available
3 mods for battle
standart battle
atack battle
and defence batle mod.
You can also go in clan war fight for global dominacion on the world map,or you can go to training room to train,or you can make a company battle.
Or you can play all this at random at your will:).it s hard wenn you are at the beginig of the game grinding new tier s but at gets better and better as you go up:)
you are bilding you tanks as you go buying new parts for it ,treining the crew whit every battle you make credits and experience and you use that for improvment of your tank.

The game is full of adrenalin and fun but you need also luck and some skils:)

Heavy tanks are for hevy fights they are the main strike forse in every battle they have heavy armor and big guns:)

Medium tanks are for suport battle with the heavy tanks also for fight with enemy meds and light tanks-scouts,or flank battle.

Lite tanks are for scouting enemy artylery and tanks ore 1 0n 1 batle with enemy scouts.

Tanks Destroyers are for atack from far away sniping the enemy tanks and suport they have smal armor but very very big guns:)

Arty are for suport of alias tanks with atacking enemy from above the blu sky:)

World of tanks is team based game
to win you have to kill all enemy tanks or capture the enemy base.
battles are 15 vs 15 tanks.

The best way to play world of tanks is to play it like you would in real life,imagine that you driving a real tank,you must hide behind rocks,houses,trees,etc.
this is no game to play a hero:)

You can play with your frends in platoons the 3 of you can go an play at the same moment in one battle.

The game has constant updates and improvments geting better and better every day.

Over 55 milions of users world wild playing world of tanks:)

Once you try it you will never leave it again:)

well……..the story of world of tanks is just at the begining it s waiting for YOU:)

Post Date: 22:54 08-05-2013
Rating: 7
Author: Hawx1990SRBIJA
Comment: World of tanks or WoT in short is popular online free to play game, in which there are only armored tracked vehicles.
There are 3 classes of tanks: Light, medium and heavy. Their name tell you the thickness of armor and power of guns, but manoeuvrability and speed of each class too.
There are SPGs and TDs in the game too.
SPG stands for Self Propelled Gun or in simple words artillery on vehicles. SPGs have big guns (high valoue of dmg) and they function in diferent mode than tanks.
TDs are Tank destroyers, they have powerful guns but they are slow and dnot have turret in most cases.
Game is played in 15 vs 15 random players. Match making engine puts tanks up to 2 lvl in difference and game has won by killing all enemy tanks or capturing the enemy base.
All in all game gets 7 from me.
Post Date: 00:49 16-04-2013
Rating: 9
Author: zwo
Comment: Very good and popular MMO game.
For me one of best, simple and interesting games in last few years. I’m already playing this for 2 years ans still keep me satisfied.
I hope developers wil lcontinue their good work.
Post Date: 12:58 03-04-2013
Rating: 9
Author: NiciCZ
Comment: Very good!!!
Post Date: 20:05 02-04-2013
Rating: 10
Author: PapaDog
Comment: World of Tanks is a team-based action game dedicated to armored warfare. Choose from more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union.Best game that keeps things simple but a ton of fun. No bad language, no blood, no gore, no occult, no magic, no complex keyboard combinations, no sexual material at all… just straight forward blowing stuff up.To maximize your efforts key in on learning the tanks, the maps, strategy, and teamwork.

Games run about 5 to 15 minutes but you can exit and play another as soon as you are dead.

Multiple play methods include Random, Platoon, Company, and Clans. Game play has three battle types defend/capture one base, capture other team’s base, and battle for one base.

Graphics are excellent. Zoom in and watch a tank explode, smoke and burn.

This game is hands down the fastest to learn, play and have fun.

Post Date: 11:25 02-04-2013
Rating: 10
Author: AishTheEpic
Comment: Very good MMO team-based action, beautiful graphics, voice localization. There is no similar game as goog as this one.
Post Date: 11:12 02-04-2013
Rating: 5
Author: BriarHeart
Comment: Great game with choices of different play styles.
Post Date: 08:42 02-04-2013
Rating: 10
Author: h4pple
Comment: is the one of the best MMO game..and its free 🙂
Post Date: 06:47 16-03-2013
Rating: 10
Author: daemonn
Comment: wonderful! Tank game from World War II
Post Date: 21:58 13-03-2013
Rating: 5
Author: Narubian
Comment: WoT is a F2P type of game and it is unique due to its play style and separation from massive MMORPG games. It has a lot to offer from different tiers to different classes making it fun to play, thanks to so many things to choose from.Classes:
1) Light – perfect roll of a scout, best top and overall speed, 0 penalty to camouflage while on the move, most agile tank HOWEVER low HP, no armor, dies if stopped by track/engine damage, not such a good gun making him a low threat when face2face2) Medium – average pen/dmg/hp, good top and overall speed, nice agility, can play a scout if needed, pretty good camouflage HOWEVER bad overall armor, not enough dmg to fight 1v1 (only a few are able to withstand their ground while most lose), massive loss of HP if hit by arty

3) Heavy – Biggest HP/armor, most powerful gun, wins 1v1 if not pined enough by the opponent HOWEVER slowest reload time, bad aim, slow movement speed, worst top speed, cant turn around itself fast enough to be protected from flanks

4) Tank Destroyer (TD) – Best aim and camouflage when standing making him a perfect sniper, powerful gun, insane frontal armor HOWEVER pron to flanks due to having no turret forcing him to move around himself all the time, easy pray for arty

5) Arty – biggest dmg of all if it manages to hit weak points, always damages if it hits the target, can shoot from safe distance HOWEVER if scout gets close enough he arty is prone to fast death, worst aim of all, slowest granade of all

Has a lot of modes such as randoms, tank companies, clan wars, platoons, training rooms thus being pretty fun game 🙂

Post Date: 16:16 08-03-2013
Rating: 10
Author: ufbre
Comment: World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game that needs you :)You have an arsenal that includes more than 200 armored vehicles from :America
United Kingdom
Soviet Union and China.
You can play over 30 can play as Light Tank ,Medium Tank,Heavy Tank,Tank Destroyer and Self-Propelled Guns-arty.

each tank has its own role and job.

Light Tank is for scouting enemy light tanks and artys spying

Medium Tank is also for scouting enemy light tanks and artys and for suport to heavy tanks
they can also flank the enemy forses.

Heavy Tank -Heavy Tanks or the main force of the battle they or the alfa and omega of the game.

Destroyers the main force for stoping the enemy heavy forses from quick breakthrough
thay have a big gun that can penetrat any armor.
you can also snipe whit them.

provide powerful indirect fire support from above
They call them death from the sky.
thay have a large range that can potentially cover entire map.

Current Game Modes
Random Battles

1 Standard Battle
2 Assault
3 Encounter Battle

Team Training
make your own room and select the map you wish to play.
use this mode for experiments with various tank mechanics, learning new maps and have fun whit frends.

Tank Company Battle
15 vs 15 battle invite your frends and play.
Each team in a Tank Companies Battle will receive credits and experience in accordance with damage dealt, etc.

1 Junior Tank Company
2 Medium Tank Company
3 Champion Tank Company
4 Absolute Tank Company
5 Tank company comparsion table

Clan Wars
Clan Wars is the multiplayer, military and geopolitical component of World of Tanks
you or fighting for teritoris on global map and gold on it

player may form a platoon up to 3 players.
invite your frends and go play together world of tanks and have fun.

World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game
full of adrenaline,your brain must constantly work at 300 miles per hour just to survive 🙂
almost 50 milions of registred players can say to you the same thing:world of tanks is number 1.

Post Date: 12:38 08-03-2013
Rating: 9
Author: protemp
Comment: World of Tanks is free MMORPG game – who needs foot soldiers when you have armour beast?Is it really free?
Yes and no but more yes. Unlike other “free” games you can play this one truly for free. There are no big penalties for playing free, you can feel full potencial of the game. If you choose professional career of the tank crew in the future, you can buy a premium account and some gold. It helps you of course – you will make money faster, you can buy another place in garage for your next steel pet etc. But the most of things you can do with free acount too and you have enough time to find if this game is worth it. And it’s really great!Tanks everywhere – it must be boring, isn’t it?
Absolutelly not. Play time is about 5-10 minutes (max. 15 min), for newbies even much less :-). If you die you can see the rest of battle from other allied tanks or you can leave the battle immediately and try your luck with another tank. Play an relax.
Note for handyman: Don’t forget for research and upgrades for your tanks!
Note for idler: Buy a premium tank!

Made in …?
Here are countries where your tank was born: Russia, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain and China, in the near future also Japan.
All nations have their advantages and disadvantages, you need to carefully consider what is best for you – speed, armour, firepower, accuracy… Just start the game and find your favorites.

Who are you?
Artillery aka “Find me faster than I will find you” – Fight over a long distance, good firepower, bad armour. Camp and enjoy if you don’t like sound of front line.
Light tanks aka “Hit me if you aim me” – Speed and view range is your advantage. Spot your enemies, attack weak parts and ride for your life.
Medium tanks aka “I am strong and fast enough” – Universal weapon, not so armoured but still relative fast. You have enough week parts therefore use your brain when you drive with these. Strategy and cover is your best friend.
Heavy tanks aka “Hard to kill me” – Heavy armour and firepower. Front line is your place and other “Heavies” are your opponents. You aren’t immortal but you can survive much.
Tank destroyers aka “All for guns, guns for me” – Firepower is your god, camouflage is your ally and accuracy a thin line between life and death. Choose these ones if you hate turrets, your favorite direction is forward, and you will watch your sides and back.

No, we are just starting – battle waits for you, soldier! But there are my pros and cons for WoT game.

