The Yorick one where he looks like Slash. :cool:
Well,since Ahri can interrupt Kata's ult or just get away from it,i'd say Ahri. :) Look at that Kata running for her life Thresh is gonna do...
I like jungle mechanics the most,but you need a good team to be successful as a jungler,so I prefer support since you can carry your adc on your...
Well,Yasuo can dash to a bush and simply cancel Fiora's ulti,so yeah,and he also has a damn good knock up wombo combo and a 100% crit chance.....
Shyvana and Rene are both great,but Shyvana also does awesomely awesome in the jungle. Death is out. peace
Jinx is better,trust me,she has enough CC and a nice chunk of demage. Best luck in the fields of justice,Death.
Well,let's say Vi,but you should definately try Jungle Akali. DEATH THE METABREAKER!
"Mundo goes where he pleases" Mundo,Shyvana and Rene are the best for this meta if you ask me :3
Tarzan and Cars,oh memories ... but TMNT was one of my favorites,and 101 dalmatians too c:
Well,Jax' strenght relies both on AD and AP,so the answer is,Guinsoo's Rageblade :D
Cardboard V,nah kidding,i'm just level 20 :d Played against a full silver team with one gold and beaten them easily,STREAMS ARE OP!
Well,Renekton is a huge bully early game,and Nasus is a yorkish terrier. lol wut I'm trying to say that Renekton can really bully out Nasus early...
Hello guys,Death is here! :v Well,my name is Bosko and I live in a small town in Serbia. I listen to metal music and play guitar. In my free...