My friends list has like 30 people which i think it's maxed out. I think they should expand it more to like 200 or 300.
It would be nice to have some kind of sweet spot for the size of friend list. 100 would be a good starting point and maybe going for 200 and 300 later on.
That would be really cool to see. Should there be a system like Discord where online people are shown at the top and the offline are at the bottom or should there be something else?
Think there should be tabs for friends list. An 'All' tab, an 'Online' tab, and an 'Offline' tab. Would make sorting easier, but then again, people aren't really supposed to have hundreds of friends on their friends list even though some people actually do. Would be nice if we had a way to add people as 'connections' like people who we interact with a lot but aren't close enough to be friends and add people as actual 'friends'.
Not like having friends really matter, at least for me where I even talk with people who aren't on my friends list, especially on social media where it's easier to connect with AQ3D players than AQ3D itself. Friends list cap ought to be increased a lot more in my opinion.
Getting that friend list cap increased further would help and It would be nice to have notifications when your friends are online and when they log out.
Yeah, it's odd they don't do notifications of when a friend logs in or logs out. I know they used to do that for AQWorlds and they removed it later on in that game, and they decided not to implement it to AQ3D. Wonder if they had an issue with it, like too much data expenses for it or whatever.
Yeah its good to have that kind of notification so that you will know whom friend will going to log off / in. Its easier to noticed.