– really free
– amazing action
– research/leveling
– team play
– long-term fun
– development

– not so much place in garage in free version
– sometimes very unbalanced paired players
– only one? EU server – sometimes long waiting time
– Nerfing in new versions is sometimes very annoying

Post Date: 21:48 05-03-2013
Rating: 8
Author: Hawx1990SRBIJA
Comment: Good game, always but there is room for improvements.
Post Date: 23:36 28-02-2013
Rating: 7
Author: [email protected]
Comment: World of Tanks is just good.
Post Date: 13:41 28-02-2013
Rating: 8
Author: qeukilus
Comment: this game is a beast nothing else rly to say its just that awesome!
Post Date: 14:51 25-02-2013
Rating: 10
Author: rezner
Comment: I like war theme games and this game seems be fantastic. Tiger must be mine 🙂
Post Date: 14:51 24-02-2013
Rating: 9
Author: Chibii
Comment: Very nice game, started playnig this because i’ve seen amazing ads. Very fun game but sadly, it takes a lot of space (18gb)
Post Date: 12:40 17-02-2013
Rating: 9
Author: mannnraul
Comment: Great videos, nice game (even multidisplay capable) at F2P game.Looking forward to play it.
Post Date: 05:11 15-02-2013
Rating: 9
Author: FoxWMB
Comment: In my previous review, I mentioned the fact that every of 200+ tanks in WoT is a unique vehicle with its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, this review will focus on that.Firstly, there are 4 main classes of tanks and 1 class of support vehicles, which tend to have similar gameplay or characteristics, but it’s far from the fact that tanks within a class or same, quite the contrary, they all tend to be very different from each other.The main classes are:

– light tanks – main strength of these tanks are usually their speed, small size, agility and view range. Their primary role is to keep the enemy team lighten up, so their teammates with bigger guns can deal the damage. However that does not mean that a light tank is incapable of dealing damage on its own, if opportunity arises, any light tank can go for the kill on even the heavies of enemy tanks.

– heavy tanks – main strength of these tanks tends to be the combination of their firepower and armor, which they usually have at the expense of maneuverability. Their role on the battlefield tends to be on the front line, slugging it out against the equivalents of the opposite team. However, that does not mean that there aren’t different heavy tanks, as there are many which do not sacrifice speed, but rather some other quality, such as armor, which gives them quite a different role on the battlefield, relegating them to flanks or second line support units.

– medium tanks – as the name suggests, these tanks are something in between lights and heavies. They tend to lack in firepower and armor compared to heavies, and in speed and size compared to lights, but they’re still rather agile, well armed, and adequately armored in most cases. They usually don’t excel in any particular quality, and can be considered a sort of jack of all trades type of tanks, which makes them rather deadly in capable hands. You can consider many of them ninjas of WoT

– tank destroyers – guns, guns, guns, and camouflage. These tanks usually rely on their extreme firepower, and their low profile that keeps them harder to spot than others, so by the time you actually do spot them, it’s too late cause they already have killed you. These qualities however come at a price. Most of the tank destroyers sacrifice their armor, or speed, sometimes both, and usually, they’re turretless as well, meaning their guns are fixed on the forward side of their hulls. As a result, tank destroyers tend to be extremely vulnerable to attacks from the sides or rear, and tend to become easy prey if flanked. Of course there are exceptions here too, with tank destroyers that have turrets, and there are also fast moving ones, and armored ones, but none has all of the qualities combined, and all will fail miserably if their owners don’t utilize their strengths properly

– artillery – support class of the game, and the one with least playstyle differences within the class. All artillery units use a special satellite view, which gives them an overview of the battlefield, and allows them to shoot at targets across the map. They tend to be the biggest damage dealers in the game, as they posses the strongest guns of all, although those are usually very imprecise as well. Artillery relies entirely on their team to keep the enemy lighten up, and also to stop enemy team tanks from getting through to rear where artillery is usually located, as its abilities in close combat are mediocre at best. Most artillery units are slow, unarmored, with the lowest health pool. They are extremely valuable for any team, and are usually primary targets of enemy team as soon as they’re spotted.

These were the general characteristics of vehicle classes in WoT. Don’t take these for granted though, as each vehicle is unique, even if it posses similar qualities to another, it might still be completely different when it’s on the battlefield. The main to remember, if you wanna be successful in this game is the fact that each tank has its strengths so learn them, and play by them. You won’t regret it and you’ll have lots of fun in the game.

As for the game itself, it still has the same grade as it had before, for the very same reason, it’s still improving, so it still does not deserve a 10, but it does a strong 9, and if it keeps improving, soon it will be a true 10.

Post Date: 18:11 14-02-2013
Rating: 10
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: World of Tanks is a the best MMORPG game of 2012 year. This production got Golden Joistic Award of last year. I must say that this production really deserved this award. What can I say about WoT? This game is awsome. If someone likes WWII tanks and would like to drive them This game is the best way to get that emotions :DIn WoT we are starting game in our own garage. In that garage for this moment we will see 6 tanks. All tanks will be from different nations: Germany, Russia, France, Great Britain, USA and China. All nations have their strong sides. For example French tanks are the fastest tanks in the game and German tanks have most accurate guns. To know others You need to play this game :)So when we will choose our first tank we can start our first battle 🙂 While countdown to battle start we will have abilitie to see other tanks in our team. In both team there are for 15 players. Every player is a commander of his own tank. While on battle field we will see only tanks from first Tier(lvl) only skilles of players will be worth of smth. Dont forget that lucky is also important 😉

After our first battle we will recive expierience and credits. Our exp can be exchanged to new parts to our tank or new machines 😀 Using credits we will be able to buy that unblocked parts and new tanks 🙂

Game is preety simple but also complicated. Im playing it since March 2012 and still dont know everything about it. In this game we will see great graphics and hear nice sounds. We will also be able to spend our real money on it if we want to. But while spending money be sure you know what are You doing.

For me this game graet awsome and best in everything 😀 I recommande this production for sure and hope that You will enjoy it 🙂 I rate this game 10/10 🙂

Post Date: 19:27 09-02-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Darkflamer23
Comment: World of tanks has been a great game in a variety of ways. I began playing about 2 years ago using the American tank destroyer line. They were supposed to be all around good and good for beginners. I had previously played league of legends so wot was very out of my range and should have been a very steep learning curve. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the game was simple enough to easily learn yet complex enough to keep me playing for over a year later.The first thing I like about world of tanks is that you can play for 5-15 minutes on a low end computer such as a laptop. Coming from league of legends, I was very sick of 45-60 minute average games that I had to be at my desktop to play. With world of tanks I can be on a laptop at school in class and get by with playing a game or two while the teacher is lecturing. I can also play on my laptop in between classes and easily kill an hour or two with 200 annoying loud kids near me. The ease of access has been tremendous.The second thing I like about world of tanks is the fact there is very little downtime and excellent support services and community. I have seen next to 0 downtime in world of tanks in the last year I have played. Now, I must admit, sometimes I log on and see they said they had 30 -60 minutes of downtime, but it is so rare it has never directly affected me and I play often enough to have t7 tanks. Also, if you have a problem the world of tanks support team helps you fix it very well and the forums on world of tanks has very friendly, experienced players to talk to and chat with.

The final thing I like about world of tanks is that it is not pay to win as mmos have become called. World of tanks never requires your credit card to do well in the game. You can buy around 50 out of 240 tanks and they are not at all dominate until you get to very low or very high tiers (t1-3; t8-10) and even then they are not at all required. There are no modules that require you to pay cash and the ammo now has a feature where you can pay in game credits for premium ammunition (at a medium-high price). I love my IS and do just fine with it and have never spent a penny on world of tanks even though I plan to soon because of my love of the game.

I have given great reasons why world of tanks is a great game without even talking about gameplay. The games in game play talks for itself. The graphics are good while being able to be played on low end computers and the algorithms used for the in game physics are very well put together and thought of. I cannot recommend this game enough to people and will certainly play it into the future. I hope you all enjoyed this review and I will see you in game!!

