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AQ3D GDC Promo Code Giveaway

Discussion in 'Contests, Events, and Giveaways' started by ogreman, Mar 16, 2017.

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  1. Tyli0

    Tyli0 Ogre Newling

    Here's my review of AQ3D. (PC/Steam Review only)

    This game is based on adventure, quest, hence the name AQ3D, But it's not like their typical AQ games, where you can solo everything. You will need a friend or two, to play with or you can make new friends in the game. If it all goes down to only you, It is possible, to kill some mobs alone, but the boss you'll have to get help from other players.

    Pros and Cons of this game, based on my experience

    * A lot of quest to do and many more to come. (AE makes great content, it's worth the wait, just give them some time)
    * The graphic is playable, remember it's still a newborn and have a lot of improvement in the future.
    * Big parties, were minimum 15 people is needed to kill a Boss, this is were the game is at it's least potential.

    * Not many players, that play or speaks english.
    * Only 2 servers at the moment, more will come of course.
    * No parties, hard to play with friends and finding them.
    * Few bugs you can encounter.
    * The menu, can be a little pain in the butt, but is manageable.

    P.S. Sorry if you didn't get much usefullness out of my review. I don't write any review to games.
    P.P.S Sorry for my grammar.

    Edit: improvements of some words.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  2. Cordeliya

    Cordeliya Ogre Newling

    My Review :

    I'm already take part of AE since AQ & AQW Web Browser Game,and they try this 3D Game with maybe same concept as AQW but little different and they secret weapon is Cross-Platform its awesome!
    Its rare for MMORPG with 3D Graphic can do this so i think its a good tactic.

    This AQ3D game can promise as a Good Feature in Future as AE has been promised in Kickstarter,so for Alpha Tester like me its a mistake if you not follow this game until a full feature is out. Its already a OBT Phase just wait another feature out,i know its a long time maybe but its worth to be wait.

    For the story line yea,its like "aahh i know this style seems like aqw so much comedy & humour"

    For the control in Android its little bit hard to jump,but the other smis easy.
    In PC (Steam) its easy to control u dont even need to see the keyboard.

    For the Gameplay its little boring when u already complete the new event and just need to wait another event,but i know right its still in Beta Phase so we need to be patient to wait all feature,story complete out.

    P.S Sorry for my bad english & grammar
  3. leon18022

    leon18022 Ogre Newling

    I am a Kickstarter on the game and have played since the beginning, the game has improved greatly especially recently with the Dage area appearance, I'm a huge fan of Dages work in AQW. This game runs smoothly for me on the computer phone and tablet, I'm enjoying the game so far and love the look of Ashfall I don't spend a lot of time on it because of work but I like the concept because I can play it on the bus on the way home, I am looking forward to what they bring in the future and hope that they keep up the good work and bring out new classes and pets.
  4. angel7090695001

    angel7090695001 Ogre Newling

    I love AQ3D because even though MMORPGs aren't my usually genre the controls are easy. I like it better than AQW because it runs really smoothly on my laptop (graphics setting 1 looks really good) even though it's still not properly live yet. The story content they have is awesome and while I wish there was less grinding (gold and materials) to craft some of the best gear, it does cater to both casual and serious gamers.
  5. qwertyjohn

    qwertyjohn Ogre Newling

    Hey :) my ign is anemoi, I've been playing since the very beginning and love this game so much. I think my favorite aspect is that they are really driven to make this game 100% free to play. They want all players to be equal and not really be able to get ahead just because they pay, but still they provide great incentives for those that do pay. The grind can be a pain but the rewarding sense of accomplishment after is refreshing. I can see the passion that the team has and I feel like I've really been working along side then this entire time. Sure the updates take a while and there's some issues that sprout up pretty often but for a team so small to develop a game this big as quickly as they have is a huge accomplishment in my opinion and I know this game will blow up in the years to come. The gdc conference was proof of that when they attracted tons of visitors and attention. And now they've got this sick looking gdc blade for us collectors to drool over, so fingers crossed I can get one!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  6. Akraix

    Akraix Ogre Newling

    What made this game exciting and addicting is the fact that you can play it anywhere. Almost a lot of popular mmorpg games out there can only be played on pc and the fact that this game requires grinding. I've been an aqw ever since the start and what makes the games that Artix entertainment produce so good is the fact that they welcome the idea, critiques and opinions of the community.
  7. DeadliestAsian

