Done..So fun too see how much we know :D
Great video :)
My guess is Jax will win :)
I love gragas.But lulu is range so she can haras and gragas can heal with passive :) so i vote for gragas
Taric :D ..... Poz Sn!!
Who is more feeded :3 eheh Kata is ap and rengar is ad so i cant say this way. :/
Top: Nasus,Nida(ad),Rengar Junlge:I dont play much but i love to play with Elise Mid:My lane Brand,Kata,Kassadin,Talon.Yasuo.. Bot(supp):Dont...
Tough choice.I love Jinx but Luci is op too.If u have a friend like me that plays supp and has Braum, then buy Luci.But at the end buy both :D
Maybe if you like haveing a small amonut of everything :D ad, ap , movement speed ..
Gods in Smite Best God in your oppinion? :D mine is Thor
i have Windows 8 and i have to say it is not so diffrent from Windows 7, it has only a diffrent start menu.I would recomend windows 7 if you like...
Than will be a lot of help :D
I have played dota2 it is fun but if you dont have xp with that kind of games i can suggest you League of Legends it is in my oppinion easier then...
He is a champ that makes you rage :D Op shrooms and passive ofc
Skarner :d<3 too strong :3 Best game ever :) Sins are not so important for...
Im new to so add me to play league if u play it :D
Haha im from Seriba too.15 years old.Play League and Cs:go :D Add me if u want Pozdravljam i ja Sn-a
What is it like, playing wot.It has never interest me to play with tanks.It looks boring to me.If you have any suggestions i would appreciate. :)
I have played it for one and a half year, i will say it is a interesting game and you learn a lot from it.I learned that u get glass by melting...