Post Date: 17:57 04-02-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Young__
Comment: Best MMO.I like it.
Post Date: 15:21 03-02-2013
Rating: 9
Author: czarnina
Comment: Jedna z najlepszych gier mmo w jakie gra?em. Ca?y czas udoskonalana, z updata na update bardziej realistyczna. Cudo
Post Date: 21:50 29-01-2013
Rating: 9
Author: kulakvata
Comment: World of Tanks is a great MMO online game, wich combines a tank simulator, action game and strategy. There are many ways to play. Game gives to players great fun from playing and spends a lot of time.
Post Date: 21:39 29-01-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Archiles1
Comment: One of the best free mmo’s ive ever played if you want to play invite me to a platoon
Post Date: 18:02 29-01-2013
Rating: 10
Author: TercheaBerchea
Comment: I think this MMO is great because:
– it is free to play
– there are many tanks you can play
– battles last up to 15 minutes so you don’t have to stay for hours
This game is so relaxing.
And I think this game deserves a place in top 10 games of all times.
Post Date: 12:07 25-01-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Dany1982
Comment: probably the best game that I’m playing so far a true team play tactics and more all in all, all for 10
Post Date: 20:02 24-01-2013
Rating: 9
Author: armeniansniper
Comment: its an epic game its really worth the time of downloading the game il give it a nine becouse its intresting how the people back then researched the tanks etc
Post Date: 19:41 22-01-2013
Rating: 8
Author: kulakvata
Comment: Very good game.
Post Date: 18:02 11-01-2013
Rating: 8
Author: pupu
Comment: World of Tanks its more than waht the tittle said, yes, it has a the place and the tanks but thats not all. With good graphics and physics that allow you to do your battle interesting each time you play. You customize your tank, your tactics, the team work, your skill to be a tank destroyer. With 10 tiers to chose, several nationalities and multiple size categories the gameplay is up to you. Try it, learn it, maximize it, improve it, upgrade it and you will be ready for IT.
Post Date: 19:11 06-01-2013
Rating: 10
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: Named as the best MMORPG game ever 😀 Great production of WarGaming Company. In this game we are commanders of our own tank. We start game with 5 tanks and a free slot for new machine. In nearest time we will get new nation in game Chinase. We will get brand new tech tree and one more tank is our garage 🙂 Chinase are going to be most universal nation in game with nice hard armors and great mobility connected with powerfull cannons 🙂 Game gives to players great fun from playing. We are able to create our own clan and start fighting with other groups. For me game is great and awsome 🙂 I recommande this production to everyone and hope they will enjoy it 🙂 I rate this EPIC creation 10/10 🙂
Post Date: 23:40 02-01-2013
Rating: 10
Author: Di3zel
Comment: I like this game very much because of WW II tanks. I recommand this game for tank lovers
Post Date: 19:38 02-01-2013
Rating: 9
Author: Mateszhun
Comment: World of Tanks is a half arcade half simulator game dedicated to armored warfare.
It has both elements. Were the realistic way is neccesary and it dosn’t steal away the fun from the game there a were realistic formula was used, like the ballistics.
You install the game, and register in the meanwhile and you can start your first battle. The first 100 battle is about getting the money for you tanks later it turns into XP farming. 🙂
I mentioned XP, the game uses a research system and you can get different nations tanks, in 5 types: light (fast, but weak armored), medium (somewhere between the heavies and lights) and heavy (strong armor and great firepower) tanks, tank destroyers(firepower sacrificed for everything) and lastly artillery (Arc shooting big gunned tanks). Each type has different weaknesses and adventages. But that goes for evry nation too. 🙂
You push the battle button and the matchmaking searches for a match for you. Sometimes you have to face stronger tanks, sometimes you are the top dog. After that you dive into a battle filled with action.
You will surely have fun with this game (sometimes other players can be griefening, but the game has a complain system).
Post Date: 14:02 29-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Mr_FoxLetter
Comment: World of Tanks je velice dobrá hra, baví m? to, hra je velice taktická a také záleží jaký se vám složí tým.
Post Date: 10:44 28-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Mr_FoxLetter
Comment: Very good game 😀
Post Date: 14:26 27-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kemr98
Comment: GOOD game!
Post Date: 09:41 27-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: GrandChamp
Comment: this is the best game of all times
Post Date: 08:55 27-12-2012
Rating: 9
Author: FoxWMB
Comment: There are countless MMO games around, but none is like World of Tanks. And it’s not just cause no other game allows you to play around with tanks like WoT does, it’s pretty much cause this game has something for everyone?You like quick action? Press the battle button and you’re in a 15vs15 fight within a minute!
You prefer a more strategic approach? Join a clan and plot your conquest of Europe or Africa with countless other players and clans, or perhaps start your own clan and make a team together with your friends.
You’re bored of repetitive gameplay that other MMO’s provide? WoT is for you, you’ll almost never end up in a similar battle as the previous one, thanks to the fact that every of the 200+ currently available tanks is unique, and WoT matchmaker will never put together the same kind of battle twice in a row. Sure you may end up seeing exactly the same lineup of tanks once in a 1000 games, but that really does not classify as repetitive, does it :)Tired of paying for your MMO’s? Well you won’t have to pay anything at WoT, it’s completely free to play, though you could choose to pay for premium bonuses if you wish, none of them are necessary and the advantages they provide in a battle are extremely minimal. Their true advantages are in faster progress through the tech tree, but as previously mentioned, if you don’t wanna pay, you don’t have to, you’ll still be able to enjoy the game completely.

Tired of cheaters in games? You won’t find any at WoT since all the calculations are done server side, and in order to hack that, you have to be a damn damn good hacker, and that good hackers tend to be employed by intelligence agencies for things much more important than cheating in an online game 😉

Is the game perfect? Nope, it isn’t, and that’s why it’s constantly improving, with new patches coming out every month or 2, adding new fixes and game content, so even when there is some problem with the game, you can count on it being sorted out rather soon.

Do you have to be a tank lover to enjoy this game? Absolutely not, countless people that don’t know even a slightest thing about tanks are playing this game and having loads of fun right now while you’re reading this, this isn’t a tank simulator game, this is just a extremely nicely done online MMO with something for everyone, no matter what your age or interests might be, you will not regret playing WoT

This game currently deserves 9 out of 10, but if it keeps improving like it currently does, very soon it’ll reach 10 out of 10. It wasn’t always a 9 as well, but through constant development, it got there, will you be there to see it develop to 10 out of 10? 🙂

Post Date: 01:46 23-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: nolan901
Comment: A very fun game! Best game I have ever played, it’s very diverse and teaches people about World War Two tanks!
Post Date: 17:16 20-12-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Bockalo
Comment: Complex WW2 game with different game modes, free to play with some premium bonuses. Easy to learn but lil bit difficult to master…The game never gets boring, various choices made this game interesting, play in teams or solo, you enjoy in both ways. Dont play a lot, you’ll become addictive as me 🙂
Post Date: 06:38 15-12-2012
Rating: 8
Author: kagutsuchi5000
Comment: Excellent game, though I still think the mm needs a little finer tuning.
Post Date: 00:52 13-12-2012
Rating: 5
Author: grasu_It
Comment: one of the best games I’ve played… It’s addictive and fun 🙂
Post Date: 04:27 10-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: grunf16
Comment: Great free MMO game, I’m playing it for over a year.
Great way for fun, friendships etc.
Try it, its FREE!!!
Post Date: 06:25 05-12-2012
Rating: 5
Author: Max25
Comment: I have a account andbI recommend this to everyone who read this!!!
Post Date: 01:58 05-12-2012
Rating: 7
Author: Natdanai
Comment: I must try this!
Post Date: 04:16 04-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Epine
Comment: I love games that have a mix of genres and I’d say this game would suit people who like FPS, Strategy, and Driving games. I like all these genres so it’s a great game for me. The out of battle part will suit people who like RPGs because there’s lots of customise and lots of tanks and parts to unlock. Something that stands out from this game is how well it’s managed by Wargaming. There’s frequent updates with Specials and Events every week where you can win gold so it’s more of a win to win game rather than pay to win.
Post Date: 00:04 04-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Mordekaiser
Comment: Great great game one of the best out there for sure the amount of tanks is huge and the player base is not that bad ether the maps are great highly detailed and the graphics are great high end graphics u need a good PC to play this game without lag if you are a tank lover or a game lover then try this game out for sure just start downloading it and i rate this 10/10
Post Date: 19:43 03-12-2012
Rating: 10
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: The great MMO online game that have been awarded Golden Joistic in 2012. Today we starts game with 5 different tanks of 5 different nations: US, Soviets, Germans, British and French. We can choose which nation we would like to develope 🙂 When we choose our first tank we stars as one of the tanks on the great battle field:) In our team we have another 14 players and on the oposite side of the map we will finde 15 enemies tanks. Only our courage smartness reflex and knowledge can make us the winners. Great online game that I recommande for everyone 🙂 Great game play and fun from it 🙂 I can rate this game only 10/10 🙂
Post Date: 13:00 25-11-2012
Rating: 9
Author: skvippo
Comment: This is an excellent MMO for it kind, here you do not need to grind some “epic” gear and instead players are more distinguished by skill and ability to co-operate. I highky recommend it for any WW2 and/or tank fan :). Of course Clan wars is the “hardcore” mode there the biggest and most difficult but also most rewarding fights are.
Post Date: 17:49 24-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: kintogin
Comment: WOT is by far the Best MMO, RPS, shooter, or game i have ever played. and the 1st best point is it is 100% FREE!! but lets take that out of it for a sec. WOT takes you a WW2 setting Tank vs Tank PVP world. the detail from the blades of grass to the crows over head to the outstanding physics. if you are a tank fan or even a player who loves PVP, this is a game for you. unlike other MMO’s you don’t need hours of your day to play this, If you have 5 mins or 5 hours it gives you this flexibility to play how you want. the same goes for grouping. like going solo? then the game fits you with 14 other team mates for 15 vs 15 battle grounds. or if you wish, get in to Clan Wars where the best in the world come a fight for land, gold and honor.
Post Date: 01:25 24-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: winxcosep
Comment: world of tanks is probably one of the most addicting games i ever played. you wont regret playing this game. this game really knows how to burn your time off.
Post Date: 17:19 20-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: UltimateSpeed1
Comment: Please send me invite code.
Post Date: 05:47 18-11-2012
Rating: 9
Author: rizen
Comment: World of Tanks is as close to a perfect storm of arcade shooter, simulator, and strategic planner as you can get in an online game. has labored extensively to continue providing timely updates, polishing, new content, fixes, and most importantly an atmosphere of friendly competitiveness that will keep you seated at your computer for more hours than you would ever thing possible. I love the game and look forward to what new tanks and maps add to the mix.
Post Date: 21:11 16-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Vibhor
Comment: This game made me relieve myself from other online games which were getting boring over a long period of time….Its the best game I have come across online/offline both combined
Post Date: 12:21 16-11-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Grinf
Comment: great game, with lot of fun mixed with some historical facts!
Post Date: 00:28 15-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: AvantiMinatore
Comment: Very good game!
Post Date: 11:53 07-11-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Prasopes
Comment: Almost perfect game. HF
Post Date: 09:41 06-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: MINthree
Post Date: 17:44 05-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: cinesref
Comment: Awesome game also this game is forever!!
Post Date: 11:14 02-11-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Qwer
Comment: Awesome game!
Post Date: 14:59 27-10-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Heliakon
Comment: It’s the best game ever ^^
Post Date: 08:41 18-10-2012
Rating: 8
Author: bombacan
Comment: a new version coming out which will add a new dimension to game; gold ammo will be available for silver coins.
Post Date: 07:57 15-10-2012
Rating: 10
Author: olber82
Comment: I just start playing, this game just suck me in, alot of fun no blood, no corps so every 1 can play it. GG & HF
Post Date: 00:45 15-10-2012
Rating: 8
Author: yetanothertanker
Comment: love it
Post Date: 17:56 12-10-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mchn
Comment: The best things about WoT:
1) Free to play!
2) Easy gameplay, but hard to master.
3) Unlocking new, more powerful tanks.
Post Date: 16:23 08-10-2012
Rating: 9
Author: hoihoihoi
Comment: The game is verry exiting with all kinds of historical tanks, and the new physics make the game fun again for every one, even the veteran players! I really like the game and look forwort to the british tanks.
Post Date: 10:01 07-10-2012
Rating: 9
Author: M22
Comment: Great game especially recommend military enthusiasts;) At the beginning it is good fun but at 8-10 tierach is quite hard. This game is for those who are not afraid of a challenge 🙂
Post Date: 07:08 04-10-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Adendis
Comment: Still the only game of its kind World of Tanks pits two teams of 15 tanks against each other on a series of well designed maps. While its technically a FPS in feel, there is a bit more strategy needed than most FPS’s and good teamplay is most definately the key to success.
Games usually last around 5-12 minutes so its easy to have a game or two whenever you have some spare time. Allowing the casual Gamer access as well as the more hardcore.There are different classes of tanks, Light, Medium, Heavy, Tank Destroyers and Self Propelled Guns (Artillery). Which allow for a variety of tactics and styles of gameplay. With the new 8.0 update a real world style physics engine has been added allowing you to explore the maps as never before. As well as changing a lot of tactics meaning perhaps now is a good time to jump on board as even the long time players will have to relearn a lot of things.The reason that WoT is an MMO instead of a normal FPS is that you have 10 Tiers (levels) of tanks and equipment to unlock, and while you can purchase ingame Gold to make the grind a little quicker you can most definately enjoy the game without spending a cent. The only reason that I can’t rate it higher is that at higher tiers the game does become very hard to play without spending money, however since its a F2P game its hard to argue with at least some aspects trying to generate an income for the developers.