    DeadliestAsian Ogre Newling

    AQ3D is a game that really expands the world of MMORPG's, a game that can be played on the go and at home. A truly in-depth game of witty and adventure as like all other Artix Entertainment games. There is hundreds of weapons/armor and now with their mount engine they have it so you can go all over the world in style! (Yes you can map to places, but then you can't explore the world.) The game gets updates monthly and the game gets ever so much more expansive each time. With repeatable quests and tons of grinding and farming required to get the best gear, you'll be playing this game for hours on in. AdventureQuest... 3D! Now a game that you can finally thoroughly explore in a new dimension from Artix Entertainment. A fun game that I have been on since day one and have been glad to have supported since the KickStarter campaign.
  8. Sarahiscoolaqd

    Sarahiscoolaqd Ogre Newling

    Honestly, playing aq3d has given me the best time of my life! The game has so many varities, from guilds to quests to transformations! This game has really gotten me addicted because of the graphics and the game plot itself. I also met really cool people that have educated me on this game as well! The updates that are frequently there is what keeps the game entertaining, so 10 out of 10 love it honestly.
  9. ValiValentin

    ValiValentin Ogre Newling

    Aq3d its a great game ... it has a cool game engine which runs the game smoothly . Its going to be the best mmorpg from Google play ( i think) and its going to have a great future if they will update the game regulary with awesome maps event and more . I like the game because it has a pretty big story line ( so far) and requires plenty of time to get the rarest items .
    Hope to get the blade
  10. Avaricecake

    Avaricecake Ogre Newling

    Although in the works, my favorite part about AQ3D is it's ability to be limitless. I love the ease of access the game grants you with you and your friends, coupled with the rad armor and weapon sets it provides during releases. Since the project is lead by an indie company, they will encounter (and are experiencing) the limitations of a small team. Even so, I believe that eventually they will succeed in their endeavors to make this game something great. A GDC blade code would be appreciated ;)
  11. GiraffeMystic

    GiraffeMystic Ogre Newling

    Could I please have a code? I'm a big fan of Adventure Quest Worlds and 3D.

    I love the fact that its the world of Adventure Quest brought to life in 3D. You can run around and collect items for stats or for looks (even though customization slots are not in game yet) and look how you want to look! I'm hoping for a storm themed map and gear set personally. Oooo and Different weapon styles like tonfas, arm blades, and gauntlets (with or without attachments like blades).

    I mostly love how its the world I know but in amazing 3D graphics.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2017
  12. Grendore

    Grendore Ogre Newling

    I have been a part of Adventure Quest 3D since its alpha stage and have enjoyed playing it ever since. Part of what makes AQ3D fun is the mixed community of friendly new players and nostalgic veterans coming from Adventure Quest Worlds and other Artix titles.
    The large selection of armor and weapons from the main storyline, dungeons, and holiday events add to what makes this game interesting since most of the gear requires players to work together to take down bosses for their crafting components.
    As for AQ3D’s gameplay, the controls don’t feel clunky and perform well; especially during jumping puzzles. One of the most important parts in this game is its combat. Even though fighting is simple with four class specific abilities, due to the cross-platform compatibility, I do not feel that it takes away from the gameplay. This also means it has less of a learning curve. Features and performance are always changing for the better because of the frequent care and attention given by the Devs which shows the hard work and time they are willing to put toward AQ3Ds future and fan base.

    ~Wizard Grendore
  13. AceOblivion

    AceOblivion Ogre Newling

    AE is doing a great job creating aq3d. The game is still only in open beta and they have done a fantastic job so far. It's been great to see them undertake and succeed in the challenge of creating a 3D game for the first time and make it a cross-platform game as well. The community has made almost 38 pages of replies in about 4 days for an in game weapon (I sure hope there are some left as I would really like one) already and the game is still growing. I continuously look forward to new content and for them to continue to do such a good job.
  14. Manack

