Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by hack10, Sep 27, 2010.
Agree Folk is good ?
Disagree Sandwiches are better than cheeseburgers.
Disagree Honey is sweeter than sugar?
Agree AdventureQuest is the best game ?
Disagree. Overwatch is better than paladins?
Agree. Overpopulation will be a major problem in the world within the next 100 years.
agree. girls feel more motion sickness than boys
Agree Chopsticks are better than spoon and fork?
disagee 20 person akriloth extreme dungeon is laggy on mobile
Sadly disagree mtv, sorry Durian is a despicable fruit
Agree. Daiquiri is delicious.
Agree. Despacito is a good song.?
agree tomato is a fruit
Agree Being single is awesome
Agree girlfriends can be hard sometimes
agree. boyfriends can also be hard sometimes
agree AQ3D been lagging recently?
Agree Bigfoot exists.
agree life is beautiful
Agree steam sale is a joke?