World of Tanks is its own game and is hard to compare with any other, with its unique gameplay its most definately worth a try.

Post Date: 17:29 03-10-2012
Rating: 9
Author: ja.viper
Comment: Great game from WWII ja.viper
Post Date: 16:48 02-10-2012
Rating: 9
Author: draven66
Comment: exvelent game 9+
Post Date: 17:16 01-10-2012
Rating: 10
Author: raven1977
Comment: Great game. Always growing and improving
Post Date: 15:37 21-09-2012
Rating: 10
Author: pahwin
Comment: Awesome!
Post Date: 12:46 16-09-2012
Rating: 10
Author: poisonpsy
Comment: This is an awesome game and is highly addictive. THe customization you can do to your tank is crazy, and there are so many! Overall, this is one of the best war games I have ever played!
Post Date: 23:45 13-09-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Pillard
Comment: awesome WWII tanks simulator!!
Post Date: 20:01 11-09-2012
Rating: 10
Author: tomking
Comment: Hello. I’m from Czech Republic. I can not English – Google translates.
I play this game for about 2 months and you can not stop – it is very addictive.
It is very variable and it is growing which is great.
Very good is that money can change money in the game.
I did not do it yet but I’m going.
I did not read instructions and even tricks on the forum – I do not recommend others do the same mistake.
I’ve lost because I have not bought crew training and only new parts.
I also understand the rules of the game many times even though the game is in English.
My biggest mistake – I sold premium (bonus) = not making tanks.
It is good to buy a place in the garage whether you do not always sell.
This is my few mistakes, which I correct = start again.
Regarding the selection of tanks and everyone has their own style and that must be respected.
I highly recommend this game. Anyone who tries to World of Tanks already leave.
I wish you all the luck in the game.
Post Date: 22:49 07-09-2012
Rating: 9
Author: ThunderPanther
Comment: World of Tanks: World of Tanks is an action simulator/ shooter for everyone. It’s rated 13+ and I recommend it for people trying to get a cool online reputation. It’s graphics will probably get better in a year or so, but there already very good. The info is in depth and you can tell they did research and had ex-military help. The music is good and so are the sound effects. I like this game and so do a lot of gameogre users.
Post Date: 12:26 05-09-2012
Rating: 8
Author: MechanicSVK
Comment: Very nice tanks simulation game, which I like cause of nice play time, it wont take much your time (with max 15min on map) if you want just play a while :).
And for free 🙂
Post Date: 02:35 03-09-2012
Rating: 10
Author: tommygunn
Comment: very fun game
Post Date: 22:51 01-09-2012
Rating: 10
Author: oho
Comment: Absolutely a hooking game. At least my wife says so.
Post Date: 16:55 01-09-2012
Rating: 10
Author: wut
Comment: nice tank game
Post Date: 12:43 31-08-2012
Rating: 8
Author: marijan
Comment: I played this game since its beta version. I must say that I really like it . It is very dynamic , never boring, always have some actions and you can play it for years to come.
Post Date: 12:29 28-08-2012
Rating: 9
Author: dasta
Comment: I try it half year ago and i still like it .Its very good game.
Post Date: 06:11 24-08-2012
Rating: 8
Author: oblus
Comment: its good… ITS GOOD!!!!
Post Date: 20:52 23-08-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Dylis
Comment: In my opinion, game World Of Tanks is one from the best online games I ever played. What can i say ? Enjoy the play and have fun !
Post Date: 13:26 20-08-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Zero00SM
Comment: World of Tanks is a team-based MMO dedicated to strategic and fast paced tank fights. Lots of players from world-wide engage in epic battles in the World War II era. Your Gear? More than 150 armored vehicles from USA, Germany, USSR and FranceBrilliant game, which combines a:
Simulator – Perfect replicas of the models makes you feel like a real commander who takes part in well-known battle-theatres.
RPG – Your glorious armores stud is not just a metal can on wheels but an real-time developing mechanism which must be treated with respect. Discover new upgrades to boost your in-game performance and climb to the highes tier.
Action Game – take part in “follow and destroy the enemy” operations next to your teammates and join a conflict in which your reaction play the most important role.
Strategy – The is only one rule: “Don”t try to be the hero!!!”. You are part of a team, part of a tactic. Everyone has a crucial role in confrunting the enemy line.
See you on the battlefield, commanders!!!
Post Date: 01:44 19-08-2012
Rating: 9
Author: kuhno
Comment: When I saw this game for the first time, I was asking myself ‘How can a game be interesting, if you have only tanks?’ Sure, in many war games like CoD or BF you have ‘only’ infantry. But tanks only? That’s something different, isn’t it? But my friend told me to try it anyway, so I did. And it was totally worth it. I’m playing for 6 weeks now and there is lots of stuff left i haven’t tried yet. Tanks are very different in their characteristics and each one of them can still be changed according to your needs/preferred style of playing in various ways.
You can even feel the characteristics of the different nations and there is also some interesting historical info about everything. Getting into the game is not made that easy (but other players and lots of web sites help a lot), but giving up isn’t made easier though, it’s very addicting to me.
The game devs are always trying to rebalance and add new cool features. The damage and visibility calculations are complex, but not complicated and don’t need to be fully understood.
Post Date: 07:12 16-08-2012
Rating: 10
Author: krugster
Comment: best game
Post Date: 02:29 16-08-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Remark
Comment: To expand on my previous comments. The game has a wide diversity of tracked armored vehicles. The diversity ranges from vehicle types, ie self propelled guns, tank destroyers, light, medium and heavy tanks. As well as tanks from specific nations with their own themes of strengths and weaknesses. Further, to keep the game fair and interesting the game is regularly tweaking over and under-performing vehicles as well as adding new country lines. The next future line to come out should be the British line, which is on top of the extensive line of American, German, Russian, French and some Chinese (premium)vehicles. So with all these vehicle types and themes there are countless play styles for each player in the game.
The other parts that make this a great game, beyond the large participate base, is that there are a lot of maps to play on. The game is also regularly adding maps, game types and features. The most common game type is destroy all enemy vehicles or capture their base within a set time. The latest update added assault/defense games and encounter battles. These new game types added excitement to old maps and kept players interested to find new tactics. Future features are supposed to be physics which allows tanks to bounce, roll, flip, get pushed off cliffs and bridges like they would in real life. Currently a light fast tank hugs the ground at full speed over bumpy terrain, but with physics the tank has a good chance of crashing or a least have some loss of control.
So in all it is a fun game that the developers keep growing and keep people interested.
Post Date: 23:39 14-08-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Remark
Comment: Great game. Always growing and improving.
Post Date: 03:16 14-08-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Trupiak
Comment: Nice idea, good game to play with friends. Best thing in this game is Clan Wars where you can fight 15v15. See you on battlefields.
Post Date: 12:46 12-07-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Thecowlord
Comment: Coming from eve where you are the ship, this is looking quite groovy for my play style. A friend got me interested and I am loving what I see as so far. I am quite stoked to get into this kind of action! Though I never give a mmo a high rating until I have a go, but I doubt I’ll be disappointed.
Post Date: 19:55 11-07-2012
Rating: 9
Comment: The 500-plus vehicles, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, look tremendous and the team battles, with 30 vehicles trundling around the various open maps, are evenly matched to ensure that even newbies aren’t obliterated within seconds. Simple, destructive and fun.
Post Date: 12:07 11-07-2012
Rating: 7
Author: Dmt_2000
Comment: This game is one of the most played games ever and rated if you ask me you can just throw yourself into epic battles of awesome tanks and fight your friends or Enemys
Post Date: 17:16 10-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Aldarion
Comment: At first i thought that this game looks kinda boring but many of my friends played it for around a year. I didnt really understand even after watching gameplays on YT but i still decided to give it a go. My friend started from I Tier with me and we played few hours that way. I must say i was suprised how was this game able to absorb me. I wanted more. It reminded me of day when I was younger and played CS. Thanks to matchmaking the game is fastpaced and u can find players to play with even at the night. Graphics are nice and so are sounds. Yes sound is what matters most in my case. Playing for one of four main nations can be fan because every on of them has some advantage. Deciding how to play the game like fast scout or heavy tank taking all the shots or even like artillery and shooting enemies thru the map. With more than 150 tanks everyone can choose the way they want to play it. Another aspect I like is that think in this game witch sadly most of recent game dont need us to. Some tactics from historical battles could prove useful. But this is for everyone to find for themselves. I would like to recommend this game for everyone who is bored with long MMORPGs and wants same game witch he can play for hour a day and still enjoy it.
Post Date: 11:49 10-07-2012
Rating: 10
Author: gonzich
Comment: I hate this game because I need more than 24 hours in a day. It’s incredible game. More than 170 tanks. Many-many random players. It’s realy digital narc.
Post Date: 07:48 09-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: LarryJones
Comment: This game is fun for all.Graphic is beautiful, sound is great and it is easy to learn how to play the game. Updates for the game comes with a perfect time between them, som that you always get new maps, tanks and content.The only part that takes it down 1 score for me is that you can only play 2 players together (3 if you have premium). We are sometimes 4-5 players that want to play together, but we are to few to play together withou asking other players in or we have to make 2 Platoons and then try to connect at the same time. But hey we just have to get more, so that we can make a clan or join one.