    Manack Ogre Newling

    AQ3D is a great game even for the first 3d game from artix entertainment, the game have cool cutscenes with some humor that makes the history much more fun to watch, it gives you a great liberty to change classes and combine weapons like a sword to a mage and a staff to a rogue, but a thing that i think it needs to be revised its the way to obtain gold, you need a big amount of xp to level up but its because it only have 16 levels yet but the gold its really slow to obtain and you need it to craft the most powerful itens, the big part of the game equipment can be buyed and the strong equipments need to be crafted but no equipment have drop or gained as reward for quests so its not that easy to make a good equipment in game, that is why i want that sword cause a extra equipment its always welcome in this game, in overall the game is really cool and i think it will be very good when it exits the Beta
  15. pquat

    pquat Ogre Newling

    Playing from alpha to now, I really love those extra surprise events such as the April fool's one (sadly I missed that) and Dage's birthday event. Another feature I am enjoying are the mounts (specifically the dragon). They look cool and they speed up movement. It's also pretty cool that they added a feature that kinda let's you compare your items and current equipment. Battle system is also compared to their other games; I can run around and attack! The design of the items are amazing! Unfortunately, that means I don't know what to wear lol. I know they're planning to do merging (keep the design, change the specs) which is something I haven't heard a game do before so I'm looking forward to that too!
    Though you asked we give you what we like, I thought I'd share something I think needs improvement. Although the game system is pretty cool and the team is working hard, I feel that gold obtaining needs improvement since everything higher level is high priced and kills give little gold.... Unless that was intentional. I also would really love to see a dragon faction. From what I remember, the team's games haven't had a dragon faction before and I would love to see that being a dragon fanatic and all. The cutscene did imply that not all dragons are evil after all :). One more thing would be inventory organization; it's hard to find what I need.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  16. matan levy

    matan levy Ogre Newling

    I've been with AE since adventure quest. I have grown up seeing the team turn into what it is today. Adventure quest was always the go to when I would get home from school. many good times were spent on that. When they released aq3d, I was super hopeful that it would be as good, and it's more than I imagined. I have been testing aq3d since the pre-alpha, and I loved it!!! Amazing game would recommend it to any RPG lover!
  17. FireDragon66

    FireDragon66 Ogre Newling

    Been playing AQ3D since november ( Moglooween Event )
    I must say It was so impressive at the same time very challenging, the event has pretty good items but at the same it forces you to level up to max to be able to play the epic dungeon of it for lvl 15 players only, The next events till ashfall is very good I really have the same impression every events like Im always amazed on how good aq3d have become,I made so many friends within the game and Im glad I was able to be part of the open beta of the game with his people around me! Overall the game is pretty good, With the future updates of the game, it will keep improving the way we like it in the beggining and I will supporting this game till the end! AE games has been part of my childhood and now AQ3D will be part of my adult life!
  18. Emporio

    Emporio Ogre Newling

    AQ3D is one of a few games that invites people to be so sociable while completing storylines that ignite memories from previous games. It has been great seeing the progress from tech demo, and I hope this game will be successful for both AE and the players. I am certainly going to pursue this game, having already made close friends who I play regularly with. I enjoy the fact that releases aren't regular, it means I can spend more time enjoying the in game environment rather than always being focused on completing events. I would definitely recommend this game to others as I'm sure people will enjoy it, the design notes are hilarious! Good luck to everyone getting a code. :)
  19. Sniper Snake7

    Sniper Snake7 Ogre Newling

    I have been playing AE games since 2010, and AQ3D is a great addition to the Adventure Quest series. What helps separate this game from the other available MMORPGs is it's "True Cross Platform" capabilities, allowing players to team up wether they are on a PC or a mobile. Recently my PC had broken down but because of this feature I am able to play on my phone with all features, items etc. It's a great concept. Gameplay wise, although combat is still a work in progress, playing with a friend is needed to go far in this game, but I don't mind hopping online to help a friend out with their quest.

    I would love to receive a GDC code if at all possible, thanks :)
  20. Derous

    Derous Ogre Newling

    Hello, could you please give me the code?

    About the game AQ3D: the items and monsters designs are really impressive

    The gameplay is very good and light, sometimes compulsory to play in a group to defeat some very strong monsters

    The only thing that might need attention is free customization, eye color, equipping low-level items with high-level stats(stats fusion system)

    And perhaps an expansion in the class system, makes them more complex, perhaps with optional and substitutable skills, or classes of the same type with variable skill sets

    In relation to the graphics, is really beautiful and original, the game has its own personality.

    Waiting for code
    Thanks GameOgre
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