I really recommend you to try this game, it is for all kinds of people. My father at 71 and my daughter at 7 is playing it.

Give it a try. It don’t cost you anything to try.

Post Date: 12:02 08-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: LarryJones
Comment: A really great game.Hours of fun.
Post Date: 10:51 08-07-2012
Rating: 7
Author: xanthira222
Comment: Very fun game to play with friends! Match making is a little off but still a great game!
Post Date: 07:53 08-07-2012
Rating: 10
Author: quiquirinn
Comment: this game its awesome i cant stop playing ,i already have my tiger II and i loved , i want to get premium account but im poor i cant afford but i recommend it 100%
Post Date: 04:31 08-07-2012
Rating: 5
Author: ameleCo
Comment: Comment: I normally play other online games but this game my taste [World of Tanks] I love the game. World of Tanks is a great game
Post Date: 13:29 07-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: Mechanically, this is a game of the simplest sort, in practice, a third person shooter where you play as a tank from World War II. Basically, World of Tanks is an arcade action game with tanks. You have an amount of health, and if enough shots hits you it goes down to zero and you die and will have to wait until the round is over. The graphics are good I guess. The tanks are wonderfully detailed and lovingly crafted although everything else wasn’t made just as good as them.
Post Date: 22:09 06-07-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Satrif
Comment: Preview
Looks just like what I am looking for.
Balanced action and tactics, possibility of improving your vehicle, team coopearation. Sounds great to me.
Post Date: 07:10 06-07-2012
Rating: 10
Author: grzesznik666
Comment: game good
Were is newbie code
Post Date: 12:14 05-07-2012
Rating: 5
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: Great game. I am playing it since march. Few advices for new players:
-Do not watch the game when already dead just buy a tank from another nation or tank class and develope it. This way we can get higher expiriance and develope bigger number of tanks in shorter time.
-Renember to fire rear of tanks there they have weakest armor. Sides are also weak but stronger then rear.I have hope that my advices will help new players 🙂
Post Date: 21:29 03-07-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Myetric
Comment: This game is exciting and is worth investing some time into. The tier system for tanks is very involved and complex and is fun to explore. I highly recommend this game to strategy game lovers.
Post Date: 11:35 03-07-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Maxwell84
Comment: This game is realy exciting the play staly is realy different from another MMO games which i know.I play this game with friends tha difference between real tank and tanks in this game are so low. All the time i think that i am at the war so i am glad that this game existing
Post Date: 08:38 03-07-2012
Rating: 8
Author: chaos
Comment: this game is awesome i love it you know you should do some odd twist on the game at 1 point that will be very fun and very creative every 1 will love it i dont know yet but if i get ideas ill tell ya
Post Date: 08:52 02-07-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Draegon
Comment: Initially I was sceptical about this game, the blurbs seemed too good to be true, but when I eventually started playing, I must admit that I was massively impressed. For a free to play game, it is absolutely amazing, the detail, gameplay and depth of choice keep me playing day after day. With further nations (British) being added, this game can only get bigger and better and continue to develop into the best game of its genre (if it isn’t already). There are many parts to this game that I find really make it interesting, mainly the way you have to earn higher level tanks, and use experience and money (earned in battle) to research and purchase upgraded components to your tank, whilst still keeping the game within the realms of realism. The makers of this game deserve high praise!
Post Date: 20:53 29-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: SILENCE_ikillyou
Comment: If you like tanks, you have to try this game.It Feels like your driving a real tank – slow going up hills, hefty damage to smaller tanks that you bump/ram, nice big BOOM when you fire your gun (if you don’t have a subwoofer, get one!) – Your sights bounce when you fire your gun from the recoil – which is also adjustable in the settings.Graphics are very realistic, right down to the rust on your armor.

Some tips for first timers:
– Don’t RUSH! Hang back and wait for targets to come to you.
– Don’t push alone! If you have to attack, then do it in groups.

Once you’ve researched everything on your tank, put a checkmark in “Accelerate crew training” – you’ll regret it one day if you continue to earn experience on a tank that can’t research anything… (only way to use that experience is to pay real money to buy gold which can then be used to convert that unusable experience into “free experience” which can be used by your non-elite tanks)

Another thing that’s very important is to shoot the enemy where your shell can penetrate – best thing for this is to set your reticle (target display) to turn green when your sights are on a place that your shell can penetrate. To do this, go to “Menu”, “Settings”, “Reticle” then select the second one from the bottom “Gun Marker” and set it to “Crosshair I (with armor penetration)” – this will actually teach you where you need to shoot tanks to be effective, instead of wasting your shots…

One more thing – don’t just shoot your gun all willy nilly – The game tracks your hit percentage…

Make all your shots count – let the round site thingy get as small as possible, then shoot. Your hit percentage will be nice and high if you do this…

That’s about it – if you follow these instructions, you’ll end up being a much better tanker then the typical pub player!


Post Date: 20:31 29-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: TankistaUS
Comment: So I finally got the game a few degrees higher and I’ll probably play american TD. My friend plays the German tech tree TD, but they do not have rotating tower, which I think is a great disadvantage. Germans have most accurate guns, but must turn the whole TD. And that’s good for the game, everyone has the opportunity to choose what suits him. Nation, type of tank, gun, chassis, engine, style of play. Everyone can adapt this game to own needs.
Post Date: 10:17 27-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: pixelgirl
Comment: Awesome game.
Clanwars/Platoon/Tank companies are awesome for teamwork..
Great graphics… can’t wait for physics update…
U start small and end like a Boss 😀
Post Date: 08:37 27-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Lovec_SVK
Comment: Nice Game
Post Date: 13:20 24-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Everest
Comment: World of Tanks is an easy to approach, tank-based shooter that has layers of depth to unravel.
Post Date: 06:22 22-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: PolanWalker
Comment: Great game. I am playing it since march. Good advice for all players is not to watch the game when we are already dead just buy a tank from another nation or tank class and develope it. This way we can get higher expiriance and develope bigger number of tanks in shorter time. For that 300 gold you will get here, dont buy one place for tank. Wheit for a event when you will be able to buy two places for 150 g each. I have hope that my advices will help new players 🙂
Post Date: 21:07 20-06-2012
Rating: 7
Author: MxXx001
Comment: My friends like this game.
Post Date: 13:40 18-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: T29V2
Comment: World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game based team that is released by 2011, is dedicated fighting game with tanks. Players can choose from a variety of armored vehicles produced by U.S., Russia and Germany. Even if the action takes place during the Second World War, tanks in the game will be models produced between 40-53. The game offers a flexible upgrade vehicle armor can be improved with the advancement in rank. Whether you prefer to fight using smaller tanks, easy to handle that quickly penetrate enemy territory, you prefer larger tanks that quickly destroy enemy armor forces or to be a sniper that uses heavy howitzers, each kit has its own advantages and can be extremely effective if you would. But to be a powerful one tank commander in this game is not enough to win! The Word of Tanks victory revolves around what is called work, team play. Victoria is on the combination of your skills with those of jucaotrilor fight on your team, each playing his role on the battlefield. Feel the TANK POWER!Best game ever made
Post Date: 11:25 18-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: TankistaUS
Comment: Hi,so I play a few days and I enjoy it more and more. There are many ways to play. For now, I’m most fond of TD. I can not wait until I have a higher tier and more powerful machine. When you go through the tutorial, you will get premium M3 Stuart tank.
Post Date: 23:45 17-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Temozarela
Comment: World of Tanks achieves what few games do, staying fun to play while never becoming stale. With literally over a hundred tanks, multiple diverse maps, and surprising depth, the game will keep you busy and excited for many months to come. Plus there’s always new stuff coming down the pipeline from the developer.And the best part, FREE TO PLAY!
Post Date: 20:21 17-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: SebSk
Comment: World of Tanks is a pretty unique game on the market today, and it is certainly the most wide-spread 1st person tanker game as I am writing this. Does it live up to its reputation? Let’s see.First of all, the WoT crew has done very well in making the tanks look and feel as genuine as possible (considering this is a game, after all). Balancing has also been well done, although some people are very loud about matchmaking and feeling it isn’t. This is in most (if not all) cases a case of aforementioned not knowing how battle ranking and battle values work.Teamwork and individual skills is everything in this game. While the versatility and playability of this game is nothing short of awesome, the community lacks a bit, and it is not as “easy” to find your regular teammates here as in many other online multiplayer games. You can play a light tank and be very good at scouting for your team, but it won’t be worth anything if your team don’t follow up on it. You can also play it more “safe” with a heavy tank and have fun blowing stuff up, but if you don’t help your team’s light and med tanks survive, you’ll find yourself in a pile of artillery dust and rubble.

Spotting and cover/hiding system is complicated and well done, and there are so many factors calculated in that every other match is a unique experience. Some doodads are destroyable, but most buldings don’t deterioate.

When comparing WoT to Company of Heroes (which isn’t fair for either), WoT lacks a bit in the way the battle affect the terrain. However, being a complicated 1st person shooter, the current level of “prescence” in the battle, is very much genuine.

To sum it up, WoT is a great made game, with a myriad of tank classes and sub-classes to choose from, new updates and patches pour out every other month, and soon new physics will be implemented which can let you play the game as a racecar, sorry, racetank* game. Superb playability and consistency, but a little lack in community/player customization and some (very) minor flaws.

If you haven’t got your hands on this game yet, you should; it’s FREE!

(thank you for reading, sincerely SebSk, poor student WoT player without a penny ever spent on the game so far)

Post Date: 20:58 16-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: yanlou24
Comment: This game is very good once you get to the higher tiers and once youve gotten used to the maps and tanks your using.
This game can be very tactical and fun when there are decent players.
There are some very nice tanks and models of them, alot are historical and were produced in great numbers, others are prototypes or just blue prints.The only downsides to this game are the amount of bad players that tend to do a lemming train were all players follow one tank, unfortunately the devs have dropped into a power creep with updates to tanks, tanks getting higher pen and damage guns and there are a few glitches in game, 0 damage hits, detection problems and the worse concern ist the matchmakers which is still very limited so you can be in a low tier and placed in a t7+ battles were you only way is suicide.Overall id rate the game as and 8/10 has it has many problems still.
Post Date: 10:11 16-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: T29V2
Comment: I normally play other online games but this game my taste [World of Tanks] I love the game. World of Tanks is a great game
Post Date: 08:05 16-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: urbis83
Comment: This game totaly ruined my private life, playing everytime i can. 🙂 Like very much that game running on low hardware pc´s like my notebook. I was very suprised about czech translation and quality support on game forum at my native language. Thanks for it. I stopped play Battlefield 3 becose this game is free >> another big suprise. Thanks to developer team for this original game
Post Date: 22:39 15-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: czMia
Comment: At first i have read something on internet and i was curious how this game looks like. I tried to play it on my friend computer and immediately i was catch. It is realy fun game for tanks fans.
Post Date: 11:39 15-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: T29V2
Comment: It is a very good game, I recommend you install and play it you’ll like
Post Date: 09:46 15-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: TankistaUS
Comment: I find it easy game as a player and even technically. I enjoy it.
Post Date: 18:03 13-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: czDexter
Comment: So if someone like fast action and history this game is directly for him. You can chose careful play with TD tanks or rush with a lights or meds. There is much models whitch you can chose. Dont hasitate and try. It is free.
Post Date: 17:46 13-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Paschar
Comment: If you enjoy war games you will find the time you spend in World of Tanks (WoT) well worth it. A lot of people think Free-to-Play games are all Pay-to-Win, but I find WoT is definitely an exception to this. If you do have the money to spend, you can put it to good use though. You can buy gold to use in the game to do a variety of things: you can buy premium ammo to give you more of an advantage when the matchmaking system doesn’t quite put you in an appropriate match, you can exchange experience on an elite tank to free experience available to use on any tank in your arsenal, you can exchange gold to credits in the event you just don’t have quite enough to get that next module upgrade or that next tier of tank, and you can even buy a premium account which gives you an experience and credit bonus of 50% for every match you play. There are also premium tanks that you can buy, which researching is not even necessary as the modules fixed.What I look forward to most though is Wargaming’s development of World of Warplanes and World of Battleships. Once these gems are complete each of these worlds will combine to form the ultimate wargaming universe. Warplanes, battleships, and tanks will join forces in all-out warfare to conquer the map.If you’re even close to being a fan of wargames, how could you resist?
Post Date: 06:04 11-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: urbis83
Comment: Best of the best
Post Date: 18:16 10-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Typhoon2809
Comment: World of Tanks is an amazing action game set in WWII. You can easily find a game because the game is so popular. Trying to get a better and bigger tank can become addictive. truly amazing game.I love World of Tanks!
Post Date: 22:57 09-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Azraen
Comment: Personally, I love this game because of how it is able to uniquely cater to my own play-style. I’m an older guy, so the point and click FPS games aren’t that fun for me. This game requires you to use your brain, not your thumbs- and it’s an absolute blast for anyone who enjoys a mixture of strategy and shooting.
Post Date: 21:18 09-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: czDexter
Comment: So how i wrote. I tried this game with my friend and it was wonderful. I like history and weapons IIWW and this is perfect entertaining encyklopedy for me.
Post Date: 13:56 09-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Typhoon2809
Comment: I play this game for almost a year and.
I like this game very much
Post Date: 12:30 09-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: czMia
Comment: I play this game on my friend computer and very like it.
Post Date: 10:54 09-06-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mrazkov
Comment: very good game, i can recommend to install it
Post Date: 21:16 08-06-2012
Rating: 9
Author: czDexter
Comment: I have tryed this game with my friend and we are impress
Post Date: 23:57 07-06-2012
Rating: 8
Author: getmbuck
Comment: great game
Post Date: 05:29 11-05-2012
Rating: 8
Author: User Name
Comment: BF3 is better.
Post Date: 15:42 25-04-2012
Rating: 8
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: World of Tanks is a great game. I can say that without lying. It’s not my favourite game though. There’s many games I like. I’m not really playing it anymore though. Because there’s many games that I’d rather play then this game. But I did enjoy it when I played it. Didn’t have any friends to play with though.
Post Date: 15:32 09-03-2012
Rating: 8
Author: BEN10
Comment: I want to play.
Post Date: 18:34 08-03-2012
Rating: 10
Author: saobangtheky
Comment: I love World of Tanks!
Post Date: 23:21 25-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: trexas
Comment: World Of Tanks.??.??
Only play!!!!!!!!
10 point for WoT
Post Date: 14:20 25-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: T6Rabbit
Comment: This is on of the best games out now! I play daily along with two of my three sons. I’m try to get a code for my thrid son now so he can play with us. GET THIS GAME YOU WON’T REGRET IT!!!!
Post Date: 06:13 24-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: st001ethan
Comment: awsome game!
Post Date: 20:13 23-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: bigbogdy89
Comment: world of tanks is a great mmo. Tanks are meticulously modeled and are by far the best looking part of the game. You can compete in a variety of contests for in game gold or items which are held weekly. here are not many games with tanks because the idea didn’t follow the current trend in mmo industry – tons of rpg games
Post Date: 09:07 20-02-2012
Rating: 8
Author: daubenspeck
Comment: World of Tanks is a fun mmo. There are currently over 150 different tanks, tank destroyers and artillery to choose from. The vehicles are based on historical designs from Germany, Soviet Union, United States, France and China. You will work your way up through ten tiers as you progress through the game. As said in the previous review, the devs worked pretty hard to create realistic tank models. Places which one would think would be a weak spot on a vehicle actually are. (viewports, hatches, etc.) The vehicles all have their weak spots and you must learn them to survive in World of Tanks. You can team up with your friends and take part in a 15 vs.15 battle or go solo with random teammates. The game is free to play and will provide many many hours of entertainment. Items available in the item mall are not overpowering and the balance is still maintained. You can compete in a variety of contests for in game gold or items which are held weekly.Cons:A guns accuracy is determined by a random number generator and skill of your crew.. I guess thats a pro if they are pointing at you. :)You will miss a lot.

Matchmaking often places you with high tier tanks which your gun cannot penetrate. Pro if you’re the high tier.

Your tank will get stuck in the terrain in many places causing immobility the entire match. There is no unstuck button 🙂

Constant nerfing of vehicles credit earning potential to encourage more people to buy a premium account.

Gold, (used to buy premium items and tanks) in my opinion, is too expensive. Example: A premium tank may cost you 50 bucks worth of gold. If you do not buy gold, you must win Clan wars to earn it (something you cant do at a low tier)or win contests(fat chance). A tad bit too pricy for me..

All cons aside, for a free to play game, it is very good. It must be addictive as well. I’ve been playing for about 6 months now.

Seeya Soon!

Post Date: 22:01 19-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Gyrion
Comment: Very good game. Something new for me.
Post Date: 03:25 19-02-2012
Rating: 9
Author: bayouboy
Comment: Very good game. Fast paced and excellent reward system is guaranteed to pull you in and make you want to play one more round to get bigger and better tanks. Tanks are meticulously modeled and are by far the best looking part of the game. I can spend hours drooling over just the tank models themselves. The maps look pretty darn good, and defiantly doesn’t break immersion.There is currently only one game mode that can get rather repetitious after a while. Tank balance is nowhere near ideal, but it is frequently worked on, so it has gotten better with time. While there are some items that are pay-to-win, they don’t have too much of an impact in the game. Further into the game, there is defiantly a point where it just becomes a necessity to invest some money in order to progress, but the game is still F2P even till the endgame content.If you are looking for a fast, competitive, semi-FPS game to play and you love tanks; this game will make your day.
Post Date: 05:48 18-02-2012
Rating: 9
Author: lateness
Comment: Great game, Clan Wars for control of Europe leads to Politics and Wargames similar to Eve Online.
Post Date: 19:56 17-02-2012
Rating: 9
Author: sadistiko
Comment: This game is so tractable. I started in beta and I’m still here. Game is interesting if you play with friends.
Post Date: 19:18 17-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: sebo7
Comment: hello, i read something about this game and its look cool. Historic vehicle in detail processing. About 150 vehicle of period World War II. Three big empires Geramany, USA, SSSR.
World of Tanks is tactic game and i love it. Lots of diferent maps, give a good fun for more players. Maps modeling by reality. I think this game will be very amazing to play.
Post Date: 05:45 17-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: poryadiny
Comment: That game incredible. Real timekiller. I just start, but impressed very much. Many, many, many tanks(about 150). And developers are very kindly in discussion. Thanks for this game.
Post Date: 10:24 16-02-2012
Rating: 8
Author: perica
Comment: This is very addictive game, free to play but with optional paid extras. You play with wwII era tanks against other players on different maps that are very well done. You can download the game from
Post Date: 10:07 16-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: matdog
Comment: This game is realy exciting the play staly is realy different from another MMO games which i know.I play this game with friends tha difference between real tank and tanks in this game are so low. All the time i think that i am at the war so i am glad that this game existing
Post Date: 07:05 16-02-2012
Rating: 10
Author: Jessev222
Comment: WOT is a unique game the focus here is team play often teams will travel together or spot targets for artillery. I Repeat Team Play Is Key! Dont plan on changing vehicles out every few lvls unless you have gold. Pick a tank youll love and go with it. The Vs Teams are fairly balanced. This is a game you will become easily addicted to. Its mostly 15min matches and best of all if your tank is knocked out you can leave battle and join another in a diffrent tank.
Post Date: 11:25 15-02-2012
Rating: 8
Author: terenas
Comment: my first impresion is that game looks like counter strike with tanks with some cool features like tank crew and development tree. i am actualy kind of hoping that progress trought that tree doesnt take ages.and i got one question can top tank play with the starting ones? i can imagine that massacre when my paper tractor meet some steel beast.
Post Date: 00:17 05-02-2012
Rating: 8
Author: buzzsaw
Comment: To persepo, what do you mean updates never come on time. Are you playing the same game as me? If that is all you can say, your score of 3 is not justified. WoT is an awesome action game that deserves kudos for being different than a snoozefest type game.
Post Date: 22:00 02-02-2012
Rating: 9
Author: Webber
Comment: I will review WoT again! This is a free mmo action game that revolves around a team. The tanks are cool for individual players who need to coexist with other team members to go as far as possible. WoT is the WoW of action shooters. I see it everywhere from magazines to a tv commercial! Kudos to for an awesome experience.
Post Date: 20:06 31-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mojnick
Comment: Start the game start with three vehicles in the garage. These four nations are machines available in the game – USA, USSR, France and the Third Reich. These tanks do not cost us anything, we will pay only for the ammunition and the improvement of individuals.Each nation has different specialties – are normal tanks with rotating turret version of light, medium and heavy tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery shooting the targets from above. Heavy tanks are up to 10 tiers (levels), medium 9, light 5 (up to 7 French), nine destroyers, tanks and artillery 8the most common mode of the game are random battles, where one team (consisting of 15 tanks) seeks to destroy all opposing tanks or take over the base of the opposing team. any such battle may last for up to 15 minutes.

the game is available now 22 different maps, which require different tactics.

it is also worth mentioning that the game is currently still being developed, resulting in the addition of new types of tanks, entire trees technology of various nationalities, and maps. So …. World of tanks you never get bored!!

Post Date: 11:31 28-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: piaskowy
Comment: I love your review same as WoT.
Post Date: 16:00 27-01-2012
Rating: 10
Author: mojnick
Comment: World of Tanks is a free-to-play multiplayer online game featuring historically accurate fighting vehicles from the 1930s to the 1950s, that breaks away from the cliches of many popular games in this genre.
Post Date: 15:32 27-01-2012
Rating: 5
Author: ufbre
Comment: World of Tanks is a team-based free massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare
game where two sides 15 vs.15 compete to destroy all opposing vehicles
or to capture the enemy base.Over 160 combat vehicles of American, German,Soviet,Chinese and franch design tenks and artylery.
There are over 20 maps.
vehicles are divided by levels(tiers) tanks have 10 tiers
and artillery 8 tiers.With each played battle you get expirience and certain credit to upgrade the tank.
You can upgrade almost everything in the tank to be faster-better – stronger.
WOT is Mix of Action, Strategy, Simulation and MMORPG genres.

World of Tanks is very addictive game I got hooked up!
there is a clan war(on global map)
there is a platoon(for you to play whit frends up to 3 members)
and there ar trening rooms.

you simply have to try it!!!

World of Tanks is a team-based FREE massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare.

Post Date: 03:49 23-01-2012
Rating: 3
Author: persepo
Comment: Updates never come on time
Post Date: 15:02 22-01-2012
Rating: 8
Author: thecrow76
Comment: t’s a game out of the ordinary in another morpg as simple as q depends on your ability, not just your level or equipment, and only this point I think is very important to at least try this game, so I’m not agree is with golden bullets, after the negative point I invite everyone to try this innovative gamesorry my english not is good
Post Date: 22:09 28-12-2011
Rating: 10
Author: slazar
Comment: WOT is an ingenious combination betwen a strategy game provoking the player to generate an elaborate plan toghether with is team in order to succed in battle a standard mporg offering an amaising mporg development line from the small tier tanks like the american T1 or the soviet MS1 or the so known german tier 1 tank usually called on short Loltracktor (due to obvious reasons 🙂 ) to the high tier tanks adapted to all player styles from long range SPGs, fast scouts (light tanks) , tank destroyers(Jagtiger, object 704) , heavy tanks(Maus , E100,IS7) till the highly equilibrated medium tanks (T54, Patton, E50) and completing the experience with a face to face combat style characteristical to a plain old style shooter
There’s simply not much that u can ask from a game online that is not found here
It’s true it is not easy for a free to pay account to reach the high lvl tiers since once u lvl (get a better tank) things tend to get more difficult but the effort is rewarded with oficial recognition by beeing offered specialed medals to the most skiled players like the master tanker medal(kill all types of tanks ) or the fadin medal (kill last enemy with last ammo) and for the bravest o fplayers (the kamikaze medal — for destroying a higher tier tank thru ramming). There’s offcourse a lot of other rewads like socialising with other people organising in clans and fighting for “world domination” in clan Warsbut if u really wanna know how it feels u need to try this at least once and not for the gain u get over the battle but for the thrill of it
Post Date: 10:42 19-12-2011
Rating: 8
Author: Milan93
Comment: People really doubted in the success of this game. I mean it’s an MMO with tanks. There are not many games with tanks because the idea didn’t follow the current trend in mmo industry – tons of rpg games. So when they released the game the feedback was positive because the lack of games like this one was just the recipe for the perfect boom in the f2p industry. The game really started to grow with over 5 million players registered.So about the game itself. You have a large map where two teams of 15 players in each one battle. You start with a light tank and as you progress through the game you can access the higher lvl tanks. You also have artillery. Artillery with its long range have the best synergy with light tanks. Light tanks can scout the map and signal for the artillery to engage from a long distance. There are also tank destroyers. They are great at defending and ofc destroying. Because of their small body they are hard to spot thus making them a hard target.The key to success in this game is teamplay. You will find it easier to kill someone if you go in a group and relay on your artillery. If you go alone you won’t do much…

The graphics are pretty good for a f2p title. Tank models are well done and the maps look good, from the woods and open fields to the ruined cities.

As for the gameplay I can’t find any bigger problems. The movement is sometimes buggy but overall it’s fluent. If you like to initiate you will take the roll of the tank commander. However if you prefer to shoot from the safe distance you will choose artillery ( something like sniper classes in fps games ).

The sounds are done nicely. All effects are done with precision.

Overall the game is good and a lot of fun. A solid eight fro me.

Post Date: 12:44 16-12-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Saunders77
Comment: World of Tanks is One of the best mmo’s made to date,As far as tanks game goes.You have the choice to play the game for Free or buy a Premium Account,It’s all a matter of how much you would like to get out of this game.Also there is the choice to Play in Clan War’s.Be it you make your own Clan or Join one,So this game get’s a 10/10 in my books.
Post Date: 05:55 13-12-2011
Rating: 8
Author: mmowiz
Comment: wot is awesome despite not being for everybody. free players have a disadvantage but you cant worry about it. wot is unique so it deserves slack. you have to pay attention and get into a quality quild to have the most fun. 8/10
Post Date: 13:07 06-12-2011
Rating: 10
Author: goliat33
Comment: Frustration,teamWork,countless hours of hard grind,clan wars,realistic battles and much much more…The game is still improving and player base is growing by day…One word from me excellent Arcade-Simulation with unique Game-play!!!!
Post Date: 01:18 01-12-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Webber
Comment: WoT is a hard game to describe. Sure you can say that one group tanks try to blow up another group of tanks but that wouldn’t be scratching the surface of the real game. Its no MMORPG or a plain shooter. Its not even a flat strategy game. What WoT is a MMO with heavy action where you try to help your team win. You also want the best tank and a cool guild. Go WoT!
Post Date: 01:35 30-11-2011
Rating: 10
Author: vak1590
Comment: I love world of tanks
Post Date: 15:13 20-11-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Thedarkboy
Comment: Pretty nice game.. Doesn’t fit me very mcuh but it’s still OK.. Graphics are great, and it’s free. /’ll just give it a 7/10
Post Date: 05:07 30-10-2011
Rating: 8
Author: yoonky
Comment: I like world of tanks
Post Date: 17:30 18-10-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Webber
Comment: World of Tanks is one of the best, if not the the #1 best, Action MMO that can be played for free. Instead of be a boring sim where you have to know every little switch and gadget, you can enjoy the feeling of driving a tank into 15 vs 15 battles with your comrades by your side. Each player on a team has a different role/tank. I prefer the small tanks to move around better. Here are my pros and cons:Prosfree
heavy action
team play
unlock new tanks


gets harder to unlock tanks as a free player
no single player mode


Post Date: 20:31 23-09-2011
Rating: 7
Author: wheeled_tank
Comment: good game. needs a single player mode
Post Date: 13:34 23-09-2011
Rating: 10
Author: VegFer
Comment: This game is fantastic. I rly like it cause i rly like tanks and this game is just for me
Post Date: 04:37 15-09-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Panzerfritz
Comment: This game is by far one of the most enjoying online games and I hope it expands and becomes a more greater game in the near future
Post Date: 17:43 11-09-2011
Rating: 9
Author: dmt_2000
Comment: this game is a tank game it is a fun game and if you like tank or shooting then you should play this game the graphic are great also
Post Date: 09:40 01-09-2011
Rating: 5
Author: giangcoi81
Comment: i liked World of tank!!!
Post Date: 02:28 03-08-2011
Rating: 7
Author: Reddawn9091
Comment: Amazing game and easy to learn how to play, the only problem is you may get bored when “grinding” to get the next tank.
Post Date: 09:03 02-08-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Webber
Comment: World of Tanks is an amazing action game set in WWII. You can easily find a game because the game is so popular. Trying to get a better and bigger tank can become addictive.
Post Date: 18:28 27-07-2011
Rating: 8
Author: mmowiz
Comment: world of tanks is a freemium game that is all about team combat. lone wolves will not last long. the realism of the tanks and the action drive wot past other tank games.
Post Date: 13:11 24-07-2011
Rating: 9
Author: Supernatural
Comment: World of Tanks is an Online Shooter game featuring Tanks of World War 2 🙂
Games take place on 15 vs 15 maps and some of them follow great battles of world war 2.
There are 3 “Tanks Trees” so far, Russian, German and American but developers plan to release French and GB tanks also. These tanks trees feature all tanks from great WW2 nations aligned from weak to strong and players start from small and weak tanks and progress toward better ones 🙂
There are 3 “classes” in game. Artillery, regular tanks, and Tank Destroyers.
Artillery is made for long range combat, they often stay in base and cover other tanks.
Tank destroyers are made to counter regular tanks, they can only shoot strait ahead [they don’t have a moveable turret] and often stay in base to counter enemy attacks.
Regular tanks are divided into 3 sub classes, Light, Medium and Heavy tanks. Light are used to scout trough map and find enemies and targets for their artillery’s 🙂 Medium are stronger tanks who are best for close combat, they are pretty fast and in group can be very dangerous for enemy forces. Heavy tanks are really slow, but high armored and deal huge amount of damage.
Players start playing with light tanks and progress over heavy ones.Game is really fun in the beginning but after Tear 6-7 it becomes really hard to unlock new tanks so it feels like grind fest, and that isn’t fun at all 🙂
I’ve played both beta phases and I haven’t been able to unlock last tank in the German tree, now im on Tear 7 and i don’t play that much because it requires 2 much grinding :)Game has 2 currencies, regular, which players get in battles, and premium gold which they buy for real money. Gold they use to buy premium tanks, which are stronger then regular ones, and premium account which gives players 50% more exp and regular money.

When players unlock a new tank, they can customize it’s parts like buying new faster tracks, stronger turret, cannon that deal’s more dmg, or unique part which improve tank performances like loading speed, dmg they take in explosion and other.

Most of the times game feels really unbalanced because match making last for 2 sec, and it often put’s you with 4+ tear stronger tanks then yourself, and in that battles you really can’t do much except die 🙂

Game graphic are awesome and game requires really high spec PC to run them at High quality.
In game sounds are really cool, tanks produce really high quality sounds, and you will often find yourself singing in game music in your head 🙂

The game is worth of trying and any1 who is thinking about it should download and play it, it’s free after all 🙂
But to many it will require too much time later on and will probably stop playing.

I rate the game with 9, with many ways to improve to 10 🙂

Post Date: 13:51 04-06-2011
Rating: 5
Author: Sparta1
Comment: The beta was very fun and game play enjoyable. In the live environment customer support is poor. Buying gold was easy (taking your money) but getting it into my account was difficult. Trying to get support from their financial support department was a nightmare.
Not a recommended experience for a micro transaction dependent.Play free if you like but I do not suggest buying gold.
Post Date: 05:25 30-05-2011
Rating: 0
Author: Smithicus
Comment: Great game but they are slow to react to problems with ping rates. After new patched was released the whole east coast could not play because of lag. If you payed for a premium account then you wasted money because your timer was counting down and you were unable to play. Most companies would credit your account while the game is unplayable but not WOT. They said sorry your SOL! Customer service is really bad. I would not recommend this game to anyone.
Post Date: 11:27 23-05-2011
Rating: 10
Author: lolol
Comment: I love the tanks you can drive!
Post Date: 04:01 16-05-2011
Rating: 10
Author: vovansoncrkh
Comment: I love World of Tanks!
Post Date: 06:48 10-04-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Warstream96
Comment: A historically correct (about the tanks) game, with awesome combat, sandbox style maps and truly epic gameplay.
Post Date: 06:41 10-04-2011
Rating: 9
Author: tung5523
Comment: WOT is awesome!
Post Date: 15:02 18-03-2011
Rating: 10
Author: pH0b0S
Comment: A truly amazing game.
Post Date: 10:02 12-03-2011
Rating: 10
Author: bxsite
Comment: WoT is hot!
Post Date: 21:54 10-03-2011
Rating: 9
Author: Adrian
Comment: One of the most amazing WWII based games I have ever played. The details on the tanks is awesome, graphics are fantastic, gameplay is top notch.
Post Date: 15:13 10-03-2011
Rating: 10
Author: Sato
Comment: that’s amazing game
Post Date: 04:33 06-03-2011
Rating: 8
Author: eaize
Comment: The game is very fun to play and is tactical which is a good vacation from fps or even most rpg games. The tank lists and experiance system reminds me vaguely of Navyfield or even H.I.S every tank has a role and every player matters in the game, I find that when I do terrible my team tends to lose.
Post Date: 11:55 21-02-2011
Rating: 9
Author: yanyanpoy
Comment: nice game
Post Date: 23:16 25-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: mariusce
Comment: I love World of Tanks! 10
Post Date: 21:25 23-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: BaneAu
Comment: World of tanks is awesome.
Post Date: 06:39 23-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: vqmk
Comment: World of Tanks is great.
Post Date: 11:16 19-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: longkybinh
Comment: I love World of Tanks.
Post Date: 12:58 18-01-2011
Rating: 8
Author: lexu
Comment: good game
Post Date: 11:24 18-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: krasnal12
Comment: I love WoT!
Post Date: 11:03 08-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: djhoangmap
Comment: World of Tanks is great.
Post Date: 22:26 03-01-2011
Rating: 2
Author: J_Verschueren
Comment: I like the concept and the tank models, but the interface and controls are clunky.There’s also no real way of familiarizing oneself with the tanks (no specific, single player training level with a firing range).Everthing is multiplayer and very noob unfriendly, due to their being no skill or equipment matching. Having to take your WWI starter tank up against WWII and later machinery which you can’t even scratch is zero fun.

There’s no theme to the battles, no storyline, just a free-for all with a sort of capture the flag element tacked onto it.
Without respawn it’s not fun enough as a game and without historical correctness it’s not engaging enough as a sim.

Post Date: 03:31 02-01-2011
Rating: 10
Author: SyHung
Comment: I love World of Tanks
Post Date: 19:16 24-12-2010
Rating: 7
Author: hack10
Comment: This game has no PVE modes that makes the game quite boring if you like type PVP.
Post Date: 16:42 21-12-2010
Rating: 10
Author: Ky4eR
Comment: Awesome game, very creative. I want to see final version of it
Post Date: 10:39 30-11-2010
Rating: 8
Author: shinsengumi
Comment: Good action
Post Date: 09:07 13-11-2010
Rating: 8
Author: StrangerFER
Comment: Thanks
Post Date: 00:06 05-11-2010
Rating: 8
Author: AstrumLupus
Comment: Decent game I recommend it at a 8
World of Tanks
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  1. It might be a little cruel to pick apart World of Tanks like this while it’s still in beta, but is nevertheless charging people for a boxed copy. Still, the game is progressing well and constantly seeing new maps and new tanks added, with a whole slew of French units soon to be released.

    LosmiK did not rate this post.
  2. World of tanks is ww2 based tactical tank simulator that is free to play.
    Game offers interesting gameplay and great graphics.
    Only thing that keeps me away from this game is cash shop that I am not a fan off.

    Septera did not rate this post.
  3. Game required team work and at first its hard to play you always get up destroyed but when you learn to play as a team you will be great…Gameplay is awesome, graphics as well…Pretty much recommend it to everyone 😀

    xicor97 did not rate this post.
  4. One of the most popular shooting games atm, pick your tank and join battlefield. For me one of the best tank type game. It is free online multiplayer game so more friends u bring, more fun will u game. U can level up and purchase better tanks for more destruction.

    brankomiljus20 did not rate this post.
  5. World of tanks is very interesting tank simulator(shooters) video game which is free to playy.You can make a lot of tactics and plays if you know how to play xD.In game you choose your tank and simply you have to do the objectives and destroy other tanks in enemy team.Gameplay is interesting,graphic is good,I suggest this game everybody

    TheRedLight3 did not rate this post.
  6. Well this is a game that includes a different take in FPS games. It’s an FPS in armored vehicles. I had some mixed feelsing about playing this game mainly because of how the gameplay would work. But, I was wrong. This game is addicting to play, the feeling of demolishing someone elses tank is just unbearable. The developers made this game to be a really nice historical simulation. For me if I were to rate this game, it’ll be a 5/5.

    ugmsrocks09 did not rate this post.
  7. Very excellent MMO, probably one of the most unique experiences I’ve seen out of a successful MMO. It’s unlike your typical shooting game, because it’s really PvP with tanks instead, and there are a huge selection of tanks, from the German panzers to some of the Soviet tanks; pretty much every tank is based on some World War II tank. And this game is visually stunning as well, from the accuracy of the tank artwork to the stunning overworld and effects. Plus this game is free-to-play, so I’d probably rate this game very high, maybe around 4.85/5.

    Snowy ratings for this post: Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5Snowy gives a rating of 5

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